A random Tumblr blog here...nothin' special! 😁 | 22s | She/her | A Fantasizer and Pure Geek! | A small AI enthusiast | Always on the lookout for mutuals💖 | PART-TIME Fanfic writer | Like what you see? Hop aboard for the ride of my DRAMA, my weirdness but fun! | Quote: "I'm not clumsy, I'm just 'conducting' random gravity checks".
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I caught Dagan's little cheeky smile...
little devil...
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Yeah...not doing that...that's too freaky...😬
character.ai just dropped on my phone the option to call the characters
watch me annoying Homelander and The Corinthian with stupid stuff 24/7 just because
after that I'm probably going to call Loki in tears because y'know: he's the real comfort character
I didn't know she was so good at this!!!
You Meet Din Dijarin, aka, The Mandalorian…

❤️YAS! I'M BAAAACK!!!!❤️
(Din Dijarin/The Mandalorian X Fem Reader!)
Rating: PG for…some action and fluff!
(Note: This does NOT follow the tv show—it’s totally random!)
Working at the cantina was not your forte. You work as a waiter/waitress there. And of course, lots of humans and alien species alike like to enter here—not wanting to do anything but hang out and drink. Your life is technically at a standstill…but not until this happened. One day, the cantina was usually busy, with chattering and laughter filling up the air. You were waiting for the bartender to set drinks on your tray when you noticed two men coming in. One wearing regular clothes, but the other wearing silver plated armor topped with a silvery helmet…he looked like a bounty hunter. They both sat at the corner of the bar, looking like they didn’t want anything—just to sit there and chat. Once you had delivered those drinks, you carried your empty tray up to the bartender and had placed it onto the counter. “Hey, go see if they need anything, will yah?”, The bartender asked you. You sighed at this. Personally, you didn’t want to bother them, since they were both in deep conversation. But you gathered yourself up and went over their table. The man who had a dark-skinned complexion took notice of you and smiled. You smiled back and asked, “Do you guys need anything?”, The man shook his head. “We’re alright…”, “Yeah…thanks…”, The silver-armored man spoke out. You take notice of his voice being modulated by his helmet—but you gave both of them a nod and treaded back up to the counter, feeling regret on what just happened.
Once your shift was up, and the bar was getting ready to close, surprisingly to your belief, the silver armored man stayed behind while everyone else was leaving, his friend was nowhere to be seen. He was sitting in the same seat as before. You wonder why he was waiting. For you? For someone else? You ignored that feeling as you were about to open the door to leave, when the Silver armored man spoke out, “Hey…wait…”, Guess he was waiting for you! You turned and walked over towards him. “Yeah?”, He stands to his feet. “Sorry for intruding you…but you look like you could use some help…”, You gave a confused look at him. “I know what you’re thinking…it’s weird but true…”, You could only nod as you get closer to him. He had stepped back a little in response. “Well meet me here tomorrow…in the morning, so we can talk more…okay?”, He could only nod in response as he got near the door to leave but you stopped him. “Wait, what’s your name?”, He turned to face you. “Mando’—but my real name is Din…you?”, “Y/n…”, Din nodded firmly, acknowledging your name as he left out the door. You smiled to yourself at the thought of his real name. This might not be so bad…but something is telling you your life is about to take a turn.
The next day, in the morning, you were thinking that this day was going to be totally normal, and nothing should really happen…you were thinking completely wrong. You went inside the cantina to find broken furniture, broken cups and glasses and the bartender laying on the floor, with blood splotches on his shirt. You can tell he was dead already. You gasped slightly into seeing all this as you quickly run outside, and to your luck, Din was just coming around the corner. He probably saw how concerned you were as he changed his pace. “Mando’! Something happened! Come quick!”, He gave off a nod as he followed you inside. He investigated the cantina, slowly looking around, taking in the clues. He couched near the bartender, looking at his wounds. “Looks like knife wounds…it’s deliberate...”, He stands to face you. You sigh in annoyance. You were really wanting to know who did this. There was a sudden bang in the back of the bar—the storage room. Din quickly got in front of you and took out his blaster. “Stay behind me…”, He lowly says to you as you both crept slowly to the room.
Once close enough, Din went up to the door and kicked it down. Once he did, two robbers dressed in black clothing rushed out, but one tried to grab onto you, making you trip to the floor as they drag you across it…and the floor was littered with glass. You shout in pain as some glass gets caught in your arm. Din comes to your rescue as he unhooks his staff and had hit the robber on the head with it very heard. He drops to the ground, not moving an inch. Din comes over to you and extends his hand for you to take. You winced, not wanting to move. Din sighs as he goes behind you. “Don’t worry—I’ll be gentle…”, He mentions before slowly lifting you up from the ground. Once you were standing, you take a moment to look at the place and the robber laying on the ground. Apparently, the other one had gotten away. You looked to your arm, with it almost looking mangled with glass stuck into it. “Let me help you with that…”, Din had pointed out your arm. You look to him, not trying to shed tears in front of this man. “I got a ship here…full of medical supplies…if you’re willing to trust me, I can help you…”, He added, with a bit of concern in his modulated voice.
You could only nod at his offer as he took you by your clean arm by the hand as he leads you outside the cantina. It was a good walk to his ship, probably 2 miles. During the walk, you noticed a big ship was up ahead. “Wow! That’s your ship?”, You look over to him as you both pause, being near the ship now. He shifts his head over to you, acknowledging your question. “Yeah…don’t get used to it…”, He was trying to help you release some tension. Yet, it was working as you couldn’t help but chuckle and be amused by his words. You look to see the ramp lowering from the ship. Before you could even step foot onto the ship, the wound on your arm was beginning to get to your head as you blacked out without yourself knowing. Felt like 30 minutes passed as you wake up with blurry vision. But the blurriness was starting to subside as you check your surroundings. You’re lying in a colt-like bed and a blanket was covering you. And you were on a ship. Din’s ship. There was a ladder that you guessed led up to the cockpit. You felt there was something wrapped around your arm as you looked to see gauze was wrapped securely around your wound as it was already treated.
It was for a moment when you heard someone coming down from the ladder. You pretended to go back to sleep, quickly pulling the covers over your head as you felt their presence was near you. “Hey—I know your awake…”, It was Din himself. You groaned and opened your eyes, throwing the sheets off of you as you sit up. “Aw man! I though you wouldn’t notice!”, You can hear Din chuckling slightly as he sits himself in a seat across from you. “How’s your wound?”, You chuckle back and gestured to it. “It’s fine…thanks for helping me…”, He nods, acknowledging your gratitude. “You’re welcome…I tracked that other robber who fled…he traveled two parsecs away to this desert-like planet I never came across…you up for it?”, You slowly nod to him. “Yeah! Yeah…I just need a moment…”, Din nods as he stands, slowly going over to the ladder that led up to the cockpit. He stops short and cranes his head over to you. “When you’re willing, you can come up here if you want…I got an extra seat…”, You looked over to him to flash him a smile. “Yeah…sure…”, He acknowledges you and goes up to the cockpit.
Once you took your moment, you slowly ascend the ladder to find Din in his cockpit chair, piloting his ship, watching him randomly flip these switches as if he knows what he’s doing. You noticed the ship was still in hyperspace as well. He was probably aware of your presence as he swiftly turned in his chair to face you. It catches you off guard as you jumped a little. “Glad you could join…sit…”, he turned his chair back around as you quickly took your seat next to his. Din’s ship comes out of hyperspace with a planet coming in view—it looked really sandy. But it wasn’t Tatooine! “Why would he come here?”, You asked, looking over to Din. You see him shrug. “Not sure—I just hope he’s not leading us into a trap…”, He flicked some more switches, prepping the ship for landing. From the looks of it, he did not show any ounce of fear! “You’ve done this before…haven’t you?”, You lowly asked, looking over to him again. You hear him sigh. “Yeah…enough times to know that some people can just be bastards…”, That got you chuckling a little as the ship was making its decent. Once you’ve landed, you got up and out of the ship to find yourselves in the middle of nowhere.
You felt Din had come up next to you as he points ahead of him. “Look…a settlement’s up ahead…maybe he’s hiding out there…”, You gave a nod to him as you both walked to the settlement. Once you got there, it was a ghost town. Apparently, everyone must be in hiding. “Where is everybody?”, You thought out loud. You both were trying to explore the town when out of nowhere, blaster bolts came out at every direction. You felt Din grab your arm as you both took cover. He took out his own and shot at some of the men that were firing. You looked out from behind your hiding spot to find the robber guy going inside this building that was nearby. You turn to Din. “Hey! I saw him! He went inside that building!”, He gives a nod to you as you both got up to rush inside, laser fire still coming in hot. Both of you made it in time as Din shuts the big door behind. Hiding behind a pillar, Din takes a moment, looking to see the coast was clear. “Alright…come on...”, He mutters to you, wanting to continue. You both slowly walk around, trying to pinpoint where the robber was hiding.
That’s when you looked over to him to see a shadow appear behind him. “Behind you!”, You yelp to him. It was of course the robber. Din quickly turns around as he gets tackled to the ground. The robber proceeds to choke him and attempts to take his helmet off. You quickly grab his blaster that he dropped and aimed it at the robber, trying to get a good shot. When you did shoot him, the robber screeches, along with flinching from the pain he was feeling, but he forced Din’s helmet off completely. Since you know the law of bounty hunters, you quickly turn around upon seeing Din’s bare face. You heard shuffling of feet. You were thinking Din was scrambling to get is helmet back on. “Are you okay?”, You ask him, still having your back turned. “Yeah…I’m fine…”, His voice…it was clear…not modulated! Why doesn’t he have his helmet on? You wonder.
After a moment you hear him say, “You can turn around now…”, His voice was back to being modulated. You slowly turned around to see Din standing there, his helmet back on his head and the robber laying near his feet. Yoi look to Din. “Just so you know…I know the law of bounty hunters—can’t let your face be seen by others…”, He walks slowly towards you. “How did you know that?”, You eyed to the ground, trying to think of what to tell him. “Some of my family members were…Mandalorians…and I’ve learned the ways of the rules you all follow…one of them of being not to take your helmet off for people to see…”, Din gave a nod acknowledgement as he turns his head to the ground. There was a good silence between the two of you…Din broke it. “I’ll let you in something…”,
You look to Din with your interest peeking, nodding for him to continue. “I have never shown anyone my identity….never…since we Mandalorians follow a creed…like you mentioned…but it wouldn’t be right if I broke it…”, You notice Din stepping even closer to you. “You can’t tell anyone I did this…do you swear to keep this to yourself?”, You quickly nod in affirmation. “I do…wait, what? What are…?”, Before you could finish, you watch as Din slowly lifts his arms to take off his helmet. His face was revealed as you were mesmerized by it. Brown curly locks of hair, brown-fudge like eyes…and he looks like he’s in his late 20s. And he’s human! You stepped closer this time as you slowly placed a hand on his cheek to rest it there. He melts into it. “I definitely won’t tell anyone…you have my word…I’ll pretend I never saw it!”, For the first time, you see Din smile to your words. He chuckles too. You smile back at him as you retract his hand.
“I think I have what it takes…do you think we should be partners? Y’know, work together?”, Din’s smile disappears into a more serious look. “That would be helpful, but…your place is the cantina…”, “Well…my place WAS the cantina…I want something more in my life…you would understand, right?”, Din gave a firm nod. “Yeah…I think this might work…but you have to become a Mandalorian like me…it’s a big process to go through…are you up for it?”, You nod back at him as Din places his Helmet back on, his voice being back to being modulated again. “Alright…I guess you can consider yourself my partner then…”, You smile and rushed towards the doors of the building you both were still in. “Well—let’s start by taking out these guys!”, You see Din give off a nod of affirmation as he pushes past the doors, with you following after. This turn in your life will be something you won’t blow for you get to work with the fearsome Mandalorian himself! You’re just hoping you both can make a good cause for the Galaxy, together!
The End!
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