Letters To The Sea
letters to the sea

Another thing; the melusines seem especially eager to share correspondence with you. They asked me personally for the mailing address of your new residence and I could not refute them. They seem to be abusing the soft spot I have for them, do forgive me.
With the help of the Hydro Sovereign, the melusines have taken over the mailbox of Furina’s new residence.
furina/neuvillette ; fluff
07/20 Lady Furina,
As per your request, I have provided you residence outside the Palais Mermonia. Take as much time as you need in moving in, I shall send Sedene to check on you every few days. I would have done it myself had it been that she was so insistent on it. Do not fret about repayment, this is the least I could do for you. It is hardly a dent in my coffers.
Another thing; the melusines seem especially eager to share correspondence with you. They asked me personally for the mailing address of your new residence and I could not refute them. They seem to be abusing the soft spot I have for them, do forgive me.
Rest well, if there is anything else, do not hesitate to send me a reply.
Your dear Iudex, Neuvillette
07/28 Dearest Lady Furina,
Is your new house comfortable? When I visited you last time, it was cramped. And it was dusty and it smelled kinda bad… If you want, I can help you dust it the next time I visit. Even if I don’t understand why you’d choose to live there, if it makes you happy, then I guess I can be happy also.
The food that you made for us last time tasted funny, my lady, I think you don’t have much talent in cooking. When I told Monsieur Neuvillette, he wrinkled his brow. He does that a lot lately, and sighs a lot more too. He’s busy all the time now, especially with all that paperwork you left behind! He always asks me about my visits to you after, I think he’s worried about something. Anyway, I’ll bring that cake you like next time! I’ll just have to ask Monsieur Neuvillette what it was again…
I will stop my letter here now though, my hand is starting to ache.
All love, Sedene (P.S. I miss seeing you everyday, Lady Furina)
08/10 Hello Lady Furina!
Work at Meropide Fortress has been hectic lately, but I finally found time to send you a letter. Now that you’re human, you have to take much more caution with your health, but if you ever come down with a case of the sniffles, I’ll come to you right away! I’ve also collected some cosmetics that you will absolutely love, I can even tell you about their properties and benefits, if you want to of course.
I’ve been wanting to visit you and Monsieur Neuvillette a lot, I have a lot of stories to share. Like when one of the prisoners at the fortress taught me how to braid hair, I tried it on Mister Wriothesley but his hair isn’t long enough. I told him he should grow it out, you agree right? I’ll try braiding yours once I find the time to visit, I’ll even ask Monsieur Neuvillette to tag along.
Anyway, I hope you don’t feel too lonely anymore. You can chat with me anytime you want, my lady, I always want to hear from you! And before I forget, I put a sheet of stickers in the envelope with this letter. It’s melusine themed! And they are scratch and sniff stickers. I’ve been saving it but I want to give it to you. Cute, right?
Kisses and well wishes, Sigewinne
09/23 My Lady,
I have written and rewritten this letter countless times, I hope you don’t blame my poor writing skills. Some of the melusines I’ve spoken to say that they see you around the court more often than before. But I haven’t had the chance to see you again. If ever you make your way to Marcotte Station, I hope I could greet you then.
Monsieur Neuvillette has been taking the private aquabus ride to Opera Epiclese alone now, and the rides to and back are silent. He sometimes chats with me, but I’m not too fond of talking. I guess all the chatter you two had came from you.
From, Elphane
09/30 To Miss Furina,
Congratulations on your stunning theater performance, Miss Furina. It was truly a sight to behold, you are a natural in the limelight. I hope to be able to attend more of your future performances. I can clearly see you flourishing brightly now. And truly, I am happy for you, Furina.
It is also nearing your birthday. Your first as a human, I have to say it is quite bittersweet for me. But if you’ll have me, I’d want to visit and celebrate that day with you. Like we always had done before. I will not come alone of course, the melusine children are practically buzzing with excitement.
Please do not think of me a stranger, Furina, you are the closest person to me. You are always in my thoughts and I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours, Neuvillette
10/20 Dearest Lady Furina,
I’m sorry, my letter is probably the latest out of all my sisters! I’ve been quite busy with my aquabus shift much more now than before! I think it has something to do with the performances you do for the theater troupe now. All that heavy rain stopping is surely a plus, too. before I overheard a passenger saying that she desperately wanted to watch one of your shows, but the tickets were all sold out! It was a shame, she looked like she came all the way from Mondstat too, don’t worry I made sure to cheer her up with my tour guide skills.
If you don’t mind me saying, my lady, your face seems so much brighter! Like the glow of Lumitoiles. Even Monsieur Neuvillette has been much more perky lately, most don’t notice it but I do. Maybe because you’re spending time together again, I’ve seen a lot of articles on the two of you in the Steambird. The two of you must be super close again if you’re holding hands and sharing desserts. Your good mood is surely infectious! I’m grinning so hard, my cheeks hurt. It’s amazing!
Anyway, if you see me around, please say hi! I can be quite ignorant of my surroundings at times…
Don't be a stranger! Aeval
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More Posts from Peeweekey

it’s winter and sam’s your secret santa…
i visited idiot street and everyone knew your name!

part i, part ii, part iii

a/n: i wrote this for valentines last month and only got around posting it now, here you go!
synopsis: the three times you friendzoned Alhaitham, and the one he made damn sure you didn't.
tags: alhaitham/reader ; childhood friends to lovers ; school setting ; valentine's day special ; reader likes sewing

“S–sorry! These are for you!”
A breathy utterance, the girl speaking is shy and completely red in the face, while holding out the pink paper bag like an offering to some higher being—and maybe to her, he is.
You swear you can almost hear the cheesy background music that television shows play with these types of scenes, you lean in as much as your desk will let you and strain to hear his response. Gripping the wood of your desk tight. Some of your other classmates are tuning in too, drama hungry vultures they are, you can feel the buzzing energy of anticipation waiting for his answer.
Without missing a beat, he offers her a shallow nod of his head.
…and another one bites the dust.
Slumping back in your chair, you gaze at a disheartening confession scene from your seat across the room, picking idly at your sandwich’s crust, sighing to yourself and for the poor girl that has been plainly rejected by Alhaitham.
The whole class either lets out sounds of disappointment—they only wish that once Alhaitham is off market, they’d have their chance, though you doubt it—or loud sighs of relief—aka, those who, too, wish to make themselves known to him. They all don’t register much to you though. All you can see is her crushed expression.
He isn’t even looking at her for goodness sake. Poor girl.
Valentine’s day is not only a day of cheesy confessions and plush teddy bears and chocolate (though you especially enjoy those), for those lonely souls without a valentine it is the perfect day for witnessing the drama unfold. It’s like watching a telenovela in real time.
Alhaitham is that telenovela’s perfect lead.
He’s breathtakingly handsome even as he delivers the driest response to whatever-her-name’s confession. His gray-silver hair tumbles artfully on his head and glints as the afternoon sun outside hits just right. The aquamarine of his eyes are enrapturing and absolutely intense as he stares down his new goodie bag.
It’s a little silly to see such a stoic man gripping heartsy pink gift bags that are filled with the high quality chocolate you can only dream of. His marble-carved physique and top tier face makes up for it though, it makes it all the more endearing to you. You understand wholeheartedly why he’s such a magnet for so much romantic attention. Not that you’d fall victim to it yourself.
You find yourself unable to conceal the way your lips turn upwards in amusement, a little cruel knowing the situation. Taking a generous bite of your sandwich, you laugh to yourself quietly (honestly, you’re making it seem like you’re not all there).
“What’s so funny?”
Summoned by your laugh—or the thought that you are laughing at him, for some not-so-crazy reason—he stands tall in front of your desk.
You’ve known him since your bratty elementary school phases, you’ve fought, pulled at each other’s hair but you consider Alhaitham to be your closest and oldest friend. Before he was a stunning romantic magnet, he was an insufferable book worm in junior high.
When you started exploring your interest in sewing and fashion design, he was by your bed and bluntly critiquing any piece you’d show him. You have come a long way since then, having become an integral member of the fashion design club.
You crane your neck to look at him, giving him a lazy grin, you kick blindly at his shins from underneath the table in an attempt to draw some form of reaction (though he doesn’t even bat an eye).
“Nothing, nothing,” you wave him off, speaking through a mouthful of peanut butter and jelly. “As long as you’re on the market, there won’t be enough for the rest of us.”
He gives you a look, though you can’t take it as seriously, he’s still holding all those valentines. “Irrelevant. Your sense of humor needs fixing, not even Cyno would find you entertaining.”
“First off, I do not appreciate all this sass.”
His lips twitch. “I had quite the persistent teacher.”
This time, you flat out laugh at him. “Whatever,” you snort. “Anyway, you should consider taking up acting. Pretty boys like you will have people salivating like starving wolves.”
He pauses and just stares at you, it’s a little peculiar and totally out of character for him, you tilt your head in confusion.
“Pretty boy?”
You almost choke on your sandwich, bringing a fist to your mouth through coughs. Out of everything you said, that’s what he chooses to focus on?
“Uhm, yeah,” you mutter, laughing sheepishly, and suddenly feeling out of place. Internally, you cringe at yourself. “Have you ever looked in a mirror or something?”
Once the words tumble out of your mouth, you feel the heat of mortification crawling up on the expanse of your skin. Oh my god, do you ever stop talking?
Alhaitham says nothing, he stares you down with the intensity increased by tenfold. If anything, the expression on his flawless face looks displeased.
“I meant platonically, of course,” you blather on, pointedly avoiding eye contact. The table looks especially interesting as of the moment. “I mean—I would never—”
He puts his free hand up, sharply stopping you from going further on your flustered tangent. Something you are all too well acquainted with, Alhaitham does not have much patience for dalliances. Immediately, your jaw locks shut—you’d rather not start a fight with him if you wanted to mooch off all the valentines chocolate he received.
You take another big bite of your sandwich.
You roll your eyes, mumbling. “Okay, whatever. Don’t be a pretty boy, then. As long as I get a share of your chocolate, it’s whatever you want.”
“I didn’t say anything about that,” he deadpans. In his arms, the goodie bags shift as he moves closer.
A small plastic-wrapped chocolate box is dropped inelegantly on your table, resounding with a heavy thump. It’s pink and smells heavily of chocolate and cinnamon. Your eyes widen at the pleasant surprise—but more importantly, the price. A crazed smile curls from your lips, and you clutch the chocolates to your chest.
You gasp. “Oh my—fuck! Haitham, these are like a thousand mora a box!”
Alhaitham raises a perfectly arched brow. “Is that so? I should get it back then.”
Even if you’re pretty sure he’s only messing with you, your hold around the chocolates tightens into a death grip. You turn your chest away from him, shielding the box away from his view.
“That’s too bad,” you sing-song. “No take backs.”
A smug smile tugs at his lips before it completely melts away—the thing that growing up with a boy so ungenerous with his expressions makes these small moments all the more special.
“Then I’ll just have to keep the rest of these for myself.”
“Haitham, no! You promised to share—”

glue song by bebadoobee is THE stardew valley song
i love you original characters