I Know - Tumblr Posts

Sam looking hot today ;)🔥✨

i'm dying albert
reblog and put in the tags a word or phrase you are easily annoyed by, no matter how petty!
You, you thought I was gonna give ya the whole surprise at once? Naw, man. Have fun waiting for twelve hours :D
(look at previous post for context)
I am very excited for tomorrow, you guys have no idea
I am finally working on Hurricane pt 2.

my fellow transmasc korn fans i just found these

i'm just gonna go explode real quick brb
[photo creds to owner]
Herrah the Beast

In her Den, amidst the deep darkness beyond the kingdom
Jere give me so much gender envy or something, i don't know what it's called. And Bojan too. Like i'm so jealous of them. Do t boys agree?
Its funny when I push dadkoda and zuko fluff supremacy online and I get responses like: That would never happen in canon!!! 😡
My brother in christ. My favourite ship is Zukka. Tf makes you think I'm interested in canon accuracy when looking for fluffy fics?
(Yes this is a cry for more fic recs. Please yall.)
Why would he dress all sadly when he could stay lookin like a baddie 😎
I love that art of Tim always have him in pastels or Hawaiian shirts, like, all the way through. Right up to his death. Like, Depression took everything from him but his fashion sense

i mean, they definitely carry around pictures of ventus in their wallets right
literally shaking & crying right nnow i can't believe he lied about the apple thing
Me and a friend having 2 almost completely opposite conversations at the same time like:

Honestly, it’s so frustrating taking any kind of autism/adhd/neurodivergent test/assessment/quiz. It’s especially frustrating since I’m taking a research methods class that talks about how to make surveys and questionnaires and so many of these assessments break basic rules on how to make good surveys.
For one, the way they set up the questions are either way too vague or way too specific or combine two different questions together that makes it hard to answer. For example, one autism assessment I took asked whether you think and talk a lot about your special interests. Thinking and talking are different things and the frequency of what I talk about completely depends on who I’m with but the only answers I could pick were “true now and when I was young, only true now, only true when I was young (16 and under), and never true”.
Which brings me to my next point. The way a lot of professional and certified surveys are set up usually have either a five point or seven point system (example: disagree, somewhat disagree, neither agree or disagree, somewhat agree, agree. Seven point systems would add definitely agree or disagree). For the survey mentioned, adding another option that doesn’t land in the extreme of either “always” or “never” allows for better and more realistic answers (like a “I exhibit this behavior sometimes under certain circumstances” or something).
Also these assessments sometimes add in why you exhibit these behaviors like “I spend a lot of time at home. This is because I hate people and don’t like going out”. I do spend a lot of time at home. It is not because I hate people or don’t like going out so it’s hard to answer that question.
Assessments for mental health or neurodivergence like this make it really hard for people to answer in a way that gives an honest assessment of their mental state and it’s really frustrating taking quizzes over and over again just to have the same issues come up again and again and I feel like I’m being robbed of an actual answer to my question.
Someone fix this before I take things into my own hands. This is a threat. I will do it.
I love you
Me : I love you. I don't think I have told you that enough today.
Boyfriend : I love you too, Boo. I already know you love me so you don't need to tell me.
Me : appreciating what bit of happiness i have because all things good are fleeting.
Boyfriend : Don't say that. I am the constant in your life.

…~Tell me I’m your national anthem~…

(I got bored and yes I know this looks really goofy).
I know that Graham is gonna die at the end of season five so I’m just gonna do that thing where I hallucinate and think that Graham and Rosa are some place together and that they’re happy. They’re some place where it’s always warm and they get to laugh about nothing in particular and Karina, Walter, and Jonas visit every Saturday for dinner and to play stupid board games because I have no doubt that Karina and Walter both share a love of cheesy cat themed board games and even though Graham pretends to dislike them everyone knows he secretly loves them. And there’s never a lack of coffee.

Every episode of Reign: 1x07 “He gave himself up. To save you and the rest of us.” “Well I’ve seen love and I’ve seen pain But never in my life will I feel these things again“ (x)