the night my life went up in flames thin ice cracked beneath my weight. mab « wcif friendly
440 posts
Generation One: Snow White

generation one: snow white
the challenge ||
must have the good trait
must have seven children to represent each dwarf, each child must earn at least one good character value before aging up
cannot marry until at least six children age past infant stage
must never speak with an elderly woman
must plant and maintain an apple tree
must make a successful wish at the wishing well
must master the baking & parenting skills
must win a pie competition
must have & complete the soulmate aspiration
can only interact with romantic partner during the daylight until married
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More Posts from Queenmabsim
so for like almost a year I guess, I have been working on creating this extremely long and difficult disney challenge. like it's been so long since I started the first few gens only have a couple screenshots if them because I wasn't even doing that yet. so I think I'm going to post the challenge of each gen I've done already with a here's what you missed, and then the rest as I go (because I'm also kind of testing if it's fun and doable). and at the end I'll make a big post with every generation on it or make those sweet legacy pages for it or something ~

Uberhood 2024 Update By AnotherPlumbob (CC free)
The Uberhood is an ongoing PROJECT where I’m creating a Cc-free savefile, with all the worlds and lore from The Sims 2 ported to The Sims 4.
NOTE: In this update I've revamped PLEASANTVIEW only - if you were interested in the other worlds or premades, please note they remain exactly as they were in the previous versions.
It currently includes
1.- Remade Worlds
Pleasantview (Newcrest+Willow Creek)
Strangetown (Strangerville+Oasis Springs)
Veronaville (Windenburg)
Bluewater Promenade (Magnolia Promenade)
Three Lakes (Granite Falls)
Bluewater Bay [only partially built] (Brindleton Bay)
All the career lots (detective, hospital and science lab).
BEWARE: the rest of the worlds are either empty, half built or a mess in general.
2.- Families
The save includes all the premade families as well as the iconic townies that lived in those worlds in The Sims 2 times. They all have jobs, relationships, sentiments, lifestyles, reputations, etc. For Pleasantview sims only I've also included more lore in the form of milestones, added traits, midlife crisis, etc.
3. Required packs and How to Install (PLEASE READ)
If you don’t have all packs, sims may be half naked, and/or bald and stuff may be missing. Install at your own risk.
In order to install:
Download the the SAVE file.
Put the save in your SAVES folder. Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Saves. I changed the name of the file so that it will hopefully not overwrite any of your saves (including the previous v1). If your system prompts you to overwrite a save, do not click yes. Just change the name of the save (keep it 8 numbers but change the numbers) and try again.
Optional: Put the .package file (StrangetownTexts.package) in your mods folder. This file is used to change the Strangerville mystery a bit, and turn it into the Strangetown mystery (with custom texts, references to the Bella mystery, etc.). Please install it if you want to have some clues on what happened to Bella!!
4. Play Order
There’s really no set play order but note that:
1.- Brandi Broke is pregnant and will give birth in 3 days regardless of who you play and regardless of whether aging is on or off, so play with her first if you want to be there for the birth.
2.- Same thing applies to Pascal Curious, who’s also pregnant at the start of the save.
5. Disclaimer and TOU
I’m just one person and there may be some bugs here or there, or naked sims or whatever. Feel free to report any bugs you find but I will only fix them if I consider them super relevant or game breaking, otherwise the save is provided as is and you install it at your own risk.
Also please don't waste your breath asking me to do X world, or add lore to Veronaville or Strangetown or whatever, because I will only do it if and when I'm inspired to do it - and the requests quite honestly stress me out.
THE TERMS OF USE ARE: Be nice and don’s steal others creations!
Download: Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers