psycholattemacchiato - nico

|| nico || 08-liner || he/him || aquarius(not that it matters) || art-student || multifandomtrash ||

6 posts

Psycholattemacchiato - Nico - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

cats and cuddles

Cats And Cuddles

pairings: minho x gn!reader

warnings: fluff; cuteness; getting scratched by a cat; minho being utterly sweet; jealous minho(not much);

summary: when minho asks you to spend a chill day with him, and his three cats, you can't say no. but he can't stand that you spend his cats more affection than him.

word count: 1.3k


"Are you free on saturday?" You hear Minho's voice over the phone. "Depends" You shoot back almost instantly with a grin on your face, because you can basically hear Minho roll his eyes. "Do you want to come visit me and Sooni, Doongi and Dori? They missed you." "You know you can just say, that you miss me, you don't need to use your cats as an excuse."

On saturday, you ring Minho's bell at exactly 10.13 am, as he tells you, that you are three minutes late, which you argue, was the bus' fault, and not yours. But you are lucky he is in a good mood and lets you in.

It would have been quite uncomfortable to stand outside on a november day, and despite wearing a hoodie and sweats you started to freeze on your way from the bus station to Minho's apartment.

You squeeze yourself past him, and kick off your shoes. Then you shuffle inside, to greet Sooni, Dori and Doongi, not sparing Minho a second look, because if you believe his words, the cats had missed you more.

You plop yourself on the floor, and Dori is the first one to come around, immediately jumping in your lap and closing her eyes while you pet her fur. Occasionally you can hear a purring sound coming from her, but other than that you are pretty sure she is sleeping.

After a while Sooni tries to also lie on your lap, but Dori doesn't want to share, so you try and keep her happy, with petting her too, while Doongi just came for a quick greeting and then goes back to her little cat tent.

It was just then, that the thought crossed your mind, that Minho had to be around somewhere.

"I completely forgot to ask you how you are, Minho. Sorry, but now, hello, and how are you?" You turn your head slightly to see him standing in the doorframe, also in sweats, and a plain shirt. With your head you gesture him to sit down on the floor too, since you have no free hand. He follows through and sits down opposite of you, so that you are both facing eachother. "'m fine. How was your week?" "Fine actually, but now it's even better."

He raises an eyebrow. "Your cats are comforting me, it makes my whole week, and the thought that they missed me, makes it even better." You explain, trying to get a reaction out of him, and getting him to admit, he missed you too.

But the reaction is still missing. Instead he just nods.

You spend at least half an hour sitting there in silence and petting the cats, when Minho suddenly gets up. Surprised, you look up at him, to see him frowning, while walking around you, to go to the kitchen. "Wanna have a coffee? With cookies?" You hear him ask from the kitchen. "You're asking me?" "Of course, who would I ask else? Dori?" He huffs out.

You get the slightest feeling, that he is in a bad mood, and if you didn't know him better, you'd say, he's jealous of Dori, because she's still laying in your lap, like a queen.

"Sure, coffee and cookies sound good." You smile to yourself at the thought of coffee.

A few minutes later Minho enters the living room with two cups of coffee in one hand and a plate full of cookies in the other. He sets them down on a little coffee table and carries it way over, to where you are sitting.

"Thank you." You say to him, gratefully. He just nods, since he is too busy already sipping his coffee.

You try to maneuver Dori out of your lap, but once you put her down on the floor, she is back on your lap in a matter of seconds. No matter how often you try to put her off, she comes back again, and it makes you laugh, while Minho looks quite annoyed, and tells her repeatedly to get off of you.

It all makes you laugh even more. "You know, you can let her stay on my lap, its not like she's too heavy or anything." You say while taking your first bite of a cookie. "Hmm, delicious." You hum in acknowlegement.

And there is the silence again. The silence in which you both eat your cookies and sip your coffees.

After the coffee and cookies you stand up for the first time since you got to Minho's place, much to Dori's dislike. But this time you want to bring the plate and cups to the kitchen, so that Minho doesn't have to do all the work alone. When you get back to the living room, you hear Minho mumble something, but you pay it no second thought, and once you enter the room you burst out laughing, because the view is just hilarious.

Minho has his index finger raised, and seemed to try to tell Dori something important, while she just licked her paws and paid no attention to the male in fron of her.

The second Minho hears you laugh he turns around so quick, you think he wanted to do a pirouette. "What were you telling my poor Dori, huh?" You ask him while walking to said cat and picking her up.

At your action he frowns and pouts slightly.

"So she's 'your' Dori now? And what is with me? You came over to MY place, to hang out with ME." He blurts out and that makes you laugh again.

But you decide you want to tease him a bit longer, so you say: "Aw, my poor Mihno, have I made you feel neglected today? But I thought your cats were the only ones who missed me."

"You're really gonna make me say it?" He sighs. "Make you say what?" You ask feigning innocence. "That I missed you, even more that Dori, okay?"

"Now I'm good. That's what I wanted to hear." You grin at him and he rolls his eyes as answer. "You made me say it, now come on, I need my affection too. you can't spend it all on my cats."

You comply without saying anything, putting Dori away, while you make yourself comfortable with your back leaning against the couch. Then you pet your lap.

Both Dori and Minho took it as an invitation, and attempted to make themselves comfortable on your lap. But Dori did not, like that Minho was faster and decides, to hit him with her paw. Unfortunately she has her claws out, so that she scratches him lightly on his cheek. The sensation makes Minho hiss, while you gently push the cat away.

"Are you okay? Or do I need to kiss it better?" You ask him. "Kiss please." Minho mumbles barely audible. "Okay, where does it hurt the most?" You decide not to tease him this time, not when he is hurt.

"Here." He says, pointing to his lips and you laugh. "Sneaky." "No she hurt me there. Need you to kiss it better." Even though you know Dori's claws hit Minho's cheek, and not his mouth you don't say anything but lean down to kiss his lips.

When you pull away he whines lightly at the loss of contact but as soon as you start to pepper feather light kisses on his face he just sighs.

Once you are done, with the procedure, you kiss him again on the lips, before you maneuver him from your lap to lay down on the couch and pat the space next to you.

"C'mon. Let's cuddle. I'll shower you with all my affection, so you never need to be jealous of your cat again."

Minho is laying next to you within a second, enclosing his arms around you, and embracing you with warmth. You throw your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek, before he moves to lays his head on your chest and you nuzzle your nose in his hair.

That way you stay until evening. Then you eventually fall asleep and don't even hear someone enter the room.

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6 months ago

braids and confessions

Braids And Confessions

pairings: felix x gn!reader

warnings: friends to lovers; slight angst; but basically just tooth rotting fluff, really

summary: ever since felix decided to let his hair grow, you asked him if you could braid his hair. but he always said, that it was too short for proper braids.

word count: 1,2k


"Can I? Pleasee! Pretty please let me braid your hair!" You ask Felix for the tenth time this day. "I bet it's long enough by now. And you've been saying 'No' to me since like a lifetime." You pout.

"You know that it has been just three months right? And I've just been saying no, because-" "You don't want me to braid your hair?" You interrupt him. "No, but because I want your braids to stay longer than just ten minutes in my hair. And my hair has just been too short."

These were words you heard a lot in these past three months. It was either that his hair was too short, or he had to color it, so it would be the pretty blonde you liked so much.

"Those words are just excuses. Just tell me, you don't actually want me to braid your hair and I'm just annoying you right now." You huff.

"Oh hell no! You know how much I like your hands in my hair, but-" He looks away sheepishly and you could swear you just saw a slight tint of red on his cheeks. "But what Felix? I wanna hear it." you say much softer now, careful not to get him even more flustered, even though you have to admit, that he looks pretty with that hue of pink on his cheeks.

"No, it doesn't make any sense." He whines. You take his chin in your hand and softly force him to look in your direction. "I don't care if it makes any sense, hell, most things don't make sense to me. But, please, try to explain."

"But you could be mad at me." "You know, that no one can stay mad at you long enough, right?" "But it'll ruin everything."

"You, Lee Felix, cannot ruin anything, if anything, you always put the pieces back together." You assure him.

It is kind of good that you're both sitting on the couch already, because Felix decides to just dive head first into a pile of pillows, and if you weren't sitting close to it, you couldn't have stopped him from falling off the couch, because he aimed a bit too right to completely hit the pillows. "Ugh Felix, you really need to work on your aiming skills." As an answer he just grumbles.

"So care to tell me now? You know I could help you sort it out." You suggest. "No, this cannot be sorted out. This is a world's doomsday." "Dramatic much?" You chuckle. "I don't even know what it is about but I can already say, that it's not that that bad, you seem to be just exaggerating."

"No I'm not." He argues back and you sit up straight. "Then tell me please. I don't like seeing you worked up that much. And it really has to bother you, like a lot. So come on, you know that talking can help."

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you" He grumbles and sits up, but avoids your eyes.

"So like, I- uhm, I like you." He blurts out. "What a relief" "No, not like that. I like you romantically, I think, but I was too afraid to tell you, because I think it would ruin our friendship, if one of us catches feelings."

"So just to be clear, you think that, if one of us catches feelings our friendship slash relatioship-bond we have would get destroyed?" He nods hesitantly. And. you can't help but laugh, while he just looks at you with an eyebrow raised and that questioning look on this face.

Once you manage to get control over your breath again you grin at him and say: "Well then, if catching feelings would ruin anything, I kinda got that covered already."

If possible, Felix's eyebrow wanders even higher up. "I like you too silly." You explain to him.

And now he let's out a shaky breath. "But, but, why? Aren't I too feminine for a guy, or weird, and, and-"

"Hey, hey, listen to me. Being too feminine or too masculine is just a thing society uses to explain itself to others, who don't understand, that there are no such things, and that it is just more complex than some primitive minds, who just can't wrap their minds around the fact that there isn't just black and white but there are so many shades of grey and other colors too. And a person isn't too much of anything. A person should be allowed to just be themselves."

You end your little speech, feeling proud of your choice of words, and when you look at Felix, you have to blink a few times, to see, if you just imagined the little hearts in his eyes, or if they were really there.

"God that really makes me want to kiss you right now." Felix says without thinking. You smile but feel your face heat up at his words, so you hide it in your hands and just slightly peek through your fingers. Just to see him smiling back. "Can I? I mean can I kiss you? Do I have permission?" He asks while he removes your hands from your face, and you nod sheepishly.

And then you feel his lips against yours, at first just a soft and light touch, almost, as if it was an illusion. But then he takes your cheeks in his palms and angles his mouth. The first few moments, you don't know what to do, then you try and kiss him back. You move your lips in sync and your hands, that seemed lost on your sides find themselves entangled in Felix's hair, occasionally tugging lightly.

When you both have to break apart to take a few breaths again you lean your foreheads together and it feels even more intimate that the kiss you shared just a moment before.

"So does that mean, that I can be your boyfriend now?" He asks you while looking at you with these puppy eyes you just can't say no to.

"Yes Felix. It means that you can be my boyfriend. But only under one condition." "Everything" He answers almost instantly. "I finally get to braid your hair." You smirk triumphantly. "Yes, you can braid my hair." He grins at you. "I actually would love to have you braid my hair."

That's how you end up, sitting on the couch with legs spread, and Felix sitting on the floor in between them while hugging a pillow and enjoying the feeling of having your hands in his hair.

The distant sound of some TV-Show playing, adds to the domestic feeling, while you two are just talking about anything that comes to your minds.

Taking three little strands at a time, you start waving them together, until the three strands make one. You then grab a little hair tie to stop the hair from entangling itself from the braid. After that you repeat the process two times.

In the end, Felix has a total of three simple and little braids in his hair, two on each side of his hair, and one that can only be seen if he tucks his hair behind his ear.

For your good work with his hair he rewards you with lots of kisses and cuddles.

And when he gets on stage a week after you braided his hair, you spot these little braids, that he still carries with him.

But you weren't the only one who spotted them. Because on some gossip pages, you found posts about his little braids. 'Lee Felix, member of Stray Kids has been spotted with little braids, he seems to worship very much. Does he have an anonymus partner, no one knows about yet?'


a/n: i just wanted to write something domestic and sweet, and kind of reassuring. because i felt like some people still judge others just on what they see, and i actually would have wantedt to hear these words too at some point, but there are people out there who need these words as much as i did. i hope y'all have a great day/night, and make sure you stay healthy. because you all are equally important. even if society makes you feel little and unnecessary. always remember you are loved. by stray kids and stay, and other people, you may not even really know.

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8 months ago

i've been thinking, so you know there are mommy issues and daddy issues, but if you have both? do y'all say parenty issues?

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1 year ago

omg i just rewatched the whole money heist korea series, and remembered, just how smash tokyo and rio actually were. like damn😩

just aaaaaaah- soooo fineeeeπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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1 year ago



about me | my wattpad |


infos! please read before going to the masterlists!

because it won't all be with mature themes, i don't really see it that strict, and because i also know, that the underaged peeps on here or anywhere else actually don't care and read it anyways.

but, please, if you are not comfortable with some topics, because they are sensitive or something else, please then just simply don't read it. it won't be good for you mental health.

and we writers don't write that, because we just don't want people that are too young to read something, because 'tHeY aRe tOo yOuNg' but because it can affect your mind.

i'll write on top of every story 'warnings', where i list the topics, that could be triggering or too mature for some people, so you can choose whether you think you should or should not read it.

thanks in advance, nico



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1 year ago

about me

About Me

🫧 my name is nico

🫧 my pronouns are he/him

🫧 08-liner

🫧 16+

🫧 intj

🫧 i absolutely love:

🧷 kpop

🧷 kdramas

🧷 bnha

🧷 jjk

🧷 criminal minds

🧷 books and fanfics

🧷 music in general

🧷 taekwondo

🧷 marvel

🧷 mangas 'n animes

🧷 writing

🫧 i am an art student

🫧 english isn't my mother tongue

🫧 i am bilingual but i know like two-three more and am currently learning more l

🫧 i am coffee and energy drink dependent

🫧 i'll write more genres than one (fluff; angst; smut; etc.)

🫧 my favorite food is spring rolls and asia noodles

🫧 i support lgbtq+ and also am a part of the community

🫧 also i like making new friends, but mainly online, cus i'm awkward af irl, so don't hesitate to text, i'll respond as fast as i can

🫧 if i write, the reader can have any gender, but i think it mostly will be gender neutral

🫧 my fandoms are:

πŸ¦• army - bts

πŸ¦• stay - stray kids

πŸ¦• atiny - ateez

πŸ¦• jujutsu kaisen

πŸ¦• percy jackson and the olympians

πŸ¦• one piece (live action)

πŸ¦• marvel

πŸ¦• criminal minds

🫧 i loooove bubble teas and mochis

πŸ§‹ my ults are hobi, yoongi, mingi, felix and bang chan

πŸ§‹ i am currently simping for roronoa zoro, red-haired shanks, derek morgan, spencer reid, jennifer jereau, kim gwang-il, lee felix, min yoongi, song mingi, kim seungmin, han jisung, jung hoseok, jon snow, daenerys targaryen,

πŸ‘½ for those, that read until here, or at least acted like they did, thank you, i think you know now more about me, than any people i know in real life

🫢🏻 and well one thing else: i do not think, that i'll be able to update any one shots regularly due to a full schedule and not so many ideas.

so sorry in advance!

About Me

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