oroichonno - Ask Tribal Canterlot
Ask Tribal Canterlot

Here's a door to the world of nature and magic in combo.

635 posts

Imagine Her Playing This Song Inside: Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3HdCrszENM . She Seems The Right

Imagine Her Playing This Song Inside: Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3HdCrszENM . She Seems The Right

Imagine her playing this song inside: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3HdCrszENM . She seems the right mare for it, & I’ve recently discovered the music group behind this great dance song: Lautsprecher.

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7 years ago
The Confederated Tribe of the Chehalis Reservation

Looks interesting & I’ll have to look more into them soon. If I visit America, I may have to stop by the homelands of this group.

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7 years ago

Sounds pretty insightful & like good ways to improve the healing. Since both parents have strong Buddhist traditions by heritage, this would be highly beneficial to them. One of my sisters would love to have these 2 stones above. Bayarlala (Iyayraykere).

Crystal Tips: Amethyst

I like to think of Amethyst & Citrine as siblings, Citrine is the brother while Amethyst is the sister. 

Amethyst is first and foremost a very clam and mellow stone, though still very powerful. You can use amethyst for many things, and it’s another crystal that I recommend people new to crystals begin with (along with clear quartz and citrine). 

Amethyst helps promote sobriety, and when I first started getting sober from meth, this stone helped me a ton. It’s very gentle and helps you remember that getting high/loaded/drunk isn’t worth it, and helps you remember why you are trying to get free from whatever your addiction might be. 

Amethyst is also great to have near your computer because it takes the positive ions (the bad ones) and turns them into negative ions (the good ones), and so for this reason I usually have one near my laptop and near where I charge my phone. 

Amethyst is also what I call THE intuition stone. It helps enhance your intuition and allows you to tap into easier (I usually carry it with my tarot cards), and allows you to open up your brow chakra. 

Amethyst is also great at relieving anxiety, and for helping you fall asleep. Along with sleep it can help produce vivid dreams, prophetic dreams, and assist in astral projection. It also assists in entering a meditative state. 

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7 years ago

We definitely need to learn more about native fare, especially in light of increasing food diversity. Although I haven’t been there or had the food, this is a very good move indeed.

This Is Great

This is great 🙌🏾

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7 years ago

thank you very much for following! Hope you are doing well and staying safe lately! What inspired you to follow us, if you don't mind our askin?

What inspired me to follow you was that in the seeming spiral of many Americans (at least among the mainlanders) into either a loss of self-awareness or an identity crisis of kinds. As an outsider, I don't understand why Americans seem so unable to think critically (with exceptions) or learn more about others beyond their homelands. But you show great promise in these and other aspects, along with willingness to look beneath the surface of apparently critical problems. Bayarlala.

7 years ago
The Ainu, an indigenous people who inhabited the northern part of Japan and part of Russia, produced sacchep, made by drying salmon, as a preserved food and as a commodity from more than 500 years ago. They were deprived of freedom and the right to live in the old way for centuries, and many traditions have been lost. But the Ainu Museum has begun making salmon sacchep again, giving momentum to efforts to preserve Ainu culture.

Even if this was from nearly 7 years ago, it's good that a major foodstuff is being revitalized for the better run. I guess many of you could compare saccep to how rayosi prize kimchi. May this way spread.

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