Nephew's 1st Birthday
Nephew's 1st birthday
Sunday in the afternoon us here, but today's my nephew's 1st birthday December 11. Happy birthday, Suuriin Chuluu. If anyone would like to say something for him since it already passed for us, please say something for him. Of course, he's living with my brother and my sister-in-law (Sakae) in Uskes (Hakodate).
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Here's a little something included from our northern neighbor, by Gvozdi himself. I just found this among very few things of ponies & balalaikas. Iyayraykere.
That should help us wake up to problems surround other nations & their skeletons in the closet.
PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, Russia – When Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in December, the two leaders agreed to begin talks to promote joint economic development of four islands that Japan calls the Northern Territories and Russia calls the Southern Kurils. They also shared the idea to work toward allowing former residents to have unlimited access to the islands.
Working level discussions are soon expected to go full tilt. But the future of the Ainu, the islands’ native people, is not on the agenda.
Speaking with The Nikkei recently, Alexei Nakamura, who leads the Ainu community on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, insisted that his people should be able to participate.
Q: What is the current status of the Ainu in Russia’s far north?
A: The Russian government has not recognized us as indigenous people of the islands, perhaps because it is convenient for the government to say there weren’t natives in the Southern Kurils, in terms of resource development, for example. Under the Soviet regime, efforts to restore ethnic traditions were practically prohibited. And many Ainu people nearly lost their identity.
Since we established the Ainu civil group on Kamchatka about a decade ago, we have been trying to revive our culture, as well as look for Ainu descendants. The group now has 217 members. We are currently planning to build an ethnic village in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the center of the peninsula, where visitors can experience the typical lifestyle of the Ainu of old. The development of a dialect dictionary of the Ainu language is also underway.
Q: How did the Ainu people on the islands reach and settle in Russia?
A: One of my ancestors was a Japanese samurai who came to Iturup Island (or Etorofu in Japanese, one of the four islands) and married a daughter of an Ainu tribe leader in the early 18th century. He later became a leader of the Ainu revolts that emerged in the Southern Kurils. But the group was eventually defeated, and he and many other Ainu people had moved to Kamchatka by 1705. When the sovereignty of the entire Kuril Islands was handed over from Russia to Japan in 1875, many island residents moved to Kamchatka.
Q: Does your group have any link with the four islands or Japan today?
A: We communicate with Ainu people and research institutes in Japan’s Hokkaido Prefecture. People here travel to Japan sometimes, but hardly any have moved and settled in Japan recently, largely due to language and cultural barriers.
Ainu descendants here regularly visit the Kuril Islands to visit their ancestors’ graves. As far as I know, five families have moved there.
Q: Russia and Japan have long remained divided over issues concerning the four islands. Do you have any suggestion?
A: I would suggest to allow Ainu people in Japan, who are also indigenous of the Kuril Islands, visit and settle there. The islands’ population is so small. I believe that the Japan-Russia joint economic efforts will have room to bring benefits to all of Japan, Russia and the Ainu people.
Place names that can be found on the Kuril Islands often have their origins in the Ainu language. “Iturup” means big salmon, for example.
Between the two large countries, the Ainu people have historically suffered bitter treatment from the both nations. I now hope that the international community will increasingly recognize the necessity to appreciate our fertile culture, history and language.
This shows us that although my homelands still aren't the safest places to be such, our situation is gradually improving. I personally don't think it to be bad to be LGBT (unlike many ultra-nationalists around my lands), but am straight & willing to help live normally. It's unlikely that we'll become a paradise for same-sex marriage any time soon, but it's still a good step to help us understand LGBTs abroad especially leading normal lives. As a guy, I prefer women & that likely won't change, but I'm not going to force this preference upon anyone. As such, let us remember that there's worse fates than what we have about them in our lands. Bayarlala.
Бид ЗХУ-ын хиймэл дагуулын төрийн (1990 он хүртэл байсан) байсан үед бид коммунист байсан, сайн заасан, гэхдээ ЗХУ үндсэндээ бидний соёл үед хол тайрч байна. ЗХУ-ын задрал ирсэн гэж бид жил ардчилсан засалд үед бид маш муу болсон. Гэсэн хэдий ч, бид хурдан манай хойд, өмнөд хөрш нь маш их тусламжтайгаар бидний хөл сэргэж байна.
Do you think that if the monarchy and nobility of Equestria was replaced with a straight democratic voting process that was strictly popular vote without representatives that Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor and yourself would hold similar high positions in the government to what you currently hold?
Well, regardless of who are declared the official rulers, the alicorns are the ones with de facto power. Thus if the alicorns are not elected, you would have a dual power situation.
Now, division of power isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and one may argue that it simply functions as checks and balances, where the alicorns could veto any decision made by the government. However, we could also overthrow the government, which means the officials would only rule as long as the we let them.
Note that I’m not saying we would just disregard everypony’s wishes and seize power, but a democracy which did not elect the alicorns would constitute an unnecessary bureaucracy since those with the power to affect change, defend against threats, even raise the sun or moon would have to take orders from others instead of acting on their own initiative.
That last paragraph is especially important, since when a threat or crisis would arise, the alicorns, not willing to doom Equestria, would rather act than await orders. In doing so, we would render the chain of command irrelevant and essentially commit a coup. And ponies, wanting to save their home, would follow.
In conclusion, it’s irrelevant what the voting results would be. Either the alicorns are elected every time, and thus the democracy is only a formality, or the system would crumble at the first crisis.
You may be stuck with me, but I swear I will not let you down.