The Happenings In The Art Of Starting Over
The Happenings In the Art of Starting Over

James Buchanan Barnes is a broken man who is whisked away to the remote and serene land of Wakanda. His colleagues begin to believe if there is anyone who could try and help him it will be Irene. And try she will. But healing Bucky won't come easy, he is stubborn and scared and wants nothing to do with Irene and her powers. Helping Bucky will be a journey of trials and tribulations, Irene knows that. And yet, she still saunters over to him with a smile.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Black!Mutant! OC
Word Count:
I do NOT give permission for my work to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. My work is my own.

Irene's feet and back ached unnaturally. It seemed there wasn't enough medicine in the world for her to shake the feeling. After the mission in Logos, and Irene's failed attempt at saving civilians from a burning building. She was left with a seared back, and could only assume that's why she had been sleeping for almost two days straight.
Irene made her way down the marble steps in which she despised. Mentioning to Tony on more than one occasion that it was definitely a safety hazard. Anyone not barefoot would easily meet their demise at this bottom of the stair case.
Eventually her silent travel through the hallway of the compound was cut short and suddenly trampled over with a mixture of angry voices. One of them she could point out immediately. It was that of Tony Stark.
The conference room was in complete shambles. Even the air felt divided. Cap stood beside Sam with scrawls on their faces. Vision comforted Wanda as her chest rose and fell heavy with guilt. Nat tried to talk Tony out of being childish and advocated for him to listen to his teammates.
Irene walked in, shutting the door behind herself. The click of glass causing the commotion to decease. Everyone's eyes on her now.
"Ah, you're awake!' Rhodes stood up from his chair "Irene would you please tell Cap he's lost his mind." He proceeded to slap Steve's shoulders with his heavy hand.
Irene eyed Tony, whose fingers spread wide and made a peak whole for him to see through. "What's going on here?" She signed to him.
"Well.' Tony stood up, adjusting his suit. "As you may know while we were too busy kicking ass and taking names. We ended up killing and injuring hundreds of Logos civilians.' He said sarcastically as Irene intently focused on his lips.
"But that's just another avengers game day average." He drawled.
"I know, I was there." Irene's eyes fell to her feet.
"Get to issue, Stark." Cap grumbled, taking a seat.
"The issue is we're under jurisdiction now.' Tony grabbed a thick unfamiliar stack of papers along with a pen, passing it to Irene.
Slightly air brushed against her face as she flipped through the pages of the accords. "Jurisdiction?' Irene questioned. "I don't understand?" She sat the papers down.
"We'll allow me to assist with that." Secretary Ross pushed open the glass doors. Interrupting the avengers and their trivial arguing .
"Good morning, Irene.' He smiled slightly, closing the door behind himself. "Glad to see your well and walking."
"Something like that." Irene muttered, taking a seat besides Wanda and Vision.
"You okay?' She intruded Wanda's mind probing the question.
Wanda just sighed and closed her eyes, reaching out for Irene's hand. Irene intertwined their fingers.
"You'll be okay, everything will be okay." She thought, knowing Wanda could hear her.
Secretary Ross cleared his throat with a cough, while adjusting his tie. "Obviously I didn't come here today to reward you all with a pizza party."
Sam laughs at this. Ross glares at him, coughing once more.
"I'm here today to discuss those big white stacks of papers.' He pointed to the accords that were scattered about in various parts of the room. "I can now see you've all had a chance to observe them." He eyed Wanda.
"Why don't you just tell us what you really want from us." Cap spat out, leaning back and folding his arms over his chest.
"Well, Captain. I want to do what every great business man wants. I want to sell it to you." He grabbed a stack of the accords along with a pen. "And if you like, sign it." He pushed the documents, Irene watched them slide across the smooth wooden table, stopping directly in front of Steve Rogers.
"If not, you'll find out." He winked.
"If we sign this we give up our right to choose, don't you see that." Sam said.
"Yeah and every-time we've chosen more people wind up dead rather than saved." Rhodes inserted, talking directly to Sam.
"Well then we workout a better civilian casualty prevention plan before we strike!" Sam escalated.
"We've tried that before, bird costume!' Tony shouted. "And it still nearly landed Irene dead!" He pointed at her back bandages that were visible through her black tank top.
Wanda winced, her hand slipped from Irene's immediately. Not even able to look at her friend as her head held low in shame.
"Stop it.' Irene spoke up while signing. "You're scaring her." She pointed at Wanda.
"She should be scared, you all should.' Ross began. "You and Wanda are two of the countless enhanced individuals out there. If not used properly your powers can reek havoc. Logos made that obvious." He clicked a button on a remote which illuminated a screen behind him.
"Sokovia—New York.' He sighed, flipping through graphic photos of collapsed buildings and civilian casualties. "Do we really want the list to expand? Hero's are meant to save people, not hurt them."
Irene sighed closing her eyes. Had she been a bad hero all this time? Was she doing more harm than good. When Tony found her at the tender age of thirteen she knew what she could do, the afghan military had been using her for years.
Making Irene shape shift into political leaders, generals, or even regular people to foil out their plans—whatever they may be. She got into peoples mind and scrambled them around a bit. She was the personification of fear when she was a prisoner to them.
But when Tony freed her, a switch went off. She vowed only to use her powers for good. She would be the only one in charge of how she used them and when.
She would use them to protect, not harm. And if she was doing this, If she was indeed causing harm unintentional or not. Irene felt she needed to be rectified.
"So what does that say about us?" She whispered.
"What?" Wanda responded to Irene's whisper, facing her now.
Irene's eyes glossed over in fear, a tear daring to fall. "He's got a point Wanda, if we're the problem—shouldn't we be the solution?"
Wanda scoffed, pushing past vision and Irene. "I can't do this." She sniffled, holding herself tight as she left the room
Secretary Ross kissed his teeth together and shook his head. "Reality is often disappointing.' He walked the room, sauntering closer to the door. "Take a day or two to thing about it. And by a day or two, I mean by tomorrow." He closed the door, biding the avengers goodbye.
"Well, that went smoothly." Rhodes sighed.
The day sauntered on slowly. And Wanda hadn't spoke to Irene for the better part of it. Not aloud and not within her mind either. Irene paced back and forth outside of Wanda's bedroom door.
She had already tried to enter Wanda's mind, but she figured she had been caught and cut off from entry from now on.
"Wanda?' She knocked lightly on the door. "Please let me in."
Wanda grumbled, throwing the pillow off her face and onto the ground. She lifted her hand and flicked open the door with a swoosh of red energy.
"What!" She spat, her eyes flashing scarlet red.
Irene's eyes widened. "I'm sorry.' She said. "I didn't mean to upset you, can I come in?" Irene said calmly.
Wanda's eyes softened. She could never truly stay mad at Irene, she just hand that affect on Wanda.
"Fine." Wanda grumbled, stepping aside allowing Irene in. "Stop smiling, I can feel it." She closed the door.
"Why?" Irene signed with a frown.
Wanda crossed her arms over her chest, watching Irene get comfortable on her bed. "Because it's disgustingly adorable, and you're not my favorite friend right now."
Irene giggled. "I can't help that you think I'm adorable." She signed toward Wanda with a smug smile.
Wanda rolled her eyes. "Stop.' She signed assertively. "Im upset with you."
"Are you actually going to side with Secretary Ross? You know he is mainly targeting you and I." She signed some more.
The fluid motions of her ASL impressed Irene. She couldn't help but smile although she was being lectured by the witch.
"I—I'm not sure yet.' She tossed herself back onto Wanda's pillows. "Are you sure he's targeting just us?" Irene questioned.
Wanda tugged her long brown hair, a disgruntled look painted on her face as she stared Irene down.
"Irene, you and I can take out all of them with just our minds." She said.
"Also bear in mind, I can make a pen float, and you can change into anything you desire.' She sat besides Irene. "Do you really think Ross isn't after us? That he isn't afraid?"
"Are you afraid?" Irene raised an eyebrow. "I can feel your fear."
Wanda stood up, folding her arms over her chest and bringing her purple cardigan closer to herself. "Then you would already know I'm terrified.' She sighed. "I'm a monster, and I don't need a stack of papers solidifying that for me."
"No.' Irene's voice cracked as she slowly shook her head. "You're not a monster, you'd never hurt anyone."
"Irene I killed all those people in Lagos! I nearly killed you from the flames! How can you say I'm not a monster?" She shouted, tears flooding her eyes.
"If you think that way, shouldn't you at least give the accords a try?" Irene prosed.
"For girls like you and I, the accords is one step closer to locking us away—and that's what they really want. They just won't say it." Wanda opened her door with her red magic.
Irene's head dipped into the crook of her chin, she knew what Wanda wanted. She sighed slowly leaving the room, shutting the door behind herself.
Wanda was right, Secretary Ross was afraid of their abilities. But maybe that was all the reason she should be confined. How could she be a true hero if people were afraid of her. She didn't want to cause a riff, but when she became an avenger she made allegiance to the people of this planet and others. And she refused to let them down again.
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More Posts from Probablyintensemuses
The Happenings In the Art of Starting Over

series masterlist
James Buchanan Barnes is a broken man who is whisked away to the remote and serene land of Wakanda. His colleagues begin to believe if there is anyone who could try and help him it will be Irene. And try she will. But healing Bucky won't come easy, he is stubborn and scared and wants nothing to do with Irene and her powers. Helping Bucky will be a journey of trials and tribulations, Irene knows that. And yet, she still saunters over to him with a smile.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Black!Mutant! OC
Word Count:
I do NOT give permission for my work to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. My work is my own.

Irene's first time inside winter wasn't as harrowing as she assumed. Her body floated against the still-warm water, she was in REM. Her eyes moved back and forth in a perfect symphony as she surfed through the waves of Bucky's mind, desperate to find him.
"Okay, Irene.' She heard Aamani's voice, though it wasn't clear. "Go find Sergeant Barnes's subconscious self, and try to administer January." She instructed.
"Right." Irene looked around at her surroundings. His mind had shifted, it was different this time.
A row of tumbled burgundy brick apartments lined up perfectly against a narrow cement street had replaced the dark aquatic adventure she assumed she'd return to. The honking of taxi's told her she was in Brooklyn, along with Bucky's files that she had stolen and studied the previous night.
The clicking of pink wedge heels and the wind that caught underneath girls button downed dresses. The language of 'doll' and 'dame'. She had to be submerged into the heart of 1940's New York.
"I think I'm in,' Irene began but was shortly interrupted.
"New York." Aadon injected. "There aren't many buildings with doors."
"I see one at the end of this block, should I try it?" Irene asked, watching the buildings flashing lights dance.
"Go for it." Aadon encouraged Irene.
"What the hell!" Aamani screamed.
"What!" Irene stopped, clutching at her pounding heart.
"Your outfit! Look at your fucking outfit, Irene!" Aamani continued to scream.
Irene looked down at her feet that were once barren, now they dawned white wedged heels, rounded at the tip. Her lashes battered intensely as she twirled towards an abandoned glass display window, wind catching under something she couldn't quite place.
"Oh.' Irene ran her hands along her ruby red polyester sleeves. "Oh!" She gasped.
Irene now sported a ruby red knee length dress. It's sweet heart neckline and belt formed her assets beautifully. Her hair was no longer in its natural state, but instead pined back in buoyant voluminous curls. It all felt so real, like reality had shifted around her.
"I think you're changing to fit with the setting of his mind." Aamani spoke. "So you'll blend in."
"Then why didn't I have a swimsuit last time?" Irene whispered while nodding at the entertainment girls as she walked inside the building.
"That I do not know. But since this is the only building with a door, he must be in there." Aamani said, watching the monitors intently.
Irene smiled at the man with a mustache in front of her, he shoved a black and white flyer into her hand. The with the words "Harry's House' in bold black letters.
"He would be in Harry's House?" Irene asked, watching the flyer disappear in her grasp. "It wasn't real anyways." She sighed to herself.
"Apparently it's a place him and Captain Rogers use to frequent.' Aadon said, sipping on a can of pop.
"Is he still sleeping?" Irene asked.
Aadon turned around, his desk chair creaking, a devilish grin spreading on his face. "Like a baby."
"Okay, well good,' Irene clutched her fictitious purse. "Because I have eyes."
"Holy shit." Aamani leaned into the monitor, stealing a sip of Aadon's pop. "He looks, kind of hot."
"Happiness looks good on the best of us, Aamani." Irene sighed, lifting the hem of her skirt up as she pushed through the crowd. "How do I approach him?"
"How did you approach him last time?" Aadon asked, snatching his drink back from his older sister.
Irene swallowed hard, ambling towards him. His white smile was on display as he laughed aloud with a few stunning woman hugged into either side of him. He had a bottle of beer tilted onto his lips, sipping slow. And before she knew it, she was in front of him. Staring in complete suspended animation.
Bucky's eyes titled from the tip of his beer, to Irene. She could have sworn she heard a sigh escape from his lips. He slammed the bottle down, the bottom of it lead a crackling trail up to the the neck of the beer. Irene's eyes went wide, as she watched him wipe his lips off with the sleeve of his tan uniform, tipping his hat onto his head.
"And this,' his voice seemed lighter than last time. "Is my best friends Steve's eavesdropping friend, Irene. Who just can't let it go." He laughed, a hint of anger underneath his tone.
"Sergeant Barnes's, maybe we should go somewhere private." Irene whispered, suddenly becoming self conscious with all eyes on her.
"Or maybe.' Bucky pushed himself off from the bar top. The girls who once surrounded him disappearing into thin air. "You should just leave."
"Why?' Irene backed up as he slowly sauntered towards her. "I'm here to help you." She held her hand out.
"Because I said so." Bucky's voice was deep and intimidating.
"Look." Irene pulled out the canister of purple gas, known as January. "This will help you."
"Irene don't show him that!" Aadon shouted into his microphone.
Bucky laughed, clutching his side. "Do you really think it'll be that easy! Do you know what they've done to me!" He shouted, tossing a chair to the side. Irene gasped watching it break as it collided with the wall. "You need to leave."
"Irene, put it away, we will try again another time." Aamani whispered.
"No!" Irene shouted, not sure who she was speaking to in this moment.
"Fine.' Bucky said, his flesh arm morphing into metal, the red star on his shoulder was bolder than anything she'd ever seen. "I'll just make you."
"Bucky, please stop!" She yelled, turning on her heels and running from him.
On the outside, Irene's body began to convulse. She was no longer in control as she had once thought, the water slouching around her and spilling onto the floor. Aadon and Aamani hopped out of their chairs, rushing to her side.
"Bucky!" Irene rasped, it seemed his favorite way to hurt her was with his hand around her neck.
"Never come back here, it's too dangerous." His eyes misted over with a combination of anger and pain.
Then after he spoke, Bucky slammed Irene's body through the floorboards of Harry's House. Sending her tumbling into a black abyss. Irene screamed as she fell down further and further.
Her body finally stopped, landing in something squishy and sticky. Her dress had disappeared and she was back to wearing her white body suit.
"What the hell! No, not again!" She screamed, lifting her arm that was covered in slime. "Aamani, Aadon!" She gagged at the revolting smell which burned her nostrils.
"They're not here.' A malevolent voice teased Irene as it laughed.
"Who are you?" Irene wept, struggling against the binds she was in. They were stuck onto her skin like suction cups, to her dismay they were tentacles.
"Who I am isn't a matter of your concern, Irene Watson." the voice jabbered on, it's tentacles grabbing Irene by her waist and lifting her up.
"The matter is, why do you feel you can save the winter solider? My creation!" The voice was so close to her she could feel the heat of its breath against the nape of her neck.
Irene squirmed within its grasp. Wheezing for air as it only squeezed her tighter, slithering up to her neck. She clinched her eyes close, rasping out one last remark.
"Because—it's the right thing,' she coughed, scratching at the tentacle wrapped on her neck. "To do!" She hollered, feeling herself being pulled far away from the voice.
In the lab, Irene laid on then floor convulsing like a fish out of water. Her nose bleeding profusely, dripping down her chin. Frantically, Aadon picked up Irene's body placing her onto a lab table trying to steady her body.
"Her vitals are off the chart!" Aamani shouted, running with a syringe in her hand.
"I didn't think it would be like this for her!" Aadon grunted, fighting against Irene's shaking body.
"It's her telepathy, she's very strong.' Aamani explained. "Hold her steady!"
"I'm trying!" Aadon began to sweat, retraining her body as Irene began to cry out.
Aamani climbed on top on the lab table, straddling Irene and hold her legs steady between her thighs. She held the syringe above her head and plunged in into Irene's chest.
Instantly, Irene stopped shaking and her brown eyes shot open as she drew in a series of excruciating breaths. She began to cough up blood and shoved Aamani off her. Irene screamed as she collapsed onto the cold lab floor, snatching the wires off of herself.
Irene limped and pushed passed Aadon and Aamani who shouted after her. Feeling a surge of anger while crying uncontrollably, Irene released a swoosh of purple energy from her fingertips, pushing it against Bucky's chest.
"Wake up!" She shouted, watching him slowly stir awake. But it wasn't fast enough for her, so she did it again. Hitting Bucky with another swoosh of energy, causing him to groan as sweat dripped down his forehead.
"Do you really think it's funny!' Irene cried out, wincing at the pain she felt in her side.
"Do I think what's funny?" He grumbled, barely facing her.
"Trying to kill me!' Irene shouted. "I'm only trying to help you!"
"I told you to stay out of my head, you're psychotic!" He shouted back, trying to move within his restraints.
Irene scoffed, sweat dribbling down her body as her side pulsed in pain. "I'm psy—psychotic!" Irene's breath stirred. "You—you're,' she swallowed hard, stumbling over her words along with her feet.
Irene pressed her fingers into her temples and yelped in pain as she crashed to the floor on her knees. Blood began to pour from the corners of her eyes as she screamed out in uncontrollably pain.
"Irene!" Aamani shouted.
Irene felt her head crash onto the floor, the last thing her bloody eyes saw were those boots. If this was how she was meant to die at least it would be a noble end. Helping a man who couldn't see the worth in being rescued. That ought to count for something in the afterlife.
The Happenings In the Art of Starting Over

series masterlist
James Buchanan Barnes is a broken man who is whisked away to the remote and serene land of Wakanda. His colleagues begin to believe if there is anyone who could try and help him it will be Irene. And try she will. But healing Bucky won't come easy, he is stubborn and scared and wants nothing to do with Irene and her powers. Helping Bucky will be a journey of trials and tribulations, Irene knows that. And yet, she still saunters over to him with a smile.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Black!Mutant! OC
Word Count:
I do NOT give permission for my work to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. My work is my own.

Irene had been in Wakanda from dusk til dawn, and she'd been exploring her quarters and the palace for the better half of it. From the walls to the duvet that spread across her wooden king bed. This room had been tailored to fit Irene. Steve must have given them a boat load of her interest.
There was a nook that sat in the corner of her room, top to bottom filled with all kinds of books. One section was dedicated to painting techniques, and others were memoirs from Charles Xavier—the world's greatest telepath. The entirety of the room was covered ceiling to floor with cooling tan wood so she'd never overheat.
Irene smiled, jumping onto her teal duvet, making snow angles with the comforter. Irene couldn't believe she had such an impeccable room along with a anticipated feast that was being prepared for her arrival tonight. It almost felt too much. But then again, she was never one to reject a free meal or two.
She picked up her luggage, dragging it behind her as she walked towards the large stained dresser. She look up at the doors that almost doubled her height. She pulled them open, the hinges creaked and specs of dust flurried around her. She unzipped her luggage, placing her clothing and shoes neatly inside the dresser.
She felt something wet touch her face , she swiped her fingertips over the apples of her cheeks. To her surprise the tears had come from her own eyes. And before she knew it, she was burying her face into the hoodie she and tony had won together when they went to Walt Disney world one day.
She had missed him already, and vision along with Wanda and Natasha. She promised Steve and T'challa she'd stay and see Bucky's treatment through. And they all didn't know how long that might take. For all she knew, she could be here for a year. And by then, there was no returning home.
"Miss Watson?" An unsure voice came into the room.
Irene quickly rubbed her eyes and nose dry, scrapping them a bit with the tough material of her jacket. "Yes." Her voice cracked.
"Is everything alright?" A younger girl with box braids approached her.
"Yes, yes.' Irene smiled, standing up. "I don't think we've met before." She stuck her hand out.
"I'm shuri, the younger and cooler sister of King T'challa." She smiled brightly, accepting Irene's hand for a shake.
"Ahh, I see why he's been hiding you. He doesn't want someone cooler than him just walking about the place." Irene giggled.
"Exactly." Shuri joined her laughter. "I came here beating gifts." She said, Irene focused on the white and teal box she held.
"I guess everyone knows teal is my favorite color.' She took the box.
"For an old man, Captain Rogers has a big mouth." Shuri laughed. "I hope you like it."
Irene opened the box carefully, smiling as she pulled out the teal and silver colored hearing aids. Irene laughed. "Thank you, but i already have some." She pointed to her ears.
Shuri pulled Irene to her bed, sitting her down. "Try them, they're like nothing you've ever seen." She smiled. "I made them myself."
"Okay." Irene said softly, pulling her hearing aids from out of her ear. She gave Shuri a tight lipped smile, trying her best to ignore the ringing that swarmed her.
Hesitantly, she put the new hearing aids into her ears, wrapping the white straps around her earlobes. First putting them in she heard a whirring noise and then before she knew it Irene heard shuri's voice—clearly.
"How do you like them?" Shuri bit her lip, observing Irene's widened brown eyes.
"Oh my god.' She squealed, grabbing shuris shoulders. "I can hear you, like actually hear you!" Tears swelled in her eyes.
"Yes!" Shuri jumped up, brining Irene with her as they jumped about on the bed.
"How did you even do this?" Irene's breath was heavy from all the jumping.
"An artist never reveals their trades, Irene—you should know that." She smiled, climbing off the bed. "I'll leave it at technology."
"Vibranium?" Irene asked, jumping off the bed.
Shuri picked the white box off the floor, along with the glistening wrapping paper. "Something like that." She smirked. "Come, the feast should nearly be ready to be served." She nudged for Irene's hand.
Shuri stuck her hand out in front of her, and suddenly the rather large and heavy wooden doors engraved with the symbol of the black panther, swung open. Irene's eyes widened in bewilderment, as she and Shuri walked through the doors.
"How'd you do that?" Irene gasped
"My bracelet." Shuri signed to her.
Irene bolstered, as she hunched over holding her stomach.
"What? Did I not say it right?" Shuri asked Irene, awkwardly chuckling with her.
"No, well technically yes.' Irene said. "Don't worry, half the avengers had that problem too initially." She signed while speaking. "You'll learn that in ASL, everything is shortened and backward."
The two girls kept walking through the massive dining room area, people buzzing around them with cakes and dishes that smelled heavenly.
"So for example.' Irene signed. "If I was to say, I'm going to the store. In ASL I'd say, to the store I go." She explained.
Shuri nodded, rubbing her neck. "So what did I say to you then?"
"You said, the bracelet my—which isn't bad." She gently pushed Shuri with her hip. "I appreciate the effort, it means a lot when people learn to communicate with me."
"We wanted your stay to be as comfortable as possible, considering the circumstances." Shuri smiled, pulling out Irene's seat for her.
She smiled, taking a seat feeling Shuri push her in. "Thank you for that, and this." She looked around at the candle lit table, that was surrounded by six other chairs.
"No worries." Shuri sat besides her.
"Will, Bucky be joining us?" Irene asked, unrolling her silverware and placing the linen napkin on her lap.
"No, he's sleeping." Shuri said.
"Sleeping?' Irene laughed. "It's only seven pm."
"Like I said, Irene. There is much for you to learn about the project."
"Okay." Was all Irene could say as she began to dread what that meant exactly.
The feast had come to an end, and Irene was stuffed. She had never been engulfed by that many unique spice blends before. The Wakandans had surely out done themselves. And she was sure to thank the queen and her son for how gracious they'd been to her thus far.
The feast had also granted her the opportunity to meet with Aamani and Aadon. A brother and sister duo who not only created the machine, but were the heads of Project January. They were kind and explained they'd need to meet with her in the morning to take her vitals and test the machine, they called 'winter.'
Sadly, Steve announced this would be his last night. He didn't disclose the perimeters of his exit other than he had business to attend in the states. Irene was upset that a familiar face would be leaving, but she knew he couldn't babysit her forever. That it was her turn to go into the valley of the beast alone.
Shuri had decided she'd walk Irene back to her quarters. She and Irene were determined to get to know each other better while she worked on Project January.
"I won't lie to you, Irene tomorrow won't be easy,' Shuri told Irene. "Aamani and Aadon want to test winter on you if your vitals come back clear."
Irene clutched the door handle of her quarters. "What is winter, what is it really?" Irene trembled at the unknown.
Shuri placed a hand on Irene's shoulder, giving it a firm tap. "I think it's best the scientist who created it disclose that to you."
"Right." She rolled her eyes, pushing in through her door.
"And Irene," shuri's voice stopped her. "He will be awake tomorrow."
Irene just nodded, shutting the door behind herself. She knew Bucky was a complex case. But with this much secrecy, it must have been worse than she ever could have imagined.
i fr fr can’t put it into words over how excited i get when i find black writers that write about black women with my fave lil yt boys. knowing that i’m not the only black girl crushing on this man (wtv man im in the mood for lmao) makes me so giddy.
like babe,, i don’t want to read “hearing him say those sweet-nothings turned my milky-tone skin into a deep red as i easily ran my fingers through my hair.” NO MAAM
i’m down for them learning how to do our hair and taking care of it, getting skincare products that works for us and is meant for us, the “his pale hand rested against my deep-brown thigh” line. baby i LIVE for that shit 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
Could I be added to the taglist for ‘What to expect when you’re not expecting’ ?
Of course ❤️
What To Expect When You're Not Expecting (5)
Chris Evans x Black (pregnant) Female Reader
Summary: It's no secret that Chris wants to be a daddy. He's said it in many different interviews and blogs before. He just never expected the mother of his child to be someone he didn't know, let alone fuck.
Warnings: 18+ angst, mentions of alcohol abuse and cheating/ malpractice, talk of abortions!, TALK OF SU*C*DE, TALK OF DMV! BE WARNED!
Note: Thank you for all the love so far! It means the world!
Edit: To my surprise, many of you like this and asked me to continue, here's the fourth part and a tag list to join! I'm trying to start my blog up so this really helps!
Series Masterlist
divider by: @firefly-graphics
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(The reader is nearing five months pregnant, it’s giving WandaVision speed lmao. Chris is a proud PAPAya)
You hadn’t spoken to Chris in a week, and it was another week he couldn’t see his child grow. It wasn’t like he was off in another state filming a movie. In fact, he was here in Boston filming Defending Jacob, so he had nothing but opportunities to see you and the baby. But you hadn’t wanted that, ignoring his calls and text. He knew he messed up asking your such personal questions. But he just wanted to help if he could.
So now on his day off work, he found himself walking up to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers and a pack of ginger ale. He truly hoped you would accept his peace offering—he also hoped your love for ginger ale wasn’t conditional to your pregnancy.
Chris adjusted his hoodie and hat, coughing before he knocked on your apartment door. From the other side he heard stampering, and before he knew it the door flew wide open and so did his eyes. The girl before him looked just like you, only shorter and not pregnant. His eyebrow rose as she chewed on a Twix bar, pulling at the carmel that fell from the bar while she stared him down.
“You gonna say anything, or do you just stare?” She burped causing Chris’s face to scrunch up.
“Um?” He coughed, peaking at the apartment doors number, yup still 338. “Am I at the right apartment?”
“You’re at the right place.’ She looked Chris up and down. “Y/n just taking her thirtieth bathroom break of the day.” She turned, walking away leaving the door wide open.
“Are you going to come in, or are you just going to stand there like a pedophile?” She wandered into the kitchen.
Unsure, Chris stepped inside, closing the heavy wooden door behind himself. “And you are?” He asked, following behind the girl. He watched as she pounced onto the counter, digging into a pint of moose tracks ice cream.
She laughed, kicking her legs. “I’m, Sarah. Y/n’s younger sister. Who are you?” She pointed at him with her spoon.
Chris opened his mouth to speak, but Sarah beat him to the chase. “Wait. Don’t tell me,’ she laughed, rubbing her chin. “You’re the baby daddy, Chris Evans. My roommates fucking obsessed with you.”
“Well, thanks.’ He chuckled awkwardly, placing the flowers down on the counter.
“Want some?” Sarah held her a spoonful of ice cream out in front of Chris’s mouth.
“I’m good.” Chris quickly declined.
“Your loss.” She jumped of the counter. “Y/N, GET OUT HERE—YOUR BABY DADDY IS HERE!” She shouted down the small hallway of your apartment.
Y/n stepped out of the bathroom, here brown eyes glaring at Chris’s blue ones as she emerged from the darkness of the hallway. Although he hadn’t known her long, her eyes always conveyed so much. And right now, they told him to get the hell out of her house. Which was nice by the way.
It was small and cozy, a blend of modern and almost Victorian style furniture with nice hints of pastels and neutrals blending together. A candles wick flickered in the background making the apartments living space smell immaculately . Chris was almost jealous of this place.
“What do you want?” You stuck your nose in the air, slouching back on her sofa.
Chris sighed, grabbing the flowers and walking around to your sofa. He took a seat behind you, placing the flowers on your dark brown coffee table.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for prying, it wasn’t fair for me to drop those questions on you. Especially without your permission.” He said softly.
“Yeah, apologize as you should.” Sarah leaned over the top of the sofa, staring Chris down. “Digging into our personal shit like you’re Derek Morgan from Criminal Minds. Have several seats, Captain Underpants.” She rolled her eyes.
“Sarah,” you popped your little sisters lip. “Go away.”
Sarah smacked your hand back in retaliation, and you could have sworn you hear Chris stifle out a laugh. You glared at them both.
“Go away.” You growled at her, watching her step into the kitchen. “Further.” You pointed in the direction of her bedroom.
“Sorry.” You rubbed your eyes finally addressing Chris. “What did you want again.” You yawned, snuggling into your heated blanket more.
Chris smiled, looking at your ever growing belly, glowing skin, and messy hair. He liked that you were still intact with the child in you, some of your hair strands being dyed pink. Even with this ordeal and everything you’d been through, you still had an innocence about yourself, and that was more than he could say for others he had met.
“Right.” Chris emerged from the trance you seemed to put him in. “I just wanted to give you these and apologize.” He pointed toward the flowers.
“I hate the smell of flowers.” You blurted. Chris sat dumbfounded, what kind of girl hated the smell of flowers.
“Oh.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,’ you got up and headed to the kitchen with your flowers in hand. “I guess they’ll make a cute center piece, until they die.” You plucked away at one of the red rose petals.
“Right.” Chris frowned, not sure how to take your response. He was walking on egg shells here.
“I accept your apology, by the way.” You flicked on the kitchen sink, pouring water into a clear purple vase.
“Really?” Chris beamed.
“Yeah,’ you trimmed the ends of the flowers, tossing them in the vase. “I guess you should know about how fucked up your child’s grandfather is, right?” You said. “How he almost killed me and the rest of my family.”
Chris’s heart pained hearing that. The thought that you could have been killed as a young girl, struck him deeply. How could someone who said he loved you do such horrid things.
“I’m really sorry about that, Y/n.” Chris grabbed your shoulder giving it a light squeeze.
“If you’re so sorry.’ Sarah’s head popped around the corner, followed by the rest of her body. “Cook us some dinner, I’m starved.”
You laughed, feeling your own belly rumble. “It’s only fair.” You shrugged.
“And we want pasta.” Sarah demanded.
Chris could tell the two of you were nothing alike. He shook his head, finally giving in to cooking for the two of you. Not that he had any other plans.
“Fine.” He smiled. “But I only know how to make Alfredo.”
Chris had been cooking for around thirty minutes, and you’d been staring at his back for the better half of it. And boy did he have a great back, but that wasn’t what most of your thoughts were consumed by. It was mostly consumed by the fact that he never rejected you, not even for a split second. You went through a denial phase of the pregnancy, wanting to end it all. But Chris never seemed to want that.
“Chris.” You spoke up.
He turned around looking at you, almost signaling for you to speak.
“Why do you want this baby so bad?” You bite into a banana.
Chris stopped stirring the Alfredo sauce. Putting the wooden spoon you had provided down. “Why do you ask?”
“What, i can’t ask thought provoking questions too?” You walked around the counter, standing directly in front of him now. “Why did you want this.” You pointed at the bump.
Chris shrugged. “I don’t know, I’ve always wanted a family.”
“No, there’s more to that story. Everyone wants a family, a village to come home to.” You explained.
“Well maybe that’s just it.” Chris turned around, throwing a kitchen towel over his shoulder. “Maybe I’m tired of coming home to an empty house, it’s been just me and dodger for the pass five years. Maybe I want more, Y/n.”
You sighed, and there it was. He was lonely. “I get that. Thank you for being honest.” You smiled.
“You’re welcome.” He smiled, turing back to the sauce.
“So you think this baby will be enough for you?” You asked.
“I know it will, and so will you.” He said back.
Your heart fluttered at that sentiment, you think you were staring to love your accidental family just a little bit more each and every day—and that included Chris.
Chris’s dinner was, interesting, to say the least. It wasn’t bad, but it was stellar either. Not that you were going to tell him that. But Sarah on the other hand. She had a mouth for anyone and anything.
“Did you season this?” She asked with a perplexed face
“Yes? Is it not to your standard, Queen Sarah.” Chris sassed her back.
Sarah scoffed. “Don’t get smart.” She frowned at him.
He put his hands up in defense, wiping the corners of his mouth. “Y/n? Your thoughts?”
You looked up, playing with the noodles. “Um, it’s cute.” You said quietly, hearing Sarah burst into a fit of giggles.
“Cute?” He said, narrowing his blue eyes.
“I mean,’ you stammered over your words. “Never mind, it’s great.” You lied to him, watching his face soften.
“Well, thank you,’ he coughed. “I actually have something to ask you.” He said.
“That’s funny,” Sarah interjected. “I was gonna ask you something to.”
Chris subtly rolled his eyes. “What is, Sarah?”
She smirked. “What’s it like to be famous? And what made you want to honker down and have this baby with my fabulous sister?”
“Being famous isn’t what everyone thinks. It’s not all glitz and glamour, it’s hard work too.”
“I bet.” She took a sip of her drink. “And my sister?” She nudged you.
Chris looked at you and then the baby, a glimmer of something you couldn’t explain was in his eyes. “I just—I don’t know I feel comfortable around your sister, and I’m in a position where I can take care of both of them. Relationship or not, I guess.” He mumbled.
“It’s not conventional,’ you gave his hand a pat. “But it’ll work.” You smiled.
“Aw, how cute!” Sarah said sarcastically. “So you know Sebastian?” She immediately changed the subject.
You giggled, spitting out your ginger ale a bit. “Stop.”
“No, don’t do that!’ Sarah laughed. “You should have seen what she was saying about him.” She told Chris
“You know Sebastian?” Chris grabbed his glass confused.
“No, I don’t. But after I found out who you were I kind of went on a stalking binge with Sarah on the phone, we found Sebastian. And I don’t know, he’s cute.” You smiled, before taking another sip.
alright, Chris didn’t know if he should be jealous. According to everyone he was just your baby daddy. But something about the woman carrying his baby finding his best friend ‘cute’ bothered him, badly.
“Hm, yeah well Sebastian’s a sweetheart.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Maybe he can be your next celebrity baby daddy, Y/n.” Now it was Chris’s turn to spit of his drink.
“Sorry.” Chris said as everyone’s eyes were on him, he wiped himself off with a napkin avoiding the girls eyes.
“You good bro?” Sarah asked, ripping off another piece of paper towel and passing it to him.
“Yeah.’ He coughed once more. “I’m fine.”
“But y/n,’ Chris carried on. “I was thinking we should plan for a baby shower.”
“Oh,’ y/n gasped.
“I mean if that okay with you?” He added.
“Yeah, it’s great. It’s just, I don’t have much family to bring. It’ll just be Sarah and Vada.” You told him.
“That’s ok.’ He smiled. “My family has been dying to you meet you.”
“Okay.“ you nodded.
“Good. When should we start planning?” Chris asked, pulling out his calendar.
“Are you opening your calendar?” Sarah laughed.
“Sarah, stop he’s busy. And next week should be fine, Chris.”
“Hopefully not too busy for the baby.” She grumbled underneath her breath, Chris hears her and glares.
“Never too busy.” He replied with a different look for both girls. “Next week is perfect Y/n.”
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