Intuition - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
As A Girl Who Has Obsession With Sketching , I Decided To Draw Asuna Amd Kirito Together And I Puted

As a girl who has obsession with sketching , i decided to draw Asuna amd Kirito together and i puted them some details on their outfits : By making them even more cute as a couple , i remember that i have watched the series when i was at junior high school , I don't even remember :( Or maybe i watched some edits about it .... Anyways they are still so perfect together and i ship them so so so so so hard , i can't even resist to this masterpiece !!! To be honest , I really have to admit that it gets me in some feelings <3 <3 <3 <3

As A Girl Who Has Obsession With Sketching , I Decided To Draw Asuna Amd Kirito Together And I Puted

This kissing scene is just omg the best of all :)

As A Girl Who Has Obsession With Sketching , I Decided To Draw Asuna Amd Kirito Together And I Puted

Looks how gentle he is for her !!!!

As A Girl Who Has Obsession With Sketching , I Decided To Draw Asuna Amd Kirito Together And I Puted

They look like they are in love <3 <3 <3

As A Girl Who Has Obsession With Sketching , I Decided To Draw Asuna Amd Kirito Together And I Puted

The perfect team up duo I'm obsessed

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5 months ago
I'm Just Obsessed With This Hairstyle : Asuna's Hairstyle From Sword Art Online !!! A Lot Of People There

I'm just obsessed with this hairstyle : Asuna's hairstyle from Sword art online !!! A lot of people there will ask me the question : Why are you so obsessed with these serries , no this anime ( sorry just confused) ??? Lol , guys :) i have to say that i remembered watching this tv show when i was younger or watching it through edits ( maybe ) ... Well I can't remember well :( Anyways i was happy doing this hairstyle , I love Asuna so much , she is awesome ;) I adre Kirito too :) Recently i checked out the new hairstyle and fashion trends and i had to do something lmfao ;) Sorry... It was just a work of art , that's how i imagine it , if you truly ask me , but it also seems like cute yet sweet , however:) Have a good one 3333

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5 months ago
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...
And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...

And here i am , don't you ever thought that I'll fotget you all my friends ??? Nope , i would never ... really , I won't forget my people , who support my singing and my guitar !!! Woah , god my days have been so busy :( I had to study everyday to my singing and guitar journey , I always have a to do list , structure , and plan in my life everyday , which I can't procastinate it , it gives me anxiety :( But to be honest I'm happy that i have a daily routine !!! I also started university , i study philosophy ( i love it ) and i hope i will achieve my goals which i have and dreams !!! Trusting intuition is the key , idealistic nature is in everyone's heart ( not everyone but those who trust imagination , rather than reality) , heart feeling guidance and dreams in your head that you can't get outta your mind :)

And Here I Am , Don't You Ever Thought That I'll Fotget You All My Friends ??? Nope , I Would Never ...

I'm having my head in the clouds<3 <3 <3

Whether is a dream , there's belief achieving !!!

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8 months ago

One of those things we may not want to hear but need to! 😻🔆😂

If we have been slacking, this is our cue to get back up again! We got this! 🤝

Remember your wholeness within,

Love - Palalika


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1 year ago

Intuition Energy

Photo by Captured Moments on Lyrics for the song: It’s in Everyone of Us It’s in everyone of usTo be wiseFind your heartOpen up both your eyes,We can all know everythingWithout ever knowing why,It’s in everyone of usBy and byIt’s in everyone of usTo be wise,Find your heartOpen up both your eyes,We can all know everythingWithout ever knowing why,It’s in everyone of usBy and by It’s…

Intuition Energy

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4 years ago

Human intuition (clairvoyance? Sixth sense?) is such a crazy thing when i was like 12 playing with firecrackers and it burst close enough to burn me a little my mom who was at home immediately called without knowing she sensed something was wrong, my uncle felt this need to see his daughter immediately when she got into a run in with a cycle, my aunt's mum immediately knew something was wrong and told her husband who went to meet his father and they talked over tea before he passed away it's kinda creepy but almost magical i daresay

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8 months ago

My Intuition and I

I found my Intuition in the depths of my chest,

Trapped between the bars of my ribcage.

Years of muffled screaming had left her voice hoarse with rage.

In losing that voice, she’d taken to pounding at my heart,

Squeezing my throat, and waking me up with a start.

She was no longer a free spirit of wisdom and dreams.

Locked up in a cell of nightmares and tears,

She’d become the harbinger of all of my fears.

I found her key jammed into the tip of my tongue,

Rusted from waiting and scarred from being bitten for so long.

I wasted my days looking for someone to blame,

But after struggling with her lock and key,

I finally opened up and let my spirit free.

However, I found I could no longer understand her speech.

My Intuition and I are still learning to speak.

My Intuition And I

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7 months ago

The Ghost of My Identity

The girl in the corner of my room

Watches me with lonesome eyes

While I lie awake at night.

I ask her to explain her visitation in exasperation.

She points to a picture of her past condition,

At me, swinging on a hammock on the beach.

¿Cuando vamos a jugar así? she asks expectantly,

Looking up at me with a smile so wide

As to have not yet been touched by life,

And a twinkle in her eye that lights a spark of recognition

For this young and spirited apparition.

She’s a remnant of the day we split in two,

When she became a part of me that I outgrew.

That cataclysmic shift in the timeline of my life,

Making me wonder what it would’ve looked like

If I’d held on to her tighter while the world pulled us apart,

If, instead of casting her aside, I’d lived with her in my heart.

And I wonder if it’s even worth fighting any harder.

Ya mismo, I say to calm this little specter.

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1 year ago

Unleash Your Intuition: A Meditation for the Third Eye Chakra

Shaina Tranquilino

August 6, 2023

In our fast-paced modern world, it's easy to lose touch with our inner selves and intuition. We often find ourselves absorbed in daily distractions that hinder our ability to tap into our higher consciousness. However, by nurturing and balancing the third eye chakra, we can open the gateway to a heightened sense of intuition and wisdom. In this blog post, I will walk you through a powerful meditation designed specifically for activating and aligning your third eye chakra.

Understanding the Third Eye Chakra:

The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna in Sanskrit, is located between our eyebrows and represents our centre of intuition, insight, imagination, and spiritual awareness. When this chakra is balanced and energized, it allows us to see beyond the physical realm and connect with our inner guidance system.

Preparing for the Meditation:

Before diving into the meditation itself, it's essential to create an environment conducive to relaxation and focus. Find a quiet space where you won't be interrupted. Dimming the lights or using candlelight can help create a calming ambiance. You may also want to incorporate soothing music or nature sounds if they enhance your meditative experience.

Unleash Your Intuition: A Meditation For The Third Eye Chakra

Meditation Steps:

1. Find a comfortable position: Begin by sitting on a cushion or chair with your back straight but relaxed. Rest your hands gently on your lap or place them upon your knees, palms facing upwards.

2. Deep breathing: Close your eyes and take several slow, deep breaths in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Allow any tension or stress from your day to melt away with each breath.

3. Activate visualization: Visualize a radiant indigo light glowing at the centre of your forehead, right above the bridge of your nose—the location of the third eye chakra.

4. Focus on the light: As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine this vibrant light expanding and intensifying with every breath. Feel its warmth and energy spreading throughout your mind and body.

5. Affirmations: Silently repeat affirmations that resonate with the third eye chakra such as "I trust my intuition," "I am open to receiving divine guidance," or any other positive statements that align with your intentions.

6. Intuitively explore: As you immerse yourself in the radiance of the indigo light, allow your awareness to expand beyond your physical senses. Notice any thoughts, images, or sensations that arise without judgment or attachment.

7. Connect with your intuition: Ask yourself a question or seek guidance on a particular matter close to your heart. Trust that the answers will emerge from within your higher consciousness during this meditation. Pay attention to any insights, symbols, or messages you receive.

8. Gratitude and grounding: Express gratitude for the wisdom and guidance received during this meditation session. Slowly bring your focus back to your breath, feeling the sensation of being present in your body once again.

Regularly practicing this third eye chakra meditation can help us strengthen our intuition, develop clearer insight, and navigate life's challenges with a heightened sense of purpose. By tapping into our inner wisdom through the activation of the third eye chakra, we unlock a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us—ultimately leading to greater personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Remember, like any skill worth mastering, consistency is key. Dedicate time each day to nurture this powerful energy centre within you, allowing it to guide you towards a more enlightened existence filled with intuitive knowingness and clarity.

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1 year ago

Psychic Readings and How to Conduct One

Shaina Tranquilino

September 7, 2023

Psychic Readings And How To Conduct One

Human curiosity has always been fascinated by the unknown, especially when it comes to exploring the depths of our consciousness and seeking guidance from unseen realms. Psychic readings have emerged as a popular way for individuals to tap into their intuition and gain insights into various aspects of life. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of psychic readings, explore different methods, and provide you with valuable tips on conducting your very own psychic reading.

Understanding Psychic Readings:

Psychic readings are ancient practices that involve connecting with energies beyond the physical realm in order to gather information about individuals or events. These readings can offer guidance, clarity, and introspection into personal matters such as love, career, health, and spirituality. While some psychics claim to possess supernatural abilities, others believe that everyone has inherent intuitive capabilities which can be developed through practice.

Methods of Psychic Reading:

1. Tarot Cards:

Tarot cards are one of the most widely recognized tools used in psychic readings. Each card represents different archetypes and interpretations that can guide readers toward understanding present situations or potential future outcomes. A tarot reading typically involves shuffling the deck while focusing on a question or area of concern before choosing cards for interpretation.

2. Palmistry:

Palmistry is an ancient art that analyzes the lines, shapes, and patterns on an individual's palm to reveal personality traits, talents, and potential life paths. By examining these unique features along with other characteristics like finger length and skin texture, palm readers can offer insights about one's past experiences and possible future scenarios.

3. Astrology:

Astrology studies celestial positions at the time of an individual's birth to predict personality traits, compatibility with others, career prospects, and even major life events. Horoscope charts created using specific date, time, and location details serve as blueprints for astrologers to interpret and provide guidance based on the positions of celestial bodies.

Conducting Your Own Psychic Reading:

1. Set the Stage:

Create a calm and peaceful environment free from distractions. Light candles, play soft music, or burn incense to enhance focus and relaxation. It's essential to be in a receptive state of mind for accurate insights.

2. Meditate:

Begin your session by meditating for a few minutes to clear your mind and center yourself. This will heighten your intuition and allow you to connect with your inner self, preparing you for the reading ahead.

3. Focus on an Intention or Question:

Determine the purpose of your psychic reading by setting a specific intention or asking a question that requires deeper insight. Concentrate on this intention throughout the process as it guides your energies towards relevant information.

4. Trust Your Intuition:

Whether using tarot cards, palmistry, or any other method, trust your instincts when interpreting symbols, patterns, or impressions received during the reading process. Avoid overthinking and let intuitive feelings guide you towards meaningful interpretations.

5. Document Your Experience:

Keep a journal handy to record observations, thoughts, and any significant findings during your psychic reading session. This helps establish patterns over time and allows for reflection on how accurately the readings align with real-life situations.

Psychic readings provide individuals with a unique opportunity to explore their own intuition while seeking answers from unseen forces beyond ordinary perception. By understanding different methods such as tarot cards, palmistry, astrology, among others, you can embark on an enlightening journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Remember to approach psychic readings with an open mind and embrace them as valuable tools for gaining insights into life's mysteries.

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1 year ago

Oracle Cards: A Gateway to Divine Guidance and Personal Insight

Shaina Tranquilino

September 12, 2023

Oracle Cards: A Gateway To Divine Guidance And Personal Insight

In the realm of divination and spiritual exploration, there are countless tools available to seekers who wish to gain insight into their lives and receive guidance from the divine. One such tool that has gained popularity in recent years is Oracle cards. These beautiful and captivating decks offer a unique way to tap into our intuition and access the wisdom of higher realms.

What are Oracle Cards?

Oracle cards are a type of divination tool that consists of a deck of cards, each featuring a different image or message. Unlike Tarot cards, which follow a specific structure and symbolism, Oracle cards have no fixed system or rules. They can vary greatly in terms of theme, imagery, and purpose.

The Purpose and Power of Oracle Cards:

The primary purpose of Oracle cards is to help us connect with our intuition and access divine guidance. Each card in the deck carries its own energy and message, offering insights into various aspects of life – love, career, personal growth, spirituality, etc. These messages often serve as gentle reminders or encouragement for us to trust our inner voice and make empowered decisions.

Unlike traditional fortune-telling methods, Oracle cards do not predict the future with absolute certainty. Instead, they act as mirrors reflecting our current state of being and potential paths ahead. They invite us to explore our thoughts and feelings more deeply so that we can make informed choices aligned with our highest good.

How to Use Oracle Cards:

Using Oracle cards is simple yet profound. It requires an open mind, willingness to surrender control, and trust in the process. Here are some steps to get started:

1. Choose Your Deck: There are numerous Oracle card decks available in bookstores or online platforms. Take your time to find one that resonates with you visually or thematically.

2. Set Intentions: Before each reading session, take a few moments to ground yourself and set clear intentions for what you seek guidance on. This will help you focus your energy and invite the messages that are most relevant to your current situation.

3. Shuffle and Draw: Holding the deck in your hands, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then, shuffle the cards while silently or aloud asking for guidance. When ready, draw a card randomly from the deck. If a card jumps out of the deck while shuffling, then this is a bonus card that has a message that you need to hear.

4. Reflect and Interpret: Look at the image on the card and pay attention to any thoughts, emotions, or sensations it evokes within you. Read the accompanying guidebook or booklet for insights into its meaning, but also trust your intuition to interpret the message uniquely based on your personal experiences.

5. Journaling and Integration: After a reading, consider journaling about your experience, noting down any significant messages received or revelations gained. This allows for deeper reflection and integration of the wisdom offered by the Oracle cards.

The Benefits of Using Oracle Cards:

Oracle cards offer numerous benefits beyond their divination purposes:

1. Self-Reflection and Personal Growth: Regular use of Oracle cards encourages introspection, helping us gain clarity about our desires, fears, strengths, and limitations. They can act as catalysts for self-discovery and personal transformation.

2. Intuition Development: By relying on our intuition to interpret the messages received through Oracle cards, we strengthen our intuitive muscle over time – a skill that can be invaluable in various areas of life.

3. Empowerment and Decision Making: The insights provided by Oracle cards empower us to make informed decisions aligned with our spiritual path and highest good. They remind us that we have agency in creating our reality.

Final Thoughts:

Oracle cards are tools designed to assist us in connecting with divine guidance within ourselves. Whether seeking answers to specific questions or simply desiring spiritual insight, these beautiful decks serve as gateways to explore our own inner wisdom and tap into universal energies. So why not give Oracle cards a try? You might be surprised at the wisdom and guidance they offer on your spiritual journey.

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1 year ago

Unveiling the Mysteries of Tarot Cards: A Beginner's Guide to Tarot Card Readings

Shaina Tranquilino

September 13, 2023

Unveiling The Mysteries Of Tarot Cards: A Beginner's Guide To Tarot Card Readings

In a world full of uncertainties and unanswered questions, humans have always sought guidance from various sources. One such fascinating method is tarot card reading, an ancient practice that has captivated people's imaginations for centuries. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, there's no denying the allure and intrigue surrounding these beautiful decks of cards. In this blog post, we will explore what tarot cards are all about and provide you with a beginner's guide on how to perform your very own tarot card reading.

What are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards originated in Europe during the 15th century as playing cards, but over time, they evolved into tools used for divination and self-reflection. A standard deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

1. The Major Arcana: This set comprises 22 symbolic cards representing significant life events, archetypes, and spiritual lessons.

2. The Minor Arcana: Consisting of 56 cards divided into four suits - Cups (emotions), Pentacles (material aspects), Swords (intellect), and Wands (creativity) - these depict daily experiences and challenges.

How to Perform a Tarot Card Reading:

1. Selecting Your Deck: Begin by choosing a tarot deck that resonates with you personally. There are countless designs available, each offering its unique energy and symbolism.

2. Cleansing and Energizing: Before using your newly acquired deck or if it's been dormant for some time, cleanse it from any residual energies by placing it under moonlight or smudging it with incense like sage or palo santo.

3. Asking Clear Questions: Formulate open-ended questions that address specific areas of your life or seek guidance on particular dilemmas. The more specific and focused your questions are, the clearer the answers received.

4. Shuffling and Drawing Cards: Shuffle the deck while concentrating on your question or intention. You can choose to shuffle them face down or fan them out and select cards randomly. Trust your intuition when deciding how many cards to draw for each reading.

5. Interpretation: Each card in a tarot deck holds its unique symbolism and meaning. To interpret the drawn cards, you may rely on guidebooks that often accompany most decks or online resources. However, remember that personal interpretation and intuition play a significant role in understanding their messages.

6. Spreads: Tarot spreads refer to different arrangements of cards representing various aspects of life. For beginners, starting with simple three-card spreads like Past-Present-Future or Mind-Body-Spirit is recommended. Experiment with different spreads as you gain confidence and familiarity with the cards.

7. Reflecting and Learning: After completing a tarot card reading, take time to reflect upon the insights gained from the experience. Journaling about your readings can help you track patterns, understand recurring themes, and enhance your knowledge of interpreting the cards' meanings effectively.

Tarot card readings offer individuals an opportunity for self-reflection, guidance, and insight into their lives by tapping into universal archetypes and symbols present within each card's imagery. Remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to tarot readings; continue exploring different decks, experimenting with diverse spreads, and trusting your intuition throughout the process. Embrace this ancient art form as a tool for self-discovery and embracing life's uncertainties with open arms!

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10 months ago

Shielding Ourselves: A Guide to Avoiding Negative Vibrations Shaina Tranquilino May 4, 2024

Shielding Ourselves: A Guide To Avoiding Negative VibrationsShaina TranquilinoMay 4, 2024

In the whirlwind of life, we encounter a spectrum of energies, from the uplifting and positive to the draining and negative. It's inevitable that we'll come across situations or people that emit vibes that aren't conducive to our well-being. However, it's within our power to shield ourselves from these negative vibrations and maintain our inner balance. Shielding isn't about building walls around ourselves but rather cultivating practices that help us filter out negativity while fostering a positive mindset. Here's a guide on how to shield ourselves from negative energies:

1. Awareness is Key

The first step in shielding ourselves from negative vibrations is awareness. Pay attention to how you feel in different situations and around different people. Notice any shifts in your mood or energy levels. Awareness empowers you to recognize when you're encountering negativity so you can take proactive steps to protect yourself.

2. Set Boundaries

Establishing healthy boundaries is essential for shielding yourself from negative energy. Learn to say no to activities, relationships, or situations that drain your energy or compromise your well-being. Respect your own limits and prioritize your needs. Setting boundaries is not selfish; it's an act of self-care and self-preservation.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for shielding ourselves from negative vibrations. By staying present in the moment, we can observe our thoughts and emotions without being swept away by them. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help us cultivate inner peace and resilience in the face of negativity.

4. Surround Yourself with Positivity

One of the most effective ways to shield yourself from negative vibrations is to surround yourself with positivity. Seek out uplifting experiences, spend time with supportive friends and family, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Positive energy is contagious, and by immersing yourself in it, you can create a protective barrier against negativity.

5. Visualize a Protective Shield

Visualization is a powerful technique for shielding yourself from negative energy. Close your eyes and imagine a bright, protective shield surrounding you, deflecting any negativity that comes your way. Visualize this shield as impenetrable and resilient, keeping you safe and secure in your own positive energy.

6. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is essential for maintaining a strong shield against negative vibrations. Take time to nurture your body, mind, and spirit through activities that replenish your energy and uplift your mood. Whether it's indulging in a relaxing bath, spending time in nature, or pursuing a hobby you love, prioritize self-care as a daily practice.

7. Release Negative Attachments

Letting go of negative attachments is crucial for shielding yourself from negative vibrations. Release any resentments, grudges, or past hurts that weigh you down and keep you tethered to negativity. Forgiveness is a powerful tool for freeing yourself from the grip of negative energy and reclaiming your inner peace.

8. Trust Your Intuition

Your intuition is a powerful guide for navigating the energies around you. Trust your gut instincts and listen to the subtle signals your body sends you. If something feels off or draining, honor that feeling and take steps to protect yourself. Your intuition is your inner compass, guiding you towards environments and relationships that nourish your soul.

9. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a potent antidote to negativity. Cultivate a daily practice of gratitude by reflecting on the blessings in your life and expressing appreciation for the positive experiences and relationships you have. Gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant, fostering a mindset of positivity and abundance.

10. Stay Grounded

Finally, staying grounded is essential for shielding yourself from negative vibrations. Connect with the earth by spending time outdoors, walking barefoot, or practicing grounding exercises. Grounding anchors you in the present moment and helps you maintain a sense of stability and balance amidst the turbulence of life.

Shielding ourselves from negative vibrations is a proactive practice that requires awareness, intention, and self-care. By setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, surrounding ourselves with positivity, visualizing protective shields, practicing self-care, releasing negative attachments, trusting our intuition, cultivating gratitude, and staying grounded, we can create a strong barrier against negativity and maintain our inner peace and well-being. Remember, you have the power to choose the energy you allow into your life—choose wisely.

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8 months ago

Trust Your Internal Compass: Navigating Life's Path with Confidence Shaina Tranquilino June 25, 2024

Trust Your Internal Compass: Navigating Life's Path With ConfidenceShaina TranquilinoJune 25, 2024

We often find ourselves bombarded with external opinions, societal expectations, and the pressures of conformity. It can be easy to lose sight of our true selves amidst this noise, leading to confusion, doubt, and a sense of being adrift. In times like these, the concept of trusting your internal compass becomes not just a piece of advice, but a guiding principle for finding clarity and purpose.

What is Your Internal Compass?

Your internal compass is that innate sense of direction, values, and intuition that guides your decisions and actions. It's a combination of your beliefs, principles, passions, and instincts—shaped by your experiences, upbringing, and personal reflections. While external influences can offer valuable insights, ultimately, your internal compass is what aligns you with your authentic self and helps you navigate life's journey.

Why Trust It?

Authenticity: Trusting your internal compass means honouring your true self. It allows you to live authentically, making choices that resonate with your core values rather than succumbing to external pressures.

Clarity: When you tune into your internal compass, you gain clarity about what truly matters to you. It helps you distinguish between what is important and what is merely noise, enabling better decision-making.

Resilience: Your internal compass acts as a resilience booster. During challenging times, it provides a sense of stability and purpose, helping you stay grounded and focused on your goals.

Empowerment: Relying on your internal compass empowers you to take ownership of your life. Instead of seeking constant validation or approval from others, you become self-assured in your choices and actions.

Cultivating Trust in Your Internal Compass

Reflection: Take time for introspection. Reflect on your values, aspirations, strengths, and weaknesses. Journaling or meditation can be powerful tools for this.

Listen to Your Gut: Pay attention to that inner voice or feeling that nudges you in a certain direction. Trust your instincts—they often provide valuable insights.

Seek Alignment: Ensure that your actions align with your values and long-term goals. This congruence fosters a sense of authenticity and purpose in everything you do.

Learn from Experience: Embrace both successes and failures as learning opportunities. Your internal compass evolves with experience, becoming more refined and trustworthy over time.

Surround Yourself Wisely: Surround yourself with people who support and respect your journey. Seek out mentors or friends who encourage you to trust and follow your instincts.

The Journey of Trust

Trusting your internal compass is not always easy. It requires courage to go against the grain at times, to make decisions that may not be popular but are right for you. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, where each step taken reinforces your confidence in your own path.

Remember, your internal compass is unique to you. Comparing it to others' or trying to conform to societal norms can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction. Embrace the beauty of your individuality and trust that your compass will lead you towards fulfillment and happiness.

Nurturing trust in your internal compass is a transformative practice. It empowers you to live authentically, make decisions with clarity, and navigate life's challenges with resilience and purpose. So, amidst the noise of the world, take a moment to tune in, listen to your inner voice, and trust the guidance it offers. Your journey towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life begins with trusting the wisdom within you.

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6 years ago

Neptune:5th house 💞🦄💞

-Possess a strong mystical creativity

-Natural ability to play roles can manifest as artistic talent in drama/acting

-Pleasure can come from Neptunian activities like artistic pursuits,recreational drug/alcohol use,or spiritual/mystical activities

-You probably try to make the sex/romance look how they do in movies

-Great love of music as well as Cinema/Movies -Children are emotionally (and psychically) sensitive, intuitive ,possibly artistic

-Sometimes this placement manifests as adopting a child,like Uranus in the 5th

-Sometimes there can be mysterious circumstances related to the birth of the child

-Have trouble seeing your children clearly, can over-idealize them which sets you up for disillusionment,and can perceive lovers the same way

-Romantics;dream of love

-A lot of seducing with this placement (could go both ways)

-You probably put up with a lot of shit from your partner

-Secret romances are common with this placement

-Boundaries can be unclear in love which can make things confusing

-Attracts victim-savior relationships where one feels like they need to save/help the other in some way(or vice versa), this can manifest in many ways like having a lover with a drug problem,a lover who is crippled/disabled in some way ,or sexually confused are all examples of how this placement can manifest -I read that this placement can have intuitive insight into the stock market in some circumstances,however that works??

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5 years ago

fire (aries,leo,sagittarius) intuitively read people’s somatic vibrations and the ‘psychic temperature’ radiating from the body, they seek matching energy-specifically the vitality that recharges both people

earth (taurus,virgo,capricorn) intuitively read people’s body language through their own physical senses, strong ‘mothers intuition’, have you been taking care of yourself? a pang in the heart to empathise with your sadness

air (gemini,libra,aquarius) intuitively read people’s mind and finish the sentence with telepathy, always finding the words you were looking for. like wi-fi, air is invisible and connects us to everything

water (cancer,scorpio,pisces) intuitively read people’s ‘eye’ language, the eyes are the gateways to truth, the mouth can lie but the eyes cannot, an intuitive mirror that water can use


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5 years ago

To a new decade ✨🎉🎆


An emoji spell to invite heightened intuition, abundance, and love into the 2020 new year. Likes charge, reblogs cast.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚

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5 years ago

Moon Trine Neptune: The Inner World of Wonder…

Being sensitive, caring, having psychic ability/a strong intuition, and being creative are some of the biggest attributes of this placement. Natives with this aspect are almost always experts at keeping harmonious relationships because they value the emotional bond they share with those around them. Chart holders can also have a natural talent for things such as making music, singing, acting and painting. They may also excel in metaphysical practices such as tarot, using pendulums, and other forms of divination. They may also have vivid dreams. As children, it is common for people with this placement to have “imaginary friends” or to see things that others do not. It’s possible that it can just be the imaginative side of Neptune, but it’s possible that it’s also the psychic ability that Neptune brings as well. This aspect is generally pretty positive, but make sure not to let people take your empathy and kindness for granted.

 -A.H. (

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4 years ago

Omfg I sweeeeeeear it's me 😭😍 Gemini moon (9th) trine Aquarius neptune (5th)

Moon-neptune trine culture? Thx🌸🌸

🌈 intuitive and emphatic

🌈 you are very sensitive and receptive to changes in people's behavior or simply in the energy of a place or even a photo

🌈 people will tell you that u are always in different moods, but that's not true - you are like an emotional mirror and sometimes "your moods" are "theirs"

🌈 you can be a gifted actor/stage director or u can be the opposite of that searching for something "concrete" like medical care

🌈 you have innate talents for meditation, telepathy and clairvoyance

🌈 things that might be weird to us, are acceptable to you and that pushes you to look and understand more the unseen but felt things

🌈 u have a great emotional memory - u remember feelings and sometimes you can even induce in the present moment that feeling that u felt 3 months ago

🌈 you want to live in a utopia where everyone is nice and loving but reality hits you and u can become depressed

🌈 you are an attractive and magnetic person - not sexual magnetic but in an innocent way - you can be like a little colored butterfly. now u see it, now you don't - "where did it go? It was so pure and beautiful 😔 "

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