princesschimchim1325 - SimpWonderland

19yrs old, I simp for alot characters. I also love writing about them. ♡ Fem! readers & ocs Safe Haven.

571 posts

The Size Difference

The size difference🙀

After doing extensive research for an OC x Canon ship, I’ve come to a height conclusion

After Doing Extensive Research For An OC X Canon Ship, Ive Come To A Height Conclusion

Using puss as a canonical 2 feet tall height start, I looked for a scene where both him and the wolf is standing in a portrait mode no filter

I have concluded that Lobo/Death is around 8’04 feet tall when slightly hunched and 9 feet tall if not hunched a bit.

All this so I can draw a OC height reference

After Doing Extensive Research For An OC X Canon Ship, Ive Come To A Height Conclusion

((The OC is 4’0-4’05))

That’s all I think idk

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More Posts from Princesschimchim1325

2 years ago

Loving her is Red (1)

Hawks, known to be the fastest hero in Japan and a man who does things his own pace. A man whose life has never been completely his, from the moment the Commission had taken him in, he never really had anything to truly call his. Hawks is the cocky, laid-back Wing Hero whom society adores and fawns over, the flawless facade no one saw through because they prefer it over Takami Keigo who came from a poor and harsh begining.

So why is it that the one person who could see past the mask, is a woman who just happen to hate the Commission?

Or in which Hawks falls in love with someone he shouldn't have. Good thing the feeling is mutual.

Warnings : Hawks is a big birb man, he acts like a bird, he courts like a bird, he has a nest, kind of hawks centric, Takami Keigo is a HUGE SIMP, cursing, HPSC bashing, Endeavor bashing. Written in Hawks' POV, 3rd POV. Mentions of abuse.

I headcanon that those with mutant quirks like Keigo are bigger in size compared to anyone else, so they are forced to take (expensive) suppressants to be smaller to look much more 'normal' and approachable. Inspired by Horus in Gods of Egypt and Hawkman from Black Adam, Keigo in his original form is bigger and much faster with talon-like nails.

The love interest/reader has female genitalia, with she/her prounouns. In this household we love thicc women, thicc thighs save lives, world hard and cold, tiddies soft and warm, implied to be a virgin. Codename is Valkryie. Implied to have a bird-related quirk. Is nicknamed Pidge (lady and the tramp style), Kid, Dove and Angel by Hawks.

(I tried to be inclusive to black readers so the fic rarely mentions the hair and skin, everyone is beautiful so synonyms of it is used alot)

Slight slow burn, pinch of angst, lots of fluff, smut, porn with plot, and they were roommates, slight enemies to lovers.

Foreplay, dom/sub, rough s*x, size difference, size kink, overstimulation, implied breeding kink, wing kink, feather kink, creampie, cum eating, cunnilingus, handjob, seasonal rut, aftercare.

Smut will be in part 2

Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! No Reposts.


Love is an unfamiliar word for both for Hawks and Takami Keigo. Neither of Keigo's parents loved him nor did they display love for each other. The 'love' the public and his fans give him as Hawks is superficial, they only love the mask he showcases and that's it. The Commission isn't any better, they trained him to be a child soldier, a little puppet they can order around for the sake of 'peace'. His admiration for Endeavor came from the fact that his only reprieve as a child was an Endeavor plushie.

He has never known love but that's fine, as long as he does his purpose, it was fine.


He'd be lying if he said he never questioned the Commission but he'd be an even bigger liar if he said he didn't know the exact moment he started crack.

On top of all his already full workload, the Commission gave him another thing to think about. An agent from Might Tower who they were planning on partnering him up with, was suddenly attacked by five armed men while coming inside her apartment. Fortunately, she was able to freeze them before they could do any real damage to her. Her neighbors heard shots being fired and quickly called the authorities. She had a few scratches and bruises but she was mostly fine.

In his defense, he did ask what did that have to do with him, to which the President replied "Like I said, she's an agent that we were going to place under your agency. She's an important asset with her skills as an analyst. However, with the sudden attempt on her life, we decided to have you always with her, to ensure such a valuable woman wouldn't get taken out too early." Apparently, they want him to act as a bodyguard for a while due to her skills and her knowledge, making her an important asset (he hates how they talk about her like she's an object that was going to be discarded after using).

it was a pretty solid story, he had no reason to be suspicious. He was ordered to escort her from her apartment, he had to divide his wings and put all his feathers in a backpack when he came to pick her up, so no one would recognize him.

When he entered her room, she was clearly no damsel in distress, considering she caught him by suprise when she attacked him. If he were any ordinary man, he would have died then and there with how fast and precise she was. However, he wasn't ordinary, so he was able to keep up with her, although in the end she was able to pin him down (which was pretty impressive).

There was a certain glint in her eyes, one he couldn't really pin-point what, that tells him that she wasn't who she says she was. He told her he was Hawks and he was there to pick her up by the order of the Commission. She didn't immediately let him go (which was fair), but with enough reassurances from him, she did got off of him and apologized. But she made it extremely clear that she didn't trust, in her words, an HPSC rascal.

Her eyes should have given him a clue.


Hawks will admit, she was good. Obviously, she was efficient at her job, her work ethics were things to envied. She made work much easier for him and everyone involved.

No, that wasn't he meant, no, not at all. What he meant was that she new what buttons to push to get him riled up. He and Valkyrie were told that they were to share a space to work more efficiently. Which meant he was at the recieving end of her judgement of the Commission and her teasing remarks. She wasn't shy of her criticism and disapproval of the Commission's methods. Not to mention she regularly calls him 'HPSC rascal'. Hell, she gave him grief over the amount of times she saved his ass from their joint missions.

It was a juxtaposition to her serious, no-nonsense persona she shows in front of everyone. To get back at her, he started calling her 'Pidge'. At first it was just to tease her, to get a reaction out of her, but as time went on, it became a term of endearment to him for her.

But it wasn't all bad. For as much as a little sh*t she was, she was equally kind. Because they shared a house paid by the Commission, they saw each other everyday. Which made him see a much different side to her. Despite the fact that he was pretty much useless when it comes to cooking, she just shook her head and asked what are his preferences. Didn't judge him whenever his feathers were a mess, didn't question his temporary nest that was placed in the corner of his room.

However, Hawks still had a job to do. So every now and then, he would ask for a report on what she knows and gathered from her work. He also kept an eye out for her, making sure no man one does any funny business with her. Which leads him to his current predicament; seething quietly in his office as her apparent 'right-hand man' was chatting her ears off. The man was clearly obsessed with her, calling her 'Valkyrie-sama' and kept going on and on about how merciful she was. And the worst part was; she entertained the younger man.

He swears it's not because he's jealous, but the young man was just so irritating, the absolute disrespect towards him, the number #2 f**king Pro Hero.

Even when the younger man had left, Hawks can't help but notice just how much attention Valkryie gets, both from men and women. It made sense, she was beautiful and approachable, of course everyone wants her attention.

What bothered him was the fact that those who approached didn't even bother looking at her gorgeous eyes, they immediately look at her ample chest. His eye twitched when a particularly shameless man placed his disgusting hands on her shoulder, Hawks sat up a little too quickly which made his chair fall over due to the speed. Valkryie looked at him with concern while the man had flinched.

"If you don't have any further business with either of us, please see yourself out." He left no room for any complaints with how cold his glare was. The man was quick to leave his office with his tail in between his legs.

Hawks glanced at Valkryie, only to see her with a mischievous smile on her lips.

Oh, I am f**ked


Seven months.

They have been living in the same house for seven months. The Commission had been on his ass, reminding him that if she seemed suspicious, he should investigate and immediately report to them.

Turns out, the other reason the Commission made them live together for a while was to keep an eye out on her, because the men that they caught that attempted to attack her said "she isn't who she says she is." Or something like that.

The thing was.... he had noticed. He noticed so he followed her one night four months ago because she hadn't returned from her 'work', and would you look at that; she was talking and having coffee..... with Twice from the league of villains.

And yet... he didn't report the incident to the HPSC. Why?

Well, because he had eavesdropped into their conversation and realized that they were just... talking, as if they were friends. Making debates just how screwed up amd corrupt the government and HPSC is, making fun of their co-workers. They were laughing and looked like they were having a good time.

So he left and went back to the apartment and pretended not to know. Pretended he didn't watch her be friends with a villain when she got back, he just greeted her like he did everytime.

Hawks can't help but wonder why he hadn't told the HPSC, but Keigo knows why he didn't.

Because he fell for her....You know, like an idiot.

Hawks did the one thing he most likely shouldn't have. Keigo fell in love with someone he shouldn't have. The HPSC would have his head if they found out. He could have done what they taught him to do, he could have ratted her out.

Instead, everytime an agent from the Commission calls him, he'd say she's clean... like a liar.

The things you do for love, right?


Three months later.

They had a fight. Not for the reason he had expected.

They fought.... because he was too careless in a battle with a nomu. It made sense, spring was coming, which means his seasonal rut was coming too. He was starting to feel the signs of it.

The battle ended with the duo winning and Hawks having a gash on his left side which Pidge had to tend.

Which leaves the two of them in a rented cabin (thanks to the nice granny) in the middle of a snowy mountain just a month and a half before spring. Their fight went from him being too careless to her being friends with a villain. She had the audacity to look offended when he spilled that he knew she was friends with Twice.

He sneered, saying "You don't get to call me careless when you're out there making friends with a villain, which could get your license revoked. So tell me, Pidge, who's really careless between the two of us?"

"At the very least, I'm not a puppet who's treated like garbage despite being a loyal soldier, Hawks."

Not going to lie, that hurt. But she wasn't wrong. Lately however, he hasn't been the HPSC's loyal little lapdog, he's been lying to them for a while now.

"Oh , I wouldn't say I'm loyal, considering I haven't told them of your little 'escapade'." He can't help but sass her.

She scoffed, despite the fact that she had an amused look on her lovely face. "Why not? Why haven't you told them? That's what they taught you to do right?"

He didn't even realized what he was saying before it was too late. "Because I love you, Pidge."

Her head snapped towards him with her eyes wide. His own eyes widen when he realized what he just said.

Oh kami, what the f**k have I done? Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, what do I do??? I can't take it back, f**k, I am the world's biggest fool, a damn idiot, fuuuuu–



It was his turn to snap his towards her with an incredulous look on his face. She had the audacity to look flustered, "I mean, why would you disobey the Commission, the people who raised you, for someone who regularly calls you a prick and rascal?" Her eyes refused to make contact with his.

He took her fiddling hands in his much bigger and rougher hands, rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles. This made her finally look at him, to which he gave her a small but genuine smile.

"I don't think you understand, I have never, never felt so free until I met you, until I'm with you, Pidge." He chuckled, leaning towards her "You make me feel less like the child soldier the Commission raised me to be and more like a normal guy who is in love."

She looked even more flustered, "O-okay, but why do you love me? You're the number two pro-hero, you could have just about anyone, so why me?" Her tone said it all, she was unsure if he was being genuine with his confession.

"Yeah, I could but I won't. Why would I give my love and trust to someone who just see the mask and not to you; you who won't hesitate to call me out, and yet you treat me like you would anyone else? How can I not fall in in love with you, when you don't judge me whenever my 'perfect' mask slips? Whenever I'm pissed and tired, you'll ask me to talk about my day instead of telling me to just suck it up. You don't expect me to act perfect all the time, and I love you for it. You are evrything I've dreamed of and more."

It wasn't the man who the Commission raised was confessing, it was Keigo. Takami Keigo who never thought he'd fall in love but always longed it. Hawks who threw away his identity for the HPSC to become a pro hero like Endeavor, suddenly became Keigo again.

She giggled despite the fact that her lovely eyes were welled up with unshed tears, "How can't I be fond of you when you are such a silly bird? Whenever your hair was a mess, it made you seem more normal and not the fabricated image you show to the public. Honestly, you are so weird but I guess you're my weird bird, huh?"

"True, but you shouldn't go saying things like that, it's dangerous." He shook his head while fondly smiling at her.

She tilted her head, "Like what? Why?"

"Calling me your weird bird, it's dangerous because most raptors mate for life. Do you know what that means for me?"


"I'm more like a bird than the public would like to admit. " He shook his head just thinking about how the public always denied him being more bird-like.

"...I don't want to seem nosy, but does that mean you go through a rut?" She softly asked him.

His bushy eyebrows furrowed at how accurate she was. How–?

"How-what gave me away?"

"Well, you said it yourself, you are more bird-like than the public would like admit, honey." The nickname made him think of them in a domestic setting. He should probably focus at the topic at hand.

"Yeah, I go through a rut every spring for about two weeks."

"Well, it is pretty normal isn't it? Most people with quirk like yours have that effect on them, I'm not exempted from it either but it's milder for me." She nonchalantly explained. Of course, her quirk was a transformation type not a mutation, so the effect on her was different.

There she goes again, being attentive to him. How can he not fall for her?

"Yeah, the upcoming weeks leading up to my rut will be hell."

"I see, that makes sense. It's probably very difficult for you to do without a partner."

The two of them were quiet for a few minutes.

Ah, f**k it.

"Takami Keigo." He blurted out. She looked at him with confusion written all over her pretty face.

This was so awkward but very necessary if he wants the relationship to work out. (At least, that's what his handler said. Thankfully, his handler was secretly going against the HPSC, so he wasn't too worried.)

"It's my name, I-I just wanted you to know." No one, absolutely no one besides the commission knew his name. He was going against every single thing the HPSC taught him and yet he couldn't find it in himself to regret it.

She nodded and confessed her own name.

"Can I say your name? Just once, please?"

Well, what was he supposed to say? No? Of course not.

"Yeah sure, just don't say it out loud whenever we're in public or with people we can't trust, yeah?" He couldn't afford to endanger her more than she already was, so they'll have to pretend to be just friends whenever they're in public. A small price to pay if he was being honest.

"Keigo..." why did he like his name being said by her? Was this what they called being 'down bad'?





Hawks–no, Keigo lifted his large and calloused hand to cup her warm cheek. "May I–?"

She smiled and nodded, "So chivalrous, of course you may."

He chuckled before he closed the distance between them.

Despite the fact that they were in a secluded cabin, sharing one futon while it was cold outside, nothing felt more perfect.


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2 years ago

Oh ? 👀

How to tell if someone has issues:

#1 they take time to figure out a characters height

Also I calculated and death is like 7'6" bc puss is 2'

Here's the proof:

How To Tell If Someone Has Issues:

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2 years ago


Alrighty then.

○ Love is the literal embodiment of love. She is a red marble fox with a heart marking in her forehead and has purple eyes with white pupils.

○ She is playful and loves teasing others, including Death(Muerte). She is blunt and gves very meaningful advices to those who asks and those who she sees in need.

○ Love softly guides souls to the right person, to the right people. Familial love, platonic love, self love and romantic love are the things she preaches.

○ Love was very disappointed in Puss when he ran away from the wedding but she understood that it was for the better.

○ Love and Muerte have known each other for a long time. Love teases Muerte as a sign of affection and endearment. Muerte may look like he'd rather be anywhere but don't be fooled, he likes it. Muerte teases Love a lot as well.

○ Muerte is BIG, like way taller than an average wolf. Someone said he's 7'06, which makes Love 5'07. So take that as you will 😏.

If yall want more, just ask away~

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2 years ago



let's all smooch his pretty birb facey<3

2 years ago

Happy Birthday to the Love of my life,

Takami Keigo 💕❤🎂

Happy Birthday To The Love Of My Life,

Look at him, he deserves all the love🥺💕.

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