Academy Maniacs - Tumblr Posts

Once school starts again, Another Columbine will happen. None of you fuckers are gonna see it coming. My bombs are actually gonna work instead of those shitty duct tape fireworks Reb and V0dka called "pipe bombs", No these will be REAL fucking bombs. No shit. My entire school will be wiped of the face on this EARTH. its gonna be AWESOME. I'll be Wrath and Natural Selection combined. I already have my dads hunting rifle and hundreds of rounds of live ammuniton, as well as copious amounts of gun powder which im gonna assemble into bombs. I'll plant them all over the school, and if that piece of shit horrible building will become nothing but rubble. If anyone surives? Shoot them. Anybody escapes? Oh well, they were destained to get out of there. Fucking NATURAL SELECTION. You puny idiots wouldnt get it anyway. Watch out, you bumbling baffoons at my school, OUTRUN. MY. FUCKING. GUN.

zero day and academy maniacs art
one of them was cal watching animation memes, and nikita in the background about to get blew up

School art
why are there only dylan klebold/eric harris spirit wives? there aint no adam lanza spirit wives, no nikita lytkin spirit wives, no andrew blaze spirit wives, you get it
Cal here sorry for posting on Adam's account.... but we're having crazy art block so I decided to do something silly and stupid to try and fix it. I wanna draw some tc people as aliens..... Help me pick who PLEASE!

Punkito face reveal 🪓 (my nose started bleeding this morning lol)

Tw/cw: true crime.

here's a reminder that I am NOT TCC. I don't condone ANY actions that the serial killers have done, all victims shall rest in peace. I am only interested in a couple of cases, the academy maniacs and that Adam lanza loser. I am NOT. tcc, yet if I follow you and your tcc, your jus not weird enough for me to hate you.
Why does one of the first things I know of Nikita that one video of him cranking the hog (ME DA VERGUENZA SER POBRE) (I think??)