pinyatapix - PINYATA

remember, there's always more juice. ™

68 posts

Ohh!! Lil Bonus Artfight Tip I Figured Out

ohh!! Lil bonus artfight tip i figured out

Easiest way to post random images to your profile without posting them anywhere else is to use filegarden! Haven’t used it much but now’s the time for it to shine

File Garden
File Garden
Host your files with decency.

You can store all sorts of stuff on it. The images and gifs and such you store will have links on em you can use to put them on your profile! Veeeery nifty tool

More Posts from Pinyatapix

6 months ago

no context

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7 months ago

Fuck it, I actually did some Artfights today!!! Very happy about em

Fuck It, I Actually Did Some Artfights Today!!! Very Happy About Em
Fuck It, I Actually Did Some Artfights Today!!! Very Happy About Em

Left one is Dipsy by funny_dust (cannot find any of their socials but their artfight RIP), they randomly followed me RIGHT in the middle of me prepping so I decided to draw their lil guy as a reward lol. She was super easy to draw so it was the perfect warmup for me

Right one is Goldleaf by @xmooncanary, I found her simply by pressing the Random Character button and my gosh is she gorgeous. She was more trickier to draw, but I had plenty of fun drawing the hair and the little sparkles (tho the ones on the hair turned out to be a bit faint. kinda underdid it on the sparkles I'm sorrryyyyyyy—)

Hopefully the next days I will have more energy for more artfights!!!!

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6 months ago

think the reason why a lot of AI art discourse feels kinda... stupid? strange? outrageous??? to me is cuz a lot of people are viewing the whole thing under the same drama-y lens as say, tracing or art theft.

idk where to take this topic from here maybe someone will add on to it but you get what I mean.

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6 months ago

showin off this random ass doodle of an LPS gijinka i did today cuz i managed to discover my own brand new fucked up form of doing lineart

who needs ink pens when you got Infinite Painter-brand lasso fill tool biitch

anyways full picture. drew it while kinda exhausted and glum for no real reason, felt like mulch. idk why i made her coat cotton-candy colored lol

Showin Off This Random Ass Doodle Of An LPS Gijinka I Did Today Cuz I Managed To Discover My Own Brand

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6 months ago

pissed myself in the carwash today

soap sprayers spit out a soap photo of the devil on my windshield and i panicked. stepped on the gas but forgot i was in neutral and the engine roared like an angry evil man. jumped out of my skin so hard i laid my titties on the horn and immediately soaked my levis from gooch to ass.

my awful grandson zachary recorded it on his tiktok and now i can't get him to delete it. may have to confiscate his vape as a bargaining chip but the kid won't set the damn thing down

janice xx

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