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Not my meme but figured I'd share for those about to ride out the storm

Choose how you'll help her!

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Unless you are a very close friend, wearing bit proof clothes, or family do not touch the upset verin. She doesn't want to be touched when she is sad!
I mean it'll make her happier later, but right now a cup of hot tea would be better. It'll do for now.
Sigma choice, now she can actually unpack all the sadness! And since she sees this as socializing, she'll stop crying faster! Good job!

I’m surprised I wasn’t bullied a lot as a kid with how much I was obsessed with Minecraft roleplay channels

I’m surprised I wasn’t bullied a lot as a kid with how much I was obsessed with Minecraft roleplay channels

Alex Hirsch did this to every character but McGucket was his personal punching bag for real

She’s so 💞💞💞
I love herrrrr

You know Henry’s final speech went hard in FNAF
That new episode sure was something huh?

Idk bro I drew these last night before I went to bed
Take my cringe

Yknow what besides Puppet and Foxy’s “relationship” Freddy and Foxy are the second gayest duo in the series(idk that’s just my opinion though)
Unrelated but watching the actual Oddities Roleplay channel and going back to the old one it’s such whiplash hearing Foxy being so expensive-
More of this stupid comic

The original video that this is all based on:

HTF posting

She’s so kitty
The tiff!


Gibs, please wev'e told you to stop bringing yer brother's eye patch everywhere

Post i did that inspired this + no blood
Btw i decided his name is Gibs, short for "Gib me ur batteries"
'ok now i just realized this means Fritz's and Gibs Parents lost both their children....
Srry Mr and Mrs. Mageddon :/
Btw id do a comparison of Fritz and gibs but i dont wanna leak my Missing children designs yet, but they look very alike!

So…sonadow generations am I right

Got so depressed I had to draw her so I don’t have a mental breakdown in school
The stupid reference

I need to draw something but the motivation for that is not there
"I hate (insert media here) because of the fando-"