okatsu-corpos - oKatsu

✦【ENG & PT-BR】 Ele/Dele︱He/Him︱Demi-Boy, Pansexual and Demissexual!︱ Artist :DDD ︱Blueksy: @okatsucorpos.bsky.social︱Tiktok: @okatsu_corpos

63 posts

Okatsu-corpos - OKatsu - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

Twitter voltou logo quando acabo de criar minha conta no bluesky, sou um lerdo mds 😭

Enfim, acho que vou é começar a postar no Twitter ao invés do bluesky do final das contas- só preciso ajeitar algumas coisinhas que daí eu coloco o @ da minha conta de lá :D

Twitter came back for Brazil right after I created my bluesky account, I'm so slow omg 😭

Anyway, I think I'm going to start posting on Twitter instead of bluesky after all - I just need to fix a few things and then I'll put my account @ there :D

4 months ago


Fiz de presente pro meu amado, querido, lindo, incrível, maravilhoso, doce, melhor amigo de todos <3

Desenhei isso a um tempinho atrás mas postando aqui agora para vocês!

I made it as a gift for my beloved, dear, beautiful, incredible, wonderful, sweet, best friend ever <3

I drew this a while ago but posting it here now for you!



É uma trend :3

It's a trend :3

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4 months ago

Omds, meu tumblr só pegando poeira 😞

Aqui estou eu novamente, depois de oque? Alguns meses? Admito que não foi só os estudos, mas também fiquei desânimado e tive uma certa recaída, semana passada foi uma porcaria pra mim

Mas não se preocupem! Nunca vou parar de fazer algo que eu realmente amo (e sou bom-) que é desenhar! Por isso, ainda vou ter meus momentos que consigo criar animação e fazer algo novo e bonito

E Agora mesmo, sem demora, vou postar os desenhos digitais que fiz nesse meio tempo nesse mesmo post! De verdade, sem procrastinação (-ω-;)

My godness, my tumblrJust getting dust 😞

Here i again, after what? Some months? I admit that wasn't just the studies, but also I got discouraged and I hav a certain relapse, last week was crap for me

But Worry not! I'll never stop doing what I really love (and I'm good with-) that is drawing! Because of this, I still gotting some moments That I can create animation and do something new and beautiful

And right now, without delay, I will post the digital drawings I made in the meantime in this same post! Fr, without procrastination (-ω-;)

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Raccoon OC!

Eu demorei algumas semanas pra conseguir terminar a coloração, não que tenha sido difícil mas estava desencorajado 🥲

It took me a few weeks to finish coloring, not that it was difficult but I was discouraged 🥲

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Colorful Xgaster Sketch!

Fiz apenas para testar um pincel que peguei no Pinterest, e realmente gostei! <3

I made it just to test a brush I found on Pinterest, and I really liked it! <3

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

XChara! (Adult)

Me deu um grande trabalho fazer esse brilho e sombreado na armadura, testei uma dica de alguém do servidor da Jakei pra desenhar o cabelo dele melhor, e realmente funcionou! Muito obrigado Raeisokae (eu acho que foi você que deu essa dica-) <3

It took me a lot of work to make this shine and shading on the armor, I tested a tip from someone on Jakei's server to draw his hair better, and it really worked! Thank you very much Raeisokae (I think you were the one who gave this tip-) <3

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Puddles of Void-Mass!

Até agora estou seguindo com a paleta de cores nos tons roxos- mas não se preocupe que isso irá mudar no próximo desenho!

Fiz minha versão humanoide do Puddles of Void-Mass quando comecei a jogar pressure, de certa forma ficou parecendo uma oc da mesma espécie porém modificada, então por isso o dei o nome de Cuddles

Digam oi ao Cuddles :3

So far I'm sticking with the purple color palette- but don't worry, that will change in the next drawing!

I made my humanoid version of Puddles of Void-Mass when I started playing pressure, in a way it looked like an OC of the same species but modified, so that's why I named it Cuddles

Say hi to Cuddles :3

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Syen! (Oc)

Prisoner X-68

Sim, minha oc de pressure :3

Ele não tem tanta coisa além de ser o cuidador da loja do início do jogo dentro do submarino, como ele conseguiu tal cargo? Bem, ele falhou tantas significantes vezes em sua missão de pegar o cristal que o Urbanshade Hadal Division desistiu do acordo de sua liberdade, já que ele nunca conseguiria pegá-la, e então o colocou pra cuidar da loja do submarino

Uma lore bem simples mas algo que impressione um pouco ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ

Yes, my pressure oc :3

He doesn't have much to do besides being the shopkeeper at the beginning of the game inside the submarine, how did he get such a position? Well, he failed so many significant times in his mission to get the crystal that the Urbanshade Hadal Division gave up on the deal for his freedom, since he would never be able to get it, and so they put him in charge of the submarine shop.

A very simple lore but something that impresses a little ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Rae ^^

Uma fanart que fiz do avatar do roblox da mesma pessoa que me deu a dica de como desenhar o cabelo do xchara melhor, elu é uma pessoa bem legal, devo admitir! :D

A fanart I made of the roblox avatar of the same person who gave me the tip on how to draw xchara's hair better, they're a really cool person, I must admit! :D

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Clown Deat!

Eu acho que eu nunca disse o nome do meu oc principal, mas aí está, o nome dele é deat!

Antes era deaf, mas quando eu descobri que a tradução de deaf para o português era "surdo", mudei para deat (uau, que criativo oKatsu, muito criativo (•ˋ _ ˊ•))

Fiz essa arte lembrando da pomni de digital Circus, e botei como foto de perfil no tiktok :D

I don't think I ever said my main oc's name, but there it is, his name is deat!

It used to be deaf, but when I found out that the translation of deaf into Portuguese was "surdo"(deaf) , I changed it to deat (wow, how creative oKatsu, very creative (•ˋ _ ˊ•))

I made this art remembering Pomni from Digital Circus, and put it as my pfp on TikTok :D

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira
Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Uh (-ω-;)

Eu fiz no meme, de verdade, e pensei em postar no sever da Jakei mas pensei duas vezes antes e CONCERTEZA não seria algo apropriado pra postar lá-

Também fiz a versão br para meus queridos falantes brasileiros poderem entender o que tá escrito 🥰

I made it into a meme, for real, and I thought about posting it on Jakei's server but I thought twice about it and it DEFINITELY wouldn't be something appropriate to post there-

I also made the Brazilian version so my dear Brazilian speakers can understand what is written 🥰

Omds, Meu Tumblr S Pegando Poeira

Xpaps Bday!

Eu acabei fazendo atrasado, um dia depois do aniversário dele

Minha primeira vez desenhando um papyrus, um pouquinho difícil já que a estrutura dele é mais longa, mas nada que eu não consiga dar um jeito!

O bolo eu simplesmente peguei de um png da primeira imagem que pesquisei de "birthday cake" no Google e deixei pixelado com filtro de matriz puxada pro roxo DX

I ended up doing it late, one day after his birthday

My first time drawing a papyrus, a little difficult since its structure is longer, but nothing I can't manage!

I simply took the cake from a png of the first image I searched for "birthday cake" on Google and made it pixelated with a matrix filter pulled towards purple DX

E é isso! Fico feliz que deu o limite certo de dez imagens desse post com os meus desenhos "recentes", peço perdão se eu já postei algum deles antes e acabei postando de novo nesse post, eu vou verificar isso e editar esse post caso eu tenha feito-

Ah, e aqui vai uma notícia das boas:

Finalmente criei uma conta no blueksy! Claro que ainda tenho o Twitter e Uso o vpn pra conseguir acessar, porém não posso postar nada ou usar por muito tempo se não sou descoberto e capaz de levar essa multa que disseram aí. Irei colocar o @ na minha bio, junto do meu tiktok pra alguns que ainda não viram meu perfil com minhas animações lá, ainda não postei nada no blueksy e a decoração está algo bem simples, mas com o tempo vou mudando algumas coisas e uma hora ou outra postando aqui e lá também

Enfim, isso é tudo! Já sabem que eu sumo certas vezes mas um dia ou outro eu volto, mesmo que demore- até o próximo desenho! <3

And that's it! I'm glad that I got the right limit of ten images for this post with my "recent" drawings, I apologize if I've already posted any of them before and ended up posting them again in this post, I'll check that and edit this post if I did-

Oh, and here's some good news:

I finally created an account on blueksy! Of course I still have Twitter and I use the VPN to access it, but I can't post anything or use it for a long time if I don't get caught and I could get that fine they said there. I'm going to put the @ in my bio, along with my TikTok for those who haven't seen my profile with my animations there yet. I haven't posted anything on blueksy yet and the decoration is pretty simple, but over time I'll change some things and from time to time I'll post here and there too.

Well, that's all! You already know that I disappear sometimes but one day or another I'll come back, even if it takes a while - until the next drawing! <3

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7 months ago
Koffin K

Koffin K 🎃

Joguei TS!Underswap na rota pacifista e simplesmente amei, o jogo é tão bonitinho e fofo!. Koffin-K virou personagem favorito, melhor vilão da história <3

I played TS!Underswap on the pacifist route and I simply loved it, the game is so cute and beautiful!. Koffin-K became my favorite character, best villain in the story <3

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7 months ago

I love this little one so bad 😭

compilation of clover's silliest faces

Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces
Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces
Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces
Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces
Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces
Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces
Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces

bonus: theyre just sitting next to their dad

Compilation Of Clover's Silliest Faces

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7 months ago
New Pfp! [cake :D]

New pfp! [cake :D]

Eu quase não desenho muito meu oc, então por que não uma nova foto de perfil?

Eu também tava com vontade de desenhar algo relacionado a bolos e roupinhas fofas, então aqui está :3

I hardly draw my oc, so why not a new profile pic?

I also felt like drawing something related to cakes and cute dresses, so here it is :3

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7 months ago
XGaster Tries The "*Flirt"

XGaster tries the "*Flirt"

Eiiii, quanto tempo, não? Deve fazer alguns meses que não posto ou reposto algo, não fiquei tão ativo em certas redes sociais ultimamente. Fiquei um pouco desanimado e um pouco ocupado pra desenhar, tanto que deixei até alguns desenhos não terminados na minha galeria, achei que quando eu entrasse de férias da Escola seria mais animador e melhor para eu fazer o que queria, mas me enganei :(

Enfim, vou ir postando algumas artes que fiz em meio tempo, não fiz tanta coisa mas pelo menos foi algo

Hey, how long, no? It's been a few months since I posted or reposted something, I haven't been as active on certain social medias lately. I was a little discouraged and a little busy drawing, so much so that I even left some unfinished drafts in my gallery, I thought that when I went on vacation from school it would be more exciting and better for me to do what I wanted, but I was wrong :(

Anyway, I'm going to post some art I did in part time, I didn't do much but at least it was something

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8 months ago

Ok so tldr Dream and nightmare are not their real names— their mother named them before she died, but for the longest time they couldn’t articulate what there names were (either because they where to young or magic language barrier) so the villagers just started calling them Dream and Nightmare. But even when they could tell people their names no one would ever call them that, so eventually they gave up on telling people. Blah blah trans metaphor snap cut to the present with one of dream’s friends freaking the hell out that he’s been letting people dead name him for like 500 years

Dream and nightmare’s real names are Solar and Nova respectively 

Those are honestly a really cool name ngl. But poor them especially nova, Imagine being born with a cool name but people ended up calling you nightmare 😭

Anyway, love your headcanons and thank you for sharing it^^

Ok So Tldr Dream And Nightmare Are Not Their Real Names Their Mother Named Them Before She Died, But
8 months ago
Kanako With A Kan A Ko!

Kanako with a kan a ko!

8 months ago
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.
Kanako Modifies Axis Slightly.

Kanako modifies Axis slightly.

8 months ago
Almost 2 Weeks After Eye Surgery.Lights Are Still A Bit Annoying But My Vision Is Improving. I'm HapiThey

Almost 2 weeks after eye surgery. Lights are still a bit annoying but my vision is improving. I'm hapi They gave me sunglasses that make me look like a matrix character

8 months ago
Digital art of young Noelle and her older sister Dess from the video game Deltarune. They're sitting back to back. Dess is sitting on the left side, holding a candy cane patterned wifflebat. She's looking down at Noelle fondly with a soft smile. She's wearing a red and white letterman jacket paired with cuffed jeans. Her jacket has the letter D and the delta rune patched onto the front. The number 25 is on her sleeve. She has short curly dark brown hair and her fur is a darker shade than Noelle's. Her fur is lighter around her mouth and above her nose. Noelle sits on the right side, looking up and winking at Dess. Shes wearing a green shirt over a red and white striped long sleeved shirt. Shes wearing dark blue jeans. She has curly bangs and twin tails. Her antlers are still growing in so they are not yet fully formed. She sits with one leg propped up, the other resting. The background consists of a gradient yellow/pink-ish shade. Small doodles of stars, dots, and sparkles fill the empty space.
A page consisting of three drawings. The main one on the left shows the bunker located at the bottom of the Deltarune hometown map. Young Noelle, Asriel, Dess, and Kris are shown standing in front of it in that order. Dess is wearing a gray sweater, backwards purple-ish gray cap, and cargo shorts. She is lightly hitting Asriel's arm, asking him " What? You scared?" in a playful manner. Asriel looks away nervously, mumbling "Maybe..." Noelle is grabbing onto one of Asriel's sleeves, looking around nervously. She's wearing a yellow sweater and red skirt. Kris stands near Dess, quietly watching the bunker. The next drawing shows Dess chasing after Kris with her wifflebat, shouting " Get back here!". Shes wearing the same gray sweater with a long gray skirt. The final drawing shows Dess and Noelle. Dess has playfully placed her cap onto Noelle's head. Noelle sits on a curb, reaching up towards the hat. Shes wearing overalls and a red sweater with green hems. The background is a solid yellow/pink-ish color.

DESS !!! updated my design for her . i just know shes so awesome SOMEONE FIND HER PLS

8 months ago
Reminder That Error Is Canonly A Cutie Little Dude
Reminder That Error Is Canonly A Cutie Little Dude

reminder that error is canonly a cutie little dude

8 months ago
Killer Sans Belongs To Rahafwabas

Killer sans belongs to rahafwabas

Dust/Murder sans belongs to ask-dusttale