sex,drugs,and rock and roll peace
160 posts
Potheadsrus - Specialy Medicated - Tumblr Blog
date someone you can high five after sex tbh

part of me: wants to wear pastel clothes and be a cute lil angel
other part of me: wants to wear all black and be a badass bitch
Depressed asf. It’s fine.
Just like that

ted tells a joke

I don’t chase anyone anymore, wanna walk out of my life, there’s the door… Hell I’ll even open it for you
(via basicallybeccaaa)
Anytime and anyday
I want to be alone…with someone else who wants to be alone.
Dimitri Zaik (via help-n-quotes)
Acting like you don’t care is not letting it go.
Penelope Douglas (via help-n-quotes)

If you don't know how to use hand cuffs you can practice on me
My friends when they tell someone what I want

She tasted like alcohol,weed and mistakes.
(via smoking-black-world)
It's hard to look at someone who left because of you and then you turn into a life time problem so then you can look at yourself in your eyes even if it seem like I'm over thinking go look in a mirror and think about how if that one thing changed into something else you wouldn't be be.
I get way too sensitive when I get attached to someone. I can detect the slightest change in the tone of their voice, and suddenly I’m spending all day trying to figure out what I did wrong.
Humans of New York - Amman, Jordan (via help-n-quotes)
The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (via help-n-quotes)
She’s the type of girl that can be so hurt but can still look at you & smile. The type of girl who is willing to brighten your day, even if she can’t manage to brighten her own.
Unknown (via help-n-quotes)
Because no one know how's to love someone else ,you can just be rough with me and act like you can because I handle something you can't.