onelittlemac - onelittlemac☻

🛸👽🌠🤡🕊️🍉Kilo • 33 • she/her A collection of my Sims 4 Stories mostly for myself to look at...

200 posts

Buckle Up! Daddy's Putting The Hammer Down.

Buckle Up! Daddy's Putting The Hammer Down.
Buckle Up! Daddy's Putting The Hammer Down.

Buckle up! Daddy's putting the hammer down.

I need to update my mods folder and update my game. Wish me luck! It almost always ends in complete chaos... 😵‍💫💫

And a friendly reminder to update your game before June 10th!

Buckle Up! Daddy's Putting The Hammer Down.
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More Posts from Onelittlemac

1 year ago

Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!

[🔮Occult Legacy Challenge - Generation 1 Diaries🔮]

My work task today was to tidy the lab, but I had a few breakthroughs recently that I wanted to explore.

Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!
Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!
Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!

With my paranoia at an all-time high, I knew I needed to upgrade my SimRay to have a few more capabilities for protection. Nothing life-threatening, but something that would brainwash inspire the SimRay's target to leave me alone.

Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!
Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!
Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!

As I finished the upgrades, Dr Beaker came in screaming incoherently about the state of the Lab, reminding me that my work task for the day was to tidy. I calmed him down, saying that I had been working on it! One of the upgrades to my SimRay was to accomplish just that! I just needed to test it out.

Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!

I pointed the SimRay his way and pulled the trigger. As Loki absorbed the beam, he was brainwashed inspired to go clean!

Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!
Journal Entry #73: SimRay Upgraded!

To be continued...

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8 months ago
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx
These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx

These are gifs my 84 y/o Nan has sent me. I love her so much xx


These Are Gifs My 84 Y/o Nan Has Sent Me. I Love Her So Much Xx

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1 year ago

Journal Entry #76: Nebulon's Aspiration Complete!

[🔮Occult Legacy Challenge - Generation 1 Diaries🔮]

Despite not attending school, Nebulon is quickly developing his skills. His motor skills have grown from learning to ride his bike.

Journal Entry #76: Nebulon's Aspiration Complete!
Journal Entry #76: Nebulon's Aspiration Complete!

He practices his arithmetic on the computer to build his mental skills. Builds his creative skills by playing pretend with his toys.

Journal Entry #76: Nebulon's Aspiration Complete!
Journal Entry #76: Nebulon's Aspiration Complete!
Journal Entry #76: Nebulon's Aspiration Complete!

He's even made a best friend in Tycho Curious who always stops by on his way home after school to socialize. Nebulon was able to complete his childhood aspiration and received the headstrong trait.

Journal Entry #76: Nebulon's Aspiration Complete!

To be continued...

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1 year ago

BRB! I'm going on Vacation!

BRB! I'm Going On Vacation!
BRB! I'm Going On Vacation!
BRB! I'm Going On Vacation!

I am looking forward to the warmer weather, spending time with my family and enjoying the beautiful sunsets. I'll be offline until I return. In the last few months, I've been learning how Tumblr works and am looking forward to becoming a more engaged community member when I return!

Kilo xoxo

1 year ago

Journal Entry #75: Rose Seeking Rose

[🔮Occult Legacy Challenge - Generation 1 Diaries🔮]

Despite things with Cassandra being awkward, I still asked her to join me for my first attempt at cloning something. She made some flirty comments about the rose I was using to test my new cloning machine.

Journal Entry #75: Rose Seeking Rose
Journal Entry #75: Rose Seeking Rose

When the experiment failed in a somewhat poetic way, I explained to Cassandra that I wasn't going to change my mind about going on a date. I didn't have those feelings for her or anyone, being romantic just wasn't for me.

Journal Entry #75: Rose Seeking Rose

As I recalibrated the machine, I explained that despite her crush, I wasn't the sim she was looking for. Cassandra just needed to recalibrate too! Maybe then she'd find someone to reciprocate those types of feelings.

Journal Entry #75: Rose Seeking Rose
Journal Entry #75: Rose Seeking Rose

Sure enough, after the recalibration, the second attempt at cloning was a success and an identical rose appeared opposite the original. Things remained a little awkward between Cassandra, but I believe the experiment helped her to understand where I was coming from. I really do hope she finds her rose.

To be continued...

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