queenannathebrave - Just My Life
Just My Life

Y'know, coffee, K-pop, and whatever...

16 posts

Queenannathebrave - Just My Life - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago

Yes!!!! Love them!

How Season 7 Started Vs How Season 7 Ended
How Season 7 Started Vs How Season 7 Ended
How Season 7 Started Vs How Season 7 Ended
How Season 7 Started Vs How Season 7 Ended

How Season 7 Started vs How Season 7 Ended

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9 months ago

Update: I have never been more terrified for an episode… Chaos will ensue. I’m sure of it!

Can’t watch the new 9-1-1 episode until tomorrow after work… So I’m desperately dodging spoilers like nobody’s business.

Cant Watch The New 9-1-1 Episode Until Tomorrow After Work So Im Desperately Dodging Spoilers Like Nobodys

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9 months ago

Can’t watch the new 9-1-1 episode until tomorrow after work… So I’m desperately dodging spoilers like nobody’s business.

Cant Watch The New 9-1-1 Episode Until Tomorrow After Work So Im Desperately Dodging Spoilers Like Nobodys

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10 months ago

Everything’s legal in New Jersey…

Drunk Robin: Don't fear death, fear the state you will die in.

Drunk Eddie, whispering fearfully: New Jersey.

11 months ago

I was today years old when I learned that when you type “otp: true” in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship

I Was Today Years Old When I Learned That When You Type Otp: True In AO3 Search Results It Filters Out
11 months ago

Reblogging to find it again…

I was today years old when I learned that when you type “otp: true” in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship

I Was Today Years Old When I Learned That When You Type Otp: True In AO3 Search Results It Filters Out
1 year ago

Saving this for someday, when I feel inspired…


E.A. Deverell - FREE worksheets (characters, world building, narrator, etc.) and paid courses;

NotionByRach - FREEBIES (workbook, notion template, games, challenges, etc.);

Hiveword - Helps to research any topic to write about (has other resources, too);

BetaBooks - Share your draft with your beta reader (can be more than one), and see where they stopped reading, their comments, etc.;

Charlotte Dillon - Research links;

Writing realistic injuries - The title is pretty self-explanatory: while writing about an injury, take a look at this useful website;

One Stop for Writers - You guys... this website has literally everything we need: a) Description thesaurus collection, b) Character builder, c) Story maps, d) Scene maps & timelines, e) World building surveys, f) Worksheets, f) Tutorials, and much more! Although it has a paid plan ($90/year | $50/6 months | $9/month), you can still get a 2-week FREE trial;

One Stop for Writers Roadmap - It has many tips for you, divided into three different topics: a) How to plan a story, b) How to write a story, c) How to revise a story. The best thing about this? It's FREE!

Story Structure Database - The Story Structure Database is an archive of books and movies, recording all their major plot points;

National Centre for Writing - FREE worksheets and writing courses. Has also paid courses;

Penguin Random House - Has some writing contests and great opportunities;

Crime Reads - Get inspired before writing a crime scene;

The Creative Academy for Writers - "Writers helping writers along every step of the path to publication." It's FREE and has ZOOM writing rooms;

Reedsy - "A trusted place to learn how to successfully publish your book" It has many tips, and tools (generators), contests, prompts lists, etc. FREE;

QueryTracker - Find agents for your books (personally, I've never used this before, but I thought I should feature it here);

Pacemaker - Track your goals (example: Write 50K words - then, everytime you write, you track the number of the words, and it will make a graphic for you with your progress). It's FREE but has a paid plan;

Save the Cat! - The blog of the most known storytelling method. You can find posts, sheets, a software (student discount - 70%), and other things;

I hope this is helpful for you!

Also, don't forget to check my gumroad shop, where you can find plenty of FREEBIES (from notion templates for writers to workbooks and sheets).

-> Check out my freebies

Happy writing! <3

1 year ago

Yes!!! This is why I love them both!

I Think I've Cracked The Code:

I think I've cracked the code:

Eddie is a nerd who happens to be painfully hot.

Steve is painfully hot and happens to be a nerd.

2 years ago

Jungkook Fic Recommendations

Hello friends! As someone who actually maintains a database to track my favorite fanfics, I thought I'd share some with you, starting with the world's favorite "Golden Maknae", BTS's Jeon Jungkook.

As you'll be able to tell quite quickly, I love angst and supernatural themes. I also recently fell into an obsession with werewolves and hybrids, as will be very noticeable in my recommendations. Anyhow, without further ado and in no particular order, on with the recommendations!

"Light in the Dark" by remembeo

I read this one for the first time years ago, back in when I was still in college. A oneshot werewolf AU with Jungkook as pack alpha, I loved it. The ending feels like it comes a bit quickly for my taste (I love a good slow-burn), but it makes for a good, short read with a sweet ending.

"To Tame a God" by Lo (jeonstudios)

Another (multi-part) werewolf AU, I have slightly mixed feelings about this one, although I think that likely has to do with some conflict in myself over some of the decisions made by the main character (reader). That being said, that's the power of a good story; I'm still conflicted about it, and yet it's still one of my favorite Jungkook fics.

"Written in the Stars" by jcwriting

This one is probably my absolute favorite of all time! This is a oneshot werewolf soulmate AU that is chock-full of angst. It's one of those fics that you feel every moment, but the end was such a good payoff! 10/10 recommend!

"The Love After" by Mimi (ahundredtimesover)

This masterpiece is probably in my top 5 fics of all time across all my fandoms. As a 3-parter, it doesn't seem like it's that long, but let me tell you; it is long! Each part is 16k+ words and angsty as heck. But I absolutely love it! A near-perfect werewolf soulmate AU, this one is well worth losing sleep over.

"Stockholm Syndrome" by Rachel (taleasnewastime)

I actually got halfway through "Stockholm Syndrome" before I realized why it got it's name. Maybe I'm a little oblivious, or maybe Rachel is just that good at writing. Either way, this long mafia AU had me on a near constant emotional roller-coaster, vacillating in each part from angst to fluff and back again. Great for a lazy weekend or a rainy day, curling up on the sofa!

"If I Can Never Give You Peace" by Bangswiftie (candlewaxandp0lar0ids)

I cannot get enough of the tension in this one!!! Since it's a writing in progress, I find myself waiting with bated breath for the next part. A hybrid mafia AU, it follows the enemies-to-lovers pattern, which lends itself to the growing tension. At this point, I'm basically dying for Jungkook and the reader to finally get together!

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2 years ago

Recommendation Masterlist

Here is a masterlist of my fanfiction recommendations, if you're looking for somewhere to start...


Jeon Jungkook

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2 years ago


Here is a masterlist to help you find all of my writing...


Here are my original stories, not connected to any particular fandom.

Part 1: Asylum

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2 years ago

SOS! I'm trying to fin a fanfic I read a while ago where Jyn Erso is captured not knowing she's pregnant and ends up having Cassian Andor's baby in prison (secretly) and then when he rescues her, he's surprised to find a child with her... I think it was on AO3 or Fanfiction.net. Does anyone else remember this fic?

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2 years ago

Best buddies ever!

#We All Need A Platonic Soulmate Like Steve
#We All Need A Platonic Soulmate Like Steve
#We All Need A Platonic Soulmate Like Steve
#We All Need A Platonic Soulmate Like Steve
#We All Need A Platonic Soulmate Like Steve

#We all need a platonic soulmate like Steve 

#We All Need A Platonic Soulmate Like Steve

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2 years ago


The Lord Of The Rings Stars Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Sean Astin, And Dominic Monaghan Show Support For
The Lord Of The Rings Stars Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Sean Astin, And Dominic Monaghan Show Support For

The Lord Of The Rings stars Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Sean Astin, and Dominic Monaghan show support for The Rings Of Power cast amid racist backlash: “You are all welcome here”.

The cast of The Rings of Power also posted a statement on the official accounts of the show on social media.

We, the cast of Rings of Power, stand together in absolute solidarity and against the relentless racism, threats, harassment, and abuse some of our castmates of color are being subjected to on a daily basis. We refuse to ignore it or tolerate it.

JRR Tolkien created a world which, by definition, is multi-cultural. A world in which free peoples from different races and cultures join together, in fellowship, to defeat the forces of evil. Rings of Power reflects that. Our  world has never been all white, fantasy has never been all white, Middle-earth is not all white. BIPOC belong in Middle-earth and they are here to stay.

Finally, all our love and fellowship go out to the fans supporting us,  especially fans of colour who are themselves being attacked simply for  existing in this fandom. We see you, your bravery, and endless creativity. Your cosplays, fancams, fan art, and insights make this community a richer place and remind us of our purpose. You are valid, you are loved, and you  belong. You are an integral part of the LOTR family – thanks for having our backs.


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2 years ago

Part 1: Asylum

Hey friends! Here's the first in a two-part original story. I first wrote this back in 2012 (I was 14 at the time), but I took some time to make some significant edits today (a full decade later), so hopefully it turned out okay. Anyhow, please be nice, and enjoy!

Part 1: Asylum

Alone I sit, suffocating in the near-silence as I hear nothing but my own thoughts and the ticking of the clock on the wall in the distance.

Click. Pat, pat, pat.

A woman enters my vision, hand gently lighting on my shoulder as she dodders down into a crouch. “How are you today?” she asks. Her eyes are blue, but not like warmth and joy and summer. Her eyes are as stormy as a summer squall, rain held back just barely. I continue staring blankly at the white-washed wall across the room, holding back my own inevitable tempests.

After a moment, she heaves to her feet, turning to leave as the mist begins to cloud my eyes like the fog at the end of a waterfall. As she closes the door, one single droplet escapes, landing in my lap. “I didn’t do it,” I whisper, only to be met with echoing silence. She’s already gone.

Every day is the same; breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleep. Everyday I remain on my bed, legs crossed, eyes on the white wall, locked away within the prison of my own mind. There is nothing to do but think, always think. Occasionally I hear the faintest sound of clomp, clomp as someone plods past, likely to the family room; they have a visitor. I never receive any visitors.

I have all but lost count of the time when a noise cuts through the silence of my mind, new and unexpected. Far off, as if miles away, I hear my brother; he is calling my name, trying to reach me. No, he cannot be here. I must have finally lost my mind. This place meant to heal those who have gone mad has, finally, unhinged me. I blink, and his voice is at once louder, closer. Once more, and I hear the stomping of many feet. The guards are rushing. I have never heard them in such an uproar before.


I flinch in my seat as the door is flung open wide. I glance at the intruder as if through a haze, my ears ringing as he utters my name. The sound of a sigh as the mirage steps closer. The dam breaks as the monsoon that I’ve fought for months finally escapes my eyes, pouring like waterfalls down my face.

“They said you killed him,” he breathes, “Did you?”

“No,” I croak, my throat scratchy and soar, as I speak for the first time since I entered this room.

“I’m going to get you out of here,” he pronounces before his voice falters. “It’s not going to be easy, though.”

One month later, and I’ve finally escaped my white prison. Rough hands reach for me, grabbing at my hands, arms, shoulders, feet. I feel the cold bit of metal around my wrists, as they tug me through the building, yanking every so often on my arms. At the court, question after question are hissed at me. I breathe in, knowing this is the last time I will breathe outside air, and begin to answer slowly, calmly. Regardless of the truth, they already seem to have decided my fate. I know my family sits nearby, a mere twenty feet away, but I dare not venture a glance. From the corner of my eyes, I watch as my mother rests, so still and stoic one might mistake her for a statue. At the sound of the jury, my brother’s head drops. I knew I never stood a chance.

Alone I sit, suffocating in the near-silence to the sound of the ticking clock on the wall. There had been too much evidence. Nothing to protect me from the sharp slices each piteous glance made in my heart. Nothing to defend me from the shame placed upon me for a murder I did not commit. It doesn’t matter that I did not know about it, had never heard of the victim; I will spend the rest of my life in this place, this white-washed prison.

Every day is the same; breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleep. Everyday I remain on my bed, legs crossed, eyes on the white wall, locked away within the prison of my own mind. There is nothing to do but think, always think. And no visitors; I never receive any visitors.

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2 years ago

Best explanation of MBTI I've ever seen...

mbti explained (how to self-type)

what is mbti?

mbti is a tool which is frequently used to help individuals understand their own psychological preferences in communication, interaction with others, perceiving the world, problem solving, managing changes, resolving conflict etc.

is mbti even a real thing?

though the mbti resembles some psychological theories, it has been criticized as pseudoscience and is not widely endorsed by academic researchers in the field.


now that you have an idea about what mbti is - let’s get familiar with the 8 cognitive functions

1. extroverted sensing (se)

extroverted sensing is using taste, touch, smell, sound, movement and sight to easily absorb information in the physical world. as strongly observant, these people pick up on details other people do not notice, and some even have a photographic memory. they love excitement, spontaneity, new experiences, and material goods.

2. introverted sensing (si)

introverted sensing is understanding the world through past precedent and experience. people who are introverted sensors thrive using routine, tradition, organization, and rules. they are often very attuned to their bodies, and have specific ways of doing things that work for them in order to get the job done. they are responsible, reliable, and cautious.

3. extroverted thinking (te)

extroverted thinking is outwardly conveying thoughts using logic, reason, and analysis. extroverted thinkers are clear and concise, direct, and unmoved by emotional appeals. they are often strong orators and writers, who have thoughtful, well-researched arguments and theories. extroverted thinkers like to convince people of their thoughts and implement new ideas.

4. introverted thinking (ti)

introverted thinking is a function that seeks to understand personal ideas using a deeply specified framework. introverted thinkers are constantly mining their own thoughts in an attempt to be rational and reasonable, slowly ruling out other ideas before coming to their own firm conclusions and they’re often guarded about how they got to these conclusions.

5. extroverted intuition (ne)

extroverted intuition often means noticing patterns, symbols, and connections in the world that others may not see. extroverted intuitives live for possibility, often expressing themselves through a tumble of ideas, or a constant external brainstorm. they may talk about many things they want to do, but not ultimately follow through. for them, it’s all part of the process to get to the best idea.

6. introverted intuition (ni)

introverted intuition is described as “knowing without knowing how,” as well as “thinking without thinking.” it’s the most mystical of all the mbti functions. people with this dominant function tend to reach conclusions without having a clear idea as to how they got there. they are wise, convicted, and always have a plan to work toward a bigger picture and seek to build and understand complex systems. Introverted intuitives are always processing in the background, and regularly have answers simply come out of nowhere.

7. extroverted feeling (fe)

extroverted feeling is concerned with harmony, bringing people together, and caring. extroverted feelers are great at reading the emotions of others; they are big empathizers, absorbing the feelings of others around them to the point that they sometimes cannot tell which feelings are their own. they easily squash and step around conflicts, and they are typically very social.

8. introverted feeling (fi)

introverted feeling is a function concerned with authenticity, individualism and values. introverted feelers know what they believe, have a strong sense of self, and can easily identify their personal experience of emotion. they are often outspoken activists, and love to help those in need. they don’t have stronger feelings than others who utilize this function, but they do have more mastery over them and can put them toward change—of self, of others, of society.


understanding the mbti functions as the 16 types

now that we’re clear about the eight mbti functions, we can better understand how they correspond to each of the 16 personality types. each type has four functions, ordered in a stack from strongest to weakest:

dominant function

the first function in the stack is called the dominant function, the strongest one you use so often, you may not even realize you are doing it.

auxiliary function

the second function is called the auxiliary function, which assists the dominant function in conveying ideas and is also relatively strong in your personality.

tertiary function

the third function is the tertiary function, which may be slightly under-developed, but does start to manifest in your type more prominently as you age.

inferior function

the fourth function is your inferior function, which is challenging to access and often only comes out under stress.

now, let’s look at all of the types and their functions.

INTJ: Ni > Te > Fi > Se

INFJ: Ni > Fe > Ti > Se

ENTJ: Te > Ni > Se > Fi

ENFJ: Fe > Ni > Se > Ti

ENTP: Ne > Ti > Fe > Si

INTP: Ti > Ne > Si > Fe

INFP: Fi > Ne > Si > Te

ENFP: Ne > Fi > Te > Si

ESTP: Se > Ti > Fe > Ni

ESFP: Se > Fi > Te > Ni

ISTP: Ti > Se > Ni > Fe

ISFP: Fi > Se > Ni > Te

ISFJ: Si > Fe > Ti > Ne

ESFJ: Fe > Si > Ne > Ti

ESTJ: Te > Si > Ne > Fi

ISTJ: Si > Te > Fi > Ne

to take a closer look, let’s break down what this means for just one of the types. say we’re analyzing the ISTP personality. to do this, we consider the four cognitive functions that correspond to the respective personality type in order to get a deeper understanding.

ISTP: Ti > Se > Ni > Fe

ISTPs are rational and reasonable, very analytical, logical and objective (dominant ti). they have detailed memory of events. they focus on the objective, sensory world and are eager to experience it fully (auxiliary se). may be focused inwards, on the internal world of thoughts, ideas, and concepts (tertiary ni)

the ISTP’s inferior function (fe) may only be noticed when they are under stress or in the problems they deal with often, especially considering the inferior function is often the opposite of the dominant function.


I hope this helped!

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