operasanna - Fangirl in almost everything
Fangirl in almost everything

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Your Name?

Your name?

Bridgerton crossover with the movie Your name.

Eloise Bridgerton and Theo Sharpe souls swap bodies with each other and chaos ensues.

( I like to imagine that Theo is a bit older than Eloise )

Edit: Eloise soul travel back in time when she is in Theo body and his soul travel to modern time to her body.

All this happend before they meet.

  • 24goldenfb
    24goldenfb liked this · 7 months ago

More Posts from Operasanna

7 months ago

Unnecessarily flower pain

I think Satya ( Symmetra ) is the one who would get Hanahaki because she doesn't want to admit that she likes Jamison ( Junkrat ).

Jokes on her, he finds it out when she pukes flower inside their workshop.

( and yes he like her too )

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7 months ago

Arcade date

i think Genji and Hana's ( Dva ) first date would be in an arcade.

Genji would probably win over Hana in dancing games with a big chance and she would win over him in shooting games.

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7 months ago

Werewolf Sharpe and hunter Bridgerton

Fantasy au where the Bridgertons are a rich and famous family who are secretly monster hunters and they believe that all kinds of monsters are evil.

Eloise meets Theo through her hunt for the witch Whistledown (who spreads gossip and curse ) and they fall in love very quickly without realizing that they are in love.

But there is a little problem and that is what Eloise doesn't know is that Theo is a werewolf and he doesn't know how to tell her this because her family are hunters and he doesn't have a death wish.

Unfortunately, Eloise already learns that Theo is a werewolf in the worst way and that's when she sneaks into the print shop on a full moon and she catches sight of Theo as he transforms.

At first she is terrified, but when she realizes that the werewolf has not attacked her, she sees in the werewolf's eyes that they are Theo's eyes. they have the same intelligence and humanity that Theo's eyes have as a human.

Theo can't talk when he's in werewolf form but he's smart and uses his creativity to get the message across to Eloise that he doesn't want to hurt her.

Thankfully Eloise got his message and tells him we'll talk about this tomorrow and before she leaves she promises not to tell anyone about him being a werewolf.

they talk about this but not in the morning as Eloise said but it was 3 days later because Eloise couldn't escape from her mother before.

Eloise accepts that Theo is a werewolf and he teaches her that the world is not black and white when it comes to humans and monsters.

They start dating in secret and are aware that they are in love with each other but that happiness does not last long.

The witch Whistledown or as she is actually called Penelope finds out about their forbidden love by stalking Eloise. The witch spreads this secret in her gossip magazine, but it's not just relationships she writes about, no, she also writes about Sharpe being a werewolf.

When the Bridgerton family finds out about Eloise's secret relationship, who is also a werewolf, there will be drama and chaos.

They lock Eloise in her bedroom and she can't escape because they have locked the windows and door.

All the 3 eldest brothers of the Bridgerton family have each taken a horse to ride towards the printing house to kill the werewolf.

while this is happening Eloise already realizes that the person she thought was her best friend that she could trust is actually a snake that only thinks about herself and yes that is Penelope. She is the witch Whistledown.

But in the midst of all this darkness, hope comes when Footman John steals the key to Eloise's room and lets her out and helps her get to the printer.

( it turns out that Footman John is half demon and he see Eloise as a sister )

when they arrive, they see a full-on battle between Theo and Colin. The other 2 Bridgerton brothers are on the ground passed out without any serious injuries.

Eloise shouts stop while standing between the two of them and Theo listens immediately while Colin almost accidentally injures his sister.

After a long conversation with her brothers with a lot of drama and talking, Elosie manages to make her brothers understand that Theo is not evil.

(The other brothers wake up when Eloise shouts stop)

it took about two years before Eloise and Theo were allowed to marry each other but they didn't get married until three years had passed because Eloise wanted to finish her studies before she got married.

Theo and Eloise managed to get into a university and wanted to finish their studies before they got married.

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7 months ago

I wish that someone would write a fanfic there Katara is the real Painted Lady and she has lost her spirit power that why she is human now. Same for Zuko how also have lost his spirit power and yes he is the real Bluespirit and human now. They are married to each other but they kinda forget it when they born as human.

When they first meet each other for the first time as human ( when Zuko attacked Katara village ) they feel a connection that they are not ready to understand or accept so they try to block it.

But slowly their memory start to come back about their spirit life and marriage. Zuko remember first, he get all his memories after Katara forgive him and he also realizes that he still love her even as a human. They were spirit before.

Katara gains all here memories when Zuko is hit by lightning and she is furious that Azula dare to harm her husband. They are still married even as human because when they married as spirit, they are married forever.

After Katara has beat Azula ( she is still alive) she run to Zuko and heal him. When his heart is no longer in a life treating situation, Katara kiss Zuko and he happily kiss back. They don’t stop kissing even as Azula screams in the background.

They married again in humans laws when Katara is 18 years old because they want to.

( Aang is first heartbroken when he find out that they are a couple but by time he find someone new to love )

( Sokka is in shock first but with help from his Girlfriend he start to accept it and soon start to like have Zuko as brother in law )

( Toph just start to smirk and say I already know it and when they ask how, she only say heart don’t lies)

( Iroh is trill when he hear about their relationship)

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7 months ago

can someone write a fanfic where Ganondorf fucks Zelda on his organ (the instrument he plays in Ocarina of time) and Link arrived just as Zelda has her third orgasm.

I would have written it myself but I'm not very good at writing fanfic.

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