Trans Artist & Fool (She/They) 18+
150 posts
P4l3bl00d - P4L3Bl00D - Tumblr Blog
RaD!!! love it

I tried playing lancer ttrpg, it was really fun. This character I designed

heavy weapon type

MAGIC INKTOBER Day 20 - Frost | Day 21 - Chains

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https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=125
Rad as hell!!

I should prb write something here but I have no strength no brain power for it now...

digital prison

"...Raven. I'll...support you."
https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/12576068

The Red Knight by Ami Thompson
Updated 12/1/21
Updated 12/31/21
Updated 1/29/22
Updated 3/12/22
Updated 4/23/2022
Can i be sensitive for 1 second or will i be tackled and killed

"Hey buddy, are you like, okay? You look a little..."
"I have never been more okay and normal and fine since the birth of the universe"
Think im gonna base the AC itself on an old shadowrun shaman character I made years ago now. The idea with her was she would "spit" smoke clouds in combat and rush enemies bouncing between smoke clouds and killing with her ares razors, lotta fun! So something like that but a giant scary ass robot is the direction im going with I think. I want it to scream also. maybe the sound of its exhaust sounds screamy idk quite yet tho.
Oh! Cool idea for whenever I try to draw my pilot to do it in the style of the STK sketches you can find in-game. It would be hard but if I could pull it off I think it could be really... RaD hehe.
gender-neutral terms to use other than mister/miss
g13 (pronounced "gun 13")
The next time you're playing Armored Core 6, I really encourage you to stop in the middle of missions and really take a look at the scenery around you. There's a ton of detail in the world that you probably missed when you were dodging missiles and gunfire and running your pile bunker through enemy ACs. I know I missed a ton until I started really Looking.
Like, did you know that you actually can see the shore from the beginning of Watchpoint Delta? It's barely visible through the midnight fog, but it is there.

How about the fact that the grids are literally everywhere you go until you reach the Central Ice Fields? The area with the cargo cannon is the very first view of the open sky we get and the first time we really see how the sky is inundated with coral cinders.

Did you really see just how fucked up Grid 012 is? We're traversing dilapidated and broken pieces of it, but that's not localized to just the combat area. It's called the Contaminated Zone for a reason. I wish we knew more about it so we could figure out exactly why it's contaminated. It doesn't seem to be Coral contamination, at least. Based on the fact that the entirety of Belius is covered in these grids, and most of them are not nearly in as bad shape as this one, it's safe to say that the pre-Fires Rubiconians just kept building more instead of repairing what they had. Industrial sprawl at its worst.

There's cool environmental storytelling everywhere you go in this game. Like how the gigantic wreckage on the other side of the wall in "Retrieve Combat Logs" is a piece of the Grid above it. We can even see where it detached from the grid above us. Really helps you see just how huge these things are.

So next time you're ripping pilots out of their MTs and making new cavities in superweapons, take a moment to stop and smell the Coral, as it were.
I've been looking into armored core lore after beating ng++ and I might have to make a pilot oc...
I always do this goddamnit, perpetually biting off more than I can chew.
GOD its so much fun tho, making oc's and fitting them into preexisting lore is my shit tbh, even if it can be hard to share.