pixiethedm - Dungeon Writing
Dungeon Writing

Stories, Paper, and Dice: A Blog for Inspiration, Fantasy, and Writing. Please refer to me as 'it' - I am a blog, not a human being.

97 posts

Boss Fight - Black Sun

Boss Fight - Black Sun

This is a Boss Fight I used to conclude a tournament that the PCs were taking part it, building up his power and dangerous attitude and abilities through him slaughtering other opponents earlier in the tournament. Although, he can be used to conclude a dungeon with an undead theme, or act as a recurring villain in a larger campaign, hence the teleport scroll. He could also be used as a powerful NPC that runs some underground or Illegal religious cult or worship to a God or a Demon of undeath.



Pixie x


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    gastlyinspector liked this · 6 years ago
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    michael-mcdoesntexist liked this · 8 years ago

More Posts from Pixiethedm

9 years ago

Custom Encounter - The Pillar Puzzle

This is a puzzle/trap combination used as a nefarious and devious way to keep a door locked from intruders, requiring some association and literary skills to pass. I have yet to use this, as my current group is taking a short break at the moment for the holidays, but I can’t wait to see how they handle it. My advise is to use this puzzle in a haunted or undead-themed dungeon complex, one that is definitely not hospitable for the PCs. Although, a variation on this can be used to keep a secret entrance hidden (one without a deadly blade trap, unless the door really needs to be kept secret ... and is cleaned regularly) for a flamboyant or secretive Noble or organisation. This, as usual for my group, uses the Pathfinder (3.5) rule system and mechanics.



Pixie x


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9 years ago

Creature Variant - Grand Chimera

This is an alternative form for the Chimera, with a Cobra and a Wolf head in stead of a Lion and a Goat. This means that the creature, alongside his Breath Attack, has the ability to poison and trip those whom he bites, meaning that it can better handle groups of opponents and adventurers. I used this creature as the conclusion to the first half of a dungeon lair, having three mini-bosses represent each of its heads, allowing the build-up and narrative of this adventure to construct itself with the progression of the players. This was created using the Pathfinder RPG system.



Pixie x


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9 years ago

Custom Item - The Crimson Mask

“This glimmering, rose-red, porcelain mask displays the demeanour of a blank, expressionless face detailed with smooth edges, floral decorations and black-ink on the lips and cheeks. It seems to twitch when held in your hands, as though anticipating something eagerly.”

I introduced this ancient, accursed item as something to collect, return and be paid for, to my three, first level PCs. It was described to them as the reason why an ancient king fell into madness, corrupting his judgement and his clarity. Needless to say, direct interaction with this item was not encouraged, shown even more prominently when they found a previous adventurer wearing the mask, shrivelled and insane, attacking on sight.

However, these PCs were not so easily discouraged and decided to ‘test it out’. What resulted was a succession of horrible rolls and saving throws in a pass-the-parcel attempt to deal with this mask, as one character would pull the mask off of the previous character, fail their save, put the mask on, and so on. Eventually the Druid solved the issue by throwing it in a sack, vowing to never allow it to leave its woven prison, losing sight of it only for said payment. Needless to say, that encounter was enjoyable for me to behold.



Pixie x


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9 years ago

Resources - Backstory Generator

After watching a YouTube video by Noah Antwiler (aka: Counter Monkey https://www.youtube.com/user/countermonkeybard/featured) I had to chase up one of the resources he mentioned, a random backstory generator for classic Tabletop RPGs called Central Casting: Heroes of Legend. 

After some browsing I found a PDF version of the book and began rolling up some random characters and what made them tick. Put briefly, this book is incredible. The amount of detail that it delves into and the quality of its variety means that every character is uniquely intriguing in who they are and how they came to be.

One issue is that the book does use some mechanical benefits for certain good rolls, such as magical gifts and starting wealth, even extra skills and proficiencies. If you are going to use this as a player make sure to address your DM before throwing your character in their face. 

Also, the book does make references to specific mechanics that may not exist in your system, like ranks and skills. However, if you are knowledgeable enough in your system you may be able to easily find a way to transfer the numbers without many issues.

All in all, be prepared to put in about an hour’s time into a backstory that will truly give your character that boot up the arse needed to start doing something epic and fantastical, so they in return can give you a boot up the arse to play something epic and fantastical in return.



Pixie x


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9 years ago

Character Design - Captain James ‘Greypine’ Darling

This is a character design for a NPC used in my mist recent campaign. I designed the adventure surrounding him so that the Players could decide to either work with him, work around him or work against him, allowing them to be clever. Instead, they fought both him and his entire crew in open combat, nearly losing two of their own in the fight, but winning in the end. He did put up one hell of a fight and didn't go down with a clean blade, making his creator proud. I have had far too many of my bosses die in embarrassing ways, more on that later.



Pixie x


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