Hazbin Hotel Adam - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
Hell Is NOT Forever! A Hazbin Hotel Fan Game

Hell is NOT Forever! a Hazbin Hotel Fan game

Hi! I'm Merath, and I'm developing a HH fan game, where you play as a brand new Sinner Adam in a quest to redeem himself and find his place inside the hotel.

Hell Is NOT Forever! A Hazbin Hotel Fan Game

What kind of game is it?

This is an exploration game mixed with relationship development! Explore the hotel, avoid death, find collectibles and talk to the Hotel Cast to learn more about them and unlocking new rooms and guests. Fulfill character request, learn their secrets and get them to like you (?) and forgive you. (Yeah, you heard right).

Hell Is NOT Forever! A Hazbin Hotel Fan Game

See that GREY HEART? Get the characters from grey, to blue, green, yellow and RED and unlock their friendship.

Will there be romance in the game?

Romance is a Patreon Support Tier. We are not selling the game, it will be free! But we need support to create it and keep working on it, so, we will have support tiers that will unlock cool features, like romance and more!

Also: Romance will not be forced as a "MAX LEVEL" relationship, you should be able to choose between romance and further your friendship!

How many possible relationships will there be?

All we can get. For now, Adam can have his little harem like:

Angel, Alastor, Charlie, Husk, Lucifer, Nifty, Vaggie.

There are some more characters there that for now are NPC only. But might get their own heart in the future. And we plan to add more characters to the hotel, like Lute, Pentious, Mammon...etc. Again, if we get the support.

(Also, we include all ships, except maybe Cain.)

Will there be mini-games?

Yes. Support tiers. We are thinking cooking mini-game, drinking...?

Hell Is NOT Forever! A Hazbin Hotel Fan Game

I dunno, Adam likes it tough.

Hell Is NOT Forever! A Hazbin Hotel Fan Game

He can also take a relaxing bath!

When will the game be ready?

The beta is under development! So, we hope soon. (And I say we but its all a one person effort, so be patient, haha!)

Where can I support the making of the game?

Here on patreon! Thank you very much! =D Hope you all enjoy my content! If you have a question just ask!

Estará el juego en español también?

Si, el juego contara con idioma español.


Patreon Support Tiers:

The more monthly support we get, the more extras we can work on!

Collectibles System (Collect stuff to unlock prizes)

Friendship System (Befriend the cast up to "Friends")

Trophies/Achievements (Unlock cool trophies for Adam's room)

Extra Room: Bathhouse (Make Adam take a relaxing bath)

Bathhouse System (Make Adam take a bath with others)

Regrets System. (Be hunted by the shadows of your past, who will try to kill you on sight!)

Kitchen (Give Adam a place to cook food for others!)

Crafting System (Craft gifts and stuff for Adam’s room)

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5 months ago
"when You Said I "taste Like Sleep" I Was Deadwhen Will You Step In The Room Out Of Your Head?you Said

"when you said i "taste like sleep" i was dead when will you step in the room out of your head? you said that i was bad that was fine but when you said i could be good i wouldnt have it"

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5 months ago

fishnets on fat bodies reblog if you agree

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5 months ago
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel

Fallen angel

This comic is a redraw of a comic made by the artist soy.el.tio.limon, I loved their comic and wanted to redraw it with my Adam.

The original comic - HERE

Go follow the original artist! Their stuff is amazing!

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5 months ago

News from the Adam front!

Okay, Hazbin Hotel panel at NYCC and BIG hope for Adam! Alex apparently hinted at doing something EXTREMELY dramatic (the most dramatic thing in his career.)

Now, it's not a full-on mention of Adam but I really doubt Pen is going to be dramatic in Heaven. My theory? Adam going insane once he wakes up a sinner.

The Hazbin Hotel panel is going to start soon! Follow this thread for updates 🧵#HazbinHotel #NYCC pic.twitter.com/vX4lfknZoQ

— Cartoon Universe (@CartoonUV) October 17, 2024

Cartoon universe is following and updating the panel on Twitter!

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5 months ago

by any measure, through any door

The cage was thickly barred and wound with silver chains. Paper blessings fluttered in the brief breeze of the door being opened, and Lucifer stepped softly over the threshold of the squalid dungeon’s single door. They really had put in the work for this cell, he had to hand it to them. Every wall reinforced twice over. Wolfsbane hung from the ceiling and even the doorknobs were forged in pure silver. 

As he stepped forward, the guard took in a harsh breath, grabbing him by the arm. It made perfect sense for him to be wary enough to forget himself, no one wanted a visiting dignitary ravaged to death by the monster inside that cage. Lucifer simply brushed the man’s hand aside and slowly removed his gloves. 

In the gloom, the creature inside let out a soft whining sound, and blazing golden eyes turned towards them. The shadows didn’t do much to illuminate him, but Lucifer saw enough to know what he was looking at. A huge, rangy shape with long, thick black fur. Vicious teeth glinted in the dim candlelight, brightly shining shackles gleamed from two huge forepaws. 

He lifted the lantern from a nearby table and sucked in his breath, feeling fury spark in his blood at the state of the werewolf in front of him. Fine silver chains were hung along his body, half-buried in fur, and dried blood coated them. Deep score marks were gouged along the walls, bits of claw scattered on the floor. 

The werewolf’s furious, golden eyes were the only human part left of the man, and they stared at Lucifer a long while with unsettling intensity. He couldn’t tell if there was any recognition in that barely sane state.

Lucifer took a cautious step forward and the werewolf bristled all over, struggling against the chains with a low, savage growl. The silver cut into his flesh, causing him to bleed anew, and the creature whimpered and yelped as his skin practically sizzled at the contact. 

If the guard had seemed anxious when he approached the cage, he practically hyperventilated in panic when Lucifer approached the cage. “Sire, I can’t let you—“

“Let me?” Lucifer asked coldly, turning his gaze on the man for a bare moment. The guard shuddered upon seeing the magic blazing in his eyes, flame red. Even this far from his kingdom, the black magic rumors still clung to him, but now he was more than happy to play into it if it bought him enough time. 

Once the guard left, Lucifer turned his attention back to the cage, dimming the fire in his eyes. The wolf whined again, piteously, nosing at the bars of the door. Sickeningly, the air smelled of burnt fur and the thick iron stench of blood. 

This still might not work, after all. The key to undoing the curse meant as much trust as love, and Lucifer had run roughshod over that. Still, he stretched out a careful hand. 

At first, the wolf growled deep and low in his throat, baring fangs that looked knife sharp. Lucifer made soothing noises, hushing him, and the werewolf made a pitiful sound close to a human sob. 

His fingers met warm fur, a soft muzzle, and Lucifer tried to keep his hand from trembling. All the arcane power in the world, or the black magic for that matter, would not keep him from the curse of the wolf’s bite. Under his fingertips, the wolf trembled as well.

“Adam. That’s right, it’s me,” he whispered. “I know you. Adam. I’m sorry it took so long to find you.” His throat closed over the apology, and Lucifer gulped back tears. With both hands, he clasped Adam’s muzzle and stroked the fur there. His voice broke and he cried helplessly. “Adam. Adam. Adam! Please, I’m calling you by your true name.”

Adam shook like a sapling in a strong wind, like his muscles were spasming. The fur under his fingers crawled but didn’t quite recede. A low, confused wail issued from Adam’s throat, and Lucifer tried to press against the bars as much as he could, wrapping his arms around the wolf’s shaggy neck. 

“Don’t leave me,” he pleaded into his ruff, the fur prickling against his cheek.

It felt like an eternity of clinging to him, speaking his name like a breathless, sobbed prayer. Hoping that enough of their old love still lingered for the enchantment to break under its weight. Lucifer almost sobbed when he felt Adam shrinking in his arms, heard the chains slipping away from a frame too small to hold them. When Adam finally wrapped his arms around him as well, Lucifer finally released the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. 

Notes: For the Full Moon prompt! Based off of this: https://www.tumblr.com/annabellioncourt/72995324233/theres-a-lovely-old-english-myth-that-if-someone?source=share

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5 months ago
The First One Was From An Ask On My Multimuse Blog And When I Went To The Link, It Showed Me That 'frequently
The First One Was From An Ask On My Multimuse Blog And When I Went To The Link, It Showed Me That 'frequently
The First One Was From An Ask On My Multimuse Blog And When I Went To The Link, It Showed Me That 'frequently

The first one was from an ask on my Multimuse Blog and when I went to the link, it showed me that 'frequently bought together' thing and I... I had to. Adam riding a giant inflatable cock? It was only right.

Drawing these made me cry from laughing. Perfect Couple's Costume

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5 months ago
" Okay Cunts, Listen Up! Lucibitch And His Slut Are Celebrating This Sinful Bullshit Hell Calls Halloween.

" Okay cunts, listen up! Lucibitch and his slut are celebrating this sinful bullshit Hell calls Halloween.

Well.....they can eat that satanic shit. Because the First Man's got his OWN week planned! November 24th to November 30th! It's Thanksgiving down on Earth so you fucks down there better be fucking thankfully for all the shit I had to go through to make you!"

" Okay Cunts, Listen Up! Lucibitch And His Slut Are Celebrating This Sinful Bullshit Hell Calls Halloween.
" Okay Cunts, Listen Up! Lucibitch And His Slut Are Celebrating This Sinful Bullshit Hell Calls Halloween.
" Okay Cunts, Listen Up! Lucibitch And His Slut Are Celebrating This Sinful Bullshit Hell Calls Halloween.

" Adam week, bitches! Be there or go fuck yourself. "

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5 months ago

me every night this week

what if I kissed Adam. I just really wanna kiss Adam.

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5 months ago

I love Adam. I do. I, personally, am heavily attracted to annoying, douche characters (romantic or just enjoying their character). Personally, he's one of the best characters in the show, there's a lot of nuance you can pick up from him (though, Viv might have done that on accident). But, what I cannot stand, is that Hazbin Adam, is supposed to be taken from the Bible's Adam.

There are plently of ways you can make a character an asshole or a jerk without completely destroying their source material. Viv completely destroys his source material. See, had he just been bitter and commited genocide because of his hatred for Lucilith or because he thought it was right, that's fine—I can accept that. But he actively enjoys killing sinners and actively participates in every. single. solitary. Seven deadly sin. And that pisses me off. Hazbin Adam took the bones of the story and his character from the bible and then slapped thin meat on it. Hazbin Adam is a complete 180 from Bible Adam.

Now I don't expect this show to have a 1:1 translation to the bible. But it could've been done better.

Because, what do you mean that bible Adam, a man who loved his wife so much he chose to abandon paradise with her, he chose her over god, is a misogynistic fuck boy?? Adam who tended carefully to the Garden of Eden and it's animals, is a lazy fuck who bad mouths people and has nearly no empathy for the people around him. Adam who witnessed the world's first murder, where is first son killed his second, is now a genocidal maniac who thoroughly enjoys killing sinners. He went through a hard life (which he chose) for someone to depict him as THAT.

Oh how I love Adam, yet hate the way he was written. Don't even get me started on Lucifer. Atp, Viv needs to make her own concepts, because she's only taking names and concepts and throwing the rest out.

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5 months ago

Imagine if Adam grew out his hair down to his hips, and then he cuts it off and turns it into a mullet.

Lucifer would be so distraught lo.

Oh my god lmao 😂

Adam: What's your problem?

Lucifer: The 70s called they want their hair back.

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5 months ago

same 🥺

Hugging Adam and having him wrap his wings around me could cure my anxiety

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