Ramble - Tumblr Posts

Lately I've been feeling very restless, like there's too much and too little happening in my life at once. I'm having a hard time concentrating and I get anxious over the smallest things. A restless mess. I don't mean to sound overly dramatic. Being open about my mental health is just something that's super important to me. If you're feeling anxious or depressed for whatever reason, please don't isolate yourself. I'm looking forward to beginning school again next week though. It's been a long strange summer.
Y'all ever come up with a story that relates so heavily to yourself that you immediately go oughnhhgjg and +10 psychic damage gets infected upon you
okay so i am feeling like going on a little rant so!!!!!!!!!
i love my boyfriend SO much. i love everything about him like seriously.
i met him in 2021 and honestly the second i got home i was telling my mum all about him, i never thought id meet someone i admired as much as i did him let alone have him be my friend!! it was at a really scary point in my life actually because i was about to come out as trans publicly to my school a couple of weeks after i met him and he was already out when he got to my school!!! he made me feel so at ease about it and honestly such a coincidence like that almost makes me kinda believe maybe we were like... meant to met???? i know that's really cheesy but honestly it's hard for me to believe it's possible any other way, i mean,,, i live in a TINY town and meeting someone so perfect for me was never something i could have expected
also when i met him i was in a pretty rough depressive episode where i was missing a lot of school and struggling to get up in the mornings but since meeting him it has become significantly easier to get out of bed and do things, he motivates me daily just to do little things and i appreciate him more than anything for that.
i've been through a lot with him through all of the time that i've known him, we've basically talked daily since we met and i don't know where i'd be without him honestly /pos
he helped me a lot on my journey with discovering and understanding my neurodivergence and he has been nothing but compassionate and supportive towards me the whole way, he's somebody who really understands me on a deeper level that i feel like nobody else in person has come close to before, and it feels amazing. i don't feel misunderstood on any level around him and i feel like i can truly unmask around him without fearing driving him away or annoying him.
also he's just. so good to me all of the time. not even just when i'm upset but he's such a sweetheart and has made me feel really content and satisfied in myself as a person and also in the things i do just due to him being so supportive and loving regardless of what i'm doing. he makes me feel pretty and also makes me feel proud of myself for lots of different little things that i do in my daily life. i could never feel more loved by him. he's a great person and he means the world to me.
even when we were just friends this dude was just. absolutely perfect who let him be this amazing???????? seriously man??????
we've shared so many moments together of all kinds of different emotions and i wouldn't trade a second of any of it for the world
he just makes me feel so happy and hopeful for the future and everything that will come with it, i can't wait until we can finally live together and i can fall asleep next to him every single night
being in love is just. such an amazing feeling especially being so deep in it NOT TO MENTION having it reciprocated so strongly i could not ask for anything more than this genuinely
he is so admirable in so many ways and he constantly motivates me to do things ranging from getting out of bed to doing silly little drawings to planning out my future even if he isn't directly trying to do any of those things he still does it and i could not thank him enough for that
not only is he my boyfriend but he is also my best friend and when i say that i mean it wholeheartedly. we are very romantic towards one another but we also spend a lot of moments just giggling and talking about little things, sometimes he makes me believe in soulmates i'm gonna be completely real on this one
i still remember our first kiss from a few years ago now, we were in the school library and we'd been talking about wanting to share our first kiss for a few days and we were both really nervous but he ended up initiating it - it's really sweet to think about seeing our development in our relationship from then to now and how kisses aren't as big and scary anymore
also since we're getting older now we get to sleep over at each other's places a lot more often and getting to wake up next to him ejdkhdfbj/vvpos whenever we live together my back will never be cold again
sometimes i just want to throw him into the sun /pos /aff
also have i mentioned how pretty he is without even doing anything to put any effort into it???????? dude could have the craziest bedhead known to man and i will still be smiling my ass off staring at him he is just so beautiful i hate eye contact with most people but his eyes are just so pretty
also also im starting to put together this little trinket box of things i have from dates we've had / memories i have with him and it makes me soooo happy to have a lot of little silly things like that
we listen to music in the car / in class together a lot too and i get so giddy just indulging in songs that he likes and that remind me of him ehshdhfhef music is great and so is he
he is so important to me and i feel really important to him too jfhjhkfbgjkf i love him sooooo much i feel so safe around him
have i mentioned we've been together for two years and counting btw :3 our anniversary is 04.04.22 best day ever fr
i dont think i could ever nor have i ever looked at somebody the same way i look at him
i could just ramble for houuuurrrssssssssssssss
have i mentioned how much i love him yet because i love him a lot
im going to calm down now ive been typing for a while giggling.... but hes my everything

The constant fic writer struggle.
There’s the “I know I can take my time with my stories. People understand and it’s better for both the fics and my brain if I don’t rush.” side.
But then there’s also the “WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG TO DO?! I’ve made several chapters in the span of a week before! Why is it so hard now? And I’m making people wait! I don’t want to disappoint them or make them think I forgot about the fic!” side.
It’s a frequent battle in my mind.
nagito, who's so obsessed with you that it makes him sick! he breaks out into a sweat everytime he sees you, shivers running down his spine as he stares. he can't help it!! his face gets red and he gets all jittery when you touch his forehead, eyes glazing over as you tell him he's burning up and that he should get some rest! but he's quick to say that he's fine, and that you shouldn't waste your energy worrying about someone as worthless as him. someone as wonderful as you surely has more important things to worry about! he (rather reluctantly, because who is he to decline your wishes) allows you to take him back to his cabin and care for him.
I interpret Kuras's "mortal mask" as him choosing how his human form looks which means he made himself 6'6" Idk why I'm pointing this out if I could I would choose to be tall as shit too considering Kuras is a whole foot and a single inch taller than me
Me: God I can’t believe people think the most psychotic unhinged men are hot. Girl why are you hitting on Patrick Bateman? Why the dano riddler?
Also me: *sees the phantom of the opera*
This is really interesting.
English has 711,378 words (according to wikipedia)
That's a LOT.
Compared to that, Danish has about 200,000 words (according to same wikipedia article)
The biggest difference between English and Danish is that Danish has a lot reused words. They are more like puzzle pieces.
So for example a word like "memoir" is "erindringsbog" in Danish (directly translated to "memory-book") You meet the same words all the time. That makes it easier and harder to understand the language.
If you wanna talk about complicated languages, Danish is one of them!
Does that mean I am smarter than a native English speaker? Would be cool if that was all it took :)
I often struggle with English. I do not write in the language on the internet, because it's "easy". I do it, because then I can communicate with people. Which is the whole purpose of languages.
This was so interesting I love yuval
mcc is driving me crazy why is it always so stressful

hyper child and his two moms
here i was about to crack open a cold one to celebrate finishing lineart for one out of 3 drawings i/m doing only to realize. this is only the beginning. i'm gonna have to spend a whole night drawing military gear. end my lif

unpopular opinion but i wish DE didn't forcibly shove a new warframe into 1999 and let us have a frost or loki protoframe instead
it feels so jarring since the syndicate features classic warframes like. literally the warframes the game came out with. and this isn't to say that quincy shouldn't exist but more cyte-09, he could easily take on another role while still having "sharpshooter" as an asset. some minor changes there and there and ur good
i just don't like how the trend with DE lately is to ship out a new wf every update. it feels forced and makes warframes feel disposable
praying to almighty jesus that my drifter isn't gonna look that fucking small compared to tge hex or i'm gonna scream
the conclave console being replaced by the 1999 computer is like arthur wheeling teshin into a nursing home
I've been drawing a lot lately, but posting none of it. So I might queue some of them up in the next few days. Who knows.