Don't you just love food😌. She/Her, 15 yrs old..
47 posts
Muti Slasher With A Reader That Loves To Bake, Eat, And Share
Muti slasher with a reader that loves to bake, eat, and share
But the reader is like feeding them the sweets like a baby
(I think I went overboard on this one lmaoo)
Slashers: Michael, Jason, Bubba, Thomas, Billy and Stu, Billy lenz, Brahms, Carrie, Hannibal x Will, & The lost boys!
Feeding slashers sweet treats!
Michael Myers:
This silent man actually does love when you bake something for him, especially that he has a sweet tooth! Like he'll be popping out of nowhere just to see what you are baking! And just watch you do the stuff from scratch.
If you want to share with Michael, this man will literally steal the whole damn plate just to eat the whole thing in front of your face..! Which makes you pissed every time he does that, and you would ignore whenever he tries to ask for those baked treats.
Michael does not want to be fed like a baby, he would most likely slap your hand away that's full of treats onto the floor.. Which Michael had to clean that up since he acted like a full on child for that.
Jason Voorhees:
When he found out that you would love to bake, he immediately wanted to try whatever pastries/deserts you would make! He'll also help you with whatever you need help with your baking!
Sharing these treats with Jason is like heaven to him! He loves seeing his darling making faces of how delicious your sweets are!
When you get the chance to feed these sweets to him, Jason gets really embarrassed that he's getting fed, but he's not complaining! He actually loves it when you feed him, cooing at him, and praising him for how much of a handsome boy he is!
Bubba Sawyer:
He LOVES LOVES your baking!! He'll be blubbering about how delicious your baking is, and how flaky it is when he bites into it! (His brothers are a little jealous, that their little brother has a baker that feeds him 🌚.)
When you share the new sweets you made, he'll be jumping up and down, wanting to try your new recipe! He then starts blubbering praises of how good it is, and that you should start feeding him that!
Now feeding Bubba, he's really shy but that doesn't matter, because getting fed by you and your sweets will be treating him like a baby, wanting more and more! But for you, you are so glad Bubba loves your sweets, and of course you love feeding him too! It makes both you and him happy as ever!
Thomas Hewitt:
This big burly man will be wanting to try your sweets of course! He immediately smelt the fresh apple pie, thinking that it was his mama making it, because he loves his Mama's apple pie!
When he got up there, he was surprised that you were baking! So of course he needed to try your apple pie! Once he bit into the apple pie, he was over the world! Making grunts of how good it is, and praising you with his grunts!
You then grabbed the chair and went beside Thomas, and grabbed a piece of apple pie, and tried to feed him. Which surprised him since you wanted to try feeding him, but he didn't care he just bit into it, and then he looked into your eyes, and Thomas put the piece of apple pie down from your hand and gave you a hug for how delicious your pie is!
Billy & Stu:
Now these two, especially Stu are a menace! When they found out you loved to bake, of course their big mouths wanted to try your sweets! Begging you if you are making more sweets, or making new sweets too!
Stu loves how you make your sweets by scratch and Billy loves how you make so much effort just to feed those sweets to them! So sharing your baked sweets to them, it's something that they will never forget!
When feeding them your baked treats to them, they'll be giving so much praise for how good it is, and asking you to feed them more! While feeding these two, they both have the audacity to start moaning while eating, so you gave them a smack to the head for that..
Billy Lenz:
You kind of knew Billy when you were staying with the sorority girls. Sometimes at midnight, there will be noises of clattering downstairs, so you had to investigate what was all that noise. Seeing a person opening up what's left over your baked brownies, froze still.. You then chuckle at the feeling of how you knew that the "moaner" was eating your brownies!
Wherever there's a chance during nights, you'll be baking treats for the "attic" man, because that's what you call him when he shows you where he hides most times. But he then told you his name, which made you happy that he told you his name, so of course you had to make more cookies for him!
For Billy, he doesn't like when people feed him, so getting fed by you would make him move away from you.. He just thinks that it's weird and he could just feed the treats to himself if he wanted to. Which you completely understand that if he doesn't want that, you'll have to leave him be.
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms has been bugging you for the past few hours to make him treats! Which made him pissed that you will be fully ignoring him, so the only way to get your attention, is by acting like a full on child..
He'll be full on child mode, making messes, yelling, and crying. Hearing him being like a grown man child is something that you really hate, and you gave in and started baking a batch of treats for him.
After baking those treats for him, he'll be forcing you to hand feed them to him, because he wants to be a big baby. You had to tell him to say 'please' after what he wanted, and he said it, just so you could feed him.. But seriously he loves you so much, and he wouldn't know what to do without you and your baking!
Carrie White:
You loved to bake too? So does Carrie! Both you and Carrie will be making batches of whatever treats you guys like! Carrie loves how you make anything with chocolate, and you love her cakes that she likes to bake!
Sharing recipes with Carrie is always fun! Both you and her will be trying out new recipes with each other, and taste test them! Carrie's favorite recipe from you is the brownies, but with melted chocolate inside! As for you, you like her baked cakes! She makes so many and they're all so good, which you couldn't pick but whichever you like that's your favorite cake from her!
You and Carrie love sharing food too! Which isn't weird for the both of you since you've been sharing food since you guys were little! So you both love making "Here comes the airplane" or anything else than that, while feeding each other! Which makes it funny while eating, and just laughter filled in the air!
Hannibal & Will:
These two love your baking! They both praise and coo at you for making these delicious treats for them! For Will, he will give you cuddles for making the treats and for Hannibal, he'll be cooking your favorite dish/food for making the treats too!
Sharing your baked treats to them, makes them fall in love with you more! These two will be giving you love for making these treats for them, they'll also do everything for you too! They're really helpful after giving them your baked treats!
Will kinda does want to be fed by you, but for Hannibal he doesn't want to since he's a clean man, but he would most likely feed you though.. but they both love you very much just for feeding them your baked treats!
The Lost Boys (David, Dwayne, Paul & Marko):
Feeding these vampires is something you kinda hate but also love at the same time! They love your baked treats a lot, (maybe too much) because they'll be bugging you to make more and more! And if they want more, that means your money will be gone within a week..
They love you so much for sharing your baked treats! Even though they know that you are running out of money for baking these treats for them, the only way these vampires will do is steal money of course, just for you to make more..!
They love to be fed by you, especially Paul and Marko, but for David and Dwayne it might take some time for these two. But over all they love you so much, that they will literally make them feed your baked treats over and over again (Even if your broke 🌚).
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More Posts from P0lyn3sian
Yeppss, just ate McDonald's lollll 🤣
Hiiii!!!! How have you beennnn????
Feeling like utter shit physically but I am ok
How about you???????
I'm really glad you love this, thank you so much for requesting!
Jason with an autistic reader (if possible)
This is gonna be a Headcannon, so this might be not accurate!! But I hope you like it!
Jason with an autistic reader! (Headcannon)
Jason loves who you are! And he doesn't care if you don't want to socialize with people, you can just stay with him and snuggle with him too!
He understands that sometimes you don't really have enough energy to go throughout your whole day! Like going out for a walk, swimming in the lake, etc..
Jason looks like a big scary man, but in reality he's a really big sweetheart to you! Whenever you are having a big meltdown, he'll try and help, like rubbing your arms up and down trying to help you feel okay! Or massaging, making a flower crown, etc!
When you both feel really hungry, let's be honest you both don't like/how to cook.. So the only way to cook food is to learn, and you both learned with each other (with the help of mama Voorhees, ofcc!).
Whenever you have really bad nightmares/dreams, he'll sooth you to sleep, or make you a warm cup of tea! Then when you fall asleep again, he'll cuddle with you to sleep and feel better now that you aren't feeling overwhelmed!
Im so sorryyyy for making it short, because I did actually have to look up about autism people, what they do, what they like, etc. So this was probably not really accurate!
Okiii Carrie x yandere fem reader!!
The best way I can say this request is headcannons but you wanted a fic if I remember correctly. So I do my best, cuz I use to do an alphabet but stoped cuz boreded

Carrie looked around the corner of the store you worked at. A store her mother would kill her if she were to get into. But she dead wouldn't know.
She walked into the store. A store selling toys of a sertian kind. Carrie looked around into she saw your hair (pick hair color) in a (hair style/cut) she loved that hair.. she often cut it daring class when no one seemed to be nice to her but you and Tommy. But Tommy lied to her. She was shacking cuz she loved him but than her eyes settled on you.
You and your nicest persona. She thought of you the same as the others. Into she heard your voice in the store breaking the thoughts inside her head.
"Hi Care Bear what you doing here?" You question, knowing how religious she was. Carrie shock her head.
"I I I wanted to say hi and give you this gift" she answered holding out a wrapped box. Before running away.
In the box was a dress in (your favorite color) it looked like a full skirt dress.

Not an request but an question
Who your favorite to write for?
Hmmm, I don't think I have favorites to write for. It's just the mood I'm in when I write for those characters. If that makes sense loll.
Slashers meeting their Chubby/Plus size S/O
A/n:Oh weh 😭, this drabble was in my queue, and I hella forgot about it! Hope you like this one tho!
Requests are still open if you want to do some requests, or if you want to ask me stuff it doesn't matter! (This is a long drabble, so it took so much of my energy and brain power making/editing this 😭. I was going to add more characters, but it was going to be too much for me to handle to write..)
Characters: Hannibal & Will, Thomas Hewitt, and Brahms Heelshire.
TW:Kidnapping, possessive, obsession, swearing, and mild blood and gore
(Tell me if I missed any warnings!)
Dividers made by @/cafekitsune

Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham:
You've heard about the Chesapeake Ripper and his spouse around Baltimore, Maryland.
You are in your little bakery, serving your usual customers what they want. Loving the wholesome it brings for customers, the lighting is perfect for your customers. All the decorations, etc.
Which made your little bakery popular around the small town you're living in! Your pastries are warm and flaky when it's out of the oven the second it's done, and the way you make your pastries home made too!
Now Hannibal and Will have heard about your bakery from Jack and his wife, saying that your pastries taste so good, instead of those other ones they visited.
They both walked into your bakery and looked around and how gorgeous and homey it feels. They walked to the front of your counter, looking around since you weren't there in the front. Will looked down at a sign that said 'If I'm not here I'm mostly in my kitchen batching more pastries! Ring me if you need anything!'
So Will decided to press your little bell, and there you are coming out of your kitchen, with your pastries all warm and fresh out of the oven ready to be served. You then put up a finger for 'one moment' and placed your pastries in their right place.
You walked to your counter and asked what they wanted. See the pastries that you brought out that were hot and fresh, was one of Hannibal's favorite pastry/dessert. Hannibal ordered a danish for him as for Will he wanted whatever Hannibal is having.
You then nodded and asked if they wanted to stay here or if it's to go. Hannibal answered before Will did, which was stay. You smiled and nodded your head and went to get plates for two danishes. You placed the danishes on both plates and walked to your counter again, and said your price. Hannibal paid for it and said his thanks, and you smiled and said "thank you for coming."
Hannibal and Will both sat down and bit into your homemade danish, it was so soft, warm, and flaky. They couldn't help but start saying 'mmm's' because of your homemade danish.
After that day when they went there, they came to your bakery almost everyday! Now these two are your usual customers, which you didn't mind because you loved serving them your homemade pastries! Also you've been trying out new ones and they've been there to try your new ones too!
It's been like this for 3 whole months, until one faithful day those two were revealed as the rippers of Baltimore. It broke your heart and your trust for them, and let's just say you've been telling them about yourself and a lot of things..
That's why the FBI is in your bakery asking you questions about Hannibal and Will, but really they didn't tell you what they do, except they're in the FBI. That's all you answered for them.
Jack, the head of the FBI team wanted to ask you some other questions, like when they visited, what they do, etc. You also answered those questions. Jack then nodded his head and sighed, "My team and I will be back here tomorrow if anything happens," and so they all left.
You then closed your shop for the day, went upstairs to go shower and change into your night wear for the night. Footsteps were heard upstairs.. you brought the nearest thing to you, it was your umbrella, ready to hit someone whoever was up there. You went upstairs and saw that your bedroom was open, you knew that a person was in there so you went to your bathroom, closed and locked it.
You dialed Jack's phone number, since you hated the police for being lazy idiots and not finding criminals these days, while it was dialing you heard footsteps again and it made your heart beat faster. 'Cmon, c'mon, please answer Jack.' you thought to yourself.
Will came out of your shower and held you down on your bathroom floor, the door to your bathroom also opened somehow by Hannibal. Will then covered your mouth with his own hand.
"It's okay, it will be okay my love.. Hannibal and I will take care of you.." Will said.
Then, Hannibal had a needle injection in his hand, and poke it through your arm. Drowsiness is all you see and you blacked out and fell limp on Will's arms.
Thomas Hewitt:
You and your friends have been planning to go to Texas for a summer road trip! Currently all of you are in the jeep blasting music in hot Texas. Until your friend that was driving stopped at a gas station, "Imma do a quick stretch and you guys get some snacks for the way, in case you guys get hungry." Your driver friend said.
You needed some snacks for yourself, so you walked into the little gas station, while some of your friends did a little bit of stretching. You walked in the gas station and looked around to see what they were selling. Luckily, this gas station was selling snacks, so you had to walk over there and get some for you and your friends.
Apparently, sometimes you kinda do this, and it's by not really looking around your surroundings. So, you end up faceplanting into a hard chest. You immediately apologized, and looked up to see a man wearing a leather face mask.
You stared into his dark brown eyes, and thought how beautiful they were. As for Thomas, he doesn't know what to do, instead he stood there and looked into your eyes. While you guys are lost in each other's eyes, Luda came around the counter wondering why did you and thomas stood still, so she spoke up. "Is everything alright you two?"
You jumped at the question and looked at the lady, "Sorry, I was just apologizing to him because I didn't look where I was going." You said. Luda then looked at Thomas, and Thomas nodded his head telling her that you were telling the truth.
Your friends walked in and saw a looking scary burly man right beside you. "(Y/n) get away from that thing!" That pulled you away from the woman's attention and to your friends, "What are you talking about?" Your friends pointed at the so-called "thing" behind you.
So you turned around seeing the "thing" which was Thomas, "You mean him? He hasn't done anything wrong with me. In fact he looks like he wouldn't even hurt a fly." Thomas was a little shocked at your answer, he has hurt many people in his life because of what they call him. Even Luda was surprised about your answer too!
Luda looked at Thomas, and nodded that they were going to keep you, but they are going to make your friends as meat.. As you and your friends got the snacks you all needed, your friends still had weird vibes off of Thomas. The way he would stare down at all of you, and how his eyes are watching every single movement you guys did...
Your friend had driven off as fast as they could, because of your other friends telling them what had happened. While on the road, the wheel in the front happened to be popped, so you're all stuck in the middle of nowhere in the hot sun of Texas.. your friends started arguing with each other about car.
While your friends are arguing, in the distance is a man, a man that has a chainsaw in his hands and it's revving.. "Hey guys.. should we be worried about him..?" You pointed at the man that was from the gas station from before. Your friends then got worried about him, "Maybe we should run away, because that chainsaw he is holding is on.." one of your friends said. They all agreed on what they said, now for Thomas he was ready to kill all of your friends, except for you though. Thomas is now on the run towards your group, and your friends have already fled without you. So you were the last to run away into the cornfield.
Running isn't something that you are very good at, in fact it's just something that you hate doing. Your legs are on fire, same as your feet, screams could be heard from almost everywhere in the cornfield. After escaping from the large cornfield, you have found a barn and of course you had to hide inside.
When you have gone inside the barn, you had to lie down since the running made you breathe heavily and unsteadily. After a few deep breaths, the door burst opened, and lord behold Thomas Hewitt is now inside the barn.. Thomas started pushing and knocking things over, and you were scared. You were hoping that he wouldn't find you under the stairs.
Their barn is a two story barn, but the upstairs is just for looking down at the farm animals. Thomas paused by the stairs where you were hiding, and revved up his chainsaw and started revving the stairs, and you screamed. You then tried to get out of the stairs and you saw the man throw his chainsaw on the other side of where he is.
He then grabbed you by both your ankles, and a squeak sound came out of you. You then got knocked out by Thomas's hand.. yes his hand. Apparently Thomas used his hand and slapped it onto your forehead, which somehow knocked you out..
Thomas didn't care about that right now, he then stared at you and thought how you would probably be a great mother. Well, that's because if you have wide hips, it's great for holding children on your hips while doing stuff around the house. (Thomas heard about that from his mama, so kudos to her, loll.) He then carried you to the house for you to become a Hewitt, a Mrs. Hewitt..
Brahms Heelshire
You took the job as a babysitter, but what you are babysitting is a boy doll..? The Heelshire's have explained what your job will be doing as Brahms' sitter, also the grocery boy that'll be dropping off groceries. So off they went when they waved you their farewell, while waving goodbye as soon as the car was no longer in your view, you closed the door.
You looked around the mansion and then at 'Brahms,' "Okay Brahms, let's see what's the first thing that's on the list!" The first thing on the list was to feed Brahms. So off you went with Brahms on your hips, and going to the dining room. Here's a thing, the mansion was huge so it was confusing to go where the dining room was. "Now where the heck is your guy's dining room..?"
The real Brahms behind the wall that was looking at you, found it quite funny. You turn your head left and right and decide to go left down the hall to see if the dining room was there. While walking down the hall, you couldn't help but feel someone's eyes were on you. Chills crawled to your arms, your spine, and literally everywhere. You shivered, "Sorry, I must feel really cold in this mansion." You chuckled a little after your sentence.
As you went into the dining room, you cooked up something that was on Brahms' list of food that he likes. So, for lunch it was grilled cheese with tomato soup! You then started to get the stuff from the cupboards to make the soup. You then placed the items down on the counter and started, after the soup was done and now is boiling on the stove, next is the grilled cheese! You got the things for the grilled cheese and started grilling, after all the boiling and grilling it was now ready!
You are so proud of yourself for making delicious tomato soups and grilled cheeses! "I'm so proud of myself, it looks so good that I already want to take a big bite!" You then turned around where you put Brahms, and carried him to his seating place and placed down the food for him. You then sat across from him, but you still had that feeling someone was still watching you. You also thought that eating in front of a doll is kinda weird, "Sorry Brahms, I kind of feel uncomfortable so I'm going to eat in the next room beside you, okay?" You grabbed your plate and patted gently on Brahms' head and headed to the other room.
As you sat down, you started eating your food. It tasted so good, that you could taste the saltiness and the tomatoes, as for the grilled cheese it was delicious! The cheese pull was a fun thing that you liked to do before eating it. After eating your food, you felt full from your sandwich(es), and went to check up on Brahms. When you walked into the dining room, Brahms also ate all his food, but it was also weird how the whole plate was empty. Well that doesn't matter either way, what matters is that you both are full from lunch.
"Hi Brahms, I hope you liked the tomato soup with grilled cheese I made!" You smiled at Brahms, and collected his dish that he ate on, and turned on the water and started washing the dishes. Once that was done and dried off, you look to the side where there was still more tomato soup and grilled cheese, 'I guess I made a lot of grilled cheese' you remembered that Mrs. Heelshire told you that they don't waste food, instead they just put it in the refrigerator for later, and take it out and warm up and just eat it.
You then looked around at the drawers to see if you could find their tin foil. Luckily you did, you then started foiling the left over tomato soup and grilled cheeses. You then placed the tin foiled food into the fridge, and carried Brahms again. "Alright let's see what's next on this list, shall we?" As you look through the list, it was time to play some music! You went on to find where their music room is, as you are trying to find the music room, your phone started ringing. "Hm? I wonder who it is.." you looked at the callers name and it was your best friend, so you immediately answered.
-"What's wrong?"
-"Your ex knows where you are!"
That paused what you were doing, you then started panicking and talked to your best friend on the phone, you then asked questions who told him where you are and when he was coming, etc. Brahms was staring at the little peephole of the hallway you were in. Clenching his fists since your phone was on speaker mode, so he heard the word "ex."
As you were panicking and talking to your best friend on the phone, Brahms could hear someone pulling up the driveway, he knew it wasn't the grocery boy. In fact it was your "ex," so he then started walking away from you. Your ex was here, banging on the door, more like trying to break down the door to get to you. As he was breaking down the door you ran with the doll Brahms to where the big mirror is and tried to find a hiding spot before he gets in.
Unfortunately he already got in, and he is right behind you, screaming your name to come back. You then went in front of the mirror and tried to back up from him. He came closer and closer and took Brahms away from you.
-"Ha! What's this, is this the "boy" you have to babysit?"
Your ex swung the doll a little, taunting you..
-"STOP! Please don't do that! That's the only thing the Heelshire's have that's left of their son!"
The look on your ex's face showed that he didn't give a damn.
-"I knew you were such a greedy fat bitch tryna get money! You even had that opportunity to try and escape from my grasp, just to go far away from me.."
He looked at the doll holding it tightly within his grasp.
-"Please don't do that! Or else-"
-"Or else what (Y/n)?! You know what, I don't give a fuck about your job or this little creepy ass doll.."
Your ex didn't listen, and decided to smash the doll. Brahms' head was shattered into tiny pieces.. You looked at your ex, tears forming in your eyes from what's now left of the doll.
Suddenly, the mirror right beside you two, shattered out of nowhere. Both you and your ex covered, and looked back at the mirror hearing a little boy's voice come out of the hole of the mirror..
You heard your own name thinking it was the little boy like the doll, but it wasn't a little boy. The so-called 'little boy' came out to be a full grown man. The man called your name again, menacingly. As for your ex, he tried to flee but Brahms ran after him with the mirror glass in his hand. Your ex didn't make it out of the room where you all were, he immediately got killed from Brahms. You watched as your ex got killed by Brahms, and you looked at him, and you tried to run away. Which Brahms caught you once you tried to run, Brahms held up a cloth to you, which smelled horrible and he covered both your mouth and nose. You tried to fight back, but it was no use since the horrible smell made you lose consciousness and passed out on Brahms arms.
Your ears were ringing, but you swear you did hear Brahms say..
"I'm going to keep you forever, and ever (Y/n).. Mine forever..."