I love tiny things and big things and odd things and beautiful things and disgusting things and comforting things welcome to my messy blog
377 posts
Y'all Ever Come Up With A Story That Relates So Heavily To Yourself That You Immediately Go Oughnhhgjg
Y'all ever come up with a story that relates so heavily to yourself that you immediately go oughnhhgjg and +10 psychic damage gets infected upon you
More Posts from Oxenfresian

i’m not the first to make this crossover, but it’s too good to resist <3
bonus farcille:

If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
reblog if reading Warrior Cat led you down the trans pipeline
![Screenshot of an article titled "Protect Your Kids From 'Trans' Activism - Look For These Red Flags". Posted by [username blocked out].
The list goes as follows :
'• Artistic interests
• Interest in anime
• Participating in video game chats
• Unrestricted use of a smartphone
• Unmonitored access to the internet
• Reading Warrior Cat
• Reading Wings Of Fire
• Any anthropomorphic art - which is animals with human-like qualities"](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b56f4647d6e13fbcd3434260487a3699/abfacc7fc17aafe7-47/s500x750/65787757cc020d5b23b2d1550fd8e9bfc809a432.webp)
Last night I had a dream I woke up to find that my house had been turned into a Smart House with every wall being a digital screen including the roof so I could see it even laying on bed and the Siri voice said “Don’t worry. You are perfectly safe in your Apple Smart Home™️” knowing I have a BIG phobia of intruders especially at night and it continued with “Let’s explore the neighborhood from the comfort of your home” so it opened google maps and accidentally zoomed past a shitty jpeg of the girl from The Ring standing outside my house and it said “ignore that”. woke up laughing
The inclusion of sea monsters on the maps for both the continents implies that there either are sea monsters or the dragons believe there are sea monsters bigger then any dragon (like literally, they're drawn bigger then some of the islands in the bay of a thousand scales)
I am pleased to inform you that crackens are canon as of Guide to the Dragon World.