(They/She) I have seen all Wes Anderson movies (Isle of dogs totally not my favourite😭) Savior of latin (NOT SPOILER FREE!)Socially awkward
471 posts
I Might Need To Get This Out Of My Chest So Rant I Guess + IOD Spoilers >:3
I might need to get this out of my chest so rant i guess + IOD spoilers >:3
I know some people think it's weird to have a crush on a fictional character especially if they don't have enough screentime or are deceased.
"But isn't Watanabe dead and not have enough screentime🤓 why do you like him?🤓" it's a movie that's over an hour and a half and he dies 50 minutes into the film. Just because he doesn't appear in every shot doesn't mean he's not important😭 because he kinda is. I mean who created the dog flu cure? Who stood up for the dogs?.
Also i really don't care about jokes about him dying if i do care it's not that i'm offended it's more that it's either uncomfortable or not creative
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Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Director: Wes Anderson
Cinematographer: Tristan Oliver
Isle of Dogs characters as kaomojis because why not😭
Rex: 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
Duke: ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
King: ( ^∀^)
Boss: ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Chief: (`_´)ゞ
Spots: :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
Atari: (-.-;)y-~~~
Nutmeg: (〃ω〃)
Jupiter: ( ^_^)/~~~
Tracy: Σ੧(❛□❛✿)
Professor Watanabe: (・・;) or alternatively _| ̄|○ or (-_-)
That's all i can think of probably inaccurate but this is mostly for fun and because i was bored
Do you guys have any headcanons for Professor Watanabe?
Idk who to tag so feel free to join ig
new tag game i guess…make a poll with 4 of your fav songs and 4 fav movies and tag 4 people
tagging @felixmustdie @laughmyaortaoff @gw3npo0l @freebleedinginthewalmart and anyone else who wants to join :3
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