perfectionts-virgo - Perfectionists Virgo
Perfectionists Virgo 💰💸😏

Black/26/Existing Bay Area/VirgoWattpad : @Holloway98Pinterest : @Natrealist

79 posts

Perfectionts-virgo - Perfectionists Virgo - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago

"You leaving already?" Makayla asked sitting at her vanity while touch up on her makeup...

"Yeah I'm about to head out, I'm going to hit you up when I make it home" I replied while putting on my white adidas.

She just nodded with a blank expression on her face while fixing her hair

"You okay ?" I asked turning to face her

"Yes, I just want to spend some time together, for the rest the summer about to leave for couple weeks " she replied she hung her head

I looked at her confused because this whole summer I'm with her and our friends... the only person that should feel any type of way is my mom because I'm about to get ready to leave for couple week from now.

"Really we been hip to hip this whole summer , I been spending time at your house for weeks" I said turning away

"Okay but we really leaving and the only time we're going to see each other for holidays & next summer break" she replied she tilted her head

"I don't want to fight but I'm being real, I just want to get things done and hang with ma dukes" I said getting up grabbing my car keys

"I don't want to I'm just want to spend time with my boyfriend before we head off our separate ways" she replied getting up turned around facing me

"I understand but I need to spend time with my mom also, I'm going to be busy because I'm a athlete student" I replied rolling my eyes

Don't get me wrong I understand what she saying but we been hip to hip since we walk across that stage..

Makayla Been my girlfriend since freshman year til now that we graduated high school going to two separate college's things going to be a difficult... she going to Clark Atlanta University and I'm going to Florida A&M University but she needs to understand she not the only one that I need spend time with.

"We Got Three weeks left, it's not going to be same" she replied slowing walking towards me with glossy eyes

"I know I know" I said holding while she weep feeling my hoodie being damp form her tears

"I just want to spent more time together that's all I'm saying and I understand but I'm not ready for the big Change that all " she replied looking up at me

"Yeah going away from here is little scary but let's think about the good things we're going to see & call each other so no big deal" I said rubbing up and down her arms with a sly smirk

She sly turned her head for trying to hide her face from blushing...

"Yeah but I'm going to miss you tho" she replied backing up turning around walking to bedroom door and out..

then out of nowhere I heard a bing form her phone.. I around to see my Close is clear and grabbed her phone and I seen a contact 

" Bae 🥰💕" open it and seen

I felt the world stop.. the picture the guy look familiar... before I type a response here comes Kayla walking back in the room . Looking scared out of her mind...

"Baby what you doing ?" She asked looking nervous

"Oh I'm baby now who is bae Kayla?" I replied

Looking at him with my head tilt

"Nobody baby I promise " she said look like she seen a ghost

"Is that the nigga you was entertaining while our break ?" I asked looking back down at her phone reading the text message

"Please don't lie to me I'm really not in the mood " I said looking back at her

"Yes it's Jason, our relationship is not what it use to be I'm always second and I'm tired I want to be the first and only at once there are you happy" she replied turning away from me

"Ecstatic I'm happy you finally said what you truly feel and for that you're free " I said putting her phone back start getting up walking out her bedroom with her on my heels

"What you mean you're free ?" She asked walking the stairs hot on my tail grabbing my shoulder turning me around to face her

"I mean I don't have to worry about your selfish, spoiled, stubborn, childish ass anymore I'm done I wish you nothing but the best at Clark and I hope you find somebody that truly make you happy because there's no more us" I said turning to face her front door open the door

"If you walk out of that door, don't even think about coming back" she said stomped her foot

"Have a good life" I replied turning around grabbing the front door knob closing it behind me, walking down the stairs walking to my car


I finally made it back home after breaking up with Makayla I feel good stretch that I'm relieve,Pulling the driveway, turning off my car grabbing my key out ignition getting out closing the door made sure I press the lock button.

Walking up my stairs to the front door put my my house key to open the door hearing Sade "sweet operator" threw the household.. smelling fried Fish & Shrimp, following the smell I walked in the kitchen seeing ma dukes putting coded fish & shrimp in pan of hot oil slightly dancing to the music til she turned let out scream that you hear in horror films...

"Josh What The Fuck!" She screamed holding to her Chest having a distress look on her face

"I'm sorry I was wondering who was making the house smell wonderful" I said trying not burst out laughing

"Boy you scared the shit out of me" she replied calm tone with sly smile

"My bad Ma" I said walking towards her giving her a hug

"Hi my baby you home early" she replied giving me a kiss on the cheek

"Yeah me and kayla got into a fight" I said looking out the kitchen widow

"Oh No what happened baby ?" She asked stop from taking out the last Batch of the fried seafood and looked up concern

"She want to spend the rest of the summer underneath me,I want to spend time with you and she had story why should or shouldn't but the whole time she a side pice all long" I replied having aggravated look on my face

"What she had another boyfriend ?" She said looking at confused

"You remember we had a break because I wanted to focus school work and games so we made a deal and I wasn't entertaining nobody but she was a boy name jason but I found out they been talking ever since I'm just tired of her I'm single only worrying about school & basketball for now" I said washing my hands in the kitchen sink

"I know that's right baby, She been no good I'm been telling since you brought her over but I wanted you to live your life figure it out on your own plus on the bright side y'all going to separate college's " she said focusing back on her mash potatoes

"Yeah you're right" I replied with sly smirk

"Mother's always remember that" she said turning off the stove, grabbing her glass of red wine taking a sip

One thing y'all need to know about my mom is my adapted mother, her & my dad was very young parents that didn't stop from graduate high school & College and follow their dreams, ma duke is a business owner, she owns her beauty salon / nail & spa " Nola Dream" and my father is a big time lawyer when I'm around five years old he was found murder til this day we still don't have justice... it effect us but we push thru ma found a good man " Greg Robinson " he own a Construction business and they got married and have my little siblings....

"We'll forget about her you mail today" she said facing me with a small smile

"Really ?" I replied looking back at awkwardly

"Yes it's college exceptions letter and Famu information mail" she said giving my mail

"Dang why so late for the exception letter ?" I asked Looking at it, looking back at her with one eye brow raise

"Well the school different form the other college's that's why but they offering much more than Famu" she replied taking a other sip

"Really how ?" I asked being curious

"Well they offering what you looking for plus much more I just called and did my investigating so don't worry the college sound much more fun baby I think you should go there then Famu trust me" she said taking a another sip looking at me

"Do we have to pay, how much is it ?" I asked

"It's already payed for, they told me on the phone" she replied looking away taking another sip

"Okay I'm in, but what about Famu ?" I asked looking at both of the envelopes

"Don't worry I called Famu and Derek going to take your spot and before you say anything I already called his mom and yes I will pay for his college education he is also like another son why not help y'all for a better life" she said with a proud smile, smiling back at her giving her the biggest hug I ever

"I have to call Derek to let him know the news" I said walking out the kitchen & up the the stairs and went in my room calling Derek...

Derek is my best friend since kindergarten, I have two working parents.. he always had his mom and other siblings, she worked two jobs to helped out paying the bills and their enjoyment and he leave a hard life without having a father but him and his siblings fought thru it... his six older siblings are high school & College graduates and living their best live with their own families... but for Derek was in middle of self jeopardy for choosing the streets or school now that I'm going to deliver good new makes me horrible night to a night he will never forget


"He Was In disbelief" I said break apart my fried fish looking at my mom

"I know he was " Greg replied looking at my mom with sly smirk

"Derek deserve a good education and I'm not going see him let his dreams go down the drain, not on my watch" she said taking a bite of her salad

"Umm excuse me, no phone at table little girl" ma said staring dagger at my little sister

"Sorry ma" replied putting her phone away

"So you're sophomore year coming up how you Lisa" Greg said turning to face

"Good little nervous " she replied taking a bite of her salad

"I want to make a toast for Blessings" Greg said lifting his wine glass meeting everybody else's

"Blessing's" We said smiling

30 Minute Later

After taking a shower... Cleaning my room and finishing packing and now I'm laying on bed looking out my window slowly dozing off...

Tags :
10 months ago


It's been a Two weeks Ago since that crazy night... everything is back to normal I'm at Daizy house with our friends "David, Nunu & Jamal" sitting down catching up...

"I still can't believe you beat that girl ass like that" I chuckled shaking my head taking a sip of my wine

"Well she tried to sneak me" she playfully rolled her eyes

"But stitches tho ?" Daizy joked making us all laugh

"But you whopped that girl ass" jamal chuckled "I know she embarrassed"

We all chuckling and continue talking while having our annual 90's & early 2000s movies and tv shows marathon

"Yeah that was crazy but crazy ass Alexis tried to fight Mariah" David said shaking his head

"What happened ?" Me and Daizy said union

"Well y'all know Mariah is my first baby momma and" he said before he got cut off

"Then you begin fucking on Alexis" Jamal said

"She was plotting on me and I have the screenshots to prove it" David replied

"He telling the truth I got screenshots too" Nunu said

"Damn bitches are weird" Daizy replied shaking her head

"Wait a minute" I said looking at him closely "you got the side piece pregnant and she mad at the Main ?"

"Yes" he replied looking at us

All we did was laugh at him, he rolled his eyes mumbled something under his breath


Finally made it back home from the Gamma Phi Gamma party... unlocking the front door making my way upstairs to my room walking to the bathroom getting ready for my night routine.

Hop in the shower letting the hot water hit my skin, feeling my muscles relax...

Sometime Later

I'm putting on lotion, putting on my Houston rockets ethika boxer briefs and red Nike Pro Dri-Fit Vent Max putting on my Nike slides putting on matching red drurag.

Laying down turning on the tv watching college football game... I heard my phone having notification seeing Gina and Mariah text telling they can't make it, I went back to face to the game

I woke up seeing the football game over now it's a nascar race playing, I felt my mouth dry just notice I don't have a water bottle on the night stand, I rolled my eyes getting up from the bed walking out the room going down the stairs to the kitchen opening the refrigerator grabbing the water bottle making my way upstairs walking pass Silas room but his room door cracked.

I stood there froze with a shock expression on my face seeing Silas Facedown, Ass Up, he was thrusting a dildo into his hole from the back while bouncing back seeing his ass Jiggle. He moaning and whimpering from how good it felt. The scene It stole my attention for sure. Seeing him thrusting the toy in & out murmured moans and cries on the pillow seeing him cream covered the dildo continue to throw it back while his leg trembling

I backed out walked to my room, closing the door behind me standing there with my dick bricked with a shock expression with my mouth wide open...

Three Weeks Later

I came back from work and I don't see Jerome for a good minute, he been busy with school... I Guess

I'm in the wash room, grabbing the rest of my clean clothes walking upstairs to my room playing pvalley, watching Autumn & Andre talking.... I'm just waiting on them to have sex because their Chemistry.. I heard the front door being open, continued putting up my folded clothes, I walked downstairs to the kitchen opening the Refrigerator grabbing a bottle water.. turned around seeing Jerome sitting down with another guy I guess it's friend but I was about to walk out till someone said something to me.

"Wassup" the boy said with a smile

"Hi" I replied with a sly smile

"My name is Ryan" he said with head nod

"Dope shirt" he complemented

I just nodded while seeing Jerome avoiding eye contact with me... (Strange?)

"Thanks I sell them in my store" I replied with a small smile

"What store name ? He asked

"The Hill" I answered

"What that you're shop" he looked at me surprised "that's dope to know"

"Thanks" I smiled

I turned around with a big smile walking out the kitchen making my way upstairs closing the door behind me

Couple hours later

Walking down the hall putting up the towels, making my way to my room grabbing some clean clothes but their are not mines... (but who you think clean clothes it is ?) walking in his cracked door putting his folded clothes on the end of his bed, seeing him laid looking peaceful with the tv light hitting his skin

"W-what you doing ?" He asked sleepily looking at me confused

"I was washing clothes but I didn't know I washing yours also" I looked at his clothes "here you go"

Before I turned to walk out, I felt his hand grabbed my wrist

"I don't want you to feel awkward around me" he said pulling closer to him between his legs

"Then why you don't act the same around or avoiding eye contact ?" I asked looking at him closely

"Well I" I said before I interrupted him

"Keep it real" looking at him seriously "please"

"Three weeks ago I walked pass your room" i side eyeing him "you was feeling yourself"

"Wait" my eyes grew "you saw me masturbating ?"

"Nah I saw you fucking yourself" he said keeping his eyes on me

"Wait a damn minute" I chuckled shaking my head

"Don't worry about that" he said looking at me getting up biting his bottom lip

I felt his arms wrapped around my waist pulling closer to him me closer and begin to kiss me..pulled me deeper in the kiss.. feeling his erection rubbing against my front, I pulled away letting out a whimper.

"The reason why I was avoiding you" he grabs my chin, looking through my soul "I imagining you bouncing on that dildo"

"I-u-umm" I said before I was interrupted

"The way you was bouncing on that shit" he replied shaking his head biting his lip "that phat ass rippled while throwing it back"

"I-I" my voice was caught in my throat "I should've closed my door"

"I want you to cream on my dick like that dildo" he pulled me closer

Before I could say anything,he pulled me deeper in the kiss..his lip sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. To my surprise his tongue was so warm and smooth.

his tongue darting into my mouth, darting in and out as if he was fucking me. Each time he dragged his tongue along my bottom lip, I took my fists to grip Jerome's tank top. He gripped my neck lightly, took my breath away, I brought my hands up to hold Jerome's face. It was so intense, he grunting onto my lips, hands coming down to wrap around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"I hope you ready" he said cockily "you didn't know I felt you watching me fucking Mariah"

"Boy bye" I playfully rolled my eyes "it's probably average or small"

He pulled back standing in front of me, pulling his basketball shorts off with one clean motion, I couldn't stop staring Jerome dick. Long, thick, girthy, smooth, groomed, curved, veins protruding through his skin, tip shiny from his precum.

"Is it pretty ?" He smirked moved his hips to make his dick bounce "you see how hard my dick is ?"

"Yeah" I said biting my bottom lip "I bet it feel good"

"You nasty huh ?" He asked seductively

I pushed him back, seeing him laying there with his legs open with his dick standing tall... I pulled my pajamas pants letting my lower have breath (Having A Fat Ass is not easy) walking to my room to my bathroom grabbing lube making my way to Jerome room... seeing him already prep with the condom covered dick making licking my lips...

(He Want Some Then... I'm going to do it)

I poured portion of the lube then start stroking his curved length getting on top of him pouring lube on my hand rubbing it on my hole... I felt his hands grabbing my hips while his fingers massaged my hip even tracing my Freckles. Feeling his tip pulling inside slowly, I closed my eyes, (it's been so long since a had sex) he pressed down further. I felt myself clenched, Jerome rubbing my hips in soothing circles feeling myself calm down. I shook slightly.

"Unclench me" I playfully clench him "Cut that shit out"

"You know I like that aggressive shit" rubbing on his chest biting my lip

He pulled me forward to kiss him back

I'm feeling him spread my hole open, then out of nowhere I'm full of dick again feeling a euphoria feeling I been missing for a while, i started to grind feeling every length.

"Fuck, this dick feels so good" I moaned *bounces*

"Damn,*smack ass* you gripping this dick so good" he groaned

"don't move" *moan*

"This shit so good, *smack ass* keep bouncing"

"Hold still, daddy" *moan*

He couldn't even meet my hips my eyes were glued to his, skin slapping and whimpering & groaning, cream dripping on his dick and balls. I'm guessing my hole tight on him because he just stare at me with disbelief

I began bouncing with no difficulty, he made the sexiest mug on his face, he slap my ass hard feeling my cheek jiggle, he pumping me up even more.

"F-fuck I didn't know you that nasty"gripped my hips*groans*

"Ooh shit, right there" I kept bouncing*grunts*

"O-oh shit you my nasty bitch" he biting my bottom lip*grunts*

"Yes i am" I grind *whimpered*

He felt the urge to cum was creeping up, Jerome hand on my left ass cheek,

I turned around to reverse cowgirl, began twerking on his dick. My ass bounce on him, I was in my euphoria episode I wasn't paying attention to Jerome struggling. His body just laying there while I'm riding good.

"F-Fuck Nigga" he began to stroke *moan*

"S-shit, Ooh I'm never stopping" *whimpered*

The feeling was too good, I turned my head seeing him biting his bottom lip. I'm feeling super good, I'm really showing out... I'm showing Jerome what I could do, taking all of him. I'm riding him so good I'm in my own euphoria to realizing he was struggling, Jerome struggling so bad that he mumbles and moans...


Looking back at his facial expression... (Aww) His sex faces, I'm throwing it back to good I'm fucking back so good and my organism hit me like a ton of bricks and the feeling of his cum inside of me

"You really a fucking freak" he grunted *look at me astonished*

"I guess" I said shyly

Damn... I really did that

Tags :
10 months ago


It's been three weeks since me and Ty sleepover, he been distant I only catch up with him because of Instagram he been working or in the studio but he haven't reach out to me ever since...

"Okay I see you" I said looking at sky applying lipgloss

"You know how I do it" she replied turned to face me sticking her tongue out

"Okay bang" I joked chuckle at her reaction

"But I look good" she replied with a sly smirk

"No really looking like a black Barbie" I said paying attention on the road

"Have you talk to Ty recent ?" She asked looking up from her phone to face me

"No, I tried reaching out multiple times" I answered stopped at a red looking around

"That's weird" she said shaking her head typing on her phone

I nod seeing the light turned green, driving down the road taking a left pulling in the mall parking lot finding a parking Space... finally finding the spot infront of sears... parking

"Boy next month will be June I need to get summer dress ready" she said taking off her seat belt

"I really need to get summer stuff" I replied getting out the car

We walked in the sliding doors seeing people walking and talking... making our ways to footlocker

"I need these" she said with having the Nike Off White dunk low with purple laces " look at them"

"If you going to get those" I replied grabbing the Nike off white dunk low with blue laces "I'm getting these then"


We Walking out the street wear store... making our to the food center, im waiting in the Philly cheesesteaks line and sky waiting in the Mexican line ... got our orders we sat in our table catching up and eating we had to throw away our trash, sitting back down talking about school drama that been on Twitter til I looked up and seen the L.I.O.N crew walking in with some girls, I looked up seeing Ty with some girl wrapping her arms around him looking boo'd up..

"I know this nigga didn't" sky whispered looking at me and back at them

"It's okay" I continue looking how he was with her "let's go I don't want to make a seen"

"Okay" she said nodding "let's go"

We grabbed our bags, and begin to walk out

"Girl I love your dress" a girl voice stopped us on our tracks

"Thanks" sky said with a fake smile my back still face them "I got this dress online"

"Damn I was going to ask what store you got it from but that color looks bomb with skin color" the girl complement sky

"Thanks" sky said nicely "oh hi Ty and boo"

"Hey" they said union awkwardly

"I'm sorry I got to go" she said turned around grabbed my arm walking out the sliding doors walking to my car

They looked really happy, well I'm saved from a big mistake then

One Month and A week later

I been doing me, working and chilling with the group but with Ty I don't even entertain that shit at all so I been worried about me, I'm doing good that's all that matters.

My cousin text me because we going out, spending time with since she out here the weekend.

Walking down the stairs seeing my cousin car parked on the street making my way to her passenger seat opening the door... getting in putting on the seatbelt

"Hey boo" she said with a smile "you look bomb"

"Thanks" I smiled back "you always killing these hoes"

"You know how I do it" she replied with a smirk

We drove on the freeway listening to music and catching up, she turned on the exit driving down 376th street to the club "R", finding a parking spot in the parking garage, we walked down to the line seeing people talking or trying to holla at each other.

"I'm happy that I'm out here" she said with a smile

"Me too it's been a minute" I replied seeing the line getting shorter

"Yeah I needed a break from Reality" she looked at two girls walking by laughing " but fuck all that Were here to have fun

I nodded my head and the bouncer opening the door for us, immediately seeing people on the dance floor or in V.I.P, Making our way to the bar..

"I will get 1942" she said with smirk

"And I will get the same" i replied with sly smile

"Alright two 1942's got it" the bartender said nodded his head turned around making our drinks

"I need a drink" I looked around seeing people enjoying their time

"You and me both" she said paying for our drinks

"You didn't have to do that" I replied looking at her " I will cashapp you"

"You don't have too" she said looking at with a smile

"I'm paying you back I don't care" I replied taking a sip

We been dancing, enjoying our time being out that I don't even feel stressed or worried about anything that I was thinking before... the drinks I was throwing back started to catching up to me but all I heard was the nigga got a gun and all hell broke lose

"We need to get the fuck out of here !!!" She said grabbing my arm running out the club to the garage

"Damn we can't have fun no where" I mumbled rolled my eyes

"I'm glad we made it safe" she replied started her car

Moments Later

Im still tipsy but I'm not drink, pulling up my apartment complex, hugging and saying goodbye to her getting out the car... waving bye seeing her pull off I turned around seeing Ty leaning on his driver side door. I stood there shook.

"You look nice where you been" he asked looking at me

"Thanks" looking at him blankly up and down "out

"I don't want to fight" he said putting his hand in his pockets " I missed you"

"Okay ?" I replied confused "what happened to miss thang ?"

"That wasn't my girl" he said moving closer to me "I been knowing her since high school"

"You think I'm boo boo the fool" I replied looking at his sad expression on his face "do I have clown writing on my forehead"

"No" he said shaking his head "I'm sorry"

"I don't know why you're apologizing I'm not your boyfriend" I replied looking at apartment stares avoiding his red eyes

"I'm really sorry" he said feeling his hand touching my chin moving my face to face him "I'm really sorry I know I heart your feelings or mislead you"

"You didn't hurt my feelings but you did made feel played" I replied moved my face away walking up the stairs feeling him behind me like a lost dog

"I'm really sorry K" he said feeling his hard chest "you don't have to build a wall up"

"You don't know me like that to think you really did something" I chuckle unlocked the door walked in closed the but his foot stopped it closing filling letting his self in

"I'm done talking to you" he said hearing his raspy and deep voice

"I am you can see yourself out" I replied turned to face him " I didn't invite you in anyway"

"I really don't give fuck" he said shaking looking like he getting mad " I'm not talking to you and you going to hear me out"

"I really don't give af" I replied turned to walking my room

I walked to my closet getting undressed wearing my tank top and underwear before I put on pajamas here comes Ty walking behind me

"Can I have some space and I didn't hear you ask to come in my room" I rolled my eyes mug at him

"You need check that attitude" he chuckled shaking his head

"WHO going to check me ?" I asked looking at him

"Chill that shit out" he replied looking at me like I was his prey

I was too busy looking this fine ass man I'm upset with standing in front of me...the more experienced man standing there looking good like always. His tattoo hands caught me off guard. Wear a white beater and grey sweatpants and his red and white bandana slippers looking so good... I'm supposed to be on my playa shit but he looked so good.

"Kevin ?" He called out looking at me with his left eyebrow raised

I felt compelled I just responded

"Yes ?" I answered backing away facing my pajamas pants folded looking for one I want

"I really want to apologize to you, really I didn't want you to feel like I was playing you it wasn't like that at all. My father didn't raise me like that. I don't want to fuck this up" he moved closer to me looking Sincere

I'm lose for words, I just nod my head continue to looking for my favorite pajamas pant

"Thanks, not a lot of guys would apologize" I replied with a sly smile

"You're welcome" he said with a sly smile

"But can you back up" I joked chuckle

"Nah you been forgetting who your nigga is" he said feeling his arms wrapped around my hips

I turned around see his tongue glides across his bottom lip, I felt butterflies in my stomach getting loss in his eyes

"I'm really sorry k" moving down my ear "that's I want to say"

I only imagine him talking to me through a organism

"It's okay" I replied simply

"I want to show you something" he said kissed my ear

"What ?" I asked shyly

"How much I'm sorry and missed you" he answered kissed my neck while I felt his dick jumped

I felt his large hands grabbing my ass continue kissing my neck, I let out a whimper, he picked me up with ease walking in my room gently putting me down on the bed seeing him taking off his grey sweats and his grey Clavin Klein boxer briefs seeing his dick spring free my eyes was wide open shock of how big & thick and he have a curve... he's going to break me in half and I'm fine with that

"You scared ?" He asked with low raspy voice

"No" I answered still staring how thick he is

"Or you sure ?" He hovered me looking at me "if I fuck you im not stopping"

"I'm not stopping you" I replied wrapped my arms around his shoulders biting my lip

I'm so turned on it's crazy... thank god I douche because it will be a horror scene

"Already don't say I didn't warned you" he laying on me feeling his dick pressed on my stomach

"Whatever" I said playfully rolled my eyes

"Bet" he said

Before I could even respond he kissed my neck again, I felt good, he grabs me, lifting me up taking off my tank top holding me tight then we did the unthinkable we kissed, He pulled me deeper in the kiss.. our tongue dancing into my mouth, I wrapped my arms around his neck while he holding me with one arm while he grabbed his dick... i felt my briefs ripped feeling his tip tapping on my hole.

"You ready ?" He asked and reality hit me

"You got a condom ?" I asked looking at him

"Hell yeah" he answered grabbed his sweat going on his pocket grabbing a Magnum

He put on the condom just turned me on even more

"Now are you ?" He asked again

I Just Nod my head

"I need to hear words" he said with his voice deepen

"Yes I'm ready" I replied biting my bottom lip

I wrapped my legs around him, he eases me down onto his dick slowly. I let out a hiss, because he was thick asf... he began to stroke til he fucks me good hitting my spot with his curve.

"This shit so tight" he start stroking me

"Oooh F-fucckk" I moaned bouncing up and down on his shaft

"There you go" smack my ass "you tugging on my shit"

"You so thick" I said continue bouncing up and down

"I'm thick" he asked with a smirk holding my hips helping me bouncing

"S-sssshhhiitt"I moaned out

I could feel my hole squeeze around him as I felt like I'm going to cum

"Yeah you stuck with me" I said with the sexiest face he ever made "you'll keep fucking me like this ?"

"Y-yess... F-fuucck... D-daddy !!" I moaned out my body bouncing as he fucked me harder.. he was railing into me

"You mine and im you'res" sweat dripping from his forehead onto my chest

"O-ohh D-daddy" he continued railing into me then he layed me down on the bed putting my legs next to my head giving deep long stokes

We moaned and groaned together feeling my legs trembling... continued hitting my spot then I felt something I my stomach while my hole began to squeeze on him again and my leg started to shake and tremble while stroking me deeper till he filled the condom up, thrusting into me slowly to empty his balls competely inside me.

All I remember him saying he never letting me go...

Tags :
10 months ago


Walking out the elevator finally made it to the door unlocking it seeing him chilling in couch looking a movie I guess. Walking to my room closing the door locking it undressing walking in the bathroom turned on the shower letting the water hot... hopped in the water hitting my skin while scrubbing my skin...

15 Minutes Later

Hopped out the shower drying my skin putt on the coconut oil and shea butter lotion, put on organic deodorant,putting on my white tank top with brief wearing Nike socks putting on spongebob pajamas pants slide some matching slippers.. putting on my durag unlocked the door walking out to the kitchen open refrigerator taking out water walking to the couch sitting down seeing him watching "Just Wright"

"You don't know nothing about this" I joked looking at the tv

"What... my nigga you don't know nothing about this" he chuckled looked at me then back at the tv

"Whatever... you doing good you're couch and I had a meeting" I said looking at him

"Really... He don't have any Critiques I need to work on ?" He asked looking at me

"Well keep doing what we been working on" I replied looking at him then my eyes slowly looking down to his lips

"My eyes up here" he said looking so sexy, I'm trying to be professional but I'm about to say fuck it up

"Boy... don't do too much" I sassed to him playfully rolled my eyes looked at the tv

He chuckled shaking his head, I really want him to fuck the shit out of me... but I want to be respectful and respected... but it's trying times while go to these wack ass dates...

"I know you hear me talking to you" he said

"Actually I was spaced out... so no I didn't hear you" I said continue watching the movie

"I'm that boring" he said

"No I don't clock out till you okay or sleep" I said I turned to see his side till he looked at me

"I didn't know that" he said

He was about to say something till I heard the door being knocked on, I got up walking to the door opening it seeing two thick girls standing there holding each other hands.

"Hi" I said looking at them

"Hi... is Noah here ?" The dark skin girl with bob with red highlights asked giving a smile

"Yes" I answered opening the getting out their way

"Thank you" the light skin girl with natural blonde hair wearing Silk press said

"Excuse my matters" the brown skin girl said "My name is Ava"

"My name is Ryan" the light skin girl replied giving me a smile

"Hi my name is Elijah im Noah stay home nurse" I said walking behind them.

They walk to Noah, giving him a hug, sitting on the couch.. they having conversation I made my way to the guest room grabbing my laptop watching just wright till I felt my eyes getting heavy.

I woke from urge to pee, getting up from the bed walking the bathroom... letting out a sigh because it felt like relieved ... washing my hands, wiping my hands walking out the room going to the kitchen the grabbed a water bottle till I realize I forgot to put more I the refrigerator so I walked to the other closet with the stocked up water bottles... I grabbed four I walked pass Noah room till i seen His door was cracked and I hear kissing I looked in and I seen the two girls making out.

"WTF... Going on in here ?" I mumbled it quietly

I watched the two girls shared a passionate kiss, they felt up on each other's body. The light skin girl helped the brown girl remove her clothes. Then her hands slithered between the legs. I continue watching because I sore they was straight but I don't have good lesbiandar. Both of the girls are very nude... she got in a squat position behind the girl kissing both of her ass cheeks.. getting back up hugging her from the back.

"Get on All fours" Ava instructed

I looked around his room till I seen Noah layed back biting his bottom lip, Ryan crawl infront of him she glanced at Ava over her shoulder while jerking noah... the brown skin girl smoothing her hands on the girls voluptuous behind up and down while she moving her hips in the circle.. Ava moved onto her knees arching her back... spreading Ryan ass apart to get a good look at her favorite version of desert.

"Spit on it..*deep Voice* just like that" he said with a smirk

Ava swept her tongue along the length of Ryan pussy,  while Ryan deep throating him.. All I could see Ava move her upper body move onto the bed which made her ass sit up higher... all I hear slurping, her head bobbing up and down while whirl her heard.

"Fuuuuccckkk" he goan biting his bottom lip making cutest face he ever made

"Aww" I quietly said he so damn cute

"You have a very pretty pussy RyRy" Ava compliments, "so pretty and pink"

" I'm gonna suck on that pussy all night" Noah stroking his dick. "Bring that pussy to me, ma. I'm hungry"

Ava smirked mischievously while rubbing her clit. She arching her back popping her pussy and continue to running her hands over wetness. She spread her pussy lips to give them a nice peak at that sweet pink. Now, fingering herself while moving her hips.

Noah kneeling down behind Ava to grab her ass cheek, kept her arched her voluptuous body over the bed, her fat ass in the air. Ryan laying back with her legs in the air while Ava wrapping her juicy lips over her clit.

"Oh shit...*moan* right there baby" Ryan said

"Daddy.. right there" Ava moaned while suck Ryan clit

Ryan spreading her thighs wide, Ava sticking two fingers in Her mouth to coat it with spit. Ryan's eyes dropped shut and her mouth hung wide open. She grasp over and over. Ava reaching her hand under ryan ass... Noah popped Ava ass sharply.

"You eating that pussy" he said continue see Ava eating Ryan out

"Right right there" Ryan moan "baby keep suck on my clit just like that"

"Mmmmmm!!! Uuuh... Umph,yes! Fuck that shit feel so good," Ryan spoke through clenched teeth, "F-Fuck ! You about to make me cum!

Noah sinking his dick in her deep, tight hole...he let out a groan causing him to throw his head back. Stroke in having Ava eyes rolled back of her head while sucking and finger fucking Ryan pussy at the same time,Ryan let out deep, shuddering breaths. Ava sucking was sucking it so damn good. Ava arch her back, all that big ass in air with the biggest arch. Noah then sank back inside but faster this time, started throwing her pussy back on his dick. Noah grunted, slapping his dick inside Ava to remind Ava of her task. Ryan moaned sharply, with shaking legs. Ava pop her ass and her back more...

"Make me bust a nut right now !" Noah deep raspy voice barked out

"Oooh My G-GOD !!" Ryan moaned out with her trembling "I'm going to cum"

Ava Thrown it back, ass clapped off of Noah fast and hard, feeling herself reaching her organism. Ava moaned in little gasps while her hips thrust back desperately...

"Damn" I mouth till I accidentally bumped on his door I hurried the kitchen to put the water bottles in the fridge... went the guest closing the door jumped in the bed covering myself... I still can't believe I witness and stayed to watched..


It's been two weeks since I witness the threesome, it's evening I'm grabbing a water bottle... but I remember I still have to cook Noah's meal prep, I'm playing my super playlist on my YouTube music app. I'm cooking away not evening knowing that Noah walked in seeing me wearing white tank top with matching blue Durag & briefs  with slippers, I turned around almost shit myself because Noah standing there with his practice clothes on sweaty, looking at me with a sly smirk on his face...

"Fuck !" I yelled out holding my chest "you scared the shit out of me"

"My bad.... Bro" he replied chuckling "I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's cool" I said quickly feeling awkward

"What you making ?" He asked looking at the stove

"I'm cooking your meal prep" I answered still standing there awkwardly

"Yeah but this why you ask that question when you first stayed ?" He asked looking at me with a smirk

"Yeah but i should've put shorts on" I looked around but him "my bad I don't mean make things awkward"

"Who said you making anything awkward" he said chuckling shaking his head walking to his room

I'm packing up the containers putting them in the refrigerator. I seen him walk down the hall shirtless just his boxer briefs showing with grey basketball shorts with grey socks wearing Nike slides. Showing off his tatted body. I turned around because I felt someone body behind me, I seen him just standing there I moved out his way walking to the guest room walking in the closet, I walked out seeing Noah sitting on the edge of the bed just at me.

"Can I have my face back" I joked playful rolled his eyes

"You really be having your ass out ?" He asked looking at me "let me find out"

"Boy it happened today that's it" I replied "plus why you so worried ?"

"I'm not but I got ask you a question" he said

"Yes ? What's up ?" I asked looking at him

"You liked the show ?" He asked looked at me with a smirk

"What are talking about ?" I asked looking at him confused

"How was the show ?" He asked again sizing up and down

He kept looking at me, leaning back with his elbows grabbing the remote start playing power book 2. I moved the covers sitting down covering myself, we're just sitting in silence.

"You seen how I hit that pussy ?" He said turned to look back at me

(Damn he got me)

"I was grabbing water bottles then..." I replied before I was rudely Interrupted

"You watching me playing with that pussy" he said smirk at himself

"Okay but y'all was being loud" I replied looking at like was crazy lieing thru my teeth

He just nodded his head moving up, laying on the pillows getting under the covers.

( I know this not getting comfortable)

Turning up the tv, I felt his right arm wrapped around my waist making me move closer to them him. I looked at him closely.

"What are you doing ?" I asked looking at him confused

"Chill I'm not going to do anything" he replied looking up at me

I looked at him, turned back staring at me.

"Wassup you feeling a nigga ?" He asked grabbing closer to him

"Umm ?" I said turned back on the tv trying to get up the bed but I'm trapped

"Nah answered the question" he said having his finger under my chin turning my head to him

"Boy bye" I replied rolling my eyes getting up from the bed making my way to the bathroom start to wash my face, Ignoring him.

"You hear me talking to you" he said getting up the bed watching behind me wrapping his arm around my waist I could feel his dick harden against my ass, I moved out his way.

"Don't act like that you don't want it" he said looking at me with smile

"Bye... don't you have sleep schedule ?" I asked with a attitude

"Nah I don't have practice tomorrow he replied moving closer "you have attitude now"

I just rolled my eyes, walking out the bathroom sitting back down on the bed continue watching the show.

"You really going to ignore me" he asked sitting down infront of me

"What it look like" I replied

"You hella mad for what" he said chuckling

"Hella mad" I replied with blankly

"You need quit that sarcasm shit before" I interrupted him before he finished

"Or what ?" I asked looking back at him up and down

"You with that shit again" he replied shaking his head

I continue watching the show, I got a urge to be petty, I looked at his side profile, I'm starting at his big lips and even his pouting bottom lip.. Let's the game begin.

"I'm can you get out ?" I asked looked thru my phone strolling thru Instagram "I'm about to get dressed"

"Why you already Damn there naked" he replied looking at me side ways "where you going ?"

"None of your concern" I said getting from the bed walking to the closet faking looking thru my clothes

He got up following me, he leaned on the door burning a hole back of my neck, I walked to the folded shirt bending over to show case my ass in front of him..

"You know what you doing" he said biting his bottom lip

"What ?" I said turned to look at him confused " why followed me in here"

"Because you ignoring me" he kept staring at me licking his lip

"You not saying nothing" I saying continuing going thru the folded t-shirts arching my back making my big ass even bigger I could you him grunt.

"That's... that shit I'm talking about" he said shaking his head chuckling

I kept ignoring him finally getting up, walking out the closet feeling him so close behind me.

"Why are you following me" I said making a face, rolled my eyes

"Because I can" he said sitting on the edge of the bed

"Alright bye" I turned to him "your getting on my nerves"

"I don't give a fuck" he looked at me up and down "watch who you talking to"

"Get.The.Fucked.Out" i with blank face "and I'm talking to you"

"Yeah alright" he nodded his head "watch your tone"

"Get the fuck out" I rolled my eyes "you getting on my nerves"

"You need to check that smart ass mouth of yours" he stand up walking up to me "or a real nigga going to do it"

"I don't see one" I said smartly

"Alright" he nod head staring at my soul "stop playing with me"

"You going to do something about it ?" I asked looking at him

"You need to check your tone" he saidI I felt his big Tatted hand grab my neck turn to face him "or I will"

"You not going to check...shit" I replied smartly squeeze my neck little tight

My eyes glossed down to Noah crotch where his drink print was visible on his left thigh, I let out grasp.

"You looking for something ?" He spoke softly, "it's right here" he squeezed his dick "you want this dick ?"

Noah's looked at My lips

"Let me...*groan* go"

"That pretty ass mouth you got... i need my dick suck now... do it slow too" he said letting go of my neck walking backwards to the bed

I followed him, going on my knees, my hands gripped Noah dick through his shorts. Noah made it jump against my hand.

"Come on... my shit bricked right now"

I pulled his shorts down and around his ankles. Noah slouched, his dick was standing thick up and the veins with the curve looked like a work of art on his chocolate pole.

"Let me feel those soft ass lips, Elijah" Noah slapped with my pouting lips, "yeah, you taking too long, baby boy,

I gripped his dick and pumped him nice and steady, making sure to squeeze a little just beneath the tip of his dick so I could watch the pre-cum spill from from his big lips engulfed half of Noah dick, bobbed my head while reaching down to gently squeeze his balls. Noah kept his gaze pointed downwards,looking from his dick being sucked by me.

"Fuckkk...yeah, Suck that shit...suck that fat dick... ohh, you really wanted this shit,

Noah will never get over how good my lip felt. He thrust his hips, forcing more girth and length into my mouth. Damn, I didn't know I could deep throat.

Noah's eyes went so low, my hand twisted my hand While jerking while noah hit the back of my throat.

"How that sick taste Elijah ?" He asked

"Good" I replied before slurping him some more

"Got that phat ass in the air... I already know that hole feel good"

"Mmmh" I cast my eyes upward his face, while his biting his lip

I worked more of Noah into my mouth until my nose touched his trimmed hairs, feeling his length curve down my throat as I took him all the way. Noah tit his head to watch me while holding the back of my head to begin to fuck my face.

"FUCK!!" Noah let out the curse before gripping my throat, hips jerking from my purposefully tight my lips.

I stood up taking off my briefs, show casing my ass to him. Getting on the bed still on all fours Noah slapping my ass making jiggled.

"Damn... nigga" he bit his lip "I didn't know your ass this fat"

I chuckled before I arched my back deeper

"We'll surprise" I let out nervous chuckle

"Yeah.. its crazy your shit this fat" he continued to smack my ass

"Noah I like your finger feels on my ass" I said seductively

"Yeah ? Ain't shit compared to this dick," Noah grabbed a magnum out of his short pocket to place on his dick applies a little bit of lube for some extra slip.. he put my thighs back before slapping his weight of dick against my ass, sinking inside of my warm.

Noah started grinding his hips, his fat condom covered dick thrusting in and out of my ass. I felt chills and tremble all over my body, I let out the sexiest moan and a groan from Noah made me cream I looked down see our muscles ripple and flex with our movement. I was working my hips to take all of his dick, Noah caught that, rolling his hips to meet me half-way.

"Got you working your hips to get all this wood," Noah bites his lip, " ass is creaming already"

"Right there... don't stop" I moan out feeling myself about to climax

"Right there ?" He asked grab my neck while we're laying chest to chest, he kept the eye contact I don't know what spot he hit but I couldn't help myself to take a deep breath... we're making out rubbing on each other my cream coated his condom..

"D-d-d-DADDY I'M CUMIN!!!!"

"Let that shit out"



"O-o-OH m-MY g-g-GOD!!!"

"Shit I'm about to NUT !!"

"IM CUMING!!!!!"

"SHIT !!!!"

"Get down your knees, hurry up, fuck I gotta bust !"

I got on my knees and Noah stands before me, snatching his condom off fisting his dick. All of that cum squeezed out from his heavy sack over my face, mouth and with my tongue out.

What The Fuck did I do....

Tags :
10 months ago


I know it's been a minute since I talked to y'all but, too busy with school & work... but tonight Vanessa and couple people she invited to come with her to the "D9" Block Out Party... here I am finished getting dressed. Hearing my door being knocked on.

"Bro it's Vanessa" Rome said closing the door

Vanessa and Rome gave each other a hug, he walked his way back to his room..

"Hey boo you look cute" said giving me a smile

"Thanks you look cute also" I replied she gave me goofy face while posing poking her butt out..

"You know I try" she said while giggling

We was about walk out the door til I seen Rome walk out look irritated

"What happened" I asked looking at him taking a sit on the couch

"Everybody flake on me" he said touching his curls

"Why not come with us ?" She asked

"Huh ?" He said looking up from his phone looking confused

"Why not" I said looking at Vanessa "it's better staying in the house"

"I don't see the problem" she said we turned to look back at him "they not going serve you anything to drink"

"Oh okay" I replied nodding "even better"

"All he need is $10 to get in" she said looking at me

"I'm good" he said getting walking towards us "I'm ready

"You need to take that jacket off tho" she said opening the door

"Why ?" He asked

"Because it's going to be hot asf" she answered

We walked out the door, locking door behind myself.. walking down the stairs to Vanessa car opening the passenger side door taking a seat putting on the seatbelt.. driving down the street seeing a line forming outside.. Vanessa found a parking spot. Pulled in taking the taking out of the engine looking at herself at the mirror touching up her lipgloss, we got out the car, making our way the line, seeing some girls gossiping and groups of guys trying to holier at girls, this really put my element.

"This really my first college party" Rome said shaking his head

"Believe it cousin" Vanessa replied with a chuckle til a female said her name

Making all three of us there the way we heard name, it was two girls and guy walking up to us.

"Hey girl" she said to the girl giving the group a hug"Guys... I want y'all to meet my new friend"

"Hey my name Carson and this my little brother" I said with shy wave

"Name Rome" he replied with a head nod

"Hey my name is nisi" the girl said with a smile

"I'm Ciara" another girl said with her blue locs style with a crispy retwist & bob style

"Name Alex" the boy said with a fade but died blonde

"Nice meeting y'all" they said union giving us smiles

The line start to move, we finally in the front of the line.

"For the girls $5 & for the boys $10" a guy said

Vanessa and the girls handing him their five dollars, and me,Rome,Alex handed him ten dollars making our way in the place hearing Barks and girls saying high pitched... they in a line doing something called a "stroll" I made sure me & Rome is out their way because they will fight you if mess their line up.

"Girls y'all Remember what last year" Alex said making looked back at nisi confused

"Oh it went crazy" she replied nodding "we talking about the Twitter thread about it"

I just nod my head, looking around till I seen the man of the hour "Maxwell" with his boys plus more behind them.. enjoying myself seeing everybody dancing and drinking socializing...

"Girl I hoped they don't pick my ass up" nisi said looking at us with goofy face being made

Making us laugh, making Rome shake his head.

"I don't mind tho" Alex joked making us laugh more "I'm joking because my fat ass fucked the dance floor up by one fall"

We shaking our heads, till we heard OTB Fastline "Dawg Azz (Remix)... I heard barking group of buff, Cubby, tall guys of all shades start braking and doing their stroll having all the girls screaming fanning themselves then out of nowhere the Dj played Joi "Lick" then all hell broke lose..

Then a buff guy and tall basketball player build guy picked Ciara & nisi up continue their stroll all the girls screaming...

"You see that big bro ?" He asked me

"Yeah I'm loss for words" I answered while seeing one frat guy stop in front of Vanessa but he really want to stand in front of Alex having his tongue shaking his head..

"Ooh Vanessa !!" Alex said record her

"Im going to the bathroom" Rome said making me nod my head seeing him walked off

I made my way to the bar waiting for a waitress. Till I bumped into hard chest I looked up it was Maxwell he just looked down at me with a sly smirk on his face.

"You the new guy my grandma was talking to the block party" he asked waving the waitress

"Yeah... that's me" I answered making us chuckle

"Well I'm Maxwell" he said giving a hand shake

"Nice to meet maxwell... my name Carson" i replied shaking his hand

I was too busy looking at his features even his whitey whites... till I heard screaming we turned around seeing a brawl broke out in the middle of the dance floor meet guys some girl fighting each other.. it was starting getting crazy I felt a large hand grabbing my wrist pulling out the party..

We made it outside I turned to face Maxwell, I texted everybody, they saying they are okay... I felt a ton of bricks off my shoulders, then look back up from my phone back to Maxwell.

"Everybody okay ?" He asked looking at me

"Yeah they okay" I replied I'm all shy and giddy

"That's good" he said making his way to his BMW

"You could wait in my car if you want to" he said I just nod walking to the passenger side opening the door

Closed the door, he just sit back rolling up his blunt.. with music playing softly in the background.

"You sit back I'm not going to hurt you" he said with deep Baltimore accent

I just sat back, he put blunt on his lips lightning it up... smoke everywhere I'm just looking at him even more, he different kind of fine, skin looking all clear & Smooth, I was to busy looking at how fine he is he was sizing me up.

"I know I'm fine" I cut him off before he said some corny shit

"You doing to much... corny" I said playfully rolled my eyes

"Stop staring then" he replied chuckling while licking his lip

I was to busy staring at his lips... he gave me a smirk

"Stop staring at me or it's going to a problem" he said smirking

"Or what ?" I replied being smart

He got closer, biting his bottom lip staring at my soul.. moving closer our nose almost touch

"Say that again ?" His voice got even deeper looking so sexy

I'm fighting not to whimper out loud

Before I could say anything my phone start to ring he pulled away... I mentally rolled my eyes, checked my phone to see Vanessa saying ready to go.

"I got but thanks for your company" I said open the door

"Your welcome see around new boy" he said sounded so sexy

I blushed sly biting my lip

"Don't bite that lip" he said licking his lip

"Or what ?" I asked smartly

"All I'm about to say don't do in front of me" he replied looking at me up and down

"I'm grown... I'm going to do what I want have a good night" I said closing the door before he say another thing making my way to Vanessa car..

Tonight was fun besides the brawl... I really enjoy the college life

Tags :
10 months ago


"I can't believe nunu fought that girl" Daizy said shaking her head hanging up the last tie dye crop hoodie

"But the girl hit her off guard tho" looking around till I see Jerome interacting with a customer "that's what the girl get"

"But nunu gave her the business" Daizy replied turned to face me " she gave that girl stitches"

"Welp she know not to fuck with her anymore" I said walking behind the register

"Wassup y'all" Jerome said with a smile " what y'all talking about ?"

"Our best friend beat some girl ass" Daizy said shaking her head walking to the back

"Damn what the girl did ?" He asked looking at me

"We'll the girl never like our best friend so she been fucking with her till she had enough" I answered handing the customer their change

"Welp that's what the girl get" he said making me nod my head

"Welp I'm clocking out" Daizy walking out with her telfer bag hanging over her shoulder " love y'all"

"Bye" we said union

"Love you boo" I replied counting the cash in the register "call me when you make it home"

"Love you too big sis" jerome said paying his attention back on the customer

She nodded and waved at us... it was more customers coming in it was a little busy today...

An Hour Later

We pulled up in the driveway, walking the stairs jerome grabbing his spare key unlocking the door.. he made his up the stairs I walk to the kitchen taking out the chicken and shrimp and my grandma famous pasta.

Making my way upstairs to my room grabbing my pajamas walking in the bathroom... I turned on the shower waiting on the water to heat up, I got undressed opening the curtain, steppin in. The hot water hit my skin, instantly start to relax causing me to zone out. As much I like to be single but I want more. I want to held, surprise each other on Valentine's Day, even buy me flowers, Even Romantic dates but I been too busy with work I don't even remember how to date..

I continue washing myself till I forgot I'm making dinner... I didn't even realize I was in deep thought after I wash myself, I turned the water off hopping out the shower grabbing a towel hanging making my way out the bathroom starting to dry myself and start putting coconut butter and oil combo before putting on my dragon ball z boxer briefs on before on my pajamas putting on my slides then putting on my glasses making my way to the kitchen...

(Let Me Start or we will be eating take out)

"I didn't have to put my whole soul in this meal like that" I said fanning myself

"I mean it was bussin" he replied with. Chuckle shaking his head

"Damn I really did that" I chuckled getting up grabbing our plates start washing them

"We'll how was school ?" I asked looking back at him

"Good" he replied getting up standing next to meet " practice is getting better too"

"That's good" I said focusing on the dishes

"You don't mind me ask you a question ?" He asked looking at me

"Sure" I replied putting the clean dishes in the dishwasher

"I see you not going out like Daizy" I stop him before he even started "I'm single and it's been awhile I jumped in the dating scene"

"Why not ?" he getting a little close to me "I don't see why you single"

"Because it's res hard to jump back in the dating world" turned around drying my hands with a towel " plus I'm a black gay men also"

"Oh so you feel like Impossible ?" He asked looking at me

"I don't feel it...I know it's not easy at all" I answered

"Welp keep your head up" he said with a smile

"You know I will" I smiled looking around

"Man Gina been M.I.A" he said strolling down his Instagram

"She will call" putting up the left over in the refrigerator

"Yeah but she been ghost" he said kept strolling

"We'll we have to wake up early tomorrow" walking out the kitchen " you don't mind off the light ?"

"Alright" he nodded " see you in the morning"

I just smiled walking upstairs... made it to my room closing the door


Okay it's been a minute since I last check in... it's been cool I been on dates but these niggas is weird that's but Jerome doing good with that department or being a good hoe

It's a good day off... I'm layed up in bed catching up on show...

Getting up from the bed hopping in the shower doing my night routine  putting on my white tank top and Clavin Klein briefs hopped my ass back in the bed continue to watch my insecure marathon...

(An hour later... awww everybody got a happy ending)

"Damn Baby" a feminine voice said

Woke me up from my sleep, what the fuck going on this time ?

"I should've been called you" what she mean by that ?

"Let me bounce on it"

"Oh, Fuck, Yes." She said loudly

After Five Minute... it felt like forever

"FUCK !!" She cried out

I Started feel turned on... but I don't to be weirded out

"Daddy let me bounce on it" she asked softly

"Bounce on it" he said back

"Okay, Okay" she said "baby let me fuck you"

"Fuck me ?" He said confused

"Yes baby let me show you" she said

I hear the bed moving

"Then show me"

"Fuck, this dick !" (Bounce)

"Fuck, *Smack Ass* there you go taking this dick with no problem"

I sat up on my elbow hearing them, looking over the nightstand pulling the drawer seeing my G-Spot hitter "Pressure" ten inch brown veiny... hit the spot every time but it's been a minute

Grabbing it, getting up grabbing my towel rubbing it seeing it shiny walked in the to get the lube.. making my way back to the bed taking off my briefs, putting lube on my hands start rubbing my hole.

"Please hold still, Baby" *grinding her hips*

"Fuck, get it"

I grabbed the pillow bite down, my whimpers murmured because of the pillow then I hear Jerome slapping her ass. I rubbed the lube on "pressure" putting my legs behind my shoulders... gently sliding it in, almost made me rolling my eyes behind my head it felt so good..

"Ohhhhh Shit!"

"It's so good daddy"

"Get that shit then" *groan*

"Like this ?" *Bounce* daddy

"Baby.... Listen.... *Moan* Shi-Baby Girl... you gotta stop"

"It's feel so good, Daddy" *Bouncing*

"Shit... *Grunt* I'm going to cum you better stop"

"That's what I want"

"Did I tell you to stop ?"

"No you hitting my spot"

"That's I'm supposed to do" *smack ass*

"O-ohh Da-Baby *moans* you hitting my spot"

"Yes... ride my fucking dick.... Just like that make me cum deep inside you"

I'm biting down the pillow hard, following Jerome rhythm so I can stroke myself, I stifled murmured a moan, harsh grasps. Jerome & the girl going back and forth with the dirty talk.

"There you go.... Cream all this dick, that's what I'm talking about, you been playing hard to get but you was playing too much infront of your friends, but I turned you on huh ? You hear me talking to you ?"

"Y-yes daddy" she moan out, "I didn't know you feel this good"

"You didn't know I feel this good ?" He chuckled "let daddy do all the talking... breathe, baby girl, I know it's big and thick"

I'm in euphoria... I'm stroking myself so good my legs shaking out of control... hearing Jerome talk dirty doing something to me... I'm getting lose thrusting the dildo in and out hole seeing cream covered "Pressure" it's telling I'm really turned on, he know exactly what to say and doing... hearing the girl talking back and cries how good he slang his dick.

"Tell me how it feel girl"

"It feel so good, Daddy" *groan*

"Grab my shoulders... on your toes" the bed creaked.

"Shittt, I feel in my stomach" she breath shallow and fast, " l love daddy dick, it's so good"

"I'm hitting them kidneys, Huh?"

"Yes, ouuu"

Everything went quite for a moment All I hear whimpering but I also hear was murmured clapping noises because the girl ass hitting Jerome's thighs. I'm stroking the dildo inside my hole slowly, started pushing the toy in and out. I couldn't control the wet and farting sounds.

"Like that... Arch your back, bend that ass over... Good girl got that pussy creaming on this dick with that fat ass booty" *smack ass*

"Daddy,F-fuck" *twerk*

"Yeah, twerk on it... This is what you want" pounding her from the back so hard I could hear

"Ooohhh... S-shit" *twerk*

"Damn you so tight baby," low stroking her, she rolled her eyes while he start going faster with her lips widen as a moan slip past. Hitting her g-spot.

I tried to fuck myself in time with Jerome quickened pace, I ended up lost the rhyme. I whimpered, I quickly grabbed the pillow biting down on it. That didn't stop me from gliding the dildo up and down on my hole. My focus Jerome and the girl going at it. I could only imagine how long and thick he is... or do he have a curve.. I could only imagine the girl organism she having.

"There you go... creamin all on my dick, that's right keep going"

"D-daddy O-oooh" *throwing it back*

"Arch your fucking back... I'm not playing with you"

"O-okay baby" *Arch Her Back* I got up on all four infront end of the bed arching my back hand going underneath my legs grabbing the toy that already in hole

Jerome talking a lot of shit... that freaky shit, bringing me to the edge once again. Almost ripped a hole in the pillow with my teeth.

"That pussy hugging me...*Smack Ass* you giving daddy all that pussy"

"Oh daddy"

"Cum on this dick"

"Daddy, daddy, d-da FUCCCCKKKKKK"

"Keep creaming all over this dick then"

"K... D-daddy"

"I'm hitting it ?"

"Yes you are fucking me"

"I'm fucking you huh ?"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not done with you yet"

"OH MY G-GOD !!"

"Keep it done"

"Daddy you playing with my clit"

"It's so pretty and fat I couldn't resist"

I'm Facedown, ass up, I'm thrusting in & out murmured moans and cries on the pillow from how good it felt... eyes rolling back of my head I was hitting my spot.

"Right there... Right there dadddy"

"Shit there ? Im about the bust"

"Yes, Right there... R-right t-T-there D-d-Daddy Shit I'm Cumin... Im CUMING !!!"

"Don't fucking touch my hand, let me get her"

"O-o-OH m-MY g-g-GOD!!!"

"Shit I'm about to NUT !!"

"IM CUMING!!!!!"

"SHIT !!!!"

I'm twerking on the dildo hard  hitting my  spot  I'm  feeling something in stomach... I kept throwing back til I hit my second hole... all I remember I blacked out..

Waking up... it's the morning looking around seeing the tv on... seeing the bed messed up, seeing the pillow all slobbered up... getting up feeling  sore I let out a whimper moving my hand to my butt til I slipped my toy out my hole I let out low moan.. getting up putting on my briefs and grey pajamas pants and my orange peanut pattern message slippers on seeing a big ass cum stain on my sheet.. I started to take my bedding off my bed  had handful of the making my walk to the wash room... putting my sheets in the washer... making my way to the kitchen til I walk pass Jerome room door cracked.

Seeing them going at it... seeing him in person stroking, seeing his back muscles, I bit my bottom lip til I heard them having their climax... that's my cue to leave.

15 Minutes Later

Im cooking breakfast again... feeling good listen to summer Walker "still over it" album on YouTube music... hearing footsteps going down the stairs turned my head to see Jerome and a dark skin girl a doppelgänger of light skin Keisha body and all but she got a leg tattoo... they walked in the kitchen..

"Morning" I said focusing on the food

"Morning" he said "this is Mariah"

"Morning" said with shy smile

"Hi I'm Silas" I said making way looking normal "nice meeting you"

"You too" she replied with a smile turned to Jerome "I have to go I have a hair appointment"

"K" he said nodded his head "you work tonight ?"

"Yeah I will call you" she said

"You have to go in breakfast" I asked looking at her

"Yes my appointment at 12:30" she answered with smile "but nice meeting you"

"Let me walk you out" he said walking to the door with her behind him, they gave a hug I seen rap is arm on waist making hands grabbing his ass

"Okay boo I have to go I need to wash my hair" she said peck his cheek, he open the door for her, she walked out

"Okay make sure to call me" he looking swaying her to her car " I'm not playing with you"

"Boy bye" she said playing rolling her eyes

He closed the door... making way back to where im cooking, I changed a song...

"What you making ?" He asked looking at the stove

"Waffles, turkey bacon, turkey sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns" I replied scrambled the eggs

"Sounds good" he nodded his lick his lips "I hope you got my text about bringing Mariah ?"

(Fuck he texted me... I was to busy hitting my spot)

"Yes... thank you for that" I said with with smile "we don't want what happened last time"

"Yeah..." he replied staring at me little long

"Yeah" I said turned around starting to make our plates

"Did you us last night ?" He asked looking for an answer "I don't want to you feel disrespected"

"No I was knocked out" I said grabbing our plates to the dining room table

"We'll I went to the wash room seeing" before he finished what about say

"I accidentally spill my drink on the bed" I said sitting down

"Okay ?" He said sitting down closing his eyes Im about the day grace

That's was close... it's wrong, but last night make feel right... I hate I start to feel for him my new FRIEND....

Tags :
10 months ago


"What happen the other day ?" Tiana asked touching up her hair

"I just chilled with him till he drop me off" I replied looking up from my phone

"Well I'm hearing y'all will be having a little slumber party"

she said turning to face me

"Yeah ? Why you staring at me like that" I asked

"Be careful Kev" she said walking out the bathroom looking through her closet

"I know I will be careful" I respond getting up from her bed leaning on her closet door

"Y'all wondering why me & boo not talking anymore because this street shit" she said putting on her platform slides

"That's why" looking at her for a answer "I was about to say something because you was ducking him"

"I do like him but I will not be the next "Lauren London or Asian da brat" she replied walking past out her closet

"I understand" I said walking out her room with her

"It's too much in the streets I will be damn to start falling for someone then lose them over the streets" she replied shaking her head

"But you have to let boo know tho he really have feelings for you" I said looking at her

Making our way to the living watching reruns of love & hip hop...

Then out of nowhere my phone vibrate.. I grabbed my phone from my pocket seeing a text from him..

"He's outside" I said getting up grabbing my bag

"Remember what I said" she replied giving me a hug

"I will" hugging her back " but remember what I said he need to know"

She just her nodded her head... I opened the door seeing him out his car waiting for me with a smirk on his face... feeling butterflies in my stomach

"Wassup kev" he smiled his plump lips pulling across his straight white teeth. And let's not forget the fucking gold.

(I always have a weakness for a man with a mouth full of gold) whew

"Hey" I said making my way for him to grab my bag opening the passenger side door for me

( a Gentleman) NOTED

"You Hungry?" He asked closing the door opening the backsit to put my bags down

"Yeah I can eat" I replied

He got in the driver side... driving down the street.. strolling on Instagram I looked up from my phone seeing his Side profile...

(I guess I was staring little too long)

" I know I'm fine but damn can I have my face back" he joked with a smirk

"Bye" I laugh shaking my head looking out the window looking at the palm tree's moving by

"I'm about to order Mexican restaurant" I turned looking at him " what you want ?"

"A Shrimp Burrito" I replied turning back to the window

"You sure I'm not sharing my shit" he said

"Okay Super Shrimp Burrito with side of rice" Avoiding eye contact "That's it"

He just nodded his with a sly smile... dialing the restaurant to place a order..

15 Minutes Later

Pulling up the driveway I was to busy reading what sky just text to the group chat..

"We here" he said taking the keys out the intuition

Seeing him walking my side opening it for me

"Thanks" I said

I grabbed my bags and making our way to the front door... waiting on him to unlock so we can get in it's freezing outside...

He finally opened the door making sure I went in first... making me feel special

"Thank you" I said with a sly smile making my way to the kitchen putting the food down

"Ur welcome" he replied with a smirk

After putting my bag in his room.. walking back to the kitchen grabbing my burrito...

"What you want to watch ?" He asked looking at me with the remote on his hand

"I want to watch euphoria season finale if it's good ?" I replied looking at him for his approval

He nodded his head handing me the remote... playing the last episode of euphoria getting myself ready for a wild ride.

15 Minutes later

I'm shook... Not our little cousin ashtray and free my nigga fezco

"That's shit is crazy" he looked at me with a side eye "what kind of shit you be watching"

"It's better than the shit you be watching" I said looked back at him

He chuckled shaking his head, moving closer to me

"Is that so ?" He asked feeling his arm on my waist moving me closer

"Yeah" I answered still focusing on the tv

"Don't be act shy" he said with a smirk

"I'm not" I replied lying threw my teeth

"Cap" he said staring a hole on my face

"Okay but you know" I side eyed him

"I don't" he answered turned to face me

"You know I have a crush on you but I know you are dl" seeing him turn on Bmf " Im just trying to play safe for my feelings"

"I understand that but I'm learning" I felt his hand on my Chin to face him "I'm not going to hurt you"

We will see about that

"Okay I understand" I replied turned to face the tv

I kept feeling him staring at me... so I face him but before I said anything...

He Pulled me closer to him my hands glide of his hard muscles. Fingers tracing on his tattoos. Feeling his hands roaming all over my body. He didn't let me protest, he pressed in closer to me. I felt my heart drop to my ass, placing his arms on the bed over me, to trapped me.

"What are you doing ?" I asked nervously looking at him

"Showing you what I'm really feeling" he replied looking into my eyes

My hands went to his face, moving closer to cradling him as urgency soar through me. Electrifying each touch.he pulled me closer and begin to kiss me..pulled me deeper in the kiss.. his tongue darting into my mouth, darting in and out as if he was fucking me. I could feel his dick harden against my front. His big hands grab my ass, grinding his dick with my front. Sucking on my bottom lip, his hand went to my ass, Squeezing and then slapping lt.

"Ty we need to stop" I said pulling away from

"Why ?" He asked confused

"Do you like chilli dogs ?" I asked looking at him

"Huh ?" He said with a confused expression

"Do you like chilli dogs" I said again looking at him

"Do I like chilli dogs ?" He at my blank expression " oh you mean that"

"Yeah" I burst out laughing "this your first same sex anything I have to Prep for sex or you'll have chilli on your hot dog"

"Don't won't that" he replied chuckling

"It's the same thing that have don't like ketchup on your hot dog" I said facing the tv

Feeling wrapping his large arm around my waist, I'm against his large chest.

"Don't worry I'm going to take my time" he said against my ear

We are really cuddling... I know I have to be on my guard but I'm really feeling him

Tags :
10 months ago


Walking into the sliding door seeing patients waiting for their names to be called or walking out the sliding doors...

Making my way to the locker room... putting my backpack in my locker turned to see one my good friend, Amina, half African & half Arabian, standing with a smirk on her face.

"Spill" I said fitting my scrubs

"Okay the date was nice but he like a typical fuck boy" she replied rolling her eyes

"Well at least you know now than later" I said while we walked out the locker room

We walking down the hall seeing my other half "Makayla" half Nigerian & Half Trinidadian behind the desk typing on the computer looking up

"Hey hoes" she said with a smirk, moving her bang

"Heyy" Amina replied making her way behind the desk

taking a seat

"Hi stink" I said with smile

"Let me tell y'all about the date" she said rolling her


"Spill" Amina replied

"Let me tell you what this niggas was a catfish plus  he was broke" she said with blank face

Me and Amina burst out laughing when our other friend Devion walked up the desk with a confused face just staring at us

"What happened?" He asked looking at Makayla back to us

"I'm telling them about my date" she said with even more attitude making us laugh harder

"Was it that bad ?" He asked again looking at me

"I was CATFISH!" she replied aloud making some clients start look at our way

"Damn niggas are weird" he said shaking his head grabbing paper work

"Tell me about it" she replied going back to typing

Before I open my mouth here come bunch of paramedics rushing in with a boy I can't really see but the doctor William rush to me...

"Come on Matthews it time" he said speed walking next to him

"What happened?" I asked walking in the surgery room washing my hands

"He been shot in the stomach and left shoulder and was in a car crash" he replied putting on his gloves

I hope he okay

( Hours Later )

Walking in the lobby seeing three people start standing up walking my way...

"Hi we're here for Mr. Hughley" a girl said with a worry look on her face

"How's is he ?" A asked looking at me for a answer

"He just got out of surgery" looking at them "he doing fine but he need some rest"

They both At each other with a smile

"Thank you so much bro" the guy said looking at me with a smile

"Thanks" the girl said walking to the other guy on the phone

He walked his way to us

"You said he out of surgery ?" He asked looked at me

"Yes sir" I answered look at them

"Thank y'all so much to save my cousin life" he said with a genuine smile

"We'll my name is Marje" she said with a smile

"Usher" he said

"Nigel I'm mr.hughley cousin" typing on his phone "thank you for giving us information"

"No problem" I said with a smile making my way behind the desk

........................TWO DAYS LATER........................

"Anyway I did went to a second date with him" shaking her head "he a broke ass nigga"

"Kayla that's your fault at this point" devion replied with a blank face

"Damn" Amina said chuckling

"Well you seen the signs on the first date" I said looking thru paper work

"Damn I thought y'all will be comforting me" kayla said looking at us

We start laughing

"Aww poor stink" Amina said before being interrupted by doctor Williams

"Can I grab Matthews for a minute?" He asked

"It's okay" got up from the seat "is there anything wrong ?"

We kept walking to Mr.Knight office seeing him typing away... finally looking up

"Y'all can sit down" he said

"Okay mr.knight I feel" he look at me " Mr.Matthew should be paid leave

(Wait huh ?)

"What happening?" I said looking at them both

"That's exactly what I was calling you in" he said nodding his head


"I'm getting fired?" I asked looking at mr.knight

"No you're going to be paid to help mr.hughley with recovery" he answered

"Okay thanks" I said

"Because you the second person who went to school for sports medicine " he said making dr.Williams nod

"What happened with bryon ?" I asked

"Bad reviews " he answered

"Okay thank you so much I will not disappoint" I said getting up from the chair

"I know you won't" he begin typing "you start today"

(I start today )

"Okay thanks"I said walking out the office

(30 minutes)

I can't believe you're leaving us " Amina said with a pout

"I know but duty calls" I replied giving her a hug

"I'm so proud of you" kayla with a huge smile

"Me too bro make that money" devion said doing our hand shake

........................ An Hour Later...........................

Making my way to his penthouse with the emergency rolling him behind me... finally stop in front of his front door...

Opening the door it was huge was an understatement it was a mansion on air...


Making my way to the guess it was like a second master bedroom... with a white bedding with grey detailing..

"Okay Matthew we gone" Henry said walking the door

"Bye" I said walking out he room

"We gone" tryese turned looking at me " call us for

anything we got you"

Nodding my head walking him out the door, closing it behind him and made my way to hughley room.. see him laying on the bed watching espn..

"Hi my name Elijah Matthews I'm your rehab nurse" seeing him looking at me " so I live in with you and I get paid off to be here so if you got questions I'm hear to answer them"

"I got a question" he said turning his head making himself hiss from the pain

"Yeah ?" I said looking at him

"You sure I'm going to back on the court ?" He said

"Of course" I replied looking at him

He for sure feel familiar

"And another" he looked at me up and down "was you at the gas stations talking to oh girl ?"

I quickly looked up at him, it was him the boy that kept looking at me... it's a small world

"Yeah it was me" I said looked at the tv

"How was you're sister dinner ?" He asked making turn to face him

"It was cool" I answered

"It was but why the girl was at my bro house ?" He said with a smirk

"Okay okay I was saving her ass from y'all" shaking my head feel ashamed "you know how scary being a female with you niggas out"

"Damn shame not all niggas" he said

"You one of those" I said side eyeing him

"What that supposed to me ?" He asked

"You figure it out" I said

Making my way out

"You got a smart ass mouth" he said

"You going to do something about it...cripple?" I asked looking at him

He just sat there shook

"I don't think so" I said continue walking

.............................four Week...............................

Well his name is "Noah Hughley" second year rookie of Atlanta Hawks...He start walking good.. working out wonderful and even doing well on court.

And he actually nice guy, he was the nigga that made it out the hood... following his dream of being a nba superstar.

"Noah dinner ready" I said done fixing his plate

"Thanks" he said sitting down

Continue making my plate, walking to the dining room table..

"It's your turn to say grace" I said looking at him

..........................15 minutes later..........................

"Is there a new season?" He asked looking at me

"There's no more seasons it was canceled" I answered looking at him rolling his eyes

"Damn moesha pregnant and Miles is missing" he said shaking his head

I chuckled

"Yeah tragic" I said looking at his side profile

(His tall skinny ass is fine)

"We'll you ready to start sister sister ?" I asked looking at him

"Yeah let me use the bathroom" he said getting up from the couch walking to the guess bathroom

"I got a question for you" I said looking at him sitting down

"Spill" he said turn facing me with tv play softly

"You don't mind me wear more comfortable clothing?" I asked he looked at me with a duh Expression

"Why wouldn't I ?" He asked looking at me

"We'll sometimes I get to comfortable" I said looking back at the tv feeling him kept staring at me

"Oh you like that then" he said kept staring at me with a smirk sizing me up and down

"Boy don't do to much" I said side eyeing him

"Or what ?" He asked

"I'm not playing with you" I said turning up the volume

"I know you didn't turn up the volume" he said looking at me crazy

"And did and what you going to do about" I said til I felt his big Tatted hand grab my neck turn to face him

"Don't get that I'm healing fool you I'm with the shits" looking thru my soul "don't get it twisted okay"

"Yes I got it" I said getting lost with his eyes

"You getting out of control with that smart ass mouth" he squeeze little bit " but don't worry about it next time you'll see"

He let me go, making me get up from the couch walking to the guess closing the door behind me.. letting out a breath that I been holding on..

Damn that was sexy...

Tags :
10 months ago


Walking downstairs seeing group of people laughing and socializing I'm making my way to the garbage seeing the lady that welcome me to the neighborhood talking to her group of her friends...

Throwing the garbage in the bin turning around walking to my apartment building til I bumped into a brown skin girl...

"My bad I wasn't paying attention" she said with a sly smile

"It's okay" I replied standing there awkward

"My bad my name Vanessa by the way" she said with her hand out

"Carson" I replied shaking her hand

"You new ?" She asked looking at me

"Yeah I'm here for school" I replied nodding my head

"What school you attending ?" She asked again looking at me

"FAMU" I replied with a tight lip smile

"Wow" she replied

"What ?" I asked

"I'm attending there too so we going to see each other a lot" she replied

"Well i found friend then" I said with small smile

"Yep so I know you not about to go back home ?" She replied looking at me with a side eye

(Well damn not anymore)

"Common let's get a plate" she said with a playful face making me chuckle

Walking to the area where the table full of food

15 MINUTES Later

We're having a good conversation... where more in common than I thought, were laughing till I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned to face who and it was Mrs. Love.

"Hello kiddos been minute" she said with a warm smile

"Hi" we replied in union

"How's everything?" She asked

"Good a little busy since school started tho" I  answered

"And?" She said looking at Vanessa

"I'm been busy with school and working on my art" she replied

"That's I'm so happy see y'all but let me catch with my girls have a good night" she said turning around making her way to her group of friends..

"It's getting late I have class early in the morning" she said rolling her eyes

"Oh I have to finish unpacking " I replied

"Well it's time to go" she said getting up

"I need your number" passing her phone to me " i finally got a new friend"

We pass our phone back to each other starting to walk to our building...

"They so fine" she said

"Who ?" I asked looking at her for a answer

"Them" she replied I turned to where she was facing

Let me tell you they was a different type of fine, three boys standing there like Roman gods..

"It don't make since they that fine" she said shaking her head

I'm just standing there turn my to face where was facing and I seen three fine ass boys I ever seen in my life...

"Who are they ?" I asked turn to face face her looking at me like I got three heads

"The finest niggas in Famu" she replied looking back at the boy with waves

"Well who are they ?" I asked again waiting for a response

"That's Luke Harris the party promoter/ playa of the group" she Said making me nod my head

"Then the basketball ball star Trevor cannon and my future baby daddy " she continued making me chuckle

"Okay " I replied looking back the group

"Then last but not Least the football star/ king of the Famu Maxwell Love" she said making me stop and turn back to face her

"Wait love ? Like" I asked looking at her

"That's her grandson" she face me "she visits that why she hear doing a block party"

Making me nod my head feeling someone burning a whole on my back

"Oh shit I need to go back home to finish my assignment" she said looking at her phone

"It was nice meeting you" I said giving her a hug

"I'm glad I bumped into you" she pulling away from the hug " now we friends"

"Okay I Need finish unpacking my stuff" I said

"Okay call me we got each other number" she replied looking at me

I gave her a smile and we walked away, making my up the stairs unlocking my door.

15 minutes later

I'm done unpacking, now I'm cooking dinner waiting on Romeo to come back because this nigga got school in the morning.

Hearing the door opening seeing a smiling Romeo walking in with a basketball under his left arm.

"How's practice?" I asked

"Good I'm really happy here" he replied

"What you making?"

"Tacos" chopping up tomatoes "hop your ass in the shower food will be done when you finish"

"Alright" he walked to room

I looked outside seeing people still out there socializing, my eyes meet with the group of boys again this time I'm looking at maxwell closely like how he smile or laugh or even when he pay attention to someone talk...

Damn he is really fine... please don't get yourself in trouble this time Carson

Tags :
10 months ago


Walking From the back of the store, seeing customers looking at the display of clothes, seeing Daizy helping a girl out...

"This is all ?" I asked

"Yes" a customer smiled " y'all almost made me go broke"

"You don't need to do that" I chuckle

"The price is $289.98" I said giving him a smile

He hand me the cash, feeling someone looking at me turned to see Daizy have a goofy expression on her face....

"Here's you're change sir" handing him his change" have a nice day"

He saying his thanks and walked away, after most of the people pay and left...

"Why you smiling so hard ?" I asked looking at her

"I'm single" she replied with a smirk

"What happened ?" I asked turn to face her face

"Well I been feeling im being played" she flipped her hair over shoulder " so that night I was supposed to be with him"

"Yeah ?" I asked looking at her

"Well he was laying up with Shayla" she replied rolled her eyes shaking her head

"Wait back up you said Shayla" I said furrowed my eyebrows

"Yeah" she replied turned to face customer

Let tell y'all about this girl name shayla Valdez, she never like Me & Daizy because we are outgoing and Friendly... so she started beef with Daizy for no reason so here we are..

"Don't worry about a broke nigga that don't help out with shit" I said giving the shopping bag to a teen girl

"You're right fuck him" she replied

"Okay I'm gone" I said

"Bye I will call you" she replied giving me a hug

Walking to the back grabbing my my keys, making my way to my car... starting my car my playlist start blasting Summer Walker "Deep" driving down the road

......................... 30 Minutes Later ........................

Walking the front door, making my way to the kitchen to hang my keys up going the living to see Jerome was here but the living room was Empty walking the upstairs walking in my room turning on my bathroom light walking to my closet picking out my pajamas, so I got undressed just have my dragon ball z boxer briefs seeing I don't have have towels making my way out the room walking down the hall to get clean Towels...

Walking back in the room,turning on the hot water hopping in..

..................... 15 Minutes Later ..........................

Laying the dark room, slowly falling asleep... feel his eyes go heavy,

WARNING: Sexual Content

"Oh Baby don't Stop"

"Yes... ride my dick and make me cum"

"Oh my god daddy please don't stop"

"Move your hand... let me get it"

(I know this nigga is not fucking some random chick in my house)

I'm just laying there shock,I'm still listening tho....then I could hear Jerome slapping the girl ass. He didn't care about how loud they was..

"That's it's, keep throwing it back like that"

"Oh m-my g-GOD!"

"There you go... creamin all on my dick, that's right keep going"

I'm feeling myself getting turned on by the way he was speaking to her..

"This dick good ?"

I kept hearing her ass clapping

"You hear me talking to you ?"

"Yes, daddy"

"You better answer when daddy talking"

"Okay daddy im so sorry"

"Arch you're back...don't move"

"My body been craving you so bad"

"I know, that's why daddy here"

"O-oh M-m-My g-g-GOD!!"

"Breathe, Baby... I know I'm hitting that spot"

(Oh My)

"D-d-Daddy You hitting my spot... you hitting my spot!!!"

"Just take this dick that's all you gotta do... I promise's so wet"

(Damn... he used the "BabyGirl on her)

"I will I promise, but please just fuck me, use me." Im heard him chuckling at her begging, hearing them sharing a wet kiss. "Be a Good girl and I will, hearing clapping sounds.

"Damn you so tight baby," low stroking her, she rolled her eyes while he start going faster with her lips widen as a moan slip past. Hitting her g-spot.

"I'm going to cum" whimpering, he smirked continued hitting her g-spot roughly, opening his mouth to speak,

"D-d-Daddy!! Right there!"

"Right here ?"

"O-o-Oh right there d-daddy"

(Oh wow she taking it)

"Just like that... throw it back like that"

"O-oh f"

All I hear smacking sounds and whimpering

"M-m-m-Mh let it out"

"D-d-d-DADDY I'M CUMIN!!!!"

"Let that shit out"



"Daddy don't stop"

All I'm hearing now is clapping, whimpering... I'm hearing the bed  hitting the wall...

"You think this a game ?"

"I'm so sorry "

"So you do what you want to do ?"

"I-I-I'm So s"

" huh ?"

"no daddy "

"But you do it anyway"

It was quiet for a minute, I guess he teasing her...

"Turn around and have your legs up"

(They not done yet ?)


"Good girl hold them legs up"

Then I heard the bed making a sound, then low moan start to build up...

"I want you to look at me"

"F-fuck baby"

"Nah baby I keep your eyes on me so I can see your reaction when I'm in your gut"

"You fucking me"

"Like I promise right ?"

"O-oh daddy"

"Nice and deep right ?"

Im hearing her  moans getting louder, the headboard starting to to pick up.


"Yes who ?"


"I'm getting them kidneys huh ?"



"I'm hitting it ?"

"Yes you are fucking me"

"I'm fucking you huh ?"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not done with you yet"

"OH MY G-GOD !!"

"Keep it done"

"Daddy you playing with my clit"

"It's so pretty and fat I couldn't resist"

"Jerome right there"

"Who ?"

"Daddy right there please"

"You know better"

"I can feel it in my stomach baby"

"Really ?"

"Uh - Huh"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, baby ?"

"Yes daddy"

"You so nasty"

(It's 3:04 in the morning thank god I don't have to show to work today)



"Daddy, daddy, d-da FUCCCCKKKKKK"

"SHIT !, there you go,"

"My pussy"

"Move your hand I want to feel her"

"I can't control it... it's quivering"

"Damn i feel her... never had real dick before"


"Come here"

"Right there... Right there dadddy"

"Shit there ? Im about the bust"

"Yes, Right there... R-right t-T-there D-d-Daddy Shit I'm Cumin... Im CUMING !!!"

"Don't fucking touch my hand, let me get her"

"O-o-OH m-MY g-g-GOD!!!"

"Shit I'm about to NUT !!"

"IM CUMING!!!!!"

"SHIT !!!!"

Then everything went quiet, I'm just laying here all hot and bothered... but damn who wouldn't be?

The Morning

Im making breakfast then I heard somebody walking down the stairs and it was a pretty light skin girl.. Jerome following behind her.

"Good morning" I said turn to face them still flipping pancakes

"Good morning" she replied with a smile

"Good morning," he smiled "you making breakfast?"

"Yeah I don't have to be at work today so why not" I replied still looking at the girl looking little awkward

"Oh this my friend " he said before he was interrupted

"My name is Gina " she said with a smile

"Nice meeting you Gina, you could stay to eat" I replied

"Oh no I got to go back to the dorms I got class today but thank you" she said with a smile following Jerome to the front door

Jerome and the random girl give each other a peck then she walked out the front door... Jerome closed the door behind his self, making his way back to the kitchen

"Next time inform me you bringing one of your little jump offs because y'all kept me up till 3:30 in the morning " I said side eyeing him

"Damn my bad but you not that mad because you would've went off on us already" he replied looking at me up and down

"Because I'm a nosy ass person plus the poor girls was getting dick" looking back at him with a blank expression "I was to tired to make a scene"

He kept looking at me, like he want to ask me something else

"My bad bro it won't happen again" he said looking with his hands up

"It better not because I let it slide this time" I replied fitting my plate

"Breakfast smelling good asf" he said

"Aww make yourself some I'm going to be in my room" I replied walking out the kitchen making my way up the stairs

He just told there with a shook expression on his face, that what he gets for fucking a female I my house... next time go to her dorm. This is not a hotel

Tags :
10 months ago


Walking down the street, finally meeting up with my best friends.....

"Hey Best !!!" Sky Loud making everybody in the parking lot looking our way

"Girl you're hella loud for no reason" Will said riled his eyes

"Anyways best you look good as fuck" she said ignored will

"Thanks where Tiana ?" I asked them

"I'm here" she walked next to me " I had to find some lip gloss"

Well me and will been friends since middle school, Tiana joined in the seventh grade than we went to high school here comes sky ass joined the group it's been four of us... not really but we're closer than our other friends...

"Okay let's go because I just cause a scene" sky said looking back at her phone

"Yeah because they still looking at us" will replied shaking his head

"Okay let's go" I said start walking ahead

"Damn sky always being extra" Tiana said jokely

"Okay guys I get it" sky replied dryly

We finally made it to the mall looking around... making our way down the elevator, seeing The New High end urban store that open.

"I hope they got the Ugg FUNKETTE I wanted" sky said with a hopeful look on her face

Walking pass of a group of niggas that we all no well of, The L.I.O.N Crew one of which tiana was lowkey having a cupcake phase with one of the member "boo"

"Tiana I know you not walking pass and not say anything ?" He said looking at her

All she kept walking in the store with following behind,

"Girl I know you didn't ignored "Boo" ?" Will said looking at her making a face

"Y'all don't worry about that nigga" she replied blankly

"Okay sounds good to me" sky turned around with a smile "I'm about go shopping"

We all shook our heads

"Damn Shame" Will said walking to the clothing area

"Tiana they got them" Sky said loud enough I could here her

So I'm standing by myself, walking to the shoe area looking for Air Jordan 1 Low GS and Air Jordan 1 low, looking around finally found them...

"excuse me" I said to the girl who works there

"Yes May I help you ?" She replied with a nice smile

"Do you have these in size 8 ?" I asked

"And a these for a 14 ?" A deep voice said handing her the Yeezy slides

"Let me check these for y'all sizes" she replied walking to the back

I turned around to see the man of the hour " Ty" the leader of the L.I.O.NS... standing in his glory wearing his red Los Angeles Dodgers hat with a white t-shirt and black sweatpants to top it all off red & white bape sneakers with his chain and Rolex... Whew he looking Good.

"Wassup Kev" he said with a smirk

"Hi ty" I replied playfully rolling my eyes

Looking at the other sneakers on the display feeling him staring at me.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I said Still looking at some bape sneakers

"You got a smart ass mouth" he replied

Making me turn to face, seeing him licking his lips mentally fighting myself to blush in front of him

"And who going to do about it ?" I asked looking at him up and down turning back at the shoes

"Man that mouth will get you in trouble" he replied shaking his head

Before he could say anything Else the girl came back with Five Sneakers Boxes... making me look at her confused

"Here you're 8" she said handing me my two Jordan boxes

"Yours 14s" she handed the two Jordan boxes and yeezy box

"Thanks" we said in union

Making my way to the register feeling him behind me, I move up alittle seeing him standing next to me... looking at him confused turn to face the cashier..

"That's all it cost $250.89" she said looking at me

Grabbing my wallet from my pocket til ty start talking.

"We're all together" he said wrapping his arm over my shoulder moving closer to me.

"Okay so the price is $850" she said

He handing her the money, I just looked at him turned to face the cashier..

"Y'all want separate bags or no ?" She asked

Before I could say anything

"Nah we good" he replied with a smile, turned a gave me a look made me hot.

"Kev I found the uggs and some bomb pieces" sky said looking at her shopping bag with a smile

"They got a good sale" Will replied similar Skye

I'm just standing there awkwardly... looking like I'm in trouble

"Oh hey ty" Skye said with a below a whisper

"Sup ty" Will said look even more awkward than I am

"Sup y'all" he replied with a chuckle probably knowing that he kinda made things weird

"Where Tiana at ?" I asked

Here come Tiana with a shopping bag with tall ass Boo following behind her like a lost puppy.

"Hey y'all" she looked at everybody but boo "ready to go ? I'm starving"

"Yeah" I replied nodding my head

"Yes I don't want to wait for those long ass lines at the food court" Will said

"I lowkey want the lemonade but I'm not waiting in those lines" she said shaking her head

Walking out the sliding doors making our way to the parking lot we hear a argument...

"What going on over there ?" One of the ty friends said

"It look like it's getting serious" Will said looking towards the confrontation

Then out of nowhere we heard gunshot rings and screams, everybody ran I mean everybody left the parking lot.

I'm not even looking back I turned the corner, I suddenly stop someone bump into me, I turned around seeing Ty with the bag with our shoes in his hand.

"Where everybody?" I asked looking at him with concern

"The guys text" looking down at me "everybody okay they in there cars"

"Okay let me text will" I replied looking down my phone texting the group chat

"Did you drive here ?" He asked

"No uber" I replied looking back at him

"I can't let you wait for a ride the block hot right now" he said looking at me

"Alright" I said because I don't have enough energy to go back and forth with him

We walked to his All black 2021 BMW, he open the passenger seat for me...

"Thanks" I said sitting down

He closed the door walking to the driver seat, putting on my seatbelt looked up seeing him putting on his seatbelt I got distracted looking at his side profile...

"You want to go back home ?" He asked continue looking forward

"No" I replied

"Okay" he said

I hope This Day End In A Good Way


"Okay I see y'all Tomorrow" I said walking to my car

Getting in the driver seat putting my seatbelt on, putting my key in the ignition turning on the car ari Lennox playing softly in the background...

I'm driving the road making my way home, seeing i need gas... pulling in the closest gas station. Parked my car next to a pump.

Getting out walking pass group of niggas trying to holler at this young girl looking scaredy out of her life, I did something that will make her night..

"Hey girl I been calling you" I said the girl looked at me confused

"I been calling you about the dinner party my sister been planning" I said she slowly nodding her head

"Oh my bad I been busy" she replied walk closer to me

"Oh okay my sis trying to find out you coming" I said turn my head seeing the niggas facing away from us

Making our to the sliding door, walking in

"Thank you so much" she said with a smile

"No problem" giving her a sly smile "when you walk to your car act like you talking on the phone pls"

"Okay thanks again" she replied walking away

I turned around walking to the cashier paying for my gas, grabbing my change walking to my car seeing the niggas talking to each other or females but one poke out to me he kept staring at me.

I press the button and put the pump looking around the neighborhood, when I tell you I'm in the hood... then I felt someone kept staring, I took the pump out, put everything back together turn around to see the same fine ass brown skin boy.

I got in the driver seat and put my seatbelt on, turn my car back on.

.........................30 Minutes Later.......................

I pulled up in my garage turned my car off taking my key out the ignition getting out the car, closing the garage making way inside the house.

Turning on the kitchen light, opening the refrigerator to grab a nice cold bottle water turned the light off walking up the stairs to my room.

Going to my bathroom doing my night routine, walking back in my room turned on the tv playing Harry Porter Marathon, walked my closet grabbing underwear my pajamas.. turning on the faucet on to make water hot... I was getting things together til I seen the more starting to fog up I undress and hopped in the shower.

I Hope Something Different will occur

Tags :
10 months ago


"Okay that's everything" I said looking around my finish decorated apartment turning on my speaker playing my playlist.

"Okay good you got some heavy ass boxes" my little brother said jokingly shaking his head

"Boy go unbox your shit" I replied rolling my eyes walking in my room

My little brother "Romeo"is living with me... it's a long story but I found out that I got a little sibling in foster care, so I want to spend time with him, he is a tough person to be around but we got very close the time we first met til we unboxing our stuff in our apartment...

Walking in my room unboxing the box taking my bathroom essentials, finishing putting stuff up til I heard a knock on the door.

Walking to the door, opening seeing a black woman with a nice smile.

"Hi I'm sorry I interrupted what you're doing but my name is Mrs. Love and I want welcome you to the neighborhood" she said with a smile

"Hi name Carson" smiling back " you wasn't interrupted nothing"

"We'll I'm going to let you finish what you was doing but here is my homemade brownies" she said handing a burgundy plate with foil wrap around them

"Thank you so much" I replied grabbing the plate

"You're truly welcome" she said with smile

"I will give you you're plate back" I replied

"Okay my apartment number (267)" she said walking away

Smiling to myself closing the door, walking to the kitchen putting the plate on the counter.. making my way back to the bathroom to finish putting stuff up..

MOM 💕👸🏾

Hi Baby

How's everything I'm just checking in on you ?

Im doing good

my new neighbor gave some homemade brownies

That's good baby

Yeah I'm starting to like the independent I'm having

As you should but I my baby 😔

Mom you going to visit

How's everything?

Everybody is good you know you're dad is having it little hard because you're the last of the bunch

Tell him I love him I'm going to call him when everything is done

You know I will baby

Alright I will call you when I'm free

Dang you gone ?

Yeah I have to start cooking

Okay I love ma

Love you to baby 💕

Love you

Putting my phone back on the charger... hopping in the shower letting the hot water hit my skin.

New Beginnings... New Start


"Have a nice day" I said seeing the black couple leave the store...

Me and my cousin "Daizy" own a black thrift and Urban store, We promise our grandparents to keep the store and make it our own.

I hearing the door opening seeing group black boys look little older or younger looking around... making my way around the register to walk towards them.

"Welcome to The Hill" with a smile "Y'all here for anything specific?"

Looking at the group who looking around... the one I guess is the leader spoke up..

"Yeah I heard y'all got the Nike dunk high "Aluminum" ?" He asked

Before I even said anything here come my cousin saving the day because i forgot that they came out today...

"Yeah what size you looking for ?" She asked looking at him

"Size (12,8,4)" he replied looking back at her

"Okay let me check if we got the sizes" she said walking to the back

"Do y'all need anything else ?" I asked everybody shook their heads no

Some time went by the guy paid for the shoe and they left...

"Okay time to close is getting closer I'm ready to be home with Trey" she said playful smirk

"Girl you always talking about Trey crazy ass" I replied chuckling shaking my head

"Well it will be fun to talk about a relationship but I'm the only who have a man" she said jokingly

"Oh you got jokes" looked at her with a side eye "we'll In my life I don't worry about a man"

"What you trying to say ?" She asked playfully

"Oh I forgot you're little slow" I replied in our inside joke

"Bitch I know you didn't" she said looking with big eyes

"Did I'm taking it back miss tarty" I replied seeing a group of teen girls looking a clothing area

"I know you not walking away ?" She put her right hand on her chest "we not done ho"

"I am I got a business to take care" I said making my way to the girls

.........................0ne Hour Later..........................

"Okay talk to you later" she giving me a hug "Be Safe"

"I will" I replied pulling away from our hug

(Thirty Minutes Later)

I heard a bang on the door looking confused making my way to the door, I see the boy who was went the group form early.

"Y'all close ?" He asked with a unreadable look on his face

"Yes we open tomorrow at 9 Am" I replied with a smile

"Oh" he said have a disappointed look

"You don't mind if I asked" I asked looking for a explanation

"Yeah it's cool" i replied looking around

"Are you in trouble ?" I asked looking for an answer

"No it's trigger happy niggas out" he replied turned to look at me

"Come on in" I said opening the to let him in

He walked in closing the door locking making my way to turn off the lights..

"Follow me" I said we made our way to the back"Do you need a ride ?"

"Nah you don't have to do that" he said Shaking his head with his hands in his pockets

"Come on" I said with a smile

"You sure ?" He asked

"Yes" I replied with a smile getting the driver side

Seeing him walking to the passenger side, putting on my seat belt..

"You not worry I'm a serial killer or psycho ?" He asked looking at me with a side eye while putting on his seatbelt

"If you are any of those I have a gun license and I don't mind abusing them" I said driving down the road

"Anyway my name is Silas" with a genuine smile " yours?"

"Jerome" I replied with a sly smile turning to face the window

"Well the address you send me is literally three hours away and it's two in the morning" I said

"Oh I texted them where the address" looking at me "my bad"

"It's okay" I replied " do you have family out here ?"

"No I'm not from out here" he said typing on his phone

"Well I know we just met today and I don't do this but I'm really tired and I know you are" I said looking straight ahead

"Yeah ?" I said looking up from his phone

" might sleep over til the morning" I said

"Yeah because I could call my bros" he replied

......................... 30 Minutes Later.........................

Walking up stairs unlocking my front door... walking in leaving open for him to come in to close and locked it.

"Thanks for letting me stay for tonight" he said looking around

"It's no problem let me show you the spare room" I replied walking up the stairs feeling him next to me

Making our way down the hall to the room..

"Here's the room" I said look at him

"Thanks I appreciate it" he replied walking in

"No problem" backing away "good night"

"Good night" he said closing the door

Making my way to my room, grabbing my pajamas and boxers walking in the bathroom doing my night routine... hopping in the shower...

It's Been a long day.... I Need To Relax

Tags :
10 months ago

Making my way in the modern luxury apartment building walking towards the elevators pressed the button, the door opened seeing an apartment door open seeing the exact number the landlord emailed him. Entering the place, seeing a two story condo already decked out.

"Hi, are you Cordae ?" A woman asked I turned around seeing the most beautiful woman I ever witnessed, she showing her beautiful smile moving her auburn hair out her face wearing a fitted pink bodybyraventracy tracksuit hugging her figure.

"Yes, nice to meet you" I response looking at her closely

"My name is Aria Davis I'm one of roomate" she said with a smile

"We have another roomate ?" I asked looking turned my attention back to her

"Yes, she out doing errands" she continued talking "she will be back later"

Well, Aria been showing me around the condo the first story have a guest bathroom and living room, and the upstairs that's were our bedrooms and bathroom are then we have another floor with a our kitchen and living room, dining room with balcony looking out the city. (I guess I hit the jackpot or I got hired from my dream job)

Two Hours Later

I been unpacking and making myself home, I went downstairs putting up my groceries up I felt some tap my left shoulder, I turned around face her.

"My bad I'm about to grocery shopping" Aria said with smile "I'm letting you know before leaving you here by yourself"

"That's I'm done with everything I'm probably going to stay here" I replied folding the last plastic bag

"Well you can come" she replied grabbing her pink telfar bag "you want to tag along?"

"Yeah" I answered before she could say anything else "let me grab my keys"

"Let's hit the road" she said I followed behind

Four Months Later

It's four months I met my other roommate Rose Mitchell, she from South, Aria from West coast, clearly I'm from Harlem, New York, the first two months I needed some adjustment but everything is good... Looking For It now.

"NNGH! FUCK! HIT MY SPOT!!" Sound like Aria moaned out "POUND MY PUSSY LIKE THAT !!"

(Damn... she should've text me to leave or at least a heads up)

"WHERE YOU WANT IT ?!" a male voice moans "CUM ON MY FACE !

I put my airpods on and went on twitter and went on my bookmarks having some porn vids pulling out my dick (let me tell y'all other part I have a big dick I mean big it's like it's been like this since puberty. Only lucky girls I have shown) staring to jerk up and down my shaft twisting my wrist on my tip. (I been having plenty of privacy but-)

"Dae Dae, I'm going to the store to get taco ingredients" rose said opening my room door, I quickly put my harded dick in my shorts. "I -I interrupted something or you watching porn again?"

"Wassup, Rose but damn I told y'all knock before bargaining in" i replied seeing her start to chuckle "and okay let me know to Venmo you were still going half"

(But... Privacy is hard to find sometimes)

"Was I interrupted your jerkin- time" she started to chuckle more I blankly stare at her "heehe I knew it!"

"Hahaha, whatever text me when you make it to the store" he said seeing her playfully rolled her eyes turn around switching out the closing my room door

I chuckled shaking my head pulled my dick out finishing what I started...

It felt like an hour...

Rose opening my room door, I quickly put my harded dick in my shorts.

"I -I interrupted something or you watching porn again?" She asked looking like she about to start chuckling (this felt like déjà vu or I'm tripping?"

"Wassup, Rose but damn I told y'all knock before bargaining in" i replied seeing her start to chuckle "and okay let me know to Venmo you were still going half"

"Was I interrupted your jerkin- time" she started to chuckle more I blankly stare at her "heehe I knew it!"

"I Swear, it's like you're hiding down here" she said her back facing me squatting feeling her left hand on my left cheek with her right hand on my right leg helping her balance

"Why don't you show me what you're working with ?" She added turning to face me with nothing but lust in her eyes, she licking my right side of my cheek "I promise I'm better and tighter than your hands. I'd even let you cum on my face"

"let me know to Venmo you were still going half" I said grabbing her waist moving out my way letting her up, I'm not going to fuck up or friendship over some pussy

seeing her playfully rolled her eyes turn around switching out the closing my room door

I got up from the bed walking up my door locking it, sitting back on the bed stacking up my pillow laying down pulling my shorts off with already hardened dick my balls felt like they're about to explode. staring to jerk up and down my shaft twisting my wrist on my tip.

"F-fuck I'm Almost There! Nnngh!" I moaned out continuously jerking up and down

What Cordae didn't know, Rose walking Aria room having a conversation on the situation that just happened with Cordae, they walked to his room but of Aria is even nosier than rose unlock his room door with her acrylic nail

"I his lower back be hurting from carry it" Aria whispering to rose "T-that can't be real"

"Girl, stop pressing your titties into my back!" Rose whispered yelling "I'm going lose my b-"

They fell thru the door getting up seeing Cordae with his dick with his right hand wrapped around with pre cum oozing down his shaft.

"Damn, I knew you was hiding something but Shit!" Rose stated looking at him but back at his dick

"Oh my god, your dick is really big" Aria said with a shock expression stuck on her face not letting her eyes away from his dick "I should've known about you skinny niggas"

"W-wait chill out" I said looking at them Aria on my left side in front wrapped her right hand on my dick and her left hand on my ball sack then rose on my right side on her hands and needs paying a close attention.

For Cordae it was like out a porn video come to life, Aria wrapped her lips on his tip starting to suck, rose start working on his balls.

Aria pulled away from his dick pulling off her crop top freeing her perfect size breast, she continued taking off her black lace panties, rose pulling away from suck taking off her bra and panties climbing on top of him

"Aria, Girl save some for me" rose said squatting getting ready, Aria back facing him continued sucking jerk-in, making rose get up

Aria continued sucking and jerking, having my dick between wrapped her titties making spit bubbles having a mess, Aria pulled rose closer to her into a full blown make out session, pulling away from each other rose climbed on top on me Cordae thought they was going to do a 69 but she started sucking his dick in that angle making more a mess with Aria on my left side of me watching start circling on her clit, rose start jerkin but he didn't know what went over him he made a pony tail of her natural blonde hair with his right hand pushing her head down with her nose against his balls.

"It's so tight" he moaned stroking upwards

"Ooh S-shit ! Daddy! I'm gonna cum watching you fuck her throat like that !" Aria moaned used her left hand going deep in her pussy while continued constantly rubbing her clit.

Cordae continued stroking onto her mouth, while Aria watching closely of everything happening infront of her while continue rubbing & pumping her fingers inside of her, they making a mess, continuing pumping, he so close... continue stroking all he did he close his eyes, let's just say he bust the biggest nut of his life. He pulled away grabbed his towel walking to his bathroom.

"Mmm, that feel so Fucking good" rose said laying on her back Aria between her legs sucking on her a left nipple

Cordae made his way to the bathroom turning on the hot water on, jumping in having the hot water bounce against his skin, hearing the glass door open, he turned around seeing the girls in their naked glory with nothing but lust ready for more.

"Y'all better take y'all asses back to y'all rooms or it will get ugly" he joked with a smirk at them

"It's my turn" Aria said walking closer to me pressing her breast against his chest bitting her bottom lip "it wasn't fair rose was being stingy"

"It's not my fault he taste so good" Rose replied behind him pressed her breast on his back the stream making them all sweaty

"Dae Dae, you're not even hard ?" They both infront of me squatted facing his dick, both with a lot of lust with water running all them rose letting her blonde silk press turn to lose curls and Aria having auburn blow out to wavy curls "Well fix that"

(....They're back to finish what they started)

Aria continued start sucking Cordae sucking his half-hard dick, he pulled away, seeing two temptation he knew he couldn't avoid but he just walked out wrapped his towel around his waist walking out his room to the guest bathroom to locked the door start his shower without any interruption.

Out of nowhere I woke up, looking around The slight rays from the morning sun peeked through my blinds turned around seeing my phone fully charged saying it's 8:30 in the morning seeing a missed call and text from Rose saying she got a last minute hair appointment then have a message from Aria saying she going to the office he turned his head looking up to the ceiling.(Damn it was all a dream)

(But the funny thing is... This is only the beginning)

Tags :
10 months ago

looking out the elevator window seeing the view of   couple's and group of friends walking around, me and my best friends shopping for ourselves on Christmas eve then open our gifts from family and friends plus our secret Santa... our Christmas tradition since freshman year but now it's our senior of college it's been a long journey for being nurse it's going to be worth it..I guess I been space out for a while I felt my best friend Ronnie bumped his right shoulder on my left knocking me back on reality.

"I spaced out again ?" I asked looking at him, making him chuckle nodded.

"Damn, my bad if we was talking y'all ears off" my other best friend Gia joked making us all laugh

"My bad, I been study for finals plus shopping for family" I replied taking a deep breath "I haven't been giving myself time plus I'm single so that mean"

"No Sex" they said in union chucking shaking their heads

We walked out the elevator, making our way to dick sporting goods, making our way to the exercise clothes area.

"You been having a dry spell since" my other bestie Quen said before I cut her off

"Since Issac" I said looking back at a cute white two piece

I been with Issac since freshman year, I thought our relationship was good but I guessed I was wrong last year, seeing his roommate walked out the door (Since it's been a routine) he let me in before he left walking pass his other roommate room still making my way down the hall hearing moans and groans strained and muffled kissing and clapping noises... finally reached to his bedroom hearing the moans and slapping sounds loud and clear opening the door seeing my boyfriend of almost three years having a threesome on the exact same bed I thought we was making love in... I guessed I came on time since they all got there nut, the girls start having their make out session.. I thought I would keep shit player but hell no he been accusing me to be cheating. (Let's just say the girls saw a 6'2 tall male got his ass beat) I broke up with him and never talk to him again but I heard all three been going strong.

"Fuck him, if he wanted a poly relationship or want to breakup he should've open his mouth to communicate" Ronnie said grabbing stuff for himself

"Right, let's see how the little poly relationship last" Gia said rolled her eyes "you should've called me I would've taught them something"

"Y'all Fuck them, let's be blessed that the relationship is over plus you don't have a ring or a baby shower on the way" Quen replied making us nod of approval

" I know, but I hate that feeling that I was right all along" I said walking to the line waiting to pay

"Well I want you to know your the one that got away" ronnie added making me smile

"Oh so y'all went shopping with out me ?" Everybody turned to see our friend and Ronnie crush Greg

"Boy Bye" me, Quen & Gia said in unison

"Whatever" ronnie replied below a whisper

"Wasup Ron Ron" he chuckled have his arm over Ronnie shoulder, I looked at his face seeing his soul left his body behind his smile

We went to couple of stores, Quen went to car, Gia took a Uber, Roonie took a ride with Greg (I'm going to prey for his back) and here goes me driving out the mail parking lot, driving down the freeway seeing my beautiful city I live in with snow started to come down.

30 Minutes Later

I been putting my newly bought clothes up, ate dinner and be cleaning the house turning the fire place, putting on my Christmas playlist from Spotify, took myself a nice hot bubble bath, doing night routine then put on my red & white lingerie, relaxing in my bed that I been missing all day. Too busy watching Home alone and scrolling down my twitter timeline I heard a noise in the living room I felt everything got quiet so I check the time being 3:45 am I got up making my way out the room seeing the living room with my beautiful decorated tree with my gift under, I turned my head seeing a tall figure with a thick figure but musular at the same time but dressed as Santa Claus eating my cookies.

"What the hell, you doing in my house !?" I said with a attitude till I stop when he turned he face me, when I tell y'all he fine a hell

"That's how you talk to Santa ?" He asked with a smirk

"I'm so sorry, but what you expect it's weirdos out here" I said I quickly hiding my revealing outfit

"I understand, but you don't have to cover your self" he said with a chuckle

"It's weird, because your santa" i replied feeling awkward turned around taking a seat on the couch

"I understand, just call me Saint Nick" he said taking his jacket seeing his buff arms with two arms full of tattoos his left side with nice with positive and inspiring tatted then his his right arm with naughty with negative tatted, taking a seat next to me leaning back with his huge arms leaning on on the couch and his huge legs on open, Use Your Imagination

"I got a question" he said turned to face me

"You can asked me anything Saint Nick" I chuckled because I'm still not believing I'm talking to Santa

"Do you have a man ?" He asked looking at me with with full lust

"Let's just said, he cheated on me with two girls" I answered feeling myself getting irritated "their in a relationship now"

"I'm sorry to hear, good girls deserve good things or feels good things" he said sizing me up and down with a low chuckle

"Really?" I said with a low seductive voice, knowing what he wanted

"Really, you know you been a really good girl" he said with a smile

He grabbed my hip pulled me on his lap, wrapped my arms around his shoulder feel his dick jump, under my throbbing clit, feeling him pulled me in a peck then couple more pecks we start kissing then we had a make out session pulling each other in feeling his huge hands slid down to my ass, he start to gripped and rubbing my ass, it's been a minute since I been touched I pulled away to see him taking off his red shirt and our lips connected again feeling a spark.

He pulled my short dress up my waist, help take off my red laced panties, he continued rubbing my ass thing feeling his finger rubbing my fold, then I help take of his spenders then pull down his red slacks revealing his long thick curved dick, harder than a rock. I'm already straddling him, feeling my pussy opened up. Feeling shiver down my back, he was fully inside of me, my hips began to move, he couldn't do anything because I was to busy stroking him, hearing skin slapping and feeling my natural juices running down, he just sitting in shock because he never knew a good girl that take dick like a champ, he couldn't help but to stare at me with disbelief.

He couldn't move his hips from the way I started bouncing, so he had no choice to take it. Feeling my urge to cum creeping up. My ass start to bounced on him, I felt his arm wrapped around my hips feeling his lips kiss my neck grabbing my ass, that courage me to start to ride faster feeling my orgasm reached its peak, I felt him swell, I continued to ride harder, feeling him grabbed my ass giving a final smack felt ton of bricks hit while feeling of his cum inside of me, his arms still wrapped around me...

A Year Later

"Sierra we need to plan a trip to the cabin" Gia said we walking in the Victoria Secret

"I know but there acting weird as usual" I replied looking at the matching sets

"I can't believe Melissa acting like that" Quen added shaking her head

"Y'all caught on to her fake messy ass ?" Ronnie asked pointed at the all pink set i had on my left hand "get the pink one"

"We don't have to go to the cabin" I answered walking towards the cute lingerie area "what about some where better than the cabin because every year it always end up with a brawl"

"Where ? The North Pole" Quen Joked making everybody to start laughing while I chuckled shaking my head til I remembered what happened last Christmas

"I'm giving you this necklace for Christmas because I don't want this to be or last time meeting, I felt that spark when we kissed I know you felt it also... this necklace connects to the North Pole so press the diamond and you will be there like a snap on the finger... Bring your friends I don't mind having a friend trip we need new friends also"

"Well you are the planner outta all of us" Gia said with a smile grabbing a more revealing lingerie set "I'm on stand by"

"Same" Quen & Ronnie said union walking to the line

"I will let yet y'all know" I replied paying for my item "stand by y'all phones and pack"

We walked out the store hugging and saying our byes.. walking to my car driving down the freeway.

Walking in the apartment, starting to pack my bag, I made a group chat who want to come, hearing my door knocking... opening the door to see my little brother "Steven" who visiting from BAU but I guess our brother to busy to tell us our parents went on a cruise for Christmas and new years, so now he going to be with me.

"Brother!!" I said with a huge smile giving him a hug

"Wasup Sisi, thank you" he replied pulling away from the hug "thank you for being home because I will be fucked because I got the old key"

"Don't worry but your going with me and my friends to a trip" I said walking back to my room finishing up, grabbing my pink Gucci bag with a match pink Telfar bag hearing the front door opening hearing "Ronnie, Gia, Quen, Greg " walking in with their bags giving everybody a hug, everyone getting situated till I heard the door being knocked on again making my way to the door opening it seeing my other friends "Denzel & Melanie" well I know Denzel since high school we went to the same college unknowingly and I met Melanie when me and Gia, Quen rushed for Alpha Delta Rays then I let her meet the crew then Melissa crawled herself into it and Denzel & Melanie bumped into each other and everything was history.

"Hey" I said giving each a hug while still confused "I thought y'all already left to the cabin ?"

"Fuck Melissa, and everyone that attended" Melanie said rolled her eyes waving at everyone

"What happened ?" I asked pulled away from Denzel hug

"Her fake ass" melanie said before she was cut off because a knock on the door, Steven opened the door seeing my other couple friend "Trevor & Makayla"

"Hey Y'all" Makayla said waving at everybody with a warm smile

"Wassup fam" Trevor said with a smile

Seeing roonie walking to the kitchen grabbing water bottle, standing next to him opened the bottle.

"Why you being awkward" I said playfully side eye, seeing him rolled his eyes sizing Greg up and down chuckle shaking his head

"Well, that night we left will he spend the night" he replied avoid eye contact with me

"Oooh Bitch" I said with a surprise expression "was it good ?"

"That's the thing it was Amazing " he replied turned to face him "I think I'm falling for him"

"Aww stink" I said giving a hug

"Melissa is a lying ass bitch" Gia said to Quen, Gia, Melanie & Makayla "that bitch told us it's only a couple trip, I should beat her ass"

"What happened?" I asked walking in the living in front of my mirror getting ready for a picture

"That bitch lied to us about the cabin for being a couple trip she didn't want us there" Gia answered fixing her hair rolled her eyes

"I told y'all" Ronnie replied with a stale face standing behind me with Greg close behind

"Fuck her" I said having my bags next to me and having my phone out ready, telling everybody to have their stuff near them telling everybody to take pictures then we the cutest picture then I pressed the diamond then everything turned black....

Then flash happened then we in the middle of snow, looking around we're standing in order of the picture, everybody looked confused.

"We're the fuck are we ?" Makayla asked looking confused

"Let's find a building" I said grabbing my bags starting to walking down the pathway

We're walking down the pathway seeing the sign saying "Welcome to the North Pole" making our way in a nice buildings town in front of the building seeing a lady with red,Green & white looking young but mature.

"Welcome to the North Pole" the lady said with a warm smile turned around opening the door

Walking in the building seeing very modern mansion with Christmas decorations, the lady turned around

"He want to welcome y'all but he's bus" the lady said before she was interrupted

"I'm here, I can welcome them" he said with a smile walking down the stairs walking next to the lady "I need you to finish for me"

"Joseph you don't mind to grab their bags" he said giving him his beautiful smile

"Of course not Santa" he said starting to grabbing bags with little with his elf friends but some are regular size then the elf what I use to see.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that" I said with a smile trying very hard not to show myself blushing

"You should know it's okay to be treated nicely" he replied with a smile that shows his beautiful white smile

Looking corner of my eye I see everybody looking confused and surprised all at the same time, I used he got the sign but he turned to face them and introduced himself.

"Hello, everybody I am Santa Claus but y'all could call me Saint Nick or Nick if you want too and it's a long story when me and Stella but I'm really having liking of y'all friend so enjoy my beautiful hometown of North Pole and no it's not like the old movies portrayal" he said with a smile still everybody looks more surprised than confused

"I can't believe we're going to spend Christmas and new years with Mr christmas" Gia said with a shock

"Well let the fun begins" he chuckled walking away

"Girl you a Santa fucked ?" Ronnie asked whisper with a smirk

"Well... Yes" I answered turned away walking up the stairs

"Well ho ho ho ho ho" Ronnie replied turned to walking up to Quen & Melanie

30 Minutes later

Putting my bags on the bed, unpacking putting away already folded clothes, hearing the door open turned to face him seeing him smirk at me.

"Well you like our room ?" He asked smirking at me while slowly walking up while looking deep in my eye

"I love the room" I answered with small smile, turning back to unpack again while I feel his arm wrapped around my waist feeling his face on my left side of my neck

Feeling his kiss, opening the cardigan show casing my fitted white bodysuit that hug my curves feeling his huge hands feeling on my waist about to wrap around my waist til I turned around facing him.

"You been a good girl ?" He asked with a smirk making us chuckle

"Yes, I been very good" I answered while paying attention to him closely seeing lust "But Santa you don't look like a good boy"

"I don't know baby" he replied looking at me "there's this thing i love about good girls"

"Then show me" i replied looking up at him pressed my hand against his chest, slipping it down, finally feeling a warm erection in his red sweat pants. Grasped the band of the sweatpant, he smirked down at me lifted his hips and he helped me slide his pants down, my right palm start rubbing against his length. Feeling his getting hardness, he was hard and heavy already glistening "Or there something I could do"

"I don't think you're ready for it" he chuckled with a smirk that made my spine shiver

"Well I think I could go back ho" I replied playfully because I got cut off by his lips smash into mine then move down to my neck, feeling his hands gripping on my ass while nibbling on my neck, I pulled away taking off my bodysuit having nothing but my red Lace Unlined Balconette Bra and panty.

"You're wearing red for me ?" He asked taking me in, licking his lips walking closer

"I have to surprise you" I replied with a smirk wrapping my arm around his neck, giving him a peck, hearing the back of my bra unhooked feeling my breast being free.

His mouth closed around my left nipple, earning a low murmur. He started to sucking then his tongue swirled around it them went back to sucking, his other hand pinching my right nipple. Throwing my head back letting out more loud moans, I start feeling a tingling and flood feeling to my panties.

He switched side, showing the right side the same attention. He pulling me closer feeling his hands going down to my cloth clit, my clenched thick thighs moving them with ease cupped my pussy and then moving his hand in my panty start to rub.

I gasped feeling his hand start to rubbing faster, feeling two fingers slid between my folds, then feel his thumb rubbing on my clit. His lip on my left side of my neck sucking then went back sucking on my nipple tugging and biting gently, (I'm thanking god for making this man) he start circled my throbbing bud, feeling his fingers suddenly plugged inside my wet core, I bucked against him as his fingers started to moving in and out.

I let out a whimper and clung to him, I could feel my juices dripping over his fingers, coating them as he continued to going in and out. He bent them slightly hitting a spot I didn't know existed.

His thumb immediately found my clit, I moaned out feeling him continue circling around my clit, my body shook against him. His pressed his lips into mines pulling away kissed my thigh.

Taking his fingers out, he freed the most beautiful dick I ever saw (better than my exe) he thumb found my clit again. I'm soaked, his eyes found mine.

Feeling his tip running along my slick folds, I groaned as he slipped inside, he hips jerked slowly. Hearing him groan.

He continued to dig deeper, feeling myself chasing my pleasure but he also chasing his. His head looking down at me before moving it on the left shoulder hearing him murmuring. He going deeper, I taking him deeper, and wrapping my arm around his neck feeling my legs starting to tremble seeing my well painted toe curling.

I'm taking him like a champ, I'm taking so much until my body started to squeeze, with euphoria zipped through me, my convulsing walls squeezing and squeezed on his dick, feeling his stroking in and out slowly and deeper, he started to began to go faster feeling my second orgasm build up, he continued stroking me harder and deeper until o felt my body shook uncontrollably, I squeezed my walls until I felt something warm inside me, he spilled his warm cum inside me feeling myself calm down.

"I'm not done with you" he proclaimed with a deviant smile on his face "for you appear on both my lists, Miss Sienna"

"So tonight I have to decide which list are you going to be on" he said gestures for me to assume the position

I got up to turned around to arch my back having my fast ass poking out perfectly but I had a terrific shiver ran down my spine. (How could a nice night turn so quickly?)

"Oh Santa, what do you have planned for me ?" I playfully groveled sounding like a bad porno script

"Quiet !" He boomed all the playfulness went out the window he's not playing or role playing "you lie to me talking about being a good girl but you're been a bad girl too. So I have no choice to give you your punishment. Santa doesn't like his good girls to be bad"

"But I want my bad girls to call me daddy" he grinned pulling me closer to edge of the bed with his right hand

( I know which list I want to be on for now on)

Tags :
10 months ago

a Towering apartment buildings loom over horizon, A neighborhood, black owed buildings spotted on the block. Adults play pickup basketball on a milk carton hoop, when one black truck and one black suv pulled up.

"In a world that need help, Here comes the Justice nine" a young woman said looking at the book reading to her baby boy eyes starting closing.

"the last mission, they won with victory but they vanished without a trace"she continued till she turned her head seeing her son fell from slumber.

Getting from the chair next to his bed, kissing his forehead. Walking over his little book collection, putting his book back in order. Hearing a door creak. Walking out his bedroom quietly, walking down the stairs seeing the living room playing brown sugar with low volume. Getting closer seeing a tall buff figure with a male and female figure behind him. She let out a shriek.

"Baby it's me" a man said walking closer, letting her see it's a her husband.

"Chad, don't scare me like that" she huffed playfully his him on his muclar chest that she love very much.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you" he said wrapped his huge hands around her waist pulling closer to her

"It's okay, all that matters your here" she replied with a sly smile

"Did we missed something?" A guy said with a low chuckle

"I know that not Van ?" She said pulling away from the hug with her right eyebrow rising

"You know it, little sis" the guy replied walking with a big smile, giving each other a hug

"Van,How's you and Skye ?" She asked pulling away from the hug moving closer to her husband embrace

"She doing good, the kids growing up" van answered looking around the well decorated house

"How's my nephew doing?" The guy asked with a smirk

"He's doing amazing, just missing his father" she answered with a sly smile til she turned to face with a sad expression "That's all"

"Farriah, I missed y'all, so much" Chad replied pulling his wife in his arm wrapped her "these missions are no joke"

"I Understand, He just need something that have you" Farriah said

The door opened with women walked in with a warm smile.

"Davia! Look at you girl" farriah said giving the women a hug "girl I told you what marriage & kids will do"

"Girl, I know" davia replied pulling away "I miss my family but these damn mission but kicking our asses"

"Damn, they really making pulling y'all ?" Farriah asked looking at them with concern

"Yea babe, We be the agents then detectives" he said looked at van and davia

"And the heroes" van replied looking at him and playfully side eyeing me "Don't forget that bro"

"And being mentors the new recruits" Davia said letting out a breath "girl we can't catch a break not even for a bite or a nut"

"Hahaha, Girl you a fool" farriah chuckling shaking her head "Chad you better was playing with your hand or it's not going to be pretty around here"

"You know I don't like that" Chad replied giving farriah a kiss on her left cheek

"Awww, that's cute but Davia didn't lie" van joked with a smirk "we don't have time to come home and spend time with our families"

"But now, I got my hubby for the tonight" farriah said hugging the side of Chad with the biggest smile on her face not even looking at the three disappointed faces around looking at each other for how will break the bad news.

"About that" Van said looking at Davia, with she rolled her eyes in annoyance

"We're not going home tonight" Davia said looking at Chad

"We on a two month mission" Chad announced getting ready for the disappointed look on your face "we leaving in couple of hours I had to see y'all before I leave"

At the moment, Farriah felt like a whole building just dropped on top of her. Like she finally see her husband after being gone for months and now she not going to see for two more. I know she not hearing that... Right ?

"Wait , Two months are you serious?" Farriah asked looking around but meeting the same sorry genuine expressions.

"I know, but two month will be fast" Chad said giving her a peck she missed so much "I will be back I'm going to tear that ass up"

"Whatever, You promise" farriah asked looking at him in the eye

"I promise" Chad replied with a sly smile "I have to go now"

"No" farriah said quickly hugging tightly "y'all just got here"

"I know baby, But duty calls" Chad said giving her a finally kiss "I love you and Calvin"

"We love you too" farriah replied holding herself with a tight lip smile, seeing her love of her life and their friends walked out the door, making her locking it turned her back on the door seeing the decorated living room and kitchen, shaking her head turning off the tv... walking up the stairs opening her sons room seeing him still sleep closing the door behind her... finally reached to her share room with Chad closing the door getting under the covers grabbing her long pillow holding it tight... everything starting to feel like a blur.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Present Day

Looking up the tall building that will change my life for good, walking in the lobby seeing every shade of black around the room... seeing a woman and men behind a desk, I made my way over till I heard a man saying my last name.

"Mr. Thomason" a man said I turned to face a fine man, he is tall, buff, and let me add a beautiful face... but don't tell nobody I said that.

"Yes, Hello Mr?" I replied looking at him for his name

"Mr. Cleveland" he said with a smile with his hand out

"Nice to meet you" I replied While we shook hands, walking to the elevator

"Press 54" He asked while looking at his watch

I pressed the number, feeling the elevator moving up seeing a beautiful view, feeling a sudden stop... I seen Mr. Cleveland turn around, seeing the elevator door open seeing a long hallway with the legendary heroes pictures hung up on each side. Walking down the hall feeling myself getting anxious, Mr Cleveland knock on the door three times like a code hearing a woman voice telling us to come in.

Walking in the office, seeing a huge window seeking out the view... a beautiful woman turned away from grabbing a folder, She tall, voluptuous, melon-sized breasts, she turned around walking towards us. She have a pixie cut, her beautiful brown eyes, she flaunted all of her voluptuous assets proudly... she wearing skirt suit flaunting her cleavage.

"Hello Mr.Cleveland I" she said before her eyes cut looking at me "Calvin Thomason"

"All his belongings, In the helicopter" Mr. Cleveland announced with a smile

"Thank you, Mr.Cleveland" She said with a warm smile "I got from here"

"You need anything else ?" He asked flirting his buff chest press against her huge cleavage

"When I get back" she answered sizing him up and down "I have a job to do"

"Call me when you make it back" he said turned away, he looked at me for the last time before walking with a smirk "nice meeting you Calvin" walking out the door.

(Oh they be Fucking.... Good too)

"My name is Victoria Steele, I will be your boss" Victoria announced taking a seat on the edge of her desk crossing her thick legs "I been watching your work your good at what you're doing, The heroes you assembled"

"Wait, I didn't assembled a team" i replied looking at her, staring back with a bored expression "I just paid attention who is powerful and credited"

"Well, that's assembling a team" she said handing me the folder, opening the folder seeing all the heroes I said would be good to work together "so that's your team, their waiting on you"

"Well let's meet the team" I replied feeling myself being more nervous and anxious... so of course I'm feeling defeated

"Wonderful, let's meet the team" Victoria said putting on her black over sized blazer with a rose pin on the left pocket "you ready"

"Let's do it" I replied getting up from the chair following behind, walking in the elevator seeing her taking out her card sliding in her card feeling the elevator moving up.

The elevator slide open, Seeing the helicopter ready making our way, Victoria getting in first I'm taking a seat putting on the headphones... the door sliding closed feeling the helicopter start moving floating over the city.

"It's been years I been working, I will never be tired of this view" she said looking right side of the widow, I'm looking on my left just in awe.

Seeing a tall building, with a helicopter landing floor, Feeling the helicopter land the door start slide open... walking out waiting on Victoria talking to the captain turned around she her walking towards the building.. seeing the door slide open looking around a modern condo / House waking down spiral stairs seeing a nice looking living room with huge windows looking out the city, I turned my head seeing the "Dream Team".

"It's your Time to shine" Victoria encouraged nudge my right shoulder, with a smirk

Walking down the stairs, seeing the group turned around with a smile.. I felt was anxiety.

"Welcome Team, this your boss" Victoria announced with a smile standing on my right side

"Hi, my name is Calvin Thomason" I said with a fake smile fighting to let aniexty to take over.

"Nice meeting you, Mr.Thomason" Aaron Hickston said with smile, he grew up in down south with his farmer father and high school teacher mother raise their miracle child up to wonderful child till he was ready to Fight for the country that he thought have his back, it was a struggle for his parents because they rather him  go to college then the army but he went anyway... on his first mission the middle of the night he saw a huge meteor... of course he walked closer touch right when it exploded... he woke up back home in the hospital with no scars or broken bones... two months later he can fly and have ability...

"No, it's nice meeting y'all" I replied looking at them "but I want y'all to know I'm not treating y'all like everybody else, y'all human"

"So your our boss" Erik Boseman asked with a smirk "Ooh, were going to have fun"

"Yes, but don't get ahead of yourself" I answered with a sarcastic smirk "y'all have to save the world"

"Well, I'm honored that your our boss" Lauren McNeil said a smile

"Thank you, I'm going to do my best for y'all" I replied looking at the group in front of me "well I been traveling all day I need some rest"

Everybody went their separate ways, I'm making my way to the second floor finding a room I could call my own, waking in a room room that could fit two luxury apartments together, went a huge window looking out the bridge with city lights walking pass the desk area to a door waking in a walk-in closet putting my luggage, seeing another door across the closet seeing it being the bathroom, walking out looking around really trying not to pinch myself, taking ouff my hoodie walking towards the bed taking a deep breath before I fell face first on the bed out like a light.

Three Hours Later

Woken up from my slumber with the dryness of my mouth, getting up seeing the city lights on the display, waking out my new room going down the stairs seeing the kitchen, open the very advance refrigerator, grabbing a bottle water, open it to take three big gulps, throwing away the bottle making my way the stairs walking down the hallway till I heard smacking sound following by groans and moans.

"Oooh Mmy Ggood" a female moaned "ooohhh"

Walking further seeing the door wide open, Seeing Aria Livingston laying up on her elbows with her thick legs up in the air looking in bliss, with Ulysses hands hooked under her thighs. Her legs start trembling, hearing sucking and slurping, his face buried in between her thigh. Hearing slurping.

He pinned her legs firmly above her head, moving his head from up and down continually sucking and slurping, moving head side to side. Aria let out moans, echoing in the bedroom. A soft gasp left her lips, seeing his fingers stroke into her pussy.

"I-I'm Cummin.. D-dadddy!!" She mewled, while throwing her head back while her body shaking uncontrollably

"Ooh shit, Mm Baby" seeing her hips gyrate against his face, I guessed she loved it because her legs start to shaking and trembling.

His hums of appreciation of vibrate through her, pulling a deep gasp from her chest, shaking his head side to side faster hearing slurping, seeing her eyes rolled back of her head (I guessing she reached her orgasm) her thighs shook.

"This pussy so good" he announced, they giving each other pecks to it turned to a make out session

"I-I'm Cummin" she moaned out, she started to sway her hips while he kept sucking and being in sync with his fingers, he quickened his pace with his fingers, hearing cries of passion, seeing Aria arched her back while rolling her hips, seeing her body quivered, with her mouth agaped and her shut tightly while letting out cries, he continued eating until her body start shaking uncontrollably.

"Oo Mmmy Ggod !!" She screamed out, I guessed using her power pushed his head away

"Damn your pussy so tight" he said while their hips rolled in sync, gripped on her hips tightly while continue riding, meeting with his intense thrust.

He flipped Aria on her back, stroking her having her pressed on the bed, he wrapped his musclar arms around her as he continued speed up his strokes. Her moans started to sound winded.

"Giving me that pussy" he said with a chuckle, flipped her her smacked her left cheek, making her ass recoil, making arched her back perfectly. "Good Girl"

She began to throw it back on him, making her ass jiggle, seeing Ulysses smack her ass while continue giving her deep strokes, hearing him grunt while she throw it back with speed that's when he sped up his stroke and knock her off her track, her ass clap while he snap on his hip, he taunts her constantly hitting her spot moving his hand on her hips, leaning back and angling his hips up, seeing every stroke makes her body arch perfectly, he strokes hitting upward.

"You better cum on this dick" he said continue stroking, hearing her ass clapping

"Yyyeeeessss Please, Dadddyy!!" She moaned, continuing throwing her ass back matching his stroke.

He continued hitting her from the back, seeing his back muscles flex, while seeing her make love faces on the bed while her ass recoiling,Aria spread her legs wider and he start smacking her right ass cheek,

"When you want it ?" He asked constantly hitting her with strong strokes

"I want it in my pussy, Ddadddy" she mewled, while throwing it back some more while her eyes rolled back of her head

"In my pussy ? Ooh you so nasty" he groan continuously hitting from the back

"Ddadd" she was about to continue but she start to shake uncontrollably

"Who shit !!! I'm nutting" he moaned not moving smacking her light cheek while she start trembling

I quickly moved away from the door, making my way down the hall, all of a sudden a door open seeing Erik Boseman walk out of a bathroom I'm guessing butt naked, caught me by surprise I'm just looking at him, my eyes trailed his body, his dick hanging and standing up. I'm actually impressed with well- built he is but I'm still in shock seeing Ulysses and Aria fucking and now Erik and his third leg (must be a dream I'm having I should beat my ass when I wake up) Erik walked back in his room, Closing the door hearing the door locked.

"Let me see that pussy" he says hearing the bed creaked

All of a sudden I heard was strained and muffled kissing and clapping noises. Making my way back to my room closing the door locking behind my self getting myself in the bed.

Tags :
10 months ago


It's been two weeks since the bathroom incident, Lisa has yet to get the image of Tevin and his three leg out of her head.

"GIVE THAT PUSSY UP GIRL, SHIT!" Omar says his stroke getting deeper having lisa scratching his back while pulling him closer "It Feels So Good, Momma's"

"Unnhh! That's Right" he said going deeper having his face crook of her left side of her neck "I'll cum in you just like this"

"F-Fuck Me, D-daddy!" Lisa moans out pulling him closer "Fuck Me Harder!!"

"FUCK !... I'm deep as a bitch" Omar swiveled his hips then continued stroke deep "yeah, you want it ?"

"Y-yess! Please Daddy! I need it" She says her rolled back of her head arching her back off the bed pressing her breast against Omar chest making him wrapped his arms around her waist "Yyyeeeessss Please, Dadddyy!! Right there"

"Here it come baby" he groaned while continuing pound then started giving deep strokes giving her a good rhythm "Fuck, Baby!!"

"D-Daddy I-I'm Cummin !!!" Lisa screamed out wrapped her arm around Omar neck tightly feeling his lips on her sweet spot on her neck feeling him deep inside, he continued just giving her deep strokes "I already know... S-Shit! Just give it to me you been a good girl"

After their organism high, they been wrapped into each

Other arms, this one reason she loved about Omar, how affectionate he is, he got off of her, she got up making her way to the bathroom making sure she use it, washing her hands making it back to bed laying down looking at her soulmate with a smirk then look up to the ceiling, she started to replay how big Tevin dick was (she knows it's bad thinking about him but... if y'all saw what she did y'all would feel the same way) she start touching on breast gave her nipples a squeeze but she was sensitive letting out a low moan...

Omar deep in a bear like slumber beside lisa... let's just say she couldn't stop cummin (I mean it)

Lisa knew it was wrong to think about the new neighbor like that but she couldn't stop herself... she been keeping herself busy but couldn't stop herself relieve herself.


Tevin and greg been getting close, Greg thought I will be cool if Tevin could come over to chill but he stayed for dinner.

"Baby you outdid yourself again" Omar said with a smile giving her a peck

"Yeah, mom it smell so good" Greg and kayla union agreed with a nod

"Yeah, it looks great Mrs.jetterson" Tevin said with a warm smile

"Aww Guys, Hehe it's nothing. Now let's say grace and eat up" lisa replied with a humble smile

After kayla turn saying grace, everybody started to dig in, lisa dropped her fork on accident.

"Whoops" lisa whispered to herself "fuck!"

"Everythings, already babe ?" Omar asked turned to pay attention to her

"Yeah, I just drop my fork" lisa answered giving him a sly smile (mentally rolled her eyes because she really want to fuck up her plate)

"You want me to get a new one ?" He asked lisa shook her head making him to chuckle "Clumsy as always"

"Shut up Omar" lisa said mentally groaned "Let's not talk about someone being clumsy"

Omar instantly got quiet making Greg & Kayla burst out of laughter..

"Whatever" Omar mumble

Well everyone continue having their conversations, while lisa went under the table to grab her fork but she was infront of tevin... she didn't know what to do but just kept looking at his legs being kinda spread. (She having inter battle with herself)

"WHAT THE HELL!" Tevin mentally yelled jumped from feeling on his sweats

"What are you doing ? He whispered seeing lisa pull his sweats off showing his already hardened dick telling him to be quiet

"Is Everything alright ?" Omar asked looking at me with concern

"Uuu... yeah! Everything is great" tevin quickly answered with a smile (to win)

"You sure ? Nothing wrong... you not cool ? You kinda shaking litte but" Omar continued to asked

"Nope... I'm good" tevin said feeling some warm lips wrapped his shaft going up and down "tell me about the basketball team ?"

"Please... don't start that conversation" kayla said rolled her eyes

"Don't stop what ?" Omar replied looking at side ways playfully "it's better than listening to your cheerleading problems"

"Yeah, chill out pops" Greg said shaking head chuckling "you didn't say that"

"Wow... that's how you feel ?!" Kayla says with a playful shock on her face

All three continue playfully there back and forth, tevin made sure to make it seem he engaging but really he really going through it having Mrs.jetterson throw her throat at him.

"Where's Franklin & Erika ?" Omar asked looking at his kids not paying attention to tevin damn their fighting for his life sitting next to greg

"Franklin had football practice plus he in a study session" greg said grabbing a garlic bread "Oh plus he lives in campus"

"Dad already told you Ericka is going to be busy this week, helping very important stuff for school and also she lives on campus" Kayla responded making greg nod his head

"You okay son ?" Omar asked taking another bite of his pasta " you look like sprain a muscle"

"Oh uhm, musta pulled a mussle exercising" tevin replied giving him a tight lip smile, feeling lisa deep throating him

(It's so thick! I can barely get half of it down... Fuck!) Lisa thought to herself still trying to (You got this Girl... but I think I'm getting the hang of it...)

(She milking me so good) tevin thought to himself

(I can feel his dick throbbing in my throat!) she thought she finally succeeding deep throat him

(F-fuck! I can't hold on anymore... I'm About to) Tevin lean back acting he kinda stretched but he couldn't play along all he did was close his eyes and bite his bottom and let go.

(CUUUMMM!!!) He though.."Keep It Together!" "Keep It Together!,Keep It Together!" He mentally chant to himself while pushing lisa down more of his shaft

(I can't believe, I did that but he felt and taste so good) lisa thought pulling away seeing his semi hard glincing with her saliva. 

"Look what I found !" She said showing whole table the fork was looking for but other stuff greg & kayla avoided her scoff

"Damn... that's the reason took so long ?" Omar said looking at her

"Hehe something like that" lisa replied mentally slapping herself


"Hey Bro, you ready to finish the level ?" Greg asked turned to face tevin

"UHHh..." tevin scratching back of his head

Kayla just walk upstairs... I guessing she going to her room.

"Babe I'm going to my office finish up some important documents" Omar stated giving her a kiss on her forehead

Lisa watching Omar walking down the hallway, and see greg going up the stairs... it's just her and tevin alone.

"Thanks for dinner Mrs. Jetterson" Tevin's said with awkward silence

Lisa walked behind him biting her bottom lip, turning him around facing her squatting infront of him pulling his sweat down to his knees...

"What are you doing, Mrs.J ?! Your husband down hall!" Tevin semi whispered looking down with his eyes jump out his skull

"Don't worry so much, Omar won't even notice. He never hears a thing I say when he's in his office" lisa says licking her lips

"I still can't get over how big your penis is.." she continues moving her face closer to bare dick giving him small peck starting to lick "I guess penis isn't the word... "DICK" seems way more appropriate for this monster"

(Damn... how far is she gonna take th... This ... Damn!!) he thought just looking at her enjoying herself taking her time sucking pulling off her shorts (Her mouth feels so good!)

(This is so bad! But sucking his dick like this while Omar down the hall) she thought continue sucking (it feels right)

"Mom!!... Is Tevin Still here?" Greg ask it almost made tevin had heart attack but lisa popped his dick out her an answered

"No baby... he had to go home" she answered turned back to him smack his dick against her lips and start sucking again

She pulled away with a loud pop sound... getting back facing him arched back ready for him turned her head to look at him handing a condom..

"I'm a freak but I'm not that freaky" she said handing him the condom " safe sex is the best sex trust me"

Tevin already hard erection putting on the condom.. he mentally prepared himself.

" big" she moaned putting more of himself inside her (Damn... She's Tight!)

"OOooh that feels so much better than a dilo" she moan out gripping the counter

He started stroke deeper pulling her closer, digger deep began to start pounding feeling her ass bouncing against my hips, she grabbed her sink and turned the knob having the water splash her breast showing that she was wearing a bra..

(Wow... this feel so good! I don't know what come over me but I can't stop!! I'm really screwing the neighbor and I love every second of it) she thought he continued giving her all he have

"You feel so good baby... inside me but baby I want you even deeper. Flip me on the table and stretch this pussy out" she say turned to face him with her right pulling closer

(Whoa... this really happening to me right now) he thought just looking at her with surprise but mice lust

Lisa walked in a room were it was dark sitting on top of a table having her thick legs spread wide

"You ready for your dessert?" She asked lustfully with a smirk

(O-oh S-shit) he thought getting between her legs smack his dick on her pussy.

"Oooh S-shit! Mmm! That's the spot! Pound my pussy" she moaned

"Not so loud" he semi whispered lining himself before putting the tip in "you don't want to get caught ?"

"Shut the fuck up little nigga  give that dick" she says (she thought we heard it but no)

(The Fuck She Just Said ?!) he thought before she caught herself to apologize he pulled back and stroke upward with some much power making arch off the table with her mouth wide open without letting out a moan.

(O-oh My Ggod!!) she thought she really have a choice now for taking she cash something her ass can't check(what's gotten into him?)

(Who the Fuck she's think she's talking to) he continues pounding see her eyes rolled back of her head with her breast bouncing up and down with him holding her thick thighs. (I'ma make sure she know how good my dick!)

(OH God.. He's fucking me so hard! I'm gonna cum!) he continues pounding

"Wassup bro, yeah I'm down this next Saturday" Omar said sound like he opening the refrigerator "you know I'm bringing the drink jr fucked up last time"

Tevin continues stroking... lisa left leg touching the floor having him holding up her right leg pounding even harder than before.. she really trying hard not to moan out, he pulled up her shirt letting out her titties start playing with her nipples.

"Uh...Oh Fuck! We're Making To much noise!! Uh... Ah..Ah" She whispered yelling at him

He pulled out of her... letting her get up

"Whoa... where we going ?" He asked following behind her to a door

"Somewhere I can cum all over you in peace" she switching opening the door "then you can go home"

She opening the door letting him in first, turning around making sure nobody saw or walking pass. Locking the door walking up to him seeing him taking off his shirt helping her  also grabbing her left breast start sucking on her nipple... she start stroking.

She layed on already folded towels putting her thigh beside her head seeing him coming face to face with her with a smile.

"I had never thought you was a freak, Mrs.J" he said with a smile lining himself back about to be inside again

"It's a lot you don't know about me" she replied biting her lip with full on lust

"Uuuh!... stuff this pussy! Ahhhh Right there!!"

(Unh I can feel every inch of him stretching me out !) he constantly stroking her, throwing her head back having him kissy her chin.

"F-Fuck Me harder daddy!!" She moaned out while he literally giving her what she wanted

(I'm trying... I'm going as hard as I can) he thought kept stroking

She looked at him with a light bulb on her head...

(Wait a Minute... when I outburst that trigger him) she thought with a visible smirk on her face

"I don't give a fuck... Didn't you hear me ? I said fuck me harder, you lame ass nigga" she said pulling his face closer to her looking straight through his eyes.

(Wa-Wait Huh What? What The fuck Did she say ?) he thought

"I said fuck me harder you lames ass nigga... give that dick" she said with a straight face turn smirk "this what you got... Sad"

(The Fuck... Did she say to me ?! I'm about to sho her) he thought he about unleashed something she not ready ready for

"HURRY THe FUCK UP!! I Don't Have All Night" she continues playing a lot not knowing she digging herself a bigger hole.

She didn't know were this little nigga found this strength from but he pick her up and start pounding and deep stroke her all while she wrapped her arms around his neck eyes all rolled back of her head.

(Ooo F-FUUUCCK!! IT'S SOO D-DEEP!) He continued pounding her standing up having her bounce up and down (I'M-I'm Cumming Again!)

"OMIGAAAWDD!!" She moaned out (I Could Feel Him Hitting my spot)

"I'M ABOUT TO CUM!!" He moans still stroking her, all she was doing was holding for dear life just bounce up and down with her rolled back

"DON'T STOP! I'M ALMOST THERE D-DADDY!!" She moaned laying back down on the ground holding on his shoulder with her thigh against his thighs tightly "KEEP FUCKING ME!!"

(OH GOD Y-yes! I Can Feel him explode inside of me! I'm feeling myself about to cum again!!) she thought "I'M... I'M....CUMMING!!!"

"F-FUUCCCKKK!!" He moaned grabbing the cabinet with both his hands with his eyes closed "UNNGHHH!"

"Y-YES! YESSSS!! GIVE IT TO ME!! DRAIN INSIDE ME PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR LOAD ALL OVER ME!" She moaned trembling grabbing both her breast squeezing her nipples bitting her lip.

"Oh... Damn you made me nut on a whole new level" tevin chuckled shaking his head in disbelief putting on his clothes with lisa following behind

"Who you telling" she giggled shaking her head "let's get you home"

She opened the door, looking out seeing the coast was clear walking him to the door, giving each other a final hug feeling his arm wrapped around her waist.. making her bite her bottom lip then feeling his hand grab both handful of her ass giving her a smack... opening the door he turn around giving her a peck walking his way to his house... leaving her shock feeling huge arms wrapped around her waist scary the shit out of her.

"Ooh S-shit Babe you scared me" she said chuckle hold her chest shaking head

"What you doing ?" Omar asked looking at with a sleepy glance

"Looking out... what you doing ?" She look up at him "I heard you going Trey's on next Saturday?"

"Yep babe, I will tell you everything I need hop in the shower" he said kissed her forehead

"Okay, meet up there" she said watching him going upstairs

She closed the front door locking the top and bottom turned around wrapping her arms around herself putting her hands in her shorts rubbing slowly (reminiscing)

(Damn I didn't know he had like that)

Tags :
10 months ago


"Okay that's everything" My mom said looking around the house full of boxes, my mom having the her playlist blasting.

"Okay good you got some heavy ass boxes" my big brother said jokingly shaking his head

"Boy go unpack your shit" I replied rolling my eyes walking in my room "your boxes in your room"

I walked down the stairs, already done unpacking because the movers did the hard part. Seeing my mom unpacking the kitchen appliances.

"Hey mom you need any help ?" I asked stand on her left side

"Actually no, but you're dad help with the last box" she answered with a smile "I know it's heavy"

"Oh I know" I said making us chuckle, she playfully hit back of my head

"It's not that heavy" she replied continuing chuckling

"You not the one going to carry it" I joked hurry moving out the way from his smack

"You lucky you missed, if I connected" I said shaking her head

"Mmmh, whatever ma" I replied walking out the kitchen seeing my big sister walking down the stairs

"Tev you need anything from the stair ?" She asked moving piece of hair out of her face

"Yeah, Sprite" I replied about to walk to the front door "You not going to ask mom ?"

"I know what mom and dad want water" she said making us laugh, we walked out seeing my dad and his childhood best friend "Kevin" having a conversation.

"Were you going babygirl ?" My dad asked looking at her protective.

"To the store, and I know what you and mom want and James, Tevin also" she said with a sarcastic smile walking to her pink car "hi Kev"

I'm going to let y'all know why we have to move, My mom had a job opportunity that she can't pass up on and my dad couldn't wait to transfer but he found out he have also a job opportunity... So here we or but also James & Mariah attending the Hbcu out here.

"Man I'm so happy that we moved, it wasn't shit out there" my dad said shaking head "but I can't thank you enough for letting us know to move out here"

"You know, you my brother I had to let you to leave because it wasn't good" Kevin said making my dad nod

"Wassup, Nephew"

"Hey unc" I said with a smile doing our handshake

"I'm let y'all finish unpacking" Kevin announced "I will be back on Saturday for the party"

He walked to his black BMW, Driving down the road, turning around the trunk grabbing my mom huge box of shoes.

"That is your mom" my dad jokes "that is your wife"

"Oh you got jokes" my dad chuckled shaking his head

Struggling back in the house, seeing my mom dancing singing along, making me chuckle shaking my head seeing my dad following behind dancing... (They Make Me Sick)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's been three hours since, fully decorated house it start to feel like home... while having living room playing Epsn playing softly in the background finishing putting stuff up til I heard a knock on the door.

Seeing my getting up from the couch, making his way to the front door opening seeing a couple the same age as my parents, two boys (One as the same age a James, same age as me) then one girl (Same age as me). Getting up waking towards the front door standing on my dad left.

"Hey Neighbor, Welcome to the Neighborhood! We're the Jetterson's" the father said with a welcome smile followed by his wife and two of his sons with sly smile, the daughter with a closed smile.

"Uhh, Hey" my dad stuttered but bumped him to get it together "thank you"

"Oops, did we interrupt y'all at a bad time ?" The wife said looking at us awkwardly awhile holding pineapple upside cake "we can always come back..."

"Uhh, no it's not" my dad replied with a smile trying hard not to show his awkward face

"Hey Ryan !, Why the front door opened?" My mom asked walking out the kitchen seeing us and the family standing awkwardly

"We got company honey, why don't chu come on in and I'll introduce you to my family" my dad said opening the front door wider

Moving out the way, letting the family walk in. They looked around in interest.

"Well, let me introduce y'all to my family. My name is Ryan Anderson, and this my wife Tiffany, my eldest James, My only Daughter Mariah, Finally my youngest Tevin"my dad announced with a genuine smile.

We said our hellos, and waves.

"Well my name is Omar Jetterson and this my wife Lisa, my eldest Franklin, My second oldest daughter Erika, My third Greg, then the youngest Kayla" Omar said also a genuine smile looking at his family then turn his head back at us

"For y'all wondering where Erika, coming back from work" Lisa announced with a chuckle while we chuckled

The parents moved their conversation to the kitchen, Franklin left, James left, Mariah went back on campus because of rushing, Kayla left with her friends then Greg walked up to me start having a conversation.

"How the school ?" I asked we walking back from the park

"Same ole Shit" I replied made me laugh from how he said it "the games and parties cool tho"

Walking back in seeing my dad handing me the a box I forgot to grabbed to unpack, walking upstairs with Greg on my left side making it to the room. Unboxing my PlayStation 5.

"Okay I see you having the five" he said making nod my head I also have one you should come over and play I got the new madden"

"That sound like a plan tell me when" I replied hearing his dad called out his name we dapped.

Walking down the stairs seeing my parents, walking the jetterson to the door.

"Well we should get going" Omar said looking at his wife and now Greg making his way to them "alright y'all nice meeting"

"Oh I forget this my grandmothers pineapple upside down cake" Lisa said handing a white plate with a clear cover up around the cake "I'll hand this over to you, looking forward to seeing you tonight Tevin"

"Don't forget your controller" Greg said with a smile

"I won't" I replied standing on the stairs

We said our farewells, my dad closing the door behind locking it, they started talking about it's going to be good staying here... I'm starting to seeing the light.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Later that evening, me and Greg after long game... they college football talking, getting to know each other.

"Hey Greg, can I use your bathroom?" I asked getting up from the chair

"Yeah bro, it's down the hall and to the left" he replied still sitting on the edge of his bed

Walking down the hallway taking my left, looking around not paying attention felt I bumped into someone turning my head into someone cleavage.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention where I was going" i said looking up at younger version of Lisa.

"It's okay, You're Greg New friend?" The girl asked looking at me

"Yeah kinda, I'm new neighbor" i replied with a sly smile "I just moved in today"

"Oh, Welcome to the neighborhood" she said with a smile "my name is Erika"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Tevin" I replied shaking her hand

"Nice to meet you" she said looking at her watch "oh damn I'm almost late, I gotta get outta here"

"Nice meeting you" I said moving out her way

"It's nice meeting you, Dang I heard about the y'all party on Saturday well could continue outr conversation" she replied with a smile

"Sorry,for being nosy what your being late for ?" I asked looking at her

"Oh, I'm rushing Alpha Delta Rho" she replied fixing her shirt, that didn't do much but still have her huge cleavage showing full display

"Really, my big sister rushing also" I said seeing her head bopped up

"Who your sister ?" She asked looking at me

"Mariah" I said seeing her eyes lit up

"That my bestie" she said with a big smile "wow the world is really small not my best friend family lived next door"

"That is crazy, I have to go to the bathroom before I pissed on y'all floor" I joked making us chuckle

"Oh I'm so sorry, I will Mariah we met" she said turned around walking away with her curves bouncing with each stride she walked.

Feeling myself smirk, turned away right before she turned right, I made my way to a door knowing it was the bathroom. Closing it behind myself.

(I think I'm going to enjoy moving)

But y'all don't it, but I'm going have a time.

Made it to the bathroom quickly pulled down my pants, boxers letting out my semi-hard dick aim perfectly to let out piss, I let out a groan.


"I'm so happy that we have other black family in the neighborhood" lisa said with a smile after washing dishes putting in the dish washer

"I'm happy too, I'm going to have to invite Ryan with game days" Omar replied nodded his continued watching p-valley because his wife (he wasn't here for it but when they start the stripping screen)

"Good, I'm going to start inviting Tiffany to my book clubs" lisa added turning around mental rolled her eyes at her husband watching Mercedes doing her routine.

Making her way upstairs, going to check up on the boys (they not really boys but you know) walking down the hall I almost walk pass the door heard a groan that was deep I felt in my stomach.

She crack the door, glancing in seeing Tevin taking a piss but my eyes caught his big ass dick (I mean big I mean big)

"Oh My God) I whispered with a shock expression stuck on my face

All my 41 years on living I never seen ( besides my husband) I seen some one with a huge dick like that hanging.

I pulled away making my way to my bedroom, closing the behind myself...(only lord knows what I'm about to do)

Tags :
10 months ago

The black vehicle maneuvered through the city, going through the beautiful landscape seeing the trees and buildings. From the locals minding their business then seeing two black fine ass man riding horses.

The light turned green, the car took the a right turn, seeing the city, it look like it belongs in a movie.

Stopped in front a big architecture that stood tall with beautiful lights. I opened the door, stepping out looking around seeing the door open with two males laughing dapping up.

"Damn little Mamma" One of man said sizing me up and down "wassup Shorty" the other guy biting his lip

I playfully rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Making my way up the stairs, looking up seeing the sign above the door says "PLAYHOUSE" as I step in the door step in through the swinging doors, a beautiful brown skin woman rocks her hips that make ripple snake into tsunamis. She grabs the sliver pole, heaving both legs into the air, a perfect peppermint whirl as she catches freedom twist her toes.

I got stopped at the entrance by a young bouncer, she wearing a beautiful corset that made her look like she was wearing a gown but on the bottom showing off her black mid waist panties... her matching heels. Rocking her natural corn rolls.

"Evening, ma'am. Kindly check your weapons and enjoy the festivities" she said with a smile

"I don't have a gun" i replied with small smile looking around my eyes went back look at her

"Okay, but you need it" she said with smile "it's dangerous out here for us black women"

Right before I could ask her for the owner, A couple of armed hardcases have entered through the doors behind me.

"Evening Gents. Kindly check your weapons and enjoy your evening" she announced with a kind smile

"I'd sooner check my right arm. Little Girl" the hardcase shove past The woman, who reaches out and holds the hardcase arm.

"Then you could walk 'walk down the street to Lux's. You could hold guns and drink there" She sassed sizing him up and down.

"We drinking here, you puny little Slut" the woman spit at him, the hardcase pulls free and take a swing at the women isn't there ducking quickly and easily under the blow, coming up with a vicious punch to the man's face that knocks him flat to the ground...

"Of course some folk tend to feel a way, regardless" the woman said chuckling at herself

I looked at her surprised and amused, as the woman wipes her bloody brass knuckles on one of men jacket, and takes out their guns as a few more men step past me.

"Get'em over to doc Jone's. And take the guns over to the sheriff. He can ' em back when they leave town" the woman said walking towards the bar

Huge fine man, pick up the men over his shoulder and carry the guy out. I turned my gaze to the woman.

"What they call you ?" I asked

"They Call Me Tootsie" she replied with a smile

"What did I said. tootsie let the guards do the hurting" A curvaceous woman in a clad in a red corseted dress,

"He swung first, Countess" Tootsie said with a sarcastic smile

"Well I need you to clean up. Your regular about to pull up" Countess Replied pointing to the stairs "Hurry, You know how gets"

She the girl walking up the stairs, seeing another half naked girl start dancing climbing up the pole.

"Hello Mrs ?" She asked looking at me with her hands on her hips

"Tubman" i replied with a sly smile

"Okay. Mrs.Tubman you're looking for a job to be a dancer or lover ?" She asked looking at me closely "okay thicksomes"

"I'm not here looking for a job" I answered looking around "but I am looking for Sheriff Armstrong"

"Okay, you're here on time" she nodded her head turned around "he in one of favorites room"

Walking up the stairs following behind looking around how beautiful it really was, hearing the crowd bursts out cheering and seeing a lot of money being thrown. Taking a right seeing hallway full of half naked women hearing moans and giggling, making my way down looking around looking like a early 2000 r&b music video, I'm starting to hear loud moans and bed creaking.

"Ooooo...Ahhhhhh" hearing a female moan out "Sheriff it's so biggggg"

"Squeeze that pussy tight on my dick" he goan out with deepest voice i ever heard "There you go... cream all over my dick"

"Yes, Daddy," she screamed out " Right there it feel so good"

"Grab my shoulders" I hear him said with bed creaked.

"Tell me where you me to cum" hearing the creaking "Yes.. ride my dick just like that"

"Cum on my tits sheriff!!!" She screamed more than a moan "Fuck, Right There baby"

"Ooohhh, Shitt !" Hearing bed creaking skin clapping "get ready... here it cum !"

"OH MY GO-" i heard the bed stopped creaking

"UGGGHHHHHH" He goaned out loud "Shit that pussy was no joke I cum hard"

"Well Mrs.Tubman, He's behind this door good luck" Countess said a smile before turning away walking down the hall doing her job.

Hearing the knob jiggling before door bust wide open seeing the most beautiful black man, Dark skin with curly Fro, He looked very fit but of age he bulked even more, the white button up he was wearing clinging to his biceps, chest, shoulders, and tapered waistline.his medium black jeans hung low on his hips and the cow boy boots on his feet. He stopped infront of me with a smirk.

"Mrs.Tubman" he smirked sizing me up and down "look at Ms Yazmine"

"David" i replied dryly playfully rolled my eyes

"Why you few all way here ?, Little Girl" He asked looking around the girls even touching

"Well little boy, I been a sign to be your partner for this mission" I answered with a playful eye rolled

"Partners ?" He asked looking at me confused

"Yes, Partners" I answered dryly looking around avoid eye contact

"Why your dad, didn't tell me about your graduation ?" He asked hearing the door being opened, looking up seeing him signaled me to follow

I followed him in the room, hearing the door locked turned to face him seeing leaning on the door with his arm crossed.

"Well we're partners" He looking at me with a playful smirk "What do you want to discuss?"

"Well we have a warrant issued for the lotus gang and they teamed us up to go after them" I said looking his eyes almost jumped out of head.

"LOTUS GANG !!!" He yelled looking at me with a surprise expression "y'all must be crazy than Betsy Bug"

"That's them, I wasn't so happy hearing about our mission" I replied looking out the widow overlooking the beautiful landscape.

"They Killed Senator !" I feel him next to me "my dad found him dead at LUXURIOUS. That Bitch and her gang fucked that nasty bastard until death"

"Yaz, I don't know, what they asking is dangerous." He said looking at me seriously.

"You don't think I know that, they need us to bring them to justice for their crimes." I replied looking at his side profile turned to looks back at the view before he caught staring.

"How much they are offering us, Anyway?" He asked feeling him staring at me

"They offered us ten pieces each of gold" I answered turned to face his hard expression.

"Alright, Ten Pieces. Well Mrs.Tubman you got yourself a partner." He said shaking hands

Walking out the door, going down the stairs walking pass few girls dancing, getting out the door seeing the black suv still parked in front.

"You ready ?" I asked looking at him

"Yeah, but you know you're staying with me till the mission over" he said sitting next to me

"I know, I don't think this going to be easy," I looked at him then turned to look out the window "but at least we're together"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Walking in the building, seeing how beautiful architecture looking modern. The elevator dinged, the doors opening and revealing the entrance to a suite, I didn't know my dad signed for us. We exited having our bags following behind. I was to busy gawked at the penthouse. Looking at the lobby, living room and dining area, full kitchen, I take my luggage into one of the rooms. David walking to the other.

"Welp good night, I had a long night" i announced

"Good night, Little girl" he replied with a smirk

"Good night" I said closing the door behind

Well let's the mission begin.

Tags :
10 months ago


Friday :7:30 Am


"Bri , after work I have to go straight to the airport"my mom said turned to look at me to see if I'm paying attention, as she driving in the school parking lot stopped in the school.

"I heard you" I replied with a smile, unhooked my seatbelt, grabbing my backpack about to grab passenger door

"Remember Brittany going to Aunt Chrissy house this Weekend, So that mean you have the house to yourself  of course I gave enough money to last you till Monday" she said with sly smile we gave each other a hug

Walking up the stairs opening doors seeing group of people talking...Making my way to my first period seeing some classmates in the front doing other work from different class or sleeping either way I made my way to the back of the class, seeing my girls, Raina, Zoe, Camille & Lydia.

"Hi Girl" Lydia said with a smile, taking a seat in front of Zoe

"Hey y'all" I replied with a smile putting my bag on the desk

"Girl Tell me why Von and Gia broke up" Camille said we turned to face her with shock on our face

"Girl Stop Lying" I waved her off, looking at Zoe expression, Raina & Lydia looking at each other surprise.

"What happened?" raina asked with shock expression still stuck on her face, making me nod my head

"Well let's say they was cheating on each other" camille answered, I'm still shocked that they was cheating but Nvm

"Welp that wasn't my senior year checklist" I replied, hearing the bell rang seeing everybody coming in taking their seats.

Here come the reigning Queens of East High walking in looking top models, taking their seats continuing their conversation about (I really Don't know, Really I don't give a damn) then hearing four very loud voices walking in the popped open- door of the classroom, I turned my head seeing the fine reigning Kings of East enter the room walking to their seats, smiles all on their faces while continuing their conversation, they taking their seats while Cliff taking the seat infront of me, one thing about him is I have the biggest crush on him since sixth grade.

"Well I hope they good" Zoe said well all nodded our heads chuckling

"We still going shopping tomorrow?" Lydia asked before we even replied

"Yeah what time ?" Rakeem smirked, sizing Lydia up and down watching her curves, Lydia is my brown skin sis with curves in the right places.

"Yeah with girls,Girls" Lydia Joked, she playfully rolled her eyes turning to us making us chuckle

Everybody been chuckling at Lydia & Rakeem back and forth but we know she has crush on him since elementary, we have substitute teacher and we're watching a movie that nobody paying attention to, when I told y'all it's attention I mean you cut a knife through clearly Monica and Cliff broke up three months ago but the word around she start dating star quarterback Dame of University of Houston.


As soon as the bell rang, students were getting out their seats, packing up my belongings, putting my bag over my shoulder exited the classroom, walking out the front door seeing raina standing on top the stairs.

"You got a ride ?" Raina asked fixing her pixie cut, looking at her watch

"I have a bus pass" I replied looking down at the watch, looking at parking lot

We turned her head to see Monica parting away from her clique or minions walking down the steps to tall muscular build light skin guy that look like a younger LL Cool J with waves giving her a hug peeking opening the passenger door for her putting her purse down first getting in closing the door making his way to the driver side leaving parking lot.

"Giiirrlll" Raina said looking at me shock chuckling

"I give her that but still fuck her" i replied making us chuckled, seeing her brother pulled up full honking his horn

"I hear you dumb ass" raina yelled rolling her eyes, turned to face with a calm expression

"Tell uncle Andre I said Happy Birthday for me" I said giving her a hug pulling away seeing her walking down the stairs to the passenger door, getting in seeing her pull off with a honk, I wave at them

(Great i have to walk to the bus stop to wait for 30 minutes, Wish me luck y'all)

Walking down the stairs, making my way out the school property walking down the block seeing business and hair shops, I hustled down the side walk, my curves bouncing with each stride, seeing the bus stop bench.

Seeing all Black Honda Accord pulled up in front of me passenger window rolled down and I see cliff .

"You need a ride ?" He asked with sly smirk

"Yeah i actually do" I answered I'm not going to play the cat and mouse game

"Come on" with a grin on face, unlocked the door

I got up from the bench, sauntered my way to the car opening the door getting in the car putting on the seat belt "Tell me your address" driving down the road to the freeway engulfing the car, founding himself nodding his head, whipped the steering wheels, maneuvered through Houston.

"What y'all doing tomorrow?" He asked he involuntarily nodding his head to infectious beat

"To the mall, start my prom and Gradnite shopping" I replied looking out the window seeing the buildings maneuvered through my neighborhood

"You don't mind if I join?" He asked I was to busy pay attention to how his pink tongue moistening his lips

"Of course I will let the girls know" I answered I turned my attention back on the road avoiding any eye contact

"I will invite the boys" he with his sly smirk

I couldn't help it but admire features, his untamed brows, and his beautiful trimmed beard, and I can't forget his luscious big heart shape lips,white durag that lay over his well braided head, and I understand why female going to war for him.

We finally pulled up in front of my house, he parked his car taking his key out the ignition, turned face me

"You mind if I could come in ?" He asked looking at me for acceptance

I guess I got caught because he creaked a beautiful smile, and bonus he have a grill on his bottom row, with his well defined muscles, showcased by his baggy jersey and with baggy blue jeans that have me wondering how big.. looking up seeing him sport his famous grin.

"Damn I know I'm fine, you mind if I have my face back?" He playfully teased me with a sly smirk

(It's not my fault you fine as fuck)

I got out the car, walked my war to the front door feeling him right on my side. Opening the door moving out the way for him to walk in, closing the door locking.

"Nice House" he said looking around walking in the living room

"Thanks, I give all the credit to my mother" I replied making us laugh

I let him know I'm going to my room, making my way to my room dropping off my backpack and taking off my shoes and my green leather jacket putting on my slippers walking down the stairs seeing cliff still standing but looking pictures.

"It's your mom and y'all ?" He asked turned to look at me

"Yeah, my mom and my little sister" i replied walking to the couch taking a seat grabbing the remote turned the tv on, changing the channel on MTV playing softly in the background

"What happened with your dad ?" He asked turned around walking to the couch sitting down

"My dad live in Atlanta" I answered I looked from the television

"Divorced" we said union, chucking

He shook his head, Nice & Slom playing softly background seeing Kimora typing on the computer, he had this look on his face like he look like he was thinking.

"Why you look like you're constipated ?" I joked, he smiled shaking his head

"I'm just wondering why we haven't hang before now" he said looking back at me

"Your little girlfriend" i replied feeling like a dark cloud hanging over my head

"Monica, How?" He asked looking back at me for his full attention

"Me and Monica was good friends back then" i said looking at him seeing his expressions change "I knew her before Rhonda, Ashley, Deedee & Alicia... we were good friends we did everything but puberty kicked in and socially elevated we didn't match her lifestyle so she kicked us to the curve then she knew I was feeling you then y'all started dating that's why I'm not cool with your ex"

"Damn she been weird" he chuckled shaking his head

"Welp that was your girlfriend at one point"i joked i looked back at him seeing him looking so good

"Yeah" he said seductively, looking at me up and down

(Welp let's see what happens)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When I tell you I been to busy watching the videos, I didn't notice cliff took off his jacket showcasing his buff muscles, by his baggy tank top lying back with his long legs open wide, then 2pac How do you want it video start playing I got up from the floor to the couch avoiding the television, hearing him laugh.

"It's not that funny, it's weird watching a explicit video with the opposite sex" I chuckled playfully hit his arm turn my face seeing pac rapping half naked woman having the time of their life

"It's not weird, I watched porn with" he said before i rudely interrupted

"You and Monica watched porn together?" I asked looking at him shocked

"No, but when I used to date robin" he said paying attention on television seeing bunch of different color nipples on display

I wasn't paying to what he said because my girl down under being worked up, by his side profile even every slight movement he doing.

"You good ?" He asked he pressed his lip against my left ear.

"Yeah I'm go" I answered I stopped myself seeing lust

I felt his huge hands wrapped around my waist pulling me closer kiss my neck.

"Bet that pussy so wet" he said press his lips on my ear

Before I could say anything pulling me closer feeling my back on cushion, grabbing my thick thighs pulling then apart kissing my right ankle going down with breath taking kisses going down finally peck clothe clit.

"Oh my God" I moaned feeling him pulling my favorite black Victoria secret panties off with ease

"Look at this Juicy ass Pussy" he said with sly smirk before I felt his long tongue taking his first lick

I damn there almost jumped out of my skin how good his wet heat of his tongue dragging up and down on my slit, soon after he started sucking on my clit, it was so overwhelming my tight trying closing how good it was. He grabbed my calves, thrusting them forward that my toes touch the couch and my pussy and ass is in the perfect position. Let me tell you he went to work on my ass, he kept sucking, I so sloppy on his mouth. Clifford was mentally dapping himself he finally eating his dreamgirl pussy. The only sounds you can hear in the living room I s Jodeci Feenin and the sounds he making were munching, smacking of lips, tongue flicking, and popping of his mouth off her clit and inner folds. All I could do was moan out ecstasy grabbing on my chest rubbing all over.

I tried to sit up on my elbows but Cliff kept pulling closer to his face like he was bury himself. He was devouring my clit. All I could feel his fingers thrusting inside me while he kept sucking on clit, he was eating my pussy like he hasn't eaten like 30 minutes ago. His whole face was pressed into, he mouth was unrelenting, I couldn't stop saying his name over and over. All of a sudden a smack on my right cheek, his tongue start doing figure eights and even spelling his name on my folds and I found myself grabbing his gripping his arm. He continued devouring he began rolling his tongue in a gentle waves and humming, I swear I thought I saw the gates.

"Dassit, Baby, You a big girl ?, Give it to me"

He grabbed my thick thighs wide open as he continued dived into my drenched pussy, letting me and my body know who's in charge and control of my body now, all I could hear was the bridge playing softly but was over shadow by him sucking, and slurping, and sliding his tongue my sugar walls, he grabbed my legs to make sure I don't go anywhere, he dipping his fingers on my slit began doing little circle motion while kissing my inner thighs, my eyes rolled back into my head, I jumped feeling him slap my vulva, That was new to me because ex never did that or not even myself when I masturbate.. the effect made my clit pulsed from the pain and pleasure his long two digits were sliding in and out of me his tongue reunited with my pussy giving me a long hard licks to my overstimulated bundle of nerves his head bobbing back and forth. I was shouting feeling his big lips against my clit. My thights smothering his cheeks, but he took control grabbing my legs pressed them back forcefully, I let out a sharp moan, I started feeling my orgasm buildup, feeling my pussy begin to have a spasm, I began to start to shake and tremble, he going like a wild animal till I haven't felt my legs all I could remember was I had to pee but it was thrown off from how big I came and how wet his face is I squirted... I First timer...

"Did you came and squirted ?" He asked his entire face glistening with my juices. Giving my pussy a final peck

"That was my first time" I answered looking at him shocked

"Where's your room ? so I can help you out" he asked getting up pulling closer giving me a kiss I remember

"Upstairs on your left" I said looking at him cleaning the living room "and you might as well sleep with me I squirted on your face"

"Oh word, bet" he smirked picking me up putting me on his shoulder with my exposed ass giving my ass smack

(I can't believe that just happened)

Tags :
11 months ago

Black women are powerful

1 year ago

This blog supports Palestine.

1 year ago
This Was In Response To That Fucker Saying Ukrainians Are Mad They're Not Getting Attention.

This was in response to that fucker saying Ukrainians are mad they're not getting attention.

Source for the Ukrainian family being burned alive (I don't know why I can't properly insert the article but there's the link)

This Was In Response To That Fucker Saying Ukrainians Are Mad They're Not Getting Attention.

Again, something tells me that the people who are openly angry and hostile to victims of literally any other war or conflict on the planet other than the one (1) they specifically care about because it makes them look good on social media don't actually care about human rights, genocide, or imperialism.

I repeat: and then they wonder why no one fucking likes them

1 year ago

And here we go again with the “I just can’t connect to Black characters 🥺” bs. Y’all don’t like Black ppl so that’s why you don’t like reading about us. No one cares if LegendBorn or Children of Blood and Bone are some of your favs, cuz what exactly is stopping you from finding books similar to them???? And then to say that Black authors should be more like Asian authors while also insinuating that we don’t have our own historical or cultural myths, especially when we exist on multiple continents and islands, is absolutely ludicrous. Not to mention that a statement like that feeds into racism and the fetishization of Asian ppl. Children of color are forced to see nothing but white ppl in every form of media all our lives and not once does not being able to connect to the characters stop us from enjoying that piece of media. You can empathize with dragons, elves, orcs, and witches easily. Anyone darker than dry glue however, needs to prove why you should read our stories and have sympathy for our characters. This is exactly why I don’t trust white readers regardless of if they read diversely or not cuz some of y’all don’t even read the books. You just get them for brownie points or judge them harshly cuz you still don’t see the characters as deserving of empathy.

1 year ago

"why does writing take so long" because 60% of it is coming up with a sentence, realizing that sentence doesn't work the way you want it to, and staring at a wall