Theo X Eloise - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

I have a tragic fanfic idea that hit to close to Bridgerton.

What if Eloise was force to marry sir Phillip and it happens against her will.

She also realizes to late that the feelings she hade to Theo is love and now she is a married woman to a man she can’t stand.

Meanwhile Theo is heartbroken when he heard that Eloise is now married and he regrets his last words to Eloise.

They both start to drink to forget their lost love but as always with alcohol it don’t get better it only get worse.

Eloise avoided her good for nothing husband and hers husband child. ( She refused to be a nanny )

Eloise also refused to have sex with sir Philip. ( he try to persuade her and seduce her but Eloise refuses)

Theo start to write about his pain and love for Eloise. ( in his writing he call Eloise miss E )

….Warning this will only get darker….

Sir Philip rape Eloise when she is so drunk that she can’t defend herself.

If Eloise was broken before now she is broken beyond repair.

She became a empty shell of herself so much that she try to take her life several times.

Her mother and siblings watch in sadness and despair what have become of Eloise.

They try to help her but they don’t understand her sadness.

…. Before it get better…..

Theo print his writing by mistake and it was lucky because The Bridgerton plus Eloise read it.

Benedict understand immediately that the writing is about Eloise ( so does she)

Eloise start to talk to Benedict about her lost love Theo and soon she tell him about sir Philip rapping her. ( Benedict get furious when he hears that sir Philip rape Eloise)

The rest of Bridgerton get mix feelings when the hear about it. Some get despair ( like Violet and Daphne ) other get really furious ( like Anthony and his wife Kate ).

Somehow Eloise get divorced from Sir Philip maybe by the help of the queen.

Eloise reunited with Theo and they get married.

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9 months ago
I Like To Imagine If Theo And Eloise Get Children They Will Have Two Daughters And Maybe A Son.

I like to imagine if Theo and Eloise get children they will have two daughters and maybe a son.

The son will be the youngest of the children and he comes like a surprise. ( he was not planned but still loved by his family)

The oldest daughter is 7 years old and the second daughter is 5 years old but soon be 6 years old when their baby brother is born.

All theirs children will be feminist.

I like also imagine that their oldest daughter will be the first female politician in Britain and she is damn good was she does.

The second daughter will own a bookstore and write books.

And the son will travel around the Europe and spread the word of feminism and humans rights.

Eloise and Theo is so proud of their children.

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8 months ago

Here is more things about what I imagine about Eloise and Theo children’s life.

If a must give them names the oldest daughter name will be Iris Sharpe.

The second daughter name will be Lydia Sharpe and the youngest child the son name will be William Sharpe.

The youngest son I like to imagine get married to a Italian woman from Florence. ( he met her when he travel around Europe )

The oldest daughter meet her future husband in a political meeting and their first meeting is not cute. It’s more like they try to outwit each other and think the other person is an idiot.

But the more they talk to each other the more the realize the other person is not an idiot but headstrong and soon they are in love.

The second oldest daughter is bisexual and her first love was a man that she married and he own a bookstore but he died a year later of some sickness. She is now a single mother of a baby boy and 4 months later she meet her second love a woman that is a nurse.

The other Sharpe siblings get children too.

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8 months ago

Lady Traitor

I have to be honest I don't like that Eloise became friends with Penelope again.

Before everyone starts aggressively writing that it's great that they are friends again and that my "opinion" is wrong, I just want to say would you forgive a traitor?

I do not think so.

Pen betrayed Eloise by writing about her secret (which is Theo) in a gossip page that EVERYONE can read as if that wasn't enough Pen also manipulated Eloise into leaving Theo.

and it doesn't get any better when Eloise discovers that Penelope is Lady Wistheldown.

Pen is a traitor and Eloise deserves a BETTER friend which I think she finds in Cressida.

But you say Penelope had to write about Eloise to "save her from the Queen" and would never knowingly harm Eloise's happiness.

my answer to that is BULLSHIT!

Penelope could actually make up a fake gossip to save Eloise and Pen deliberately ruined Eloise's happiness by making Eloise leave Theo. Only because she doesn't want Eloise to find out that she is Lady Wistheldown.

( Eloise discovered it anyway )

I would never be friends again with a person who has taken advantage of my trust in that person and lied and manipulated me.

therefore, I find it really hard to see Eloise forgiving and forgetting everything that Penelope has done to her.

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8 months ago

Wedding crasher!!!

I got an idea for a fanfic. imagine if Eloise was forced to marry Sir Phillip even though she doesn't want to at all. A few days before the wedding, Footman John himself goes to the printer shop to tell Theo about the wedding.

Why Footman John does this is because he sees how much Eloise is suffering because of the forced wedding and he knows she misses Theo.

When Theo hears about the wedding, he is at first in despair, but when he learns that Eloise does not want to marry the groom who has chosen for the wedding. Then the spark lights because there is hope for Theo Sharpe and then the plan to stop the wedding is also born.

Theo and Footman John spend the rest of the night planning how they (mostly Theo) will crash the wedding.

On the wedding day itself, Eloise tries to the last degree to escape from the wedding, but her mother and sister-in-law Penlope stop her.

They lock Eloise in her bedroom and have locked her window so she can't escape.When Eloise is allowed to leave her room, it is accompanied by Colin and Penlope, who keep a close eye on her so that she does not escape.

But they miss that Footman John manages to secretly leave a message to Eloise that Theo has not forgotten her.

Eloise is surprised and hopeful by this news, but before the words have time to digest it is already time to go to church.

Theo manages to crash the wedding by banging open the church gate and shouting "I reject this wedding".

(I couldn't think of anything better)

All the wedding guests and the groom stare at Theo in shock except for Eloise who has started to smile.

Theo goes on to say that he would never forgive himself unless he tells Eloise that he loves her and asks her to choose him over Sir Phillip.

Before Theo has finished speaking, Eloise has already reached him halfway through the church.

Once she reaches him, she tackles him with a hug while yelling "yes".

Theo and Eloise end up marrying each other and living happily ever after.

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8 months ago

Can somone draw Theo Sharpe and Eloise Bridgerton in this position that they have in the picture.

Can Somone Draw Theo Sharpe And Eloise Bridgerton In This Position That They Have In The Picture.

( I'm not a fan of this movie but I like the picture )

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8 months ago

Wedding ide

In my head canon footman John is the Best man at Eloise and Theo wedding and Cressida cowper is the Best woman.

their wedding is simple yet beautiful.

I like to imagine them getting married in a slightly smaller church and Eloise's bouquet is a mix of white roses and blue wildflowers.

some examples of blue wild flowers that she can have in the bouquet… bluebell, Myosotis or cornflower.

( i don't know the english flora and fauna so i take the flowers i know which are wild and blue )

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8 months ago

Eloise wedding dress ide

I have some ideas of what Eloise's wedding dress might look like and the dresses are probably not 100% historical, but neither is Bridgerton.

For those wondering who the groom is, I can tell you that it is Theo Sharpe.

Dress nr 1

Eloise Wedding Dress Ide

I think this dress suits Eloise but it depends on how much money they get for the wedding. In order for Eloise to get married in this dress, she must have permission from her family and they will pay for the wedding.

Dress nr 2

Eloise Wedding Dress Ide

I think Eloise has more of this type of dress in case she gets married in the fall or winter.

Dress nr 3

Eloise Wedding Dress Ide

Depends on what dress she wears when she elopes with Theo. I think they don't have time or money to buy a real wedding dress when they elope.

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7 months ago

Dirty Bridgerton

Dirty Dancing crossover with Bridgerton a fanfic idea that i would like to read.

imagine Eloise as a dance teacher for Theo because he has to learn ballroom dancing for some reason. Theo, on the other hand, makes it "dirty dancing" instead of regular ballroom dancing and Eloise likes dancing much more now.

Bonus Footman John find them in a weird but sexy dance pose in the print shop and he turns and walks out of the print shop as he says "it's time to go now Miss Bridgerton".

Both Eloise and Theo start blushing by the comments.

( Eloise hade forget the time and Footman John know if he dont remember her the time, she will get in trouble )

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7 months ago

Werewolf Sharpe and hunter Bridgerton

Fantasy au where the Bridgertons are a rich and famous family who are secretly monster hunters and they believe that all kinds of monsters are evil.

Eloise meets Theo through her hunt for the witch Whistledown (who spreads gossip and curse ) and they fall in love very quickly without realizing that they are in love.

But there is a little problem and that is what Eloise doesn't know is that Theo is a werewolf and he doesn't know how to tell her this because her family are hunters and he doesn't have a death wish.

Unfortunately, Eloise already learns that Theo is a werewolf in the worst way and that's when she sneaks into the print shop on a full moon and she catches sight of Theo as he transforms.

At first she is terrified, but when she realizes that the werewolf has not attacked her, she sees in the werewolf's eyes that they are Theo's eyes. they have the same intelligence and humanity that Theo's eyes have as a human.

Theo can't talk when he's in werewolf form but he's smart and uses his creativity to get the message across to Eloise that he doesn't want to hurt her.

Thankfully Eloise got his message and tells him we'll talk about this tomorrow and before she leaves she promises not to tell anyone about him being a werewolf.

they talk about this but not in the morning as Eloise said but it was 3 days later because Eloise couldn't escape from her mother before.

Eloise accepts that Theo is a werewolf and he teaches her that the world is not black and white when it comes to humans and monsters.

They start dating in secret and are aware that they are in love with each other but that happiness does not last long.

The witch Whistledown or as she is actually called Penelope finds out about their forbidden love by stalking Eloise. The witch spreads this secret in her gossip magazine, but it's not just relationships she writes about, no, she also writes about Sharpe being a werewolf.

When the Bridgerton family finds out about Eloise's secret relationship, who is also a werewolf, there will be drama and chaos.

They lock Eloise in her bedroom and she can't escape because they have locked the windows and door.

All the 3 eldest brothers of the Bridgerton family have each taken a horse to ride towards the printing house to kill the werewolf.

while this is happening Eloise already realizes that the person she thought was her best friend that she could trust is actually a snake that only thinks about herself and yes that is Penelope. She is the witch Whistledown.

But in the midst of all this darkness, hope comes when Footman John steals the key to Eloise's room and lets her out and helps her get to the printer.

( it turns out that Footman John is half demon and he see Eloise as a sister )

when they arrive, they see a full-on battle between Theo and Colin. The other 2 Bridgerton brothers are on the ground passed out without any serious injuries.

Eloise shouts stop while standing between the two of them and Theo listens immediately while Colin almost accidentally injures his sister.

After a long conversation with her brothers with a lot of drama and talking, Elosie manages to make her brothers understand that Theo is not evil.

(The other brothers wake up when Eloise shouts stop)

it took about two years before Eloise and Theo were allowed to marry each other but they didn't get married until three years had passed because Eloise wanted to finish her studies before she got married.

Theo and Eloise managed to get into a university and wanted to finish their studies before they got married.

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7 months ago

Your name?

Bridgerton crossover with the movie Your name.

Eloise Bridgerton and Theo Sharpe souls swap bodies with each other and chaos ensues.

( I like to imagine that Theo is a bit older than Eloise )

Edit: Eloise soul travel back in time when she is in Theo body and his soul travel to modern time to her body.

All this happend before they meet.

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7 months ago

Bridgerton Disney

if I have to choose which Disney movie I think suits Eloise Bridgerton and Theo Sharpe best then it can be a bit difficult.

I actually think there isn't really a Disney movie that fits both of them without changing too much of the story.

but i will try my best…

Mulan is one of the first Disney movie that i can think of that can fit them.

Instead of it being in China, it is in England and they are at war with Napoleon. I can easily imagine Eloise taking Benedict's place in the army to avoid getting married.

She does it secretly and succeeds in it but she has to pretend to be Benedict and it becomes increasingly difficult when she falls in love with General Theo Sharpe.

He is the youngest General in the army he is in something in the early twenty.

Theo questions himself why he is attracted to this short man Benedict. (He doesn't know that "Benedict is a girl and her name is Eloise and yes she is short by man's height )

They bond over liking the same kind of literature and have the same opinion about women's rights.

Eloise saves Theo in a battle, but in the process he already realizes that she is a girl thanks to her uniform being slightly damaged so that only one breast is visible.

Eloise asks Theo not to tell anyone that she is a girl and he promises not to tell her secret.

but with all secrets, they come out whether you want them to or not.

But this time this secret comes out when she has defeated Napoleon in waterloo and is about to meet the Queen. She can't lie in front of the queen so she says her real name and people around are shocked except for Theo and the queen.

The queen allows Eloise to escape prison and praises her as a war hero the same for Theo.

When Eloise comes home to the Bridgertons, they are overjoyed and some of them cry.

When Eloise is in the middle of a story about what she did under the name "Benedict", a butler comes and says that General Sharpe wants to see Miss Bridgerton.

They let General Sharpe in and he's carrying three books. He gives the books to Eloise and says he wants her to read them and say what she thinks about them.

Eloise starts blushing and asks if he wants to stay for dinner and before Theo can answer Benedict shouts "Why not stay forever"!

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7 months ago

Dancing talk

Eloise tells Theo about all the boring balls she's been to and how she hates having to dance with a suitor. Theo listens and after she has finished, he asks what kind of dancing is doing at their balls?

Eloise answers Waltz and Foxtrot.

Theo replies okay but have you ever danced the tango and Eloise looks at Theo with a questioning look. What kind of dance is that? Eloise asks as she tries to read Lady Wistheldown's latest gossip magazine for clues how this Lady W is.

Theo replies that it's a sensual dance and he can teach her if she wants.

Before Eloise can answer that question, Footman John knocks on the door of the print shop and says that Miss Bridgerton must go now before anyone wonders where she is.

Eloise sighs and starts collecting all the gossip magazines, Theo helps her with that too.

maybe next time Theo asks and Eloise says yes maybe before she walks out of the print shop.

(pretend that these dances existed at the beginning of the 1800s because I'm no dance expert)

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7 months ago

I can only dream to see Theo Sharpe and Eloise Bridgerton dance together in the Netflix series.

I don’t think it never gonna happen but if it do, oh boy i will die happy.

Please make it happen Netflix. I don’t care what kind of dance as longe they dance together.

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7 months ago

Bridgerton and Mermaid

can someone write a crossover with little mermaid and bridgerton?

Theo Sharpe as the mermaid or is it called merman for a man?

Eloise as the princess who wants more and is Theo's love interest.

Sir Philip as the evil wizard of the sea or as the one who marries the princess.

(depends on whether you do the Disney version or the original fairy tale of the Little Mermaid)

if I was good at writing fanfic, I would have made a mix of disney and the original fairy tale of the little mermaid. I would have kept it like in the fairy tale that every step the pre-mermaid takes as a human hurts like getting a sword through her. Also the detail that there is no time pressure, so you are not limited by three days.

( I find it hard to believe that someone falls in love with one for three days especially when it comes to Eloise because she needs several days to realize that she is in love with Theo )

From Disney I would take the sea witch who has a bigger role by trying to destroy the relationship between the mermaid and the prince as well as the happy ending that Disney has.

However, I haven't decided if Theo will be able to get his voice back or not when he sold it to become human. Therefore, I'll let you decide if you write a fanfic about this.

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6 months ago

Spirited Bridgerton away

spirited away crossover with Bridgerton. I want to say who is who in this crossover idea.

Eloise Bridgerton is Chihiro ( Eloise is more like 17 or 18 years old instead of 10 like Chihiro )

Theo Sharpe is Haku ( Theo is also a spirit but I imagine he is more of a forest spirit and looks more like a European dragon when he transforms )

Cressida Cowper is Lin (She works at the bathhouse and helps Eloise but does not have the same personality as Lin)

Lady Portia Feathergton is Yubaba (highest manager at the bathhouse)

Prudence and Philipa and Penlope is the children to Portia but instead of being spoild like Yubaba son Boh they are like small managers in different departments in the bath house.

Colin Bridgerton and Violet Bridgerton is the on how turns to pigs that Eloise must rescue.

No-face is still No-face.

Lady Agatha Danbury is Yubaba twin sister ( but in this story they are not sisters but rivals )

Kate sharma and her sister Edwina is in this story Lady Danbury nieces.

Anthony Bridgerton get lost in the spirit world beacuse he want to look at the landscape. ( Kate find him and they fall in love )

The other Bridgerton sibling is in the human world.

Eloise fall in love with Theo when she start working in the bathhouse and he is already in love with her. she managed to save her brother and mother and be freed from her contract with the bathhouse but chooses to stay in the spirit world to be with Theo.

I like the idea of ​​her and Theo exploring the spirit world together.

Kate chooses to follow Anthony to the human world.

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6 months ago

Sickday & Bridgerton

I got a fanfic idea that Theo happens to catch a cold in late spring or early summer and when Eloise discovers that he is sick, she tries to help Theo with all her knowledge about colds.

But she ends up catching a cold herself when Theo gets well.

(Theo sends a book to Eloise and a message with "get well and thanks for the help")

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