Black/26/Existing Bay Area/VirgoWattpad : @Holloway98Pinterest : @Natrealist
79 posts
"Okay that's everything" My mom said looking around the house full of boxes, my mom having the her playlist blasting.
"Okay good you got some heavy ass boxes" my big brother said jokingly shaking his head
"Boy go unpack your shit" I replied rolling my eyes walking in my room "your boxes in your room"
I walked down the stairs, already done unpacking because the movers did the hard part. Seeing my mom unpacking the kitchen appliances.
"Hey mom you need any help ?" I asked stand on her left side
"Actually no, but you're dad help with the last box" she answered with a smile "I know it's heavy"
"Oh I know" I said making us chuckle, she playfully hit back of my head
"It's not that heavy" she replied continuing chuckling
"You not the one going to carry it" I joked hurry moving out the way from his smack
"You lucky you missed, if I connected" I said shaking her head
"Mmmh, whatever ma" I replied walking out the kitchen seeing my big sister walking down the stairs
"Tev you need anything from the stair ?" She asked moving piece of hair out of her face
"Yeah, Sprite" I replied about to walk to the front door "You not going to ask mom ?"
"I know what mom and dad want water" she said making us laugh, we walked out seeing my dad and his childhood best friend "Kevin" having a conversation.
"Were you going babygirl ?" My dad asked looking at her protective.
"To the store, and I know what you and mom want and James, Tevin also" she said with a sarcastic smile walking to her pink car "hi Kev"
I'm going to let y'all know why we have to move, My mom had a job opportunity that she can't pass up on and my dad couldn't wait to transfer but he found out he have also a job opportunity... So here we or but also James & Mariah attending the Hbcu out here.
"Man I'm so happy that we moved, it wasn't shit out there" my dad said shaking head "but I can't thank you enough for letting us know to move out here"
"You know, you my brother I had to let you to leave because it wasn't good" Kevin said making my dad nod
"Wassup, Nephew"
"Hey unc" I said with a smile doing our handshake
"I'm let y'all finish unpacking" Kevin announced "I will be back on Saturday for the party"
He walked to his black BMW, Driving down the road, turning around the trunk grabbing my mom huge box of shoes.
"That is your mom" my dad jokes "that is your wife"
"Oh you got jokes" my dad chuckled shaking his head
Struggling back in the house, seeing my mom dancing singing along, making me chuckle shaking my head seeing my dad following behind dancing... (They Make Me Sick)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It's been three hours since, fully decorated house it start to feel like home... while having living room playing Epsn playing softly in the background finishing putting stuff up til I heard a knock on the door.
Seeing my getting up from the couch, making his way to the front door opening seeing a couple the same age as my parents, two boys (One as the same age a James, same age as me) then one girl (Same age as me). Getting up waking towards the front door standing on my dad left.
"Hey Neighbor, Welcome to the Neighborhood! We're the Jetterson's" the father said with a welcome smile followed by his wife and two of his sons with sly smile, the daughter with a closed smile.
"Uhh, Hey" my dad stuttered but bumped him to get it together "thank you"
"Oops, did we interrupt y'all at a bad time ?" The wife said looking at us awkwardly awhile holding pineapple upside cake "we can always come back..."
"Uhh, no it's not" my dad replied with a smile trying hard not to show his awkward face
"Hey Ryan !, Why the front door opened?" My mom asked walking out the kitchen seeing us and the family standing awkwardly
"We got company honey, why don't chu come on in and I'll introduce you to my family" my dad said opening the front door wider
Moving out the way, letting the family walk in. They looked around in interest.
"Well, let me introduce y'all to my family. My name is Ryan Anderson, and this my wife Tiffany, my eldest James, My only Daughter Mariah, Finally my youngest Tevin"my dad announced with a genuine smile.
We said our hellos, and waves.
"Well my name is Omar Jetterson and this my wife Lisa, my eldest Franklin, My second oldest daughter Erika, My third Greg, then the youngest Kayla" Omar said also a genuine smile looking at his family then turn his head back at us
"For y'all wondering where Erika, coming back from work" Lisa announced with a chuckle while we chuckled
The parents moved their conversation to the kitchen, Franklin left, James left, Mariah went back on campus because of rushing, Kayla left with her friends then Greg walked up to me start having a conversation.
"How the school ?" I asked we walking back from the park
"Same ole Shit" I replied made me laugh from how he said it "the games and parties cool tho"
Walking back in seeing my dad handing me the a box I forgot to grabbed to unpack, walking upstairs with Greg on my left side making it to the room. Unboxing my PlayStation 5.
"Okay I see you having the five" he said making nod my head I also have one you should come over and play I got the new madden"
"That sound like a plan tell me when" I replied hearing his dad called out his name we dapped.
Walking down the stairs seeing my parents, walking the jetterson to the door.
"Well we should get going" Omar said looking at his wife and now Greg making his way to them "alright y'all nice meeting"
"Oh I forget this my grandmothers pineapple upside down cake" Lisa said handing a white plate with a clear cover up around the cake "I'll hand this over to you, looking forward to seeing you tonight Tevin"
"Don't forget your controller" Greg said with a smile
"I won't" I replied standing on the stairs
We said our farewells, my dad closing the door behind locking it, they started talking about it's going to be good staying here... I'm starting to seeing the light.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Later that evening, me and Greg after long game... they college football talking, getting to know each other.
"Hey Greg, can I use your bathroom?" I asked getting up from the chair
"Yeah bro, it's down the hall and to the left" he replied still sitting on the edge of his bed
Walking down the hallway taking my left, looking around not paying attention felt I bumped into someone turning my head into someone cleavage.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention where I was going" i said looking up at younger version of Lisa.
"It's okay, You're Greg New friend?" The girl asked looking at me
"Yeah kinda, I'm new neighbor" i replied with a sly smile "I just moved in today"
"Oh, Welcome to the neighborhood" she said with a smile "my name is Erika"
"Nice to meet you, my name is Tevin" I replied shaking her hand
"Nice to meet you" she said looking at her watch "oh damn I'm almost late, I gotta get outta here"
"Nice meeting you" I said moving out her way
"It's nice meeting you, Dang I heard about the y'all party on Saturday well could continue outr conversation" she replied with a smile
"Sorry,for being nosy what your being late for ?" I asked looking at her
"Oh, I'm rushing Alpha Delta Rho" she replied fixing her shirt, that didn't do much but still have her huge cleavage showing full display
"Really, my big sister rushing also" I said seeing her head bopped up
"Who your sister ?" She asked looking at me
"Mariah" I said seeing her eyes lit up
"That my bestie" she said with a big smile "wow the world is really small not my best friend family lived next door"
"That is crazy, I have to go to the bathroom before I pissed on y'all floor" I joked making us chuckle
"Oh I'm so sorry, I will Mariah we met" she said turned around walking away with her curves bouncing with each stride she walked.
Feeling myself smirk, turned away right before she turned right, I made my way to a door knowing it was the bathroom. Closing it behind myself.
(I think I'm going to enjoy moving)
But y'all don't it, but I'm going have a time.
Made it to the bathroom quickly pulled down my pants, boxers letting out my semi-hard dick aim perfectly to let out piss, I let out a groan.
"I'm so happy that we have other black family in the neighborhood" lisa said with a smile after washing dishes putting in the dish washer
"I'm happy too, I'm going to have to invite Ryan with game days" Omar replied nodded his continued watching p-valley because his wife (he wasn't here for it but when they start the stripping screen)
"Good, I'm going to start inviting Tiffany to my book clubs" lisa added turning around mental rolled her eyes at her husband watching Mercedes doing her routine.
Making her way upstairs, going to check up on the boys (they not really boys but you know) walking down the hall I almost walk pass the door heard a groan that was deep I felt in my stomach.
She crack the door, glancing in seeing Tevin taking a piss but my eyes caught his big ass dick (I mean big I mean big)
"Oh My God) I whispered with a shock expression stuck on my face
All my 41 years on living I never seen ( besides my husband) I seen some one with a huge dick like that hanging.
I pulled away making my way to my bedroom, closing the behind myself...(only lord knows what I'm about to do)
More Posts from Perfectionts-virgo
"You leaving already?" Makayla asked sitting at her vanity while touch up on her makeup...
"Yeah I'm about to head out, I'm going to hit you up when I make it home" I replied while putting on my white adidas.
She just nodded with a blank expression on her face while fixing her hair
"You okay ?" I asked turning to face her
"Yes, I just want to spend some time together, for the rest the summer about to leave for couple weeks " she replied she hung her head
I looked at her confused because this whole summer I'm with her and our friends... the only person that should feel any type of way is my mom because I'm about to get ready to leave for couple week from now.
"Really we been hip to hip this whole summer , I been spending time at your house for weeks" I said turning away
"Okay but we really leaving and the only time we're going to see each other for holidays & next summer break" she replied she tilted her head
"I don't want to fight but I'm being real, I just want to get things done and hang with ma dukes" I said getting up grabbing my car keys
"I don't want to I'm just want to spend time with my boyfriend before we head off our separate ways" she replied getting up turned around facing me
"I understand but I need to spend time with my mom also, I'm going to be busy because I'm a athlete student" I replied rolling my eyes
Don't get me wrong I understand what she saying but we been hip to hip since we walk across that stage..
Makayla Been my girlfriend since freshman year til now that we graduated high school going to two separate college's things going to be a difficult... she going to Clark Atlanta University and I'm going to Florida A&M University but she needs to understand she not the only one that I need spend time with.
"We Got Three weeks left, it's not going to be same" she replied slowing walking towards me with glossy eyes
"I know I know" I said holding while she weep feeling my hoodie being damp form her tears
"I just want to spent more time together that's all I'm saying and I understand but I'm not ready for the big Change that all " she replied looking up at me
"Yeah going away from here is little scary but let's think about the good things we're going to see & call each other so no big deal" I said rubbing up and down her arms with a sly smirk
She sly turned her head for trying to hide her face from blushing...
"Yeah but I'm going to miss you tho" she replied backing up turning around walking to bedroom door and out..
then out of nowhere I heard a bing form her phone.. I around to see my Close is clear and grabbed her phone and I seen a contact
" Bae 🥰💕" open it and seen
I felt the world stop.. the picture the guy look familiar... before I type a response here comes Kayla walking back in the room . Looking scared out of her mind...
"Baby what you doing ?" She asked looking nervous
"Oh I'm baby now who is bae Kayla?" I replied
Looking at him with my head tilt
"Nobody baby I promise " she said look like she seen a ghost
"Is that the nigga you was entertaining while our break ?" I asked looking back down at her phone reading the text message
"Please don't lie to me I'm really not in the mood " I said looking back at her
"Yes it's Jason, our relationship is not what it use to be I'm always second and I'm tired I want to be the first and only at once there are you happy" she replied turning away from me
"Ecstatic I'm happy you finally said what you truly feel and for that you're free " I said putting her phone back start getting up walking out her bedroom with her on my heels
"What you mean you're free ?" She asked walking the stairs hot on my tail grabbing my shoulder turning me around to face her
"I mean I don't have to worry about your selfish, spoiled, stubborn, childish ass anymore I'm done I wish you nothing but the best at Clark and I hope you find somebody that truly make you happy because there's no more us" I said turning to face her front door open the door
"If you walk out of that door, don't even think about coming back" she said stomped her foot
"Have a good life" I replied turning around grabbing the front door knob closing it behind me, walking down the stairs walking to my car
I finally made it back home after breaking up with Makayla I feel good stretch that I'm relieve,Pulling the driveway, turning off my car grabbing my key out ignition getting out closing the door made sure I press the lock button.
Walking up my stairs to the front door put my my house key to open the door hearing Sade "sweet operator" threw the household.. smelling fried Fish & Shrimp, following the smell I walked in the kitchen seeing ma dukes putting coded fish & shrimp in pan of hot oil slightly dancing to the music til she turned let out scream that you hear in horror films...
"Josh What The Fuck!" She screamed holding to her Chest having a distress look on her face
"I'm sorry I was wondering who was making the house smell wonderful" I said trying not burst out laughing
"Boy you scared the shit out of me" she replied calm tone with sly smile
"My bad Ma" I said walking towards her giving her a hug
"Hi my baby you home early" she replied giving me a kiss on the cheek
"Yeah me and kayla got into a fight" I said looking out the kitchen widow
"Oh No what happened baby ?" She asked stop from taking out the last Batch of the fried seafood and looked up concern
"She want to spend the rest of the summer underneath me,I want to spend time with you and she had story why should or shouldn't but the whole time she a side pice all long" I replied having aggravated look on my face
"What she had another boyfriend ?" She said looking at confused
"You remember we had a break because I wanted to focus school work and games so we made a deal and I wasn't entertaining nobody but she was a boy name jason but I found out they been talking ever since I'm just tired of her I'm single only worrying about school & basketball for now" I said washing my hands in the kitchen sink
"I know that's right baby, She been no good I'm been telling since you brought her over but I wanted you to live your life figure it out on your own plus on the bright side y'all going to separate college's " she said focusing back on her mash potatoes
"Yeah you're right" I replied with sly smirk
"Mother's always remember that" she said turning off the stove, grabbing her glass of red wine taking a sip
One thing y'all need to know about my mom is my adapted mother, her & my dad was very young parents that didn't stop from graduate high school & College and follow their dreams, ma duke is a business owner, she owns her beauty salon / nail & spa " Nola Dream" and my father is a big time lawyer when I'm around five years old he was found murder til this day we still don't have justice... it effect us but we push thru ma found a good man " Greg Robinson " he own a Construction business and they got married and have my little siblings....
"We'll forget about her you mail today" she said facing me with a small smile
"Really ?" I replied looking back at awkwardly
"Yes it's college exceptions letter and Famu information mail" she said giving my mail
"Dang why so late for the exception letter ?" I asked Looking at it, looking back at her with one eye brow raise
"Well the school different form the other college's that's why but they offering much more than Famu" she replied taking a other sip
"Really how ?" I asked being curious
"Well they offering what you looking for plus much more I just called and did my investigating so don't worry the college sound much more fun baby I think you should go there then Famu trust me" she said taking a another sip looking at me
"Do we have to pay, how much is it ?" I asked
"It's already payed for, they told me on the phone" she replied looking away taking another sip
"Okay I'm in, but what about Famu ?" I asked looking at both of the envelopes
"Don't worry I called Famu and Derek going to take your spot and before you say anything I already called his mom and yes I will pay for his college education he is also like another son why not help y'all for a better life" she said with a proud smile, smiling back at her giving her the biggest hug I ever
"I have to call Derek to let him know the news" I said walking out the kitchen & up the the stairs and went in my room calling Derek...
Derek is my best friend since kindergarten, I have two working parents.. he always had his mom and other siblings, she worked two jobs to helped out paying the bills and their enjoyment and he leave a hard life without having a father but him and his siblings fought thru it... his six older siblings are high school & College graduates and living their best live with their own families... but for Derek was in middle of self jeopardy for choosing the streets or school now that I'm going to deliver good new makes me horrible night to a night he will never forget
"He Was In disbelief" I said break apart my fried fish looking at my mom
"I know he was " Greg replied looking at my mom with sly smirk
"Derek deserve a good education and I'm not going see him let his dreams go down the drain, not on my watch" she said taking a bite of her salad
"Umm excuse me, no phone at table little girl" ma said staring dagger at my little sister
"Sorry ma" replied putting her phone away
"So you're sophomore year coming up how you Lisa" Greg said turning to face
"Good little nervous " she replied taking a bite of her salad
"I want to make a toast for Blessings" Greg said lifting his wine glass meeting everybody else's
"Blessing's" We said smiling
30 Minute Later
After taking a shower... Cleaning my room and finishing packing and now I'm laying on bed looking out my window slowly dozing off...
Walking From the back of the store, seeing customers looking at the display of clothes, seeing Daizy helping a girl out...
"This is all ?" I asked
"Yes" a customer smiled " y'all almost made me go broke"
"You don't need to do that" I chuckle
"The price is $289.98" I said giving him a smile
He hand me the cash, feeling someone looking at me turned to see Daizy have a goofy expression on her face....
"Here's you're change sir" handing him his change" have a nice day"
He saying his thanks and walked away, after most of the people pay and left...
"Why you smiling so hard ?" I asked looking at her
"I'm single" she replied with a smirk
"What happened ?" I asked turn to face her face
"Well I been feeling im being played" she flipped her hair over shoulder " so that night I was supposed to be with him"
"Yeah ?" I asked looking at her
"Well he was laying up with Shayla" she replied rolled her eyes shaking her head
"Wait back up you said Shayla" I said furrowed my eyebrows
"Yeah" she replied turned to face customer
Let tell y'all about this girl name shayla Valdez, she never like Me & Daizy because we are outgoing and Friendly... so she started beef with Daizy for no reason so here we are..
"Don't worry about a broke nigga that don't help out with shit" I said giving the shopping bag to a teen girl
"You're right fuck him" she replied
"Okay I'm gone" I said
"Bye I will call you" she replied giving me a hug
Walking to the back grabbing my my keys, making my way to my car... starting my car my playlist start blasting Summer Walker "Deep" driving down the road
......................... 30 Minutes Later ........................
Walking the front door, making my way to the kitchen to hang my keys up going the living to see Jerome was here but the living room was Empty walking the upstairs walking in my room turning on my bathroom light walking to my closet picking out my pajamas, so I got undressed just have my dragon ball z boxer briefs seeing I don't have have towels making my way out the room walking down the hall to get clean Towels...
Walking back in the room,turning on the hot water hopping in..
..................... 15 Minutes Later ..........................
Laying the dark room, slowly falling asleep... feel his eyes go heavy,
WARNING: Sexual Content
"Oh Baby don't Stop"
"Yes... ride my dick and make me cum"
"Oh my god daddy please don't stop"
"Move your hand... let me get it"
(I know this nigga is not fucking some random chick in my house)
I'm just laying there shock,I'm still listening tho....then I could hear Jerome slapping the girl ass. He didn't care about how loud they was..
"That's it's, keep throwing it back like that"
"Oh m-my g-GOD!"
"There you go... creamin all on my dick, that's right keep going"
I'm feeling myself getting turned on by the way he was speaking to her..
"This dick good ?"
I kept hearing her ass clapping
"You hear me talking to you ?"
"Yes, daddy"
"You better answer when daddy talking"
"Okay daddy im so sorry"
"Arch you're back...don't move"
"My body been craving you so bad"
"I know, that's why daddy here"
"O-oh M-m-My g-g-GOD!!"
"Breathe, Baby... I know I'm hitting that spot"
(Oh My)
"D-d-Daddy You hitting my spot... you hitting my spot!!!"
"Just take this dick that's all you gotta do... I promise babygirl...it's so wet"
(Damn... he used the "BabyGirl on her)
"I will I promise, but please just fuck me, use me." Im heard him chuckling at her begging, hearing them sharing a wet kiss. "Be a Good girl and I will, hearing clapping sounds.
"Damn you so tight baby," low stroking her, she rolled her eyes while he start going faster with her lips widen as a moan slip past. Hitting her g-spot.
"I'm going to cum" whimpering, he smirked continued hitting her g-spot roughly, opening his mouth to speak,
"D-d-Daddy!! Right there!"
"Right here ?"
"O-o-Oh right there d-daddy"
(Oh wow she taking it)
"Just like that... throw it back like that"
"O-oh f"
All I hear smacking sounds and whimpering
"M-m-m-Mh let it out"
"D-d-d-DADDY I'M CUMIN!!!!"
"Let that shit out"
"Daddy don't stop"
All I'm hearing now is clapping, whimpering... I'm hearing the bed hitting the wall...
"You think this a game ?"
"I'm so sorry "
"So you do what you want to do ?"
"I-I-I'm So s"
" huh ?"
"no daddy "
"But you do it anyway"
It was quiet for a minute, I guess he teasing her...
"Turn around and have your legs up"
(They not done yet ?)
"Good girl hold them legs up"
Then I heard the bed making a sound, then low moan start to build up...
"I want you to look at me"
"F-fuck baby"
"Nah baby I keep your eyes on me so I can see your reaction when I'm in your gut"
"You fucking me"
"Like I promise right ?"
"O-oh daddy"
"Nice and deep right ?"
Im hearing her moans getting louder, the headboard starting to to pick up.
"Yes who ?"
"I'm getting them kidneys huh ?"
"I'm hitting it ?"
"Yes you are fucking me"
"I'm fucking you huh ?"
"Yes you are"
"I'm not done with you yet"
"OH MY G-GOD !!"
"Keep it done"
"Daddy you playing with my clit"
"It's so pretty and fat I couldn't resist"
"Jerome right there"
"Who ?"
"Daddy right there please"
"You know better"
"I can feel it in my stomach baby"
"Really ?"
"Uh - Huh"
"Uh-huh, uh-huh, baby ?"
"Yes daddy"
"You so nasty"
(It's 3:04 in the morning thank god I don't have to show to work today)
"Daddy, daddy, d-da FUCCCCKKKKKK"
"SHIT !, there you go,"
"My pussy"
"Move your hand I want to feel her"
"I can't control it... it's quivering"
"Damn i feel her... never had real dick before"
"Come here"
"Right there... Right there dadddy"
"Shit there ? Im about the bust"
"Yes, Right there... R-right t-T-there D-d-Daddy Shit I'm Cumin... Im CUMING !!!"
"Don't fucking touch my hand, let me get her"
"O-o-OH m-MY g-g-GOD!!!"
"Shit I'm about to NUT !!"
"IM CUMING!!!!!"
"SHIT !!!!"
Then everything went quiet, I'm just laying here all hot and bothered... but damn who wouldn't be?
The Morning
Im making breakfast then I heard somebody walking down the stairs and it was a pretty light skin girl.. Jerome following behind her.
"Good morning" I said turn to face them still flipping pancakes
"Good morning" she replied with a smile
"Good morning," he smiled "you making breakfast?"
"Yeah I don't have to be at work today so why not" I replied still looking at the girl looking little awkward
"Oh this my friend " he said before he was interrupted
"My name is Gina " she said with a smile
"Nice meeting you Gina, you could stay to eat" I replied
"Oh no I got to go back to the dorms I got class today but thank you" she said with a smile following Jerome to the front door
Jerome and the random girl give each other a peck then she walked out the front door... Jerome closed the door behind his self, making his way back to the kitchen
"Next time inform me you bringing one of your little jump offs because y'all kept me up till 3:30 in the morning " I said side eyeing him
"Damn my bad but you not that mad because you would've went off on us already" he replied looking at me up and down
"Because I'm a nosy ass person plus the poor girls was getting dick" looking back at him with a blank expression "I was to tired to make a scene"
He kept looking at me, like he want to ask me something else
"My bad bro it won't happen again" he said looking with his hands up
"It better not because I let it slide this time" I replied fitting my plate
"Breakfast smelling good asf" he said
"Aww make yourself some I'm going to be in my room" I replied walking out the kitchen making my way up the stairs
He just told there with a shook expression on his face, that what he gets for fucking a female I my house... next time go to her dorm. This is not a hotel
Walking down the street, finally meeting up with my best friends.....
"Hey Best !!!" Sky Loud making everybody in the parking lot looking our way
"Girl you're hella loud for no reason" Will said riled his eyes
"Anyways best you look good as fuck" she said ignored will
"Thanks where Tiana ?" I asked them
"I'm here" she walked next to me " I had to find some lip gloss"
Well me and will been friends since middle school, Tiana joined in the seventh grade than we went to high school here comes sky ass joined the group it's been four of us... not really but we're closer than our other friends...
"Okay let's go because I just cause a scene" sky said looking back at her phone
"Yeah because they still looking at us" will replied shaking his head
"Okay let's go" I said start walking ahead
"Damn sky always being extra" Tiana said jokely
"Okay guys I get it" sky replied dryly
We finally made it to the mall looking around... making our way down the elevator, seeing The New High end urban store that open.
"I hope they got the Ugg FUNKETTE I wanted" sky said with a hopeful look on her face
Walking pass of a group of niggas that we all no well of, The L.I.O.N Crew one of which tiana was lowkey having a cupcake phase with one of the member "boo"
"Tiana I know you not walking pass and not say anything ?" He said looking at her
All she kept walking in the store with following behind,
"Girl I know you didn't ignored "Boo" ?" Will said looking at her making a face
"Y'all don't worry about that nigga" she replied blankly
"Okay sounds good to me" sky turned around with a smile "I'm about go shopping"
We all shook our heads
"Damn Shame" Will said walking to the clothing area
"Tiana they got them" Sky said loud enough I could here her
So I'm standing by myself, walking to the shoe area looking for Air Jordan 1 Low GS and Air Jordan 1 low, looking around finally found them...
"excuse me" I said to the girl who works there
"Yes May I help you ?" She replied with a nice smile
"Do you have these in size 8 ?" I asked
"And a these for a 14 ?" A deep voice said handing her the Yeezy slides
"Let me check these for y'all sizes" she replied walking to the back
I turned around to see the man of the hour " Ty" the leader of the L.I.O.NS... standing in his glory wearing his red Los Angeles Dodgers hat with a white t-shirt and black sweatpants to top it all off red & white bape sneakers with his chain and Rolex... Whew he looking Good.
"Wassup Kev" he said with a smirk
"Hi ty" I replied playfully rolling my eyes
Looking at the other sneakers on the display feeling him staring at me.
"Take a picture it will last longer" I said Still looking at some bape sneakers
"You got a smart ass mouth" he replied
Making me turn to face, seeing him licking his lips mentally fighting myself to blush in front of him
"And who going to do about it ?" I asked looking at him up and down turning back at the shoes
"Man that mouth will get you in trouble" he replied shaking his head
Before he could say anything Else the girl came back with Five Sneakers Boxes... making me look at her confused
"Here you're 8" she said handing me my two Jordan boxes
"Yours 14s" she handed the two Jordan boxes and yeezy box
"Thanks" we said in union
Making my way to the register feeling him behind me, I move up alittle seeing him standing next to me... looking at him confused turn to face the cashier..
"That's all it cost $250.89" she said looking at me
Grabbing my wallet from my pocket til ty start talking.
"We're all together" he said wrapping his arm over my shoulder moving closer to me.
"Okay so the price is $850" she said
He handing her the money, I just looked at him turned to face the cashier..
"Y'all want separate bags or no ?" She asked
Before I could say anything
"Nah we good" he replied with a smile, turned a gave me a look made me hot.
"Kev I found the uggs and some bomb pieces" sky said looking at her shopping bag with a smile
"They got a good sale" Will replied similar Skye
I'm just standing there awkwardly... looking like I'm in trouble
"Oh hey ty" Skye said with a below a whisper
"Sup ty" Will said look even more awkward than I am
"Sup y'all" he replied with a chuckle probably knowing that he kinda made things weird
"Where Tiana at ?" I asked
Here come Tiana with a shopping bag with tall ass Boo following behind her like a lost puppy.
"Hey y'all" she looked at everybody but boo "ready to go ? I'm starving"
"Yeah" I replied nodding my head
"Yes I don't want to wait for those long ass lines at the food court" Will said
"I lowkey want the lemonade but I'm not waiting in those lines" she said shaking her head
Walking out the sliding doors making our way to the parking lot we hear a argument...
"What going on over there ?" One of the ty friends said
"It look like it's getting serious" Will said looking towards the confrontation
Then out of nowhere we heard gunshot rings and screams, everybody ran I mean everybody left the parking lot.
I'm not even looking back I turned the corner, I suddenly stop someone bump into me, I turned around seeing Ty with the bag with our shoes in his hand.
"Where everybody?" I asked looking at him with concern
"The guys text" looking down at me "everybody okay they in there cars"
"Okay let me text will" I replied looking down my phone texting the group chat
"Did you drive here ?" He asked
"No uber" I replied looking back at him
"I can't let you wait for a ride the block hot right now" he said looking at me
"Alright" I said because I don't have enough energy to go back and forth with him
We walked to his All black 2021 BMW, he open the passenger seat for me...
"Thanks" I said sitting down
He closed the door walking to the driver seat, putting on my seatbelt looked up seeing him putting on his seatbelt I got distracted looking at his side profile...
"You want to go back home ?" He asked continue looking forward
"No" I replied
"Okay" he said
I hope This Day End In A Good Way
"Okay I see y'all Tomorrow" I said walking to my car
Getting in the driver seat putting my seatbelt on, putting my key in the ignition turning on the car ari Lennox playing softly in the background...
I'm driving the road making my way home, seeing i need gas... pulling in the closest gas station. Parked my car next to a pump.
Getting out walking pass group of niggas trying to holler at this young girl looking scaredy out of her life, I did something that will make her night..
"Hey girl I been calling you" I said the girl looked at me confused
"I been calling you about the dinner party my sister been planning" I said she slowly nodding her head
"Oh my bad I been busy" she replied walk closer to me
"Oh okay my sis trying to find out you coming" I said turn my head seeing the niggas facing away from us
Making our to the sliding door, walking in
"Thank you so much" she said with a smile
"No problem" giving her a sly smile "when you walk to your car act like you talking on the phone pls"
"Okay thanks again" she replied walking away
I turned around walking to the cashier paying for my gas, grabbing my change walking to my car seeing the niggas talking to each other or females but one poke out to me he kept staring at me.
I press the button and put the pump looking around the neighborhood, when I tell you I'm in the hood... then I felt someone kept staring, I took the pump out, put everything back together turn around to see the same fine ass brown skin boy.
I got in the driver seat and put my seatbelt on, turn my car back on.
.........................30 Minutes Later.......................
I pulled up in my garage turned my car off taking my key out the ignition getting out the car, closing the garage making way inside the house.
Turning on the kitchen light, opening the refrigerator to grab a nice cold bottle water turned the light off walking up the stairs to my room.
Going to my bathroom doing my night routine, walking back in my room turned on the tv playing Harry Porter Marathon, walked my closet grabbing underwear my pajamas.. turning on the faucet on to make water hot... I was getting things together til I seen the more starting to fog up I undress and hopped in the shower.
I Hope Something Different will occur

This was in response to that fucker saying Ukrainians are mad they're not getting attention.
Source for the Ukrainian family being burned alive (I don't know why I can't properly insert the article but there's the link)

Again, something tells me that the people who are openly angry and hostile to victims of literally any other war or conflict on the planet other than the one (1) they specifically care about because it makes them look good on social media don't actually care about human rights, genocide, or imperialism.
I repeat: and then they wonder why no one fucking likes them
It's been two weeks since the bathroom incident, Lisa has yet to get the image of Tevin and his three leg out of her head.
"GIVE THAT PUSSY UP GIRL, SHIT!" Omar says his stroke getting deeper having lisa scratching his back while pulling him closer "It Feels So Good, Momma's"
"Unnhh! That's Right" he said going deeper having his face crook of her left side of her neck "I'll cum in you just like this"
"F-Fuck Me, D-daddy!" Lisa moans out pulling him closer "Fuck Me Harder!!"
"FUCK !... I'm deep as a bitch" Omar swiveled his hips then continued stroke deep "yeah, you want it ?"
"Y-yess! Please Daddy! I need it" She says her rolled back of her head arching her back off the bed pressing her breast against Omar chest making him wrapped his arms around her waist "Yyyeeeessss Please, Dadddyy!! Right there"
"Here it come baby" he groaned while continuing pound then started giving deep strokes giving her a good rhythm "Fuck, Baby!!"
"D-Daddy I-I'm Cummin !!!" Lisa screamed out wrapped her arm around Omar neck tightly feeling his lips on her sweet spot on her neck feeling him deep inside, he continued just giving her deep strokes "I already know... S-Shit! Just give it to me you been a good girl"
After their organism high, they been wrapped into each
Other arms, this one reason she loved about Omar, how affectionate he is, he got off of her, she got up making her way to the bathroom making sure she use it, washing her hands making it back to bed laying down looking at her soulmate with a smirk then look up to the ceiling, she started to replay how big Tevin dick was (she knows it's bad thinking about him but... if y'all saw what she did y'all would feel the same way) she start touching on breast gave her nipples a squeeze but she was sensitive letting out a low moan...
Omar deep in a bear like slumber beside lisa... let's just say she couldn't stop cummin (I mean it)
Lisa knew it was wrong to think about the new neighbor like that but she couldn't stop herself... she been keeping herself busy but couldn't stop herself relieve herself.
Tevin and greg been getting close, Greg thought I will be cool if Tevin could come over to chill but he stayed for dinner.
"Baby you outdid yourself again" Omar said with a smile giving her a peck
"Yeah, mom it smell so good" Greg and kayla union agreed with a nod
"Yeah, it looks great Mrs.jetterson" Tevin said with a warm smile
"Aww Guys, Hehe it's nothing. Now let's say grace and eat up" lisa replied with a humble smile
After kayla turn saying grace, everybody started to dig in, lisa dropped her fork on accident.
"Whoops" lisa whispered to herself "fuck!"
"Everythings, already babe ?" Omar asked turned to pay attention to her
"Yeah, I just drop my fork" lisa answered giving him a sly smile (mentally rolled her eyes because she really want to fuck up her plate)
"You want me to get a new one ?" He asked lisa shook her head making him to chuckle "Clumsy as always"
"Shut up Omar" lisa said mentally groaned "Let's not talk about someone being clumsy"
Omar instantly got quiet making Greg & Kayla burst out of laughter..
"Whatever" Omar mumble
Well everyone continue having their conversations, while lisa went under the table to grab her fork but she was infront of tevin... she didn't know what to do but just kept looking at his legs being kinda spread. (She having inter battle with herself)
"WHAT THE HELL!" Tevin mentally yelled jumped from feeling on his sweats
"What are you doing ? He whispered seeing lisa pull his sweats off showing his already hardened dick telling him to be quiet
"Is Everything alright ?" Omar asked looking at me with concern
"Uuu... yeah! Everything is great" tevin quickly answered with a smile (to win)
"You sure ? Nothing wrong... you not cool ? You kinda shaking litte but" Omar continued to asked
"Nope... I'm good" tevin said feeling some warm lips wrapped his shaft going up and down "tell me about the basketball team ?"
"Please... don't start that conversation" kayla said rolled her eyes
"Don't stop what ?" Omar replied looking at side ways playfully "it's better than listening to your cheerleading problems"
"Yeah, chill out pops" Greg said shaking head chuckling "you didn't say that"
"Wow... that's how you feel ?!" Kayla says with a playful shock on her face
All three continue playfully there back and forth, tevin made sure to make it seem he engaging but really he really going through it having Mrs.jetterson throw her throat at him.
"Where's Franklin & Erika ?" Omar asked looking at his kids not paying attention to tevin damn their fighting for his life sitting next to greg
"Franklin had football practice plus he in a study session" greg said grabbing a garlic bread "Oh plus he lives in campus"
"Dad already told you Ericka is going to be busy this week, helping very important stuff for school and also she lives on campus" Kayla responded making greg nod his head
"You okay son ?" Omar asked taking another bite of his pasta " you look like sprain a muscle"
"Oh uhm, musta pulled a mussle exercising" tevin replied giving him a tight lip smile, feeling lisa deep throating him
(It's so thick! I can barely get half of it down... Fuck!) Lisa thought to herself still trying to (You got this Girl... but I think I'm getting the hang of it...)
(She milking me so good) tevin thought to himself
(I can feel his dick throbbing in my throat!) she thought she finally succeeding deep throat him
(F-fuck! I can't hold on anymore... I'm About to) Tevin lean back acting he kinda stretched but he couldn't play along all he did was close his eyes and bite his bottom and let go.
(CUUUMMM!!!) He though.."Keep It Together!" "Keep It Together!,Keep It Together!" He mentally chant to himself while pushing lisa down more of his shaft
(I can't believe, I did that but he felt and taste so good) lisa thought pulling away seeing his semi hard glincing with her saliva.
"Look what I found !" She said showing whole table the fork was looking for but other stuff greg & kayla avoided her scoff
"Damn... that's the reason took so long ?" Omar said looking at her
"Hehe something like that" lisa replied mentally slapping herself
"Hey Bro, you ready to finish the level ?" Greg asked turned to face tevin
"UHHh..." tevin scratching back of his head
Kayla just walk upstairs... I guessing she going to her room.
"Babe I'm going to my office finish up some important documents" Omar stated giving her a kiss on her forehead
Lisa watching Omar walking down the hallway, and see greg going up the stairs... it's just her and tevin alone.
"Thanks for dinner Mrs. Jetterson" Tevin's said with awkward silence
Lisa walked behind him biting her bottom lip, turning him around facing her squatting infront of him pulling his sweat down to his knees...
"What are you doing, Mrs.J ?! Your husband down hall!" Tevin semi whispered looking down with his eyes jump out his skull
"Don't worry so much, Omar won't even notice. He never hears a thing I say when he's in his office" lisa says licking her lips
"I still can't get over how big your penis is.." she continues moving her face closer to bare dick giving him small peck starting to lick "I guess penis isn't the word... "DICK" seems way more appropriate for this monster"
(Damn... how far is she gonna take th... This ... Damn!!) he thought just looking at her enjoying herself taking her time sucking pulling off her shorts (Her mouth feels so good!)
(This is so bad! But sucking his dick like this while Omar down the hall) she thought continue sucking (it feels right)
"Mom!!... Is Tevin Still here?" Greg ask it almost made tevin had heart attack but lisa popped his dick out her an answered
"No baby... he had to go home" she answered turned back to him smack his dick against her lips and start sucking again
She pulled away with a loud pop sound... getting back facing him arched back ready for him turned her head to look at him handing a condom..
"I'm a freak but I'm not that freaky" she said handing him the condom " safe sex is the best sex trust me"
Tevin already hard erection putting on the condom.. he mentally prepared himself.
"Damn...you big" she moaned putting more of himself inside her (Damn... She's Tight!)
"OOooh that feels so much better than a dilo" she moan out gripping the counter
He started stroke deeper pulling her closer, digger deep began to start pounding feeling her ass bouncing against my hips, she grabbed her sink and turned the knob having the water splash her breast showing that she was wearing a bra..
(Wow... this feel so good! I don't know what come over me but I can't stop!! I'm really screwing the neighbor and I love every second of it) she thought he continued giving her all he have
"You feel so good baby... inside me but baby I want you even deeper. Flip me on the table and stretch this pussy out" she say turned to face him with her right pulling closer
(Whoa... this really happening to me right now) he thought just looking at her with surprise but mice lust
Lisa walked in a room were it was dark sitting on top of a table having her thick legs spread wide
"You ready for your dessert?" She asked lustfully with a smirk
(O-oh S-shit) he thought getting between her legs smack his dick on her pussy.
"Oooh S-shit! Mmm! That's the spot! Pound my pussy" she moaned
"Not so loud" he semi whispered lining himself before putting the tip in "you don't want to get caught ?"
"Shut the fuck up little nigga give that dick" she says (she thought we heard it but no)
(The Fuck She Just Said ?!) he thought before she caught herself to apologize he pulled back and stroke upward with some much power making arch off the table with her mouth wide open without letting out a moan.
(O-oh My Ggod!!) she thought she really have a choice now for taking she cash something her ass can't check(what's gotten into him?)
(Who the Fuck she's think she's talking to) he continues pounding see her eyes rolled back of her head with her breast bouncing up and down with him holding her thick thighs. (I'ma make sure she know how good my dick!)
(OH God.. He's fucking me so hard! I'm gonna cum!) he continues pounding
"Wassup bro, yeah I'm down this next Saturday" Omar said sound like he opening the refrigerator "you know I'm bringing the drink jr fucked up last time"
Tevin continues stroking... lisa left leg touching the floor having him holding up her right leg pounding even harder than before.. she really trying hard not to moan out, he pulled up her shirt letting out her titties start playing with her nipples.
"Uh...Oh Fuck! We're Making To much noise!! Uh... Ah..Ah" She whispered yelling at him
He pulled out of her... letting her get up
"Whoa... where we going ?" He asked following behind her to a door
"Somewhere I can cum all over you in peace" she switching opening the door "then you can go home"
She opening the door letting him in first, turning around making sure nobody saw or walking pass. Locking the door walking up to him seeing him taking off his shirt helping her also grabbing her left breast start sucking on her nipple... she start stroking.
She layed on already folded towels putting her thigh beside her head seeing him coming face to face with her with a smile.
"I had never thought you was a freak, Mrs.J" he said with a smile lining himself back about to be inside again
"It's a lot you don't know about me" she replied biting her lip with full on lust
"Uuuh!... stuff this pussy! Ahhhh Right there!!"
(Unh I can feel every inch of him stretching me out !) he constantly stroking her, throwing her head back having him kissy her chin.
"F-Fuck Me harder daddy!!" She moaned out while he literally giving her what she wanted
(I'm trying... I'm going as hard as I can) he thought kept stroking
She looked at him with a light bulb on her head...
(Wait a Minute... when I outburst that trigger him) she thought with a visible smirk on her face
"I don't give a fuck... Didn't you hear me ? I said fuck me harder, you lame ass nigga" she said pulling his face closer to her looking straight through his eyes.
(Wa-Wait Huh What? What The fuck Did she say ?) he thought
"I said fuck me harder you lames ass nigga... give that dick" she said with a straight face turn smirk "this what you got... Sad"
(The Fuck... Did she say to me ?! I'm about to sho her) he thought he about unleashed something she not ready ready for
"HURRY THe FUCK UP!! I Don't Have All Night" she continues playing a lot not knowing she digging herself a bigger hole.
She didn't know were this little nigga found this strength from but he pick her up and start pounding and deep stroke her all while she wrapped her arms around his neck eyes all rolled back of her head.
(Ooo F-FUUUCCK!! IT'S SOO D-DEEP!) He continued pounding her standing up having her bounce up and down (I'M-I'm Cumming Again!)
"OMIGAAAWDD!!" She moaned out (I Could Feel Him Hitting my spot)
"I'M ABOUT TO CUM!!" He moans still stroking her, all she was doing was holding for dear life just bounce up and down with her rolled back
"DON'T STOP! I'M ALMOST THERE D-DADDY!!" She moaned laying back down on the ground holding on his shoulder with her thigh against his thighs tightly "KEEP FUCKING ME!!"
(OH GOD Y-yes! I Can Feel him explode inside of me! I'm feeling myself about to cum again!!) she thought "I'M... I'M....CUMMING!!!"
"F-FUUCCCKKK!!" He moaned grabbing the cabinet with both his hands with his eyes closed "UNNGHHH!"
"Y-YES! YESSSS!! GIVE IT TO ME!! DRAIN INSIDE ME PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR LOAD ALL OVER ME!" She moaned trembling grabbing both her breast squeezing her nipples bitting her lip.
"Oh... Damn you made me nut on a whole new level" tevin chuckled shaking his head in disbelief putting on his clothes with lisa following behind
"Who you telling" she giggled shaking her head "let's get you home"
She opened the door, looking out seeing the coast was clear walking him to the door, giving each other a final hug feeling his arm wrapped around her waist.. making her bite her bottom lip then feeling his hand grab both handful of her ass giving her a smack... opening the door he turn around giving her a peck walking his way to his house... leaving her shock feeling huge arms wrapped around her waist scary the shit out of her.
"Ooh S-shit Babe you scared me" she said chuckle hold her chest shaking head
"What you doing ?" Omar asked looking at with a sleepy glance
"Looking out... what you doing ?" She look up at him "I heard you going Trey's on next Saturday?"
"Yep babe, I will tell you everything I need hop in the shower" he said kissed her forehead
"Okay, meet up there" she said watching him going upstairs
She closed the front door locking the top and bottom turned around wrapping her arms around herself putting her hands in her shorts rubbing slowly (reminiscing)
(Damn I didn't know he had like that)