y9u feel as if this is g9ing t9 6e a l9ng night. [ hi! I'm @celestcialcryptids, I've been wanting to do this for awhile, ask box is open! ]
141 posts
Poorlydrawnkankri - A Tr9ll 9f A Th9usand W9rds - Tumblr Blog
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,kankri do you a re troll autism

9h the am9unt 9f times I've had this talk with Aranea...

She has spent h9urs telling me a69ut h9w I have a l9t 9f traits c9mm9nly f9und within th9se diagn9sed with autism a69ut eight times n9w. 6y n9w I kn9w that I certainly am ner9divergent, 6ut as f9r if I actually am autistic I cann9t give a yes 9r n9t answer. There aren't any certified medicullers in the dream 6u66les t9 pr9perly diagn9se such a thing and self-diagn9sing can 6e p9tentially harmful t9 the individuals wh9 d9, with9ut a d9u6t, have autism.
As such, this will remain unanswered.
As f9r my family? The 9nly family I have is the little Amp9ra in my care, and we are n9t related 6y 6l99d. S9, I d9 n9t kn9w.
Well I guess there is als9 Karkat, 6ut I d9 n9t think he is diagn9sed autistic either.
[ ooc: he absolutely is autistic. ]
i feel bad watching this, so *hands you a headband with a recreation of your horns attached to it*

*pets you pets you pets ur head pat pat pat*

[ You um...may wanna stop that-- ]
[ He is very loved indeed. ]
Tell him hes loved while being held, with a soft blankie around him for comfort :)

![[ He May Not Be Perfect, Though He'll Try To Be. ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e38c02cfc96391aa29bb59885714f5a2/82dec6f1c830c89c-cf/s500x750/49eceae179107208afd795b6218de690011c35b0.jpg)
[ He may not be perfect, though he'll try to be. ]
![[ He May Not Be Perfect, Though He'll Try To Be. ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f8f0bec246172c0e3c4a93eb5735522a/82dec6f1c830c89c-25/s500x750/490edb0cb96fd7ccdb5c4821db37342320469c60.png)
[ And though today may be strange as hell, seeing this little guy so full of lil whimsy and joy. ]
![[ He May Not Be Perfect, Though He'll Try To Be. ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/370bb1bedef50e529a8d0ee4a78b9b74/82dec6f1c830c89c-16/s500x750/c085f1924630fb116489e80eca3190466906da24.png)
[ he'll do his best to preserve it. ]
![[ He May Not Be Perfect, Though He'll Try To Be. ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/afc1d97c45a662843be0badc6736253f/82dec6f1c830c89c-83/s500x750/8e045beb71fa7c725f310692bfe7c15ca517e447.png)
[ Happy Mother's Day. ]
You should make kankri a card for mothers Day!

[ Blog author here! Sorry I'm pretty silent today, it's mother's day, so family plans for a few hours! ]
Hmmmm. Well, that's not my problem is it! Have fun with that extreme dislike for physical contact + the psychological human need for human contact!

[ever see a man have an aneurysm in real time?]

Yeah it's mama...
I d9n't even think he has t9tal facial rec9gniti9n yet, s9 I can 9nly really imagine h9w he's perceiving all 9f this.
So the lil guys culler got turned human by a mischievous anon, how does the lil guy feel about that?

[ a little before the humanification. ]
![[ A Little Before The Humanification. ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1e91160ce3f299177d108d6473a0fbf0/a73bbe02d4c2bc54-55/s500x750/f6c4a6f431b4627ef35b01be9051197678176541.png)
[ The violet baby can't be talkin like that. ]
psst- lil me, can ya say "gutterblood" or maybe "pissblood"?

((@poorlydrawnkankri might want to check up on whats going on))
Kankri help theres another grub and its teeny tiny
Not even eyes open
( •n•")

I mean. What exact help is required?
today (2 am on May 12th) is mothers day and youre a mom now so..
happy mothers day Kankri!!

[ he does appreciate your words, he's just going through a lot right now. ]
Do you have a bed? You're human now sopor won't work.

[ it's 4:40am, see y'all in a few hours!! ]
Oh loosen up! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn more about human culture, customs, an mannerisms in a more direct an easier to understand way!
That's n9t h9w that W9RKS.

Just 6ecause my 69dy is n9w that 9f a human's d9es n9t suddenly make me a human, it's d9esn't suddenly make learning a69ut humans any easier, it d9esn't change anything except n9w I am s9mething I, at my c9re, am N9T.
I am a Tr9ll in a 69dy that is n9t my 9wn, sure it has similarities 6ut even my nerve sens9ry input feels WR9NG. I hate this, I hate this in ways I cann9t pr9perly put int9 w9rds let al9ne f9rm int9 sentences.

we all owe that man an apology.
But first. I'm going to bed.
Enjoy learning about the human body through trial and error! Try not to double die!
. . .

I think.....I understand Cr9nus' humankin predicament a l9t 6etter n9w.

This feels wr9ng as H E L L—
Well, M!anon stands for Magic! Anon. Here's a demonstration <3 (platonicly)!
*Kankri has been turned into a human for however long*

. . .

[ Oh boy. ]
ok genuine question
would you wear a dress/skirt/other feminine clothing?
Sure, I w9uld wear feminine cl9thing, 6ut h9nestly any cl9thing can 6e feminine if y9u simply deem it such. F9r example, what makes my 9utfit masculine 6esides the la6el given t9 it 6y 9thers? N9thing right? S9 this c9uld 6e feminine f9r s9me.

Als9, I w9uldn't wear dresses 9r skirts unless they were l9ng and very c9vering. I d9 n9t enj9y exp9sing skin much.
Would you like to know what an M!anon is? I promise it isn't bad.
Fine, I'll indulge. Pray tell, what d9es M!an9n mean? I'm all ears.
Kankri, what was your culler like?

The Disciplinarian was a well respected tr9ll 9n 6ef9rus, n9 9ne dare stepped 9ut 9f line in his presence. With his w9rds al9ne he c9uld cut d9wn the th9ughest individuals int9 shells 9f their f9rmer selves with9ut a sec9nd th9ught.
He was a sch9lar a69ve sch9lars...

I learned a l9t fr9m him..
have you met Equius?:3 isn't he just adorable ^-^
Equius? That is H9russ'...what's the w9rd P9rrim c9ined again? Anscesdant? N9, wait, dancest9r.
I have n9t pers9nally met the individual, 6ut I kn9w 9f him s9mewhat fr9m Meulin's ram6lings 9f his M9iraligiance with her dancest9r Nepeta.
hey kankri! what are your pronouns? i dont believe youve brought that up..
Mine? Well, frankly gender never really played a maj9r r9le in 6ef9ran s9ciety s9 I never really saw the imp9rtance 9f pr9n9uns and la6les f9r 9ne's identity. 9f c9urse I will respect whatever 9thers wish t9 6e called as it makes them feel secure and c9mf9rta6le and I w9uld never disrespect that, 6ut pers9nally, I d9n't truly care.
My team primarily uses He/Him f9r me, h9wever. S9metimes ‘They’.
D1LF 15 D4D 1D L1K3 70 FU-

Are you going to give @ask-cronus-grub a new name? He's not the same person as cronus, so it's only fitting he's called something different.
I've 6een thinking a69ut that, I am still deciding. Y9u are all free t9 9ffer suggesti9ns 6ut.
6e n9rmal a69ut it.