Anthony Bridgerton X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Maybe in Happy Marriage part 2 we Eloise, Daphne and Benedict visiting the reader and convincing her to come back to the Bridgerton manor in a long time and they are the ones to tell Violet and Anthony how the reader become distant and depressed and eventually falls severely ill
Okay, more angst, my heart will hurt when writing it but I love the pain!!
Thank you for your idea, I'll be sure to add that in♡♡
Oooh I would also love a part 2! I can definitely tell this was the breaking point for the female character. I would be curious to see what would be Anthony's reaction to knowing that she has finally given up. Definitely happy at first, that he can finally be with Sienna without his wife always around. But what about when he realizes what a shell of herself she has become? How she no longer wants to know about anything that concerns him because it would simply hurt more. What about when he realizes the fault of him not being able to be with Sienna did not lie with her at all, and how his actions absolutely destroyed a person he might have actually once cared about? Him coming home to an empty house again and again, and his family choosing to actually protect his wife, not telling him anything regarding her when he asks, no matter how much he pretends he doesn't care. I'm a sucker for happy endings but Anthony did say a lot of very hurtful things, things that cannot be forgotten, it would take a while not only for him to realize what an idiot he is but also for him to prove himself worthy of even being in her presence.
Yes!!!! I absolutely love, and agree with what you're saying. He did say a lot of hurtful things, and it will take a lot of time until, and If, Y/n forgives him.
Thank you for your suggestions, I really loved them. ♡♡♡
when is part 2 coming out? :)
I think I will upload it tomorrow as I'm still finishing the 2nd bonus chapter that I said will be coming for Tales Of A Heart.
And I got a major writers block while writing it as I didn't know what will be good to write and that stuff so I'm a little delayed uploading it.
But part 2 for Happy Marriage is most definitely coming out tomorrow, that is a one shot that I am super excited to write about so I have a lot of ideas.
Can't wait for pt.2!! Just read all the amazing ideas,and i know u Will do them justice
Yes, I am excited to write it as well, everything the readers suggested was amazing, I couldn't have thought of anything better to write in part 2. I will try to write it as best as I can so all of you enjoy it.
Much love!!♡♡
Bonus Chapter 2
Summary: A new Bridgerton comes into the family
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister! Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: unedited, pregnancy, child birth, umm probably is not that good since I have obviously zero experience with pregnancy, nor do I really know how childbirth was in those times, everything is based on what i saw from videos, happy ending, most probably is cringy but oh well
When you found out:
It was 2 months after your wedding, Anthony and you had gotten back from your honeymoon 2 weeks ago.
One sunny afternoon. You had woken up a few hours ago and were currently taking a walk around the garden, accompanied by Edwina and one of your ladies maid.
“How was Paris?” Edwina asked curiously “Was it as beautiful as everyone says it is? Oh how I wish I could go there. I heard the parks are just as beautiful, and all the French men, c’est magnifique, imaginez tous les beaux hommes” you laughed at her
“Might I remind you, you are engaged, I am sure your intended would not appreciate you speaking about other men” You looked at her teasingly “ But to answer your question, yes, the men were very handsome. Do not tell Anthony I said that” They both laughed, shaking their heads.
“Louis will not care, he knows I am interested in him only” She looked up suddenly “Speaking off, I am still shocked he asked me to call him by his given name only 2 weeks into courting, he certainly does not like formality”
You stayed silent and stopped in your tracks when an ill feeling overcame you. You held on to your stomach when nausea hit you.
“deedee?” Edwina questioned when she saw you stopped walking “Are you alright?”
You sighed when the nausea went away “Yes, I just felt a little nauseous , it is gone now, nothing to worry about” You waved her worried look off and continued walking
“Are you sure you are alright? You rarely get sick”
“Yes, Bon, nothing to worry ab-“ You suddenly stopped yourself feeling dizzy, holding on to her arm for support “ Maybe we should head back inside, I am not feeling so well”
“I told you, it must be serious, you do not get sick easily” She gasped “ What if it is a disease?”
She spoke all the way back inside, suggesting several things that could be wrong with you. You denying each and everyone of them.
“Hey, you are back early. I would have thought you would not be back for at least 20 minutes more” Lady Violet Bridgerton mused when you entered the drawing room
“Y/n was feeling sick, perhaps we should call for the doctor, she rarely gets sick” Edwina replies
“I am fine, bon” You shook your head before you covered your mouth with your hand, running to the nearest door to go outside.
You heard your sister and Violet rushing behind you. You knelt down next to the grass and lowered your head, vomiting everything you had for breakfast.
You groaned once you were finished, wiping your mouth. Your sister rubbed your back soothingly, while Violet helped you stand up and ushered you back to the drawing room
“How long has this been happening?” Violet asked, a knowing look in her eye.
“I have been feeling sick ever since Anthony and I came back from our honeymoon. I figured it was just a bug I caught from the journey back home, it would have maybe gone away in the next days but it has been 2 weeks and I am still feeling ill” You replied sitting on a chair
“Perhaps dear, we should call the doctor”
Edwina, Violet and your mama looked at you expectantly when the doctor retired from the room
“Well?” Lady Mary questioned
“What did he say?” Edwina added.
You grinned happily, looking up them. “I am with child”
When Anthony found out:
“Anthony” Y/n spoke up as she entered his study.
Anthony looked up from the papers on his hands and smiled at her “Hello love”
“I need to speak to you” She played with her hands nervously
“I am all ears” He put all his attention on her “What is it?” He smiled comfortingly
“Anthony” Y/n stayed in front of the desk, looking at him seriously, Anthony’s smile faded at her serious face.
He stood up and rounded the desk to get closer to her, he grabbed her hands “Is everything okay?”
“Anthony, I am with child”
He stared at her shocked, unable to form a single sentence “You are with child?” Y/n nodded smiling happily
Anthony turned around, and covered his face. Y/n stared at him confused until she heard a sniffle coming from him, she grinned teasingly “Are you crying?”
He turned around fast “What? who is crying? It is certainly not me” he scoffed trying to play it off
“You are with child, our child. Y/n, we are going to be parents, to our very own little Bridgerton, oh my God”
“You are with child” He laughed happily and hugged her tightly, before he spun her around making her laugh. “ I love you, I love you, I love you, God I love you”
He stopped spinning her and pulled her into a kiss “ Thank you, thank you for making me the happiest man alive, I love you” He laid his forehead on top of hers, caressing her cheeks lovingly “ We are going to be parents!”
Month 2:
“Anthony, will you stop it!” Y/n exclaimed as she walked down the stairs “ Nothing is going to happen to me, your family is going to be there”
“I still think it is not safe, everyone is going to be in the park, someone could bump into you and make you fall” Anthony argued with his wife “No, I do not think you should go”
“Your family will be there, you will be there” Y/n said “ Besides, everyone knows we are expecting thanks to Lady Whistledown, the ton will be careful not to bump into me”
“The ton could not care less, maybe we should stay home, I mean, we could spend the day in bed, I could bring you your favorite fruits and maybe a book, or we could spend our time doing something more fun” Anthony suggested
“No, we are going to spend the day with your family as we planned, and that is final, now let us go, we should not let them wait for long in the park” Y/n walked out towards the carriage
“But, love-“
“It is final, Anthony, now get inside”
“Alright” Anthony grumbled as he stepped into the carriage
Month 4: ( a few minutes after the epilogue)
“Perhaps you should not play Pall Mall”
“No, listen to me, you can get tired very easily while hitting the ball, it is not good for the baby” Anthony tried to defend himself, Y/n looked at him unamused
“But it is fine to do other strenuous activities?” Y/n huffed, the rest of the siblings watched amused at the argument that was sure to start
“Give her a break, brother, she does not need you breathing down her neck with every little thing she does” Benedict said
“You shut up, when you get married and your wife is with child, we will talk” Anthony grumbled
“But, love it is not-“
“We should instead-“
“Anthony” Y/n groaned “Let me play peacefully, I implore you”
Anthony stayed quiet, watching unamused while Y/n hit the ball on her turn. They cheered when the ball went perfect between the wicket and walked backwards to the ball of the next person’s turn.
Y/n was walking next to Anthony, he held her hand as they walked. Y/n tripped on a hole, Anthony quickly caught her.
“See, it is not safe, what would have happened if you had fallen?” he scolded her
“But I did not fall”
“But you could have”
“But I did not”
“But you could have”
“Stop being so overprotective all the damn time, Anthony, I am fine, I did not fall”
“But what if-“
Y/n scoffed “ You know what, I am going to sit down, I am tired of hearing Anthony whining and complaining about everything” She then walked to where Lady Bridgerton was seated at “And Anthony, you are sleeping alone tonight”
“What? No, wait- Love, do not be like that, love-“ Anthony walked behind her, trying to change her mind “ Alright, you can play and I will shut up now” Y/n smiled smugly and turned back around, grabbing her mallet once again
Anthony sighed while the rest of the siblings chuckled behind them. Yeah, whatever Y/n wants, she gets and Anthony can never say no, he truly was whipped.
Month 7:
It was 3 in the morning.
Y/n was in the nursery room they had prepared for their baby. She stood looking out the window, caressing her bump while she was deep in her thoughts. Anthony was still fast asleep in their bedchambers, without a single clue that his wife was not in the bed.
“Dear? What are you doing here?”
Or at least that is what she thought.
“Hey” Y/n smiled at him slightly
“What is wrong?” He approached her, hugging her from behind, his hands coming to rest on top of hers
Y/n sighed “I realized that with how busy we have been with preparing for our child, and the celebrating. I have not truly stopped and think about it all” She turned around to look after him, her bump making space between them “I am happy, truly, But I cannot help but be scared too”
“Women have died during childbirth, what if I- what if I am one of them” Y/n looked at him sadly while he stayed quiet “ What if I do not make it. my child, our child, will grow without his or her mother, I will not get to see our baby grow, nor give them my love. Anthony, I am very afraid that it will happen” Y/n started crying, Anthony pulled her into his arms, as best as he could.
“I am also very scared” Anthony admits “What will become of me if I loose you? You are the air that I breath, I cannot possibly function without you. And I cannot bare the thought of the pain you will be in when the time comes.” Y/n sniffled
“I saw what my mother went through when she was giving birth to Hyacinth, it was horrible, her screams of pain, i-“ he stopped himself “ We will just pray that everything will turn out alright”
“That is all we can do for now, pray”
Month 8:
A glass shattering breaks Anthony out of his work. He stands up rapidly and walks out of his study.
“Love?” He calls out in the halfway
Anthony breaks out into a run as soon as his wife yelled for him. He runs down the staircase, horrified on what could have happened to her terrorizing his whole body. He enters the drawing room, instantly finding his wife hunched over in pain, he rushes to her instantly.
“Call for the doctor, it is time” Y/n breathes out, pain evident on her face
“Help! Somebody come urgently!” Anthony yells out to the maids or the footmen, anyone.
The rest of the Bridgerton family had gone out to the park for a family day, Anthony and Y/n decides to stay in as she was due any day now, and they did not want to risk anything happening while in the park. Several maids and the butler came rushing into the room, taking in the scene that was their Viscountess, about to give birth to the future Viscount.
“Call the surgeon, immediately”
He carried her upstairs into the bedchambers, laying her on their bed, removing her hair that had fallen on her face while she groaned out in pain. The surgeon entered the room, followed by several maids carrying plenty of blankets and bowls with warm water.
“My lord, If you may please exit the room, you cannot be here while she gives birth” the surgeon said
Anthony stood up angry “You do not expect me to leave my wife while she is in pain” He looked at her agitated when she cried out in pain once again
“Please understand, my lord, It is not costumed for the husband to be with the wife when she has the baby. “
“Anthony, what is happening?” Violet Bridgerton appeared in the doorway, the rest of the family following behind her. Soon followed by Y/n’s own family, except Kate, she was still in India.
The Viscount stepped out to inform them of what was happening. The maids taking advantage of the fact that he had left, closed the door. He turned back to enter once more when he saw that they had closed the door, he went to open it when his mother spoke up.
“Anthony, you cannot be inside” Violet shook her head
“Mother-“ He was cut off by Y/n screams, “ I cannot stay outside while she-“ he huffed out, too worried to form a full sentence
“I know, but you should let the surgeon do what he does best and give him his space” Anthony nodded giving in and started to pace outside the corridor
Inside the room, Y/n was breathing in and out, guided by the maids as the surgeon tried to prepare her as best as he could.
“Breath in, my lady, you are doing wonderfully just breathe in” a maid urged her
Y/n shook her head “ I cannot, It hurts, I just-“ She screamed out as another painful contraction hit her, gritting her teeth tightly.
“My lady, you have to start pushing” the surgeon advices her “ Push”
Y/n breathed out harshly, pain racking in all of her body, she grabbed the bed sheets tightly, and pushed out, screaming out, her back lifted off the bed before she fell back down sobbing.
“I cannot do it, I need, I need Anthony” She sobbed shaking her head, sweat falling off her forehead
“My lady, the Viscount cannot be in here, you have to push, it will all be over when you do” Y/n shook her head
“I need him, I need my husband, get him i-“ She sobbed out when another painful contraction hit her.
Her screams of pain were heard outside. Anthony sat down on the floor, burying his head into his hands to hide his tears while he listened to his wife’s cries of pain. Scared out of his mind that something wrong could happen to her and he would not be there by her side.
“She will be fine ” His mother said soothingly, sitting down beside him “ She is a fighter”
Anthony’s shoulders shook with silent cries “ I cannot loose her, mother”
“And you will not” Violet said “Have faith”
“One last push, my lady, I can see the head, just one more push” the surgeon said
“I cannot.” She sobbed “ I feel like I am going to die”
“No you will not, my lady, just push” a maid reassured her
Y/n grabbed onto the nearest maid for support, she yelled out, putting all her strength into the push.
“Yes, that is it! Push harder ” the surgeon, Y/n gritted her teeth and pushed again one last time, her body lifting from the pain before she fell back down, tired “It is out! The baby is here”
Y/n closed her eyes, her chest heaving up and down harshly, she covered her face in relief, crying into her hands before she uncovered her face, looking at the maid who was holding the baby out to her.
“Congratulations, Viscountess Bridgerton, you have a healthy baby boy”
Y/n smiled, caressing the baby’s cheeks, her eyes observing the baby’s face lovingly.
Outside, Anthony lifted his head from his lap once he heard the yells cease, he stood up, wiping his face and walked towards the door, it opened before he could get close. The surgeon appearing in front of him.
“ It is done, Viscount Bridgerton, they are both safe” the surgeon smiled and let him pass
Anthony entered the room, both of their families following behind him. He sets his eyes on Y/n holding their new baby, he approached her, his eyes on the baby while new tears filled his eyes, Y/n smiled up at him. He sat now next to her and Y/n handed him their baby. Anthony held him carefully although he was scared that maybe he could fall from his arms.
“It is a boy” Y/n’s hoarse voice informed him “Our little Edmund” Y/n looked up at at her mother in law who smiled at them once she heard the name
“You are alright?” Anthony questioned
“I am alright” Y/n assured him, laying her head on his shoulder, looking down at little Edmund, or Eddie for short.
“You look beautiful”
“I am sweaty” Y/n chuckled
“Still beautiful” Anthony looked around the room at their family, happiness radiating on their faces, before he looked back down at Eddie “Our little Edmund”
Been stalking you today for pt.2 lmao
Hey!!, I am uploading it in a few minutes. I have spent the whole day writing it, I had to delete some parts i thought did not go well and then writing it again and again and I just finished. But you do not have to wait any longer!!
Happy Marriage part 2
Summary: a new start
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Word count: 4k (longest one yet!)
Warnings: unedited, a little bit of angst, Anthony coming to his senses, Y/n falling Ill,

Their marriage was unrepairable.
Everyone from both families knew it. There was nothing they could do anymore. Anthony hated Y/n, and Y/n was not willing to try anymore.
She finally realized that it was doomed from the start. Anthony was always, and will probably always be, in love with Sienna, and nothing could change that, unless he himself tried to forget her. Which is doubtful considering he keeps on seeing her, each and every night.
So Y/n, came up with another solution. Not to try anymore, Anthony was not worth the pain. They could still stay married, after all divorce was not normal, but she would leave him alone, let him be in peace with Sienna as much as he pleases, and Y/n would just live her life happily as if she was single.
She does not need a man, she had her family and the Bridgertons, both families who loved her wholeheartedly, what else could she ask for?
She would spend the mornings and evenings at her parents house. She would be with her mama in the drawing room reading a book, and playing with her nieces whenever her brother came to visit, anything to distract herself.
Although everyone could tell she was not the same happy y/n from before, and no one blamed her, they were just happy she did not shut them out, at least not completely, and they hoped she would go back to how she was before she gave up.
Whenever she was not doing something, you would find her in her bedchambers, staring out the window thoughtfully, or laying on her bed looking up at the ceiling. She would barely talk when she was spoken to, or eat. She became a shell of herself, seems like Anthony did after break her.
Anthony, on the other hand, was delighted. He would come home and there was no one there to start arguments with him about where he always was. He could go be with Sienna whenever he wants. Y/n would not even bother him in those rare moments he was home, nor urge him to do something with her.
In short words, he was finally happy.
That is not to say everything was going great in the Bridgerton household, oh no, not at all. They would give him the cold shoulder, even Hyacinth and Gregory, who do not really know the full details of what happened, they just know that he hurt Y/n, based on what they heard while eavesdropping on their older siblings.
How could their brother, who they thought was one of the most honest, loyal, caring people, hurt someone that much, someone who was the sweetest person ever, someone who was his wife, who he was supposed to love and care and cherish. That was certainly disheartening.
“Y/n, dear, please eat a little more” Y/n’s mother pleaded watching her daughter play with the food on her plate
“I am full already, mama” Y/n murmured taking a sip from her wine before she stood up “If I may be excused, I must get home before it gets much later, thank you for the dinner, I will see you tomorrow ”
She left without another word and stepped onto the carriage already waiting for her outside. She sighed as the carriage started its journey to the house.
When did she become this person? One who was so affected by a man that she no longer recognized herself. A man who did not even deserve the tears she cried over him. I mean, did she even know him that well after all.
Anthony, over their whole courting period, was so distant, she just never saw it, he always put her in arms length, never really told her anything about him nor made any indication that he wished to marry her.
She was so blinded by this picture perfect marriage she had in mind, she thought that he was the one that she did not see the truth so clearly in front of her.
He was handsome, came from a good family, not to mention his and her family were close friends, he seemed like a caring person and cared deeply for his family. She started to like him, and that only heightened by how he acted while courting her, he was respectful, and he seemed slightly remotely interested by what she said, or that is what she thought.
Now that she thought about it, of course he would be like that, his family was always behind them, how could Anthony act like anything else in front of them? She never thought that he would be the opposite with her behind closed doors.
She stepped out and walked up the stairs once the carriage stopped in front of the house. She closed the door quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up
“What a surprise, you finally show your face” She heard behind her
She turned around sighing “Good evening, Lord Bridgerton” She looked at Anthony who was leaning against the entrance of the drawing room “It is also a surprise that you are here, I would have thought you were out” Y/n then walked past him and up the stairs to go to her bedchambers
“That is it?” Anthony hummed “No arguments this time?”
“You are not worth me wasting my voice” She answered before she stopped and turned back around to face him “ actually, I do have something to say” Anthony raised an eyebrow intrigued
“You hate me because supposedly, I am the cause that you cannot be with Sienna freely, or that I am ‘taking the place that was meant to be hers’…” She sighed tiredly “But have you stopped to think, that maybe it was never actually possible. You are a viscount, you are in the upper class, while she is a opera singer, in the bottom, Sienna is considered a scandalous woman of ill repute based on her profession. She would have never been accepted as your wife” the Viscount stayed silent
“If you married her, your family would have been exiled from society, you would have ruined their reputations. Would you have done that to them? To your sisters? They would not be able to marry because of you. Would you still have married Sienna?” She questioned “And even if you had not married me, you would still have had to marry a noble lady at some point, you are a viscount after all, would you have treated your wife the same as you do to me? Loathed her as you do to me? Well, that is exactly what happened with us, just way earlier than what you would have liked”
“I think you have hated the wrong person the whole time. If you want to hate something, hate society and their rules” Y/n walked up the rest of the stairs, leaving him alone with his thoughts
Anthony stared after her, before he went to his study. He sat down on his chair, resting his chin on his palm as he stared at the fireplace in thought. He shook his head and started looking through his papers.

“Y/n, dear, do you want to join us?” Lady Bridgerton offered as she saw Y/n walk down the stairs
“Uh, I am actually headed to meet my mother” Y/n replied as she looked around the drawing room at everyone, her eyes caught Anthony’s figure seated on a chair, looking at her “ She is waiting for me so I must go, maybe next time, yes?” She left quickly
Violet sighed grabbing a newspaper and heading towards her eldest son, hitting him with it harshly.
“Hey!” Anthony complained looking at his mother in disbelief
“It is all your fault, I thought your father and I raised you better than how you have been acting, but now I am doubting myself” Violet pursed her lips
“Not a single word, you know I am right. You should be lucky you found someone as wonderful as Y/n, she is everything a perfect viscountess should be and you do not even appreciate it” Anthony sighed, shaking his head, looking up at the door where Y/n exited from

That was only the start of it all.
Anthony really considered what Y/n said to him. Maybe she was right after all, it was not her fault he could not be with Sienna. Sienna and him unfortunately were born into two different social classes.
Society was the one preventing them from being together, not Y/n, but society. He was hating the wrong person all this time, someone who did not even deserve all his harsh words, she was after all only trying to fulfill her role as his wife.
He did not want to tarnish his family’s reputation. He has been trying to maintain their family’s respectable reputation ever since he became viscount. Was Sienna really worth letting down his family? The family he loves and would do anything for? No, she was not.
So he canceled their plans that day, and the day after, and the day after, and slowly, Anthony stopped seeing Sienna. He was finally letting her go.
And now, Y/n, he started to see her in a new light, although do not misunderstand , he still did not like her, far from it, but maybe, just maybe, he did not hate her and was willing to at least get to know her better.
But he knew it was going to be difficult, he did say harsh words and did horrible things, like cheat on her, he completely disregarded what he promised at the altar. He knew he messed up, and possibly shut out the one person he could have grown, to care for, and who may have cared for him.
And it certainly will be very difficult, not only because of that, but because Y/n does not want anything to do with him. She does not want to know about him, how he is, where he is, etc. Nothing.
And again, nobody blames her. Y/n’s family is the same. They could not believe the little boy they’ve known of since he was born, the respectable man they got to know when the Y/l/n family returned from France 2 years ago, was not what they thought. They still spoke to him, that is not to say they were not hostile, and the Bridgertons would only watch. They were sad, of course, they still loved Anthony, but they knew that is the consequences of his actions.
He would pace around his study , thinking of how to approach his wife. Which let me just say was hard as Y/n would always go the other way whenever she got back from her parents house, or in the mornings, she would make sure he was busy in his study before she left. She was never there when he searched for her.
It seems like she does not even live there.

“Y/n, are you sure you are fine” Her mother asks as Y/n coughs “You look very unwell” she looked at her daughter worriedly
“Mama, I am just feeling a little under the weather, I will be fine with just a little rest” Y/n sighed before coughing
“I think it is because you have not eaten well, or slept in so long” Her mother advised “See, I told you to eat and sleep more, and you did not listen to me and now you are ill”
“It is not that mama, I will be fine” Y/n murmured and coughed again before sniffling “ Just a little cold” Lady Y/l/n hummed before laying her hand on Y/n’s forehead
“Dear, you have a fever” Her mother frowned “We should call a doctor”
Y/n shook her head, before she started coughing severely, she covered her mouth with her hand, as her mother rubbed her back soothingly. Y/n uncovered her mouth as the coughing ceased, she paled once she saw blood on her palm.
“This is not normal, we are sending for the doctor” Her mama said pointedly
Her mother sent a maid for the doctor as she escorted Y/n to her bedchambers. She looked at her daughter worriedly as Y/n started coughing up more and more blood each time.
She feared for what is happening to her daughter. She rarely gets sick, even as a child, she never got sick, and when she did, it was something serious, like the scarlet fever when she was young.
She felt relieved when the doctor appeared in the room, she stood up, allowing him to check on Y/n, informing him of what she saw previously.
“Hmm, I see” the doctor said “I am afraid she has the whopping cough”
“The whooping cough?”
“Yes, it is a contagious disease that paralyzes parts of the respiratory cells, leading to inflammation in the respiratory tract, fortunately it is still in the early stages and it helps that she is an adult as her immune system is more developed” He informed “Unfortunately, there is still no known cure, so I am afraid there is no more I can do, although we have been told domestic remedies help. All we can do is pray that it will go away with time. She needs to rest, that is all she can do” The doctor left after packing up all his things.
“I will be fine mama, I just need to rest” Y/n’s hoarse voice muttered, she coughed again and covered her body with the blankets “ I am just going to sleep, I am tired.”

“My lady,” a maid came rushing into the drawing room, where all the Bridgertons were “Lady Y/l/n sent word” they all looked up at the maid intrigued
“Said something happened to Lady Bridgerton ” Anthony looked up from his newspaper as he heard the words coming out of the maid’s mouth
“What happened to her?” Violet Bridgerton questioned
“It seems Lady Bridgerton has the whooping cough and is severely ill”
“Alright, send word back, tell them we will be there in a few” Violet ordered, the maid nodded rushing back out, “Anthony, we will be back soo-“ She turned to her son
“I am coming” Anthony said
“Anthony, I am not sure they-“
“I am coming with” He cut her off
“Anthony” Violet sighed
“Mother, she is my wife” Anthony raised an eyebrow
“Yes, well, you have not really shown that, have you?” Anthony stayed silent “Alright, let us go now”
It has been 2 months and Y/n was still severely Ill, fortunately the coughing had lessened, she felt really weak and exhausted, she rarely slept, and always felt dehydrated. But slowly and slowly, the remedies were helping.
After the Bridgertons had been informed of Y/n’s condition, they had all come to visit her, including Anthony, although they did not stay long as she was still contagious.
They continued visiting, all except Anthony, as Y/n had expressed that she was not comfortable with his presence. Anthony respected her wishes and stopped visiting her, he did not like it but he was trying to get in her good graces , so whatever she desires.
Although that also did not stop Anthony from asking about her well being whenever his family came home from the Y/l/n Manor. The Bridgertons, also respecting Y/n’s wishes, did not tell him anything much to Anthony’s displeasure.
He would go out to the florist when he knew his family was getting ready to go out, he would return with purple hyacinths and give them to his mother to give to Y/n. Violet would reluctantly accept them, looking at her son knowingly.
Everyone could tell Anthony was trying to remedy his mistakes, although they knew he would not get anywhere, they admired the fact that he was willing to try. Maybe Anthony was not so bad after all. Maybe there was hope for him.
Y/n was still ill for one more month before she felt better, and could now walk around the house. She was in their drawing room, finishing some embroidery when Daphne, Benedict and Eloise, entered the room, already informed of her improved state.
“Hey, Y/n” Daphne greeted
Y/n turned to them and smiled “Hey, what are you doing here?”
“We heard you were better and decided to visit you” Benedict answered sitting down “How are you feeling?”
“Like you said, better, I still feel a little exhausted but nothing a little rest cannot fix” Y/n chuckled sitting next to Eloise
“We all miss you at home” Eloise said “You had been so distant before, we rarely saw you, and with your illness and it being contagious, the rare times turned into none”
“Yes, why do you not come back to the manor?” Benedict questioned
Y/n shook her head “I do not think it is such a good idea”
“Well, you cannot live here forever, the ton would soon start to question things. And we will all be there anyway, you do not have to worry about Anthony” Y/n pursed her lips “ Hyacinth and Gregory really wish to see you again” Daphne added
“Alright” You agreed “ I think I have been bothering my parents long enough” the three of them cheered, y/n shook her head in disbelief but chuckled after
And that is how Y/n returned back to the Bridgerton house.
Everyone was absolutely delighted, they missed having her around. Colin could finally have someone to tell about his travels, Benedict someone to paint who does not complain, Daphne someone who related to how she was feeling with her debut season, Eloise could tell someone about what she thought was not fair on women. All in all, they were happy.
Y/n was slowly healing by having wonderful people by her side. She never was truly alone, someone would always be by her side making her laugh, whether it was the youngest siblings or the eldest.
Oh, I forgot about Anthony. He respected her space, he would not intentionally seek her out but he certainly did not complain when he came across her.
He would sit in the drawing room when she was with one of his siblings, or his mother, and pretended to be paying attention to something else. He would watch her laugh and speak animatedly with them. He would pay attention whenever Y/n was discussing something she read or saw.
He liked how happy she got when she saw something wonderful, or the way she paid attention to Eloise when she was complaining about something. Or how she let Benedict paint her and not even move one second, not wanting him to make a mistake, or how interested she was about Colin’s travels.
Or how she helped Francesca with her pianoforte, and reassure Daphne when she was feeling nervous about the balls. How she played with Gregory, and braided Hyacinth’s hair after dinner. He was finally getting to know his wife, even if it was by watching from afar.
He would subconsciously smile when he heard Y/n laugh, or watch her figure walk further away when she left the room. He would turn back around, catching his mother’s eyes. He would furrow his eyebrows as Violet looked at him knowingly, a hint of a smile on her face.
“What?” He asked
“Maybe you do not hate her after all, do you Anthony?” Violet murmured turning back to her embroidery
“What are you talking about mother?” He huffed
“You do not fool me, Anthony, not one second” She shook her head “When she was ill, you would ask about her-“
“Is it a crime to ask about Y/n’s farewell? It is common courtesy”
“You sent her flowers”
“A nice gesture, I am pretty sure more people sent her flowers”
“Anthony” Violet huffed “You always walk into a room where you know she is in, you smile when she laughs, and your eyes follow her when she leaves, you stare at her with those eyes-”
“What eyes, mother? My eyes, well with who else’s eyes would I look?” Anthony answered sarcastically
“Do not try to be funny. I am speaking about the kind of eyes a man looks at a woman he is falling in love with” Violet said making him scoff
“Do not be ridiculous, I am not falling in love, least of all with her” Anthony grumbled and stood up to leave
“Say what you want Anthony, but you and I know the truth, I will just say that you will have to try hard if you want her to forgive you, and even harder if you want her to start to love you again ” Anthony ignored her and walked away
He almost entered his study when he stopped at the door, he huffed and turned around, climbing up the stairs. He stopped in front of her door doubtful before he sighed and knocked.
“Come in” he heard from inside
He entered the room, setting his eyes on Y/n seated at her bed. Y/n looked up before sighing
“I do not want to see you” She hummed
“Yes, yes, I know I am the last person you want to see, but I wanted to speak to you” Anthony said standing still on the entrance. He looked at Y/n who stayed quiet, looking at the opposite side of him
“I am sorry” Anthony murmured “You were right and I am so sorry” Y/n looked at him emotionlessly, Anthony sighed and went to sit down on a chair in front of her
“I cannot defend my actions, I was absolutely horrible to you and you did not deserve any of it and I am sincerely sorry. What you said did make me think everything over. Truth is, I always knew I could never marry Sienna, I just did not want to accept it.” He admitted “ I met her shortly after my father died, she , I guess you can say, comforted me, and I fell in love with her and thought I owed her something after she was there for me all those years, and that something could have been making her my viscountess ”
“And then you appeared, and you were the perfect viscountess, and everyone loved you, and then we married and I started ‘hating’ you because you were taking away the only thing I could have offered her. Which was never going to happen but I thought it could.” He looked down at his hands “I needed a wake up call, I was so blinded by my love for her that I did not really think things through. It was really a matter of time before things between Sienna and I ended, and it just happened earlier than I thought. Things were easy with her, she was someone that I was already used to, she was familiar. And you just appeared suddenly in my life, I was not prepared for it, you were someone new and i did not know what would come next, my perfectly organized life was not so organized. So I hated you instead.”
“Was?” Y/n spoke up, he looked at her confused “You said was, not is” she clarified
“I stopped seeing her months ago” Y/n hummed at his response
“I cannot just forgive you, Anthony, not even after what you just said” Y/n huffed “What you said those months ago, really hurt me. I never asked you to marry me, and neither did Violet or my mama, force you to do it. You asked on your own accord”
“I know, I am truly sorry Y/n, you do not know how truly sorry I am, I know simple words will not make you forgive me but I am willing to prove I am worth your forgiveness. We will after all, be spending the rest of our life’s together, I will spend it all making it up to you, so we can at least be friends, if you let me” He looked up at her hopefully
Anthony nodded, a small smile coming onto his face “However long it takes”
Y/n pursed her lips in thought “It will take a lot of time, I will not just forgive you in a fortnight”
Okay so, I have zero ideas on what to write next, that other people have not written before, and I'm really bored so I want to do something.
So if anyone has any requests on any of the Bridgerton men, I would gladly write them.
Hi! I saw you were looking for requests!
Maybe an Anthony bridgerton x fem!reader, angst to fluff (maybe smut). Where they're married (convenience, but they don't hate eachother) and the reader is very affectionate. But Anthony starts feeling annoyed and/or embarrassed about her affection, so he tells her to stop it. Reader does as he asks, but is saddened by it. After a few days, maybe even longer, Anthony realises he misses her affection.
Thank you for considering it!
Xo 🌸
Ohhh!! I love this idea!! I'll write it and upload it soon, thank you for your request!!♡♡
dear anon who requested this,
i am asking permission to request this as a non-smut fic. i really REALLY love your request and i think it would be so much better with less sexual tension and more emotional tension 😆
😁😁 yes, I was actually going to write it without smut, I thought it did not go that well with the request, thank you for your request!!♡♡
Summary: apparently Anthony doesn't like affection that much, or maybe he actually does
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: unedited, a little angst to fluff, (for some reasong I couldn't think of anything else to make it more angsty) Anthony being a little asshole for a minute, marriage of convenience, I think that is all
Requested: yes
Here it is, I'm very sorry for the delay but there was a few things I needed to do first and I couldn't write it yet.

At the start of the season of 1812, it was known that the Viscount Bridgerton was looking for a wife, thanks to his mother who not so subtly announced it at Lady Danbury’s soiree.
Plenty of debutantes and their mothers, ambushed him, in hopes of their daughters capturing the viscount's attention.
Unfortunately for them, Anthony Bridgerton had a list of requirements he looked for in a wife, most of which none of them fit, so, goodbye to their dreams of their daughter becoming a viscountess. One by one, the viscount discarded them until there was none left. That is until the queen named her diamond,
Y/n Y/l/n.
She caught his eye. Y/n came from a good family, her father was a marques, she was sweet, kind, intelligent. She had a good sense of humor, played several instruments, spoke a few modern languages, and was not afraid to speak her mind, she desired a big family and absolutely loved kids. And it certainly helped that she was beautiful, too. She was perfect. The perfect viscountess in his eyes.
Anthony did not waste time and pursued her after he got to know her. Although Y/n was not stupid, she demanded to know his true intentions and only then would she maybe accept being courted by him.
Anthony was honest, surprisingly, he told her of how he did not plan to marry for love and just wanted a wife that fit perfectly into what a viscountess should be, a partner/ friend. Y/n admired his honesty and agreed.
Her family was, after all, urging her to pick a suitor, wanting her to get married as soon as possible. Why? A good question since they do not need her to get married considering they already have more than enough money. But she was the diamond of the season, it is expected for her to marry that same season.
Y/n frustrated with their demands, decided to give them what they want. The viscount was a suitable gentleman, came from a good family, he was handsome, and from what she has seen, he was a good person.
She knew not anyone was lucky enough to have a love match, so if she could not have a marriage based on love, what would be better than to have one based on friendship. Certainly better than the ones the ton has made without love nor friendship.
Soon enough, their courtship began, both families were delighted, the Bridgertons thought Y/n was a lovely girl, absolutely adored her, and the Y/l/ns liked and admired Anthony for how dedicated he was to his family, among other things.
The courtship then turned into an engagement and soon they were already married by the end of the season. They spent their wedding night in Anthony’s private lodgings, and the day after they decided to skip the honeymoon.
Y/n wanted to stay back in London since her brother’s wife was soon to give birth, and she wanted to be there when the baby was born, Anthony agreed as he had to get everything ready for Daphne’s debut next season, which was slowly coming closer.
Their marriage was great, they gave the other their own space but still saw each other quite often considering they slept in the same bed, had breakfast and dinner with the whole family and would join them when they were out in the gardens.
Anthony thought he made the best decision choosing Y/n as his wife. His family loved her, especially Hyacinth and his mother. Y/n was very caring, she would help everyone in anything they asked, spend time with Violet when all of her kids were busy, and even worry about the servants when they were sick.
She would sometimes spend time with him in his study, sat on a chair nearby reading, or watching him work, trying to see if maybe she can learn how to do it too. Although she also knew when to leave him alone, and he respected that.
But as they say, there is always a thin lone between love and hate, or in this case, love and friendship.
She did not know how it happened, but as she got to know him, how he cared deeply for his family, how he always spent at least 10 minutes with her everyday so she is not bored when everyone is out, his good sense of humor.
That little line blurred and Y/n started to feel more than friendship for him. Which obviously sucked since Anthony made it clear since day one, he did not see love in their marriage.
For the moment, she decided to keep it to herself, although she did start to act a little more obvious and affectionate. Whether it was by bringing him breakfast or dinner when he had too much work and did not want to leave his study, or helping him with work when she got the hang of it, without him asking, or helping him with his clothes when he had some difficulty with his collar or shirt. Or being there for him and listening to his problems when he was stressed.
It goes without saying that Anthony was confused, and I mean a lot, but he appreciated it nonetheless, it felt nice to be taken care of, even if he will not admit it to anyone else.
He was always the one taking care of everyone else, making sure that they did not need something or that something bad happened to them. Fixing their problems when they needed him to. Anything that meant he was needed to do something for them basically.
So when the roles changed, and letting his family tell him their worries changed to him now burdening someone else with his problems, even if it was his wife, he definitely welcomed it with open arms. The perfect person to let his frustrations out.
Now, he enjoyed it ,yes, behind closed doors, but Y/n showing her affection in public, those were the times when he did not.
Anthony has never been someone who shows affection in public, rarely even does so behind closed door, so he did not like it when Y/n did and everyone from the ton was around.
The first time Y/n showed affection in public. They were at the gardens having a picnic with the whole family, sat on top of a blanket on the grass while the rest of his family played with a new game they bought. Anthony decided to stay back as he had work to do still and Y/n, well she did not want to leave him alone.
“Anthony, you should eat something, it will do you no good to go on without eating” She looked at him seriously
“I’ll be fine” He hummed “ I need to finish this before the day is over”
Y/n huffed, looking around before snatching the papers out of his hands “Hey!” Anthony exclaimed
“You will not get these back until you eat” She said stubbornly
“Give them back” He tried to grab the papers from her but she stood up
“No, eat first then work” She pointed down at the food “ and I will personally help you finish your work before the day is over”
“Y/n” he groaned
“Anthony” Y/n pursed her lips “If you fall faint or something for not eating, your mama will blame me for not taking care of you properly, and will smother you all day long, every second, you do not want that, do you?”
“Yes, brother” Colin appeared beside them suddenly, startling them “ Listen to your wife, she always knows best” Colin gave Y/n a wink
“Fine” Anthony agreed and picked up a plate
“Good, now, you finish the food and I am going to go talk to your mother” Y/n says, giving him a kiss on the cheek before standing up and leaving, Anthony stared after her confused.
He then looked up at his brother who gave him a teasing look, Anthony’s cheeks became red as he blushed in embarrassment. He shook his head and began eating.
“Are you sure it is not a love match, brother? She certainly does look after you as if she was in love” Colin teased
“Shut up, stop talking nonsense” Anthony grumbled without looking up at him “ I am sure she did not mean to do it, maybe it was just a custom as she does it a lot with her family”
Although that was not the only time it happened since then. That was only the start.
Y/n continued to do it in public whether it was holding his hand, that was not as surprising considering they did have to act as if they were in love in public but she did it on her own accord, that was surprising. Or randomly kissing him on the cheek when you were leaving, or hugging him spontaneously.
The ton did not care that much, they thought it was beautiful, two people in love showing their affections in public.
Anthony on the other hand, was embarrassed, the gentlemen he used to talk with would make fun of him. Nothing too grand but joke around that ‘where has the man that supposedly would never marry for love go’ among other teasing comments.
That was when Anthony grew annoyed at Y/n’s displays of affection. He kept quiet, not wanting to hurt her feelings knowing she did not mean anything ill, but that does not mean there was not a time where he did not snap.
Oh and did he snap.
It was 1813, Daphne’s first debutante ball.
Half of the Bridgertons were there, those being Lady Violet Bridgerton, Daphne, Colin, Benedict, Anthony and Y/n. The others were back home.
Anthony was a little annoyed, he had a dispute with Daphne a few moments prior. He wanted to marry her off to Lord Berbrooke and when Daphne found out, she was angry.
Understandable because who wants to marry him?.
Anyway, the fought, Daphne marched away and Anthony was left where he was standing angry. Y/n, oh sweet Y/n, did not know of what had transpired and approached Anthony.
“Hey, I was looking for you” Y/n smiled at him, Anthony hummed in acknowledgement, looking all over the room for Daphne “Have you seen Colin? He seems quite taken with Miss Marina Thompson, just look at him” She pointed out to the floor where several couples were dancing, Colin and Marina being one of them.
“She is quite pretty and she seems like a nice girl. They make a good couple, do they not? Maybe we could be friends, we are not that apart in age after all. Daphne, Miss Marina and I could… ” Y/n said, Anthony tuned her out as she continued to ramble on. “ Hey, are you okay?” She asked once she saw Anthony was not paying attention, holding onto his arm
He nodded, looking around the room once again “ Oh, your collar is a bit undone, let me fix that for you” Y/n said as she started to fix it. Anthony caught a few gentleman watching them a few feet away, he clenched his jaw once he saw their teasing smiles and suggestive looks, remembering their comments from before, he started to get annoyed, that annoyance grew even more when Y/n leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“Can you not!” He snapped, she looked at him shocked
“What?” She questioned confused, Anthony huffed before he grabbed her hand and tugged her to a more secluded space, away from prying eyes and ears of the ton.
“Stop with the affection!” He said “ It is embarrassing even more so when you do it in front of everyone.”
“But I just-“
“We are not in love! Stop acting like we are, I told you from the start it was only a marriage of convenience, so if you are starting to have some feelings, I suggest you get rid of them because there will never be love between us” Y/n looked at him hurt as he spoke “ I will never love you!” Anthony huffed disgusted
She swallowed down the hurt before saying “I was just keeping up with appearances”
“Oh really?!” Anthony hummed “ because as I see it, there was no need for it. The only thing you were accomplishing was making me embarrassed and annoyed”
“Yes, really” You huffed angrily “Why would you ever think I am starting to have feelings for you?”
He chuckled humorously “I do not know, maybe it is because you have been acting like it for more than one week, always holding my hand, or kissing my cheek, or hugging me, helping me with my work or my clothes, why would that be?”
“Maybe I was just trying to be nice, not everyone hides their emotions and affection inside, I was just trying to be a good friend but if it bothers you so much I will stop” Y/n then turned around to walk away “ There was no need to be a jerk about it” she walks off.
Anthony groaned, okay maybe he was being a little conceited, maybe Y/n was just being nice after all, that was her personality and he took it the wrong way. Anthony sighed before walking back to the ball.
Let us just hope he did not mess things up much and everything will go back to how it was.
“Marital problems?” a gentleman spoke once he saw Anthony “ I saw your wife storming off, seems like you will not be getting any tonight, will you Bridgerton?” Anthony only glared at him, clenching his jaw and marching away from the gentleman.
Y/n was hurt, very hurt.
She knew she was being a little more affectionate than she should have to, but there was no need for Anthony to be rude about it. But she will respect his wishes, from now on, she will not ‘embarrass him’ in front of the ton with her affection, in fact, she will not even do anything to help him if it shows that she is ‘in love’ with him because she does not.
Love and like are two very different things.
Did she thought that maybe with how she was being, Anthony would come to like her just as she does him? Yes. But will she try to get him to love her now? Definitely not.
“I will never love you” Y/n murmured under her breath mocking Anthony’s words before scoffing “You know what, Viscount Bridgerton, I do not need your love, who would want for you to be in love with her? Certainly not me, at least not anymore”
“Are you alright, dear?” Y/n looked behind her, startled “ Oh no need to be startled, it is just me” Violet said
“ Sorry, you scared me” Y/n chuckled “ Yes, I am fine, thank you for your concern”
“Well come on, lunch is ready, we are just waiting for you” Violet pointed to the direction of the dining room. You nodded before walking along with her, making small talk along the way.
She smiled at the Bridgerton siblings before sitting down and starting to eat a long with the others.
“Are you not going to bring Anthony lunch to his study today?” Violet questioned after a few minutes when she saw Y/n was not getting up
“Um,” Y/n sighed “He said he will be very busy, I think i should not disturb him, he will come if he is hungry” Violet furrowed her eyebrows before nodding
Soon after they all finished eating and went their separate ways. Y/n was passing the study to go out to the gardens when she was called.
“Hey, is lunch ready yet?” Anthony asked as he approached the doorway
“It is over, we already ate” Y/n answered
He furrowed his eyebrows “You did not bring me any or come to tell me today”
“Yes well, I am not your maid, am I Anthony? Although I am sure if you are hungry, the cooks can prepare you something. Now if that is all, I must go, I have much other important things to do than speak to you” She walked away, not giving him any chance to speak
Anthony frowned at her retreating back, sighing and going back to his work. Seems like he did mess up a lot.
And that was not the only time she did something like that. She continued being cold to him for another few weeks.
Anthony was kind of ashamed to admit he did miss her affection. He went from getting a lot to none. Now he was eagerly seeking her out, I mean, desperate much, he missed her, a lot, even if they did live in the same house.
They were getting ready for another ball and Anthony was having some difficulty with the top of his shirt. Luckily for him, Y/n was on the other side, looking herself in the mirror as she finished putting on some earrings.
“Y/n, do you think you could help me, I cannot seem to fix this” He decided to ask, he cannot loose anything with asking, can he?
“I cannot, I have to go see if your mother needs help, or your sister. But I will tell the maid to come to help you” She says before leaving without even looking at him
He swallows down a lump in his throat, a little hurt at her coldness. He huffed out looking down.
“Do you need any help, my lord?” He looked up at the maid before nodding
“Uh yes, I cannot seem to put this right”
They arrived at the ball, Daphne and Y/n immediately separated from the rest of them. Anthony watched them walk away before looking away when he felt his mother hold on to his arm.
“You have got to apologize” Violet tells him “ For whatever you did. Do not think I have not noticed how distant she has been towards you, and you looking like a lost puppy who has lost his owner when she does not pay you any attention”
“Mother-“ Violet tutted cutting him off
“I know what I am saying, now apologize” She then grabbed onto Benedict who groaned, tugging him along to a young debutante a few steps away
Anthony looked around the room before finally setting his eyes on his wife, who was, fortunately for him, alone, his sister nowhere to be seen and he walked towards her.
Once he approached her, he wrapped an arm around her, holding her closer to him giving her a kiss on her head.
“Can you not? It is embarrassing” Y/n huffed slowly trying to get out of his hold to not make a scene in front of everyone.
Anthony stared at her thoughtfully, then grabbed her hand and brought her to a more secluded space.
It would be a lie to say they did not feel any déjà vu.
“I am sorry, okay” Anthony apologized, Y/n raised an eyebrow
“I should not have been as rude as I was, and if I did not like how much affection you were showing, I should just have told you to tone it down without making a big deal out of it” He sighed “ I am really sorry. I just- well- I am not an affectionate person and it was big step when you were affectionate, especially in public I – the other gentleman were making fun of us and I got embarrassed and let it get into my head and said those rude things – and the truth is I am missing your affection, it was honestly nice”
Y/n stayed silent for a few moments “ What do you want me to say? Because you were a jerk” She spoke up
“I know”
“A real asshole”
“I mean, when did I even say or give you the impressions that I was in love with you? Okay ,maybe nobody does what I was doing without any intentions, but I was honestly just trying to be nice and a good friend” he let her ramble, it was good for her to get everything she wants to say out
“Yes I get that now”
“ ‘I will never love you’ you said, why would I even want you to love me, I do not desire your love”
He gave her a look
"Why would i even fall in love with you?" He furrowed his eyebrows at her comment
“I mean, you are very arrogant, not to mention not very fun and always so serious, do you even know how to have fun? I do not think so.” He stared at her intensely, his eyes sometimes flickering down to her lips “ But I guess you are not that bad, you do care for your family a lot, and very hard working, you are very competitive at Pall Mall but it is good if you want a worthy opponent, but me love you, ha, as if-“
He kissed her to shut her up, Y/n gasped into his mouth in surprise as he pulled her closer a few more moments before pulling away.
“ I really like you, those days without being in your presence and your cold attitude towards me were devastating and made me realize how much I really do like you, and I am so grateful for everything you do without me even asking, and for your affection, I am really sorry” he admitted looking into her eyes
She stared at him before pulling him into another kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as he reciprocated the kiss, his own hands going down to her back.
“I like you too” Y/n mumbled into the kiss making him smile
“I really do”
@heyyitsreign @enjoymyloves @venomsvl @sillyfreakfanparty
Summary: Benedict’s other half
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
Word count: 691
Warnings: unedited, fluff, probably a little cringy
Requested: yes

I think I made it a little different than how it was requested and it turned out as a little blurb because I didn't know what else to put but I hope you like it anyway ♡♡♡

Y/n was a very energetic person.
That was something that Benedict had come to know since he started to court her. She was always very happy, had optimistic thoughts on even the worst incidents, and she seldom said no to try out new things, she just had a lot of energy for everything. And Benedict loved that about her.
Along with being a very energetic person, she was very loving and affectionate. She was not afraid to show how much she liked Benedict in public, always giving him hugs, even if it was not appropriate, or holding on to his hand. Just let me tell you, the ton was not a fan of it as they were not yet married but Benedict simply loved it, considering he was also a very open and playful person, not afraid to show his emotions in public, the opposite to his other brothers ,that is.
It was a bright, sunny day, when Benedict knew.
Y/n and her family were invited along with the Sharma family to the Bridgerton’s ancestral home, Aubrey Hall, a few days before the ton was to join them for Violet’s annual ball, making that be Y/n’s second time at Aubrey Hall.
She played Pall Mall with the siblings, plus the Sharma sisters. Getting really excited whenever she could hit the ball between the wickets, she would jump up and down happily, shaking Benedict’s arm furiously while he only stared at her in adoration, and giving her encouraging words when she could not.
When they finished the game, Y/n and Benedict separated from the rest to take a walk around the fields. Still in their family’s eyesight of course.
“Your home is very beautiful” Y/n remarked as she looked around “ and I know I already said it but your family is wonderful, truly.” Benedict smiled
“Yes well, we do have our moments” He chuckled
“You all are also very competitive while playing Pall Mall, I thought that at some point someone was going to get hurt considering you all tried anything to win the game” She chuckled as she thought back to the game “ But my siblings and I are the same”
“Of course you are” Benedict shook his head making Y/n stop walking and look at him seriously
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I just- you are too sweet to be competitive” He shrugged his shoulders
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows “I am not sweet all the time, i can be mean if I want to”
Benedict laughed loudly “Love, you can be anything but mean”
She huffed before hitting him on his arm and walking away from him “Y/n” he laughed again “It is a good thing” She ignored him
“Alright, okay, you can be mean if you want to” She stopped and turned to face him “ Now will you forgive me?” He questioned
She hummed thoughtfully before speaking up“ I will, if you can catch me”
She ran away quickly from him, lifting her dress so as not to step on it. Benedict laughed chasing after her, he could catch her quickly if he wanted to, he did have longer legs than her but he decided to entertain her a little and ran slower than he could.
Y/n’s laughs could be heard as she ran all over the field, she looked back, seeing Benedict get closer and closer she tried to run even faster, but she accidently let go of one side of her dress which she stepped on and tripped.
She was about to hit the floor when Benedict quickly grabbed her, turning them over so she fell on top of him instead “Alright, I forgive you” Y/n laughed looking down at him
Benedict only smiled up at her “Marry me” he said brushing a strand of her hair out of her face “I do not have a ring right now, and I need to ask your father for permission, but will you marry me?”
She grinned happily “Yes, yes I will marry you” She nodded giddily, he smiled back in return.
Benedict knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
Always and Forever
Summary: in which Anthony looses the love of his life
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: unedited, angst, mentions of miscarriages, more angst, angst, death, and just a lot of angst
So I was in the mood to cry, and I wrote this and decided to make you all cry as well

Y/n was Anthony’s love of his life.
She always has been and always will be.
They met when he was 18 after he had just graduated from Oxford. He was taking a walk around the streets of London during the social season of 1802, when a young lady stepped out of a shop he was passing by, colliding with him.
Her name was Y/n, he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had seen so far. Y/n apologized profusely, Anthony just waved her off, reassuring her that no harm had come to him.
They started talking and meeting up, they became great friends, they had lots of things in common which only strengthen their friendship. His family completely adored Y/n, as did Y/n's family feel the same with Anthony. Soon both families became close friends.
But then tragedy hit them.
Edmund Bridgerton died.
The Bridgerton family changed overnight but Y/n still stood by Anthony’s side, not letting him be alone with his grief, she was his rock through those hard times.
Anthony appreciated that. He changed, as he had to because he became the viscount at 18 years old, he had to let go of everything of the past, childishness and laughter changed to seriousness and hard work. He could not be the same careless Anthony from before, he was a viscount now and as a viscount he had to work hard to support his family.
But Y/n was the only constant thing in his life, he could never discarded her away, not after how supportive she has been, not with the feelings he had for her.
He realized he was in love with her, so when she was twenty and he one and twenty, on her debut season, and when his family was more stable, he proposed to her, Y/n was delighted and accepted and soon after, they were married.
They had a grand wedding in front of the whole ton, everyone could tell they were completely remarkably in love with each other.
Their marriage was amazing, there was not a single moment were they were not happy with each other. They spent their honeymoon at Aubrey Hall. The maids would hear laughter around the house but of course, as it was Anthony and we all know how he is, soon that laughter would turn into moans, making the maids turn red when they heard. Bit they understood, they were after all newlyweds, still in their honeymoon phase.
They would have picnics outside in the garden, enjoying a bit of sun, morning rides on their horses, spending time together in the library or in his study before retreating back to their bed chambers, or sometimes they could not even wait and just do it wherever they were.
They were happy.
Until another tragedy struck. Or the first of many more to come that is.
Y/n realized she was pregnant after they came back from their honeymoon, not a surprise really, but for her it was. Anthony and her were delighted, it was a little early, yes, but they have always wanted a family and they were going to have one with each other sooner or later, it just came earlier than expected.
They had prepared everything, made a nice little nursery room, talked about what names they would name the baby when it was born. Edmund for a boy, in honor of Anthony’s father, and Astoria for a girl, Y/n has always loved that name, and it was a bonus that it started with the letter A, they could keep up with the Bridgerton tradition. They were so excited.
It was Y/n’s 4th month when something terrible happened. She had been feeling pains in her stomach for a few days, but she only ignored it, thinking that was only some symptoms of the pregnancy.
Oh how wrong she was.
She was looking out the window when she felt the pains growing stronger, she cried out in pain, holding onto her stomach as a maid quickly entered the room, hearing her.
“My lady, is everything alright” the maid questioned
Y/n held back her tears, her face twisting in pain. She knew what was happening “I am losing my child” She said.
“I am sure that is not- my lady, you are bleeding” the maid pointed at the bottom of her dress “I will go call the surgeon immediately”
A few hours later, everyone could hear the cries all over the Bridgerton home. The cries of a mother who lost her baby.
Anthony sat on the floor outside of their bed chambers, his face buried on his knees as he listened to his wife crying inside, his own tears falling down his face.
“Anthony” His mother called out, sitting down next to him. Violet looked at him sadly, tears brimming in her eyes before she pulled him into a hug. Anthony sobbed out once he felt his mother warm embrace. “Everything will be alright”
“It is not alright, mother, we lost our child," he scoffed "my wife is in there, completely destroyed, crying her eyes out and I have no clue on what to do” Anthony sniffled
“Just be there for her, that is all you can do, offer her your support and be there to comfort her” Violet answered
Anthony lifted his head, wiping his tears while he looked up at ceiling. He stood up and turned to their closed bedchambers, he grabbed the know shakily before opening the door and entering. Tears started filling his eyes again as he saw her huddled up between the blankets.
“Love” He whispered walking closer to her. He laid down next to her and hugged her close to his body. Y/n’s cries started getting louder
“I am so sorry, Anthony” She cried out turning around to face him “ it is all my fault, I am so sorry”
He shook his head “No, no, you do not have anything to apologize for” he cut her off when he saw her open her mouth to speak “It was not your fault, okay, it just was not our time yet, it was not your fault” She continued crying
“If you really want, we will keep on trying until we get the family we desire” he offered “I love you and I will always be here for you, always and forever, love” he kissed her head and brought her once again into his chest, hugging her closer, letting her vent all her sadness, his tears falling down.
Y/n became a shell of herself the next few months, she would barely eat or sleep, she would always be inside her bedchambers, laying down on her bed , staring up at the ceiling, lost on her thoughts. And as Anthony said, he was always there for her.
He would bring her food, staying until she at least ate a bit, and at nights, he would hold her close to his chest, rubbing her back comfortingly. And slowly, Y/n felt better with each day that passed, Anthony being by her side made everything better.
The next year, Y/n was back to how she was before. She was the same cheerful, happy, loving Y/n from before. Anthony and her started trying again for a baby.
And that was when more tragedy struck.
No matter how much they tried, each time Y/n got pregnant, it only would last for 4 months or less before she miscarried. But she still held hope, that the next time will not be the same, and each and every single time, she would be disappointed when it turned out the opposite. But they still kept trying.
Y/n was in their nursery, looking out the window as she held one of the baby’s blankets, deep in thought.
“Love?” Y/n turned around to see Anthony before turning back to look out the window
“Is there something wrong with me?” She mumbled, her bottom lip trembling
“No, of course not” Anthony frowned wrapping his arms around her waist
“Then why is it, that whenever I am with child, I always lose it” She blinked back her tears “ There must be something wrong with me, that is the most logical explanation” She turned around in his arms
“There is nothing more I want, than to give you a child, Anthony” She sniffled “And it destroys me that I cannot seem to do so. I am a failure, a disappointment” She looked down
“Hey, hey, listen to me” he lifted her head towards him “ You are not a failure nor a disappointment, you are everything to me, you are the love of my life, and maybe for some reason, we are just not meant to have children and that is alright”
“I am-“
“I can see how everything is taking a toll on you” He said “We do not even have to try anymore if it is breaking you, I am more than content just by having you” he hugged her tightly
“You are all I need”
But they still kept trying for the next few years, each time a failure, until finally the year 1811, Y/n was with child once again, but this time it seemed like it was the one, she surpassed the four months and was now six months.
Although, Anthony did not know how to feel, he was happy of course, but he could not help but feel worry. The physician told them during a visit when he came to check that everything was alright with the baby, that with the amount of miscarriages she had, he could 99% guarantee that the pregnancy will be complicated, the baby could either be a stillborn, or Y/n could die considering she was already really weak from a lot of miscarriages.
“No, it will be better if you do not go on with it” Anthony said firmly
Y/n gave him a look “Anthony-“
“No, you heard the doctor, you could die from childbirth, Y/n!” He exclaimed “No, I cannot lose you”
“You are the love of my life, how on earth will I function without you if you die? I cannot, and will not allow this, you hear me” Anthony shook his head furiously
“Anthony” She caressed his face “I want to go along with it”
“What, no! You will not-“
“Anthony” Y/n huffed “ I desire nothing more than to be a mother, to give you a child”
Anthony blinked away his tears “ I cannot lose you, Y/n, it will destroy me if I lose you” his voice broke as he spoke
“And you will not” She shook her head “But I will go on with this pregnancy, I want – I desire to go on, and you will not even try to change my mind, okay?”
He looked down “Alright”
The pregnancy had gone well, they had no complications and now Y/n was about to give birth to a new Bridgerton on a cold December evening.
Maids were huddled up around her, holding blankets and bowls with warm water, the surgeon was at the end of the bed where she lay, helping her and giving her instructions.
Meanwhile, Anthony was outside, along with both families, pacing around the corridor as he heard his wife’s screams inside the room. He decided to stop pacing as he was only growing more frustrated, and stood next to his mother who grabbed his hand comfortingly.
They were stood like that for the next hour, the younger siblings had gone to Anthony’s private lodgings as they were sure the commotion would not let them sleep, Colin had gone with them, and only Violet, Anthony, Benedict, Daphne and Y/n’s family remained.
Suddenly everything went silent, after a few minutes, Anthony looked up from the floor and to the door, he walked towards the door, a bad feeling blooming in his stomach. He was almost at the door when it opened, revealing the surgeon.
“My lord, the baby has successfully been born, he is very healthy” The surgeon said before he looked at Anthony solemnly. Anthony started to breath heavier as each moment passed, his vision blurring as he already knew what he was going to announce “Sadly, your wife did not make it, she died during childbirth”
Anthony stumbled back his lips trembling, shaking his head furiously, “No, no, no, she cannot, she-“ his voice broke as he fell to the floor “No, no, y/n, no, oh my love” he started sobbing loudly
Everyone watched the scene heart broken, tears falling down their faces foo. Anthony continued crying out “Y/n, no, no, why her, god why are you so cruel”
“Anthony-“ he ignored his mother
He stood up quickly and entered the room, his eyes set on Y/n’s figure laying down, her eyes closed, and she looked peaceful. He sobbed as he sat down next to her and brought her into his lap.
“You are the love of my life, I cannot live without you, Y/n, please wake up!” He looked up at the ceiling before he screamed out in pain, holding her closer to him as he cried onto her body
“Love, come on, wake up” He cried “You cannot do this to me, Y/n, you- you- you said everything will be fine, you cannot leave me” he shook his head, laying his forehead on top of hers, caressing her face
It has been 2 years after Y/n’s death.
Anthony was a little better now, he still was not over it but he had to be strong, for little Eddie.
Although it was hard to be strong when every time he looked at Eddie, all he could see was Y/n. Edmund had his mother’s eyes, and her nose and smile, god her beautiful smile, oh how much Anthony loved her smile.
Eddie was his whole world now, and he will do anything to protect their baby boy with his whole life, to make him be the best man he can be when he grows up, just as his mother made his father the best man Anthony could be.
Anthony picked up little Eddie from his cot, he smiled warmly, looking at Eddie’s face smiling up at him, his little finger coming to rest on his face.
“dada” Eddie mumbled laying his head on Anthony’s shoulder
He stopped, his eyes resting lovingly on Y/n's face. He blinked back tears before smiling. “you will always be in my heart. Always and Forever, love”
“Well look who is awake, now come on, your nana Y/m/n has come with papa, granny Violet is already with them, they are just waiting for you, they have come with lots of sweets for you” Anthony hummed as he turned to walk out of his bedchambers, his eyes caught Y/n’s portrait near the door.
@heyyitsreign @enjoymyloves
You're absolutely perfect
Pairing: Colin Bridgerton x reader
Summary: Maybe love is not so bad
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: unedited, fluff,
Requested by @fanmak hey! Thank you so much for requesting, sorry if it was late but I had some problems as I explained here, but here it is, hopefully I did not stray too much from what you requested and I hope you like it! ♡

Colin was, or actually, used to be a hopeless romantic. He was in love with the idea of finding your one true love, your soul mate, that there was a person out there destined to be with you.
But that that all changed with Marina Thompson.
Now he does not understand why people craved love. Love hurts, destroys and illusions you. And he still thought that, especially after everything that happened with Marina Thompson.
Why would someone want that feeling?
Why was wanting to be hurt so expected?
He never understood why until he saw you again. After he really, really saw you. When he observed your eyes that shone between kindness and illusion. When he saw you smile at the chaos that was his family. When he saw the way you were with little Hyacinth and Gregory.
When your eyes met his, happiness evident in your eyes after spending time with his siblings, he understood: that he would endure everything that may happen just to be by your side.
He believed in soulmates again.

It happened on the winter of 1813, a few months after the social season.
With Daphne off in her new house, married to the Duke of Hastings, they were missing one person which the Bridgerton siblings needed to fully compete in their annual winter games. And your family being close friends with the Bridgertons, as well as you being best friends with Daphne and Eloise, even if you were older than her, they decided to invite you all for the holidays, which your family and you gladly accepted.
“Colin!” You exclaimed happily once you saw him after greeting everyone else “You’re back!” you approached him slowly as the snow sunk your feet slightly
“Y/n” Colin greeted as he stared at you surprised.
After the whole fiasco with Marina and her pregnancy, Colin decided that it would be best to take a break from society and thus, he went to do what he loves the most, traveling.
It has been a while since he saw you. Of course you saw each other after Daphne was presented in front of the queen, when you went to congratulate her when she was named the Diamond of the season. But after that you haven’t seen each other.
You were a year younger than Daphne but you still haven’t made your debut as your mother thought it best to have you fully prepare before you entered society, as you will be this coming season.
Anyway, with you still not being a debutante, you were not present in balls or other events, and with Colin enthralled by Marina, you never saw each other except for small glances when the Bridgerton family invited yours over.
That is why he was surprised when he saw you again, you looked way different than he remembered you to be, not like he really looked at you, but still. You looked more mature, more like a proper lady, more… he daresay, beautiful.
Even if it makes him sound shallow, that was what interested him at first.
“It was a shorter trip this time huh?” You mused as you brushed the snow out of your hair “Colin?” you questioned when he didn’t speak.
That snapped him out of his thoughts “Oh, yeah, I saw everything there was to see in Athens and mother asked me to come back for the holidays, I thought it was the least I could do after the scandal I brought the family last season”
You smiled reassuringly “Surely you must know it was not your fault. You did not know Marina would do something like that, you were the victim. I am positive none of your family blames you for what happened, so neither should you”
He chuckled looking down before looking down at you fondly “ Daphne and Eloise are lucky to have a friend like you” He commented
“They really are, are they not?” You smile teasingly making him laugh
“Y/n!” Eloise exclaimed “What are you even doing speaking to him, he is not important, I have something to show you” She tugs you away before you could speak.
“I love you too, sister” Colin only shakes his head at his sister as he watched her pull you away

The snow falling seized, left in its wake the ground covered, perfect for some friendly war, as the Bridgertons thought.
“Come on, Y/n!” Hyacinth urged you “Before it starts snowing again and mother changes her mind” you laughed grabbing your coat and Hyacinth’s along with some gloves with Gregory putting his own behind you both
You helped Hyacinth put her coat and gloves on before she tugged you out the door gleefully, the rest of the Bridgerton family, and yours, following you behind.
You helped Hyacinth and Gregory build a snowman while the rest of the siblings were getting everything else ready. You were tasked to build a big ball of snow while they build the other two.
You looked down at the ground, piling snow on top of each other and molding it into a ball when you felt snow hitting your face.
“Hey!” you yelped at the cold. You looked over and saw Hyacinth chuckling whole Gregory was pointing at her, you grab some snow on to your hands “Oh it is on” you chucked it at her but she quickly ducked, the snow hitting Gregory in the face instead.
Gregory turned to look at you shocked, you gave him a sheepish smile, looking at him apologetic. He bent down and also grabbed some snow, thus starting a snow ball fight.
You all laughed running all over the field, using others for cover when one of you chucked snow at the other, the other soon joining in to the fight, now some big chaos was happening.
You giggled as this time you ran behind Colin “Hi” you greeted when he turned around to look at you
“That is not very brave of you, hiding behind others” Colin teased, you laughed shrugging your shoulders
“I never said I was brave, did I?” You responded, he chuckled before he bent down, you looked at him wide eyed, gasping dramatically once you saw what he bent down for
“Wait- Colin, Do-“ He chuckled as you backed away from him, before loosing your footing and falling down to the ground, yelping.
You looked at each other before you both burst out laughing, shaking your heads. Colin stopped laughing after a while, now looking at you as you laid flat on the ground, your shoulders shaking as you kept laughing. He smiled with admiration as he kept looking at you.
You're absolutely Perfect.
Yeah, he would not mind having you in his future.

Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem! reader
Summary: Maybe all of his visits aren't exactly to see your brother
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: unedited, fluff, mentions of unrequited love (or is it) and I think that's all

“The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd – The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.”
You once read that in a book, and could not help but relate to it.
The worst feeling you could ever feel is that, the one of unrequited love. The feeling of loving somebody and knowing that somebody does not feel the same for you.
It is ridiculous, that feeling that you get when you see him, when he takes a moment out of his day to even talk to you and ask you how you have been, leaving you happy that he even talked to you when you know he only did it out of courtesy. But you still lived for those moments.
Birds chirped, the sun hitting your face and the wind breezed your skin while you read one of your favorite romance books, the pages held carefully between your fingers.
You were immersed in the pages, paying zero attention to anything but the love story in front of you.
Pride and Prejudice.
Ever since you were little, you wished to live a love story of your own. You wished for the kind of love Mr. Darcy had for Elizabeth. One where a man loved you so deeply he would do anything for you. One where you were the only woman he could ever think about. It was all you could dream of.
But that was all it was, a dream.
Men in the society were nothing like the ones you read in books. They were arrogant, selfish, pompous bastards who cared nothing but to have a beautiful lady on their arm that made them look good.
You wanted someone kind, who didn’t care whether you were beautiful or not, that loved his family fiercely and protected his loved ones with everything he has, so they would not be hurt.
Someone who was affectionate and paid attention to the things you loved. Who took time out of his day to talk to you and ask you how was your day, and that he was interested in what you had to say.
And the only one you could think of that fit those requirements was your brother’s best friend. But even then, you doubted he had an interest in you.
You were Simon Basset’s younger sister, the Duke of Hastings. Or well, you were his half sister as his father remarried again once Simon was 9 years old in hopes of having a son who was not an ‘idiot’ as Simon’s father used to say but what a shock when instead of the son he desired so turned out to be the exact opposite and that was when he lost hope.
Simon, oh sweet Simon. He was the best brother you could ever ask for, of course he was very overprotective of you and would chase suitors who he thought did not deserve you away, which meant every single one, but you did not know what you would do without him
Even with you being his half sister, he cared very deeply for you and did not hate you for what his father did to him.
“You are still reading that?”
You snapped your head up coming face to face with the viscount. You held back a smile and slightly bowed your head feeling yourself starting to become giddy at his presence.
“Viscount Bridgerton” You greeted before looking back at your book, trying to appear uninterested “Not at all, I have finished it weeks ago but there is no harm in reading it again, is there?”
“Not at all” He shook his head “ but surely you do not enjoy reading the same thing over and over again, do you? I, for one, do not enjoy reading about silly things about love in silly books” you look at him in disbelief
“They are not silly, I think everything I read in these books are incredibly beautiful, and yes, I do enjoy reading these things” you responded “Why did you even decide to come outside to judge the books I read? My brother is inside in his study, go and bother him instead”
He let out a laugh “ Now why would I do that when you are here just waiting for me to bless you with my presence” you glare at him making him laugh once again “okay, I already fulfilled my purpose, now I will leave, I will see you later, princess” he winked at you before starting to walk back to your home
You make sure he is inside the house before you smile widely, shaking your head remembering the encounter.
You could not even count on both of your hands the number of times Anthony has been on your home the past few weeks. It would seem as if he was also living here from the how much he frequents here. Even if Simon was not present, he would still appear to keep you company for a few hours, chaperoned of course. If you did not know better, you would have assumed he appeared constantly at the Hastings House just to see you but of course, you did know better.
But you cannot even complain, you certainly did not mind seeing him around your home. You did not mind one bit.

It had not even been 2 days before the viscount appeared once more in your home. You were not surprised to say the least.
“Back once more?” You said when you saw him walk through the door, walking down the stairs. He turned towards you and smiled “It seems as if this is your home from how frequent you are seen here now a days”
He laughs “Oh come on, it is not as if you do not enjoy my presence around you” he teases
“Quite the opposite, my lord, I consider you a nuisance” You responded amused, holding back your smile “Like a fly constantly buzzing around my ear, very much annoying” you stopped in front of him
“Well ouch” he exclaimed hurt but you knew better, you could see the laughter dancing around in his eyes, you swatted him on the arm playfully.
“My brother is not here, I assumed he would have told you he had some business to attend to in Clyvedown and would not be back until 3 days from now” You informed him after
“Oh really? I was not informed of that” He feigned confusion “Well, now that I am here, I am sure you would not mind me making you company for a few hours, you know, so it does not go to waste the trip I made here” he added once he saw the face you made
You thought for a few moments before you responded “Well alright, I suppose there is no harm in that”
“Wonderful, shall we go to promenade?” Anthony offered
“Now?” You questioned “But I am not even dressed to go promenade and even if there are people in the park, as soon as they see us together they will think we are courting”
“You look beautiful regardless, it does not matter hoe you are dressed” He compliments “Come on, let’s just go, no one will even be in the park”
You just laugh before gesturing at him to go on, shaking your head at his silliness.

“No one will be here, you said” You tease as you walked along the trail
“Well….” He trailed off “I lied. I knew there would be people here, it is a sunday, after all, everyone comes to the park on sundays” he looked away from you
You furrowed your eyebrows confused. Why on earth would he want people to see the two of you together? Does he not know the rumors the ton will create about the two of you? And they would mostly affect him as he is the one that does not want the ton to think he has plans of marrying any time soon. But maybe you should not worry much, you are his best friend’s sister after all, you hope they will only think he is keeping you company as your brother is out of town. On the other hand, if the ton thinks you are courting, your suitors might cease.
“Why would you lie?” you asked “I mean, I have no problem of being seen together, but people might get the wrong idea and any suitors I have might back off. And I plan on marrying this season, at the latest next season if I do not find anyone I even remotely like” you pursued your lips at the thought of not marrying because of a misunderstanding.
Of course, it is not like anything will happen if you do not marry or get engaged soon. But what you meant is that if gentlemen think Anthony is courting you, they will not approach you, or well they will since men always go after a lady when they think someone of importance is courting them, but you do not want a man to pursue you because someone of high social standing is interested in you and they want to see what is it that strung him in, but because they like you for who you are.
You do want your fairytale love story after all, or at least marry for love.
“Maybe I want them to get the wrong idea” Anthony mused, you snapped your head towards him quickly
“Do you want me to become a spinster?” you looked at him incredulously “because I will if no 0one wants to court me in the next 2 seasons”
He laughs at your comment “No, not at all” he shook his head “ what I meant is that, maybe, I want your suitors to back off so… so that I can pursue you better, without anyone trying to come between us” you stare at him shocked, stopping in your tracks
He stops along with you, laughing at your expression. “Are you going to say anything?”
“ I just – what – I do not know – what about Simon?” you stutter, your mind still trying to comprehend what you just heard
“What about him?” Anthony shrugs nonchalantly
“Will be not be mad if you start courting me? I am his little sister, and he is very protective over me” you noted worriedly
“He is the last person who can be mad at me courting his little sister when he himself is courting mine” he answers and you nod, looking around as you noted some stares that were upon you both “So?”
“So, what?” you looked at him curiously
“You never answered to what I said” your face twisted in confusion at his words “ Will you let me court you?” He looked back at you nervously. Ah right. That.
You hummed in realization “Alright” you nodded “Just know I am very hard to please” you teased
“Good thing I have much experience in how to please a woman” He joked and you shot him a glare making his playful expression disappear when you turned your head away from him “ Right. Sorry. If I am going to court you, no speaking about how much I pleased other women” you shot him another glare making him wince
You huff, taking your hand out of his arm and walking away “Hey! Y/n, I am sorry, I am not going to speak anymore” he called out from behind you “Wait for me, will you? I am sorry, just do not be mad or annoyed at me” You let a smile come onto your face at his pleading.
This will be fun.

ꗟ𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓹𝓲𝓽𝔂 one; Who are you?
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma! reader
Words: 1.3k
Summary: your arrival at Aubrey Hall.
Warnings: Anthony is a jerk at first, talks of death (a new mini story!)
Serendipity Masterlist Masterlist

The Manor was silent and cold, without any sign of life, just as it has been since that horrible day 2 years ago. The day Kate Bridgerton, nee Sharma, died along with the heir to be the next viscount during childbirth.
He loved Kate very much, he thought she was the love of his life. After everything they had went through in 1814, all the scandals, he was lucky she decided to marry him at the end, what Anthony had with her was a real love, not a marriage of convenience. That’s why her death hit him hard, taking with her a piece of Anthony Bridgerton when she died. He felt as if a part of him died that fateful night. He completely shut himself off from everyone, he closed down the Manor and set away all but the minimal staff possible, he wasn’t able to look at them, watch them mourn his wife as he did, she was loved by all of them.
He did not spend time with his family anymore, he hid inside the Manor, inside his study all day, never came out except to sleep, eat and go to the bathroom.
Just as he was once again, buried in his study, working endlessly on some papers, a cold cup of tea next to him when banging on the front door brought him out of his work. He ignored it and went back to his work, thinking some of the few staff he still had will open it soon enough. That was not the case as a few minutes later the banging started once again.
“Mrs. Wilson will you get the door!” Anthony yelled to the butler that was somewhere around the house. The banging still continued “Mrs. Wilson! –“ he groaned annoyed, stood up from his chair and headed down to the door.
He opened the door and came face to face with a young lady shivering, wet head to toe from the rain pouring outside furiously. He raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“Lord Bridgerton?” You questioned, when he nodded you spoke once again “I was told you could help me, I came all the way from India and need some place to rest –“
He rolled his eyes “I think you are confused, My house is not some charity that helps the needed” He went to close the door, once again annoyed that his work was interrupted by some girl that was asking for housing.
“ Wait! I am Kate’s cousin!” You spoke desperately before he closed the door. He stopped and took another look at you, now that he looked closely, you looked a lot like Kate “I am Kate’s cousin, Y/n Sharma” ah so this is the famous Y/n Kate always spoke to him about.
He sighed and opened the door again, gesturing for you to enter, he closed the door and led you to the drawing room “Mrs. Wilson!” he called our before he heard feet approaching to the drawing room quickly
“I am so sorry, my lord, I was helping Thomas in the Kitchen and then I went to the scullery to wash some pots and –“ the housekeeper spoke
“Just get the girl a towel, she is dripping water all over the room” he waved her off gesturing to you
“Of course, my lord, in a moment” the lady scurried off somewhere before Anthony turned back to you, looking you up and down before narrowing his eyes
“How did you know where I lived?” Anthony asked you
“Kate sent me a letter before she… she told me if I ever needed any help, to come to this location and she would help me” You answered looking down at the mention of her. She was practically your sister, that is why you were devastated when Aunt Mary sent you a letter informing you of what happened, of Kate’s death. “There were some complications back in India, some things happened and I could not live there any longer. Kate told me if I ever needed any place to live, she would gladly house me here in Aubrey Hall”
“Yes, well, she is not here, is she?” Anthony grumbled, clenching his jaw “I am afraid I cannot help you, you can stay here for the night since it is late, and it is pouring outside, but tomorrow I am afraid you will have to go somewhere else, as I said before, my house is not a charity that helps the needed ”
You furrowed your eyebrows, taken aback by his cold attitude, way different from the way Kate told you Anthony was in her letters “Why are you such an asshole? You are very rude, way different from how she said you were, she would be disappointed to see the way you are acting with a member from her family, with me, her and I were very close” you scoffed, he glared at you angrily, opening his mouth to speak when the housekeeper entered the room once again
“Here it is dear,” Mrs. Wilson said putting the towel around your shoulders
“Mrs. Wilsom, please show our guest to a bed chamber, she will be staying the night” Anthony announced
“Yes, of course” She nodded and led you to a room “Oh, we must make you a warm bath, otherwise you will get ill from the cold rain”

You walked down the stairs, holding the few belongings you came with. You were crossing the dining room when you saw the viscount sitting down, eating his breakfast. You stopped and entered the room making him look up from his plate, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I am leaving now, I thank you for your hospitality and am sorry for any disturbances I may have caused, Farewell viscount Bridgerton” You bowed your head respectfully and walked away.
You were not sure where you would go now, you did not even know where your Aunt Mary resided now since it has been a long time since you have received any letter from the Sharma family, since Kate’s death more precisely.
“Miss Sharma” the viscount called out, you stopped as you heard him approach you behind you “May I know where you are headed now?”
You turned around to look at him “ Well… I… was going to my Aunt’s home, she would be more than happy to have me, I am sure” you nodded
“Oh really?” He raises an eyebrow “I was certain you would have known that Lady Mary was visiting Miss Edwina in Prussia, were you not told?” he stated, you looked at him shocked.
Prussia? What on earth would Edwina be doing in Prussia?
“I…” You looked down at the ground before looking up at him again “ Truth be told, I have not received a letter from them ever since….. Kate’s death…” you saw him clench his jaw at your comment “But worry not, I will find somewhere to reside in, I have been told Lady Danbury is a great friend of my family and they have told me she has offered to also take me in”
“Listen, Lady Danbury is visiting my sister Daphne and her husband at Clyvedown and she will not be back anytime soon, your aunt said she will be back in 2 months” he sighed rubbing his forehead in frustration “I cannot let you out in the streets, you are Kate’s family after all and she would have never forgiven me if I let you leave so…. You can stay while your aunt comes back”
“Really?” You exclaimed “Oh thank you so much!” you squealed when he nodded and brought him into a hug, when you felt him turn rigid you let him go quickly “Sorry, but thank you so much, I promise I will not disturb you”
Anthony nodded pursuing his lips “ I will tell Mrs. Wilson to prepare you a room” and left without another word
Well he certainly was not someone of many words

For all my Anthony lovers!!, this series was just

Absolutely wonderful!!
Lord Bridgerton's List - a series for Kinktober - Masterlist
Ao3 Link
This'll be your one-stop shop to find all the fics in the series! The goal is to post 31 fics in 31 days plus prologue on September 30th and epilogue on November 1st
The series is Modern!Anthony Bridgerton x female!reader
As this is for Kinktober, all fics including the prologue and epilogue are 18+
This post will be updated as each fic in the series is posted. You might also get to see a preview of days to come. Anyway, please do enjoy!

List of Fics
Day 1: Sensation Play
Day 2: Discipline
Day 3: Lingerie
Day 4: Striptease 1: Thigh Riding
Day 5: Striptease 2: Objectification
Day 6: Roleplay 1: The Queen and the General: Collared
Day 7: Restrained
Day 8: Roleplay 2: Photographer and Model: Masturbation
Day 9: Edging
Day 10: Blindfolded
Day 11: Roleplay 3: The Queen and the General: Pampering
Day 12: Sparring
Day 13: Roleplay 4: Cam Boy 1: Mutual Masturbation
Day 14: Coming Untouched
Day 15: Roleplay 5: Vampire and Human: Marking
Day 16: Roleplay 6: The Queen and the General: Punishment Prologue
Day 17: Roleplay 6: The Queen and the General: Punishment
Day 18: Body Worship/Oral Sex
Day 19: Roleplay 7: Cam Boy 2: Overstimulation
Day 20: Pegging
Day 21: Roleplay 8: The Queen and the General: Cuckolding
Day 22: Roleplay 9: The Queen and the General: Threesome
Day 23: Mirrors
Day 24: Roleplay 10: Regency Masquerade: Anonymous Sex
Day 25: Roleplay 11: Regency: Dancing
Day 26: Foodplay
Day 27: Roleplay 12: Angry Sex
Day 28: Pet Play
Day 29: Roleplay 13: The Queen and The General: Body Worship 2
Day 30: Threesome 2
Day 31: (not so) Tender Sex
ꗟ𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓹𝓲𝓽𝔂 2
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Word count: 900
Summary: a little run in with the viscount
A/n: a little filler chapter, I just came back from a break but I am still currently on a little writers block because I am on a period of exams in school so I am sorry if I still don't update often
Serendipity masterlist Masterlist

It has been 2 months after you first appeared at Aubrey Hall. You had stayed out of Lord Bridgerton’s way during your stay, never once sought him out, the only time you saw him was during dinner, sometimes not even then.
Not that you minded much, there was no reason you even wanted to be in his presence. Sure, he is handsome, but from how little you have spoke to him, he is a cold person and rude mannered besides the fact he was your dearest cousin’s husband, you did not want to he around people like that.
You were rounding up a corner when you bumped into the viscount, you gasped trying to regain your balance “I am sorry, Lord Bridgerton, I did not see where I was walking, please forgive me”
He ran his eyes up and down your figure before giving you a cold stare and walking away. You follow him with your eyes “What an arsehole” you scoffed silently
Or maybe not as silently as you thought because the moment those words came out of your mouth, the viscount stopped in his tracks and turned back to you, raising an eyebrow
“What was that?” He questioned coldly, you feigned an innocent expression staying silent “Okay, now let’s make something clear, maybe you have gotten way too comfortable the last 2 months as I have not been around much but it is time I remedy that.”
“This is my home, I am the owner of this house and as the owner of this house, I can decide who stays here and who will not. I will not have myself be disrespected in my home, if you cannot follow that, I will ask you to leave. You being Kate’s cousin does not grant you any privilege and she is not here to defend you if I wish to throw you out” you stare at him shocked at what he just said “Now, I will ask again, what was it you said?” He asked
You composed yourself, and furrowed your eyebrows in anger. You know he is expecting you to apologize or say nothing but what a shock he will get when you do nothing of that sort “I said, what an arsehole” you spit out “ Yes, this may be your home, but it is no excuse for you to act like an arsehole, you want to be treated with respect, then treat me with respect also” you scoffed turning around and walking away this time
The viscount was left stunned. He huffed out a laugh humorlessly. The nerve of this girl, after he so graciously lets her stay in his home until her aunt comes back, she insults him and makes demands. Whatever. He lets out a sigh, rubbing his temples before walking back to his study.
“This is my home. I can choose who lives here and who does not.” You imitated the viscount as you neared another corner “If you weren’t Kate’s cousin you would not even be living here”
“Well I never begged you to house me here” you scoffed rolling your eyes “ you– you– you pompous coxcomb – oof –“ you once again bumped into another person
“I would be careful to not say those words about the viscount where just about anyone can hear, Miss Sharma” Mrs. Wilson uttered
“Mrs. Wilson” you smiled sheepishly “Who said I was speaking of the viscount? No no. It was not the viscount I was speaking of. It was about this –uh– man I met the other day” Mrs. Wilson hummed humorously
“Yes, this man was so rude, and very entitled, I just feel like – ugh–“ you huffed frustrated before sighing “Okay, maybe I was speaking about the viscount but you were aware of that already”
“I was” She affirmed
“It’s just – he has not uttered a word or even breathed near me ever since I got here, and the only time we have crossed paths, he looked at me like I was beneath him – which I am since he is a viscount and I am a mere lady– but still, it is no reason to be rude” you shook your head “you would think me being Kate’s cousin would make him be a little more polite”
“the viscount is anything but rude, trust me, he just is going through a hard time with the viscountess’ death” Mrs. Wilson stated “Lord Bridgerton loved her deeply and her death destroyed the progress which he worked so hard to achieve, you cannot blame him for being cold nor heartbroken”
You scoffed once again, eyes tearing up at the mention of Kate “That is no reason!” you snapped “Aunt Mary, Edwina and I also lost Kate 2 years ago. We also lost someone we loved so deeply, maybe not in the same way the viscount loved her but you cannot say it doesn’t hurt us. Not to Mary who lost her daughter, or Edwina her sister, or me who lost my cousin, someone dear that was there for me through the hard times and that I cherished. We all lost the same person and you do not see us acting the same way the viscount does, do we?”
“I may not be able to say he is not heartbroken, but apart from that, I can still hold him accountable for his actions” and for what feels like the hundredth time, you walk away once again from someone
𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖕𝖎𝖙𝖞 3
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Summary: growing closer is easier than you thought
Word count: 2k
Warnings: talk of a shitty family, mentions of death, unedited, I think that's all
Serendipity masterlist masterlist

You hummed as you entered the library grabbing the first book you saw on the shelf and sitting down on an couch nearby. You flipped through the pages, finding it boring and discarding it away.
You stood up and walked to the shelves, ruffling through the books, a door opened and closed behind you but you ignored it and continued searching for a good book when you heard a throat being cleared behind you.
You turn around with a book on your hands, coming face to face with the viscount “Viscount Bridgerton” you muttered pushing past him to go sit down
You open the book, ignoring his eyes that were fixated upon you “If you have something to say, you should do it now, I do not like people staring at me like you do, and I do not like people who do not speak their minds”
“I heard what you said to Mrs. Wilson” He blurted out, you hummed in response
“If you are expecting an apology, you will not get one, I stand by what I said” You stated
“No, no, I am not asking for one” He shook his head
“I came to – wanted to apologize for how I… I treated you before” he muttered
You raised an eyebrow “Truly.” He said once he saw the disbelief on your face “You were right. We all lost Kate and everyone is hurting the same way that I am. You were also right saying that I shouldn’t act the way I am, Kate’s death is no excuse and you did not deserve to be on the receiving end of my ire”
You pursued your lips before sighing mulling over his words “I accept your apology, if only because you are Kate’s husband”
He smiled slightly “I propose we start over” he offered “put the bad first impression behind us and try to get along… for Kate”
You nodded “For Kate” he nodded and grabbed a book, sitting down on the couch beside you
And just like that, you both started over.
You both would not go entirely out of your way to seek the other but in the case that you did come across each other, you would greet the other politely, making small talk before you went your way.
That was only the first week. By the second, you would go to the library for your nightly reading fest, the viscount would join you half an hour after, where you both would speak about the books you previously read and he would recommend you books he had read and enjoyed.
And soon enough, you went from strangers, to acquaintances to, almost friends?, you were not quite friends but you were not acquaintances either.
“Mr. Bridgerton” you greeted once you entered the library once again one night, he tilted his head in greeting, very immersed in the pages of the book he was reading. You grabbed the book you were previously reading the night before and sat down next to Lord Bridgerton. Uncomfortable silence filling the room.
After a few minutes of you both reading, you felt Lord Bridgerton shift beside you, closed his book and turned to look at you “Can…” he hesitated “Can you tell me about Kate?”
You looked at him questioningly “How she was before coming to London” Lord Bridgerton clarified “She told me bits of her life but not everything as we spent our time doing…other things” you smother the chuckle you wanted to let out, and instead shook your head
“Well, I have no idea how her childhood was since my parents never did let me visit Kate’s family, because as you probably know, Kate’s father was not exactly rich, and my mother despite being born poor, after she married my father, she changed and prioritized money over everything” You replied “But after I went to live with her family, well, she spent all of her time taking care of Edwina, and me then, she used to spent all of her time teaching Edwina everything she would need to become a proper lady, never really spending any time doing anything other than that. It was very rare when she took some time for herself”
“But, she was always there for us, she listened to us whenever we had a problem and if we wanted to go somewhere but we couldn’t since it wasn’t proper for us to go out unchaperoned, she would take us” You smiled your mind taking you back to the time when everything was simple “There was this time when Edwina and I desperately wanted to go to a fair they were having on our native country, they had brought some new stuff, like opera concerts, or new jewelry, there was even this thing called fireworks, and since we never saw one, we wanted to see what it did”
“So, we had snuck out at night when everyone was abed, or so we thought, we had gotten to this tall wall and we were trying to climb over it – it had some partitions that were out so we were able to hold onto them – and Edwina was at the top, I was starting to climb the wall when Kate caught us. Instead of reprimanding us for sneaking out, she was mad that we did not bring her along” Lord Bridgerton and you chuckled “ Anyway, Edwina and I were on the other side and Kate had one foot on either side, she was bringing her other foot to the other side when she lost her footing and fell into a puddle of mud that was, coincidentally underneath her and that is not even the funny part–“ you started to laugh remembering her face “ because where we used to live was close to a farm, which had some pigs that got loose a lot. One was in the puddle and when she fell, she accidentally fell onto of the pig. You should have seen her. Her whole body was filled with mud, some even got in her mouth and when tried to get up, she lost her footing once again and fell right back down onto the pig” you shook your head once again, both of your laughter filled the room “That was the happiest day of my life”
When you finished talking, the room was filled with silence once again. But this time, it wasn’t that awkward.
”And how was your life before you lived with Kate’s family?” Anthony wondered
You looked up at the fireplace in front of you both, the flames shinning brightly on your eyes “It was normal, it was not amazing but it was not like I had a bad childhood either” you sighed “We were not exactly rich nor did we have a big mansion like you do, I was always expected to be a proper lady so I could marry someone rich and ‘pay back’ what they wasted on me, my mother and father were not really that loving and never really paid attention to anything I needed”
You turned your head to look at him only to find him already staring at you “Ever since I was young, I was all alone, my father spent all of his time working and working to earn money so when the time came, I could make my debut into society thus he was never around, and even if he was, he never spoke to me unless it was to reprimand me for something. My mother was the same, if not worse. Of course, she did not work, how could a lady work? All they are born for is to marry someone rich, give them their heirs and spend their life forming their daughters into proper ladies. Or so she used to say. At least that is what she molded me into.” You did not even know why you were telling him this, but your mouth didn’t seem to want to stop, wanting to let everything out.
“Point is – “ You said “They were never there for me when I needed, they were never loving towards me despite being their only daughter. But they did everything so I could have a better life than they did and I loved and respected them” Anthony stayed silent, letting me get everything off my chest
“I loved and respected them until they turned their backs on me, that is” You admitted “Ever since that awful night, they disowned me, blamed me for ruining their reputations, as if it was my fault, they were never caring but I would have thought that me being their daughter would have meant something, that they would support me through everything and, Surprise! Surprise! It was the exact opposite.” You scoffed incredulously, you sighed and grabbed the book you previously discarded, thinking the conversation was done when you finished talking.
”I had to grow quicker than all of my siblings” Anthony admitted smiling sadly “I was 18…. when my father… died…. We had gone that day to hunt just the two of us and as we were heading back here, we stopped to pick some of the flowers out front” he pointed out the window
“He was stung by a bee. He had turned out to be allergic and before we could call for the doctor, he was gone” he pursed his lips “Just like that, at 18 years old, I was made the viscount. I had to switch from being a brother to being a father figure to my siblings in a matter of moments. I was entering a new stage in my life as a teenager and I did not even get to fully experience it from having to grow up sooner than I thought” you sighed and hesitated before you put your hand on top of his as a comforting gesture, one he smiled gratefully at. “I spent all of my time in the next 10 years either working or, and I am ashamed to admit it, frolicking around with women.”
“My mother was destroyed when my father died, she was always in her room, never really ate anything, could not even check on little Hyacinth from how heartbroken she was. That was the moment when I decided that I could not, and would not marry for love and have someone suffer the same fate as my mother did, as I could not even bare the thought that I could ever surpass my father in anything, much less surpass him in age” He sighed before his eyes seemed to brighten up “Then I met Kate, and she changed my perception on love, Kate was my soul mate. As you probably know, I had initially proposed to Ms. Edwina, she was the diamond of the season and since I was not planning to marry for love, I thought she was the best option, that she was well suited to be my wife, she did fit all of my requirements. But little did I know that trying to pursue her would be hard as she had a sister who did not like me one bit. Kate and I fought all the time, we could not stand to be in the same place for even a minute. But everything changed when I invited them here, some things happened and everything between Kate and I changed, we fell in love. We went through some hardships but in the end, we overcame it all, we were happy, we were expecting a child, everything was fine until she died” he lowered his head, you looked at him sadly, tears started to sting on your eyes before you blinked them away, composing yourself
“Kate was the best of us” you murmured looking back at the fireplace “ I don’t know how we will live peacefully without her” Lord Bridgerton nodded agreeing with you before he stood up
“If you excuse me, I still have work to do” he left without another word, you looked at the door he just walked through, understanding filling you, the wound still wasn’t healed after all but you were comforted knowing that this was a step closer to getting along.
Hi, I was reading your story 'Tales of a Heart' and I love it 🥰. But, I'm unable to view the series now. Did you delete it?
Hey!! Thank you, I'm glad you love it! And I changed my username ages ago and forgot to change the links but it's all fixed now!
Ps. I'm very sorry to everyone who follows me and is waiting patiently for a new post, I know I went on a like 5 months hiatus, but I will try to finish and post the new part of serendipity as soon as I can