428 posts
Here's A Reminder That I Am NOT TCC. I Don't Condone ANY Actions That The Serial Killers Have Done, All
here's a reminder that I am NOT TCC. I don't condone ANY actions that the serial killers have done, all victims shall rest in peace. I am only interested in a couple of cases, the academy maniacs and that Adam lanza loser. I am NOT. tcc, yet if I follow you and your tcc, your jus not weird enough for me to hate you.
freezingmcxn liked this · 5 months ago
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bleeeh yes hope you get betert
might drop sick cal headcanons because i'm sick rn and i'm cal core bleeeh
(i think someone has already but... let me have this)
my favorite Andre kriegman bot got deleted and I'm so sad I know being upset over AI is so fucking stupid but I liked that bot
it was one of the bots made by this squidbunny person but she deleted her account like almost a month ago and only NOW her bots aren't working. because if you have a open chat of a bot of a deleted creator you can still message it but NOW I can't message it
I agree with all of these but tf you misogynistic? like kai from ahs type misogynistic? I kinda agree, but I think he would just be an asshole to everyone (maybe not his parents)
andre headcanonss!
・that man is AUTISTICC!! he has autism in his eyes n u cannot convince me otherwise.
・he thinks peak humor is just saying faggot. he will call absolutely anyone and everyone a faggot, and laugh his ass off about it. its not even that funny
・chronically online 4chan user
・has punched like six different holes in the walls of his bedroom, and covered them up with posters so his parents didnt see and yell at him.
・hes probably horribly misogynistic sorry 😭 i feel like he'd be such an asshole
・he gets the worlds worst road rage
・hes always really sweaty. like uncomfortably so. holding his hand would be horrifying
・chronic nail biter
・was in speech therapy as a kid cos he had a horrific stutter
・peanut allergy. thisis based off someone elses post i saw on here but they were right he seriously does look like he has a peanut allergy
・he was def a sped kid in elementary sorry!!
i love nasty, greasy teenage boy cal…
give me cal who has a stack of porn magazines underneath his bed with certain pages stuck together for reasons he refuses to tell anyone.
give me cal who douses himself in axe body spray instead of showering every day.
give me cal who has acne everywhere, whose skin is decorated in red and pinks with blackheads and whiteheads galore.
give me cal who doesn’t wash his hands every time he leaves the restroom and pisses on the side of the road.
give me cal with greasy hair pulled back in a tiny ponytail that rests on the back of his neck.
give me cal who has nails that are a bit too long with dirt underneath them.
that's just SOME stuff I've seen like SOME people saying "I wanna fuck them>_<" to some dead teenage serial killer
