New Year New me. Nemesis Vader might return someday, but not today for i am reborn as a Protagonist Prime
112 posts
Brave Command Dag Fire, Gao Gai Gar Volfogg And Brave Of Gold Goldran Dran From Legacy United Cybertron

Brave Command Dag Fire, Gao Gai Gar Volfogg and Brave of Gold Goldran Dran from Legacy United Cybertron Universe Hot Shot -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Those 3 were really long in the making but finally i've done them. Honestly speaking doing digibashes on the same template is quite tiring and puts you off + final school exams can take time from your life. Nevertheless i'm glad i've finally finished them.
P.S: Volfogg does not incllude his super mode
All characters belong to their rightfull owners These digibashes belong to me
P.S.2: Here's Volfogg without his weapons

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More Posts from Protagonistprime
Today i give you:

-An alternative to Earth mode Hound

-One weapons dealer, with 4 more to go

-A less known variant of Throttlebot Rollbar
Take your pick. Swindle, Hound, Rollbar, Transformers, Jurassic Park belong to their rightful ownwers These digibashes belong to me

Cartoon colors Energon Galvatron from TF One Prime Changer Sentinel Prime ----------------------- "Behold, Galvatron" Yet another look at my madness. Unfortunatelly there won't be a toy colour version this time around. ----------------------- Transformers, Galvatron belong to Hasbro and Takara This digibash belongs to me

I don't really have time for a big proper digibash, but I finally figured out what this guy was reminding me of

the ultimate battle of ultimate destiny feat DVD Bird
Hello The Legend of Zelda Fandom. Here's a little idea i'd like to run by you and get your opinion on.
So recently i've been struck by an idea for a new Zelda game:

So here are a couple of ideas on how the game could work(sorry for any spelling mistakes):
Title: LEGO The Legend of Zelda The Video Game
1.Inspired by: The lord of the rings, The Hobbit, Lego marvel superheroes 2, dc super villains, Hyrule Warriors, Echoes of Wisdom
2.Story: Typical TLOZ story. Bad guy(idk who) kidnaps princess, Hero must save her but is too weak. So he goes to dungeons to collect items that make him strong. Hero fights avatar of evil couple of times. Then hero travels to bad gus domain to fight him. Hero fights bad guy. Bad guy is defeated. Princess is saved.(5-7 levels)
However after bad guy is defeated some strange things start to appear. Time-Space rifts appear across the land.
3.Mechanics/Abilities: -Equipment mechanic is based on the one from Lord of the rings, however there is a possibility of collecting materials. -Music abilities - there are places in levels and on map where characters with music items/skills can access them, for example: OOT link can use ocarina, WW Link can use windwaker, Malon can sing, TP Link in his wolf form can whistle, TP Hero's Shade in his wolf form can whistle, etc. Or i could change this so only a small number of characters can access them -Sheikah slate panels - characters with sheikah slate can access them, for example BOTW/TOTK Link and Zelda, Purah, etc. -"Detective mode" - characters with animal abilities can find foot prints and other similiar things(just like wolverine in Lego MSH), for example TP link in his wold form. -Masks - just like in majora's mask, some characters can use them to have different effect on enemies/npc's. -Time abilities - some characters, mainly Hero of Time, can sent objects through time to unlock other areas or on special pedestals or through songs can travel through time (just like in Lego Dimensions) to the same area but in the past or future.
-Stealth abilities - OOT Zelda(just like Peter Parker in Lego MSH) can change to Sheik, in other words she can access stealth mode. Some masks allow to do the same.
4.Map: During the first levels the map of Hyrule is semi-open, some parts are story locked. After time-space rifts appear there are sky islands from Skyward sword and Tears of the kingdom. In water part of the map there are islands from windwaker. There is a majora's moon in the sky and other famous locations from previous instalments.
5.Characters: -Link - New original design, every link from previous games -Zelda - New original design, every zelda from previous games -Main evil Bad guy of the game -Ganondorf - every version from previous games -Vati -Shadow link -Zora -Rito -Gorons -Sheikah -Sheik -Kokiri -Koroks -ETC
6.Transport: -Horse - epona, or any other horse -Ship - Windwaker, Phantom hourglass - ships from those games -Train - Spirit Tracks - only in some areas -Loftwings - Skyward Sword -Glider - Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom - It's possible to change the design in character creator, inspired by Lego Batman glider animation.
7.miscellaneous: -Red bricks are replaced by Treasure chests, sound is also replaced with classical Zelda chest opening sound -There is an option just like in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga to turn on/of mumble mode, however this does not affect Link type characters, in other worlds all Hero's of courage will speak in traditional mumble voice even when option is turned off. -Studs have been replaced by ruppes, however the shape remains the same. -Collecting all on the level Minikits grants a new character(just like in Lego SW3) or creates a miniature version of a scene/land(just like in Lego LOTR). -Charcter creator is based on the ones from Lego Marvel superheroes 2 or Lego DC's super villians. -There are map easter eggs - You can find Skeleton in armor near the tree(nod to TP hero's shade and hero of time),master sword as well as Four sword, white-green-red lego studs that represent minish, etc. -The story of the game could hypothetically explain how timelines merged -etc.
These are my ideas for Lego The Legend of Zelda video game as of 21.07.2024. If you have more, let me know.