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How I Met My Mugger: a Jikook SMAU
Ships: Jikook, Namjin, Sope. (Tae is dating Jisoo from Blackpink because we need a token straight couple to balance all this gay lol)
Summary: Jimin owns a flower shop in a really bad part of town. He claims it’s his way of adding beauty to chaos, of making something positive in a really negative place. He knows it’s dangerous, but if he can make even one person’s day with his beautiful floral arrangements, it’s worth the risk.
Jungkook is a street rat. He ran away from home at 15 and ever since, he’s never stopped running…until now. His hyung, Yoongi, has convinced him to settle down and attend art school. One problem: he can’t afford it and gets in debt with some really rough types. When they call him on it, he does something really drastic: he mugs a local shop owner in the hopes of getting enough for his past-due payment.
Unfortunately, that shop owner is Jimin and it does not go smoothly. What will Jimin do to catch the criminal responsible for mugging him? What will Jungkook do to make amends?
This is the story of how Jimin ultimately met (and fell in love with) his mugger.
Cute boy i am talking to is 6 ft tall
I’m in love with Jung Hoseok
Pubg boy is looking p good today
Cute boy and i play overwatch together and he plays Genji and insists i play mercy and proteccs me
I think I’m going a lil boy crazy ngl
Which is weird cause i tend to lean more towards the ladies buuuuuuuut
These boys are really cute
Cute boy sends me good morning and good night texts
my life is good??? Like school is almost over???? And cute boys are talking to me??? Like snack boy asked me to play pubg with him???? What saint blessed me this week???
lesbian vampire about to suck your blood: are u sure this is ok i don’t want to be predatory ;;

Link for the tweet: https://twitter.com/RaposaBranca13/status/1000852488852066309
Hey guys. Fellow Player Malu (@Malucomplica on twitter) wants to change her name and gender on her Blizzard account, and they’re acting dismissive and refusing to act on it. She’s being harassed on Overwatch’s forums, not to mention on fb OW groups. It’s absolutely disgusting.
Please, signal boost as much as possible. Let it reach everywhere until Blizzard can’t ignore it anymore. We love Overwatch for its diversity - but if that’s going on, then it’s hypocrisy to a tee.
after how our boys have been treated like actual specs of dirt and toys since the second they got home and the radio silence on this site I’m actually offended lmao
but y’all can trend posts with 3k notes when they get bad camera time on foreign soil or raise a fucking ruckus and NEVER shut up when Namjoon doesn’t get cheers…
I see you

jimin does a split in the choreo. this was the dance step he was trying to show on that comeback show vlive.

ppl making jokes and saying that janet is an “opening act” for bts can literally choke. she’s been blacklisted from performing on live and now that she’s finally on tv, y'all think it’s a big game

You know I had to do this. Science.
May 16, 2018
Location: Ponder, Texas
Deaths: 5
Injured: 1
Sources: 1 2
There is an ongoing school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas. There are 8-10 confirmed deaths at the moment and 3 injured. I will update when the numbers are finalized.
Can you share this warning plz for ARMY: Just want to warn you guys If you saw any korean hashtag trending tomorrow Don't just simply join it and tweet about BTS related because it might be about Gwangju Uprising which is a very sensitive issue in South Korea. Please be careful and be alert
Just in case someone wasn’t aware yet. Make sure you check your hashtags!
[Coca-Cola] This Moment You Can’t Miss - 15’

Watch: Chicago woman had some great responses to a white man’s disturbing racist attacks.

Green, who lost her parents young, was raised by her aunt and uncle. While still at school, her aunt died from cancer, and three months later her uncle was diagnosed with cancer, too. Green went on to earn her degree in physics at Alabama A&M University, being crowned Homecoming Queen while she was at it, before going on full scholarship to University of Alabama in Birmingham to earn her Masters and Ph.D. There Green would become the first to work out how to deliver nanoparticles into cancer cells exclusively, so that a laser could be used to remove them, and then successfully carry out her treatment on living animals.
her studies thus far are only on head and neck cancers, but her theory is this treatment platform would work on all types of cancers. But needs $$$$ to keep doing research.
It seems the issue is how to target the cancer cells and in her head and neck cancer tests, she had success in mice by utilizing fda approved immunotherepy antibodies to deliver nano particles to mark the tumor. Then she could proceed to blast the shit out of cancer with fuckin lasers.
she was ready or prepared when opportunity arose
I’m so proud of her. I wish more young black women would go into science.
wishing all of my muslim followers a beautiful and peaceful ramadan!


If ur song about dating/experimenting w girls has any reference to seeking the permission or pleasure of men it’s Banned from being a WLW anthem, it’s CANCELLED, you have to go to the Katy Perry Shame Box, you are NOT cool for the summer, you are fucking Moist in the autumn

“Floating islands are common in Minnesota; it’s the size of this one that’s causing all the fuss. Sue Galatowitsch, a wetland ecologist at the University of Minnesota, says the island likely weighs at least 1,000 tons and could extend 30 feet below the water. Technically, it’s a floating bog. A natural assemblage of peat moss festooned with cattails and tamarack trees, the bog is more than four acres across—that’s about 64 tennis courts. ‘A bog that size,’ Galatowitsch says, “can kind of do whatever it wants.“

An aerial view of the bog. (x)