Idk What This Is But I Find It Cute
idk what this is but i find it cute

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Me looking in the mirror after reading smut for 5 hours straight
this so cute😭😭
I Will Never Leave You

Pairing: Anthony x Fem!Reader (wife)
Rating: E
Summary: Anthony experiences his son being born, and overcomes a fear in the process
It was at the start of the fall when it happened, the moment Anthony's life changed entirely. After only a year of being married, the Viscount and his wife ad welcomed another small Bridgerton into the world. He realized early on he quite liked his wife in the state of forming and growing the first next born Bridgerton. She was more beautiful as time passed, he couldn't quite believe it himself. But everything about her, reminded him why he chose her in the first place. But it was that day, the day the air was brisk and cold, the leaves were as bright as ever with the note of seasons changing. As was his. The process was long, and while it was not custom, Anthony stayed right by her side every step of the way. He watched every bead of sweat, every contorted line in her face as she did the most powerful thing he had ever seen. In all truth, he had been somewhat dreading this day, because he knew from the moment he held the little on in his arms he would feel the weight of his father passing. He watched every second, his heart nearly giving out as she screamed in agony. As his wife collapsed to her back as the miracle ended - he heard the sound that would forever be burned into his memory. A loud, piercing cry had filled the air.
"Oh, my dear," Violet Bridgerton exasperated
He faintly heard his mother go on about how beautiful the child was, but Anthony could not bear to look just yet. With every second, he felt his palms grow weak - his breathing quickening more than before. The room filled with smiles, and yet he looked to his wife, she had an expression he couldn't piece together - one he had not seen before.
"Anthony," She sighed, motioning for him to look.
"I believe congratulations are in order, Viscount" The Doctor who had tended to his wife nodded, "It is a boy."
Anthony felt his mouth go dry, "A Boy?"
He watched his wife's hands reach forward, and he was puzzled - how she had any strength left was beyond him. Yet she yearned for this child, with the brightest smile he had ever seen. The time had come. He watched nervously, seeing his son placed in his wife's hands for the first time. Then it happened. He looked down, feeling the burst of a thousand fires placed in his heart. He heard the small cry as the boy looked to his wife, and without feeling it come - Anthony felt tears fall down his face.
"He is beautiful," His wife cried, "Oh, Anthony, he is so beautiful."
He gazed onto his son's face, full of what felt like pride and joy mixed in one. He was by far the most beautiful thing Anthony had ever seen.
"Would you like to hold him?" She happily said through her tears.
Anthony could only nod in response, his hand shaking as he reached out to hold the very thing he had been so terrified of all these months. The boy was placed in his arms, and Anthony felt confusion and joy flood him. How could something terrifying be so incredibly small? The small fingers had closed in tight fists, and his eyes had opened to look into Anthony's eyes. Tears had fallen freely and without pause.
"I will never leave you."
It was all Anthony could say, "I will never leave you, ever. I promise."
i always try to read a latina x harry reader but it's impossible 😭😭 i don't say 'abuelita', 'tu', 'quieres/haces', i don't fucking eat tamales and i don't have curly hair and/or darker skin 😖😖
✨this is a petition for jack to appear in a 'thirst tweets' video, but make it tumblr edition✨ thank you
Reblog if boobs are pretty cool