hi I'm bound to drawing with MS Paint forever

118 posts





EDIT: There's another poll with Cujo in ithttps://www.tumblr.com/fictionaldogcompetition/733081312756400128?source=share please vote for Cujo RAHHHHH

Low and Alone will cry too if Cujo doesn't win against Scooby </3

Ultimate Good Dog Left Side round 3

Ultimate Good Dog Left Side Round 3
Ultimate Good Dog Left Side Round 3
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More Posts from Piece-of-hweat

1 year ago

*eats the axolotl and isopod affectionally*

Light creature fan designs!

First off, non of this is canon (except for the eel which is a redesign of the eel in Treasure Reef) but maybe one day…

Light Creature Fan Designs!

Read about them under the cut!

Giant Isopod: behaves similar to crabs but twice the size and they live in the deep sea! Some could be corrupted but I love them and don’t want to be attacked by them so… their call is similar to a crab but more “bubbly” and less high-pitched

Squid: big guys! A few are tiny like baby jellies and swim in little schools but the big ones swim on their own. I’m not sure what interactions they could have with the player aside from recharging you (maybe they could leave a light trail like the turtle and eel?). They have sort of a spooky ominous sounding call

Owl: light creatures only found in a few areas in Forest, they only come out at night (like in night mode areas). They have a low call, like a real owl’s hoot, and are around the size of a skykid.

Nautilus: swimming creatures a bit bigger than a skykid, I don’t know what they would do or what their call would sound like. They’re just cool.

Anemone: they don’t have a call, but they’re super special because they can hide you from krill! Based off how clownfish will hide in anemones from predators, krill can’t see you in the tentacles of an anemone (which also provides you with air for breathing underwater)

Axolotl: like in the real world, they can only be found in one lake. You can pick them up and hold them maybe? They have a squeaky call

Sea Slug / Nudibranch: a bit bigger than a crab, they provide you with bubbles and that’s it.

Remora: the moths of underwater, they cling to larger light creatures and the capes of skykids and provide them with bubbles and recharge! They also have a squeaky call

Eel (redesign): now it just looks more like a light creature

I have a few other light creatures I might design / draw, like hermit crabs, leafy sea dragons, some sort of egret, and maybe a corrupted anglerfish that lures skykids in with what looks like wax? Stay tuned!

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1 year ago
I Know Monster Six Canonically Has A Human Face... But Listen To Me...
I Know Monster Six Canonically Has A Human Face... But Listen To Me...

i know monster six canonically has a human face... but listen to me...

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1 year ago


I uh... don't have a WIP folder myself... so. I'll just be using the "Draft" section of the Tumblr thingy idk

List of LN AU ideas that I wanted to share with you guys because hrugrhrghrghhhh *explodes*

OMORI thing that I made 2 months ago

A Little Nightmare I had…


Hey hi, I'm here to ramble about my Mono headcanons

Aight that's it.

I have no clue who else to tag so uh... Hey @phlourgobrrr @linkdiangelo247 and uh... idk who else to tag whoops.

Do what you will with this.


WIP Ask Game

I got tagged by @dp-marvel94 Thank you for tagging me!

RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.

So, this might be a little unhinged but I don't have a WIP folder. I have a WIP document that I created back in middle school where I work all of my fanfiction ideas, drafts and planning in. And it's been a looong time since I've been in middle school. I never delete anything out of it. So, I'm just going to name the few WIPs that I know I've touched recently.



Ghosts of the Past/Danny raised in Ghost Zone AU

Untitled super short fic attempt at a sequel to The Broken Pieces Left Behind @lavendarlily, @fangirlwriting-stories, @grub-xd, @nanaarchy

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1 year ago

Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 292

Drawing Hornet Everyday Until Silksong Comes Out - Day 292

Requested by anonymous!

Drawing Hornet Everyday Until Silksong Comes Out - Day 292

I’ve already drawn this before, but I wanted to do a redraw lol, from Day 26

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1 year ago

I- WH- HUH???

I have been jumpscared by @nightwanderers12081, I have no clue what I am doing please send help /light-hearted joke

1. How many works do you have on Ao3? / 2. What's your total Ao3 word count?

I do not have an AO3 account. Sorry to disappoint broskis 😔

3. What fandoms do you write for?

Uhhh.. everything dude idk. Currently/so far, I've written/done things related to:

Little Nightmares/Sounds of Nightmares


Hollow Knight

Wings of Fire (it's been so long since I've written WoF stuff...)


Charlie in Underworld/Underworld Office

Animation vs Animator/Animation vs Minecraft

Sky:COTL (I'm kinda dipping my toes in this fandom. It's fun ngl!)

4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 


5. Do you respond to comments?

Again, don't have AO3. As for works that I share with my friends, or just post in random places, I respond, yes. It's just nice seeing or hearing or just... talking about writing works. I mean. Literally half of my online friends were literally made via just talking to each other about AUs n stuff *stares at NightWanderers*

Plus. Criticism. I like it. I need it. I want to get good- that way I can fight god.

6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? / 7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?

Bold of you to assume that I've written an ending before. (All of my works just perish or get reworked before I even reach the ending 💀 it is a genuine issue)

8. Do you get hate on fics?



No I don't.

9. Do you write smu--

No. Cease.

10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?

Quite frankly, 75% of the works that I write/think about is literally just crossovers. The current one that I am trying to work on is a Little Nightmares x OMORI crossover AU called "Little Akumu"!! Currently I only have very small story/plot point ideas but dsoiajodi. One day I'll work on it more.

There is also a personal project of mine called "The Lost Fields", where I take characters from different fandoms and stick them in ✨ my brain/dreamlands ✨. It isn't written though so...

11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?

Nope. Honestly, you'd have to be some kind of bored out of their mind person with nothing better to do if you'd be trying to steal my non-existent work bro 💀 Like... I don't even post 90% of my stuff publicly. How are you getting it and why. It's so pointless--

12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?

No! I have not actually! Unless you count writing a "fan" story about dragons with your friends in grade school as "co-writing", I have not. Would be interested in doing that though!

13. What's your all-time favourite ship?

Gonna be real. No fuckin clue-- I think the ships that I like/enjoy are just... ships that I enjoy equally?

Idk, don't have a favourite.

14. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?

*Sighs and looks upon the large graveyard of unfinished passion-works*

Oh Little Akumu... please don't join your brethren...

15. What are your writing strengths? / 16. What are your writing weaknesses?

Haven't actually thought about this a lot... I have genuinely no clue.

Strengths? Perhaps descriptive writing?? Like... describing scenes and surroundings. I think this might simply be because I've written a lot about some vivid dreams I've had.

As for weaknesses.... Grammar. Like... seriously. WHAT is the difference between "affect" and "effect". I still don't understand. What about "who's" and "whose"? And what in the shit is the "ie" before "s" rule, what FUCK??? LIKE-- for a solid two years of grade school, I kept mixing their and there up. And I didn't even know how to spell "their". I spelt it as "thier".

Another weakness might also be pacing, as well as stringing events together in a cohesive manner. Because I love making plot points, but they're only points! You only get a plot line once you connect the dots together (something that I struggle a lot with sometimes)

18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?

I'm currently trying this out. I've been working on small snippets of German dialogue with Noone (sounds of nightmares child-protagonist) and one of my Little Nightmare OCs (Der Junge mit dem Regenschirm; the boy with the umbrella)

I am trying... but failing.

Still havin fun though--

19. First fandom you wrote for?

I genuinely do not remember. It probably has something to do with animals or fantasy, because I ate that shit up as a kid (I... still do)

20. Favorite fic you've written?

I am not proud of most of the fics I've written ngl. Hoping that Little Akumu might change that. (or just... any of my other Little Nightmares works. I've noticed I'm very passionate about works involving the traumatized number children)

Alright, time to sacrifice some people to the reblog thread.

Uhhh... get over here @phlourgobrrr, @linkdiangelo247 and... um. Let's just throw you in here as well @chorusofkhonshu

You don't need to do this if you don't want to /genuine

Have fun if you do though o/

Good night/day buh bye


20 Q's for Fic Writers

I got tagged by @dp-marvel94! Thank you!

1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 

I've just posted my 22nd work a few days ago!

2. What's your total Ao3 word count?


3. What fandoms do you write for?

So far, all my published fics are for Danny Phantom. It's a fandom that's near and dear to my heart and my favorite to write for. I've written fanfiction for myself in a lot of different fandoms over the years. Miraculous Ladybug, Mega Man (Star Force, Battle Network) and Fire Emblem are a few. (Will these ever see the light of day? Probs not, lol)

4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  5. Frayed Ends - 37 kudos - Jazz and Maddie are fighting more often. Jack wants to reach out and help his family. 4. The Same Blood - 45 kudos - Maddie and Jack try to help a sick girl that collapsed in front of their house. They don't know what to make of her condition. Danny wants to help.

3. Returned Home - 49 kudos - Maddie finds Danny at home after he disappeared ten months ago.

2. The Broken Pieces Left Behind - 66 kudos (tie) - Maddie knew what the portal did to Danny. If she could create something that essentially turned him into a ghost, she could figure out a way to fix all of it. Even if she hasn't made any progress in the past two months, she'll keep trying. She didn't account for what Danny wanted. 1 . What's Out of Out Control - 66 kudos (tie) - Danny thought he had it under control. He thought he could finally hang out like they used to always do. Tucker could feel the rift between them widening. It wasn't getting smaller anytime soon.

5. Do you respond to comments?

I try to! There were a few comments from my two earlier fics that I never responded to and it's already been so long and I feel like I ended up putting it off too long to say anything now 😓But I'm so so thankful for all the comments I receive! I never thought anyone would read my work, let alone comment on it. I'm always between two modes of 'author commentary' and 'screaming thank you and running away'.

6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?

Lol, I love my angsty stuff and there are so many different flavors of angst, so it's hard to pick just one. I'd say the piece I aimed to write for Angst Fest, The Broken Pieces Left Behind, might be it. It ends on a rather hopeless note for the Fenton family that even I don't know how to make everything better for them

7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?

Probably Home for a Cat. It was for a Ectoberhaunt prompt that I was absolutely stumped on. So I decided someone was going to adopt a cat by the end of the fic.

8. Do you get hate on fics?

Ahh, so I actually posted a fic on FFN wayyy back when I was in high school. I remember it being received pretty well but I got a really rude comment on a simple spelling mistake. Back then, I was just told I had dyslexia a few years prior and I had some really bad self-esteem issues tied in with that. So, yeah, that comment basically made me terrified to ever show my work to anyone ever.

It's been over ten years since then and I wanted to actually get over that fear. I impulsively decided to do Angst Fest with the mindset that no one would even look at what I posted. Not only did people look, everyone has been so kind!!!

9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?

lkdajldkf, nope. I get flustered trying to write basic romance and having two characters hold hands, lmao. Major props to those that can, it's definitely a skill that takes time to master just like any other genre.

10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?

I haven't.

11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?

Also haven't had this either.

13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?

Nope, but it seems like a lot of fun.

14. What's your all-time favourite ship?

Back when the show was airing, Amethyst Ocean (Danny/Sam) was my go to. I'm a sucker for friends to lovers tropes and it's really nostalgic for me. But, I don't really read a lot of shippy things for Danny Phantom, so ships don't make or break a fic for me.

If I'm looking to read romance, the whole Love Square (MariChat my beloved) with Miraculous Ladybug will always be great. Even if I jumped ship on the show around season 2 or 3 and I have no clue what they're doing now, lol.

15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?

I honestly have so many WIPs that are unfinished on my computer from over the years. Maybe a super old one that I titled 'Phantoms in the Daylight'. Angst once more with Character Death as the main pain point. I like the beginning but oh boy, does it get sloppy and confusing real quick. I'd need serious outlining energy put into it if I'd ever want to salvage it and I just don't have it in me.

16. What are your writing strengths?

Dialogue! Give me two blorbos and I'll make them talk forever.

17. What are your writing weaknesses?

Scenery and description. I love the dialogue portion so much that I end up running into the floating heads in an empty room problem in the first drafts of my fics. My first round of edits are dedicated to making sure I have a scene and grounding characters into it. And then I have to go back later to make it not feel so robotic sounding.

(Also a weakness but more as in fic than writing. Summaries and Titles. I stare at my drafts on AO3's editor for at least half an hour trying to pull something together, lol)

18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?

I can probably talk about this for hours, lol. I absolutely love foreign languages, especially when it comes to linguistics. So, I'll try to be brief, lmao. Short answer: depends on the fic but normally no. I already spend so much time fussing over the word choice/slang/formality/dialect characters use in my native language. I don't have a good enough grasp on another language for it to sound natural to the reader. ("They would not fucking say that" is my internal monologue during dialogue edits, lol)

19. First fandom you wrote for?

It's a toss up between Pokemon and Danny Phantom. I first learned about fanfiction from a friend who showed me FFN for the Pokemon fics. I looked around the site and found all of the Danny Phantom fics soon after and got hooked on those. I started writing around then and it would have been for one of those two.

20. Favorite fic you've written?

Hard to chose one! Writing technicality wise, I'm proud of how What Remains on the Table turned out. I consider description my weak point, so the original draft was 0 dialogue with very stiff descriptions. I was able to edit it to really practice my environmental storytelling. (Although, please mind the tags if you click the link as it does deal with the dissection topic)

I'm not sure who's been tagged and I'm not sure who writes fanfic, so @lavendarlily, @fangirlwriting-stories, @grub-xd, @nanaarchy and anyone else that wants to join!

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