Tlb X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Muti slasher with a reader that loves to bake, eat, and share
But the reader is like feeding them the sweets like a baby
(I think I went overboard on this one lmaoo)
Slashers: Michael, Jason, Bubba, Thomas, Billy and Stu, Billy lenz, Brahms, Carrie, Hannibal x Will, & The lost boys!
Feeding slashers sweet treats!
Michael Myers:
This silent man actually does love when you bake something for him, especially that he has a sweet tooth! Like he'll be popping out of nowhere just to see what you are baking! And just watch you do the stuff from scratch.
If you want to share with Michael, this man will literally steal the whole damn plate just to eat the whole thing in front of your face..! Which makes you pissed every time he does that, and you would ignore whenever he tries to ask for those baked treats.
Michael does not want to be fed like a baby, he would most likely slap your hand away that's full of treats onto the floor.. Which Michael had to clean that up since he acted like a full on child for that.
Jason Voorhees:
When he found out that you would love to bake, he immediately wanted to try whatever pastries/deserts you would make! He'll also help you with whatever you need help with your baking!
Sharing these treats with Jason is like heaven to him! He loves seeing his darling making faces of how delicious your sweets are!
When you get the chance to feed these sweets to him, Jason gets really embarrassed that he's getting fed, but he's not complaining! He actually loves it when you feed him, cooing at him, and praising him for how much of a handsome boy he is!
Bubba Sawyer:
He LOVES LOVES your baking!! He'll be blubbering about how delicious your baking is, and how flaky it is when he bites into it! (His brothers are a little jealous, that their little brother has a baker that feeds him đ.)
When you share the new sweets you made, he'll be jumping up and down, wanting to try your new recipe! He then starts blubbering praises of how good it is, and that you should start feeding him that!
Now feeding Bubba, he's really shy but that doesn't matter, because getting fed by you and your sweets will be treating him like a baby, wanting more and more! But for you, you are so glad Bubba loves your sweets, and of course you love feeding him too! It makes both you and him happy as ever!
Thomas Hewitt:
This big burly man will be wanting to try your sweets of course! He immediately smelt the fresh apple pie, thinking that it was his mama making it, because he loves his Mama's apple pie!
When he got up there, he was surprised that you were baking! So of course he needed to try your apple pie! Once he bit into the apple pie, he was over the world! Making grunts of how good it is, and praising you with his grunts!
You then grabbed the chair and went beside Thomas, and grabbed a piece of apple pie, and tried to feed him. Which surprised him since you wanted to try feeding him, but he didn't care he just bit into it, and then he looked into your eyes, and Thomas put the piece of apple pie down from your hand and gave you a hug for how delicious your pie is!
Billy & Stu:
Now these two, especially Stu are a menace! When they found out you loved to bake, of course their big mouths wanted to try your sweets! Begging you if you are making more sweets, or making new sweets too!
Stu loves how you make your sweets by scratch and Billy loves how you make so much effort just to feed those sweets to them! So sharing your baked sweets to them, it's something that they will never forget!
When feeding them your baked treats to them, they'll be giving so much praise for how good it is, and asking you to feed them more! While feeding these two, they both have the audacity to start moaning while eating, so you gave them a smack to the head for that..
Billy Lenz:
You kind of knew Billy when you were staying with the sorority girls. Sometimes at midnight, there will be noises of clattering downstairs, so you had to investigate what was all that noise. Seeing a person opening up what's left over your baked brownies, froze still.. You then chuckle at the feeling of how you knew that the "moaner" was eating your brownies!
Wherever there's a chance during nights, you'll be baking treats for the "attic" man, because that's what you call him when he shows you where he hides most times. But he then told you his name, which made you happy that he told you his name, so of course you had to make more cookies for him!
For Billy, he doesn't like when people feed him, so getting fed by you would make him move away from you.. He just thinks that it's weird and he could just feed the treats to himself if he wanted to. Which you completely understand that if he doesn't want that, you'll have to leave him be.
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms has been bugging you for the past few hours to make him treats! Which made him pissed that you will be fully ignoring him, so the only way to get your attention, is by acting like a full on child..
He'll be full on child mode, making messes, yelling, and crying. Hearing him being like a grown man child is something that you really hate, and you gave in and started baking a batch of treats for him.
After baking those treats for him, he'll be forcing you to hand feed them to him, because he wants to be a big baby. You had to tell him to say 'please' after what he wanted, and he said it, just so you could feed him.. But seriously he loves you so much, and he wouldn't know what to do without you and your baking!
Carrie White:
You loved to bake too? So does Carrie! Both you and Carrie will be making batches of whatever treats you guys like! Carrie loves how you make anything with chocolate, and you love her cakes that she likes to bake!
Sharing recipes with Carrie is always fun! Both you and her will be trying out new recipes with each other, and taste test them! Carrie's favorite recipe from you is the brownies, but with melted chocolate inside! As for you, you like her baked cakes! She makes so many and they're all so good, which you couldn't pick but whichever you like that's your favorite cake from her!
You and Carrie love sharing food too! Which isn't weird for the both of you since you've been sharing food since you guys were little! So you both love making "Here comes the airplane" or anything else than that, while feeding each other! Which makes it funny while eating, and just laughter filled in the air!
Hannibal & Will:
These two love your baking! They both praise and coo at you for making these delicious treats for them! For Will, he will give you cuddles for making the treats and for Hannibal, he'll be cooking your favorite dish/food for making the treats too!
Sharing your baked treats to them, makes them fall in love with you more! These two will be giving you love for making these treats for them, they'll also do everything for you too! They're really helpful after giving them your baked treats!
Will kinda does want to be fed by you, but for Hannibal he doesn't want to since he's a clean man, but he would most likely feed you though.. but they both love you very much just for feeding them your baked treats!
The Lost Boys (David, Dwayne, Paul & Marko):
Feeding these vampires is something you kinda hate but also love at the same time! They love your baked treats a lot, (maybe too much) because they'll be bugging you to make more and more! And if they want more, that means your money will be gone within a week..
They love you so much for sharing your baked treats! Even though they know that you are running out of money for baking these treats for them, the only way these vampires will do is steal money of course, just for you to make more..!
They love to be fed by you, especially Paul and Marko, but for David and Dwayne it might take some time for these two. But over all they love you so much, that they will literally make them feed your baked treats over and over again (Even if your broke đ).
All the lost boys with a cuddly reader that just jumps on them like the since where they jumped off the train track everytime they are near
The Lost Boys x reader that loves to cuddle!!
These vampires are jumping on you like damn kangaroos! But to you, you always love when they want cuddles! They also love you so much that they would do anything for you too (ahem, besides going out in the sun ofc đ).
Out of nowhere Paul and Marko would absolutely body slam you to the couch and cuddle with you, which always ends up with you almost not breathing..
For David and Dwayne they would sneak up on you and scare you, always end up having your blood rushing and your heart being in a heart attack. But of course they would cuddle you to soothe you down after that scare.
All four of them would actually do the same thing what Paul and Marko would do, body slamming on you for their cuddles.. They would absolutely apologize profusely for doing that to you! They didn't mean to, but they just love to do that, because boys are boys!
Loving all four of these vampires always turn your life more fun with them, sure they could always do dangerous stuff, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is they all love you if who you are and how you love them back!!
Dawyne, Paul and Marco with a reader who a chubby puppet?
Okay for this one instead of a dressed up puppet, I did like a transform puppet! You can turn into a puppet and then a real human!
Sorry if I made this kinda short, I didn't really know how to do this drabble đ.
Dwayne, Paul and Marko x chubby reader that is a puppet!
Dwayne thought your work is so cool! Like transferring souls to places where they belong, like for people that have died and want to stay with their family, they can! As for the other people that want to go somewhere else, then they can go somewhere else if they want to!
When you transform into a human, Dwayne couldn't keep his eyes off of you! He loves how soft you are everywhere, and how gorgeous you are too! He loves snuggling and cuddling with you in the cave, and it's his favorite thing during his free time!
This blondie loves what you do, and he mostly follows you around while you are doing your work! Everywhere you go, he's always there right behind you, following like a lost puppy.. Of course you tried to shoo him away while you were doing your work, but you couldn't help but just sigh and let him follow you.
Now when you transform into a human, he just couldn't let you go, because how soft your body is, and how he almost wanted to ravish how soft you are. But you give the best cuddles, since you are soft and how your body is always so warm! He'll literally take you away from your work just to make you cuddle with him!
Marko loves to stare at what you do for your work. Like seriously, it gives you goosebumps whenever you feel that he is close by. You actually like being with him, he loves showing you off what he does! While you do your work, he loves watching what you do and he's amazed at how you do it too!
Once you transform into a human, he couldn't stop taking his eyes off of you! When he finds out you are warm, instead of a deadly cold like him, he couldn't even keep his hands to himself! His hands are everywhere and he'll be close by you while cuddling, not letting you go!
Slashers with a chef reader? Maybe they'll teach the slashers how to cook or bake? :)
Slashers: Carrie, Chucky (Charles) & Tiffany, Sinclair Brothers, Thomas & Bubba, Norman, Billy & Stu, Billy Lenz & Brahms, The lost boys, Jason, and Michael!!!
Teaching slashers how to cook/bake!
Carrie's favorite thing to do is baking! For cooking not a lot actually, because she accidentally burnt the food she was making, almost cutting her fingers off for making the vegetables or meat, and a lot of messes everywhere!
But that's okay! After Carrie tells you why she doesn't love to cook as much as baking, you wanted to try and help her! So, first off you showed her how to cut properly, what temperature for certain food when it's ready, etc!
After a few days or so, she'll be like a cook in no time! She made Chicken Alfredo, Fried Rice, etc.. She's so happy that you taught her how to cook, and whenever you come to her house, she'll have some dishes for you to try! You'll also be giving her recipes that are easy for her to make, until she gets used to all the cooking! She is so grateful for you showing how to cook!!
Chucky (Charles) & Tiffany:
Chucky isn't really a cook or a baker, he just orders food... But for Tiffany she can cook and bake, but she thinks that some of her stuff is mostly bad.. That's why you are there at their house, showing how to cook and bake!
Tiffany is a fast learner doing things after what you do, but for Chucky he's just a slow learner (a really slow one). Tiffany hits Chucky with the wooden spoon on the head, telling him to do it or else.. So he had to, because he does not want to make his wife mad.
After teaching both of them cooking and baking for a few days, they've invited you to come again! They've made so much food, and a lot of sweets too! Tiffany gave you a big hug for helping her and Chucky learn to cook and bake more! Chucky just said thanks, but that's okay! You are so glad that these two wanted your help, and they're glad that you helped them too!
Sinclair brothers (Bo, Vincent, & Lester)
All three of them can't cook or bake.. So you taught them how to, of course! Bo doesn't want to bake, because he thinks it's only for the women so you had to throw a metal cooking spoon at him for that.. Vincent wants to do both and Lester just wants to do what you do!
So the first thing you did was baking! There were a few mistakes here and there for baking, like how Lester accidentally mixed some of the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients. After telling them why you don't mix dry ingredients with the wet ingredients, you guys then started baking different sweets! After baking all those sweets, you then moved into cooking, and again there were mistakes, so you had to teach them again.
After all the cooking and baking, there was a lot of food, and they hadn't been fed this well in a lot of years! They all said thanks and we're really happy that you wanted to help them cook and bake! Luckily while going to the store you remember about jonesy's food, so she ate too!
For the dog, people call the dog 'jonesy', and I think most of them said she's a female dog, unless I'm really wrong about the name and the gender, so please tell me if i made a mistake!
Thomas & Bubba:
These two wanted to learn how to bake, since their family are cooks but not much of bakers, except for Luda Mae! So you went to the grocery store that was a few miles down from their hometown, and got all the baking stuff they needed, even with the cooking since Drayton needed some seasonings and other stuff..
Once you arrive at home, you then start unpacking a lot of foods from the plastic bags! You told Mama (Luda) that you'll be coming back with a lot of stuff, and she was really confused as to why there's more baking instead of cooking ingredients. You then told her it was for Thomas and Bubba, that those two wanted to learn how to bake, and Mama wanted to help too since her boys wanted to learn! (She's so proud of them!!)
You and Mama taught them what to put in certain stuff, dry ingredients with dry ingredients and wet ingredients with wet ingredients, etc! Mama wanted pie for dessert, so you all made 4 big patches of apple pie! Making the pie was really fun with these two and especially funny, Thomas always tilted his head by the way he's confused with the stuff, and for Bubba he always shows you and Mama if he did the stuff right every few seconds or so. After all your hard work, you all sat down and ate drayton's famous roast dinner (ahem definitely not made from human meat đ, jkjk you already been eating human meat staying with these people). Then, you all ate the apple pie, and it was so good that Hoyt said who made these, and you answered it was Thomas and Bubba. Hoyt did a surprised face that these two baked the apple pie?? Which laughter then erupted around the table, just laughter and chattering filling the air of the Hewitt's home..
Norman wanted to learn baking and cooking, just to help around your shared home! You asked him what he wanted to do first, and he wanted to do cooking first! Teaching him what to do with the cooking, you guys decided to do frying food! There were some hisses and ouches heard from Norman, but nothing too serious since he's getting used to the oil popping everywhere and going onto his skin.
So after all that frying, you guys went onto baking! Baking was really fun and also messy with Norman! You guys decided to make a chocolate cake for dessert after all your hard work! While the chocolate cake is being baked in the oven, you decide to turn up the radio to listen to some tunes. One of those tunes was playing Norman's favorite song, and he held out his hand for you to take, and so you did. Slow dancing to Norman's favorite tune for a little bit, until the cake was done!
Now dinner was set with all the frying foods you've done and the chocolate cake! Everything was beautiful to Norman, even with you he thought it was even more perfect than before! Both of you sat down from across from each other, and luckily you brought wine for this special occasion! And you popped open the cork and started pouring the wind into both your glasses. Just a nice romantic dinner with Norman..!
Billy & Stu:
These two mostly order out, which causes all their money to disappear almost everyday! You then talked to them about cooking and baking! Stu wanted to bake, since he loves sweets and for Billy he just doesn't want to do anything.. So you put Billy as the cook, he complained about it, but you ignored him for that.
Stu checked if all the stuff was measured correctly and ready to be mixed, and surprisingly everything he did was correct! He wanted to make brownies, and for Billy he needed lots of help from you! You then asked him what he would want for dinner tonight, and he looked through the recipe book that you bought, and pointed at Alfredo. You then told him to get out what the recipe book says and do it, and he got everything out. You then helped him with the cooking too, so that he doesn't burn down the Alfredo.
After everything was ready, Billy & Stu were ready to eat! You all sat down and started eating, Billy's Alfredo tasted really good which brought Stu almost eating the whole pot! And that's okay, you and Billy were full anyways, and after that Stu took out the brownies from the oven and gathered plates and cups for the milk. Stu then gave you and Billy brownies and a cup full of milk, and then started eating! Stu decided to make jokes and just laughter filling the air..
Billy Lenz & Brahms:
(decided to put these two together, since they're like a couple, attic rat and wall rat, wait whattt who said that??)
These two are like the biggest babies, whining for you to make food and sweets for them. You didn't have the energy to deal with all their baby attitudes, and grabbed both of them by the hands and dragged them downstairs to the kitchen. You then told them that they had to learn how to cook or bake.. Both of them looked at you and then at each other, and shook their heads telling you that they don't want to.. You forced them to.
They kinda hate for you to force both of them to help you with the cooking and baking. You had to pick baking, because it was kinda the easier one to do for both of them. You got the ingredients to make sour dough bread, and told them which ingredients need to be together or not together. Once those two were done, brahms put the sour dough bread into the oven.
Then those two wanted to cuddle right now, but you told them they had to wait until the bread is done. Then, the bread was done, it smelled heavenly for Billy and Brahms, and then you got the bread knife and started slicing the bread! (You didn't trust those two since they probably do something stupid with the bread knife đ.) You gave each of them four slices of the sour dough bread, you walked to your chair and sat down and noticed that Billy and Brahms ate the four of their slices in just 5 seconds. They then dragged you upstairs after you ate your pieces of bread, just to cuddle with them..
The Lost Boys (David, Dwayne, Paul, & Marko):
You came up to your vampires and asked all of them if they wanted to learn cooking and/or baking! All of them chose baking since they really loved sweets, and they all wanted to try and make Twinkies! Luckily they had a box of Twinkies in their cave, and you grabbed the box from their secret hiding spot and looked at what you need for the ingredients.
Since they don't have a kitchen in their cave, you invited them to your house, but under one condition is that they all don't make a huge mess.. You all then arrived at your house and you gave all of your boys jobs just to make Twinkies. Paul and Dwayne are going to mix the ingredients and David and Marko are going to mold it into a Twinkie! (Or whichever shape they want!)
After making the Twinkies, you all then went to your couch and turned on a movie to watch as time passed by for the Twinkies to be done in the oven. Eventually it was done, and you then grabbed the pan from the oven using your kitchen glove and placed it onto the stove. You started counting how much there is for everyone and started splitting it up fairly. These vampires loved how it turned out, kinda crispy and warm after it was out of the oven! You all then bring your Twinkies and go over the couch and sit, you then unpaused the movie you all have been watching. Just snuggles and cuddles from your boys while watching a movie..
I literally don't know how to make Twinkies, so this was probably not really accurate at all..!
Jason Voorhees:
Jason asked you about teaching him about cooking and baking because he feels bad for you doing all the cooking! You were so glad he wanted you to teach him how to cook and bake, you then asked him what he wanted to cook and bake! Jason wanted to cook spaghetti with meatballs, and for dessert strawberry pie, because it reminds him of his mother's baking!
Luckily you two had enough ingredients to make spaghetti and strawberry pie! Jason wanted to do baking first, because his mother tells him that it takes longer than cooked foods! So you and Jason then worked on making strawberry pie, mixing in ingredients and you then put the pie into the oven. You and Jason then worked on making spaghetti with meatballs!
While the spaghetti and meatballs are cooking, the pie was done! Jason grabbed it out of the oven and placed it on top of the dish cloth, to let it cool down a little. Now the food was done, so you grabbed bowls and plates with forks and set them on the table, and Jason grabbed the food and the pie. You had some strawberries that were in the fridge and placed them on the pie, and sat down with Jason. Jason then took off his mask, and smiled at you, happy that he made food with you!
You had to make Michael look at how you cook, baking is off the list because you have a feeling that he'll be eating the whole bag of sugar.. Michael didn't want to watch how you cook, he wanted to go out there and kill his victims! You told Michael that he'll have to learn to cook, because some days at your job they'll probably want you to work overtime. So, you decided to make the easiest one for him. Which is hotdogs..
You grabbed the pot from underneath the cupboards and poured in water from the sink and placed it on top of the boiling stove. You then grabbed sausages out of your fridge and plopped 6 sausages. You then explained to him that it'll only take about 4 to 6 minutes, since you already turned on the stove to the boiling point.
After the sausages were done, you then asked Michael to get the bread that was in the storage and put it on the table. And so he did, you then walked to the table and placed a dish cloth on the table, just to not burn the table. Since Michael is a picky eater, you got ketchup for him and other sauces that you like to put on your hotdogs. You then told him to grab a fork and stab at the sausage and place it on the bread. He did what you said, and you then told him to drizzle the ketchup in a straight line or in a squiggly line, and he drizzled into a squiggly line and he took off his mask and ate the hotdog. You then did the same to your hotdog and bit into it too, you asked Michael if he wanted to do this again. Michael didn't move a little, until he looked at you and nodded his head..!
Hiiii can I request a selfcare day with the slashers? Like their s/o some how convinced them to do a mini spa day? Clay mask, manicure, etc? :))
Slashers: Patrick, Norman, Carrie, Chucky (Charles) & Tiffany, Sinclair brothers, Billy & Stu, The Lost Boys, Hannibal & Will, Jason, RZ Michael, Thomas & Bubba, & Billy Lenz & Brahms!!
(This was not really accurate, because I've never been to a spa before, also I really wrote this kinda fast so there might be a lot of repeated words, so I'm so sorry!!)
Slashers x S/O doing a mini spa day!
Patrick wanted a spa day with you after all his anger he put on people.. So he reserved an expensive spa place for you and him! You didn't know how to pay Patrick back for taking you to an expensive spa, but he just says that it doesn't matter, and that his darling needed a spa day too!
Patrick ordered manicures for you, clay masks, massages, etc! There was so much that Patrick ordered for both of you, and he decided to reserve the whole damn place too! Because he didn't want to be bothered by other people.
Once you were done with your manicures, he pulled you into the massage room, and the people started massaging. Your muscles were really tight, due to the stress, and now you feel so relaxed and so does Patrick too! After massages, Patrick pulled you into the sauna room and rubbed the clay onto your face, and then he did his. Feeling even more relaxed in the hot sauna, you and Patrick are so glad you guys decided to do a spa day off of things that stresses both of you out.
You suggested to Norman about a little spa day with you and him, since you've seen him always stressed out about something. Of course Norman wanted to take a day off of work and have a mini spa day with you! Norman had things for the spa day, because he does own a motel for bath stuff too!
Luckily your own home has a bath tub that would fit both you in, so you started turning on warm or hot water. Norman got bath bombs, things to make the clay masks, etc! Norman was so ready for this little mini spa day with you!Norman plopped 1 or 2 bath bombs that smell like flowers that you love to smell, and started making the clay masks. You took the bowl from him and told him that he had to relax, and that you will do everything prepared for him.
Norman then nodded his head and took his clothes off, and went into the water. After you did the clay masks, you then said to Norman you'll be right back, because you are going to get something. You came back with two bowls, one with melted chocolate and one with strawberries! You then pulled a chair and a small foldable table and sat down, and you started massaging Norman's head praising him for how wonderful he is, and also feeding chocolate strawberries!
You and Carrie have been planning a spa day as an anniversary on the day you two became best friends, or being girlfriends! You two decided to go to a spa that was nearby in your neighborhood, and the usual people that know you two welcomed you both in! Because you two loved to get manicures from there!
You then told the person that was working at the front desk, that you and Carrie are gonna do a spa day! They immediately got their people to prepare for the spa, clay masks, etc!
Then your spa room was ready, you and Carrie both walked into the room and felt the humid air on your skin, just the perfect temperature! You both then went into the spa and immediately felt relaxed, you then put clay on your face and Carrie's, and you then massaged her back. Just a nice relaxing spa day with your bestie/girlfriend Carrie!
Chucky (Charles) & Tiffany:
You and Tiffany were planning to go to a spa for relaxation, but Chucky heard your conversation and wanted to tag along since he wanted to relax too. You invited Chucky too since you got paid on Friday for this special occasion for everyone to just relax!
Walking into the spa it felt really welcoming, the decoration, colors, everything! You and Tiffany were ready for the spa and everything, but Chucky didn't want to do spa stuff, he thinks it's only for women..
That's okay, you didn't want to force him into anything that you and Tiffany like! You two immediately got ready for the spa, skin routine, clay masks, etc! After you two were done doing your routine, you both then went into the spa and immediately felt relaxed! Chucky just watched you two have the time of your lives, happy that you both are having fun, even him too!
Sinclair Brothers: (Bo, Vincent, & Lester)
You decided to make a spa day for them without telling them about it, since they've always been stressed out about something. You got everything ready for the brother, the warm bath, clay masks, etc! Right now you are taking them to your spa, blindfolded. A little trip and hits from tree branches over there and here, until you all arrived!
You pulled their blindfolds over their heads, and they were amazed to see a steaming built spa, some sweets/food, and a lot of other things too! Both Lester and Bo immediately went into the steaming spa and felt relaxed, but Vincent was taking his time. All three of them are now in the spa, and you grab some sweets/food and drinks.
You were happy they liked what you have done, all three of them were so relaxed! You then told them that you got snacks for them, and immediately Lester came by and wanted you to hand feed them. You laughed, and started feeding him snacks, Bo and Vincent just got their snacks. Everything was perfect for everyone!
Billy & Stu:
These two love snooping around your room, for stuff.. They looked at your colorful calendar to see what plans you have for this week. They've seen 'pay bills,' 'pay electricity bills,' so many damn bills they thought. Until their eyes landed on a Saturday and they read it, 'Spa days with my boys!!'
Billy and Stu put on their "poker face" and totally did not read your calendar! They went downstairs to see you cooking, and felt bad because after seeing that your calendar was full of bills and other important things, they wanted to help you! Billy grabbed the wooden cooking spoon from your hand, and by your surprise you were about to say something until Stu walked you over the table and let you sit down.
Once it was Saturday, they were so ready for you to take them to the spa! You told them that you all will be going to the spa! Arriving at the spa, you have already made a reservation for a room, and these two already hopped into the spa! You took your sweet sweet time putting on your clay mask, and you hopped into the spa too! Billy and Stu then started making fun of you, because of the stuff that was on your face! Which yes you almost got out of the spa and went somewhere because of their rudeness, but they pulled you back in. Laughter just filling in the air, while making splashes everywhere in the spa!
The Lost Boys: (David, Dwayne, Paul, & Marko)
Since these vampires can't go out in the sun, you planned their spa at night! You made it a surprise, so you had to put on masks to cover their eyes so that they wouldn't peek. Everything was ready, the spa, snacks, etc!
You uncovered all their eyes and let them see! The boys looked around the place you did, and walked towards the hot spa. Paul and Marko already took off their clothes and went in, feeling relieved and relaxed. David and Dwayne think that the steaming water will burn them, but looking at Paul and Marko it didn't seem they were screaming in pain or anything, so they went in too!
All of the boys started splashing water at each other's faces, making messes, and just being boys! Once you came by with the snacks, they wanted you to feed them, so you did! All the boys thought that you were coming to the spa, but you said it was for them. They all said their thanks since you did so much work for your vampires! They love you so much that you took your time with the spa, and how you take care of them too!
Hannibal & Will:
You had to take these two to a spa, because Will is always stressed out, and Hannibal needs to take his mind off of his killing.. So you pulled Hannibal and Will into the car and drove off. They asked you where you were taking them, and you just answered with a 'somewhere fun'.
You then parked your car and got outside with Will and Hannibal. Hannibal and Will looked at the store and thought that you were taking them shopping, but once they walked inside it was one of those spa places! They saw you talking to a front desk lady, probably thinking that you were paying, which they tried to stop you from paying. You told them you have already paid a reservation, and that you told them to follow you!
Hannibal and Will felt bad that you paid for the reservation for them! You told them not to worry about anything and that they just needed to relax! So they took your word and took off their clothes, and went into the spa. You did the same thing, since you felt really stressed too. You all felt really relaxed afterwards, and these two decided to take you all out to an expensive restaurant since you paid for the spa!
Jason loves to look at magazines during his free time, and his eyes came across a page about spa! Jason then came running to you feeling all giddy about it, and you thought it was an earthquake since the cabin was shaking!
Then it stopped once Jason came to you, Jason showed you why he came running down the hall to you, and you looked at what he was pointing at and saw he was pointing at a spa. Relaxed people having fun, snacks, clay masks, etc! So you told Jason you would do that for him! Jason shook his head, and signed in sign language that he wanted to help you with building the spa and everything else!
You and Jason started building a spa that was like the one in the magazine, but a little different! After building the spa, Jason worked on doing the snacks and you did the stuff you both need for the spa! Jason then worked on putting a filter for the spa water, because since the only water there is, it's the lake water. You then came outside seeing Jason already prepared the spa, snacks, and the decorations! After all that hard work, you both finally went into the spa and everything was perfect, just a romantic spa with Jason!
RZ! Michael:
Spa day at home, because this Tarzan looking dude, is everywhere where he is wanted! You wanted to do a spa day for Michael, because you have a feeling that his hair is tangled, and he also needed to take a bath since he reeks of blood from his victims and animals..
You started a warm bubble bath, grabbed some body wash, shampoo, & conditioner. You then waited until the bath was filled almost to the top. Once the bathtub was filled, you then walked downstairs to get some snacks, and went back up. Michael then wondered what you were doing, and walked upstairs to where you were.Michael then saw you sitting down, and you looked at him and told him to come and shut the door. Michael then did what you asked and walked over to you, you then pointed at the bathtub and said that he had to take a bath.
Since there were bubbles in the bath, Michael immediately took off his clothes and went inside. Bubble baths is what makes Michael entertained, and it also reminds him of his mom doing his bath too! You squirted some conditioner on your hand and started untangling Michael's hair. After a little while of untangling his hair, you then fed Michael some snacks and told him that he did a great job of not complaining of showering! Just giving love and praise to Michael for doing such a great job!
Thomas & Bubba:
It was just a normal hot sunny day in Texas, and you have been working on doing a spa day with these two! Nice ice cold water for both of them, since their skin is always hot during hardworking days like these. Killing off people and making them as meat.
You got the ice bath ready, snacks, clay, etc! Now you have to tell them that they can come outside! You walked your home and told Thomas and Bubba that it was ready, Bubba got up from the chair he was sitting in and walked towards you, Thomas did the same too.
Walking to the backyard, Thomas and Bubba looked at the whole thing you made just for them! A nice cold bath, snacks, drinks, and some other stuff that they didn't know you made too! Since it was still hot outside almost all the ice melted, so it was still cold and Thomas and bubba love you so much that you took the time to make all this just for them. You also wanted to feed them some snacks which they let you! Luda Mae looked outside seeing that you made a spa for them, but with cold baths which she laughed at. But she was really happy that both boys are having fun and relaxing at the same time!
Billy Lenz & Brahms:
Doing a spa day is good for these two, because they always smell bad whenever they walk around the house. That's why these two are trying to find you in Brahms big mansion, until they found you in a big room that's like a big sauna room.
They looked at what you were doing at the spa, the snacks that were nearby, etc! You turned around and saw Billy and Brahms looking everywhere in the spa. You then walked to the door, closed it, and locked it just in case those two tried to run out from not taking a bath.. They wanted to know what was all this, until you told them that they had to take a bath. They fled to the door, but it was locked and saw that you were giving them your glare.
They sluggishly walked to the bath that was full of warm water with bubbles, took off their clothes, and went inside. You then placed the snack on a little foldable table, you grabbed a shower cloth and started scrubbing off all the dirt off of those two. You then grabbed the treats and fed them, they felt so relaxed and happy that you fed and washed them!
Can you please do slashers x s/o who owns a cat who's getting chubbier? This is based on my cat ever since I made him try a different brand of cat food, he likes it too much that he eat more than 3 times a day đ
Also idk it you take anons
- đŸ anon
OMGGG CHUBBY CATS ARE SUCH CUTIESS!! I've always wanted a cat, but living in houses/apartments that's rented sucksđ. Since most of the houses & apartments I moved in don't allow cats or dogs.. And yes I do take anons!
Slashers: Norman, Carrie, Sinclair brothers, Patrick, Chucky & Tiffany, Jason, OG Michael, Billy & Stu, Billy Lenz & Brahms, Thomas & Bubba, The Lost Boys, & Hannibal & Will!!
(I was about to put RZ Michael, but then I remembered he ate a dog, so he'll probably eat the cat too đ.)
Slashers x S/O that owns a chubbier cat!
Norman noticed that your cat got much bigger! He asked you if this was normal feeding him three times a day. You said that it was normal, but he has to lose some weight, because he's becoming too big for some stuff, like his bed, etc!
He loves your cat so much though! It doesn't matter if he's chubby or skinny! He also loves feeding your cat treats, so he got really big the past few days. Over all Norman loves your cat, and that he brings comfort to him too! Norman loves to cuddle with you and your cat during rainy days or really cold winter days!
Carrie has been feeding your cat too! So she noticed that your cat is getting fatter, which means he's eating well! Carrie loves him so much, because of his chubbiness and how your cat is just too cute for Carrie to resist!
Carrie has tried to not feed him too much, because cats can get really lazy if they're too fat and not being energetic enough. If Carrie doesn't feed your cat, your cat will be bugging both you and Carrie for food and treats, which makes Carrie tear up because she doesn't want to make your cat too fat and how he keeps pawing at Carrie's legs! Which you ended up letting Carrie feed him since you felt bad for both of them!
Sinclair Brothers: (Bo, Vincent, & Lester)
The Sinclair brothers were really surprised that your cat got chubbier! Bo thinks your cat needs to lose weight, Vincent thinks your cat is fine, and Lester thinks that your cat is a cuddly squishy pet!
Your cat is like a comforter for Vincent! Vincent has been petting him and feeding him, and your cat loves hanging out with Vincent because of his quietness. Your cat also loves hanging out with Lester because of his playfulness! Lester would squish your cat's chubby belly, his cheeks, anywhere where his body is chubby! Your cat thinks Bo is a scary man, because of his angry face he always has. But once your cat gets really comfortable with Bo, your cat will be bugging him for cuddles in no time!
Patrick thinks your cat needs to lose weight. Sometimes Patrick gets ticked off when your cat keeps on meowing for food, or for something else. Patrick doesn't like pets, because pets are always messy. Patrick's ego is sometimes ruined from how messy your cat leaves behind, whether it's from eating, drinking, or getting out of the cat litter..
You've told Patrick that he'll have to learn to love your cat! Patrick didn't believe you because he doesn't like your cat leaving behind messes. So, it took this up-tight man a few weeks to like your cat. Your cat would make him feel better by sitting on his lap while sleeping. Your cat would make Patrick laugh from you playing with him and his toys!
Chucky & Tiffany:
Chucky is not really a big fan of pets, but Tiffany is! Tiffany thinks your cat is so adorable, his purring is what makes Tiffany love him even more! Chucky thinks your cat is okay, just a few pats here and there but nothing much. Tiffany loves feeding your cat treats because of how he'll always head butt his bowl to her! Chucky would also feed him treats whenever you ask him if he can, and he'll also pet him after once you get his treats!
Sometimes you and Tiffany would see Chucky sleeping on the couch with your cat on his lap. Tiffany would coo at how adorable they both look, and she would definitely take a few pictures with you in it for memories! Chucky and Tiffany don't care if your cat is chubby, they both love to cuddle with him!
Jason would always carry your cat around the cabin! Your cat loves being carried around by Jason or you, so he wouldn't have to walk around and just lay on you or Jason's arms! Your cat would always look for Jason, because he either wants to be carried around or just sleep on his lap while getting head rubs while going to sleep.
Jason loves to feed your cat while you are doing something or you're at work! Jason feels really bad when he feeds your cat too much, because he thinks that you're going to be angry at him. Bless his big heart, because you would never be mad at him! You said to Jason that it was okay to feed him more, but you'll have to try other ways to get your cat to be a little more energetic!
OG Michael:
Michael thought your cat was pregnant. You told Michael that your cat is a male, and your cat tends to eat more because of his favorite food you always bring. Sometimes your cat would be on Michael's lap and just sleep, while Michael is stiff as a board so that he doesn't try moving and wake up your cat.
Whenever Michael gets back from his killings, he'll see that your cat is by the window waiting for him! Michael has been giving your cat head pats and rubs, but not a lot of cuddles since he's not really a cuddly person. Which is fine since your cat likes getting pats and rubs from Michael and cuddles from you!
Billy & Stu:
Billy is not really a cat lover, because he thinks all cats scratch you whenever they want. But your cat is different from other cats, and that is your cat is a lazy house cat. Billy likes to look at what your cat likes to do, so mostly what Billy has seen that your cat has done is just sleeping and eating!
Stu loves petting your cat! Stu will squish your cat's cheeks, tummy, and probably his arms too! Stu would definitely give your cat so many treats because of how cute he is, and he would also try and cuddle with your cat while going to sleep! While you are gone doing something or at work, Billy and Stu would be calling you so many times saying that your cat's favorite food is all gone! Billy and Stu will also try to get your cat moving around the house since he's been getting a little fatter!
Billy Lenz & Brahms:
Now there's two cats in the house to feed! Billy's cat and your cat! Billy's cat is a female and her name is Penny! Penny loves to cuddle by him when she's cold or she just wants to sleep! Billy loves to squish your cat and cuddle with him and his cat!
Brahms thinks that you'll have more mouths to feed! Brahms thought your cat is like Billy's cat, because she likes to scratch Brahms' arms, legs, or literally anywhere. But Brahms examined your cat for a little bit. Brahms saw how your cat is always sleeping in the sunlight or either sleeping on your lap or Billy's! So Brahms decided to carry your cat just like Billy's cat, and your cat seemed to just let Brahms hold him! So Brahms has a new favorite cat to cuddle with!
Thomas & Bubba:
Thomas and Bubba have never had pets, so seeing a really chubby cat makes them interested in what he does! Thomas and Bubba would always see your cat sleeping on mama Luda's rocking chair or either somewhere in the house where there's sunlight! These two would also see your cat getting head pats and rubs from uncle Monty or Drayton! Nubbins and Chop-top would do weird stuff to the cat that would eventually leave scratches on their faces for bothering your cat..
Mama Luda would carry your cat around and feed him when she has time! Hoyt just tells you that your cat needs to lose weight.. Thomas and Bubba would be able to help you and your cat! After these two saw what your cat likes to do, they started caring for him too! Thomas would feed him before washing his hands, because he's been chopping up meat for the family in the basement! Bubba would be playing with him and his chicken, Mr. Waddles! Waddles tend to poke your cat with his peak and which your cat just sleeps through it. Bubba would also put on dresses that he made for Waddles and your cat, and play dress up!
The Lost Boys: (David, Dwayne, Paul, & Marko)
All four of them think your cat is going to scratch them! David was the first to examine if he's going to scratch, so he poked your cat to see if he was going to react. Your cat was asleep so of course not he wouldn't even react! You found all of them poking your cat, which made you pissed because clearly they don't see that your cat is trying to sleep!
You told them after telling them to stop poking your cat, that your cat is a lazy house cat so he's not really a verocious cat. But your cat will scratch them if they keep on poking him like that. So seeing that the boys understand why your cat didn't react, they all started petting and rubbing him! They all took turns on who gets to feed and who gets to pet and cuddle with your cat! They also said whoever feeds your cat gets to cuddle with you too!
Hannibal & Will:
When you first showed them your chubby cat, Hannibal and Will asked you questions if it was normal for your cat to look like that. You replied yes, but since your cat doesn't like walking, he's just a lazy house cat! Hannibal has been around dogs so he knows a lot of things about them. Same with Will, his special animals are his 7 dogs! Will's 7 dogs love to sniff around your cat and just examine him.
Will's dogs boop their noses at your cat, seeing that your cat is still sleeping, they'll leave your cat alone until he wakes up! Once your cat wakes up Will's dogs will be licking, sniffing, and booping their noses at your cat! Hannibal would pet your cat while he's in his recliner reading a book! Will would definitely sleep with you, your cat, Hannibal, and his dogs in one big bed! Over all, all of them love your cat and you!
how would the slashers react when their jealous or sulking?
(Ahem, this drabble was definitely not rushed đ)
Slashers: Norman, RZ Michael, Thomas & Bubba, Chucky (Charles) & Tiffany, Billy & Stu, Jason, Sinclair Brothers (Bo, Vincent, & Lester), Carrie, Brahms & Billy Lenz, & The Lost Boys (David, Dwayne, Paul & Marko)!
S/O reacting to slashers when they're jealous/sulking!
You love helping Norman around with the motel! You decided to be a receptionist, since Norman is going to take a break talking for a little while. While being the receptionist, you have to deal with rude, nice, and drunk people.. One of your customers was drunk, he decided to flirt with you right in front of Norman.
Most of his flirting was just sexual stuff at you. You were going to tell him to back off, but Norman took care of it. Instead of taking care of it the normal way, he smacked the man's head with a standing hanger for coats, leaving him on the floor with a bleeding spot on his head. (DRUNK MAN GOT K.O. BY NORMAN đ.)
Realizing that it was his mother's personality that killed the man that was on the floor. You immediately calmed down his mother's persona and then Norman came back to you! He also saw the man on the floor, and looked back up at you and asked if it was his mother that did this. You nodded your head and you both then started to take the body somewhere in the forest. You both then head back into the motel, and Norman makes a hot tea for you to calm your nerves down, and that made you relaxed!
RZ Michael:
You are Michael's nurse, since none of the nurses wanted to be his caretaker. Michael has grown fond of you, because you don't care what anyone says and what you do! You would always give him praises of his arts and crafts, like his masks, drawings, etc!
Sometimes guards call you a weirdo for falling the likes of Michael, which you didn't give a single fuck. You mostly just ignore what people would say to you about Michael, even Dr. Loomis.. His book that he made about Michael is just full of shit, and just makes people more scared of him too. Some of the pages are true about Michael, but most were just pulled out of his ass! Like where did this old doctor get, "He likes to drink toilet water when he is young.." like you know damn well that those words came out of his ass and out onto his book like it was nothing.
There was this guard that likes you, but only sexually because he leaves so many women/men behind and finds new women/men to be his little toy. Which in no way in hell that you'll be his "toy" to play around with! While you were in the lunch room with Michael, Michael would always look at the guard that had been staring at him and you. Sometimes Michael tries to speak to you, but he decides not to, so you then turn around to see the same guard looking at you! You calmed down Michael saying that you could handle it.. (You full on kicked the guard in the nuts, put your hands on his neck and whammed him to the ground đ€Ł!!)
Thomas & Bubba:
You love these two so much, because of their personalities and their hands! Their hands are bigger than yours and you would always want to hold their hands or most likely squeeze their hand like it's a toy! You love to hangout with bubba by doing his makeup, dress up, or just doing something that he likes! You also love to hangout or help out with Thomas and his chores, sometimes he doesn't need your help with carrying the two big hays onto his shoulder for the cows to eat, it'll always make you blush because of his broad shoulders!
When these two are together, it's like a big scary dog and just a happy little dog! Thomas and Bubba would go with you and Mama Luda at work, because sometimes at home they have nothing to do. You and Luda work at the little gas station where you'll see people that are tourists/people that pass or mostly bikers that live here.. One of those bikers thought it was OKAY to flirt with you right in front of Thomas and Bubba! This biker must had some balls to do that right in front of these two!
While he was flirting with you, you then looked at Thomas and bubba, and those two were sharing looks at each other. You knew what was going to happen to this man, and it was going to be really painful for him.. You shoved the man to Thomas and Bubba, and did a little wave at him. These two immediately took him outside somewhere behind the gas station and started beating the fuck out of him. (After work, these two then got so many kisses and praises from you!!)
Chucky & Tiffany:
These two would be giving death glares at the person that's talking to you. The person decided to start flirting with you, after you helped them with the directions to the bathroom.. Unfortunately the man thought you were by yourself, which you were not at all, until Chucky and Tiffany came from behind the man.
Chucky put one of his hands on top of the dude's shoulder in a tight grip. He dragged the dude into the bathroom for a little "pep" talk. Tiffany then asked you questions if he was weird or if he was touching you, etc. One of you and Tiffany's favorite song came on, and immediately you and Tiffany danced together on the dance floor! (Meanwhile, Chucky did a full on martial arts on the dude, in the bathroom đ.)
Chucky then came out of the bathroom, and saw that you and Tiffany were dancing together. He loved watching you two have fun, just smiling and laughing with no care at all! The song then ended, which you and Tiffany were breathing heavily and just laughing from all the dancing you both did! Chucky then walked to both of you and asked if it was time to go. You nodded and Tiffany answered with a yes. All three of you then walked out of the bar and headed home, laughing and smiling!
Billy & Stu:
With Billy and Stu, if there was a dude that decided to make flirtatious comments about what you are wearing. Billy would start giving him death glares and Stu would stop being goofy and give him death glares too. It sometimes scares you that Stu isn't laughing or goofing around anymore and acts like a twin of Billy.
These two are always jealous of someone talking to you. They pulled you away from the dude that was still flirting and walked over to the cafeteria for food. While you were busy eating and not paying attention, Billy went to where the dude was and started walking up to him. Stu grabbed your attention to make you laugh or talk about school and stuff.
Stu didn't get lunch, because he was in the negatives and he hasn't even paid a single penny on his lunches. So, Stu ate a big bite of your food and ate it in front of your face! Which made you sad and angry at him, you then didn't want to give Stu your attention anymore, because he ate your food! Stu poked and called your name, but you wouldn't even budge! Stu then started poking you at your sides, because that was where your ticklish spot was! You laughed and laughed and told Stu to stop, but he wouldn't so you smacked his hands for him to stop. You and Stu then laughed together, until Billy came out of nowhere and scared you two! (It scared you and Stu, and you knew it was a good scare because Stu screams like a girl if the scare really got him đ!!)
Jason doesn't talk, only in sign language or through his body! You were glad that he had books of ASL so you knew what he was saying through his hand signs. There was an upcoming date where there was a party throwing here at camp crystal. Young adults these days don't understand that people are dying and being missing here at camp crystal, but their brains decided to say 'Fuck that, I just want to party and have fun!' and they die anyways once Jason kills them.
You told Jason that you wanted to see what the party would look like, and Jason then started shaking his head 'no' really fast. He hated the thought of you making out with another person, and it always makes Jason jealous! Jason would say some things about parties from his mother in sign language, and you thought it was really wholesome for Jason to look out for you! Instead going to the party, you told Jason that you would help him with the killing since you went to the store to buy some stuff for the cabin. You overheard a group of three girls that were in probably college, saying that the party will be a really big party. Almost a 100 of those students wanted to go, maybe a little more than that..
It was really cold outside, so everyone was inside the big cabin for the big party. You went around the big cabin locking all doors and windows, so that no one will get out once Jason goes and kills everyone in there. Jason already went inside before you did all the locking, you walked to a nearby window where no one could see you, and saw that Jason then struck at the first person he saw. Screams are being heard everywhere in the cabin, some people tried opening the door to run away, but it wouldn't budge so they ended up dying. After all the killing, you made hot chocolate for Jason and made snacks for him too!
Sinclair Brothers:
You would help Bo with the "tourists" that are coming by and just talk to them about the house of wax or something else. You'll also be with Vincent while he's waxing people, and you mostly just want to see his beautiful waxing! You also love hanging out with Lester and his dog, Jonsey! You and Lester will be driving around somewhere to get more stuff for the house, and come back to ambrose.
You and Lester left Ambrose to get more food for you guys, early in the morning. Coming back to ambrose, there was a group who were standing outside of their car. You and Lester realized their car was broken down, so the group asked you both if they could come with you both and make a phone call for a mechanic. You knew what Lester was going to say, and it was a yes. The group hopped into the car, 3 people in the back and one person that was sitting on the right side of you. It was a lady that was sitting by the right side of you, and the other 3 were all men. (You kinda wanted to ask her what she was doing with 3 men, but you also realized that you are with 3 men too, so you didn't want to ask her that đ.)
Driving back to ambrose, one of those 3 men started flirting with you. His flirting was starting to get on your nerves and Lester's too, you looked at Lester and saw that his hands on the wheel were gripping, which means that he is getting annoyed and mad at him, and also jealous. You didn't respond to his questions, so he lost interest in doing so. While arriving in Ambrose, Lester got out of his car and held his hand out for you, the girl on the right was jealous because of how Lester is a gentleman, instead of her own boyfriend. The other 2 are her boyfriend's friends and they don't act like a gentleman either. Lester whispered into your ear that he'll be right back, and he walked to get Bo. You lead them to the gas station for them to "call". The same man before started flirting with you again, and he's asking for his ass to be killed, because Bo walked inside and saw him flirting and touching you! (You and Bo killed the other 3 and you left the man that flirted with you to Bo, Vincent, and Lester to torture him.)
Carrie is so sweet to you! You love hanging out with Carrie, because she's not really loud or annoying. She would also listen to your problems whenever you talk to her! Your friends always like to talk to you and not pay attention to Carrie and socialize with her. So, Carrie stays silent and listens to what your friends say.
You get angry at them for not including Carrie! You include people that walk behind your group of friends or when they're not in the conversation. You walked away from your friend group for not including Carrie as you specifically said to include her! Your friend group kept on calling your name to come back, and that they will include Carrie! Well, they haven't.. because some days when you don't show up to school, you would always tell Carrie if they hangout with her, but she would reply with a no.
So, you had enough of your friend group's attitude. They were all a bunch of assholes anyways, because they've lost some really good friends in the group, just from not really talking to them and acting like they don't know them either.. and you decided to do the same thing they've done too. Carrie was really surprised that you ignored your friend group, she asked you where you were taking her. You told her that you are taking her to another group of friends that you have. In that group were the good friends! They saw you immediately and waved at you as well as Carrie too! Carrie then started hanging out with your new friend group and you! She's really happy that she found friends that are really kind just like you!
Brahms & Billy Lenz:
You live in Brahms mansion with Billy too, so seeing Malcolm the grocery boy, makes these two really jealous. Malcolm likes chatting with you about other things instead of groceries. Chatting with Malcolm could lead to things for Brahms and Billy, killing him in front of you or torturing him, either one.. You always feel their presence, like how they give off their stares at you and Malcolm!
You would try and get Malcolm to start talking a little bit faster than usual. You would have to make up things, saying that you have to vacuum the big living room or something else than that. So, Malcolm would try speaking a little bit faster, until Brahms started to bang on the walls. Brahms is an impatient man and Billy is kinda in between. Either way, it freaked out you and Malcolm, Malcolm wanted to investigate what it was. But, you pushed him away from the bangs and pushed him outside of the mansion.
Malcolm was surprised why you pushed him outside, you said your goodbye to Malcolm and closed the door immediately. Brahms and Billy got out of their hiding spot, and both of them looked at you because it was your fault for letting a guest inside, especially Malcolm.. You had to deal with Brahms tantrum, and Billy's ranting saying that you'll leave him and Brahms, etc. You calm down Billy first and deal with Brahms' tantrum next. After these two have calmed down, you then wanted to go to sleep, even though it was the afternoon, but you were really tired trying to calm down Brahms and Billy. They both got in bed with you, snuggling too close and closing their arms around you tightly, so that you wouldn't leave..
The Lost Boys:
You and the boys decided to go to the boardwalk on a Friday night! All the boys were hungry and needed to eat, so they decided to go to the boardwalk with you! While the boys are looking for their next food, you decided to walk to your favorite place for food since you were hungry too. Walking to your favorite food place, you have caught someone's attention. That someone started to follow you, asking weird questions that just makes you cringe..
The man kept on asking you questions, like "are you alone", "do you need someone to cuddle", all that weird shit. You ignored the man, because those questions just make you cringe. The boys definitely knew that somebody was close by their mate, and could hear far away from where they were. They all flew, once the coast was clear, to you. You got your food and sat down, realizing that you could sense the boys. The man still kept annoying you with those questions, until the boys came by.
The boys gave a scary look at the man that was bothering you, and they already knew who their dinner was for tonight. You got up and took your food and walked with your boys back to the cave, because you wanted to eat peacefully without any questions coming out of an asshole's mouth. You all arrived in the cave and you settled in and ate your food, the boys said they'll be right back, and you knew that they were going to eat that man. (They definitely did eat him, and probably made his bones out of necklaces, etc đ.)
kickstart my heart.

âPaulâs always been flirty, and youâve never really taken it seriously. After a minor incident on the boardwalk, Paul decides that heâll make you take him seriously, one way or another.â

đđđđđđđ. | paul (the lost boys) x fem!reader.
đ đđđđđ. | one-shot â requested.
đđđđ đđđđđ. | 6.8K.
đđđđđđđđ. | SMUT (mdni), friends to lovers, jealous!paul, paul is really flirty/touchy, oral sex (f!receiving), spit as lube, choking (m!receiving), hair-pulling, paul is definitely a mess, dirty talk, pet names (baby, girl, sweet girl), cowgirl, vaginal sex, scratching, biting, bloodplay (heâs a vampire), breastplay (paul loves your tits), fingering, clothes ripping, groping, nasty sex, manhandling, paul isnât gentle
đđđđđđâđ đđđđ. | iâm back and literally going insane for the lost boys ,,, thank you to @darklylucid for requesting this !!! first time writing Paul and it was so, so much fun! dwayne is up next, so prepare yourselves for that! also working on a poly!lost boys x reader series ,,, so yeah!

A cloudless dusk fell over Santa Carla, sky littered with millions of stars that hung above, providing a rather attractive backdrop to a less-than-savory town. The boardwalk was more alive than ever â it transformed with nightfall, becoming a den of depravity and mystique, coupled with the liveliness of families and the carnival atmosphere.
You were situated atop a blanket, feet partially buried within the cool sand as you sat on the beach. A concert took place many feet away as you watched people clamor from the staircase to the growing crowd. The rancor of music reverberated throughout the air, accompanied by the cheering and applause from onlookers.
Saltwater lapped at the gray shoreline, moon hanging overhead to light the way. You always came to the boardwalk at night â you made plenty of friends, but you happened to have a peculiar bond with a pack of vampires. It wasnât intentional â you never meant to befriend them like you had, but you didnât regret a thing.
The familiar roar of motorbikes resonated in the near-distance, splitting past swarms of carnival-goers as they descended the steps. It never took very long for them to find you, bearing down upon you like a pack of hyenas.
Markoâs laughter filled the air as he and Dwayne pulled up along the terrace above you, parking their bikes next to the length of black grating. David and Paul followed suit, hauling Star and Laddie in-tow. You were more focused on the gleam of the moonlight hitting the water and the seashell youâd been turning over within your palm.
A thump resonated from your left side, and you nearly shrieked, jumping from your own flesh as Paul landed atop the blanket. He scooped a finger against your chin, plump lips pulled back to reveal his pearlescent smirk. A faint aroma of stale cologne and hints of marijuana clung to him, but that was commonplace.
âHey baby,â Paul crooned, kicking one leg up against his chest as the rest of the boys lingered around the balcony, save for Marko. He descended from above like a cat leaping toward perch, landing in the sand with grace. His presence was intentional, solely to agitate Paul. âWhereâve you been?â
Paulâs constant flirtation was something that you were used to â painfully so. You always wrote it off as something casual, a facet deeply ingrained into his wild and spontaneous personality. Paul often flirted with anyone that had a pulse and smelled appeasing, and that included you. It was fun to watch, but sometimes you wished that he meant it.
With a huff, you attempted to swat his hand away, but he was swift, arm resting atop his propped knee as he idly bounced his head to the music. âIâve been here,â You mused, offering a kind greeting to Marko. âWhere else am I supposed to be?â You inquired, tracing the pad of your thumb over the seashellâs ridges.
Paulâs nose wrinkled slightly. âI can think of a few places,â He mused, plucking at the top of your blouse. âYou gonna come down tonight?â He asked, referring to you joining them in the cave. You normally went there with the group if they were satiated and fed. You were still human, after all â being in a nest full of vampires probably wasnât the safest or smartest idea.
âMaybe,â You shrugged, feeling Paul perch his chin atop your shoulder. The physical aspect of his flirting always made your heart race, thrumming just underneath your collarbone. Your gaze flickered toward him, brows furrowing together. âWhat?â
âPlease?â Paul insisted, lips twitching into a Cheshire smirk, teeth and all. âWanna hang out with you.â Of all the pack, you were closest to Paul, but sometimes, you didnât want to be. His constant touching and lascivious nature often left you wistful and confused, aching for something that he couldnât give you.
âDonât listen to him,â Marko interjected, busy ogling a wandering group of beachgoers â a gaggle of younger women hanging off of the arms of burly men. It smelled like potential dinner for him. âHe found a guitar.â That was all you needed to know.
A giggle escaped you as Paul threw a handful of sand toward Marko, which happened to land against his patchwork jacket and golden curls. His visage contorted into a sour expression, glaring daggers at Paul before he stood up, shaking all of it out in the process.
âYou found a guitar?â You asked, watching as Paul pushed your legs flat against the blanket, allowing him to rest his head within your lap. Admittedly, your heartbeat betrayed you â you wanted to be annoyed by the gesture, but instead, you let it go.
To Paul, you smelled outrageously wonderful â better than anything heâd had before. It was an amalgamation of softer, floral perfumes coupled with whatever wash you used. He detected peach and vanilla, sweeter aromas that clung to you like a pleasant haze.
His hair was akin to that of a lionâs mane, viciously unruly as it flew around him like a halo. âYeah,â Paul replied, somewhat distracted by your scent. âYâknow, I didnât find it. I stole it from these amateurs up by the empty lot.â Yoo assumed that these âamateursâ were no longer alive, either.
âArenât you considered an amateur too, Paul?â You mused, reclining back upon your hands, letting yourself sink into the soft, white sand. As you glanced down toward your lap, Paul was staring at you for what felt like an eternity, and you couldnât discern if it was out of offense or something else.
âYouâre gorgeous,â Paul mumbled, tracing one of his ring-adorned digits over the expanse of your clothed stomach. âLookinâ good enough to eat.â He mused, and while you wouldâve initially brushed off that comment, he said it with a peculiar warmth.
Goosebumps erupted along the column of your spine, causing you to shift slightly. His finger didnât stop moving, flicking around the ruffled cotton. He wished that it was your flesh â warm and soft, waiting to invite him in. You never took any of his flirtation to heart â in truth, it mightâve been his fault, but he wanted to make you see.
You belonged to him.
With a soft exhale, you attempted to mask your shudder of delight, absentmindedly nibbling along your lower lip. âVery original,â You uttered, twisting away from his touch as if it would incinerate you. It was all meaningless â mindless sweet nothings spoken from a very precocious individual. âYouâre a genius.â You teased, voice becoming slightly sardonic.
âYou are,â He insisted, comfortable within your plush lap. Your scent did little to ease his feelings, overwhelming him like a thick haze. âBaby, youâre the prettiest thing Iâve seen in ages. Whereâve you been all my life?â Paul sighed, and he didnât attempt to touch you again out of respect.
âRight,â You uttered, masking your growing agitation. Paul could have anyone he wanted â and he always did. Girls at the boardwalk swooned over him, they were always easy prey, and he indulged himself plenty of times. You were nothing more than a friend, you werenât desirable, nor would he ever want you. âYouâve told me that before.â
Paul visibly deflated, withering away like a shriveling flower â you really werenât convinced.
Unfortunately for Paul, you were blissfully oblivious to any of his advances, but then again, he could understand why you were skeptical. Flirtation was a natural instinct for him. While he kept his head in your lap, he shamelessly opted to rove through your thoughts. It was cheating, sure, but he was itching to know.
âPaul,â Dwayneâs voice cut through his state of contemplation, rousing the sandy-haired blonde from his stupor. Paulâs head lifted off of your lap, hastily sitting upright as he glanced up at the terrace. âWeâre going for a ride.â He briefly nodded towards you as a form of greeting, swinging Laddie up onto his bike.
âYouâre coming, right?â Paul asked, voice invigorated with a sense of giddiness and excitement. He got a little wild around you sometimes, but it wasnât anything that you werenât accustomed to by now. âDo I have to beg you or something?â He groaned, trapping you between his arms.
âYouâre pathetic!â Marko snickered, jumping down to snatch you up. Even though he was the smallest of the pack, his strength was often unrivaled, save for Dwayne. You let out a startled gasp as Marko hoisted you up over his shoulder, heckling Paul in the process.
Paul bristled with anger â typically, he could excuse Markoâs antics, but not this time. A white-hot rage blistered through him, crawling across his flesh as he attempted to shake that gold away from his eyes. A snarl escaped him, and he made sure to grab your stuff as a courtesy, leaping up over the bannister.
By the time Paul had landed on the rickety wood of the boardwalk, Marko had placed you on solid ground, unable to bite back the impish smirk on his features. He was deliberately getting under Paulâs skin, and he knew it â knew all about his feelings for you, too. Perhaps thatâs what made it all the more enjoyable.
Like a bat out of hell, Paul swarmed the curly-headed blonde with a vengeance, countenance contorted into a look of sheer irritation and borderline rage. âYouâre dead, Marko!â He growled, lip curled in disdain.
âSorry, Paul. You made it too easy,â Marko mused, narrowly missing a rather unsavory blow from Paul, who yanked at his jacket instead. âJesus! Easy, I was only messing around!â He snapped, with the two bickering and locked in what was supposedly a heated argument.
âPaul,â You gently tugged on his coat, attempting to steer him away from potential violence. âItâs okay, he was just playing around.â A soft sigh escaped you as you played mediator for two vampires, brows knitting together as Paul stepped back with a huff of irritation.
âEnough.â David barked, glaring daggers as he glanced between Paul and Marko. The last thing that he wanted was for them to expose themselves on the boardwalk â it was bound to happen if they didnât stop the horseplay. With a visible frown, he revved his motorbike, signaling for the others to fall in line.
Jealousy was an ugly thing â unpleasant, often festering inside of oneself until it rotted away at their very core. It didnât suit Paul whatsoever. He suffered from a bout of such a potent disease, despising the way Marko had touched you, held you over his shoulder. He was usually open about sharing with his brothers, but not you â you were completely off-limits.
Wordlessly, Paul sulked towards his motorbike, sitting down with a begrudging huff. You felt inclined to follow, standing beside him with an empathetic expression. âAre you going to let me on? Weâre still hanging out, remember?â You asked, voice softening an octave.
Paul felt a little better â but not completely. His ego was momentarily maimed by Markoâs antics, but it was a wound that would dissipate with time. Fortunately, you were a worthy cure as he moved forward, letting you on the back of his bike. âSaved your stuff, too.â He mused, feeling you squeeze your arms around his midsection.
âYouâre my hero,â You chuckled, trying to make him feel less agitated. âThanks.â With Paul recovering from the scuffle, David motioned for the rest of the conclave to follow, whipping his bike around onto the stretch of the boardwalk that led out onto the shoreline.
You remembered the first time Paul took you for a ride â and you very nearly had a heart attack. He drove as if itâd be his last day on earth, but youâd gotten so used to it that you stopped being a backseat driver and let him do whatever he wanted.
He was talkative and boisterous by-nature, which is why you became so concerned when he didnât talk to you very much on the ride to the cave. Paul was normally extremely egregious and outgoing, something that you loved about him, but his bout of silence was making you nervous. You wondered if Marko had wounded his pride that badly.
As you pulled up to the cave, the boys hopped off of their motorbikes, and even Paul didnât really wait up for you this time â something was wrong. Marko noticed, lingering at the fringes of the cavern as he glanced at you, promptly disappearing down the rocky incline. You were left to make your way inside alone, no Paul at your side or helping you down.
Once inside, you felt awkward, more than usual. Being the lone human in a nest full of vampires would always bring a little tension, but without Paul around, you felt hollow and unnerved. David regarded you with his typical stare â cynical and somewhat indifferent, and Dwayne was always solemn, much warmer than the other.
âWhere did Paul go?â You asked, and it was Laddie who pointed you in the right direction, pointing toward one of the rocky tunnels that led off into their âroomsâ, of sorts. You often referred to them as the metaphorical coffins, but Star found it to be in poor taste.
With a shaky exhale, you nodded. âThanks.â Youâd been in Paulâs âroomâ plenty of times before, but he rarely disappeared and left you to fend for yourself. With the coordination of a baby deer whoâd just learned how to take their first steps, you clamored up the uneven terrain, holding onto the rope to guide yourself up.
When you found Paul, he was lazily strumming on a guitar â the one heâd âfoundâ. He had one leg kicked up, propped against the rock, the other tucked towards his chest as he played a few chords. The lack of acknowledgement sent off several red flags as you swept aside the makeshift âdoorâ â an old, velvet curtain repurposed from the hotel wreckage.
âThanks for waiting on me,â You uttered, tone dripping with sarcasm, which captured his attention. He smelled you long before youâd entered, prompting him to turn his head, lionâs mane of hair disheveled and tousled from being pressed against a pillow. âYou know, if I knew you were going to sulk around this whole time, I wouldâve gone to the comic store instead.â
Paul scoffed, countenance twisting into a look of agitation, which was so unlike him. It shocked you to see him behave with such indifference, something that went against the grain of his character. âMaybe Marko can go with you.â He uttered, playing another melancholy chord on the guitar.
Thatâs what this was about?
âYouâre not serious,â You quipped, folding your arms across your chest. âIs this about what happened at the beach? Paul, Iâm not a mind-reader â I didnât know Marko was going to do that.â He was beginning to really piss you off, which hadnât happened yet.
For all of the meaningless flirting heâd done, the constant teasing and toying, you were vigilant. Youâd tried to keep your chin up through it all. You couldnât fathom why he was so upset about Markoâs harmless stunt â it was all playful. It was something Paul wouldâve done, truth be told. Paul kept quiet, reading your mind as he surveyed your rageful inner monologue.
Instead, you were met with a wall of silence, and that made you frustrated. If Paul was going to behave like a child, youâd treat him like one. With a huff of annoyance, you waved your hand in dismissal. Your night was mostly ruined, but you figured youâd go home and try to get some sleep.
You gave him another chance to talk â it was quiet. âFine. Iâm going home, Paul.â You sighed, turning around as you prepared to make the climb back down. With a shrug of your shoulders, you barely passed through the curtain before something rustled behind you.
Just as you grabbed the rope, Paul was in front of you with inhuman speed, and he immediately snatched at your hips, dragging you away. You were protesting, interrogating him about what exactly was going on, but he persisted, locking you in his arms as he pushed you up against the wall.
âI donât want Marko touching you,â He murmured, brows knitting together. âI want you all to myself.â You couldnât tell if this was playful Paul trying to flirt with you again â his tone sounded so different. âYouâre mine, baby.â Paul clicked his tongue, brazenly groping at your waist.
âWhâ What?â Disbelief seeped into your voice as you shook your head back and forth. âAre you fucking with me again?â Before you could get in another word, his mouth was devouring yours, vigorous and completely needy. Jesus, he tasted good â without pause, your hands flew to grab his hair in fistfuls.
A desperate whimper erupted from your mouth, buried and lost within his ravenous kiss. You needed to know what had gotten into him â why now? You began to yank on his hair in an attempt to get him to cease, and when he did, you appeared more agitated than happy. Paul normally didnât get this reaction when he kissed someone.
âYou have to tell me whatâs going on,â You huffed, gaze practically pleading with him as he held you close, inhaling another gust of your saccharine scent. âFirst youâre flirting, then youâre mad, and now this. Whatâs gotten into you?â With a pointed stare, Paul relented, but he didnât move away from you.
âYou donât take my flirting seriously,â He countered, brows furrowing together. âYou donât want to? Fine, but Iâm gonna make you see how bad I want you.â Paul murmured, voice husky and alluring enough to make your knees wobble. He licked his lower lip, one hand beginning to drift underneath your blouse.
This didnât feel real â whenever you desperately tried to search for even an ounce of playfulness, there wasnât any. Paul was completely serious about this, and it made you weak, warmth beginning to pool between your thighs as you nodded several times over. âOkay,â You breathed, itching for more. âThen donât stop.â
âMâgonna fuck you,â Paul smirked, eyes unnaturally bright as they glistened in the dimly-lit alcove. âYou mind if I eat you out, too?â He asked, matter-of-factly. His unruly tangle of dusty-blonde tresses were stiff with age-old product, making it somewhat coarse whenever you went to grab and pull on it.
Did you mind? Laughter bubbled within your chest as your lips parted, expression incredulous as you nodded several times over. âWhatever you want,â He was gorgeous â in that crazed and unhinged sort of way. Paul stared at you as if you were both a delicious slab of meat and the most beautiful thing heâd seen. âI want you.â You exhaled.
That was all it took for Paul to claw at your clothing as if it were nothing, fingers excitedly ruffling your blouse as he yanked it up, causing you to squeak. He wasnât gentle, but you didnât care whatsoever. Those veined, dexterous hands ripped your blouse off of you, tongue darting out to wet his lower lip.
He was pushing you towards his bed, which was only really used for salacious activities, and nothing more. It was a colossal mess, the scent stale and reminded you of damp rock as he got you on your back, crawling on top of you with a devilish grin.
âFuck, baby,â Paul sighed, slicing your brassiere off with a simple stroke of his fingers, flinging the tattered remains elsewhere. âYouâve got such a gorgeous body.â He murmured, lips sloppily trailing over your neck and collarbone as he rucked your skirt up towards your hips. Your mewls and whimpers were like music to his ears.
âPaul,â You groaned, hips rocking forward as you ground yourself against him, meeting his groin. His jean-clad erection pressed into your thigh, completely and utterly shameless. He kissed wherever he pleased, stopping to admire your breasts as they rose and fell with your excitable gasps.
Trapping a nipple within his mouth, he greedily sucked and nibbled at your swollen mound, intermingling such ministrations with eager strokes of his tongue. âPretty tits, too.â He guffawed, playfully biting at your breast as you clutched onto his hair. âSâall mine.â Paul huffed, kneading into your pliant chest with his other hand.
A pang of arousal coursed throughout your body, striking right between your thighs. Warmth coalesced between your legs, manifesting as a stickiness that oozed from your cunt. Paul nearly growled at the smell, which was calling to him like a sirenâs song. He was tempted to rip away and go right to the source, but he loved your chest just as much.
Suckling on your breast, Paul promptly provided such attention to the other, greedily biting at the soft, pliant flesh. The way you bucked and squirmed underneath him was all the more enticing, cerulean hues fluttering toward your blissed-out countenance. You tugged on his hair, causing him to let out a satisfied hiss.
âCould stay here forever,â Paul mused, pressing messy kisses atop your perky tits, and he seemed to get a little ahead of himself in the moment. Kisses soon devolved into love-bites and sucking as he found a patch of skin between your breasts. He left a string of hickeys there, beyond content with his handiwork. âPerfect.â
âJesus,â You groaned, a mess of moans and desperate, pathetic whimpers as you wrangled with his lion-like mane of hair. âYouâre bad.â With a soft hiccup, you felt his hands knead into your hips, prepared to go elsewhere if you let him.
âI can be worse, baby.â Paul prompted, eyes swarming with that familiar golden glow, ringed with a red halo around the edge of his irises. He growled, capturing your mouth with his as he kissed you, ravenous and swift as he began to make out with you. He was between your legs, arms locked on either side of you.
With a wanton moan, your hands clamored from his tresses toward his coat, wanting him to shed a few layers, too. It was only fair. Paul complied, whipping his dark coat off with an excitable haste, peeling away the mesh shirt he wore underneath. Your palms splayed out across his broad shoulders, warm flesh melding with his icy temperature.
He was well-muscled, poised â he reminded you of a coiled jungle cat, prepared to pounce. You reveled in the smattering of hair peppered across his chiseled chest, leading toward the sandy-hued happy trail that slipped underneath his tattered white jeans. His teeth brazenly bit at your lower lip, blood oozing onto his tongue.
Between the clash of lips, tongue, and teeth, Paul shuddered, lapping up any pearl of crimson that he could, hands tearing your skirt asunder. The unfortunate remains of fabric were yanked away as he let it fall to the floor, groping and kneading into you, wherever his hands took him.
Youâd never been kissed like this â as if he threatened to steal every wisp of air from your lungs, hungering for you in every imaginable way. Your heart hammered against your collarbone, thrumming erratically as you hitched a leg around his hips, drawing him closer as he kept you locked in a barrage of kisses.
âFuck,â Paul groaned, licking at your lower lip. âYou smell so good, baby. I wanna taste,â He insisted, ring-adorned digits curling into the waistband of your panties. He wrestled them down until they were hitched around your knees, but he simply tore at them like the rest of your clothes. âSpread your legs for me.â
It was your turn to go sheepish on him, deliberately parting your legs at a sluggish pace. You werenât sure as to why youâd become shy, but Paul didnât seem to care, swiping at a tendril of drool that pooled at the corner of his mouth. Without missing a beat, his hand slipped between your legs, two digits swiping up along your wet cunt.
He gathered your slick, placing his fingers into his mouth with a satisfactory groan. The sight of him sucking your arousal away nearly made you melt. âAlmost as good as your blood, sweet girl.â Paul chuckled, absentmindedly licking his lower lip as he settled onto the mattress, pressed flat atop the surface as he gathered your legs into each of his hands.
Paul slathered several kisses against your inner thighs, but he kept it short and sweet â he was here for one thing. You expected him to give you some sort of warning beforehand. âPaul, are you â O-Oh. Jesus Christ!â You squeaked, a strangled gasp escaping you as your back arched off of the mattress.
There was no pause or waiting â Paulâs impulsivity got the best of him. He was on you like a starving animal, desperate for anything he could get. His tongue pushed past your slick folds, silkily lapping over the length of your slit, savoring your taste. It was hot â you felt as if everything were set ablaze as a pleasant heat crawled across you, from head to toe.
His tongue raked hot embers across your aching cunt, body electrified by his touch. Paulâs fingers greedily dug into your pliant thighs, tossing either of your legs over his freckled shoulders as he lapped at your sweet core. His actions were swift and fueled by lust, driven by instinct as he jerked you forward.
Your stomach churned with anticipation, bleeding heat from between your legs as your thighs squeezed at his head. You felt that immense mane of hair tickle your soft flesh, goosebumps erupting along your body. Paul grunted, face buried deep within your cunt as he ate you out, messy and sloppy as could be.
âMânot Jesus,â Paul slurred, grinning like a shark as he nipped at your leg. âYou taste so good, baby.â He huffed, the words spoken through the husked voice of a ravenous vampire as he returned to lapping at your poor, needy slit. Each drop of nectar that you provided to him served to momentarily dull the ache within his throat.
You kept writhing and squirming, shamelessly bucking your hips forward. He pinned you down with one hand, head spinning as your scent wafted around him like an inescapable haze. âPaul!â You mewled, practically quivering like a leaf as your cunt pathetically clenched around nothing at all.
Paul was a good sport, able to flow with the constant jolting of your hips into his mouth. Though, it only served to fuel the fire as he continued to hastily drag his tongue along your cunt, slavering for your taste. You moaned, tapering off into a myriad of sweet whimpers as your hands relocated, reaching for his hair.
The cool metal of his rings left imprints behind atop your thighs, various patterns pressed into your flesh. You were aching, body feeling feverishly hot as you bucked into his face again, feeling him clamp down on you as he held you still. His mouth was divine â it was sloppy and full of an unrestrained need.
As your digits twined into his hair, you began to pull and tug, using his unruly tresses as an anchor. Paul didnât care in the slightest â he found it unbelievably hot as you jerked and tugged, back arched into his ministrations. He only stopped to spit a wad of saliva onto your swollen slit, body shaking with sly laughter when you gasped.
âMakinâ sure youâre ready for me.â Paul teased, but it was under false pretenses â he just wanted to spit on your cunt. He didnât hesitate, diving back in for more, assaulting your clit with a barrage of kitten-licks and gentle suckling, enough for you to sputter.
With every movement you made, Paul would simply coax you back onto his tongue with inhuman strength, lips pursing around your clit as he began to suck and toy with the sensitive bud. Your hand grappled with his coarse tresses, the other digging into his shoulder. Your nails sank into his flesh, and Paul didnât care whatsoever.
Arousal pooled between your legs, leaving behind a sticky mess that he was all too eager to clean up. It was only when he began to use that tiny edge of teeth that you were soaring, choking on a whimper as it bubbled within the back of your throat.
Your body was screaming for release, orgasm beginning to mount and build as white-hot tension flew through you, consuming you like a tidal wave. Paul could sense it, burying himself in your pretty cunt as if it would be the last meal heâd ever have.
He switched between the eager, broad lapping of his tongue with sucking on your clit, making you claw at his shoulder blade. One hand repositioned itself, splayed out across your pelvis as his thumb slipped to the hood of your cunt, playing with your clit as the rest of his mouth lapped elsewhere.
âPaul, Paul,â Paul. It was the only word that rolled from your tongue, doing very little to mask the sound of your pleasure. With a wanton moan, you felt that hot coil of tension within your stomach begin to unfurl as you steadily reached your climax. You were suffocating him between your legs â conveniently, he didnât need to breathe. âFuck, Paul! Mâclose!â
âCum for me,â His encouragement was all that you needed, that little push forward as he backed off, peppering kisses against your clit as you came. It was blinding, and you swore you saw stars. âThatâs it,â Paul crooned, moving to clean you up. âAtta girl, baby.â He did very little to mask his eagerness in lapping up the remnants of your orgasm.
He wiped at his lips with the back of his hand, kissing his way up your body until his mouth connected with yours. You could taste yourself and the somewhat bitter twang of copper within his saliva as you let your tongue slip into his mouth. Paul groaned, grabbing at your haunches as he moved to lay beside you.
âAre you tired?â You mused, your own chest heaving with exhilarated sighs as Paul effortlessly wrangled you closer, eyes glittering with desire. You were wrong to ask that question as he raised his eyebrows.
âWhat kinda question is that, baby? Youâre getting on top,â Paul smirked, gesturing toward his lap. His erection was practically itching for release, straining against the front of his white jeans. âYouâre going for a ride.â He purred, snatching at your hips as he hoisted you on top of his lap, letting you get comfortable.
Paul lounged against the mountain of pillows beneath him, hands splayed out atop your waist. You savored the sensation of his rings biting into your flesh, and you immediately scrambled to unzip his pants, wrestling with his belt as you freed his cock. His hardened length fell against your stomach, tip oozing with a bead of precum.
You shivered, gazing down at your vampiric paramour, who stared at you with those vibrant, cerulean hues â as clear as a summerâs day. Paul tilted forward, lips reaching for yours as he planted a rather lazy, messy kiss against your mouth. âMâready.â You murmured, feeling him lift you up as if you weighed nothing at all.
With bated breath, you felt your insides turn to mush, reigniting the spark of lust as Paul let you sink onto his cock. A fire burned bright within your belly, demanding to be extinguished as Paulâs head fell back slightly, letting out a series of groans and softer grunts. âFuck,â He growled, feeling your palms rest against his abdomen. âYouâre so fucking tight, babe.â
Liquid heat festered within the pit of your stomach as you gasped, cunt clenching around his cock as you adjusted yourself. âPaul!â You moaned, attempting to stifle the many noises you made with the back of your palm, but he quickly swatted your hand away. He was bigger than you thought heâd be â a pleasant surprise.
âWanna hear you scream my name.â Paul huffed, rubbing circles into your hips as he began to move you. Superhuman strength and stamina certainly had roles to play in this as he guided you up and down in short, rhythmic movements. You liked that he manhandled you a little bit, one hand on your waist as the other grabbed at your chest.
A simpering moan left you as he guided you up his cock, stopping halfway before easing you back down again. Lewd noises reverberated throughout the alcove, accompanied by your sweet whimpers and his grunts and groans. You were barely given time to get used to his pattern before he was bucking up into you with the indomitable strength of a god.
There was no opportunity for you to catch your breath, watching as Paul snatched your wrists, redirecting them towards his pretty neck. That surprised you, but you didnât protest, feeling the taut muscle tense underneath your palms, jugular bobbing as you began to squeeze.
He moaned.
Unable to bite back the smile that stretched across your features, you held onto his neck, digits flexing and tensing as you continued to apply pressure. Paulâs head fell backwards just a little bit, steadying you with one hand as he fucked into you at an erratic pace. Flesh clashed against flesh, causing you to whimper as you rolled up and down along his cock.
âYou like that?â You whispered through a string of blissful whines, gaze bright with desire as he nodded several times over. âYour cock feels so good, Paul.â You huffed, teeth snagging across your lower lip as you began to let your thumbs trace along his perfect jawline. His weeks-old stubble scratched at your silken flesh.
âLittle harder, girl,â Paul encouraged, wanting you to really wrangle his throat. He didnât need to breathe anyway â that made it all the more enjoyable. He savored your hesitation â his sweet little human, afraid of harming the big, bad vampire. He smirked, lifting his eyebrows. âCâmon baby, squeeze.â
Fuck â he was going to be the death of you. Your cunt clenched and throbbed around his cock, with Paul continuing to jackhammer into you like a wild animal. Grunts and excitable groans left him in droves, rippling through his chest as you squeezed at his throat. The muscles were thick and tense underneath your small palms, slick with perspiration.
Your flesh felt dewy, especially within the oppressive heat of the cave. Paul was unstoppable, a force of nature as his hips continued to buck up, cock slamming into your poor, tight cunt. He wasnât gentle, and he showed no signs of stopping. Delivering a sharp smack to your ass, he fillee you to the brim with his length, causing you to really grip his throat.
With a needy whimper, your eyes fluttered shut, lips parted in a state of ecstasy. âPaul,â You moaned, feeling his hand greedily knead into your chest, twisting your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The stimulation was intensified tenfold, making your brain go fuzzy as he fucked you into a stupor. âHoly shit!â
The alcove smelled of sex â sloppy rutting that was steadily devolving into a complete mess. Paulâs precum was slathered across your inner thighs, coupled with the slick remnants of your first orgasm and current state of arousal. He stopped his erratic thrusting, sitting up a little more with one hand on your hips.
Without warning, his mouth went straight to your chest again, lips attaching themselves around one of your swollen nipples. He was sucking, grabbing a handful of your ass as he led you up and down along his cock. The warmth of your flesh intermingled with his cool, icy skin, only serving to make you sweat.
âTouch me,â You whimpered, palms still clinging to either side of his throat, nails digging in toward the nape of his neck. The sex was incredible â youâd never been fucked like this before, but he had you chasing after every sensation. âPaul, please.â Heat crawled across your flesh, leaving you drunk with desire.
Paul playfully scraped his teeth across your breast, teasing your nipple. âMâtouching you already, baby.â He mumbled, propping himself up with his other hand. A simpering groan escaped you as you rocked forward, taking one hand off of his throat to play with your clit.
An impish snarl left his mouth as he snatched at your wrist, and in one erratic movement, had you pinned down on your back. His cock throbbed inside of you, desperate for a release just as much as you were. Paul cackled, lips twitching into a sneer as he began to fuck you, enough for the foundation of the mattress to rattle underneath.
âThat was bad,â Paul purred, fucking you down into the plush surface, nearly pulling his cock out of your slick cunt before slamming right back in, repeating the movement over and over again. Fortunately, he was feeling generous, slipping one hand between your bodies as he found the cleft between your thighs. âFuck, youâre soaked.â He groaned.
You clutched onto him for dear life, body responding vehemently to Paulâs erratic thrusts and uneven, primal tempo. With a loud, wanton cry, your mouth clamored to find his lips, meeting in a rather noisy clash of teeth and tongue. He circled your clit with his thumb, rutting into you with a fervor.
âPaul!â You whined, locking a leg around his hips as your nails sank into his shoulders, leaving behind angry-red impressions, embedded within his flesh. Paul encouraged your scratching, tongue lapping at the inside of your mouth. A white-hot ecstasy consumed you whole, causing you to shudder and spasm.
âCanât hear you, baby.â Paul teased, biting at your lower lip as he peppered kisses wherever he could â greedy, wet kisses that ended up being vibrantly-colored hickeys. Your flesh was his canvas as he marked you up wherever he pleased, hyperfocused on your chest again. âYou close?â He huffed, fingers tearing into the sheets.
It was exhilarating â you swore you saw stars, perhaps more as he fucked you within an inch of your life. You didnât want him to be careful. You didnât want him to treat you like glass â you wanted to belong to him. âMâclose,â Another string of sweet, noisy moans escaped you as Paul brazenly bit at your left breast, leaving behind a crescent-shaped mark. âClose.â
Rivulets of crimson trickled across your skin, prompting Paul to lick it all away, irises shifting from cerulean to a burnished gold. It made the sex more intense as he pounded away at your poor cunt, which had certainly been pushed to the limit. He was becoming a little squirrelly, panting and growling into your ear.
Paul kissed you to distract himself from the temptation of feeding, lost within the saccharine bliss of your mouth as he felt you cum around his cock. âYeah, baby. Go âhead and cum for me, just like that.â He mumbled against your mouth, tongue lazily sweeping across your lower lip as he tensed and thrust forward.
He came right afterwards, reveling in the sight of you trembling and quivering, juices coating his length as he pulled out halfway through. It was messy and rather disgusting, but you didnât care. Ropes of hot, white seed painted your stomach and breasts, which was some sort of fantasy for him.
You sighed, barely able to string a sentence together as you fell back against the mattress, coated in perspiration and his cum. âJesus.â You uttered, pressing a palm over your face as Paul rolled over to lay next to you. Your legs twitched and spasmed as you came down from your climax, feeling something soft fall across your abdomen.
It was a rather unappealing-looking towel that seemed much too ancient, and you wondered how many times this had been used to clean up his mess. With a huff of laughter, you cleaned yourself up, feeling his arms tangle around you, urging you to come back to him.
âMakes you wish youâd taken me seriously sooner, huh?â Paul mumbled, nibbling along the shell of your ear. You couldnât help but feel smitten afterwards, twisting over until you faced your vampiric paramour, who had the expression of the Cheshire Cat.
âYouâre ridiculous,â You mused, holding his face between your palms. âYouâre gorgeous, too.â A peculiar softness crept into your voice, prompting Paul to shower you in a cascade of needy kisses. He liked to be close, which you didnât necessarily mind, despite the newfound scent of post-sex that permeated the alcove.
âIâm all yours, baby.â Paul smirked, shamelessly staring at your breasts without an ounce of subtlety. You couldnât read his thoughts, but you suspected that he had something particular in-mind. âYouâre in for a long night.â He purred, and before you could open your mouth to speak, he was crawling on top of you.
You would have to thank Marko later.

The Responsible One

Michael had been odd ever since arriving in Santa Carla. Not a day went by where he acted like he did before the move. Being the oldest sibling meant a lot of things, one of which was taking care of the others when Mom couldnât. During the entire divorce, you had been there to watch the other two, to make sure they were provided for while Lucy mourned her life moving on.
And here you were witnessing the downfall of one of your brothers while the other was thriving. Sam had gone and even made friends that were as weird as he was, they had come by and gotten him to hang out while you were home. They were lovely boys, kind and respectful when meeting you. You had waved them off, telling them to be safe and have fun, the streets were dangerous after all. Normally, you would have advised against going out, but Sam needed time away from you. So, you had let him go, but not without something to have on hand in case something were to go awry. You had handed him a pocket knife, not something super dangerous, but something to fend off anyone with ill intent. He had shot you a look, the one where he was insinuating you were being overdramatic, but had taken it when you glared. You were relieved when his friends had awed at you giving him such a weapon, telling him how lucky he was for having you on his side.
And that had put them in your good books. Sweet kids, Sam was lucky to have them.
But Michael has been leaving in the night, not returning into early morning. You were worried, admittedly so. You were worried he was hanging around the wrong kinds of people, the kinds that had drugs on hand at any time. Even trying to confront him didnât do anything, he only grew frustrated at being cornered by both you and Lucy. So, you did what any sane and concerned older sibling would do.
Follow his ass.
He wouldnât get out of this so easily, making Lucy cry was on the list of âNO.â
And he knew that, so why was he going and doing things that were doing exactly that.
Dressing yourself to avoid catching his eye, you listened to the tell tale signs of Michael leaving the house. The cracking of the window and the silence that followed.
So you raced down the stairs and watched as he departed. He was quick, youâd give him that. You chased him all the way down to the Boardwalk. And watched as he met up with four men leaning on their bikes. He conversed with them, laughed and smiled until one of them wrapped an arm around his shoulders. A grimace crossed his face, and so you moved.
Stepping with purpose, you strutted up to the men and pulled the blonde away from your lovely brother.
âIâd appreciate it if you didnât get your nasty hands all over my darling brother, Micahel.â
Michael had tensed, eye widening once he recognized who had saved him from David.
He stuttered, trying to push you away before the others had really gotten a chance to take a look at you. But it was too late, and the men leered. Taking in your appearance, the vampires watched as you scowled at them, especially David. He had been the one to put his hands on Michael, and you had watched it as it happened.
âIâm sorry, doll, but who might you be? I havenât seen you around here before.â
David leered. And the rest watched as you remained as you were. Hand still in place on Michaelâs shoulder, you scoffed.
âI just told you, Iâm Michaelâs older sibling. And he was clearly unwanting of your hands being all over him. Fuck. Off.â
And David laughed.
Paul leaned in, eyes tracking every minute detail of you that he could.
âOlder sibling, huh? Mikey boy never mentioned you, babe.â
You looked over at Michael, trying to discern the look he was wearing at the moment.
You nudged him, prompting him to speak.
âAny reason for that? I thought I was worth mentioning to your dearest friends. You do spend more time with them than you do us anymore.â
Michael opened his mouth, but was cut off by another one of the unintroduced men.
David interrupted him, pressing a finger to his lips to shush him.
âHe was brushing off someone so hot just to hang with us? How cruel of you, Mikey.â
Marko had been the one to speak, pushing off his bike and approaching you.
He had gone to reach for you, but Michaelâs hand intercepted it.
God, this was going to be an experience.
David opened his arms, gesturing to his band of boys. Motioning to each one as he introduced.
âThis is Paul, Dwayne, and Marko.â
You nodded, noting their names and pulling along Michael.
âGreat, weâll be leaving now.â
The one said to be Dwayne had stopped you, stepping in front of you and ceasing your escape. You looked up through eyelashes at him, a scowl overcoming your face once more.
âIâm afraid I canât allow you to leave without knowing your name, lovely.â
Paul sauntered over, grabbing your arm and pulling you into him.
Michael went to speak but you glared, pointer finger held up to cease his talking.
âI refuse to give you a name until you explain whatâs going on with my brother and you all.â
David smirked, eyes sharpening.
âAlright then, weâll explain everything. Letâs take a ride, boys.â
And that was all they seemed to want to hear, as their laughs started to sound out across the clearing.
Marko threw out his hands.
âWho do you choose to ride with?â
âPreferably, none.â
But you had to admit, the boys were handsome, and roguishly charming. It was just the fact that they were somehow blackmailing Michael into staying near them. If not, you would gladly spend the night with any of themâŠor all of them.
David laughed under his breath, but you saw the gesture. Sucking your teeth, you pointed to Marko.
âI choose the wild curly blonde then.â
Marko looked shocked, pointing to himself before smiling wide. Cheering, he raced to your side before hauling you up bridal style. Screeching, you held onto his shoulders before slapping his back. He laughed the whole way to his bike, and once you made it, he dropped you on the back. Dropping in front of you, he looked back and smiled.
âHold on tight, gorgeous, weâre gonna be going fast.â
And that was all the warning you got before he took off faster than youâve ever gone before.
It wasâŠ
Crying in the Sand | Poly! Lost Boys x plus sized!Reader
Summary: The Lost Boyâs mate has some old âfriendsâ come to town. She wants to spend time with them without her boys but they end up destroying her self-esteem instead. The boys will not let them get away with it.
Warnings: Sexual innuendos but no real sex scenes, cursing, blood, violence, fighting, body shaming, self-hatred, anxiety, shirtless men for some reason, nudity, strong language, bullying, adult bullying, reader is larger in clothes size than the boys but they donât care, Marko being let loose. Everyone in the coven is dating everyone else. No Michael or Star or Laddie :(

Davidâs arm wrapped around her plush hip, pressing her into his side gently. The boys were acting rowdy as they walked the boardwalk, minus Dwayne who was loyally carrying her bags despite her protests. She had been holding off the entire night to tell them she wasnât going to be hanging out with them the next night. They had a hard time allowing their mate to go anywhere without them, but she made them promise to allow her to have other friends. Which was hard to do as an adult who surrounds herself with scary biker boys with pretty hair.
But old friends were good. They didnât know her boys, they had no idea they existed since they were coming to California for vacation from her hometown. They were only passing through the next night and then they were off to try to get to Hollywood and Disneyland for the rest of their trip. She was sure she was a fleeting thought in their minds. They hadnât contacted her since graduation and she mostly forgot about them until they got her phone number from her family.
âYou alright?â Dwayne said.
His voice was low, and had the depth of dark chocolate and the warmth of his leather jacket on a cold night like tonight. His knuckle brushed over her plush cheek, a forest fire against her cheek despite his deathly cold. Davidâs fingers dug into her side and the leader looked at Dwayne, mildly annoyed he noticed her thoughts before he did.
âWhatâs wrong, princess?â
She took a deep breath. Now or never.
âMy friends from high school called me last night. I guess they are flying into Santa Carla because the tickets were cheap,â she said.
(Y/n) leaned into David a bit more, as if seeking physical support from him. He was the leader and protector, she thrived off of that. She liked feeling his protection and listening to his opinions.
âThey want to hang out. Go to some beach. Something less popular thanââ
She motions around them at the crowds and lights.
âThey only have a day to stretch their legs and they want to hit up the beach before they go to Disney,â
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