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Ello, I'm Star! I make art 👍FNAF, Transformers, bunch of other things

506 posts

The Ones For Fulcrum And Misfire Are Spot On, I Like Those

The ones for Fulcrum and Misfire are spot on, I like those

Finally finished the second part of the Mtmte voice claims! This one took a lot longer than I anticipated mainly bcs some parts had to be changed for either not fitting right or bcs I had to delete some parts and edit the rest

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More Posts from Princesstarfire1234

8 months ago

i cant explain it but this is scavengers coded

princesstarfire1234 - ✰ commissions open !! ✰
princesstarfire1234 - ✰ commissions open !! ✰
9 months ago

I was enjoying a nice warm meal while scrolling through tumblr before reading this... NOTHING AGAINST KIDO JUST... DEAR LORD NOOO 😭😭😭


Another Scavengers thing for the lovely anon who requested it

Alright, before I begin, I’m sorry if this turns out a bit shitty. I will say that I tried my best and I hope you like it, anon. Now let’s begin, shall we? So (since I really like starting my writing like this) imagine:

The Scavengers are on a planet full of decepticon and autobot deserters, neutrals, organics, and -what is considered to be- space pirates. They have stopped because it’s cybertronian friendly for the most part and there’s an outpost there that will let them trade in old junk for supplies such as energon and the such. While on planet, Krok and Crankcase go to the outpost to make the trades needed, while Fulcrum, Misfire, and Spinister go to look around and see if there’s anything they could buy with what little money that they have on hand. While snooping around Misfire sees something that catches his optics, but he doesn’t have enough money to pay for it, nor is it necessary to get. But he wants it. Thinking he’s being real sneaky, he grabs it and starts walking away with it in hand. The seller, a very big, mean looking cybertronian, catches him in the act and makes a grab for Misfire’s wing and gets it. Misfire at this point freezes because, a) he’s just been caught, and b) that’s his wing they’re holding. And everyone knows a seeker’s wings are extremely sensitive to pain, but this fellow doesn’t seem to care as he pulls Misfire back towards himself, bending the apendage in an awkward angle in the process making Misfire hiss in pain. The bigger guy looks at Misfire’s hands, which are now holding the object tightly in pain, and angrily asks him to give it back.

Before Misfire can do anything though, Spinister comes over and, seeing the situation his comrade is in, attacks. Push led to shove and it was only a matter of moments before the entire area erupted into complete and utter chaos. Fulcrum, not knowing what the hell had just happened, weaved his way through the mess and tried to stay out of people’s ways as they threw things at eachothers and did their best to take opponents who got anywhere near them out, him included. He looked around for his partners before things escalated more than they already had and authorities were called in. As he dodged a punch to the face, he saw a big mech -probably as tall as Spinister if not taller- going for Misfire, who had a very badly bent wing and energon covering some of his frame. Despite the injuries the seeker still attempted to fight back against the other, unaware of the fact that there was another mech coming behind him with a blaster drawn.

“Misfire!” Fulcrum yelled attempting to warn his friend, but it was to late. The mech pulled the trigger and the blaster went off, hitting Misfire nearly square in the back of his head before he colapsed to the floor where the two bigger mechs proceeded to beat and kick him repeatedly.

A sudden wave of rage washed over Fulcrum and the next thing he knew he lunged himself at the two mechs attacking Misfire who seemed to be caught off guard by a tiny technician suddenly attack them.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” He yelled out as he reached under one of the mech’s plating and ripped the wires out painfully before he was thrown from the others shoulders.

At that point Krok and Crankcase got to the area they were in and saw the destruction and chaos that was going around as well as part of their crew fighting for their lives. Krok saw Misfire laying unconcious on the floor covered in energon and quickly commed the others telling Spinister to get Misfire and for Fulcrum to stop and retreat back to the W.A.P., which Crankcase had quickly hurried too to start up so they could escape quicker. Upon getting back to the ship Misfire was rushed to the med bay while Krok interrogated Fulcrum to see what sort of information he could get before the fight broke out but he couldn’t get a coherent answer from the K-class as he kept stuttering and asking if he could leave to go check on Misfire and see if he was alright. After a while Krok gave up and Spinister came back, and the surgeon didn’t need to have a face to tell that he was upset.

“We … I don’t have enough parts to properly fix him.” He said sadly before he continued, “The shot came in to close to his processor and he’s been put in a coma. I give him about two days tops. If we can find an outpost with parts before then, then I could fix him up, but if not … ” Spinister trailed off, not needing to finish the thought to get the point across.

Fulcrum stood up from where he’d been sitting and walked over to the med bay, ignoring Spinister asking him if he wanted him to fix up the injuries he’d dealt and walking over to Misfire’s side who’d been hooked up to a machine. He took a seat next to him and Spinister understood he needed some time alone and left going over to Krok who was talking with Crankcase who said something about goin to check the cargo bay because he heard some noise down there, which left Krok now staring at a wall as if deep in thought. Spinister aproached cautiously and got his leaders attention before he spoke.

“Um, Krok … I didn’t want to say this in front of Fulcrum, but even if I got Misfire patched up again his processor has been to badly damaged,“ he said, “when he wakes up -if he wakes up- he may never be the same again.”

Before Krok could respond the W.A.P. is hit by something nearly knocking the two off their feet. A warning light started flashing red above them and they ran full speed down to the cargo bay where the sound of the explosion seemed to have originated from. Upon getting there they saw Crankcase and an odd individual wrestling with eachother, both trying to reach for a gun that was a ways away from them. Spinister grabbed his blaster and Krok made to grab the gun when the other got the upper hand on Crankcase. He manuvered his digits under the wound in Crankcase’s head, and smirked up to Krok and Spinister as he tore the top of Crankcase’s helm clean off. While Krok and Spinister stared in utter horror another mech came in through the hole in the hull and took the moment of shock to shoot Crankcase through the open wound in his helm before the mech holding him threw him into a limp heap on the floor.

Krok fell to his knees and pulled Crankcase’s limp body towards himself, not caring that he was being covered in the energon of his friends as he spoke, “Crankcase?” Spinister at this point had seen enough and pulled his rotor from his back and charged forward with an angry shout. “Spinister, no!” Krok called out to the medic but he was already engaged in battle with the two other mechs; he swung his rotor one way while sneaking in a few shots with his blaster. Krok looked around for the gun from before when he heard Spinister howl in pain. He looked up and saw one of the mech’s had shot Spinister and was now closing in on his injured friend. “Wait!” Krok yelled out getting the other two mechs attention, “Please … please don’t kill him. I’m the leader of this ship. I … I’ll give you anything, just, please stop killing my crew.” He said practically begging.

“You’ll give us anything?” One of the mech’s asks as he approached Krok using a knife to tilt his head up, “You will give us anything we want?”

“Yes. So long as you stop killing my crew,” he said holding Crankcase’s body closer and sounding much stronger than he really felt at the moment. “Name your price.”

The two mechs looked at eachother as they chuckled before the one in front of Krok looked back down at him before speaking, “We want one billion shanix.” They noted how Krok’s optics widened before they continued, “Can you give us that, captain?” He asked sliding his blade away from Krok’s chin.

“We - I - I don’t have that type of money. Please name anything els-” Krok was cut off as the mech used the knife to slash him across the face before he spoke once more.

“We’ve said what we want and you don’t have it. Your crew dies.”

Krok quickly scrambled to find the gun from before when he suddenly heard Spinister screaming in pain before it suddenly cutting off. His head snapped back up just to see one of the mech’s arms stabbed straight through the medic’s chest with his spark in hand before it was pulled back out. Krok watched in horror as the two mech laughed as they practically tore Spinister apart before tossing him in front of Krok who began shaking then, barely holding back the liquid in his optics as a melancholy look crossed his face. Spinister, with the last ounce of his strength, pushed himself closer to Krok and took hold of his hand, apologizing to Krok before his colors left his frame and he fell limp. Krok could do nothing but shake and hold his comrade’s hand as it happened trying to hold his tears back; he refused to cry in front of these mechs. His expression quickly darkened to one of anger as he let his comrades go and charged at the two mechs in a blind rage. He put up a fight for a few moments before the two mechs overpowered him and knocked him offline. Krok’s optics onlined slowly, his whole body ached and there was a pounding in his head. It took him a moment to realize he was being dragged down the hall and another to identify the door to the med bay once they stopped.

The two mechs looked inside and smirked when they saw Fulcrum sitting next to an unconcious Misfire. They charged in, ready to go for the kill startling the poor K-con enough to jump out of his seet but Fulcrum acted quickly and pulled out one of Spinister’s many blasters from behind the medical slab and began firing multiple shots. The two mechs reacted just as quickly and easily put Krok in front of themselves and used him as a shield. Fulcrum instantly froze and stopped shooting but kept glaring at them. He then noticed that other two comrades were nowhere to be seen and asked where they were. His only answer being two sadistic smirks. Fulcrum froze then, a look of disbelief and shock crossed his face as he looked between his leader and the two mechs, one of which took the opportunity to rush him and rip the blaster away from him. Krok watched as Fulcrum was cornered into a wall and began stuggling against his captor’s hold and began begging for them to let him go, but it was fruitless. Krok looked away as Fulcrum let out a spine chilling scream, as his metal was torn apart. The mech holding Krok let out a chuckle and forced him to look back up and told him to watch. Krok reluctantly obliged and felt his fuel pump churn at the state Fulcrum was now in.

The mech beating Fulcrum suddenly let him drop. He was barely alive. Krok struggled, wanting to get to his comrades side, but still found the attempt useless. He turned his attention to the other mech once more when he suddenly heard the machine keeping Misfire onlined being broken. He heard Fulcrum struggling against the floor only to hear him colaps once more. He could see Fulcrum from the corner of his optics watching silently as Misfire’s body began twitching violently as the life support was cut off suddenly before going limp once more and losing all color. Krok could now see optical fluids running down Fulcrum’s face as he watched him die. He himself didn’t look any better. He felt the mech holding him loosen his grip a bit but not enough for him to get free and the one who had killed Misfire walked back to Fulcrum and pulled out his gun. Krok was about to beg again when two shots rang out and the world around him started fading out as he and Fulcrum fell to the floor as Grimlock suddenly came hurtling through the door. The last thing he heard was the two mechs screams.


Krok’s optics cycled online everything was blurry. There was people staring down at him. He couldn’t make out what they were saying. They waved a hand in front of his face before he blacked out again.


Krok woke with a start. He looked at his surroundings and when he didn’t recognize them began to panic until he saw grimlock sitting next to him with an empty stare. A few seconds later a medic came in and asked how he felt. He responded he was fine before looking around once more before he made a question.

“My crew … they were on the ship with me, where are they?”

The medic looked at him sadly before they responded. “I’m sorry, but by the time we came across your ship everyone else was dead.” Krok’s spark sank and he looked broken and the medic took that as a sign that he needed be left alone.

Krok buried his face in his hands and began crying quietly. Grimlock approached him quietly and placed a servo on his shoulder. But it didn’t help. He failed. He had failed his crew again. His crew was dead; his family was dead, and he would never get them back.

(I’m so sorry this took so long. Tumblr kept acting up and deleting everything. It was so much better the first time around

Anyways, still ready for whenever you guys decide to start unfollowing).

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9 months ago
Just Finished Earthspark Season 2 And I Yearn For Sillier Decepticons In That Show That ARENT Trying

Just finished Earthspark season 2 and I yearn for sillier decepticons in that show that ARENT trying to kill the kids, so I'm trying to work on ES Scavengers designs inbetween comms

I started sketching Krok after finishing the final episode of the batch :]]

Some earlier sketch under cut ⤵️

Just Finished Earthspark Season 2 And I Yearn For Sillier Decepticons In That Show That ARENT Trying

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8 months ago

probably my favorite humanisations of these guys so far

The Weak Anthropic Principle Is A Pretty Weird Name For A Ship

“the weak anthropic principle” is a pretty weird name for a ship

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