Cake - Tumblr Posts

13 years ago

i did a bunch of videos! yay!

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10 years ago
This The Firs Babyshower My Mom Had And It Was Bumblebee Theme. Photo Credit: @simply_iveth #bumblebee

This the firs babyshower my mom had and it was bumblebee theme. Photo Credit: @simply_iveth #bumblebee #cake #Sebastian #awesome

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1 year ago

Fun fact in Fallout Boy’s song This ain’t a scene it’s an arms race.

I heard,”I’m a little man, I’m also evil, also into cake. Also into CAAAAKKKEEE.”

But yet people heard,”I’m a little man,I’m also evil, also into cats. Also into CCCCAAAATTTTSSSS!”

Am I crazy for hearing cake or am I not?

What other misheard lyrics you heard from other songs? Post it in the comments or reblog it with tags. Any songs work actually.

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5 years ago
 Buongiorno A Tutti! Questa Mattina Fa Veramente Freddo! Non Trovate Anche Voi? Per Combattere Questa

🇮🇹 Buongiorno a tutti!😉🌞 Questa mattina fa veramente freddo!🥶😓 Non trovate anche voi? Per combattere questa bassa temperatura, ho deciso di “scaldarmi” assaporando un dolce a dir poco spettacolare seppur semplicissimo da preparare. 🤩😋 Come vedete in foto, si tratta di una morbida torta al cioccolato fondente accompagnata da una fresca salsa di cachi😋🥰 Vi ho fatto venire l’acquolina in bocca? Spero di si!🙃😉 Se volete scoprire la ricetta, visitate il mio sito🙂

🇬🇧 Good morning everyone!🌞😘 Today it’s very cold!! 🥶😓 Do you agree too? For this reason I’ve decided to "warm up" savoring a sweet and spectacular cake that is very simple to prepare. 🤩😋 As you can see this is a soft dark chocolate cake served with fresh khaki sauce😋🥰 Have I made your mouth water? I hope so! 🙃😉 If you want to read my recipe, visit my website😉


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4 years ago

🇮🇹 Buongiorno amici!😘 É doveroso terminare il pranzo domenicale con un buon dolce. Qui in Sicilia, spesso e volentieri, portiamo in tavola la cassata. Questa é la versione cotta in forno. É molto più semplice da preparare, ma è ugualmente deliziosa. Vi auguro una felice domenica, sperando che possiate prepararla e gustarla al più presto. Non potete perdervi questa bontà!😉❤

🇬🇧 Good morning friends!😘 In my opinion it's very important to end Sunday lunch with a good dessert. Here in Sicily we often bring baked cassata to the table. It's easy to make, but it's simply delicious. I wish you a happy Sunday. I hope you can prepare and enjoy it as soon as possible. You can't miss this goodness! 😉❤👇

 Buongiorno Amici! Doveroso Terminare Il Pranzo Domenicale Con Un Buon Dolce. Qui In Sicilia, Spesso

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3 years ago
I Made My Friend A Cake For Her 15th:)

I made my friend a cake for her 15th:)

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The cake I know i would never have the chance to eat.

Smores Cake
Smores Cake

S’mores Cake

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4 years ago
I Made A Cake For Easter With My Family

I made a cake for Easter with my family

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2 years ago
White Chocolate Peppermint Oreo Cake

White Chocolate Peppermint Oreo Cake

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1 year ago
GlutenFree Light Cake Flour Mix Recipe

GlutenFree Light Cake Flour Mix Recipe

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1 year ago
Chocolate Raspberry Brown Rice Cake

Chocolate Raspberry Brown Rice Cake

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1 year ago
Vegan Spiced Rainbow Carrot Cake

Vegan Spiced Rainbow Carrot Cake

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