221 posts
What If Aya Koda From Bungou Stray Dogs Got Transported To Twisted Wonderland.

What if Aya Koda from Bungou Stray Dogs got transported to Twisted Wonderland.
I’m placing it under the cut in case any twst fans are also in the bsd but is not caught up to the manga as there will be spoilers for chapter 93.
When Aya was first summoned and was out of the coffin she kicked Grim and then ran away from the room for the exit. When Crowley dose find her she also tries to kick him, he almost gets kicked.
Ace: Aya there are many other ways to die that are less pain full!
Aya: What it’s just Tsunotarou!?!
Vil: I don’t know if your dumb or just naïve. That is the dorm leader Diasomnia and prince of the Valley of Thorns Malleus Draconian.
Aya: Your a prince!
Malleus: So do you know fear me?
Aya: No. I’ve had a bomb attached to me before and someone that was trying to kill me.
No one believes any of her stories as if it didn’t happen, but yes all of them did happen to her.
Lilia: Aya your stories are really interesting.
Sebek: Non fiction stories are always fun to hear!
Aya: They all are very real! I have memories of them!
Lilia: *pats her head* It’s ok dear child.
Aya: *talks about them again making sure people believe her*
Aya’s justice and stubborn makes her get stuck in problems and drama that is not her business. Teachers are use to seeing her in the office explaining why she punched a student or being praised by uncovering a scandal.
The students and teachers got tired of hearing the same stories as Aya claims them to be real. So she told them let’s go through her memories, so they did.
Memory Aya: *has a bomb attached to her ticking down*
Kunikida: *stops the train bomb runs and hugs Aya as the bomb goes off*
The smoke slowly disappeared to show the two with only distorted clothes.
Kunikida: With Yosano the armed detective agency is invincible, you also forgot to read my calendar.
Riddle: So the bomb story happened to you!
Aya: See I told you all that it happened!
Lilia: Oh my so there is a huge chance the military scandal did happen.
Jouno & Fukuchi: *Fight and talking about world domination*
Jouno then is defeated and gets bitten, after he is dragged away Aya takes a photo of the coffin and Fukuchi with her phone, the flash was on catching Fukuchi’s attention.
Aya: *running and hiding some where as Fukuchi tries to find her to kill her*
Silver: Oh...!
Leona: A fucking mad man tried to kill you while taking over the world!
Aya: Yes and I help prove it was him to the world!
Vil: No wonder why you are so fearless.
After seeing all the stories are true Diasomnia now welcomes Aya to help train her fighting skills as her putting her life on the line will most likely happen again.
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More Posts from Pineapple-coco

Mc is an artist that has been using their feelings to create the art they have made, even if it drives them mad in the process. Mc is back in their own world but has the ability to write letters to each of their friends I may turn this into a series if people like it enough.
Mc is based off many artist such as Edvard Munch, Vincent van Gogh and many more. Many artist do have mental illnesses as art is a form of coping and so many suffered until the killed themselves. If you or a loved ones please seek help or to help.
Suicide and emergency lines
My dear friend, Ace Trappola
I have been having dreams of many things I don't really know what to do with them anymore, I know that they were not caused by your world as I still have them after having not stepped foot in your world for.. how long again? Anyways that was not the reason for writing this letter to you but to ask how you and the others are doing, Riddle is graduating this year. It seems like only last year I was in your world but it is coming to a close of the 2nd year(?) since I left.
Ace I have news to tell you about the art I have been making many times have I painted for hours on end with no problem what so ever but sometimes I can't even look at a paint brush with out wanting to through myself out a window. I wish that you could be here now to see the art I have created from your world and my own. If you do not mind could you send me some more pictures of your world? My parents have forbidden me from going put alone because of that one time I slipped trying to get a birds eye view of a lake, they keep saying i was trying to kill myself. Both of which have no eye for beauty as the city is the farthest thing from natural beauty, we see man made objects everyday but not ones that have always been here.
Your Friend,
Thanks for doing my request!!(does that count as a request?? Prob yes but still!! Thank you!!)
Love your writings!!

no problem thank you for being so patient, with the stress of school and all the dumbass school board info it keeps throwing at us i just never felt like writing!
I would also like to say that for the other ask I have not watched to majored of the shows that people are asking of me so yeah.

Two hot headed red heads in one place
Anyways I can see Ace getting along ok as even if Chuuya is hotheaded at times he can be reasonable and understood that some rules are way to crazy to follow
Deuce would feel awed with Chuuya being there and might ask him to teach him some martial arts as he is the strongest in the mafia
Ace will tease him about his height constantly but all it takes is Chuuya holding him down with his ability to make him stop
Riddles unique magic reminds him too much of Dazai and his ability but they are polar opposites with personality
Anyways was collared by Riddle but since Chuuya doesn’t have magic his ability still works fine
Carter I can see him have mixed feelings on him and Chuuya doesn’t really trust him as he feels like Carter may be hiding something
Trey cooks good food and has unique magic like illusion abilities would see him getting along with Trey
Once Riddle overblots he would help him with relating an overblot to his corporation form
Would other wise be feared by some students as Dazai once ticked him off and that was when he started to throw hands
Fight, fight! Give him a fuckin challenge
Is among the undefeated champions
Leona is not happy and Chuuya doesn’t like how lazy he is
He has to work for everything and this stupid big cat gets anything he wants just by fling his family name around
But hey a lazy kitty cat won’t do anything about it, has gotten into many fights with the dorm leader
Ruggie he knows how it feels to be in the slums but hey he seems to have a bright future in his grabs
Hopes the same thing that happened to him doesn’t happen to Ruggie
Jack and him but heads as Chuuya is in the mafia and Jack is a wolf with a strong sense of justice
On the other side of the coin has a good laugh as Dazai growls/hisses at Jack pls say you got that too
Other then buting heads with Jack, teasing Leona and being ok with Ruggie he doesn’t really mind them all that much
Motherfucker tried to put me in his contact fuck, NO!
Hahaha Azul you need to know that Chuuya is apart of the Prot Mafia they are feared
So stop trying to get him to sign a contract
Even with all his powers I can see Chuuya laughing to him self as is seems like they are running a little mafia business
Jade doesn’t scare him... to be honest the Leech brothers are useless on him
Fyodor Floyd stop calling him a shrimp he has already punched you
It is not worth it!
Jade seems to be like Dazai with putting in a mask to hide his true intentions
Jade is now Dazai.2
Floyd and Chuuya can’t be in the same room together by them self or with someone that is scared of both of them because Chuuya might try to kill him
Kinda avoids them as yes they seem ok but Floyd is going to die
Azul had put in the rule that Floyd can’t serve Chuuya anymore after the hat rack almost killed him
Umm it’s hot in that dorm
Jamil wouldn’t let him around kalim at all
It’s just that he doesn’t trust any mafia member definitely on as high as Chuuya
Chuu chuu has a weak spot for children ok
Hated Kalim at first as he seems overly naive and innocent to the world
Only after ob Jamil did they start to bond
Realizing that the two of them have way more experience with people trying to kill them
Rook stop following Chuuya, I understand he is interesting but you don’t want to be punched
Rook praise him like he very much dose with Vil
He once tried taking a photo... that didn’t work out well
Epel is band from talking to Chuuya as Vil sees him as a bad example
Not like any of them listens to Vil
They talk and Epel let’s his true self be free around Chuuya
Vil and Chuuya butt heads a lot as they don’t agree with each other
The two of them don’t go out of their way to insult each other as they both do hold some neutral respect
Helps Epel train to become stronger and one day defeat Vil in a fight
I don’t know a lot about Ignihyde
I see Chuuya not really interacting with the Shroud siblings
He would hold interest with the Magic Wheel as it seems identical to his motorcycle
Ortho would be very interested in his ability causing him to download all information on gravity
The dorm reminds Chuuya of the streets at night
Malleus is very curious of the child of man and his world
Mal mal asks many questions about Chuuya’s world and some about his ability
Lilia would also be included in these conversations
The old fea would find it funny how anger the red head gets when someone points out his height
And don’t forget the fights with Dazai
Well until he found out that Dazai betrayed the mafia as I see Lilia as a very loyal man
Sebek like any human looked down on Chuuya at first until he proved himself in a sparing match
After that Sebek would train with the mafia man along with Silver
Silver is pretty neutral on Chuuya and so is he

Wasn’t tagged just got hit by it.

A game!
@hipster-merchant-of-death @katsontherun @babayaga67 @danielsleftwhitevan @dekusleftshoe @thots4daze @michiieewrites @aizawascumslut @ravenfeet222 @strawbirb @yanderart @league-of-villians-headcanons @sailor-manga

He is so pretty!