plasticviolence - Autism Corner idk
Autism Corner idk

Gwyn - He/she - 20 - Multifandom -

835 posts

Dennis Introduction

Dennis introduction

Dennis Introduction

Dennis is the "little" brother of Danny even though he's a bit taller. He's not a real demon as Danny accidentally brought him to life with help from their dad. Because of this he isn't a real demon but still has homicidal thoughts constantly. He's a stoner to escape the violent thoughts plaguing his mind.

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More Posts from Plasticviolence

1 year ago

Right, so this first unfinished art project is an animatic. For this little piece of music.  I basically made all the frames for it but then when editing I realized the clip is just to quick to get across the stuff I wanted. but here is the stuff that I finished.

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1 year ago

File: Goosebumps - Welcome to Dead House


Code Name: The Vampire Town

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The entire town had been walled off, the roads leading to SCP-ATI have been destroyed and reconstructed to lead away from the town, and a perimeter outside of the town had been filled with do not enter signs. The cover story is that the walled off town is actually quarantined due to an out of control and unstoppable gas leak, which is technically not a lie.

Foundation staff within SCP-ATI are to never take off their protective suits and/or armor, especially when around the "citizens" of SCP-ATI. Under no circumstances are Foundation staff allowed to go anywhere with SCP-ATI instances especially alone. Foundation staff participating in tests are or collecting samples from SCP-ATI and its instances are to do so when escorted by Foundation security. Foundation security must have UV liquid bullets and UV flashlights with them at all times. 

Should the "citizens" of SCP-ATI ever rebel against the Foundation all "umbrellas" are to close right away, and all buildings are to be smashed allowing sunlight in. This is to continue until the SCP-ATI citizens either surrender or are extinct. 

Description: SCP-ATI is the small town and the citizens of a said town known as Dark Falls. The people have been exposed to an anomalous yellow gas by the nearby factory that suffered a chemical spill. The gas spread everywhere killing everyone, but they didn't stay dead but instead became vampiric like ghouls. They have the common characteristics of a vampire being they are immortal, they have a hunger for fresh blood, and UV rays like sunlight is lethal to them. Essentially this is all there is to them and their anomalous properties. Unfortunately, skin and blood samples harvested tend to be no different to died skin and blood from corpses and decompose twice as fast as normal dead human flesh does. Though just like any vampire so long as they drink fresh blood, they will regenerate their wounds and their strength. 

SCP-ATI was discovered in July 1992 when a concerning rise of families had disappeared. Evidence recovered by Foundation agents showed that they all ended up going to a hidden town of Dark Falls. Foundation agents posing as a family went in to investigate but quickly had to withdraw when the citizens of SCP-ATI started attacking them right away. As such the O5 Council approved sending in Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots". They were able to quickly surround the town and rounded up the citizens. The citizens agreed to surrender but also begged for blood as their population was growing due to them adding each family they consumed. Thus, having more mouths to feed and less blood to go around as time went on. For whatever reason they must drink the blood directedly from living victims. Blood, even fresh blood, cannot be ingested by the citizens of SCP-ATI, how or why this works is unknown. 

The Ethics Committee was rightfully horrified and furious at the citizens of SCP-ATI and the O5 Council took advantage of this. They proposed to have the D-Class fed to the citizens regularly. They are also to have a population cull every [data expunged] months. The Ethics Committee approved this and eventually most Foundation staff ended up joining in. The main reason almost everyone in the Foundation was on board is due to the personality alterations of SCP-ATI citizens. It appears that anyone who has had their blood drained by SCP-ATI they not only turn but consider themselves true citizens of SCP-ATI and thus help with future feedings. Weather this is actually a part of the anomalous effects of SCP-ATI or just desperation formed out of their increased hunger. 

The citizens of SCP-ATI are now used as labor for minor projects such as mass production of easy to produce Foundation items. In return the town making up SCP-ATI has been filled with large umbrella like structures that allow the citizens to roam around freely. They are made similar to umbrellas to ensure that if the SCP-ATI citizens ever rebel from the Foundation they can close allowing sunlight in to neutralize them all. 

To this day Foundation staff, Administrative staff, and Ethics Committee members debate on whether or not SCP-ATI should be neutralized or if its citizens should be given better treatment. Thought as the years go by, less and less Foundation staff worry about the conditions of SCP-ATI and just leave it be. As such it has been mostly forgotten and those that do remember simply don't care enough to change the current status quo. The unfortunate fate that most SCPs will eventually face within the Foundation. 


SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub

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1 year ago

"One bird with two stones"

My gf and I are brain rotting over Soma again and they found a song that sort of fits with it so they made this :] They gave me permission to post it here since they don't have any socials

Here's the song

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