y9u feel as if this is g9ing t9 6e a l9ng night. [ hi! I'm @celestcialcryptids, I've been wanting to do this for awhile, ask box is open! ]
141 posts
Im In Your Walls. ::::)
I’m in your walls. ::::)
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More Posts from Poorlydrawnkankri
Welcome to Tumblr. First piece of advice? Bbbbbbbrace yourself. People will ask weird things of you, some may attempt flirting. Just bbbbbbe prepared.
Thank y9u anyway, it is very appreciated.
Thank you for th hug, you are very warm and somft (・v・)
Appreciate the sentiment.
The s9ft statement is new 6ut I have 6een inf9rmed 9n multiple 9ccati9ns 9f my warm t9 the t9uch skin. It is a genetic trait unique t9 us Candy 6l99ded individuals.
What are your opinions on Cronus? Personally I don't like him.
My th9ughts 9n Cr9nus Amp9ra?
D9 n9t take that sentence as a negative, mind y9u. I mean it as he's just very unique. A c9nfident, self-assured, inclusive man n9t t9 menti9n he has the pusher- s9rry- heart 9f an artist, th9ugh he c9uld stem t9 write less...vulgar serenads, 6ut that is my pers9nal 9pini9n 9n that matter, freed9m 9f speech.
D9n't get me wr9ng, he is a flawed individual like the rest 9f us and y9u are free t9 dislike wh9ever y9u please, 9f c9urse, 6ut he truly isn't that 6ad 9nce y9u actually get t9 kn9w him.
He's 9ne 9f the few pe9ple I feel I can 9pen up t9 a69ut whatever is 9n my think pan with9ut my "Insuffera6le" nickname t9ssed my way. I'm glad he's f9und a sense 9f identity he is c9mf9rta6le with, even if at times he prefers t9 keep it t9 himself. Sadly 9ur team can 6e quite naïve a69ut certain t9pics, leading t9 harsh w9rds 6eing exchanged. His mental health isn't..the 6est and I want t9 make sure 9thers are making it any w9rse, that's f9r sure.
T9 put it simple en9ugh, I c9nsider that man my 6est friend.
Als9, the tw9 I met here s9 far have 6een pleasant as well.
Greetings, Cr9nus, it is nice t9 see an9ther wh9 is new t9 this platf9rm, same as I.
I l99k f9rward t9 seeing y9u ar9und.
vwell hey there, Kankri.