Non Inquiry - Tumblr Posts
AG: oh god not another Vantass on here and you're the one worse than Karkat 8LUH
The 9ne w9rse, hm? I see.
Well, I will surely ap9l9gize 9n 6ehalf 9f any 9ther Kankri y9u may have stum6led up9n and have previ9usly interacted with, 6ut I will p9litely ask y9u t9 n9t jump t9 c9nclusi9ns 9f distatement with9ut having sp9ken t9 me pri9r, y9ung Serket. Lumping all alternates t9gether strips all 9f their identity and is a very unhealthy mindset t9 h9ld with alternative selves, y9u sh9uld d9 y9ur 6est t9 refrain fr9m using such language 9n the 9ff chance y9u end up triggering s9me9ne with identity issues.
T9uching any9ne with9ut asking 6ef9rehand can 6e incredi6ly triggering y9u kn9w!!! and s9 aggressive a69ut it....
*hands you a little shrimp* for your troubles. bubblur people are crazy...
#oh wvait #twv ableist language #sorry #apology
9h, thank y9u, I'll have t9 think 9f a name f9r this little creature. Als9, the trigger warnings, they are m9st certainly appreciated, thank y9u f9r using them.
Ive heard the grub likes root beer
I d9n't kn9w a69ut giving a wiggler this y9ung car69nati9n.
6ut I'll keep that in mind.
Your walls. I’m there. In your walls. O8viously.
Can y9u...please vacate them? It is really unsafe t9 linger within the crawlspaces 6etween hive f9undati9ns, n9t t9 menti9n an incredi6le invasi9n 9f privacy.
You taste sweet.
I d9n't kn9w what I'm m9re c9ncerned a69ut, the fact this is:
A) P9ssi6ly a castist m9ckery ja6 at my 6l99d c9l9r in which y9u sh9uld really w9rk 9n using such language.
B) Y9u're dead seri9us and have literally tasted 9ne 9f my alternate selves in s9me capacity.
I dislike 69th 9pti9ns.
Implied canibleisim immediately after saying you were enjoying your time, how fun.
The g99d I've experienced here is still 9utweighing the 6ad...6ut. Yeah.
sorry for hitting your lawnring with my car
are uh-- are y9u alright th9ugh? I'm m9re c9ncerned a69ut that.
[ He is in tears. Positive ones. ]
okay little guy, so you see that red guy over there? thats your mom. mother. mama. Got it?
((I think thats @poorlydrawnkankri 's name now))
Kankri is literally just arson from 2020 tiktok
If you get triggered by this, you're only proving my point kanny! >:]
[ ooc: I don't know who that is and I couldn't find any information on this person ^ ^;; ]
UU: salUtations, seer of blood!
Calliope from @seldomdrawncherubs
Pleasant greetings t9 y9u as well, Muse 9f space. H9w are y9u? I h9pe y9u are d9ing well at the very least.
Your grub is being taken by the uhm. The guy.
it's...11pm wuh...huh???
my wiggler is wh- HUH- HEY-
[ ooc: I was legit passing out lmao ]
...W9uld y9u care t9 ever s9 kindly ela69rate as t9 what y9u mean 6y "circumstances," Mx.?
seems like grub me(my descendant???) is havwin some issues vwith wvater... i mean i get it, i did my best to avwoid the ocean as much as possible as a pupa, although that vwas mostly because of my ancestor... my advwice is to start out vwith shallowver wvaters. add more gradually and givwe me—uh him something nice to associate it wvith. good luck ≈:)
I will keep this inf9rmati9n in mind, thank y9u f9r taking the time t9 inf9rm me, Cr9nus. It is m9st appreciate.
Enjoy learning about the human body through trial and error! Try not to double die!
. . .
I think.....I understand Cr9nus' humankin predicament a l9t 6etter n9w.
This feels wr9ng as H E L L—
Oh loosen up! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn more about human culture, customs, an mannerisms in a more direct an easier to understand way!
That's n9t h9w that W9RKS.
Just 6ecause my 69dy is n9w that 9f a human's d9es n9t suddenly make me a human, it's d9esn't suddenly make learning a69ut humans any easier, it d9esn't change anything except n9w I am s9mething I, at my c9re, am N9T.
I am a Tr9ll in a 69dy that is n9t my 9wn, sure it has similarities 6ut even my nerve sens9ry input feels WR9NG. I hate this, I hate this in ways I cann9t pr9perly put int9 w9rds let al9ne f9rm int9 sentences.
we all owe that man an apology.
But first. I'm going to bed.
today (2 am on May 12th) is mothers day and youre a mom now so..
happy mothers day Kankri!!
[ he does appreciate your words, he's just going through a lot right now. ]
*pets you pets you pets ur head pat pat pat*
[ You um...may wanna stop that-- ]
i feel bad watching this, so *hands you a headband with a recreation of your horns attached to it*