Commander Cody - Tumblr Posts
This is IT. We need clones being over competent and crazy deadly!
Okay but Cody covered in blood?
He's just come off a mission where he has nearly lost all his weapons and had to rely on his vibroknife and hands alone.
But it's never just hands, it's teeth, it's nails, it's screaming, it's the kicking people in the knees with that nasty crunch.
It's the deep primal fight to keep a clone alive. Complete the mission.
Then he comes back calm as ever covered in blood but it's not his and gets to work as collected as ever.
Command Clone Currency
The clones are unpaid and therefore broke. They can’t really pay each other to do things since they have no money so they go for a new currency: favors
Now, the CTs don’t really do it the same as the Commanders because they have to be specific. They can’t return a favor between battalions quickly, due to fighting/locations/schedule. They’re at the whim of the war and pick and choose their repayment time.
The Comanders are different. They trade and barter like crazy. It’s favors with a few cases of alcohol. They can trade favors they are owed to others all the time, so anyone can cash it. They can pull the strings to get their payment quick.
For example, Cody needed a save from a small squad. He knew Delta was on planet doing some mission and he needed a detour but he had no connection or favor. However, Fox (for some reason) did. Cody offered a case of spotchka and a favor Monnk owed in return for having Delta do the detour. Delta owed fox one less favor, Cody owed no favors (which is the best outcome, since Fox WILL cash it) and Fox got something on Monnk and free (very expensive) spotchka.
Few CTs knew they did it this way, and the CT captains such as Rex and Keeli had to quickly adapt to this way of thinking. Rex made the mistake of owing Bacara before anyone told him. Keeli was lucky enough to meet the SpecOps CC Blackout, who clued him in on the difference but left him high and dry when it came to implementing his knowledge. (Keeli ended up owing Blackout two mini guns for his ‘friendly advice’)
Though, when times are tough and there is little time to barter, it is common to put off the payment until after the act is completed. Though many hate doing this as the trading can become unfair. What often happens is the party in need already has a deal prepared and states their need and their payment, it is hardly ever contested (however the helper may tack on another fee which is accepted or denied).
For example, Doom needed backup from Jet’s flame troopers. He quickly called, stated his need, and his payment of a case of charges. Jet had found the payment (though correct in price, unpractical for his squad) and changed it to half a case of fuel (easier for Doom to get a hold of and just as useful as charges to a Demolition team). Doom accepted the terms and Jet’s squad arrived right on time.
Though the bartering is mostly physical, many deal in the intangible. Perfect examples are all of the Coruscant Guard and the Special Operations teams. These are the only two groups who has everyone (including CT shinies) in on this system. They have the least to offer when it comes to normal ops, after all what GAR commander needs to know where a random Senator is going to be at what time or who slept with who. However, this trading info is perfect for the Guard who constantly works with/against (yay embezzlement and blackmail) these same Senators and for the SpecOps who need to know political climates and interpersonal relationships for recon and assassinations.
Most trading goes on between those two, and their prices are often higher since the missions are higher stake. Often Commando Squads are up for bids (who doesn’t want a four man 100% mission completion rate squad in their pocket), blackmail on natborn officers, republic secrets, senators schedules, crime syndicates favor and areas of interest, etc.
For the Guard, their trading goes further. They work with crime syndicates to keep it off the streets while keeping profit up. Those who do not work with them, go down. They’ve gain control of the lower 2000 levels through this and those who do not conform are forced to by the Guard or the citizens of the lower levels who don’t want to deal with the Guard, (peer pressure and bullying at its finest.)
The commanders learned this from watching the Cuy’val Dar, who would often trade on Kamino. The Alphas picked it up and used it but the CCs truly made it valuable beyond belief. The trainers traded for free shifts and booze, the CCs traded for mission successes and heavy artillery.
Many CTs attempt to learn how this system works. However, as few know it’s different, even fewer see the affects; those that do, know well enough to leave it be.
Despite there being no real difference in intelligence between the CCs and CTs, witnessing the speed and weight of the trades, makes even the Jedi’s head spin.
The Padawans are one of the few outsiders to see it in action. They do not really like it, but many pick it up for lesser trades (help with this paper or answers for this homework). Cal Kestis surprisingly picks it up the best. He’s the youngest so very impressionable, eager to learn, his CC Commander Steel, is very good at it, and Steel is possibly the only one to teach their General’s Padawan.
Steel sees that Cal isn’t going to be on the field much (Steel agrees with this and makes sure he stays on the Venator). So, if Cal ever needs help, he knows how to get it. Steel has made him be present for several trades and even made him come up with theoretical ones. Cal becomes very good at it, but is unable to flex his skills much due to the other Padawans unable to match his speed or skill. They are several years older, see it as in-Jedi like or are bad at it (or their Captains are bad at it and can’t teach them well), their concept of value is off (Jedi don’t often put a price on things and those that do have a habit of underselling due to being nice), and/or they do not know the range of what can be traded.
It’s very personal, with different Commanders wanting different things. Knowing who wants what can often make the payment cheaper for the offering party.
For example, the Marines often need heavy snow gear and blankets. So, offering a box of heating blankets in return for a case of bacta and blaster packs. This is a much better deal than offering a case of mini guns for the bacta and blaster packs. In the second case, Bacara may say no the mini guns or want a case of something else along with the mini guns.
Kesett Modern AU Headcanons:
Boba is the youngest of his fam, with his dad being Jango then goes Cody (married to Obi, both 26), Bly 25 (married to Aayla 25), Ponds 24, Wolffe 22, Fox 22 (married to Quinlan 24), Rex 20, Boba 18 (other clones are 1st cousins)
Cal and Boba were 16 when they met each other
All Mandalorians live in a community, kinda like Arabic Communities, just sprinkled around with Mandalorian Shops nearby and some neighborhoods with large groups of them
They all know each other and talk/gossip, especially about the younger Gen.
Because of this, Boba keeps his social life away from all that
Cal attends the same high school and they share a few classes (that’s how they met)
They both went to a party, got high, and made out/mostly talked in the backyard for several hours
The Monday of school, Boba asked Cal out on a date and they’ve been together ever since
They both really like each other but Boba keeps it a secret from his fam (Cal’s fam knows and have met Boba)
They are able to keep it a secret for a long time with the help of their friends
Bobas family have met Cal but under the pretense of being friends
At first they kept it a secret because they didn’t know how serious they were. When they were ready, it was hard to bring it up
Cal is adopted by Jaro Tapal, who isn’t home during the week due to work, but he is home on weekends
Boba and Cal are eventually caught by Bossk, Boba’s other father (not in a relationship with Jango but Jango needed help and Bossk was there a lot)
Boba and Cal were kissing outside of the school at the end of the day and Bossk went to pick Boba up (Boba’s car was being borrowed by Wolffe) and Bossk came too early
Bossk is like ‘okay why do I care’ and doesn’t tell anyone bc he thinks Boba’s panicked face is funny
Bossk’s condition for keeping it a secret is that he gets to be there when Boba tells everyone
It ends up during a large family party (a lot of relatives are there, not his brothers spouses, just his brothers), one of Boba’s cousins who hates Boba asked about Boba’s boyfriend at the table, like everyone knew
He pretended to be shocked that Boba hadn’t told anyone (he eavesdropped on them talking about dates and sneaking out)
You could hear a pin drop
It was quickly a brawl between the two, with Boba winning via breaking his nose
He ran out with his brothers clamoring after him, stopping when his father came into the yard and yelled at them
Boba ended up at Cal’s place, spending the night there
Both of them went over the next day, to introduce Cal quietly
Unfortunately, all his brothers and their partners were still there so it was more
Boba walks in and calls for his dad, everyone peaks out to see them, Cal pales and tries to walk out, Jango seats them all away and talks to the boys outside
it goes pretty well, Jango likes Cal but doesn't give him the shovel talk because Cal already looks like he's about to keel over and die
Jango doesn't pity him enough to save him from his children and has Cal go inside while talking to Boba outside
Cal looks traumatized after that and has yet to say a word without seeming like it was under duress
The whole night goes well but no one really *knows* anything about cal by the end of it
Fett Fam: we aren’t that intimidating, whys he so afraid? Cal: *inside his head* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but also Boba asked me to be here so imma do my best :D but also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
It isn’t until a few more meetings that they actually start to get to know him
Unfortunately, due to his fam knowing, Boba and Cal are more limited in their dates (and other more intimate activities, tho no one knows about this)
Bad to worse when a month or so later Rex walks in on them making out that’s more bordering on having sex with clothes on
Cue the ‘use protection talk’ that turns into ‘you’ve been doing this how long’ to ‘my baby brother is innocent and is a baby!’
So now they are limited to any fun activities outside of either home which has caused problems but they deal
Cal has a chance to meet the Fett family spouses during a family dinner turned storm hideout for the weekend
It was raining hard and supposed to be bad but as dinner continued the power went out and the streets were undrivable so no one could get home
Cal bonded surprisingly well with Aayla Obiwan and Quinlan and they eased him about being a part of the family
Despite being introduced to both families, they keep it rather private and just between them
A few weeks before leaving for college, both families decide to have a whole get together to meet (though Boba limited them to just his direct family, no cousins or aunts/uncles)
Cal and Boba are nervous but Jaro and Jango do the ‘dad’ thing and talk shop about whatever dads talk about and that eases everyone
To no one surprise, they get married after college and move into an apartment an hour from Jango’s home
They use Mandalorian traditions for the wedding, gifting knives, the vows, and exchange arm cuffs worn on the upper arm (instead of the vambrance, a modern substitute. Cal gets a set of armor later.)
Wireless Router Husband is at maximum antennae today

the 212 and 501st have slightly different definitions of “under control”
(kofi requests are open!)

Obi-Wan: They should have checked in hours ago. It appears your captain follows orders as well as you do.
Anakin: Perhaps Cody is boring Rex with standard procedures and protocol.

(Source: "Routine Valor" in Free Comic Book Day 2006: Star Wars, reprinted in Star Wars The Clone Wars Epic Collection Vol 3)
there must have been at least one time during the clone wars where anakin and cody had to work directly together and i'm 100% sure that cody read anakin's battlefield strategies for their upcoming mission and was like


Marshal Commander Cody finally loses his marbles.

Tada! School doodle of commander cody! Sorry if it isn't good but im really proud of it 😅
I think it would be very funny if after Obi-Wan kills Maul in Rebels, an entire small army of Mandalorians turned up in the desert (led by Sabine, who got tipped off by Ezra) to harass him into becoming the rightful leader of their government

fucking around with new brushes :)

Y’all have so much faith that Cody is gonna show up in the Kenobi show, but what if they give him the wrong personality???
I want to write a clone fanfiction. Does anyone have any suggestions on who and what i should write on? The good Captain Dinosaur? Or the numeral flirt? I don't know what to do.

God I love this gif of him. Look how handsome he is.
Rex Remembers
Rex didn’t know how he missed it. He walked closer to the multi-haired girl. On her shoulder, that number he has seen it before. It was the symbol of his brother. He hadn’t seen it in a long time. He walked closer to her and touched the symbol. Ashoka looked at her old friend, and realized why he looked so sad. That five was a huge part of his life back in the Clone Wars. His eyes filled with tears.
“Fives.” Was all he whispered. And all it took for Ashoka to take two huge strides toward her friend. And she put her hand on his shoulder.
“What’s going on Ashoka?” Sabine asked. The crew of the ghost looking on in curiosity. Rex dropped his hand to his side and sighed.
“This was the symbol of one of my brothers. CT-25555. Fives. He was so proud of that number he got it tattooed on his forehead. Dumb as shit he was. But smarter than anyone else I knew. Except for Echo. Also dumb as shit.” Rex let out a small laugh as Ashoka tightened her grip on his shoulder.
“These where some of the men that served under Rex and I. They where some of the best men anyone could ask for.” She laughed, “We had great time with them.”
Ezra stole a glimpse at Sabine locking eyes with her. Curiosity written across his face. Sabine went to motion him not to ask. But his curiosity got the best of them.
“Really?” The small blue haired boy asked.
Rex was taken aback. Before he started laughing. He reminded him of Echo always curious, ever learning. While the girl reminded him of Fives, rambunctious and always looking for a fight, but fiercely protective. Fitting she got his number.
“Yes. Those where my brothers. We fought side by side in many battles. From the Rishi moon, to Umbara. I met them at at Rishi moon base. They never left my side after that day.
On the battle of Kamino they fought bravely protecting the cadets with us. Fives was a grand speaker, he inspired us. He inspired me.
Echo on the other hand, was not good with people. But he was smart. If you needed to know something you go to him.
On the Citadel he fought bravely.” Rex took in a deep breath. The crew was sat around him listening intently to his stories. Even Kanan had sat down to lis
“Echo went for the shuttle. And it exploded. We couldn’t go for him. We had to leave.” He had to take another minute to compose himself. Ashoka put her arm around him. And he looked at her and smile.
“Fives was devastated, as was I. But Fives more than anyone. Fives became more sullen and quiet. But never lost the fire in his eye. He fought braver than ever after that. Maybe because he had nothing left to live for. But it was on Umbara where he really shined.
Our temporary Jedi general turned on us. He tried to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen. I was a fool not to listen. He fought courageously at my side.
It was when another of my men, Tup, his chip malfunctioned. Fives was the one who discovered it. He was framed by the chancellor, and he tried to warn me again. I this time I listened. He was shot. I held him in my arms as he died.
Later we found Echo was alive. Fives would have been ecstatic to have his brother back. Echo left with another group of clones. One he fit in with. It hurt to see him go.” Rex stopped and dropped his head into his hands. Ashoka also dropped her head. The crew looked around sadly, but was surprised when Rex started laughing.
“Uh, Rex are you ok?” Ashoka asked. Rex nodded still laughing.
“I was just thinking of that time y’all painted my armor.” It took Ashoka a minute before she realized the memory he was talking about. And turned red in shame. Which only made Rex laugh harder and Ashoka turn reder. The crew looked at the pair. Before Ezra just had to ask another question.
“What are you talking about?”
“Once before a week long mission. Ashoka, Fives, and Echo snuck into my chamber and painted my armor pink. I had no time to wipe it off or paint over it before we had to leave.
I had never been more embarrassed. In my life. The general wouldn’t stop laughing at me.” This caused the crew to begin to laugh as well.
“Are you sure it’s not as embarrassing as that time Fives and Hardcase put bright red hair dye and glitter into your shampoo?” Ashoka asked her old friend.
“Right I forgot about that. That was a long time ago. It stayed red and shiny for weeks.” Rex laughed.
Rex and Ashoka continued to carry on telling stories of the past. The whole crew in tears laughing. The stories of war, stories hope, stories of sadness, stories of pranks and happiness. Stories of not a better time, but a time that came before.
Rex looked at the crew, that time was long gone. Those people where long gone. This is a here and now, this was his family now. And he would protect them with his life.
Missing Brothers
Rex pulled the hood further over his face no one could know he was here. He looked around and ducked into a crowd of people before ducking into another alley way. Why had Ashoka decided to bring him here? Didn’t she know how dangerous it was? Rex let out a sigh and signaled a cab. When he finally got the attention of one he slipped into the back and gave the Rodan in the front seat an address. The Rodian gave him a weird look.
“Why would you want to go there? It’s been abandoned for a while now?” Rex didn’t say anything. He was too deep in thought to answer and the Rodian just shrugged his shoulders and took off toward the destination. As soon as they arrived Rex’s head shot up and he scrambled out of the taxi and threw several credits at the man.
Rex stood in a trance like state staring at the building. The building that had once held so many of his brothers. Once a place of joy and happiness for his brothers. Where they would go when they came home to give them a place to relax and forget the war and all they had to do. He walked towards the old bar, thinking of all he had lost.
Rex pushed his way through the door of 79’s. And stopped to look around. It was different than he remembered. There were chairs and tables strewn all over the place. Glass shattered on the floor, chairs shattered. Darkness had overtaken the once light bar. Cobwebs in the corner and dust on every surface. The quiet was almost deafening to him. The silence louder than any music.
Letting out a sigh the soldier began to walk around. His first stop was the stage. He looked at the poles where dancers once danced. He let out a small laugh as he remembered how his brothers would talk about hoping to get lucky with one of the dancers. How that would be the highlight of the day if they got lucky. He could remember how gracefully the dancers would move.
He moved on. His next spot was the dance floor. He walked to the middle and stood just remembering all the times he watched his brothers dance and goof off. And occasionally being dragged into dancing himself. That's when he noticed it. The dent in the floor. He remembered how that got there. It had been Fives and Hardcase’s fault. They had been goofing off and accidentally shot the floor with one of Fives’ guns. He had given them a VERY long lecture after that. He let out a laugh, and unbeknownst to him a tear slipped down his cheek.
He forced himself to move on to the bar. As he walked he pulled his finger down the bar and stopped at one spot in particular. It was a little over half way down the bar. It was Cody’s favorite spot. He loved to be right in the middle of things. Rex looked down at that spot and a million memories passed through his head at once. “What happened to you Cody? Are you still out there? Did you survive? Where are you now? I miss you.” Rex felt tears slip down his cheeks in long rivers. He was tired of running and tired of losing things. He missed the good old days where he could talk to his brothers. Where he could come home to them. Where he knew he would always be loved.
Rex walked on tears still streaking down his face to his final spot. A lonely booth at the back of the bar. The favorite of the 501st. He slipped into his favorite spot. He looked to his left and expected to see Fives and Hardcase laughing loudly and telling them a story. Then he looked to his right and expected to Kix quietly sipping his beer and laughing occasionally and Jesse on the other side of him just as loud as Fives and Hardcase. And then he looked across the table and expected to see Tup with a chair pulled up to the table. Rex let his head fall into his hands. The memories coming to him in waves. Memories of his brothers being happy, of them mourning, of them. He missed all of them. He missed his younger vod. More and more tears started to fall. He missed seeing the smiles they would get, he missed the sparkles in their eyes.
He hated how most died on the battlefield, unloved and uncared for. Left to rot in a place no one would care about. He didn’t know what was worse. The ones who he couldn’t have protected or the ones he could have. He could think of a million ways he could have saved Tup. He thought of a million ways he could have saved Echo, and another million for Fives. If he had only stopped Hardcase from going up in the fighters. If he had only found Fives first. If only he had forced Echo to leave with him. If only he had forced Tup to go to the medics when the headaches first started. If only he had grabbed Jesse.
He was a horrible older brother and he knew it. By now the tears were flowing freely down his face and his nose was running. If only he had been stronger, or faster, or smarter he could have saved them. Rex shot up and threw the table across the room. And stormed to the middle of the room and looked up. Then he had to do a double take. High up on one wall there were a few words that would stick to the soldier forever. “Captain Rex is the best.”
Rex dropped to his knees. He recognized the handwriting. It was Echos. He let out a scream. A scream for all his brothers he had lost, a scream for all that didn’t get the chance to be free, a scream for all he had let down. His face in his hands he began to sob. A sob he had been keeping in for years. Crying for his brothers who couldn’t cry anymore. He truly was shattered.
I’m so sorry its so long and sad. I hate it. It might make you cry beware.
Warning: Death, angst
The war was done. The Empire had fallen, the Rebels had won. Rex let out a shout for his brothers he lost. For the Jedi who had fallen. Rex let a tear slip out, as he looked upon his generals, and honorary brothers, children. Even after a year it still felt like yesterday he had helped win the war. He had known there was something special about them when he had first met them. They looked like them. He knew he’d give his life for those children just like he would have their parents.
He was lost in thought when the boy, Luke, came up to him. He looked so much like his father but had his mother's personality. She would have loved him. He let out a small chuckle, it was funny he looks so much like his father but acts nothing like him.
“Commander Rex.” Luke's voice broke through his thoughts.
“Whatca need Kid?” Rex said standing at attention and saluting. Luke laughed and saluted back.
“You don't need to do that Rex. Not anymore. Anyway I came over to ask you something.” Rex relaxed and sat down on a crate and motioned Luke to follow. And Luke obliged.
“You worked with my dad right? What was he like? What was my mom like?” Rex laughed. Maybe he did have some of his father in him.
“I did work with him. I worked with him for all of the Clone Wars along with his master and padawan. He was my brother. I would have given my life for him and he would have sacrificed his life for me and my brothers. He was one of the best generals in the army and I was proud to serve alongside him.”
Rex paused a minute to take a breath. And saw Leia trying to act like she wasn’t listening. She looked so much like Padme but acted so much like Anakin. “Anakin Skywalker was a proud man who would have given the world for those he loved. He fought right alongside us and never left our side. He was kind, and protective. He only wanted the best for those he loved. He was inventive, and creative. A great flyer and brother. He was everything a man could be. I don’t know why he did what he did, but that wasn’t him. Sure he had his faults but every one did.”
“What were his faults?” Luke asked. Rex laughed.
“He was reckless, and could be selfish. He could be impatient and over-confident. He could lie like nobody's business. You should have seen him woo the Queen of Zygerria. He got her to believe anything he said until he was revealed as a Jedi, even then she was still infatuated with him. Leia reminds me a lot of him. He was charming beyond belief. I will miss him.” Rex trailed off and Luke looked at his hands. Rex wondered what was going on in the youngsters mind.
“What about my mother.” Luke said looking the old soldier in the eye.
“Padme Amidala. The senator of Naboo. Close friend to the Jedi. Padme was a great speaker. Kind and loving. Always looking for the best. Calm in trying situations. She spoke for those who had no voice. She spoke with a confidence beyond her time, with a voice that drew every eye to her. She was an amazing politician. Always looking for the good in people. Always giving mercy. You remind me of her. And so does Leia.” Rex stopped to smile.
“I see both of them in you. In the way you smile. In the way Leia talks. In the way Leia stands up for the weak. Luke, as I get older I see the same eyes in different people. I see Anakin in Leia’s eyes and Padme in yours. I look at you and see all that could have been and all that was. I miss your parents but like them I’d give my life for both of you.” Rex looked at the blonde haired boy sitting beside him. And Luke looked up at him and smiled. Rex felt some discomfort in his chest. Rex shot up and his breath came in short spurts, and collapsed. Luke shot up.
“REX!” Luke shouted and ran to him and Leia did too. Together they both rolled him over. Luke shaked him.
“Rex are you ok?” Rex gave a small smile, but he wasn't looking at Luke. He was looking past him.
“Fives, Echo, Hardcase, Jesse, Tup, and Cody. You're all here. You're all here.” Rex looked behind Luke and was looking at his brothers. All of them. All who died in the name of the Jedi and all who died during Order 66. He saw Gregor laughing with Hardcase and Jesse with his arm around Tup. Fives and Echo with their arms around each other. And Cody, his best friend Cody had his hand out to him. But the one person he didn’t expect to see was Anakin. His general looking like he did during the Clone Wars. With that grin that showed he was up to no good, Obi-Wan right beside him, his eyes shining brightly.
Rex smiled. They hadn’t forgotten about him. They had come for him. A single tear slipped out of his eye down his face and he reached out. He reached out, one last time. For those who had gone before him. His time had come, and it was finally his turn to pass. A small smile was on his face as his hand passed through the air and his heart beat its final beat. Tears streamed down Luke's and Leia’s eyes as they saw a strong soldier die happy. This was a warrior who had fought two wars and survived. He died a warrior's death. He lived a long life and deserved to have peace.
“Sleep well my friend.” Luke whispered.
While Rex may have died he was finally alive. While his hand may have slipped through air in the air. His soul had left his body. He had grabbed onto the hand of his brother. Rex was young again! His blonde hair was back and his brown eyes sparkled with the joy of youth again. Cody pulled him into a hug.
“Good to have you back brother.” Rex said nothing as he hugged his brother back and turned to his other brothers. Fives and Echo ran up to him, shoving to take point. Before Fives shouted at him.
“Permission to take point sir?” Rex laughed and made his way over to his younger brother.
“I’m always first kid.” Rex laughed and grabbed him pulling him into a hug, Echo joining in. Rex let out a small sigh as he looked at Hardcase bouncing and laughing to giddy to stay still.
“You're a good man Rex.” His generals voice said from behind him.
“Always quick on your feet.” Said the other Jedis' voice. Rex saluted them and saw behind them the last brother. The brother he had been looking forward to seeing. The brother who thought he didn’t deserve to be there. Rex pulled away from the Jedi and walked towards him.
“Jesse.” Jesse refused to look at him.
“Jesse, I don't blame you. It’s not your fault. I don’t blame you.” Tears slipped down Jesses’ face and Rex walked forward and grabbed him into a hug.
“I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I tried to kill you. I tried to kill the commander.” Rex didn’t let him pull away.
“Your chip. That's the reason you attacked us. We knew that.” Jesse finally hugged him back. Soon the others had joined them. Reminiscent of what would happen after a battle. A giant pile of clones just holding and comforting each other. Rex smiled. He was home. He was happy.