Niffty 🧹
La mucama / sirviente del hotel
Mezcla de alien y insecto
Ama persegui y coleccionar chicos malos
Ama coser , cocinar y limpiar
Odia el desorden
Personalidad causada por mucho problemas mentales : de por sí tenía ciertos problemas cuando nació pero empeoraron culpa de sus padres que pedían que fuera una esposa perfecta , sintiendo que su no cumplía todos los requisitos fallaba como esposa
Encontró su gusto hacia los chicos malos como forma de liberación y le hacía tan bien que se obsesiono por completo
Le gustaba Alastor pero al ver que a este no le interesaba decidió aceptar su amistad como forma de cercanía
Casada pero es capas de ser infiel si no la complace
Le gusta hacer fanfics de los chicos que les atrae
Bilingüe ( japones y inglés )
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More Posts from Qbril
The hotel maid/servant
Alien and insect mix
Loves chasing and collecting bad boys
Loves sewing, cooking and cleaning
hates clutter
Personality caused by many mental problems: she already had certain problems when she was born but they worsened due to her parents who asked her to be a perfect wife, feeling that if she did not meet all the requirements she failed as a wife.
She found his taste for bad boys as a form of liberation and it did him so much good that he became completely obsessed
If she did not meet all the requirements, she failed as a wife.
She found his taste for bad boys as a form of liberation and it did him so much good that he became completely obsessed.
She liked Alastor but seeing that he was not interested, he decided to accept their friendship as a form of closeness.
Married but capable of being unfaithful if you don't please her
She like to make fanfics about the boys they are attracted to.
Bilingual (Japanese and English)
Vaggie ✖️
Vaggie, the ex-angel
There is not much to say about her, an angel abandoned by her group for being labeled a traitor, abandoned and then saved by the princess of hell, at first he was afraid but after seeing her kindness and determination, he begins to admire her and Then over time he falls in love, the story becomes an angel in love with a human or rather in this case a half human.
She is very good with weapons
Charlie's girlfriend
Former angel and slowly becoming a real demon
Moth demon
He has the appearance of a moth since he considers Charlie to be the light of his life
He admires Charlie for believing in second chances and redemption.
He doesn't really like that Charlie is very soft with others but he still loves her.
It's very easy to get angry
First design:
get ready everyone