possiblyfunny - Just Here To Chill
Just Here To Chill

Space, Rocks, Chocolate and Video Games.Current Obsession: Pokemon Trainer Red, Pokepasta Perdition(FNF), “Fire” Red Yuuji(Missing Numbers)

28 posts

Oh Look, Another Art Piece-

Oh look, another art piece-

Oh Look, Another Art Piece-

He a little confused, but he got the spirit

WOO! After getting confirmation on details about the character, I finally allowed myself to draw this! It was originally going to be a mini comic, but I just decided to draw the last panel with a lot more detail.

Blue belongs to @creatively-cosmic. They have an Ask Blog by the name of @themissingnumbers, so go check them out! Their content is great!

Aster belongs to me.

[Extras and whatnot below the cut!]

Oh Look, Another Art Piece-
Oh Look, Another Art Piece-

[Extra Bonus!:

If you actually looked under the cut, you get to be blessed with a little nugget of information about Aster!

Aster doesn’t know jack about sexuality or gender identity (don’t worry, he’s learning!) But what he does know are the colors! Aster can tell you what colors or flag represents which sexuality/gender—but he couldn’t actually tell you about them. He doesn’t know what each of them mean.

Lots of people in his life and around his home have little desk flags or wear pins with different gender identities or sexuality’s on them, so he knows that it isn’t a bad thing. He thinks all the colors are pretty and unique and should be supported and celebrated!]

[Also, for those curious, here’s the symbolism for each flower. I wasn’t the most confident in drawing some of them, but I did my best to pick good ones!:

Blue Morning Glory: Encouragement, Power, Enduring Love

Pink Roses: Appreciation, Recognition, Happiness

White Daffodil: Rebirth, Good Fortune, Resilience.]

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More Posts from Possiblyfunny

11 months ago



The Gift of Life

“Fire” Red was made by the amazingly creative @creatively-cosmic, please go check them out.

The little ghost dude/hand in the bottom is my own Original Character named Aster. (Who may or may not be drawn in full someday, I don’t know.)

Other Versions of the Art below the cut.


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9 months ago

I’m looking very respectfully-

Farewell To Everything That You Think Or Say,

farewell to everything that you think or say,

you were tailor-made to be enslaved

pulled away by the fakers behind your screen,

feel your heart begin to beat so loudly as you break before me

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11 months ago
Reading The Tags Got Me Like:

Reading the tags got me like:

Reading The Tags Got Me Like:

Thank you for your kind words!

I was going to make a whole new post to write these, but you know what @100nebulas? These are for you now!

Some assorted Aster Headcanons below the cut :)

(I’m gonna try not to write a novel about the intricacies of my own AU-)

-Aster is a master of the flower language. Just like canon Red, Aster doesn’t talk much and is practically mute, so he uses flowers to communicate! Most of the time he just gets away with nodding or shaking his head, but when it’s something really important, he uses flowers. He weaves his words into a bouquet of flowers and then gives it to the person (or people) he’s speaking with. It’s up to them to decode it.

-The reason Aster loves flowers so much is because it’s one of the things he didn’t anticipate missing as much as he did while on Mt. Silver. Mt. Silver was cold, desolate and barren. The sky was constantly cloudy, there was always a thick blanket of snow on the ground, and what little plant life there was barely had any vibrancy—so he found himself missing flowers a lot after realizing he’d taken them for granted. He missed walking outside and seeing the flowers his mother would tend to in the morning, he missed seeing all the various wildflowers that would grow in Viridian Forest, and he missed seeing what flowers each town and city across Kanto prided themselves on. He didn’t get to see any flowers before he died, but after becoming a spirit, flowers are all he surrounds himself with.

-The scars/cuts on Aster’s hands and forearms are all self-defense wounds. He was stabbed through both of his palms while trying to protect himself. Aster is thankful that those wounds no longer hurt and he can use his hands with (relative) ease.

-Aster can grow spirit flowers from the cuts in his palms. It doesn’t cost him much energy to do and it doesn’t hurt to pick them to give as everlasting gifts. The flowers that grow from the stab wounds on his chest are a different story however. Those flowers are sensitive due to growing from the wounds that directly caused his death, and hurt when touched. Picking or pulling on those flowers makes Aster feel like he’s being stabbed all over again, so please don’t touch the chest flowers.

-He’s a master at making flowers crowns. He likes to teach kids or anyone who is curious or confused how to make them. There’s no judgment if a crown comes out looking wonky—his first one did too! He’ll still say it’s beautiful because it was made by the crafter and that it’s uniqueness alone makes it perfect.

-Despite being a ghost, Aster’s presence is noticeable. Not only because of the cliche cold feeling, but because of how he smells. He smells like fresh pine needles, like a crisp winter morning or holiday celebration. It’s sweet, resinous and just a little bit spicy. It’s a subtle and fleeting scent, but once you smell it once you can immediately recognize that he’s there the second time.

-Whenever Aster is sad or upset, he gets cold. And not in the aloof and indifferent way—but physically. When In a bad mood, he will unintentionally chill the air around him so much that people can see their breath and cause windows to start frosting over.

-Aster is SHORT. Bro is 5 foot nothing. Just a little guy. He floats to make up for any height differences though. (He died at 13 and has stayed the same height, especially because his physical body can’t grow along with his age.)

-Aster struggles to write a lot. It’s not that he can’t, it’s just that since becoming a ghost he finds things occasionally slipping through his fingers. Or hands. He really struggles with pens because he’ll try to click it so he can write, but his thumb will be like jelly and not have enough physical tension to push down the button. It’s frustrating sometimes, so he just uses pencils or crayons. It’s easiest for him to write with his finger on fogged up mirrors or windows, as cliche as that is.

-Aster really likes hugs. He likes giving them and receiving them. Sadly, because he’s a ghost, he’s kinda cold to the touch so he doesn’t get a lot of hugs—but he’s ecstatic when he does get one.

-Aster’s not always visible to the naked eye and is sometimes completely invisible. You can see him in reflective surfaces when he’s like that though, like mirrors, puddles or camera lenses. (He has photobombed people, both on purpose and on accident.)

-Aster’s biggest regret in life was not being there for Del. (Remember the Blue I mentioned in the tags?) He feels like he failed Del as a friend and let him suffer alone, especially after the Championship Battle. So now, he does his best to spread a little bit of happiness wherever he goes. (He actually leaves Del reminders to take care of himself everyday—because he wants his best friend to be healthy and smile. To be happy after getting a second chance at life.)

-Just the sweetest little emotional support ghost you ever did see. :)

-Aster has nothing better to do except good—so that’s exactly what he does. He goes out and does whatever acts of good he can each day. He gives flowers and bouquets to hospitals for patients without visitors so they know someone is thinking of them, he sits down and offers an ear to anyone who looks like they need someone to talk to, and gives out hugs to those that could use one. Whatever he can think of or do when the opportunity arises.

That’s all for now! I’ve never drawn this much back to back, so if my motivation to draw sticks around, expect to see a picture of Del eventually.

What’s up with me posting Art all of a sudden???

Whats Up With Me Posting Art All Of A Sudden???


This is Aster. He’s the Red from my own Blue Tears AU. I’ve never actually drawn him before, he’s just kinda lingered in my mind for two or so years—so this is the first pass of his design! Aster is a free-roaming spirit that, while missing his own tangible body, uses his new ghostly form to try and spread a little joy. Leaving nice messages and gifts of flowers for those he thinks need a reason to smile.

(Hey! Psst! @creatively-cosmic! You said you wanted to see him—so here he is!)

Other Versions of the art below the cut.

Whats Up With Me Posting Art All Of A Sudden???
Whats Up With Me Posting Art All Of A Sudden???
Whats Up With Me Posting Art All Of A Sudden???

And yes: he has eyes. They’re just covered by the shadow of his cap.

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1 year ago

AAAAAAA- I can’t believe I’m doing this. (Please forgive my awful formatting I have never done this before-)

Don’t expect this on my page too often, but with the release of the Pokepasta Perdition Demo I got inspired to pick up a tablet and draw for the first time in several months! (I’m rusty and don’t draw often and it was my first time doing this color palette cut me some slack-) So: Introducing…

Red is the Human, Yu is the little glitch bug thing on his shoulder.

Rari & Yu! (Aka: Red & ゥ .4)

These two are just my own take on the characters from the secret song in the mod: 8F. I really, really like that song and couldn’t help but to draw them. You’re welcome to draw them or write about them if you like. I don’t mind, so long as you give the proper credit!

Some Headcanons I have for them are listed below!


-He’s completely mute and communicates using ASL/Sign Language. He can also communicate via textboxes, though they are just a way of making his message/thoughts clear, and are not an indicator that he can talk.

-Rari is anxious, but an absolute sweetheart. Just a nervous ball of sunshine.

-Rari is afraid of Yu. (For good reason)

-He’s very shy and awkward, but he wants to interact with others and make friends.

-Rari is 13 years old, 4’11” tall. (150 cm)

-Rari is permanently stuck in the old Gen1 color palette.

-The only Pokémon Rari has is Yu. (You’ll find out why in a sec-)

-Large numbers stress him out.

-Fearful of/Traumatized by Glitches and Gamebreaks.

-Very tired and would like a nap.

-Would enjoy a warm hug right about now.

-Rari really likes bagels.


-Little Creature :)

-Very mischievous and likes to play pranks.

-Wants to do something all the time. Don’t matter what—he just wants to do something and will use Rari to do it. (Yu is kinda like a Symbiote to Rari. Sort of. I don’t have a better parallel. He just makes him do stuff.)

-Yu just kinda decided that Rari was its trainer the moment it saw him. Not for any particular reason other than he seemed interesting.

-Yu is basically a baby MissingNo. (Who already has godlike powers) (kinda like Kirby-)

-Yu can corrupt/glitch things it touches at will. That includes people. (He already knows how to Super Glitch.)

-Yu is Rari’s only Pokémon because it corrupted all of his actual ones as punishment for not listening to it. (Yeah. Yu might be a baby, but it’s still a dangerous glitch Pokémon.)

-Can teleport and shapeshift. (So far he can take the form of the Kabutops and Areodactyl fossils) (The Areodactyl form can fly so be on the lookout for a mini flying dinosaur)

-Yu cannot speak, but can communicate/vocalize with a variety of chirps, beeps, and/or ear piercing screeches depending on how it’s feeling or what it wants. It can also influence technology around it to communicate as well. (Ex: hacking your phone or computer and using instant messaging to talk.)

-Overall a very dangerous, very annoying cat…bug…thing.

Bonus: a couple Doodles I made.

Yu: *Did a little Trolling* Rari: *Experiencing the worst pain of his life*

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