she/her. twenty. virgo.

625 posts

With A Wink At Slender Man Im Crying Hes Such A Pain In The Ass I Love Him

“with a wink at slender man” i’m crying 😭😭 he’s such a pain in the ass i love him

oh my gooood tell me about cross my heart (def not bc I'm a med student nyehehehe) (ok it may be bc of it but shh)

Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it.

Bestieeee thank you for ask!!

Below is the scene that came to me that started the whole idea for this fic (sorry, it doesn't have any medic-y stuff but it's in rest of the story I promise). I have this multi-part fic about 70% finished before edits so hopefully y'all will get it sometime later this fall. (and yes there is PLENTY of spice 🌶️)

Snippet below the cut

As always, my work is intended for 18+ audiences even if there are no explicit sexual content.


Oh My Gooood Tell Me About Cross My Heart (def Not Bc I'm A Med Student Nyehehehe) (ok It May Be Bc Of

“I would sleep with your brothers… if you weren’t an option.” You had convinced the sniper to come out and enjoy the planet’s temperate night air and conversation, but now it’s silent, the only sound of the fire crackling between the two of you.

Folding his arms across his chest, Crosshair grumbles, “Don’t say things you don’t mean, it looks terrible on you.” The usual tit for tat the two of played had taken a rather sudden turn and he didn’t like it one bit. Especially not when it concerned you fucking one of his vode.  

“Who said I don’t mean it?” you shoot back, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively at the sniper seated across from you.

“Lying looks even worse,” he retorts, “I know my brothers are the more attractive options, Hunter with his handsome looks or Wrecker with his muscles and good nature. Even Tech and Echo are the caring kind of boys you girls go after.”

“And what about you?”

“What about me?” 

Rolling your eyes, you lean on one arm to look at him. “It’s not like you haven’t had your fair share of women, Cross.”

Looking away, his tongue moves his toothpick to the opposite corner of his mouth. “That’s different. The bunk bunnies who didn’t get to my brothers first got stuck with me.”

“Quite the pity party you’re having over there for someone with a beautiful woman all to himself,” you snort and his eyes dart back to yours.

“You’re either pitifully desperate or a rather unconvincing whore.” With that, Crosshair flicks his toothpick into the fire and leans back into the night's shadow, sure that he’s landed a blow that will put you off him. No use in entertaining your little game any further, especially not with the way the moonlight is hitting your eyes and the fire is making your skin glow ever so beautifully.

The smirk you give him over the fire tells him that you’ve seen right through him, however, and he hates it. Hates that you refuse to be pushed away and hates that you’re even giving him any semblance of hope. Oh, how he wishes he could hate you too.

Leaning forward with your elbows on your knees, you call out to him. “Oh come on Crosshair, don’t be such a grump. Let a girl give you a compliment.” You flutter your lashes at him as a flirtatious grin plays across your lips.

Those lips… "I’d rather get a blowjob, at least then I’d get something real out of it," he replies flatly in another attempt at dissuading you. 

The way you toss your head back and laugh nearly makes him snap. “Well if you won’t listen, then I won’t tell you what I think about you… handsome.” With a wink at slender man, you pick yourself up and slide your coat up your shoulders as you move around the fire to head back to the ship. As you pass him, you let your fingertips brush his shoulder. “Night, Crosshair.”

He tries, he really tries. He tries to let you slip away back to the ship, leaving him alone and his pride intact. He tries, but he fails. 

Without glancing up, his hand shoots up to grab your wrist, keeping you at his side. “Wait.” He feels you still at his side, silent and expectant. “What were you going to say… about me?” he grits out, his jaw clenching as if to prevent the words from leaving this throat.

If he had had the balls to look up and meet your eyes, he would have seen their tender sheen and the soft smile curling your lips. But he doesn’t, so he only hears your answer.

“Mmm, well I was going to say that you’re tall, dark, and handsome.”

Scoffing, he throws your hand away from his shoulder in disgust. He knew it, he kriffing knew you were just leading him on, riling him up for a joke. “Fuck off.” Why couldn’t he just shut you out like everybody else? 

You reach back down and place your hand firmly on his shoulder. “Oh, come on, Cross, lighten up, I’m joking.” 

Attempting to shrug your hand off, he answers with only stone-cold silence. When you tighten your grip, he shoots a venomous glance up at you. Before he can speak, however, you continue, “What I actually was going to say is that… well…” Your eyes search the stars for your next words as your teeth take your bottom lip. 

The sudden shift to uncertainty in your tone gives him the opportunity to cut you off—he's not making the same mistake twice. “Don’t bother wasting your breath coming up with a lie. Save it for someone stupid enough to believe you.” 

“Oh, for Maker’s sake, Cross!” you exclaim, giving him an exasperated shove. “What I was going to say is that I really do think you’re handsome, you’re tall and strong and smart… and the way your eyes see everything… and your voice, that kriffing voice alone.”    

His eyes burn into you, searing your flesh like they could brand you, searching for the smallest hint of insincerity. He desperately wants to believe you, believe that you would ever desire him the way he desires you. Or even, if he were truly honest with himself, believe that you could see him as someone worthy of your affection as well as your body. He wants to believe it all, but he can’t. He won’t. He’s not worth it anyways. 

Crosshair stares down at his boots and pushes your hand off his shoulder. “Goodnight.”

Though his ears are not as good as Hunter’s, he hears the small disappointed sigh you let out. Good, misery loves company. You and his happiness stood just within reach, which meant it would all be taken from him the second he acknowledges it.

“I wish you would believe me,” you sigh.

He gives a noncommittal huff, leaning away from you and towards the fire, denying you the very voice you craved. Just because you can see right through him doesn’t mean you get to hear him too.

Just when he’s sure you’re going to give up and walk back to the ship, you turn and come to kneel before him, the fire burning a halo around your folded form. Placing a tentative hand on his knee, you peer up at him with those soft eyes. “Look at me.”

He closes his eyes, opening them to meet yours. Hurt and hope swirl around his darkened irises.

Placing your free hand on his other knee to balance yourself, you offer up a small smile. “How’s this for something real?” You lean in and place a chaste kiss on his frowning lips. 

Electricity shoots down his spine, crackling through his bones and boiling his blood. The feeling of your lips lingers on his own even after you pull back. Before you can move too far away, he reaches up to grab the nape of your neck, his long fingers splaying over the back of your skull and holding you close. If anything was ever real, he prays to the Maker, let this be because the final thread holding him back snapped when your lips hit his. 

“Say it. Look me in the eye and say that you mean it,” his demanding tone pleads, his fingers digging into your skin.

“I mean it,” you promise, tender earnestness coating your words as you center yourself in his fire-lit eyes. 

Like a dark, heavy cloud bursting open, he falls into you, his lips crashing into yours. You let the storm of him roll over you for a moment before you murmur against his lips, “I swear I mean it, cross my heart and hope to die.”

Oh My Gooood Tell Me About Cross My Heart (def Not Bc I'm A Med Student Nyehehehe) (ok It May Be Bc Of

Taglist 💖 @agirlnamejacq @acatalystrising @baufraus @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420

some others who have interacted or might be interested (lemme know if you don't wanted to be tagged in the future) 💕 @writingwintermoon @ghostvizsla @erinthevampire @rain-on-kamino @crosshairs-wife @cross-my-heartt

Divider by @saradika

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More Posts from Poisonousrain222

1 year ago


drabble - angst, hurt/comfort, protective Boba


You'll keep me safe, right?

His hand runs soothingly over your back, smooths over your hair, steadies the frantic line of your body as it shudders into him.

You'll never hurt me. Right?

You can't stop crying. It's embarrassing, it's humbling, it's awful because just when you think you're coming out of your spiral, something wicked grabs you by it's claws and drags you down again.

You'll keep me safe?

All those memories. The vulgar, shouted words confirming that you are not enough, never will be enough. The brows furrowed into angry shapes that are meant to intimidate you. They work every time. The realization that you will never be safe.

Please don't leave me.

I'll be fine soon, I'll be fine, I promise. Just please don't leave.

Don't say you're disappointed.

Even if he is, you hope he never tells you.

I just need to feel safe. I don't feel safe anymore. Promise you'll keep me safe.


There is an understanding that settles deep in his bones when sleep finally takes you and your tears dry into your cheeks. Somewhere out there is a monster, some awful thing that still lurks in the shadows of your mind when your heart is saddened and your mind weary.

He eyes the tear streaks on your skin and feels something rumble to life in his chest.

You never had to ask.

Should the galaxy ever find a way to make that monster cross his path, Boba knows what he must do. And he will not shy away from the blood that will spatter his boots. He will wear it with honor.

I will always keep you safe.

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1 year ago
Tried To Make A Happy Cody Day Heart But The Site Lagged Rlly Bad So Here Is The Fruit Of My Labor! Anyway

tried to make a happy Cody day heart but the site lagged rlly bad so here is the fruit of my labor! anyway thank you to Cody for being the baddest girl and happy 2/2/24! 🧡🤍🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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1 year ago

“s’a man’s job” BROOOO

Sa Mans Job BROOOO

my brain shuts off when someone says “pretty/sweet girl” like 😫😫😫‼️ YES

part two of you and price at the hotel ;)

the post that started it all | part one

18+ (smut, unprotected piv obviously, f!oral, etc etc), fem!reader

un-edited, super lazy writing + formatting sorry

Part Two Of You And Price At The Hotel ;)

John’s hands on your waist were blistering hot, the skin beneath prickling with a fire that you could feel smouldering in your belly. You wondered for a moment whether it was the alcohol but you knew, the moment you locked eyes in the lift, you knew it was all him.

The two of you stared at each other as the lift doors drifted shut, after John jammed his thumb into the appropriate floor button. The fire was spreading throughout your entire body, and you felt as though you could’ve melted right then and there.

But you didn’t. He kept you solid as he brought you closer to him, pinning your fronts together and caging you against the sleek rear wall. He kept one hand on your hip, the other clasping your jaw in a firm but gentle hold— a way similar to how he held his tumbler of whiskey: firm but gentle, a sort of tenderness beneath his callouses.

Angling your face to his, John slotted his mouth to yours with a hum vibrating from the back of his throat. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought it was a purr. You tapped into that air of feline delight, closing your eyes and carding your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp. He grunted, groaning into the kiss as the solid weight of his tongue split your lips apart.

The lift continued to whirr around you, taking the both of you higher and higher. The entire time, he held you to him as he seemingly absorbed every last glimmer of anxiety from your glowing skin. The burn in your stomach had melted the butterflies. No more nerves now. You were running on pure desire.

Your tongues met in a hard, but pliant kiss, licking over one another like the tide against the shore. The tip of your tongue brushed momentarily over his teeth, and there you tasted the faint, bitter remains of his whiskey. It made you mewl against his lips, your drink of choice for the night no doubt a dominant taste against John’s tongue too.

The lift chimed, and the doors opened. You pulled away quickly, pushing yourself away from John but remaining nestled in his side. He pouted, a kink in his brow, as he allowed you to put a fraction of space between you both. His hair was mussed, lips swollen and cheeks painted pink beneath his facial hair.

His hand resuming placement on the small of your back, John guided you out of the lift and down the luxurious hallway. Soon, you approached a door to which John swiped a card, and pushed open.

With him right on your tail, you took a fleeting moment to take in the expensive interior. It had to be some kind of penthouse suite, with its entire lavish living area and dining area, with large floor-to-ceiling windows that boasted an incredible view (although, the world outside was pitch black, save for the glittering lights of the city below).

The door shut and locked behind you, and you soon felt John’s presence. Like a spectre, he glided up behind you and attached himself to your very spirit. His broad chest pressed flat against your back, his hands coming down to the curve of your hips, his head ducking to press a sweet kiss behind your ear.

“S’a pretty place you’ve got here, John,” you commented, eyes still peering through the low light of the hotel room. You wondered how fancy the bedroom would be.

John trailed his warm kisses down the curve of your neck, his hands rubbing gentle circles on the soft dips of your hips.

“Mhm,” he hummed, tongue pushing along the hem of your neckline. “Real fuckin’ pretty.”

The burning hot fire that had nestled deep in your belly travelled south, your core alighting with a soaking-wet warmth that made a shudder roll up your body. You knew he wasn’t referring to the room, after all.

You let your head tip to the side, exposing more of your neck and shoulder as John’s lips ghosted across the skin. Goosebumps raised in its wake, procured beneath the trail of saliva he was leaving. You released a deep exhale when his teeth scraped against your jugular, his facial hair tickling you, scraping against your soft skin so nicely. The parallel was making you dizzy.

“Sweetheart,” John started, pulling your hips backwards until your arse was held directly against his pelvis. He bucked his hips shallowly, once, twice, to grind his cock against you. You could feel it against the curve of your backside, hot and hard and throbbing within the confines of his trousers. He placed one last kiss to your cheek. “Let me take you to my room, hm? Make you feel good.”

You twisted in his hold until you could place two hands on his shoulders and pull him to you. You kissed him, deep and slow. He groaned against you, lips just as warm as the rest of him.

In this position, you rubbed your clothed front against his also clothed hard-on, the noise drawing from him downright animalistic. The sound alone had you leaking into the gusset of your underwear— your nice underwear, too. So, to satisfy the burning need within you, you slowly sunk down onto your knees— but John stopped you.

“Uh-uh, pretty girl,” he tutted, then cooed, cupping a hand to your cheek when your fingers looped through his belt. You looked up at him with an inquisitive look. He shook his head slowly. “S’not nice to have a nice lady like you on her knees, huh? S’a man’s job— s’a man’s job to get on his knees and please a woman.”

With that, he helped you back onto your feet and, after you successfully kicked off your shoes, you followed him through the lavish hotel room and into the actual sleeping quarters.

Here, with honeyed pleasure coursing through your veins, you settled into the edge of the large, white-linen bed. The mattress was firm, but still wonderfully soft, and the duvet you could feel beneath your clammy fingers was plush and feather-like. It’s a shame you weren’t going to need them much for sleeping tonight.

John, after pressing one last heated kiss to your lips, sunk himself to the floor before you. Like a man praying, he kneeled with his knees near the base of the bed, his head turned up to look at you as if you were heaven on earth. His pupils were blown wide, eyes glossy, a blush on his cheeks, his hair the perfect kind of messy.

You smiled down at him.

Both of his large hands came to hold your knees, fingers pressing gently as he spread you open before him. You giggled as he perfectly slotted himself in the space he created, and then proceeded to slide his hands up your thighs.

Your giggled turned to airy moans when he groped at the fat of your thighs, rucking up material as he went to expose your underwear to him.

He hummed, pleased, at the obvious wet patch across your clothed core. You felt your body begin to heat again, his gaze stoking that fire within you.

“Oh, my poor girl,” he lilted, leaning forward to drag his nose and lips against your inner thigh. “Look at how wet you are for me.”

You moaned, arching, your arms trembling where you desperately held yourself upright as his face finally pressed into your clothed cunt. You moaned again as you resisted the urge to rock against him, pleasure crackling up your spine as his lips pressed a chaste kiss to your clit over the material.

Then— then he was making out with your cunt with no abandon. He grunted against your pussy, muffled against your lingerie, as his tongue swiped in and out of his mouth, lapping at the patch of your arousal. His nose bumped your clit, already puffy with a desperate need for release, making you sob.

“John—” You whined, grinding yourself against his face.

He held your hips in his hands, holding you still. Kissing your clit one last time, John departed from your clothed core and looked up at you, eyes glinting with something vulpine.

“Tell me what you need,” he instructed you, his voice deep and languid. It made you leak into your underwear even more, a silent whimper bubbling at the back of your throat. He squeezed your hips gently. “Tell me what you need from me, sweetheart.”

“Your mouth,” you answered, voice shaky but laced with the confidence of the woman you were about twenty minutes ago. What happened to liquid courage? You were feeling real sobre now. “Your mouth, please, John. Need you to— oh, fuck. Need y-your mouth on my pussy.”

His smile was instant.

“That’s a good girl,” he whispered, before pulling down your underwear, yanking it out from beneath your thighs and snapping it from your ankles. He tossed the fabric aside, his eyes on your cunt, watching the way your hole dribbled slick now that it was exposed to him. He grunted, eyelids fluttering, cock twitching in his trousers. “That’s a real good girl.”

Then, John surged forward and sealed his hot mouth over your cunt, dipping his tongue into your hole. You mewled, writhing against the bed as his tongue curled inside you, lapping at the arousal that had built. He grunted against you, eyes battling to stay open and look at you, the smell and taste of your pussy causing his eyelids to droop with pleasure.

His nose nudged your clit, swollen already with your arousal. The movements of his face, which he patterned in moving side-to-side every so often, had your thighs trembling. Broad hands held them to the bed though, pinning you softly. You could feel the scratch of his facial hair against your upper-inner thighs. The sensation was heavenly.

“John…” You whispered in a moan, wriggling your hips back against him, pressing his face even closer to you. He moaned, tongue still stuffed deep inside you, licking in and out. You felt as though the air was being sucked from your lungs. You panted, “John, oh fuck— please.”

John’s hands massaged your thighs, groping at the soft flesh, his eyes fully alert now and taking in every flicker of an expression on your face. Your pleasure seemed to radiate from your skin, leeching from your pores for John to take for himself— the sight of you forced a moan from deep in his chest, his cock twitching violently in his trousers, his briefs no doubt stained with his pre-cum.

He knew you wanted to come. You needed to come. Your body was thrumming with the pressure building inside you, your thighs trembling beneath the weight of his hands. He could see the way your tummy began to twitch, your orgasm building in the very base— tingly, like static, pulling at the very edges of your conscience. Most importantly, he could feel the way your cunt pulsed around him, wet walls squeezing his tongue in a steady pattern as you neared your precipice.

You arched just a bit further off the bed, and John knew you were straddling the back of your release, just one push away from toppling over. So, he kept the thrusting of his tongue into your sopping cunt level and even, his nose still nudging at your pretty, puffy clit. And then he moaned into you, the vibrations hitting you like an electric shock.

You came into John’s mouth with a pornstar moan of his name, almost obnoxious, but pulling the vowel out and around your sound of pleasure. Your thighs clamped around his head, caging him against your core while your hands fisted the sheets below, eyes snapping closed as your orgasm washed over you like a curling wave of warm water.

John kissed you through it— his lips on your pussy, kissing the tingling nerves of your clit, nose buried in the neat curls across your mound. His eyes were on you, watching as you drifted down from your orgasmic high, seemingly glowing beneath the dimmed lighting of the hotel bedroom.

“That’s a good girl…” He muttered against you, finally pulling away with one last sweet kiss to your clit. He squeezed your thighs gently, rubbing the pliant flesh as he got to his feet— knees cracking, making the both of you smile— and crawled over you.

You made the effort to push yourself further up the bed (although it was difficult, considering your first orgasm had turned your muscles to jelly). But John helped you, following your movements and using his strong arms to situate your head against the pillows. Then, he settled himself between your parted legs.

“Alright, pretty girl?” He asked, before leaning down and sealing his mouth over yours. He kissed you hard, tongue probing deep into your mouth in search of your own. When he found it, he moaned against your lips. He pulled back after a moment, a string of saliva connecting your mouths before snapping as he smiled.

“I’m alright,” you were finally able to answer. “But I need you, John. Need more.”

His eyebrows quirked. “Need more? Such a greedy girl, sweetheart. Use your manners.”

By now, he was undressing you— stripping you of your outfit and tossing the garments haphazardly across the room. In what felt like the blink of an eye, you were left bare before him, naked and stretched out beneath him like the most beautiful prize he had ever won.

John was still dressed, however. Still clothed in a nice suit and tie. You suddenly felt hot.

“Please, John— please fuck me. Need you so bad.”

“What do you need?” John asked lowly, beginning to untie his tie, starting first by loosening it with a few sideways tugs, before pulling the silken fabric loose and tossing is aside.

The sight was almost erotic. You moaned loudly, hips bucking against the bed.

“I… I need your cock,” you managed to utter, stomach tight with anticipation, your cunt throbbing and your release still leaking down the curve of arse. “Please, John.”

He had shrugged off his suit coat, and was now making quick work of unbuttoning his dress shirt. He watched you intently while he worked his fingers down his chest and abdomen.

“Yeah? Is that right, sweetheart? You need my cock?” He cooed when he finally got his shirt open, letting it hang loosely against him. His soft, hairy abdomen was revealed, littered with a few scars, making you whimper.

You nodded. “Please.”

“Aw, my poor, needy girl,” he began with a lilt in his deep voice. He was now unbuttoning his trousers, shucking them down just enough to expose the waistband of his briefs. You could see his cock straining against the dark fabric. He chuckled, eyes raking down your body. “So desperate for cock, hm? So desperate that you went back to a room that wasn’t yours, isn’t that right?”

You nodded, pupils blown across your irises as you watched him dip a hand into the front of his briefs and pull out his hard cock. You moaned at the sight of it, curling forward under the weight. He gripped it tight at the base, fisting at the patch of dark hair that grew at the end of his dark happy trail.

John chuckled at your reply, grabbing a pillow as he did so to slot beneath your hips, angling your pretty pussy towards him. He licked his lips, still tasting you there.

“You gonna let me fuck this pretty pussy without a condom?” He asked, almost as though it was a challenge. “D’you want me to stuff this pussy full’a my cum? Hm? Want me to breed you nice and full?”

You whined a loud “Yes, John—!” when he notched the tip of his cock at your hole.

The tip was flushed red, leaking pre-cum that smeared across your leaking hole. A couple of veins ran up the underside, flowing over the smooth, velveteen ridges to the very base, where John continued to hold tight.

The head teased your hole, pressing up against it and making a rush of warmth flow over your body. You whimpered, the stretch already apparent as he plugged your leaking hole, splitting you open in a gentle rock of his hips.

“You sure, sweetheart?” John asked you, your cunt swallowing the head of his cock, squeezing around it and making him grumble deep in his chest. He took a deep breath. “You don’t have a husband waiting for you at home? Wouldn’t want to go home to him filled with another man’s cum, would you?”

The thought alone made you moan, but you shook your head, your ring-less hands running down his back, pulling at the fabric of his shirt. It felt so erotic to be fully naked beneath a half-dressed man.

“Noooo,” you whined, growing impatient now. “John, please just— fuck me, please.”

He listened— with a grunt from the back of his throat, his body surged forward and, as he slotted his mouth to yours, he pushed his cock deeper into the warmth of your cunt.

The both of you moaned. Symphonic, a mess of sounds, meshing together as your lips let and tongues intwined. The noises he made were deep, tasting of expensive whiskey and bittersweet ash. To him, the angelic noises that fell from your mouth were the sweetest things on earth.

John’s cockhead plugged directly at the base of your cervix, and when he stilled, hips flush to yours, you could almost feel him prodding at your lower stomach. It made you whimper, breaths coming quicker as he waited, waited inside you with his arms caging your head and his legs bumping against yours.

He broke the kiss to rest his forehead against yours. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asked, the syllables stretched out around a hoarse whisper. A smoker’s whisper.

“Yeah… yes, fuck, m’fine,” you mumbled, eyelids fluttering, feeling slightly distracted. “You can move.”

He was so solid inside you. Stretching you open, splitting you open to fit the sheer girth of his fat cock. You felt so full, stuffed full of him, the walls of your cunt squeezing him tight.

John began to move at your request. Gently, he pulled his hips back until just the flared tip was nestled in the clutch of your heat. He stayed like this for just a moment, a moment enough to have you whimper some protest, before he thrusted himself back in with one fell swoop.

The force of his thrust made you arch as the air was knocked from your lungs and the tip of his cock pushed right up against your womb. You cried out, a breathless sob, as your hips brushed and he set a pace.

The pace rocked the mattress, creaks and groans fitting with the sounds of your dual pleasure— your moans and pleads and the slick sounds of your cunt, and John’s grunts and whispers in reply.

You felt so full. Bursting at the seams. The thick of his cock pulling your pussy taut, stretching it open and moulding it as though you were meant to take him all along. You were made for him.

And the entire thing felt so intimate. John caged his arms around your head as he rutted into you, his soft grunts falling directly to your ear. You mewled with each upwards thrust, your hands travelling up and down his clothed back, the buttons of his open dress shirt scraping delicately over your nipples.

The way his trousers bunched just below the drop of his balls made you whine, the rustle of the expensive fabric somehow adding to the pleasure. Maybe it was the fact he was half-dressed, fucking you like he had no time to waste.

You wished he kept the tie on so you could tug it.

John was losing himself within you, just as you were with him. His head tucked to the side, he groaned low under his breath at the way your warm, wet cunt sucked him in with each thrust. Your gummy walls contracting around him, pulling animalistic sounds from the very depths of his body.

But the closer he got, the more pleasure seeped into his veins, the louder he got, and the filthy words that tumbled from his rouged lips.

He snapped his hips a bit harder, hitting deeper, rougher, and moan was punched from your lungs, your fingers pressing into the soft muscles of his back.

“John…” You whined, and he repeated the action. Over and over again. He was hitting the most perfect spot inside you every single time.

Bliss. Phosphenes exploded behind your eyelids when you let them flutter closed, a kaleidoscope of colours hued from your pleasure. You felt so good. He was making you feel so good.

John turned his head, teeth grazing your earlobe, his facial hair scratching against the soft skin beneath your ear. He could feel your pulse racing, the heat of your skin radiating against his lips.

“You like that, pretty girl?” He asked lowly, right hand shifting closer to your head to cup the side of your face, holding you closer to him. His thumb rubbed soothingly along your cheekbone.

“Yessss,” you whined again, tears pricking the backs of your eyes. “Feels so— fuck, oh my god— so good.”

A grumble left John’s throat, low and dusky. It was a sound of approval, of content at the fact he was the one making you feel good. He was the one stuffing your pretty little pussy full of his cock.

“Such a good girl,” he whispered, nuzzling the side of your head. The action was gentle and delicate, and not at all similar to the way he was spearing you on his cock, thrusts rocking you into the mattress. He shifted his face to kiss your cheek. “You’re being such a good girl for me, sweetheart.”

You mewled as his lips danced across your cheek and found your mouth again. His tongue delved straight into your mouth, and you dragged a hand up to fist his hair, tugging gently. You felt him grumble something into the kiss, but it was swept away like a whisper at sea. Besides, you were barely alert enough to make out your own noises.

He was fucking you to the point of static. Your entire body was thrumming like a live wire, pleasure racing through your veins and your muscles trembling with the weight of his thrusts. Moans and whimpers bubbled out of your throat, and your tongue struggled to keep up with his as he kissed you, full of spit.

John pulled away first, feeling your pussy clench around him tighter. His own orgasm was brewing in the base of his belly, abdomen beginning to tense in a similar matter to his balls, just waiting to empty themselves into the clutch of your womb.

“Fuck, I can feel you, sweet girl— can feel you squeezin’ my cock,” he hissed out, two hands either side of your head, pinning you beneath him. Possessive. “You wanna come? You wanna be my good girl and come all over my cock?”

You were nodding before the words had even finished leaving his mouth. Moaning, you trembled beneath him, body tightening and tightening, sweat accumulating across your skin.

“John, please—!” You moaned loudly, hips bucking in time with his thrusts, grinding desperately in your chase for release.

But you didn’t really have to chase it, did you? Not with the way John was fucking you. Not with the way he was talking to you.

“Come on, come for me,” he whispered, then groaned. His orgasm was so close. He could feel his resolve wearing. Quickly, he held himself aloft over you with one strong arm, trailing his fingers down your body until he made contact with your swollen clit. He rubbed smooth, even circles across the bud. “That’s my girl, come on, let go for me.”

The pleasure overwhelmed you. You moaned his name, and then you came the hardest you’d come in a long time.

Your body short-circuited. Your orgasm snapped inside you, your cunt clenching like a vice around the thick of his cock, your clit pulsing in time with your erratic heartbeat beneath the rough pads of his fingers. You arched up against him, nipples snagging on the buttons of his shirt, pulling a choked sob from you.

John spoke to you the entire time, your body fizzing with pleasure, your legs curling around his waist.

“There you go, that’s it, good girl…” he whispered, praising. “Let it all out— yeah, that’s a good girl, sweetheart.”

Your body went lax beneath his when your orgasm waned. You felt so sated.

And John wasn’t too far behind.

He rutted into you, his pace growing sloppy as his own need for release tipped further and further towards the edge. He grunted, groaning too, sweat beading his forehead and dampening his hair, strands falling free and moving with each of his deep thrusts.

“Such a good girl,” he said again, sultry and deep and enough to make your clit throb with desire, cutting through the sheer veil of overstimulation. He hummed, then grunted. “Such a good fuckin’ pussy— so wet an’ tight, s’just made for me. My good girl an’ my fuckin’ pussy.”

You moaned. His words were different. A break in character.

“An’ ‘m gonna come inside you— fuck, yeah sweetheart, gonna fill this pretty pussy with my cum,” he whispered, but his voice rang loud on your ears. He chuckled to himself, then moaned. “Yeah, gonna fuckin’ breed you… M’gon’ come so deep in this fuckin’ pussy that it’ll take, sweetheart. Take.”

You moaned again. So did he. Filthy.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You want a— fuck, you want a stranger to come inside you? Fill you up an’ send you back to your husband? Naughty fuckin’ girl—”

“John!” You interrupted him with a whine, and then you were coming again. This orgasm shattered you.

The tightening of your body again, and the heat of your soft body against his tipped him over the edge.

He came with a choked moan, buried to the complete hilt inside you. He pumped you full, spurts of hot seed emptied right up against the base of your cervix. You whined as he buried his face in your neck, hips twitching against yours as your pussy milked him of every last drop of his orgasm.

Then, there was silence, save for your heavy breathing. It was like that for a little while, while the two of you caught your breaths, recalibrating yourselves. He was still on top of you, but his weight was a welcome comfort.

You ran your hands down his back.

“You okay?” You asked, placing a kiss to his damp temple.

He grumbled something into your neck, and you smiled.

After a moment, you pouted when he clambered off of you, his softening cock leaving the warmth of your cunt. He rolled to the edge of the bed to reach for the nightstand. He plucked something off of the top, and then rolled back towards you.

You watched him patiently with his cum leaking out of your pussy, making a mess of the hotel sheets.

Gently, with his body pressed up against yours again, he took your hand in his and then proceeded to slide both your engagement and your wedding ring back onto your finger. He did the same, slipping his own band onto his ring finger.

Then, he gathered you up in his arms and held you to his chest, kissing every inch of your face with the same gentleness you had come to love and admire about your husband.

“You feeling alright, sweetheart?” He asked you, lips on your forehead.

“Yeah, m’good,” you replied. “What about you, Mr. Price?”

He chuckled, nuzzling the top of your head and tightening his arms around you, one of his hands coming to rest against the curve of your bare arsecheek. He squeezed it, palming the soft flesh. “I’m good, Mrs. Price. That… was amazing.”

But, despite him enjoying their little role play, he had one dominate thought on his mind. His wedding band felt much better on his hand.

And against your arse, of course.

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1 year ago
poisonousrain222 - lori
I Just Drew This, So I Dont Know If Its Ass Or Not Yet But Enjoy~

I just drew this, so I don’t know if it’s ass or not yet but enjoy~

(Recom Odahn O’Hara - oc)

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