prasadsai53 - a wandering soul
a wandering soul

186 posts

If A Boy Cries For A Girl, Thatdoesn't MeanHe Is Stupid....If A Boy Cant Move On To Anothergirl,that

If a boy cries for a girl, that doesn't mean He is stupid.... If a boy cant move on to another girl, that doesn't mean He is stubborn.... If a boy gets depressed for'one girl', that doesn't mean He is a loser.... If a boy always dreams about only 'one girl', that doesn't mean He's just got addicted to her.... If a boy is obsessed for one girl, that doesn't mean He cant be with any other girl.... If a boy is crazy for one girl, that doesn't mean He has lost his mind.... But, All that means is, He loves that Girl so much that he cant love any other girl in the same way....

More Posts from Prasadsai53

9 years ago

I am in goddamn literal pain without you.

Ernest Hemingway, from a letter to Martha Gellhorn (via violentwavesofemotion)

soo true! soo real!

13 years ago


today,i've created my tumblr account

9 years ago

I unwillingly force myself to dismiss thoughts of you, sprinting away from what I know I could easily return to. It easy far too easy for you to become my deepest regret.

Noor Shirazie (via aestheticintrovert)

9 years ago

this post is very much like how i think!

