orienteddreamerrr - The Dreamer Express!❤️
The Dreamer Express!❤️

A random Tumblr blog here...nothin' special! 😁 | 22s | She/her | A Fantasizer and Pure Geek! | A small AI enthusiast | Always on the lookout for mutuals💖 | PART-TIME Fanfic writer | Like what you see? Hop aboard for the ride of my DRAMA, my weirdness but fun! | Quote: "I'm not clumsy, I'm just 'conducting' random gravity checks".

585 posts

I'm Great!

I'm great!

I'm Great!

HI HI!!!

Just wanted to see how you're doing!!!!❤️❤️❤️

Oh, and by the way, Loki says hi!

HI HI!!!


Aww, tysm, that’s so sweet. I’m a lil but tired but I’m doing okay otherwise. how are you? 💙💙💙

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More Posts from Orienteddreamerrr

9 months ago

There is something I’m wanting to share…but it’s personal. It happened during the early part of my Senior year of high school with a best friend of mine. You may think, “Ugh, it’s full of drama!”. Yes, it is…so, if you don’t want to read this then I suggest you should move on to something else…but if you do, if you’re interested, then please, get comfortable, get your eyes ready and turn on your brain. For privacy concerns, I’m going to alter my real name and any name I mention in this story…hopefully you don’t mind! If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to express them in the comments and I’ll either answer or read them as soon as possible…thank you and enjoy!

The Days I Almost Lost my Best Friend’s Friendship:

Day One!

The day was the most depressing day I ever went through. It was the day my best friend Bria got kicked out by her mom. She didn’t have any relatives to run off to….she didn’t have nowhere else to go…it pained me to see Bria like this…my own best friend living out on the streets?! The only stuff she carried were her books and a binder of I don’t know what kind of papers…she didn’t have her backpack with her nor her phone! This was definitely getting me on edge now! I got so depressed and worried about it, I needed to get this out to somebody. There was a sub in my class that I was in, as I took this opportunity to go visit the counselor. I got up from my desk and went over to the sub to ask her if I could go to the bathroom. She allowed me as I proceeded out of the classroom. BUT…I didn’t go to the bathroom…I went the other way! Down to Student Services where my Senior/Junior Counselor Ms. Sutt was, and I see her at her desk with her office door open. The front desk lady was busy with somebody as she only acknowledged me.

“Miss Sutt?”, I called as I went over to her office. “Hey Lauri! What’s up?”, She greeted me as I stood in her doorway. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”, I asked it in that way so she would know I don’t want to waste too much of her time. “Sure! Take a seat! Close the door…”, She tells me. I walked into her office further as I closed the door behind me and sat myself in one of her chairs. I told her everything, and I told her this was worrying me ‘cause this was the second time something like this happened to her. She complimented on how I was being a good friend but reassured me that she’ll have the counselor of her grade level to be made aware of this and maybe have them talk to her about the predicament. (She is a grade level behind me)

It was for 10 minutes I talked with her and the next thing I knew, I’m walking back to class, still feeling a little uneasy. Since I gotten that off my chest….now what? I eventually will have to tell my other friend Citlali what I just did…and I can tell she won’t be happy about it. At lunch, I did the unthinkable…I DID tell her! She told me things like—“It’s none of their business!”, “Why would you do that?”, “Who else did you tell?”—stuff like that! Evidently, Bria found out and she started to avoid me for the next few of days. But that’s when day number two arrives!

Day Two!

All I remember was, in the morning, I was wanting to see if Bria was here…even though she’s ignoring and avoiding me. I did see her, but she took a shortcut to her class…using the stairwells at the end of the hallway…now guilt replaces my anxiety…why did I do this to myself?! At lunch, I couldn’t eat my tray of food without knowing if Bria called off our friendship! I couldn’t stop thinking about it! Citlali was here and came around and told me Bria had talked to her about the “stunt” I pulled and had a message for me from her—in quote—"Lauri, I know you care and worry for me, but I don’t need your help…”…At those words being said, my guilt bubble just kept on growing and growing. When I finished eating, me and her walked around for a little bit before going upstairs to this class Bria likes to visit. As we entered and sat ourselves down, I could see Bria’s irritated and fuming anger—and it looked like she didn’t want to stick around long either.

Citlali tried talking to her in Spanish (they’re both Hispanic)—probably asking “What’s wrong?” or “What are you doing? Are you okay?”…But without an answer, she logs off her computer, gathers up her stuff and leaves! My guilt bubble feels like popping at this moment as we both stand and follow her out. I trailed behind them while Citlali talks with her, calming her down I guess…but this is when I realize I needed to apologize to her! And this is when the next day came…

Day Three!

In the morning, I did not see Bria at all…she completely avoids me! And I’m here trying to build up the courage to apologize to her. It wasn’t working! At lunch, I was all by myself…NO Citlali, NO Bria, NO NOBODY! I felt so out of place, I skipped lunch to try to find Bria. I checked the library…nope! I checked the cafeteria I was just at…nope…the only place I know where she goes is to that class where she likes to do her work! But sadly, teachers were doing “Lunch Duty”…sealing off the hallway double-doors and the upstairs leading up to the 2nd floor…but a familiar teacher I knew and had was doing lunch duty for the stairs…my old English II teacher Mister Sharpknack! I think I could get through to him!

I walked over, seeing him up against the rails as I walked up a couple of steps for him to notice me. “And where are you going, Ms. Lauri?”, He said it in a polite/humorous way, but I told him, “Uh, to Mister Finn…”, Mister Sharpknack nodded and added, “Do you have a pass?”, I only shook my head and said, “I forgot to ask him for one...”, I heard him sigh. “Next time, have one…you can go!”, I gave him a final nod and proceeded up the stairs, feeling glorious in my victory! I left down the hallway to the class Bria’s at…I see her! Sitting at a computer doing her work…she still looks irritated…she’s not clearly hiding it. The teacher (forgot his name) acknowledges me and waves as I wave back. I walked over to where Bria was and took a seat behind her. Now was the moment of truth…but my courage to apologize just…dissipates! I just sat there feeling like a complete idiot…wallowing in the regret and guilt of NOT being able to apologize to her! I could tell she realized my presence as she logs off the computer, gathers her stuff and stands to leave. Now I’m starting to think this is hopeless…real hopeless! At the end of the day, I wasn’t able to find her nor my friends, so I just proceeded to the parking lot where my dad was waiting for me.

Day Four!

I didn’t even BOTHER waiting for my friends or looking out for any in the morning, so I just left to class. I had a feeling Citlali was here and my gut was right…at lunch, I spotted her! Greeted and hugged her when I did…but after that, she wanted to mention about Bria—telling me she’s at that class and also telling me I have to “man up” and apologize to her. As we started walking up the stairs, my heart starts to race, my hands get clammy…Citlali notices and reassures me everything will be just fine. But I’m here thinking she’s not gonna accept my apology…but it’s worth a shot! As we entered the class the teacher was busy talking with another teacher and didn’t even realize we’ve entered. I instantly see Bria sitting at the computer doing her usual. I took the same seat behind her, with Citlali rolling up a chair next to her.

She greeted and asked her how she was doing. She replied in such a low tone I couldn’t hear her! Citlali then looked to me and gave me that look! That look of letting me know she’s about to get her attention. “Bria, Lauri has something to tell you…”, At that moment, I felt like jumping out the window, but I pushed that feeling aside as I heard her sigh, turning around in her chair to face me. She had that “I don’t want anything to do with you, but what do you want?” look. I simply swallow and breathed before letting myself speak: “I know you’re mad…but all I want to say is that I’m sorry…for what I did…I shouldn’t have done that…it was wrong of me to do that…I should’ve just kept it to myself…If you don’t want to be my friend anymore…I completely understand…”, From what I said, I watch Bria’s mood change.

She said a few words too: “It’s not that I don’t want to be your friend, I do…you’re my best friend and I know you care and worry about me but sometimes I need to handle stuff like this on my own…you are a good friend, but I don’t need you behind my back all the time…”, I slowly took in her words, nodding at what she just said to me. There was a moment of silence as I look to the floor before looking back at her as I say, “Well…do you accept my apology?”, I see her smirk faintly. “Yes—I accept your apology…”, I couldn’t help but smile at her answer and gestured out my arms to her. “Are we good then?”, Bria was confused at first at what I was gesturing but eventually got up to embrace me, smiling as she did. Since Citlali was having an eye issue, I heard her say, “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry but I can’t!”, That got both me and Bria giggling at her. I can now release all my worries and tensions ‘cause I have my best friend back!

The End!

Again, please share your thoughts and let me know what you think!❤️

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9 months ago



Recently watched the Star Trek movie yesterday...not much of a Star Trek fan but my mom and brother are...but Khan here is making me have second thoughts...is the fandom even ALIVE around him????

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9 months ago

Wanted to post this small snippet...the piano bit is all by me...

please don't repost or claim it as your own...this is copyrighted...

dedicated to Silco!

Wanted To Post This Small Snippet...the Piano Bit Is All By Me...

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