Chimney Han - Tumblr Posts
I’m so happy they decided to lean into Chimney’s Korean heritage, because I feel like it’s been vastly overlooked despite it being so vital to his backstory.
I always felt it was odd he didn’t talk in Korean with his father when his father was talking Korean to him (I’m sure they had their reasons but it came across as them appealing to the English-speaking audience while still trying to engage that side of his character) but now he’s interacting with strangers in his first language at a Korean market!
The memorial for Kevin was a great way to once again lean into this culture while also creating a nice, uncliche way of bringing hism back (so ALL of Chim’s family could be involved with his wedding) and by weaving all these moments in they really highlighted this as a Chimney episode, further developing his character in such a beautiful, if at times heartbreaking, way
Ok, but if the 118 + Tommy are getting awarded for the cruise ship rescue does that mean that they're going to be facing the Chief? After directly going against orders? Because I reckon that's going to be an incredibly tense and awkward interaction. The Chief's all professional but also being very passive aggressive about the ceremony and awards and the gang are all we were just doing our jobs, you didn't HAVE to award us. (Bonus points for a 1 on 1 between the Chief and Tommy where they acknowledge the fake mouth static and we finally see Tommy get outwardly nervous)
Just thinking about the financial hits the 118 have taken this year:
- failed cruise
- lost luggage because of said cruise (includes fancy dresses, jewellery, bobby’s one suit and athena’s toothbrush)
- helicopter fuel(?)
- eddie’s medical bill
- buck’s apartment bills maybe?
- tommy’s incorrect coffee (coffee’s expensive these days)
- henren expanding their family (we love this for them but again children are expensive these days)
- the bachelor party
- the bachelor party aftermath
- the wedding (catering, venue, photography etc)
- chimney’s carjacking
- chimney’s phone
- chimney’s medical bills
- eddie dating two women simultaneously (surely makes a dent in the monthly budget)
- bobby’s carjacking
- bobby’s medical bills
- potentially athena and bobby’s entire house?!
- therapy bills (frank can afford to retire because of the firefam)
And I’m sure they aren’t done! I hope they’ve all got really good insurance because this is so much worse than usual.
Who? Me? How am I doing? Ahahahahahaha! Terribly.
Let’s focus on the positives:
- tiny sliver of bucktommy content
- gerrard getting metaphorically kicked in the balls
- Marisol most likely finally leaving
- uhhh
Yeah no that’s all I got.
Whatever you do, don't think about Eddie ending the season 'isolated' due to the fact that in the case of Bobby's death he's going to have no one to comfort him.
Dont think about how he's basically put the nail in the coffin in his and Marisol's relationship.
Dont think about how he has just retraumatised his son, who's now probably going to be very angry and ignore him for a while.
Dont think about how he's finally let Shannon go so he doesn't have the ghost of her to fall back on.
Sure, he'll have the rest of the 118, but they've all got their own people to turn to.
And REALLY dont think about him turning to Buck for comfort in the hospital, but sees Buck is already being comforted by Tommy, because he doesn't need Eddie as much now he has Tommy.
Just don't think about it.
Tell me why I've yet to see a video/edit of the tevan/bucktommy reveal in 7x06 to that one audio from TASM. You know, the one that goes:
"What happened to your face? It's filthy!"
"Oh, yeah, I was cleaning the chimney"
"We have no chimney!"
Like come on! It's literally MADE for this scene. Someone please make it for me. Please.
Season 8 should begin by recreating the opening of season 1 where Bobby's at confession (i think?) and is like 'everyone has their way of coping with the stress of the job', referencing drugs and alcoholism before cutting to Buck 1.0. They use the same dialogue, similar set-up, except the Buck 1.0 scene is replaced with shots of a fully tattooed Buck and a moustachioed Eddie with Hen and Chimney shaking their heads in the background at the questionable meat suit customisation that's happened since Gerrard's stress-inducing return.
I call homophobia. My stream cut out just before the one scene of bucktommy and I’m so annoyed. It looks so cute! Someone post the clip asap!
Edit: I have now seen the scene… why didn’t anyone warn me it was so sad! Poor Eddie :( I also missed Henren and Madney family time which is just even more homophobic!
*118 between calls*
Eddie, venting: I don't even know what my problem is! I liked Tommy and now I don't? Why? I just got this weird feeling since he started going out with Buck-
Chim: *puts down UNO card* that feeling would be jealousy.
Eddie: But we still hang out. I hang out with both. Its the same amount of time if not more. I checked. It cannot be jealousy.
Hen: *puts down +4* Denial is a river in egypt.
bobby: so what do you guys have planned for valentine's day?
eddie, staring at buck talking to taylor: murder.
chim: thats the spirit!
I’m rewatching 911 with my coworker and not having to pay attention to the plot and watch the background actors is way more entertaining than it should be
I’ll say it:
- does Tommy need to apologize for the shit he put Chim/Hen through? Yes.
- has he changed and deserve a second chance? Also yes.
- does he deserve all the shit he’s getting from 7x03? Not really.
@slycopersicum-in-disguise put it best. He was surrounded by not so good people and so he took on some of those biases/ideas. Once he was surrounded by better people, he had started to change. And a lot of that had happened off screen once he transferred to the 217 but that does not discredit and/or diminish that character arc and change

Two questions that have been bothering me the last few days about this still:
1) why the hell is Chim wearing sweats and a hoodie to play basketball?
2) what’s with Tommy’s bright ass blue basketball shorts?
Writing a 911 fic with an oc as Tommy’s younger sister and shows up to the 118 after a personal tragedy. She’s navy and Tommy takes care of her son while she’s deployed. She knew Chim/Hen/Bobby when she was a kid. What does everyone think?
I saw a take on TikTok about 7x06 the other day that is some type of fanfic level of insanity. It’s where they think Buck and Eddie get so blackout drunk that they get married during CHIMS BACHELOR PARTY
This is the exact reason I’m wanting to go “fuck it. BuckTommy endgame. Have Eddie come out and endgame him with a guy from another fire house.”
The emotional whiplash I just experienced is INSANE.
I went from sobbing uncontrollably at the madney wedding to laughing my ass off to the point of falling off the couch and onto the ground at Bucks coming out to the rest of the team and family
I can’t watch 911 live tomorrow due to a family thing. So this is how I’m going to be rambling to my family about the show the entire night

I just know Frank is TIRED of the 118 + family. My man cannot catch a break with this group.
You can’t tell me that man doesn’t have a therapist of his own due to having to make all of them at least half functioning adults and members of society
Wasn’t expecting to get jump scared via f*cking Captain Gerard in the promo for 7x09