positronzz - P!

He/Him cis with all the stupid fucking Gen Z interests | 20 | Black | catboy | Boykisser/girlkisser | BELIEVER IN THE GLORIOUS DESTINY OF MANKIND | Shadow Wizard Money Gang | 3D artist | history student | boy(girl) girl(boy) | GNC | maybe okay DEFINITELY girlpilled | :3 user | Boat/tank/plane/war lover | Yes of course I like anime (though I prefer manga)

241 posts

Positronzz - P! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

#Inktober #OCtober

Day 7: The Alhut, a massive Tiqna bioship that Sanari stumbles upon during field work along what was once the Black Sea coast. It is a living vehicle and weapon whose full potential can only be unlocked by Hafjin like Sanari

#Inktober #OCtober

Tiqna bioships were common during the start of the Avenging War. Now only a few remain, with construction of any new bioships banned under Earth Nations Union law

#Inktober #OCtober
5 months ago
A Huge Number Of People Are Already Getting Fucked Over When It Comes To Being Allowed To Cast A Vote

A huge number of people are already getting fucked over when it comes to being allowed to cast a vote in the upcoming elections. Let’s try to minimize what that number COULD be as much as possible. It might also be useful to have the number for the ACLU written down (or already in your phone) so you can CALL THEM while still at the polling place and get whatever information is needed in order to see about having the ACLU sue them. Write down names. Get witnesses. Take photos. MAKE IT VERY CLEAR TO THE POLLSTERS THAT YOU ARE GOING TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. (Unless you have reason to believe they’re going to be assholes and try to have you arrested for doing so, in which case, be as subtle as possible.)

5 months ago
"I Will Kill You All, Alone Or In Groups."

 "I will kill you all, alone or in groups."

5 months ago
Flipping Through The Armored Core 6 Artbook And I'm Sensing Some Pure How The Fuck Do I Communicate This
Flipping Through The Armored Core 6 Artbook And I'm Sensing Some Pure How The Fuck Do I Communicate This

flipping through the armored core 6 artbook and i'm sensing some pure How The Fuck Do I Communicate This To My 3D Guy struggle happening

5 months ago
Rings around a red planet dotted with blue crater-lakes catch an alien sunrise. In the foreground gold spacecraft hover in orbit, and a gold thread trails into the distance from each. Along the threads are green, glowing objects that resemble large beads.

Red sky at morning.

I've recently gone back to community college for a fresh degree in accounting. Needless to say, my life has been hectic, but I'll try to post more often now that I'm settled in.

5 months ago
Art By Ben McEntee
Art By Ben McEntee
Art By Ben McEntee
Art By Ben McEntee
Art By Ben McEntee

Art by Ben McEntee

5 months ago

i compile the story (at least main one) of the moon rabbit here! so it's easier to read the entire thing

I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing
I Compile The Story (at Least Main One) Of The Moon Rabbit Here! So It's Easier To Read The Entire Thing

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5 months ago
Commission For @evilprincess900000

commission for @evilprincess900000

5 months ago

hey yall, I'm gonna open commissions when I can because my situation at home is getting progressively worse.

I'm legally disabled and receive monthly benefits for it cuz I cannot properly work a job, and my benefits money gets taken from me every month. I used to be left with 100$ out of the rest of it, but a few months ago it was lowered to 96$

now my mother has taken all of it. she's holding onto my money so "she can buy things I need" and this has never been an issue for her until now. she also wants me to stop getting food despite never having anything to eat at home, to the point we only eat once a day. I've been using some dono money to survive because without y'all I would quite literally starve.

I'm really tired.

5 months ago
Elcor Nanny Loves Her Students - A Continuation From My Other Elcor Nanny Comic

Elcor nanny loves her students - a continuation from my other elcor nanny comic

5 months ago

So recently the mayor of my city placed a bunch of sharp stones under a bridge commonly used by homeless people to escape the harsh tropical storms we experience during the summer

So Recently The Mayor Of My City Placed A Bunch Of Sharp Stones Under A Bridge Commonly Used By Homeless

A priest decided that was an utterly anti humanitarian course of action (rightfully so) and so his solution.. was to destroy those rocks with a hammer.

So Recently The Mayor Of My City Placed A Bunch Of Sharp Stones Under A Bridge Commonly Used By Homeless
So Recently The Mayor Of My City Placed A Bunch Of Sharp Stones Under A Bridge Commonly Used By Homeless

I'm not Catholic (in fact, I grew up Jewish and am now atheist) but I feel this is what religion is supposed to be about. Using the divine to help humans behave a little more... human.

5 months ago


March Of Robots 2024 - 22, 23, 24 & 25 - Level, Crawl, Story & Bridge
March Of Robots 2024 - 22, 23, 24 & 25 - Level, Crawl, Story & Bridge
March Of Robots 2024 - 22, 23, 24 & 25 - Level, Crawl, Story & Bridge
March Of Robots 2024 - 22, 23, 24 & 25 - Level, Crawl, Story & Bridge

March of robots 2024 - 22, 23, 24 & 25 - Level, Crawl, Story & Bridge

5 months ago

Some excellent points. I'd add that even though i'm playing the powercreep (emperor) it still feels wonky trying to do fun creative support stuff and speccing wide just doesn't feel so great. Iunno.

got anything to say about KTB/Lancer on the whole?

you know me so well.

first of all about lancer as a whole: cool system! i like big mechs and i like sci-fi and i’m not hard to please. lore goes hard it’s 90% of the reason i like spreading lancer propaganda. the other 10% is a genuine mystery because it’s not a narrative heavy system and i’m a narrative heavy guy but i’ll get to that when i talk about KTB

i generally agree with most of your criticisms about lancer combat (and i think they’re all pretty common criticisms of the system generally), NPCs get better abilities than PCs do and structure while not unsalvageable is a horrid mechanic that makes death spirals not great and can fuck up some builds completely if you roll unfortunately. honestly my biggest beef with lancer is structuring especially in a post-7th sea economy (whoa a system that makes death spirals fun and rewards risky behavior! holy shit) but i think the runner-up in terms of beef i have with lancer combat is something i haven’t talked about much and it’s the absolute state of trying to play support and have offensive capabilities

as you know i am lancer’s #1 support/controller advocate which is why i think it’s fucked the only support mech with decent frame stats is the black witch. “it would break game balance if supports had good stat lines” KTB is official content i am confident they don’t care. what if you wanted to do some scuffed bullshit por ejemplo what if a sunzi could maul the shit out of enemy NPCs. but god said 7 HP 7 heat cap or whatever its stats are. what then. in a sentence: yeah lancer doesn’t really incentivize creativity you can’t do stupid bullshit that the game didn’t intend for you to do which is extremely upsetting. i mean like you can it just won’t be a viable build 8/10 times which is SAD. PROFOUNDLY SO. building mechs in lancer is actually so fun imagine if thinking outside the box was allowed

anyway yeah KTB

jesus fucking christ

it's not that i think the talents and licenses and frames in KTB being really fucking good is in and of itself a problem. in a game when the NPCs can do bullshit like they can in lancer i might even invite it (though, i don't necessarily think anything in KTB is actually good at combating the NPC problem, it just gives PCs unfun bullshit of their own <- SSC white witch killed this user's grandma). i've taken house guard on 2/3rds of the builds i've actually played.

the problem is that KTB is just markedly better than anything in the base game or any preceding supplements. it also doesn't help lancer's general issue of talents being designed by someone with terminal striker brain- like oh wow cool strikers and defenders get some really great talent options and admittedly some support frames can really benefit from house guard (sunzi) but there's still 1 talent for hackers. like where's the versatility

"mars that's a problem with lancer not KTB" yeah you're right. my vendetta against KTB is pretty easily explained and fully a gripe with combat mechanics- i unironically think white witch is bullshit in a way that's not fun to play but this criticism doesn't extend to, say, emperor, which i still think is bullshit and also it powercrept the lancaster, which is my problem with emperor. emperor is cool, but i recall in a discussion about this we had someone said that the stuff in KTB is kind of like what paladins are to base D&D and i'll say it, powercreep is bad game design! if the content you put out after the base game is unequivocally stronger than specific stuff before it, that's stupid! dustgrave is also bad about this, seeing as a talent in dustgrave powercrept accelerate (one of the best systems in the sunzi license chain), and another talent went "what if your NHP polycule helped you deal more damage" as opposed to like. "what if your NHP polycule gave you more invade options. or tech options generall sorry that isn't about KTB either. i'm also cranky about dustgrave can you tell

KTB did add bonds though which doesn't redeem it but i fucking love bonds because it makes lancer's narrative play less barebones and i like narrative play a lot as a fan of putting miserable little freaks in situations

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5 months ago
Nightinggales Knight - Nor

Nightinggale’s Knight - Nor

Nightinggales Knight - Nor
5 months ago
Tryin Stuff.

Tryin stuff.

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5 months ago

This is just excellently done. The shapes communicate the feel, and the technique used for the edges is really satisfying. Love the details and the strangeness of the gun arm too. Simply excellent.

The Hazardous Battlefields Of The Wars Of The 25th Century (whether They Be In Space, Urban Areas, Or

The hazardous battlefields of the wars of the 25th century (whether they be in space, urban areas, or downwind of nuclear/chemical attacks) necessitate equipment towing the line between armored vehicle and infantry.

For this task, INCO commissioned the ROLAND series of Up Armored Personal Exoskeletons.

5 months ago
The IU-3 Billhook Is, Above All, A Really Bizarre Mech. This Was Actually One Of The First Chassis Designs

The IU-3 Billhook is, above all, a really bizarre mech. This was actually one of the first chassis designs produced by the PDR, a few months after they had already been facing down Purview teams, but it ain't your typical line mech. See, the Republic obviously can't outdo the Armory on quality or quantity in a straight up fight, so they got clever with these little bastards when a head on engagement was unavoidable. The first thing you'll notice is the giant tumorous growth of a shell hanging off the back. It's got a few minor hardpoints in it, along with a ton of reactive armor, enough to draw attention and make you assume it's a weakpoint that would cripple the machine if you took it out- but it's actually just an empty, detachable storage unit, only occasionally carrying some non-volatile supplies. The entire damn chassis is built like that, everything put in a weird place and disguised as something it isn't- even the joints have an annoyingly weird placement that makes maintenance a pain, but if that means offsetting the amount of bullets you have to pull out, I guess it's a win. Overall, it's substandard to even some outdated SP1 models, but with how cheap it is to build and how effective the gimmick can be, it sees a lot of use. That's just the thing, though, it's a gimmick. If the enemy knows what horseshit you're trying to pull, all you've done is bring a knife to a gun fight- so, usually, these things are the first units to see combat in any given conflict, and are outfitted for an alpha strike without regard to operating time or endurance. Single-shot weapons with fuck-off payloads, the works. On the high-mobility types that are built for repeated engagements, though, you've got a more standard loadout, and the storage unit gets filled to the brim with gyroscopes and reaction wheels alongside some crazy FCS that lets you get some damn good mileage out of the PD lasers in the antennae when you're up close.

i was having artblock trying to think of an idea and my friend said to me "hey, why don't you make a mech based on, i dunno, a snail?" and i told her "primrose pandora screamermod you are a fucking genius" and then spent 3 days making this thing along with the above flavor text for it. does this count as an oc, who knows but i'm posting it now because jegus dick it took a long ass time

5 months ago

Guys. I think love might be real.

This Counts As My Pride Comic For The Month Imo
This Counts As My Pride Comic For The Month Imo
This Counts As My Pride Comic For The Month Imo

this counts as my pride comic for the month imo

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5 months ago

So um, it's my birthday today, and I heard you can ask for reblogs on your bday 👀 so um if you'd like to support my work today, here's a nice compilation of some of my best art from the last year!

I'm starting full time freelancing as an artist this month, so any help with visibility would be much appreciated!!

So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To
So Um, It's My Birthday Today, And I Heard You Can Ask For Reblogs On Your Bday So Um If You'd Like To

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5 months ago
My Recent Ramblings About Spiral Knights Just Reminded Me That I Made An Imperial Knight Based Off A
My Recent Ramblings About Spiral Knights Just Reminded Me That I Made An Imperial Knight Based Off A

My recent ramblings about Spiral Knights just reminded me that I made an Imperial Knight based off a setting in Spiral Knights previously known as Almire. Alas, I think the only pictures I took were of the pieces while they were still on sprue and these of the model before I made the base, not counting its appearances in a friend’s birthday apocalypse games.

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5 months ago
6 months ago


Still obsessed with Waltz of the 101st Lightborne. Have some cool lyrics:

When I woke, he was gone and the War had begun, in eternal return and repeat. Calling, Where in the hell are the rest of your fellow One Hundred-One Lightborne Elite? stormed in the New Highland Light Infantry.

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6 months ago



Shes very Caliban coded <3

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6 months ago

sometimes i think about the golden record and i want to cry

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